Course Syllabus 2011-2012

Maine East High School
Course Syllabus-Ms. Dickinson
School Phone
Office Hours
5th and 9th Period
Course Description
Government is a required one-semester course in the structure and function of the American political
system on the federal, state, and local levels. The required US and Illinois Constitution exams are given in
this course. Topics we will cover in this course include the Purpose of Government, the Constitution and
Amendments, Political Parties, the Branches of Government, State and Local Governments, the Flag Code,
Citizenship, and Comparative Government.
There are several objectives that will be expected of you in order to succeed in this class.
-Pass the US and Illinois Constitution Tests!!!!!
-Respect the teacher and other students
-Be on time. When the bell rings-you should be in your seat. Unexcused tardies could result in detention
and a loss of five points from your grade.
-Bring all your materials. (notebook, textbook, and pen/pencil) You should have a notebook for this
class only!!!!
-Hand in your work on time.
-Follow all school Handbook Rules. No cell phones, MP3 players, or hats in class. No food or drink in
In this course, the textbook will be Civics: Government and Economics in Action. You will be given this
book on the first day of class. It is your responsibility to return the SAME book to me at the end of the
There will be a test after each unit. The final exam at the end of the course will be worth 20% of your
grade. You will also take the US Constitution and the Illinois Constitution test which you MUST pass in
order to graduate high school. If you do not pass these tests in three tries, you automatically fail the class.
Grades will be based on points earned throughout the semester, divided by the total number of points
possible. Points can be earned through homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and other assignments. The
grading scale is as follows: 100-90 A, 89-80 B, 79-70 C, 69-60 D, 59 and below F. Grades will be rounded
up based on class participation and work ethic. You must score 60% or better to pass this course. You
must also pass the US and Illinois Constitution tests to graduate high school.
Posting Grades
Grades will be updated on the Portal every week as new grades are entered. If an assignment is not turned
in, it will be marked missing on the Portal. You may turn in late assignments for half credit. If an
assignment is still missing at the end of the quarter, it will become a zero on the Portal.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to complete all tests and assignments honestly and will not collaborate in dishonest
actions. Students will not give or accept answers or assignments unless directed to by the teacher.
Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will be subject to discipline as stated in the Student Handbook,
p. 37.
Extra Help
If you need extra help, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am usually available in Room 332 before school.
Please talk to me during class or email me to make sure I am available when you want to meet.