News and the Economy - Discourse in Society

News and the Economy
Teun A. van Dijk
October 2013
Abbe, O. G., Goodliffe, J., Herrnson, P. S., & Patterson, K. D. (2003). Agenda setting in congressional elections:
The impact of issues and campaigns on voting behavior. Political Research Quarterly, 56(4), 419-430.
[[[economic-conditions; model; news; convergence; uncertainty; positions; ]]]
Abbring, J. H., & Vanours, J. C. (1994). Selling News and Advertising Space: The Economics of Dutch
Newspapers. Economist, 142(2), 151-170.
Abhyankar, A., & Gonzalez, A. (2009). News and the cross-section of expected corporate bond returns. Journal of
Banking & Finance, 33(6), 996-1004. [[[bond market; asset pricing model; variance decomposition; asset
returns; risk; consumption; business, finance; economics]]]
Albuquerque, R., & Vega, C. (2009). Economic News and International Stock Market Co-movement. Review of
Finance, 13(3), 401-465. [[[f3; g12; g14; g15; time price discovery; us treasury market; earnings
announcements; ; business, finance; economics]]]
Alderman, D. H., & Popke, E. J. (2002). Humor and film in the geography classroom: Learning from Michael
Moore's TV nation. Journal of Geography, 101(6), 228-239. [[[humor; michael moore; television;
globalization; objectivity; economic-geography; news media; globalization; world; politics; place;
Alexander, C. R., Chen, M. A., Seppi, D. J., & Spatt, C. S. (2010). Interim News and the Role of Proxy Voting
Advice. Review of Financial Studies, 23(12), 4419-4454. [[[g20; g24; g30; g34; corporate governance
proposals; shareholder activism; ownership structure; majority rules; contests; vote; information;
amendments; business, finance; economics]]]
Allen, H., & Savigny, H. (2012). Selling scandal or ideology? The politics of business crime coverage. European
Journal of Communication, 27(3), 278-290. [[[business as class; depoliticization; decriminalization;
financial crime; journalism; news/information; policy and law (media systems); political communication;
public sphere; media; policy; depoliticisation; exchange; communication]]]
Alleyne, M. D. (1997). News revolution: Political and economic decisions about global information. New York:
St. Martin's Press. [[[b] [Foreign news; Communication, International; Government and the press; Foreign
Almeida, A., Goodhart, C., & Payne, R. (1998). The Effects of Macroeconomic News on High-Frequency
Exchange-Rate Behavior. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 33(3), 383-408.
Alsem, K. J., Brakman, S., Hoogduin, L., & Kuper, G. (2008). The impact of newspapers on consumer confidence:
Does spin bias exist?. Applied Economics, 40(5), 531-539. [[[market; economics]]]
An, S., Jin, H. S., & Simon, T. (2006). Ownership structure of publicly traded newspaper companies and their
financial performance. Journal of Media Economics, 19(2), 119-136. [[[institutional investors; managerial
ownership; corporate-control; ; communication; economics]]]
An, S. K. (2011). Reducing anger and blame: The role of the morality news frame and crisis response strategy.
Public Relations Review, 37(2), 169-171. [[[business & economics; communication]]]
An, S. T., & Jin, H. S. (2004). Interlocking of newspaper companies with financial institutions and leading
advertisers. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(3), 578-600. [[[public ownership; corporate
directorates; golden parachutes; ]]]
Anand, B., Di Tella, R., & Galetovic, A. (2007). Information or opinion? Media bias as product differentiation.
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 16(3), 635-682. [[[news; competition; ownership; principle;
economics; management]]]
Andersen, T. G., Bollerslev, T., Diebold, F. X., & Vega, C. (2007). Real-time price discovery in global stock, bond
and foreign exchange markets. Journal of International Economics, 73(2), 251-277. [[[asset pricing;
macroeconomic news announcements; financial market linkages; market microstructure; high-frequency
data; survey data; asset return volatility; forecasting; us treasury market; macroeconomic announcements;
microstructure noise; ; economic
Andersson, M., Overby, L. J., & Sebestyen, S. (2009). Which News Moves the Euro Area Bond Market?. German
Economic Review, 10(1), 1-31. [[[e43; e44; e58; monetary policy; high-frequency data; macroeconomic
announcements; time price discovery; macroeconomic announcements; foreign-exchange; models;
Andina-Diaz, A. (2007). Reinforcement vs. change: The political influence of the media. Public Choice, 131(1-2),
65-81. [[[ideological media; influence; channel hopping; competition; news; market; bias; economics;
political science]]]
Andsager, J. L., & Powers, A. (1999). Social or Economic Concerns: How News and Womens Magazines Framed
Breast-Cancer in the 1990s. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 531-550.
Anilowski, C., Feng, M., & Skinner, D. J. (2007). Does earnings guidance affect market returns? The nature and
information content of aggregate earnings guidance. Journal of Accounting & Economics, 44(1-2), 36-63.
[[[disclosure; earnings guidance; management forecasts; aggregate earnings; macroeconomic news; stock
returns; bad-news; forecasts; disclosures; volatility; behavior; time; business, finance; economics]]]
Apergis, N. (2000). Employment News and Exchange-Rates: Policy Implications for the European-Union. Applied
Economics Letters, 7(10), 695-698.
Arcelus, F. J., Kumar, S., & Srinivasan, G. (2007). Pricing and rebate policies for the newsvendor problem in the
presence of a stochastic redemption rate. International Journal of Production Economics, 107(2), 467-482.
[[[newsvendor problem; operations/marketing interface; mail-in rebate; stochastic redemption rate;
price/rebate dependent demand; trade promotions; single-period; pass-through; retail pass; model;
incentives; brand; goods; engineering, industrial; enginee
Argentesi, E., & Filistrucchl, L. (2007). Estimating market power in a two-sided market: The case of newspapers.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(7), 1247-1266. [[[competition; industry; models; economics; social
sciences, mathematical methods]]]
Arsad, Z., & Coutts, J. A. (1996). The Weekend Effect, Good-News, Bad-News and the Financial Times Industrial
Ordinary Shares Index: 1935-94. Applied Economics Letters, 3(12), 797-801.
Asai, M., & McAleer, M. (2009). Multivariate stochastic volatility, leverage and news impact surfaces.
Econometrics Journal, 12(2), 292-309. [[[dynamic latent variables; leverage effect; news impact function;
news impact surface; stochastic volatility; heavy-tailed distributions; carlo maximum-likelihood; correlated
; economics; mathematics, interdisciplinary applications; social sciences, mat
Asplund, M., Eriksson, R., & Strand, N. (2008). Price discrimination in oligopoly: Evidence from regional
newspapers. Journal of Industrial Economics, 56(2), 333-346. [[[states airline industry; competition;
market; switch; business, finance; economics]]]
Azrout, R., Van Spanje, J., & De Vreese, C. (2012). When News Matters: Media Effects on Public Support for
European Union Enlargement in 21 Countries. Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(5), 691-708.
[[[turkish membership; television-news; opinion; integration; eu; psychology; identity; choice;
communication; environment; business & economics; international relations; government & law]]]
Bae, H. S. (1999). Product Differentiation in Cable Programming: The Case in the Cable National All-News
Networks. Journal of Media Economics, 12(4), 265-277.
Bakal, I. S., Geunes, J., & Romeijn, H. E. (2008). Market selection decisions for inventory models with pricesensitive demand. Journal of Global Optimization, 41(4), 633-657. [[[economic order quantity; newsvendor
problem; market selection; pricing; multilocation newsboy problem; expected costs; newsvendor problem;
centralization; discrimination; flexibility; profits; welfare; system; output; operations research &
management s
Baklaci, H. F., Tunc, G., Aydogan, B., & Vardar, G. (2011). The Impact of Firm-Specific Public News on Intraday
Market Dynamics: Evidence from the Turkish Stock Market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 47(6),
99-119. [[[garch; informational efficiency; public news; trading volume; volatility persistence; foreignexchange market; information arrival; volatility; volume; announcements; frequency; liquidity; investors;
variance; returns; business & economics; internation
Barber, B. M., & Odean, T. (2008). All that glitters: The effect of attention and news on the buying behavior of
individual and institutional investors. Review of Financial Studies, 21(2), 785-818. [[[trading volume;
traders; divergence; opinion; price; business, finance]]]
Barlow, M. H., Barlow, D. E., & Chiricos, T. G. (1995). Economic-Conditions and Ideologies of Crime in the
Media: A Content-Analysis of Crime News. Crime & Delinquency, 41(1), 3-19.
Barnhart, S. W. (1988). Commodity Futures Prices and Economic-News: An Examination Under Alternative
Monetary Regimes. Journal of Futures Markets, 8(4), 483-510.
Battaggion, M. R., & Vaglio, A. (2012). The Market for News: a Demand-Oriented Analysis. Economia Politica,
29(1), 81-110. [[[media bias; capture; business & economics]]]
BBC News., & BBC Monitoring. (2002). BBC news, country profiles. Great Britain: BBC News. [[[b][Lg:
eng][History, Modern][World politics][Economic history][World history][Political science]]]
Beaudry, P., Dupaigne, M., & Portier, F. (2011). Modeling news-driven international business cycles. Review of
Economic Dynamics, 14(1), 72-91. [[[business cycles; expectations; international fluctuations; news
shocks; economic-fluctuations; business & economics]]]
Beaudry, P., Dupaigne, M., & Portier, F. (2011). Modeling news-driven international business cycles. Review of
Economic Dynamics, 14(1), 72-91. [[[business cycles; expectations; international fluctuations; news
shocks; economic-fluctuations; economics]]]
Beaudry, P., & Portier, F. (2006). Stock prices, news, and economic fluctuations. American Economic Review,
96(4), 1293-1307. [[[real activity; returns; rank; economics]]]
Beber, A., & Brandt, M. W. (2006). The effect of macroeconomic news on beliefs and preferences: Evidence from
the options market. Journal of Monetary Economics, 53(8), 1727-1769. [[[time-varying preferences;
macroeconomic annoucements; option-implied risk aversion; implied volatility functions; us treasury
market; risk-aversion; prices; information; returns; shape; business, finance; economics]]]
Beber, A., & Brandt, M. W. (2010). When It Cannot Get Better or Worse: The Asymmetric Impact of Good and
Bad News on Bond Returns in Expansions and Recessions*. Review of Finance, 14(1), 119-155. [[[e43;
e44; g12; stock markets reaction; us treasury market; price discovery; volatility; liquidity; exchange; rates;
business, finance; economics]]]
Becker, H. (1995). Die Wirtschaft in der deutschsprachigen Presse. Sprachliche Untersuchungen zur
Wirtschaftsberichterstattung in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung, der
Presse und im Neuen Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main New York: P. Lang. [[[b][Lg: ger][ISBN:
3631421141][German newspapers][Journalism, Commercial][Economics]]]
Becker, K. G., Finnerty, J. E., & Friedman, J. (1995). Economic-News and Equity Market Linkages Between the
Us and UK. Journal of Banking & Finance, 19(7), 1191-1210.
Becker, K. G., Finnerty, J. E., & Kopecky, K. J. (1995). Domestic Macroeconomic News and Foreign InterestRates. Journal of International Money and Finance, 14(6), 763-783.
Becker, K. G., Finnerty, J. E., & Kopecky, K. J. (1996). Macroeconomic News and the Efficiency of International
Bond Futures Markets. Journal of Futures Markets, 16(2), 131-145.
Beechey, M. J., & Wright, J. H. (2009). The high-frequency impact of news on long-term yields and forward rates:
Is it real?. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(4), 535-544. [[[intradaily data; news announcements;
inflation compensation; real interest rates; time price discovery; foreign-exchange; monetary-policy;
information; market; shifts; stock; business, finance; economics]]]
Beetsma, R., Giuliodori, M., de Jong, F., & Widijanto, D. (2013). Spread the news: The impact of news on the
European sovereign bond markets during the crisis. Journal of International Money and Finance, 34, 83101. [[[co-movement; spill-overs; interest rate spreads; news variables; eurointelligence; (non-)giips; time
price discovery; foreign-exchange; asian crisis; liquidity; contagion; shocks; stock; area; business &
Ben Omrane, W., & Heinen, A. (2009). Is there any common knowledge news in the Euro/Dollar market?.
International Review of Economics & Finance, 18(4), 656-670. [[[foreign exchange; market microstructure;
time series; count data; foreign-exchange market; price leadership; trading patterns; rate ; business, finance;
Benesch, C. (2012). An Empirical Analysis of the Gender Gap in News Consumption. Journal of Media
Economics, 25(3), 147-167. [[[politics; media; communication; business & economics]]]
Bennett, W. L., Pickard, V. W., lozzi, D. P., Schroeder, C. L., Lagos, T., & Caswell, C. E. (2004). Managing the
Public Sphere: Journalistic Construction of the Great Globalization Debate. Journal of Communication,
54(3), 437-455. [[globalization debate][news source][World Economic Forum][global economic
policies][media discourse][Economics][Globalization][News Media]]
Berger, W., Kissmer, F., & Wagner, H. (2007). Monetary policy and asset prices: More bad news for 'benign
neglect'. International Finance, 10(1), 1-20. [[[business, finance; economics]]]
Berkman, H., Dimitrov, V., Jain, P. C., Koch, P. D., & Tice, S. (2009). Sell on the news: Differences of opinion,
short-sales constraints, and returns around earnings announcements. Journal of Financial Economics, 92(3),
376-399. [[[differences of opinion; earnings announcements; institutional ownership; limits to arbitrage;
market efficiency; short-sales constraints; stock-price adjustment; cross-section; trading volume; expected ;
business, finance; economics]]]
Besley, T., & Prat, A. (2006). Handcuffs for the grabbing hand? Media capture and government accountability.
American Economic Review, 96(3), 720-736. [[[news; economics]]]
Bharti, I. (1992). End of News Censorship for Prisoners in Bihar. Economic and Political Weekly, 27(24-2), 12421242.
Blankenburg, W. B., & Ozanich, G. W. (1993). The Effects of Public Ownership on the Financial Performance of
Newspaper Corporations. Journalism Quarterly, 70(1), 68-75.
Boehmer, E., Huszar, Z. R., & Jordan, B. D. (2010). The good news in short interest. Journal of Financial
Economics, 96(1), 80-97. [[[short sales; short interest; short sale constraints; market efficiency; short-sales;
stock returns; market; constraints; opinion; restrictions; ; business, finance; economics]]]
Bolton, G. E., & Katok, E. (2008). Learning by doing in the newsvendor problem: A laboratory investigation of
the role of experience and feedback. M&Som-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 10(3),
519-538. [[[newsvendor problem; feedback; behavioral operations management; supply chain management;
experimental economics; decision-making; form games; probability; information; inventory; strategy; task;
management; operations research & management science]]]
Booth, G. G., Kallunki, J. P., & Martikainen, T. (1999). Earnings News and the Behavior of Large and Small
Traders in the Finnish Stock-Market. Applied Economics Letters, 6(12), 771-774.
Booth, L., & Chang, B. (2011). Target-date funds: good news and bad news. Journal of Risk, 13(3), 55-82.
[[[lifetime portfolio selection; performance; risk; business & economics]]]
Boyer, M. M. (2006). The impact of media attention: Evidence from the automobile insurance industry. Journal of
Media Economics, 19(3), 193-220. [[[economic regulation; television-news; late 1970s; coverage; cues;
communication; economics]]]
Brand, R. (2010). The Business of Business News: South Africa's Financial Press and the Political Process. Ecquid
Novi-African Journalism Studies, 31(1), 24-41. [[[african national congress; business news; financial mail;
financial press; growth; employment and redistribution (gear); government responsiveness; media;
institutionalism; history; field; communication]]]
Brannas, K., & Soultanaeva, A. (2011). Influence of news from Moscow and New York on returns and risks of
Baltic States' stock markets. Baltic Journal of Economics, 11(1), 109-124. [[[estonia; latvia; lithuania; time
series; estimation; finance; asymmetric time-series; volatility; linkages; models; transmission; information;
business & economics]]]
Branton, R. P., & Dunaway, J. (2009). Slanted Newspaper Coverage of Immigration: The Importance of
Economics and Geography. Policy Studies Journal, 37(2), 257-273. [[[immigration; media content; media
bias; political news; geographic context; television-news; media bias; broadcast television; racial-attitudes; ;
political science; public administration]]]
Bredin, D., O'Reilly, G., & Stevenson, S. (2007). Monetary shocks and REIT returns. Journal of Real Estate
Finance and Economics, 35(3), 315-331. [[[us monetary policy; equity real estate investment trusts;
monetary shocks; reit returns; discount rate changes; stock-market; interest-rates; public information; asset
returns; policy; volatility; prices; news; sensitivity; business, finance; economics
Bredon, G. (1999). Net News: Old Wine in a New Bottle. Journal of Economic Education, 30(1), 28-32.
Brenner, M., Pasquariello, P., & Subrahmanyam, M. (2009). On the Volatility and Comovement of US Financial
Markets around Macroeconomic News Announcements. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
44(6), 1265-1289. [[[autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity; federal-reserve policy; ; business,
finance; economics]]]
Bris, A., Goetzmann, W. N., & Zhu, N. (2007). Efficiency and the bear: Short sales and markets around the world.
Journal of Finance, 62(3), 1029-1079. [[[stock-prices; financial innovation; conditional skewness; badnews; arbitrage; constraints; crashes; options; information; strategies; business, finance]]]
Brooks, C., & Henry, O. T. (2002). The Impact of News on Measures of Undiversifiable Risk: Evidence from the
UK Stock-Market. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 64(5), 487+.
Brown, W. O. (1999). Inside Information and Public News: R-2 and Beyond. Applied Economics Letters, 6(10),
Brunetti, A., & Weder, B. (2003). A Free Press Is Bad-News for Corruption. Journal of Public Economics, 87(7-8),
Bulkley, G., & Herrerias, R. (2005). Does the precision of news affect market underreaction? Evidence from
returns following two classes of profit warnings. European Financial Management, 11(5), 603-624. [[[profit
warnings; market efficiency; anomalies; stock returns; bad-news; risk; explanations; efficiency; disclosure;
premium; firms; tests; drift; business, finance]]]
Busselle, R., & Crandall, H. (2002). Television viewing and perceptions about race differences in socioeconomic
success. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 46 (2), 265-282. [[[television viewing] [educational
achievement] [relative socioeconomic success] [African Americans] [Whites] [cross cultural differences]
[situation comedy] [news] [drama]]]
Buttner, D., & Hayo, B. (2010). News and correlations of CEEC-3 financial markets. Economic Modelling, 27(5),
915-922. [[[financial markets; czech republic; hungary; poland; political news; macroeconomic shocks;
contagion; dcc-mgarch; currency crises; contagion; heteroskedasticity; interdependence; models; tests;
Buttner, D., & Hayo, B. (2012). EMU-related news and financial markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary and
Poland. Applied Economics, 44(31), 4037-4053. [[[financial markets; ceec-3; political news;
macroeconomic shocks; european monetary union; prices; model; volatility; return; rates; business &
Buttner, D., Hayo, B., & Neuenkirch, M. (2012). The impact of foreign macroeconomic news on financial markets
in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Empirica, 39(1), 19-44. [[[czech republic; european monetary
union; financial markets; hungary; macroeconomic news; poland; autoregressive conditional
heteroskedasticity; prices; bond; business & economics]]]
Bystrom, H. (2011). Does the Chinese stock market react to global news?. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,
16(3), 448-455. [[[news aggregator; volatility; stock market; china; worldwide news; information; business
& economics]]]
Cai, J. (2007). What's in the news? Information content of S&P 500 additions. Financial Management, 36(3), 113124. [[[standard-and-poor-500 list; index additions; demand curves; price; liquidity; stocks; business,
Caldentey, R., & Haugh, M. (2006). Optimal control and hedging of operations in the presence of financial
markets. Mathematics of Operations Research, 31(2), 285-304. [[[operations management; portfolio
optimization; stochastic control; incomplete markets; newsboy problem; inventory models; risk; portfolio;
operations research & management science; mathematics, applied]]]
Calvet, L. E., & Fisher, A. J. (2007). Multifrequency news and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics,
86(1), 178-212. [[[multifrequency news; volatility feedback; learning; long-run risks; equity premium; asset
returns; intertemporal substitution; asymmetric ; business, finance; economics]]]
Calvet, L. E., & Fisher, A. J. (2008). Multifrequency jump-diffusions: An equilibrium approach. Journal of
Mathematical Economics, 44(2), 207-226. [[[endogenous jumps; general equilibrium; markov regimeswitching; multifrequency; fat tails; stochastic volatility; time deformation; volatility component; asset
pricing model; stock returns; market portfolio; time-series; volatility; prices; risk; news;
Camargo, B. (2007). Good news and bad news in two-armed bandits. Journal of Economic Theory, 135(1), 558566. [[[economics]]]
Cancian, M., Bills, A., & Bergstrom, T. (1995). Hotelling Location-Problems with Directional Constraints: An
Application to Television-News Scheduling. Journal of Industrial Economics, 43(1), 121-124.
Cao, H. H., Coval, J. D., & Hirshleifer, D. (2002). Sidelined Investors, Trading-Generated News, and Security
Returns. Review of Financial Studies, 15(2), 615-648.
Carretta, A., Farina, V., Martelli, D., Fiordelisi, F., & Schwizer, P. (2011). The Impact of Corporate Governance
Press News on Stock Market Returns. European Financial Management, 17(1), 100-119. [[[corporate
governance; shareholder value; event study; text analysis; g14; g34; firm performance; equity prices; media;
mechanisms; noise; business & economics]]]
Carretta, A., Farina, V., Martelli, D., Fiordelisi, F., & Schwizer, P. (2011). The Impact of Corporate Governance
Press News on Stock Market Returns. European Financial Management, 17(1), 100-119. [[[corporate
governance; shareholder value; event study; text analysis; g14; g34; firm performance; equity prices; media;
mechanisms; noise; business, finance]]]
Casciaro, T., & Winston, V. W. (2012). When to Make Private News Public. Harvard Business Review, 90(3),
161-163. [[[business & economics]]]
Casey, G. P., & Owen, A. L. (2013). Good News, Bad News, and Consumer Confidence. Social Science Quarterly,
94(1), 292-315. [[[impression-formation; economic-news; loss aversion; media; newspapers; ; government
& law; sociology]]]
Caudill, S. B., & Mixon, F. G. (1998). Do Network News Agencies Play Their Dominant Strategies: EmpiricalEvidence from Lead News Stories. Applied Economics Letters, 5(10), 623-629.
Cenesizoglu, T. (2011). Size, book-to-market ratio and macroeconomic news. Journal of Empirical Finance, 18(2),
248-270. [[[macroeconomic news; employees on nonfarm payrolls; business cycle; cash flow; discount rate;
return decomposition; time price discovery; us treasury market; monetary-policy; stock returns; crosssection; economic-news; variance decomposition; ; busines
Champlin, D. A., & Knoedler, J. T. (2008). American Prosperity and the "race to the bottom" Why won't the media
ask the right questions?. Journal of Economic Issues, 42(1), 133-151. [[[media coverage of economics;
media coverage of the middle class; media coverage and institutionalism; economists; news; economics]]]
Champlin, D. P., & Knoedler, J. T. (2006). The media, the news, and democracy: Revisiting the Dewey-Lippman
debate. Journal of Economic Issues, 40(1), 135-152. [[[public-interest; economics]]]
Chan, J., & Suen, W. (2008). A spatial theory of news consumption and electoral competition. Review of
Economic Studies, 75(3), 699-728. [[[media bias; information; economics]]]
Chan, J., & Suen, W. (2009). Media as watchdogs: The role of news media in electoral competition. European
Economic Review, 53(7), 799-814. [[[media bias; cheap talk; policy convergence; asymmetric information;
legislative rules; bias; endorsements; polarization; elections; parties; policy; economics]]]
Chan, W. S. (2003). Stock-Price Reaction to News and No-News: Drift and Reversal After Headlines. Journal of
Financial Economics, 70(2), 223-260.
Chang, E. C., Pinegar, J. M., & Ravichandran, R. (1998). Us Day-of-the-Week Effects and Asymmetric Responses
to Macroeconomic News. Journal of Banking & Finance, 22(5), 513-534.
Chatrath, A., Christie-David, R., & Moore, W. T. (2006). The macroeconomic news cycle and uncertainty
resolution. Journal of Business, 79(5), 2633-2657. [[[us treasury market; economic-news; bond prices;
information; volatility; announcements; forecasts; business]]]
Chatrath, A., Christie-David, R. A., & Lee, K. (2009). How Potent are News Reversals?: Evidence From the
Futures Markets. Journal of Futures Markets, 29(1), 42-73. [[[us treasury market; macroeconomic news;
economic-news; bond prices; information; volatility; business, finance]]]
Chatrath, A., Miao, H., & Ramchander, S. (2012). Does the price of crude oil respond to macroeconomic news?.
Journal of Futures Markets, 32(6), 536-559. [[[futures markets; shocks; dynamics; economy; impact;
stocks; spot; business & economics]]]
Chen, M. W., Christie-David, R., & Moore, W. T. (2007). Deregulation, news releases, and price discovery.
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 31(3), 289-312. [[[regulatory environment; price discovery; utility
industry; macroeconomic news; stock-prices; volatility; market; information; competition; variances; sector;
return; tests; economics]]]
Chen, X. L., & Ghysels, E. (2011). News-Good or Bad-and Its Impact on Volatility Predictions over Multiple
Horizons. Review of Financial Studies, 24(1), 46-81. [[[market microstructure noise; realized variance;
stock returns; model; ability; risk; business & economics]]]
Chen, X. L., & Ghysels, E. (2011). News-Good or Bad-and Its Impact on Volatility Predictions over Multiple
Horizons. Review of Financial Studies, 24(1), 46-81. [[[market microstructure noise; realized variance;
stock returns; model; ability; risk; business, finance; economics]]]
Chen, Y. L., & Gau, Y. F. (2010). News announcements and price discovery in foreign exchange spot and futures
markets. Journal of Banking & Finance, 34(7), 1628-1636. [[[price discovery; electronic broking services
(ebs); macroeconomic announcements; volatility; information; components; security; stock; business,
finance; economics]]]
Chiou, J. S., Wu, P. S., Chang, A. W., & Huang, B. Y. (2007). The asymmetric information and price manipulation
in stock market. Applied Economics, 39(7-9), 883-891. [[[conditional heteroskedasticity; volatility; us;
investments; exchange; returns; futures; growth; rates; news; economics]]]
Christiansen, C., & Ranaldo, A. (2007). Realized bond-stock correlation: Macroeconomic announcement effects.
Journal of Futures Markets, 27(5), 439-469. [[[news; markets; volatility; returns; prices; business, finance]]]
Chyi, H. I., & Sylvie, G. (2001). The Medium Is Global, the Content Is Not: The Role of Geography in Online
Newspaper Markets. Journal of Media Economics, 14(4), 231-248.
NATURE OF ONLINE NEWS AMONG USERS. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 86(3),
594-612. [[[mass-media; relative constancy; internet; complementarity; newspapers; principle; model;
Citron, D. B., Tafller, R. J., & Uang, J. Y. (2008). Delays in reporting price-sensitive information: The case of
going concern. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 27(1), 19-37. [[[going-concern; audit reports; price
reaction; disclosure timing; market regulation; going-concern opinions; bankrupt companies; financial
ratios; audit reports; bad-news; disclosures; firms; management; decisions; business, finance]]]
Clawson, R. A. (2002). Poor people, Black faces - The portrayal of poverty in economics textbooks. Journal of
Black Studies, 32(3), 352-361. [[[television; news; ethnic studies; social sciences, interdisciplinary]]]
Coffinet, J., & Gouteron, S. (2010). Euro-Area Yield Curve Reaction to Monetary News. German Economic
Review, 11(2), 208-224. [[[e43; e44; e52; e58; high-frequency data; macroeconomic announcements;
money growth; bond; market; economics]]]
Cohen, D. A., Dey, A., Lys, T. Z., & Sunder, S. V. (2007). Earnings announcement premia and the limits to
arbitrage. Journal of Accounting & Economics, 43(2-3), 153-180. [[[earnings announcements;
announcement premium; preannouncements; disclosure; limits to arbitrage; abnormal returns; idiosyncratic
risk; security returns; stock returns; seasonalities; information; disclosures; timeliness; firms; news;
business, finance;
Cohen, R. B., Gompers, P. A., & Vuolteenaho, T. (2002). Who Underreacts to Cash-Flow News: Evidence from
Trading Between Individuals and Institutions. Journal of Financial Economics, 66(2-3), 409-462.
Coleman, A., & Karagedikli, O. (2012). The relative size of exchange rate and interest rate responses to news: An
empirical investigation. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 23(1), 1-19. [[[forward
exchange rate; events study; new zealand; monetary-policy; business & economics]]]
Coleman, S. (1989). The Economics of Utopia: Morris and Bellamy Contrasted. The 8(2), 2-6. [[[English
literature] [1800 1899] [Morris, William] [News from Nowhere] [fiction] [treatment of utopia] [relationship
to economics] [compared to Bellamy, Edward] [Looking Backward]]]
Conrad, C., & Lamla, M. J. (2010). The High-Frequency Response of the EUR-USD Exchange Rate to ECB
Communication. Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 42(7), 1391-1417. [[[c22; e52; e58; f31; central
bank communication; exchange rate; expectations; long memory garch processes; monetary policy
announcements; taylor rules; monetary-policy; macroeconomic announcements; expectations; dynamics;
news; business, finance; econom
Conrad, J., Cornell, B., Landsman, W. R., & Rountree, B. R. (2006). How do analyst recommendations respond to
major news?. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 41(1), 25-49. [[[earnings forecasts; security
analysts; career concerns; business, finance; economics]]]
Cooper, G., & Ebeling, M. (2007). Epistemology, structure and urgency: the sociology of financial and scientific
journalists. Sociological Research Online, 12(3), -. [[[epistemology; fields; financial understanding of
science; nanotechnology; sociology of journalists; scepticism; sts; science; nanotechnology; matters; news;
Cuellar-Fernandez, B., Fuertes-Callen, Y., & Lainez-Gadea, J. A. (2010). The Impact of Corporate Media News on
Market Valuation. Journal of Media Economics, 23(2), 90-110. [[[earnings announcements; customer
satisfaction; distressed firms; ; communication; economics]]]
Cummins, R. G., & Chambers, T. (2011). How Production Value Impacts Perceived Technical Quality,
Credibility, and Economic Value of Video News. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 88(4),
737-752. [[[high-definition television; willingness-to-pay; digital television; ; communication]]]
Daley, B., & Green, B. (2012). Waiting for News in the Market for Lemons. Econometrica, 80(4), 1433-1504.
[[[dynamic games; adverse selection; information economics; signaling; adverse-selection; signaling games;
information; model; equilibrium; ; business & economics; mathematics; mathematical methods in social
Dammert, L., & Malone, M. F. T. (2006). Does it take a village? Policing strategies and fear of crime in Latin
America. Latin American Politics and Society, 48(4), 27-51. [[[economic threat; perceived risk; unitedstates; news media; ; area studies; international relations; political science]]]
Darrat, A. F., Zhong, M., & Cheng, L. T. W. (2007). Intraday volume and volatility relations with and without
public news. Journal of Banking & Finance, 31(9), 2711-2729. [[[trading volume; return volatility; sample
partitioning; public news; sequential information arrival; overconfidence; stock-market; information; price;
return; models; tests; business, finance; economics]]]
Davis, A. K., Piger, J. M., & Sedor, L. M. (2012). Beyond the Numbers: Measuring the Information Content of
Earnings Press Release Language. Contemporary Accounting Research, 29(3), 845-+. [[[voluntary
disclosure; bad-news; forecasts; management; announcements; credibility; television; words; media;
business & economics]]]
Davis, A. K., & Tama-Sweet, I. (2012). Managers' Use of Language Across Alternative Disclosure Outlets:
Earnings Press Releases versus MD & A. Contemporary Accounting Research, 29(3), 804-+. [[[incremental
information-content; announcements; accruals; determinants; filings; words; news; business &
De Boef, S., & Kellstedt, P. M. (2004). The political (and economic) origins of consumer confidence. American
Journal of Political Science, 48(4), 633-649. [[[prospective voter; united-states; presidential approval;
american electorate; expectations; news; judgments; forecasts; exposure; impact]]]
De Vreese, C. H., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2006). Media effects on public opinion about the enlargement of the
European Union. Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(2), 419-436. [[[support; integration;
attitudes; politics; impact; identity; news; economics; international relations; political science]]]
De Vreese, C. H., & Kandyla, A. (2009). News Framing and Public Support for a Common Foreign and Security
Policy. Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies, 47(3), 453-481. [[[european-integration; television-news;
opinion; politics; frames; ; economics; international relations; political science]]]
De Vreese, C. H., & Semetko, H. A. (2002). Public perception of polls and support for restrictions on the
publication of polls: Denmark's 2000 Euro referendum. International Journal of Public Opinion Research,
14(4), 367-390. [[news reporting][newspapers][television news][opinion polls][public opinion][2000
Danish referendum][euro][News Media][Newspapers][Political Economic Systems][Public
DellaVigna, S., & Kaplan, E. (2007). The Fox News effect: Media bias and voting. Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 122(3), 1187-1234. [[[voter turnout; market; economics]]]
Demers, D., & Merskin, D. (2000). Corporate News Structure and the Managerial Revolution. Journal of Media
Economics, 13(2), 103-121.
Desgranges, G., & Rochon, C. (2013). Conformism and public news. Economic Theory, 52(3), 1061-1090.
[[[asymmetric information; beauty contest; conformism; public information; financial-markets; information
aggregation; rational-expectations; common knowledge; social value; equilibrium; behavior; beliefs; model;
business & economics]]]
Diaz, A., & Jareno, F. (2013). Inflation news and stock returns: market direction and flow-through ability.
Empirical Economics, 44(2), 775-798. [[[inflation announcement; stock return; flow-through ability; market
direction hypothesis; foreign-exchange; interest-rates; real activity; bad-news; prices; announcements;
event; cycle; model; business & economics; mathematical methods in social science
DiFonzo, N., & Bordia, P. (1997). Rumor and prediction: Making sense (but losing dollars) in the stock market.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 71(3), 329-353. [[news vs published vs
unpublished rumors, anti-regressive predictions & investment trading decisions, undergraduates
participating in computerized investment game][Consumer
Behavior][Credibility][Economics][Gossip][News Media]]
Ding, Q., Dong, L. X., & Kouvelis, P. (2007). On the integration of production and financial hedging decisions in
global markets. Operations Research, 55(3), 470-489. [[[inventory models; currency options; foreigncurrency; newsboy problem; ; management; operations research & management science]]]
Dominguez, K. M. E. (2006). When do central bank interventions influence intra-daily and longer-term exchange
rate movements?. Journal of International Money and Finance, 25(7), 1051-1071. [[[central bank
intervention; exchange rate volatility; market microstructure; foreign-exchange; macroeconomic news;
trading patterns; rate ; business, finance]]]
Dominguez, K. M. E., & Panthaki, F. (2007). The influence of actual and unrequited interventions. International
Journal of Finance & Economics, 12(2), 171-200. [[[central bank intervention; intra-daily exchange rates;
foreign exchange market volatility; market microstructure; order flow; foreign-exchange market; central
bank intervention; rate volatility; information; rates; news; announcements; frequency; dynam
Donelson, D. C., McInnis, J. M., Mergenthaler, R. D., & Yu, Y. (2012). The Timeliness of Bad Earnings News and
Litigation Risk. Accounting Review, 87(6), 1967-1991. [[[securities litigation; disclosure; analyst forecast;
earnings news; shareholder litigation; voluntary disclosure; markets; firms; business & economics]]]
Dow, J., & Gorton, G. (1993). Trading, Communication and the Response of Asset Prices to News. Economic
Journal, 103(418), 639-646.
Dranove, D., Ramanarayanan, S., & Watanabe, Y. (2012). Delivering Bad News: Market Responses to
Negligence. Journal of law & Economics, 55(1), 1-25. [[[litigation; quality; product; business & economics;
government & law]]]
Dranove, D., & Sfekas, A. (2008). Start spreading the news: A structural estimate of the effects of New York
hospital report cards. Journal of Health Economics, 27(5), 1201-1207. [[[report cards; hospitals;
information; surgery; outcomes; quality; state; economics; health care sciences & services; health policy &
Draskau, J., & Høedt, J. (1984). "The World of LSP II". Copenhagen: The LSP Centre, Unesco Alsed LSP
Network and Newsletter, The Copenhagen School of Economics. [[[b] [Applied linguistics; Sublanguage]]]
Drazen, A., & Sakellaris, P. (1999). News About News: Information Arrival and Irreversible Investment.
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 3(3), 451-462.
Dror, M., Guardiola, L. A., Meca, A., & Puerto, J. (2008). Dynamic realization games in newsvendor inventory
centralization. International Journal of Game Theory, 37(1), 139-153. [[[dynamic realization games;
newsvedor centralization game; cooperative game; allocation process; core; least square value; location
newsboy problem; cooperative games; expected costs; allocation; economics; mathematics,
interdisciplinary applications; s
Dubinsky, A. J., Kim, J., & Lee, S. (2011). Imparting Negative News to Salespeople. Psychology & Marketing,
28(8), 803-824. [[[salesperson performance; supervisory feedback; survivors reactions; social-exchange;
salesforce; behavior; model; communication; ; business & economics; psychology]]]
Duque, J., & Pinto, I. (2008). Regulatory disclosure via the internet: does it make financial markets more
efficient?. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 33(1), 5-19. [[[price sensitive events; financial regulation;
securities market commission; internet; information-content; event; price; news; economics]]]
Dyer, C. S., & Adams, D. B. (1994). The Financial Affairs of Wisconsin and Iowa Weekly Newspapers in 1860:
An Analysis of Products of Industry Census-Data. Journalism Quarterly, 71(2), 370-379.
Easaw, J. (2010). It's all 'bad' news! Voters' perception of macroeconomic policy competence. Public Choice,
145(1-2), 253-264. [[[voters' beliefs; incumbent competence; economic voting; systematic bias; consumer
confidence; consequences; economy; opinion; cycles; economics; political science]]]
Easaw, J., & Ghoshray, A. (2010). News and households' subjective macroeconomic expectations. Journal of
Macroeconomics, 32(1), 469-475. [[[household expectations formation; perceived 'good' and 'bad' news;
autoregressive unit-root; consumer confidence; consumption; tests; economics]]]
Easterbrook, G. (1989). Why All Economic-News Is Bad: The Sky Is Always Falling. new Republic, 201(8), 2125.
Ebeling, M. F. E. (2008). Mediating uncertainty - Communicating the financial risks of nanotechnologies. Science
Communication, 29(3), 335-361. [[[nanotechnologies; financial risk; high-risk investing; financial
journalism; boundary objects; science; information; policy; news; communication]]]
Egert, B. (2010). The Impact of Monetary and Commodity Fundamentals, Macro News and Central Bank
Communication on the Exchange Rate: Evidence from South Africa. Open Economies Review, 21(5), 655677. [[[exchange rate; nonlinearity; commodity prices; monetary model; macroeconomic news; central bank
communication; south africa; model; cointegration; panels; tests; money; economics]]]
Ehrmann, M., & Sondermann, D. (2012). The News Content of Macroeconomic Announcements: What if Central
Bank Communication Becomes Stale?. International Journal of Central Banking, 8(3), 1-53. [[[time price
discovery; us treasury market; foreign-exchange; ; business & economics]]]
Einhorn, E. (2007). Voluntary disclosure under uncertainty about the reporting objective. Journal of Accounting &
Economics, 43(2-3), 245-274. [[[financial accounting; asymmetric information; voluntary disclosure; stock
option awards; earnings management; information; essays; news; business, finance; economics]]]
Einsiedel, E., & Thorne, B. (1999). Public reponses to uncertainty. In: Friedman, Sharon M., Dunwoody, Sharon,
& Rogers, Carol L. (Eds.), Communicating uncertainty: Media coverage of new and controversial science.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. [[sociocultural & political & economic factors
influencing & role of media in & forms of public's scientific uncertainty & knowledge][News
Media][Public Opinion][Sciences][Sociocultural Factors][Uncertainty]]
Eisdorfer, A. (2007). The importance of cash-flow news for financially distressed firms. Financial Management,
36(3), 33-48. [[[stock returns; variance decomposition; expected returns; risk; business, finance]]]
Eisensee, T., & Stromberg, D. (2007). News droughts, news floods, and US disaster relief. Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 122(2), 693-728. [[[media; television; impact; economics]]]
Ekholm, A., & Pasternack, D. (2008). Overconfidence and investor size. European Financial Management, 14(1),
82-98. [[[investor size; trading behaviour; overconfidence; common-stock investment; performance;
traders; market; news; business, finance]]]
Elder, J., Miao, H., & Ramchander, S. (2012). Impact of macroeconomic news on metal futures. Journal of
Banking & Finance, 36(1), 51-65. [[[macroeconomic news; metal futures; return; volatility; volume;
stochastic volatility; return distributions; stock returns; markets; information; volume; announcements;
gold; flow; spot; business & economics]]]
Ellwardt, L., Wittek, R., & Wielers, R. (2012). Talking About the Boss: Effects of Generalized and Interpersonal
Trust on Workplace Gossip. Group & Organization Management, 37(4), 521-549. [[[organizations; gossip;
trust; relationships; social network analysis; p-asterisk models; evolutionary perspective; social networks;
organizations; trustworthiness; exchange; contract; work; news; psychology; business & economics]]]
Elmendorf, D. W., Hirschfeld, M. L., & Weil, D. N. (1996). The Effect of News on Bond Prices: Evidence from
the United-Kingdom, 1900-1920. Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(2), 341-344.
Emir, O. Y., Ozatay, F., & Sahinbeyoglu, G. (2007). Effects of US interest rates and news on the daily interest
rates of a highly indebted emerging economy: evidence from Turkey. Applied Economics, 39(3), 329-342.
[[[deficit announcements; exchange-rates; money announcements; monetary-policy; asian crisis; market;
volatility; australia; returns; economics]]]
Engelberg, J. E., Reed, A. V., & Ringgenberg, M. C. (2012). How are shorts informed? Short sellers, news, and
information processing. Journal of Financial Economics, 105(2), 260-278. [[[asymmetric information;
manipulation; news media; short sales; stock-price reaction; private information; cross-section; short sales;
returns; market; announcements; constraints; investors; business & economics]]]
Erdogan, O., & Yezegel, A. (2009). The news of no news in stock markets. Quantitative Finance, 9(8), 897-909.
[[[large price changes; analysts recommendations; returns; performance; ; business, finance; economics;
mathematics, interdisciplinary applications; social sciences, mathematical methods]]]
Fatum, R., & Scholnick, B. (2008). Monetary policy news and exchange rate responses: Do only surprises matter?.
Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(6), 1076-1086. [[[expectations; monetary policy; federal funds futures;
exchange rates; unanticipated money growth; federal-reserve policy; funds rate target; ; business, finance;
Faust, J., Rogers, J. H., Wang, S. Y. B., & Wright, J. H. (2007). The high-frequency response of exchange rates
and interest rates to macroeconomic announcements. Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(4), 1051-1068.
[[[data releases; exchange rates; uncovered interest parity; overshooting; us treasury market; stock-prices;
foreign-exchange; economic-news; ; business, finance; economics]]]
Fernandez, B. C., Callen, Y. F., & Gadea, J. A. L. (2011). Stock Price Reaction to Non-financial News in
European Technology Companies. European Accounting Review, 20(1), 81-111. [[[value-relevance; market
value; earnings announcements; distressed firms; joint ventures; information; impact; valuation;
management; returns; business & economics]]]
Ferrando, J., Gabszewicz, J. J., Laussel, D., & Sonnac, N. (2008). Intermarket network externalities and
competition: An application to the media industry. International Journal of Economic Theory, 4(3), 357379. [[[network externalities; media industries; two-sided markets; international-trade; newspaper industry;
markets; policy; model; ]]]
Ferreira, M. A., & Gama, P. M. (2007). Does sovereign debt ratings news spill over to international stock
markets?. Journal of Banking & Finance, 31(10), 3162-3182. [[[sovereign ratings; spillover effects; stock
market; returns; contagion; determinants; business, finance; economics]]]
Feve, P., Matheron, J., & Sahuc, J. G. (2009). On the dynamic implications of news shocks. Economics Letters,
102(2), 96-98. [[[economics]]]
Fico, F. G., Lacy, S., & Riffe, D. (2008). A content analysis guide for media economics scholars. Journal of Media
Economics, 21(2), 114-130. [[[public ownership; competition; diversity; newspapers; communication;
Fielding, D., & Shortland, A. (2009). Does television terrify tourists? Effects of US television news on demand for
tourism in Israel. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 38(3), 245-263. [[[media; choice under uncertainty;
probability neglect; cultivation theory; israel; terrorism; impact; crime; cultivation; probability; violence;
risks; world; meat; fear; business, finance; economics]]]
Fisher, T. C. G., & Konieczny, J. D. (2006). Inflation and costly price adjustment: A study of Canadian newspaper
prices. Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 38(3), 615-633. [[[nominal rigidities; price adjustment costs;
stochastic inflation; menu costs; sticky prices; policy; business, finance; economics]]]
Fluck, H. R., Fernbach, R., & Waldrich, H. P. (1975). Zur Sprache des Wirtschaftsteils von Tageszeitungen. Eine
Unterrichtseinheit in der Berufsschule. (On the Language of Newspaper Articles Dealing with Economics.
An Instruction Unit at a Professional Institute). Linguistik und Didaktik, 6(3), 23, 165-178. [[[discourse
analysis] [mass media] [text analysis] [native language instruction] [adult language] [special languages]
[undergraduate school] [graduate and professional schools]]]
Fogarty, B. J. (2005). Determining economic news coverage. International Journal of Public Opinion Research,
17(2), 149-172.
Fostel, A., & Geanakoplos, J. (2012). Why does bad news increase volatility and decrease leverage?. Journal of
Economic Theory, 147(2), 501-525. [[[collateral; endogenous leverage; var; volatility; volatility smile;
market; liquidity; model; equilibrium; cycles; business & economics]]]
Fowdur, L., Kadiyali, V., & Prince, J. (2012). Racial bias in expert quality assessment: A study of newspaper
movie reviews. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 84(1), 292-307. [[[movies; expert ratings;
quality assessment; racial bias; implicit discrimination; film-critics; discrimination; gender; market; race;
standards; variables; selection; industry; women; business & economics]]]
Frank, B. (1998). Good-News for Experimenters: Subjects Do Not Care About Your Welfare. Economics Letters,
61(2), 171-174.
Frijters, P., & Velamuri, M. (2010). Is the Internet Bad News? The Online News Era and the Market for HighQuality News. Review of Network Economics, 9(2), -. [[[news quality; internet; monopolies; search costs;
advertising; media; competition; newspapers; model; economics]]]
Frommel, M., Mende, A., & Menkhoff, L. (2008). Order flows, news, and exchange rate volatility. Journal of
International Money and Finance, 27(6), 994-1012. [[[exchange rate; market microstructure; order flow;
financial customer orders; volatility patterns; foreign-exchange; rate dynamics; market; microstructure;
announcements; fundamentals; trade; business, finance]]]
Fujiwara, I., Hirose, Y., & Shintani, M. (2011). Can News Be a Major Source of Aggregate Fluctuations? A
Bayesian DSGE Approach. Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 43(1), 1-29. [[[e30; e40; e50; bayesian
estimation; business cycles; news; business-cycle; monetary-policy; technology; models; shocks; growth;
rules; japan; business & economics]]]
Fujiwara, I., Hirose, Y., & Shintani, M. (2011). Can News Be a Major Source of Aggregate Fluctuations? A
Bayesian DSGE Approach. Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 43(1), 1-29. [[[e30; e40; e50; bayesian
estimation; business cycles; news; business-cycle; monetary-policy; technology; models; shocks; growth;
rules; japan; business, finance; economics]]]
Gabszewicz, J. J., Garella, P. G., & Sonnac, N. (2007). Newspapers' market shares and the theory of the circulation
spiral. Information Economics and Policy, 19(3-4), 405-413. [[[circulation spiral; newspapers' competition;
advertising; media concentration; economics]]]
Gabszewicz, J. J., Laussel, D., & Sonnac, N. (2010). The TV News Scheduling Game: When the Face of the
Newscaster Matters. Journal of Media Economics, 23(1), 17-23. [[[competition; communication;
Garrett, I., & Priestley, R. (2012). Dividend Growth, Cash Flow, and Discount Rate News. Journal of Financial
and Quantitative Analysis, 47(5), 1003-1028. [[[stock returns; variance decomposition; asymmetric
information; parameter instability; equity premium; predictability; policy; cointegration; consumption;
repurchases; business & economics]]]
Garz, M. (2013). Unemployment expectations, excessive pessimism, and news coverage. Journal of Economic
Psychology, 34, 156-168. [[[unemployment expectations; economic news coverage; pessimism; massmedia; loss aversion; bias; information; behavior; model; business & economics; psychology]]]
Gasper, J. T. (2009). Reporting for sale: the market for news coverage. Public Choice, 141(3-4), 493-508.
[[[political news; spatial model; the media; media bias; information; competition; elections; ideology;
model; economics; political science]]]
Ge, R., & Lennox, C. (2011). Do acquirers disclose good news or withhold bad news when they finance their
acquisitions using equity?. Review of Accounting Studies, 16(1), 183-217. [[[disclosure; deception;
acquisitions; management forecasts; voluntary disclosures; earnings management; discretionary disclosure;
; business & economics]]]
Gentzkow, M. (2007). Valuing new goods in a model with complementarity: Online newspapers. American
Economic Review, 97(3), 713-744. [[[empirical-analysis; discrete response; united-states; soft drinks;
demand; competition; choice; market; industry; economics]]]
Gentzkow, M., & Shapiro, J. M. (2008). Competition and truth in the market for news. Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 22(2), 133-154. [[[contracts; media; ideas; tournaments; information; reputation; goods;
scope; economics]]]
Gentzkow, M., & Shapiro, J. M. (2011). Ideological Segregation Online and Offline. Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 126(4), 1799-1839. [[[selective exposure; media bias; news; polarization; fragmentation;
competition; television; democracy; networks; turnout; business & economics]]]
George, L. (2007). What's fit to print: The effect of ownership concentration on product variety in daily newspaper
markets. Information Economics and Policy, 19(3-4), 285-303. [[[media; newspapers; ownership
concentration; monopolistic competition; welfare; economics]]]
George, L. M. (2008). The internet and the market for daily newspapers. B e Journal of Economic Analysis &
Policy, 8(1), -. [[[media; newspapers; internet; variety; differentiation; targeting; complementarity; piracy;
sales; print; ]]]
George, L. M., & Waldfogel, J. (2006). The New York Times and the market for local newspapers. American
Economic Review, 96(1), 435-447. [[[voter turnout; mail; economics]]]
Gibbs, P. L. (2003). Alternative Things Considered: A Political Economic-Analysis of Labor Processes and
Relations at a Honolulu Alternative Newspaper. Media Culture & Society, 25(5), 587+.
Giovannoni, F., & Seidmann, D. J. (2007). Secrecy, two-sided bias and the value of evidence. Games and
Economic Behavior, 59(2), 296-315. [[[secrecy; disclosure; persuasion; verifiable messages; cheap talk;
strategic information-transmission; communication; disclosure; market; firms; news; economics]]]
Gladney, G. A. (2004). Book Reviews: Don Heider's Class and News. Mass Communication and Society, 7(4),
517-521. [[social class][news][news media][mass communication][social values][working class][middle
class][capitalists][Mass Media][News Media][Social Values][Sociocultural Factors][Socioeconomic
Glende, P. M. (2012). Labor Makes the News: Newspapers, Journalism, and Organized Labor, 1933-1955.
Enterprise & Society, 13(1), 39-52. [[[business & economics; social sciences - other topics]]]
Goidel, K., Procopio, S., Terrell, D., & Wu, H. D. (2010). Sources of Economic News and Economic Expectations.
American Politics Research, 38(4), 759-777. [[[economic voting; economic news; economic evaluations;
elections; news media; broadcast news; time-series analysis; personal-experience; united-states; massmedia; ; political science]]]
Gollust, S. E., & Lantz, P. M. (2009). Communicating population health: Print news media coverage of type 2
diabetes. Social Science & Medicine, 69(7), 1091-1098. [[[population health; diabetes; media; content
analysis; health inequalities; usa; social determinants; socioeconomic-status; african-american; ; public,
environmental & occupational health; social sciences, biomedical]]]
Grafstrom, M., & Windell, K. (2012). Newcomers conserving the old: Transformation processes in the field of
news journalism. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 28(1), 65-76. [[[blogs; field of news journalism;
field transformation; online journalism; organizational field; novel field actors; institutional
entrepreneurship; organizational field; industry; discourse; events; business & economics]]]
Greene, J. T., & Watts, S. G. (1996). Price Discovery on the Nyse and the Nasdaq: The Case of Overnight and
Daytime News Releases. Financial Management, 25(1), 19-&.
Griffin, P. A., & Sun, Y. A. (2013). Going green: Market reaction to CSRwire news releases. Journal of
Accounting and Public Policy, 32(2), 93-113. [[[information asymmetry; environmental disclosures; cost;
performance; returns; firms; companies; earnings; industry; quality; business & economics; public
Griffith, A., & Rask, K. (2007). The influence of the US News and World Report collegiate rankings on the
matriculation decision of high-ability students: 1995-2004. Economics of Education Review, 26(2), 244255. [[[economics; education & educational research]]]
Gross-Klussmann, A., & Hautsch, N. (2011). When machines read the news: Using automated text analytics to
quantify high frequency news-implied market reactions. Journal of Empirical Finance, 18(2), 321-340.
[[[firm-specific news; news sentiment; high-frequency data; volatility; liquidity; abnormal returns; public
information arrival; earnings announcements; speculative markets; stock-market; volume; trade; price; time;
components; impact; business & economic
Grunberg, J., & Pallas, J. (2013). Beyond the news desk - the embeddedness of business news. Media Culture &
Society, 35(2), 216-233. [[[business news; embeddedness; financial analysts; news production; public
relations; qualitative research; organizations; consequences; journalism; reputation; communication;
Gunn, C. M., & Johri, A. (2011). News and knowledge capital. Review of Economic Dynamics, 14(1), 92-101.
[[[expectations-driven business cycles; news shocks; learning-by-doing; asset pricing; fluctuations;
industry; business & economics]]]
Gunn, C. M., & Johri, A. (2011). News and knowledge capital. Review of Economic Dynamics, 14(1), 92-101.
[[[expectations-driven business cycles; news shocks; learning-by-doing; asset pricing; fluctuations;
industry; economics]]]
Guo, S. (2011). News Shocks and the External Finance Premium. B e Journal of Macroeconomics, 11(1), -.
[[[news shocks; external finance premium; financial accelerator; nominal rigidities; bayesian dsge
approach; business-cycle; monetary-policy; models; fluctuations; prices; business & economics]]]
Guth, W., Schmidt, C., & Sutter, M. (2007). Bargaining outside the lab - A newspaper experiment of a threeperson ultimatum game. Economic Journal, 117(518), 449-469. [[[gender differences; fairness; reciprocity;
competition; auctions; ; economics]]]
Guttenplan, D. D. (2009). Britain's Winter of Discontent The grim economic news raises a stark question: is
Britain too big to fail?. Nation, 288(8), 22-24. [[[political science]]]
Haddock-Fraser, J. (2012). The Role of the News Media in Influencing Corporate Environmental Sustainable
Development: An Alternative Methodology to Assess Stakeholder Engagement. Corporate Social
Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19(6), 327-342. [[[sustainable development; environmental
responsibility; content analysis; news media; corporate; brands; consumers; uk; social-responsibility;
companies; motivations; legitimacy; consumers; ; business & economics; environmental sciences &
Haller, H. B., & Norpoth, H. (1997). Reality bites: News exposure and economic opinion. Public Opinion
Quarterly, 61(4), 555-575. [[exposure to economic news, opinion of economy, adults, conference
presentation][Economy][News Media][Public Opinion]]
Hamilton, J. T. (1995). Pollution as News: Media and Stock-Market Reactions to the Toxics Release Inventory
Data. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 28(1), 98-113.
Hammoudeh, S., & Yuan, Y. (2008). Metal volatility in presence of oil and interest rate shocks. Energy
Economics, 30(2), 606-620. [[[volatility; garch; cgarch; egarch; news impact curves; excess co-movement;
commodity prices; returns; economics]]]
Han, J., & Tan, H. T. (2010). Investors' Reactions to Management Earnings Guidance: The Joint Effect of
Investment Position, News Valence, and Guidance Form. Journal of Accounting Research, 48(1), 81-104.
[[[prior forecast accuracy; elastic justification; financial forecasts; ; business, finance]]]
Han, Y. W. (2007). High frequency perspective on jump process, long memory property and temporal aggregation:
Case of $-AUD exchange rates. Japan and the World Economy, 19(2), 248-262. [[[high frequency $-aud
exchange rate; long memory property; figarch; conditional mean jumps; bernoulli jump process; poisson
jump process; temporal aggregation; empirical-evidence; volatility; intraday; market; risk; patterns;
message; news; economics]]]
Hanlon, M., & Slemrod, J. (2009). What does tax aggressiveness signal? Evidence from stock price reactions to
news about tax shelter involvement. Journal of Public Economics, 93(1-2), 126-141. [[[tax aggressiveness;
tax shelter; market reaction; market reaction; corporate; economics]]]
Hannis, G. (2008). The New Zealand press association 1880-2006: The rise and fall of a co-operative model for
news gathering. Australian Economic History Review, 48(1), 47-67. [[[co-operatives; monopoly; new
zealand; news media; transaction costs; agricultural cooperatives; future; economics; history of social
Hao, S. Q., Jin, Q. L., & Zhang, G. C. (2011). Relative Firm Profitability and Stock Return Sensitivity to IndustryLevel News. Accounting Review, 86(4), 1321-1347. [[[relative profitability; industry-level news; return
sensitivity; industry beta; intraindustry information transfers; contrarian investment; risk; earnings;
anomalies; market; association; valuation; tests; business & economics]]]
Hao, X. T., Lee, E., & Piqueira, N. (2013). Short sales and put options: Where is the bad news first traded?.
Journal of Financial Markets, 16(2), 308-330. [[[put option; short sales; informed trading; earnings
announcements; informational role; stock-prices; volume; markets; business & economics]]]
Hardouvelis, G. A. (1988). Economic-News, Exchange-Rates and Interest-Rates. Journal of International Money
and Finance, 7(1), 23-35.
Harju, K., & Hussain, S. M. (2011). Intraday Seasonalities and Macroeconomic News Announcements. European
Financial Management, 17(2), 367-390. [[[conditional mean; conditional volatility; information spillover;
intraday seasonality; flexible fourier form; macroeconomic surprises; g14; g15; stock returns; volatility;
exchange; patterns; market; us; business & economics]]]
Harrington, D. E. (1989). Economic-News on Television: The Determinants of Coverage. Public Opinion
Quarterly, 53, 17-40.
Hautsch, N., & Hess, D. (2007). Bayesian learning in financial markets: Testing for the relevance of information
precision in price discovery. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 42(1), 189-208. [[[us treasury
market; macroeconomic news; economic-news; stock-prices; ; business, finance; economics]]]
Hautsch, N., Hess, D., & Muller, C. (2012). Price adjustment to news with uncertain precision. Journal of
International Money and Finance, 31(2), 337-355. [[[bayesian learning; macroeconomic announcements;
information quality; precision signals; us treasury market; bad-news; public-information; stock markets;
bond ; business & economics]]]
Hawkins, B. (2012). Nation, Separation and Threat: An Analysis of British Media Discourses on the European
Union Treaty Reform Process. Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(4), 561-577. [[[public support;
turkish membership; news coverage; eu; integration; euroscepticism; opinion; foreign; business &
economics; international relations; government & law]]]
Hayes, M., Ross, I. E., Gasher, M., Gutstein, D., Dunn, J. R., & Hackett, R. A. (2007). Telling stories: News
media, health literacy and public policy in Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 64(9), 1842-1852.
[[[canada; population health; public policy; news media; socio-economic environment; determinants of
health; discourse; content analysis; breast-cancer; determinants; representations; coverage; public,
environmental & occupational health; social sciences,
Hayo, B., Kutan, A. M., & Neuenkirch, M. (2012). Federal Reserve Communications and Emerging Equity
Markets. Southern Economic Journal, 78(3), 1041-1056. [[[monetary-policy; time-series; spreads; model;
volatility; return; news; business & economics]]]
Hayo, B., & Neuenkirch, M. (2012). Domestic or us News: What Drives Canadian Financial Markets?. Economic
Inquiry, 50(3), 690-706. [[[money supply announcements; volatility; inflation; prices; return; policy; model;
bank; business & economics]]]
Henry, O., Olekalns, N., & Shields, K. (2010). Sign and phase asymmetry: News, economic activity and the stock
market. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32(4), 1083-1100. [[[economics]]]
Hess, D., & Niessen, A. (2010). The Early News Catches the Attention: on the Relative Price Impact of Similar
Economic Indicators. Journal of Futures Markets, 30(10), 909-937. [[[macroeconomic announcements;
information; markets; volatility; bond; ; business, finance]]]
Hester, J. B., & Gibson, R. (2003). The Economy and 2nd-Level Agenda-Setting: A Time-Series Analysis of
Economic-News and Public-Opinion About the Economy. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,
80(1), 73-90.
Hier, S. P., & Greenberg, J. L. (2002). Constructing a discursive crisis: Risk, problematization and illegal Chinese
in Canada. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 25 (3), 490-513. [[[risk] [problematization] [Chinese] [Canada] [news
discourse] [socio-economic success] [contributing variables]]]
Ho, C. C., Huang, C. L., Lin, C. T., & Lin, G. Y. C. (2010). Managing News Coverage around Initial Public
Offerings. Financial Management, 39(1), 187-225. [[[management earnings forecasts; abnormal stock
returns; long-run ; business, finance]]]
Hoffman, A. M., Jengelley, D. H. A., Duncan, N. T., Buehler, M., & Rees, M. L. (2010). How Does the Business
of News Influence Terrorism Coverage? Evidence From The Washington Post and USA Today. Terrorism
and Political Violence, 22(4), 559-580. [[[competition; counterterrorism; economics; media; newspapers;
terrorism; media; international relations; political science]]]
Hong, S. M. (2012). Online news on Twitter: Newspapers' social media adoption and their online readership.
Information Economics and Policy, 24(1), 69-74. [[[social media; twitter; facebook; online news; digital
media; information cascades; information economics; media economics; online media institution;
aggregator; search engine; informational cascades; internet; inequality; market; model; business & econ
Horner, J. R. (2011). Clogged systems and toxic assets News metaphors, neoliberal ideology, and the United States
"Wall Street Bailout" of 2008. Journal of Language and Politics, 10(1), 29-49. [[[metaphor; public
discourse; financial crisis; neoliberalism; ideology; discourse; linguistics]]]
Hudson, H. D. (2002). Shaping Peasant Political Discourse During the New-Economic-Policy: The Newspaper
Krestianskaia Gazeta and the Case of Vladimir Ia. Journal of Social History, 36(2), 303+.
Hunt, J. (2002). The Transition in East-Germany: When Is a 10-Point Fall in the Gender Wage Gap Bad-News.
Journal of Labor Economics, 20(1), 148-169.
Ikenberry, D. L., & Ramnath, S. (2002). Underreaction to Self-Selected News Events: The Case of Stock Splits.
Review of Financial Studies, 15(2), 489-526.
Isiklar, G., Lahiri, K., & Loungani, P. (2006). How quickly do forecasters incorporate news? Evidence from crosscountry surveys. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21(6), 703-725. [[[investment performance; oecd
forecasts; rationality; consensus; accuracy; model; imf; economics; social sciences, mathematical
Ito, T., & Roley, V. V. (1987). News from the United-States and Japan: Which Moves the Yen Dollar ExchangeRate. Journal of Monetary Economics, 19(2), 255-277.
Jaimovich, N., & Rebelo, S. (2008). News and Business Cycles in Open Economies. Journal of Money Credit and
Banking, 40(8), 1699-1711. [[[open economy; news; sudden stops; models; time; business, finance;
Jaimovich, N., & Rebelo, S. (2009). Can News about the Future Drive the Business Cycle?. American Economic
Review, 99(4), 1097-1118. [[[monetary-policy; investment; models; fluctuations; expectations; adjustment;
growth; economics]]]
Jain, P. C. (1988). Response of Hourly Stock-Prices and Trading Volume to Economic-News. Journal of Business,
61(2), 219-231.
James, J., & Kasikov, K. (2008). Impact of economic data surprises on exchange rates in the inter-dealer market.
Quantitative Finance, 8(1), 5-15. [[[stock-prices; news; announcements; business, finance; economics;
mathematics, interdisciplinary applications; social sciences, mathematical methods]]]
Jay, P. (1984). The crisis for Western political economy and other essays. London: A. Deutsch. [[[b][Lg:
eng][ISBN: 0389205273][Economic policy][World politics][Television broadcasting of news]]]
Jeffrey, R. (1997). Indian Languages Newspapers.10. Kannada: We Fake It There Is Competition. Economic and
Political Weekly, 32(12), 566-570.
Jensen, K. B. (1987). News as ideology: Economic statistics and political ritual in television network news. Journal
of Communication, 37 (1), 8-27. [[[socioeconomic developments ascribed to individuals and separation of
political and economic affairs determined by discourse analysis] [network TV news programs]]]
Jiang, G. J., Konstantinidi, E., & Skiadopoulos, G. (2012). Volatility spillovers and the effect of news
announcements. Journal of Banking & Finance, 36(8), 2260-2273. [[[contagion; scheduled news
announcements; unscheduled news announcements; implied volatility; implied volatility index; volatility
spillovers; implied volatility; macroeconomic news; financial-markets; option ; business & economics]]]
Jin, G. Z., Kato, A., & List, J. A. (2010). That's News to me! Information Revelation in Professional Certification
Markets. Economic Inquiry, 48(1), 104-122. [[[bond-rating changes; product quality; selection; auctions;
adjustment; disclosure; online; lemons; knows; bias; economics]]]
Jones, C. M., Lamont, O., & Lumsdaine, R. L. (1998). Macroeconomic News and Bond Market Volatility. Journal
of Financial Economics, 47(3), 315-337.
Jong-il, K. (1993). Modern Imperialism is Based on Monopolistic Capitalism". North Korea News, 667, 3.
[[[capitalism] [economic domination of any underdeveloped country by a developed one] [korea in general]
[monopolies oligopolies and anti trust actions] [political analysis] [political theory]]]
Jorgensen, C. W., Moritzen, M. R., & Stadtmann, G. (2012). The news model of asset price determination - an
empirical examination of the Danish football club Brondby IF. Applied Economics Letters, 19(17), 17151718. [[[business & economics]]]
Ju, Y. (2008). The asymmetry in economic news coverage and its impact on public perception in South Korea.
International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 20(2), 237-249. [[[time-series analysis; television;
opinion; agenda; communication]]]
Kao, L. J., Wu, P. C., & Lee, C. F. (2012). Time-changed GARCH versus the GARJI model for prediction of
extreme news events: An empirical study. International Review of Economics & Finance, 21(1), 115-129.
[[[garji model; ex post filter; vg ngarch model; variance-gamma model; ex ante probability; stochastic
volatility; market returns; levy processes; asset returns; stock returns; jump; variance; algorithms; options;
prices; business & economics]]]
Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2011). The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about
micro-blogging. Business Horizons, 54(2), 105-113. [[[web 2.0; user-generated content; social media;
micro-blogging; twitter; ambient awareness; television; awareness; design; business & economics]]]
Kaplar, R. T., & Media Institute (Washington, D. C. (1984). Economic forecasts, election years, and the media. A
content analysis of the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, and NBC News. Washington, D.C.: Media Institute.
[[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0937790257 (pbk.)][Economic forecasting][Journalism, Commercial]]]
Karabacak, E. (2009). Acceptance of terminology sanctioned by the Turkish Language Society A study of the use
of economic terms in Turkish newspapers. Terminology, 15(2), 145-178. [[[linguistics; language &
Karnizova, L. (2012). News Shocks, Productivity and the U.S. Investment Boom-Bust Cycle. B e Journal of
Macroeconomics, 12(1), -. [[[boom-bust cycles; news shocks; investment; expectations; preferences for
wealth; business-cycle; fluctuations; expectations; recession; prices; 1990s; business & economics]]]
Kazakova, E. (2007). Wages in a growing Russia - When is a 10 per cent rise in the gender wage gap good news?.
Economics of Transition, 15(2), 365-392. [[[russia; wages; inequality; gender; transition; arrears; winners;
economy; losers; pay; economics]]]
Keil, M. W. (1993). A Model of Speculative Efficiency with News Error-Components. Applied Economics,
25(10), 1293-1300.
Kim, S., & Lee, G. (2011). Effects of Macroeconomic News Announcements on Risk-neutral Distribution:
Evidence from KOSPI200 Intraday Options Data. Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 40(3), 403-432.
[[[macroeconomic news; kospi200 index options; risk-neutral distribution; skewness; kurtosis; implied
volatility; term options; market; information; long; business & economics]]]
Kim, S. J. (1999). Do Macroeconomic News Announcements Affect the Volatility of Foreign-Exchange Rates:
Some Evidence from Australia. Applied Economics, 31(12), 1511-1521.
Kim, S. T. (2004). Mapping an economic "globalization" news paradigm: A multi-national comparative analysis.
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(3), 601-621. [[[crisis]]]
King, B. G., & Pearce, N. A. (2010). The Contentiousness of Markets: Politics, Social Movements, and
Institutional Change in Markets. Annual Review of Sociology, vol 36, 36, 249-267. [[[economic sociology;
private regulation; corporate social responsibility; resource mobilization; framing; oppositional identities;
institutional entrepreneurship; local newspaper coverage; anti-biotech movement; collective action; ;
Kliesen, K. L., & Schmid, F. A. (2006). Macroeconomic news and real interest rates. Federal Reserve Bank of st
Louis Review, 88(2), 133-143. [[[monetary-policy; economic-news; bond prices; market; business,
Knotek, E. S. (2008). Convenient prices, currency, and nominal rigidity: Theory with evidence from newspaper
prices. Journal of Monetary Economics, 55(7), 1303-1316. [[[convenient prices; price rigidity; menu costs;
newspaper pricing; sticky prices; menu costs; adjustment; money; business, finance; economics]]]
Kobayashi, K., Nakajima, T., & Inaba, M. (2012). Collateral Constraint and News-Driven Cycles. Macroeconomic
Dynamics, 16(5), 752-776. [[[news-driven cycles; collateral constraints; tobin's q; bankruptcies; businesscycle; credit cycles; agency costs; fluctuations; business & economics]]]
Kobayashi, K., & Nutahara, K. (2010). Nominal Rigidities, News-Driven Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy.
B e Journal of Macroeconomics, 10(1), -. [[[economics]]]
Koch, A. K., & Peyrache, E. (2008). Mixed up? that's good for motivation. Economic Theory, 34(1), 107-125.
[[[incentive contracts; reputation; mixed strategies; human capital; career concerns; incentive contracts;
revelation; commitment; news; economics]]]
Koedijk, K. G., & Wolff, C. C. P. (1996). Exchange-Rate Returns, News, and Risk Premia. Economics Letters,
50(1), 127-134.
Kothari, S. P., Shu, S., & Wysocki, P. D. (2009). Do Managers Withhold Bad News?. Journal of Accounting
Research, 47(1), 241-276. [[[stock option awards; discretionary disclosure; earnings forecasts; dividend
changes; future profitability; information-content; financial ; business, finance]]]
Krause, N., Newsom, J. T., & Rook, K. S. (2008). Financial strain, negative social interaction, and self-rated
health: evidence from two United States nationwide longitudinal surveys. Ageing & Society, 28(7), 10011023. [[[financial strain; negative social interaction; health; later life; psychological distress; relative
importance; older-adults; support; exchanges; stress; responses; domains; roles; gerontology]]]
Laakkonen, H., & Lanne, M. (2010). Asymmetric News Effects on Exchange Rate Volatility: Good vs. Bad News
in Good vs. Bad Times. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 14(1), -. [[[transition
autoregressive models; foreign-exchange; stock returns; ; economics; social sciences, mathematical
Lacy, S., & Blanchard, A. (2003). The impact of public ownership, profits, and competition on number of
newsroom employees and starting salaries in mid-sized daily newspapers. Journalism & Mass
Communication Quarterly, 80(4), 949-968. [[[financial performance; corporations; readers; demand;
Lacy, S., Coulson, D. C., & Martin, H. J. (2004). Ownership and barriers to entry in none-metropolitan daily
newspaper markets. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(2), 327-342. [[[public ownership;
financial performance; competition; impact; profits; corporations; model]]]
Lam, W., & Ho, K. S. (2001). Fids: An Intelligent Financial Web News Articles Digest System. Ieee Transactions
on Systems man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and Humans, 31(6), 753-762.
Lazer, W. (1986). Soviet marketing issues: A content analysis of Pravda. Journal of Business Research, 14(2), 117131. [[[content analysis of marketing issues & related topics in Soviet Pravda, 1977-81] [Content Analysis;
Marketing; Newspapers; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Advertising; Economics]]
Lee, C. H. (2007). Coordination on stocking and progressive pricing policies for a supply chain. International
Journal of Production Economics, 106(1), 307-319. [[[newsboy inventory control model; supply chain
management; pricing; channel coordination; quantity discounts; returns policies; clearance sales; newsboy
problem; demand; model; decisions; contracts; profits; engineering, industrial; engineering, manufac
Lee, C. J., Ramirez, A. S., Lewis, N., Gray, S. W., & Hornik, R. C. (2012). Looking Beyond the Internet:
Examining Socioeconomic Inequalities in Cancer Information Seeking Among Cancer Patients. Health
Communication, 27(8), 806-817. [[[health information; knowledge gap; news; disparities; behaviors; ;
communication; health care sciences & services]]]
Lee, C. M. C. (1992). Earnings News and Small Traders: An Intraday Analysis. Journal of Accounting &
Economics, 15(2-3), 265-302.
Lee, S. (1998). The Political-Economy of the Russian Newspaper Industry. Journal of Media Economics, 11(2),
Lee, Y. C. (2007). Effects of market competition on Taiwan newspaper diversity. Journal of Media Economics,
20(2), 139-156. [[[product differentiation; program diversity; television; news; networks; oligopoly;
communication; economics]]]
Leeds, M. A. (2010). Is bad news always bad? The impact of Floyd Landis's rise and fall on Phonak. Applied
Economics Letters, 17(8), 805-808. [[[event; economics]]]
Leeson, P. T. (2008). Media freedom, political knowledge, and participation. Journal of Economic Perspectives,
22(2), 155-169. [[[news; economics]]]
Levin, D., Peck, J., & Ye, L. X. (2007). Bad news can be good news: Early dropouts in an English auction with
multi-dimensional signals. Economics Letters, 95(3), 462-467. [[[english auction; multi-dimensional
signals; reversal; common values; private; economics]]]
Levintova, E. (2010). Good Neighbours?: Dominant Narratives about the 'Other' in Contemporary Polish and
Russian Newspapers. Europe-Asia Studies, 62(8), 1339-1361. [[[area studies; economics; political
Levitt, S. D., & Snyder, C. M. (1997). Is No News Bad-News: Information-Transmission and the Role of Early
Warning in the Principal-Agent Model. Rand Journal of Economics, 28(4), 641-661.
Lewison, G. (2008). The reporting of the risks from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in the news media,
2003-2004. Health Risk & Society, 10(3), 241-262. [[[sars; newspapers; risk; research; scariness; financial;
political; health; genome sequence; health-risks; communication; coronavirus; disease; ; public,
environmental & occupational health; social sciences, biomedical]]]
Li, S. C. S., Liu, Y. L., & Chen, C. H. (2007). Market competition and media performance: Reexamining the
media performance of the cable television industry in Taiwan. Journal of Media Economics, 20(3), 189210. [[[daily newspaper content; program diversity; prime-time; product ; communication; economics]]]
Lin, Y. J. (2008). Minimax distribution free procedure with backorder price discount. International Journal of
Production Economics, 111(1), 118-128. [[[backorder price discount; lead time; minimax distribution free
procedure; variable lead time; free newsboy problem; inventory models; lost sales; engineering, industrial;
engineering, manufacturing; operations research & management science]]]
Lin, Y. M., Hsu, Y. S., & Chen, S. L. (2009). Cash-flow news, market liquidity and liquidity risk. Applied
Economics, 41(9), 1137-1156. [[[expected stock returns; asset returns; variance decomposition; investment
strategies; momentum; prices; institutions; impact; economics]]]
Liu, B. F., & Kim, S. (2011). How organizations framed the 2009 H1N1 pandemic via social and traditional
media: Implications for US health communicators. Public Relations Review, 37(3), 233-244. [[[crisis
management; health communication; framing theory; social media; crisis; management; news; government;
emotions; politics; press; blogs; risk; sars; business & economics; communication]]]
Liu, F., & Song, J. S. (2012). Good and Bad News About the (S, T) Policy. M&Som-Manufacturing & Service
Operations Management, 14(1), 42-49. [[[business & economics; operations research & management
Lorenzoni, G. (2011). News and Aggregate Demand Shocks. Annual Review of Economics, vol 3, 3, 537-557.
[[[business cycles; expectations; optimal monetary-policy; business-cycle; indicator variables; social value;
information; fluctuations; expectations; announcements; capacity; growth; business & economics]]]
Love, R., & Payne, R. (2008). Macroeconomic news, order flows, and exchange rates. Journal of Financial and
Quantitative Analysis, 43(2), 467-488. [[[us treasury market; foreign-exchange; rate dynamics; information;
announcements; volatility; liquidity; dollar; trade; business, finance; economics]]]
Lowrey, W. (2006). Cognitive shortcuts, the constraints of commitment, and managers' attitudes about newspaperTV partnerships. Journal of Media Economics, 19(4), 241-258. [[[decision-making; institutional
isomorphism; strategic alliances; joint ventures; news; rationality; television; editors; threat;
communication; economics]]]
Lowry, D. T. (2008). Network tv News Framing of Good vs. bad Economic News Under Democrat and
Republican Presidents: a Lexical Analysis of Political Bias. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,
85(3), 483-498. [[[media; perceptions; communication]]]
Luca, M., & Smith, J. (2013). Salience in Quality Disclosure: Evidence From the U.s. News College Rankings.
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 22(1), 58-77. [[[world-report; business & economics]]]
Lupu, I., & Dumitrescu, D. G. (2010). Stock Market Reaction to News on Macroeconomic Growth. an Event
Study Analysis at the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Transformations in Business & Economics, 9(1), 361376. [[[economic growth; stock markets; financial development; romania; environment; investment; returns;
finance; models; business; economics]]]
Lustig, H., & Van Nieuwerburgh, S. (2008). The returns on human capital: Good news on wall street is bad news
on main street. Review of Financial Studies, 21(5), 2097-2137. [[[international diversification puzzle;
expected stock returns; asset ; business, finance]]]
Ma, S. (1996). The Role of Power Struggle and Economic Changes in the "Heshang Phenomenon" in China.
Modern Asian Studies, 30(1), 29-50. [[[censorship] [china in general] [cultural patterns] [ideology] [mass
media newspapers magazines tv radio etc.] [political culture]]]
Ma, Z. M., Pant, G., & Sheng, O. R. L. (2011). Mining competitor relationships from online news: A networkbased approach. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(4), 418-427. [[[web mining;
classification in networked data; competitor discovery; business news; social networks; embeddedness;
classifiers; centrality; induction; web; business & economics; computer science]]]
Mac-Dougall, A. K. (1988). Boring From Within the Bourgeois Press: Part ii. Monthly Review, 40(7), 10-24.
[[[communications industry] [economic analysis] [mass media newspapers magazines tv radio etc.]
[political culture] [political protest] [press journalism]]]
MacDonald, R., & Ta, G. (1987). The Singapore Dollar: Tests of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis and the Role of
News. Applied Economics, 19(5), 569-579.
MacDonald, R., & Torrance, T. S. (1988). Covered Interest Parity and UK Monetary News. Economics Letters,
26(1), 53-56.
MacDonald, R., & Torrance, T. S. (1988). Exchange-Rates and the News: Some Evidence Using UK Survey Data.
Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 56(1), 69-76.
Mackenzie, H. (1999). Sinews of War and Peace: The Politics of Economic-Aid to Britain, 1939-1945.
International Journal, 54(4), 648-670.
Madianou, M. (2005). Mediating the nation. News, audiences and the politics of identity. London Portland, Or.:
UCL Press Cavendish Publishing. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 1844720284 (pbk.)][Mass media][Consumption
(Economics)][Identity (Psychology) and mass media][Mass media and anthropology]]]
Maietta, O. W., & Sena, V. (2008). Is competition really bad news for cooperatives? Some empirical evidence for
Italian producers' cooperatives. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 29(3), 221-233. [[[producers'
cooperatives; technical efficiency; market share; efficiency; firms; participation; productivity; business;
economics; social sciences, mathematical methods]]]
Markes, J. P., Reed, W., Colby, K., & Ibrahim, S. A. (2004). A Culturally Competent Approach to Cancer News
and Education in an Inner City Community: Focus Group Findings. Journal of Health Communication, 9
(2), 143-157. [[[cancers news] [cancer education] [culturally competent approach] [inner city community]
[ethnic minorities] [socioeconomically disenfranchised communities] [health problems] [cancer]]]
Marshall, A., Musayev, T., Pinto, H., & Tang, L. L. (2012). Impact of news announcements on the foreign
exchange implied volatility. Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money, 22(4), 719737. [[[implied volatility; news announcements; foreign exchange; central bank intervention;
macroeconomic announcements; monetary-policy; market; rates; information; movements; business &
Martens, M., van Dijk, D., & de Pooter, M. (2009). Forecasting S&P 500 volatility: Long memory, level shifts,
leverage effects, day-of-the-week seasonality, and macroeconomic announcements. International Journal of
Forecasting, 25(2), 282-303. [[[realized volatility; long memory; day-of-the-week effect; leverage effect;
volatility forecasting; model confidence set; macroeconomic news announcements; time price discovery;
high-frequency data; microstructure noise; return volatility; realized vari
Martin, H. J., & Souder, L. (2009). Interdependence in Media Economics: Ethical Implications of the Economic
Characteristics of News. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 24(2-3), 127-145. [[[daily newspapers;
communication; ethics]]]
Masulis, R. W., & Shivakumar, L. (2002). Does Market-Structure Affect the Immediacy of Stock-Price Responses
to News. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 37(4), 617-648.
Matsumoto, A., Cova, P., Pisani, M., & Rebucci, A. (2011). News shocks and asset price volatility in general
equilibrium. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 35(12), 2132-2149. [[[news shocks; equity prices;
productivity; monetary policy; asset price volatility; real exchange-rate; monetary-policy; business-cycle;
fluctuations; returns; puzzle; sticky; models; business & economics]]]
Mazzocchi, M. (2006). No news is good news: Stochastic parameters versus media coverage indices in demand
models after food scares. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(3), 727-741. [[[food safety
information; forecasting; kalman filter; time-varying parameters; meat demand; information; system;
impact; contamination; preferences; welfare; bse; agricultural economics & policy; economics]]]
McDevitt, M., & Chaffee, S. (2000). Closing gaps in political communication and knowledge: Effects of a school
intervention. Communication Research, 27(3), 259-292. [[civics curriculum, news media use & political
knowledge & communication, high vs low SES 5th-12th graders & their
parents][Communication][Curriculum][Knowledge Level][Politics][Socioeconomic Status]]
McDonald, M., Suleman, O., Williams, S., Howison, S., & Johnson, N. F. (2008). Impact of unexpected events,
shocking news, and rumors on foreign exchange market dynamics. Physical Review e, 77(2)(4), -.
[[[correlation-based networks; financial-markets; stock-prices; asset trees; information; volatility; us;
physics, fluids & plasmas; physics, mathematical]]]
McKenzie, C. T., Lowrey, W., Hays, H., Chung, J. Y., & Woo, C. W. (2011). Listening to News Audiences: The
Impact of Community Structure and Economic Factors. Mass Communication and Society, 14(3), 375-395.
[[[daily newspapers; ownership; competition; pluralism; business; views; press; communication]]]
McQueen, G., & Roley, V. V. (1993). Stock-Prices, News, and Business Conditions. Review of Financial Studies,
6(3), 683-707.
Meehan, E. R. (2005). Big Media, Big Money: Cultural Texts and Political Economics. Journal of Communication,
55(4), 876-877. [[political economics][cultural texts][media][money][Culture
(Anthropological)][Economics][Money][News Media][Politics]]
Mian, G. M., & Sankaraguruswamy, S. (2012). Investor Sentiment and Stock Market Response to Earnings News.
Accounting Review, 87(4), 1357-1384. [[[investor sentiment; corporate news; event studies; behavioral
finance; behavioral finance; bad-news; returns; expectations; analyst; prices; ; business & economics]]]
Miles, B., & Morse, S. (2007). The role of news media in natural disaster risk and recovery. Ecological
Economics, 63(2-3), 365-373. [[[ecology; economics; environmental sciences; environmental studies]]]
Miller, E. (1994). Economic Regulation and the Social Contract: An Appraisal of Recent Developments in the
Social Control of Telecommunications. Journal of Economic Issues, 28(3), 799-818. [[[communications]
[economics] [ideology] [mass media newspapers magazines tv radio etc.] [public policy] [regulation and
regulatory policy]]]
Min, B. K., & Kim, T. S. (2012). Are good-news firms riskier than bad-news firms?. Journal of Banking &
Finance, 36(5), 1528-1535. [[[post-earnings-announcement drift; stochastic discount factor; market
efficiency; earnings-announcement drift; stochastic discount factors; cross-section; ; business &
Mirus, R. (1991). Exchange-Rate Variability and News: Lessons from the 1988 Election in Canada.
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv-Review of World Economics, 127(3), 584-593.
Montrucchio, L., & Scarsini, M. (2007). Large newsvendor games. Games and Economic Behavior, 58(2), 316337. [[[newsvendor games; nonatomic games; core; balanced games; inventory models; cores; allocation;
centralization; continuum; ; economics]]]
Moosa, I. A. (2002). A Test of the News Model of Exchange-Rates. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv-Review of World
Economics, 138(4), 694-710.
Muehlfeld, K., Sahib, P. R., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2007). Completion or abandonment of mergers and
acquisitions: Evidence from the newspaper industry, 1981-2000. Journal of Media Economics, 20(2), 107137. [[[public ownership; financial performance; structural-analysis; investor sentiment; corporate-control;
market-structure; agency costs; bank ; communication; economics]]]
Muehlfeld, K., Sahib, P. R., & Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2012). A contextual theory of organizational learning from
failures and successes: A study of acquisition completion in the global newspaper industry, 1981-2008.
Strategic Management Journal, 33(8), 938-964. [[[organizational learning; experiential learning;
contextualization; acquisition completion; newspaper industry; m-and-a; corporate acquisitions; financial
performance; mergers; ; business & economics]]]
Mun, M., & Brooks, R. (2012). The roles of news and volatility in stock market correlations during the global
financial crisis. Emerging Markets Review, 13(1), 1-7. [[[news; volatility; global financial crisis; models;
business & economics]]]
Murphy, J. D., & Power, N. (2007). A technical, economic, and environmental analysis of energy production from
newspaper in Ireland. Waste Management, 27(2), 177-192. [[[ethanol-production; transport fuel; waste;
engineering, environmental; environmental sciences]]]
Murthy, D. V. R. (2001). Developmental journalism. New Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distributors. [[[b][Lg:
eng][ISBN: 818733696X][Journalism][Communication in economic development][Newspapers]]]
Musci, A. (2002). La quarta guerra mondiale. Finanza, globalizzazione e terrorismo dopo Ground Zero. Roma:
Datanews. [[[b][Terrorism][Globalization][International economic relations]]]
Myers, B., Kwon, W. S., & Forsythe, S. (2012). Creating Effective Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns: The
Role of Cause-Brand Fit, Campaign News Source, and Perceived Motivations. Clothing and Textiles
Research Journal, 30(3), 167-182. [[[brand; attitude; social responsibility; cause; marketing; fit; motivation;
sustainability; consumer behavior; corporate social-responsibility; consumer attributions; impact; ; business
& economics; social sciences - other topics]]]
Nadeau, R., Niemi, R. G., Fan, D. P., & Amato, T. (1999). Elite Economic Forecasts, Economic-News, Mass
Economic Judgments, and Presidential Approval. Journal of Politics, 61(1), 109-135.
Nautz, D., & Wolters, J. (1999). The Response of Long-Term Interest-Rates to News About Monetary-Policy
Actions: Empirical-Evidence for the Us and Germany. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv-Review of World
Economics, 135(3), 397-412.
Neuman, W. R. (1976). Patterns of recall among television news viewers. Public Opinion Quarterly, 40 (1), 115123. [[[socioeconomic status and educational background] [acquisition of information through television
news viewing and recall patterns]]]
Newsom, J. T., Mahan, T. L., Rook, K. S., & Krause, N. (2008). Stable negative social exchanges and health.
Health Psychology, 27(1), 78-86. [[[negative social exchanges; negative interactions; stress; health; older
adults; coronary heart-disease; mental-health; relationship satisfaction; socioeconomic-status; relative
importance; immune function; chronic ; psychology, clinical; psychology]]]
Niederdeppe, J. (2008). Beyond knowledge gaps: Examining socioeconomic differences in response to cancer
news. Human Communication Research, 34(3), 423-447. [[[information-seeking; media coverage; mass
media; health; impact; ; communication]]]
Nikkinen, J., Sahlstrom, P., & Aijo, J. (2007). Turn-of-the-month and intramonth effects: Explanation from the
important macroeconomic news announcements. Journal of Futures Markets, 27(2), 105-126. [[[stockmarket volatility; implied volatility; information-content; ; business, finance]]]
Nilssen, T., & Sorgard, L. (1998). Time Schedule and Program Profile: TV-News in Norway and Denmark.
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 7(2), 209-235.
Nofsinger, J. R., & Prucyk, B. (2003). Option Volume and Volatility Response to Scheduled Economic-News
Releases. Journal of Futures Markets, 23(4), 315-345.
Nutahara, K. (2010). Internal and external habits and news-driven business cycles. Economics Letters, 107(2),
300-303. [[[economics]]]
Oates, S. (2006). Framing fear: Findings from a study of election news and terrorist threat in Russia. Europe-Asia
Studies, 58(2), 281-290. [[[area studies; economics; political science]]]
Oberholzer-Gee, F., & Waldfogel, J. (2009). Media Markets and Localism: Does Local News en Espanol Boost
Hispanic Voter Turnout?. American Economic Review, 99(5), 2120-2128. [[[political-participation;
elections; mobilization; information; television; economics]]]
Oberlechner, T., & Hocking, S. (2004). Information sources, news, and rumors in financial markets: Insights into
the foreign exchange market. Journal of Economic Psychology, 25(3), 407-424. [[financial
markets][information sources][foreign exchange market][circular pattern][news][rumors][market
information processing][news media technology][news speed][news accuracy][Business and Industrial
Personnel][Cognitive Processes][Decision Making][Gossip][News Media]]
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. (1991). Nuclear energy. Communicating with the public.. Paris Washington, D.C.:
Nuclear Energy Agency Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development Distributed by OECD
Publications and Information Center. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 9264134565][Television broadcasting of
news][Nuclear energy on television][Nuclear warfare on television]]]
Offick, S., & Wohltmann, H. W. (2013). News shocks, nonfundamentalness and volatility. Economics Letters,
119(1), 17-19. [[[news shock; nonfundamentalness; cyclotomic polynomial; business cycles; business &
Onder, Z., & Simga-Mugan, C. (2006). How do political and economic news affect emerging markets? Evidence
from Argentina and Turkey. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 42(4), 50-77. [[[emerging markets;
political and economic news; volatility and volume; stock-prices; public information; diversification;
volatility; linkages; benefits; funds; risk; business; economics; international relations]]]
Ortoleva, P. (2012). Modeling the Change of Paradigm: Non-Bayesian Reactions to Unexpected News. American
Economic Review, 102(6), 2410-2436. [[[subjective-probability; investor psychology; signaling games;
hot-hand; ; business & economics]]]
Ozatay, F., Ozmen, E., & Sahinbeyogu, G. (2009). Emerging market sovereign spreads, global financial conditions
and US macroeconomic news. Economic Modelling, 26(2), 526-531. [[[bond spreads; emerging markets;
macroeconomic news; interest-rates; heterogeneous panels; economic-news; cointegration; stock; tests;
prices; bond; economics]]]
Pasquariello, P., & Vega, C. (2007). Informed and strategic order flow in the bond markets. Review of Financial
Studies, 20(6), 1975-2019. [[[us treasury market; public information; price discovery; announcements;
liquidity; volatility; forecasts; volume; news; microstructure; business, finance]]]
Patton, A. J., & Verardo, M. (2012). Does Beta Move with News? Firm-Specific Information Flows and Learning
about Profitability. Review of Financial Studies, 25(9), 2789-2839. [[[g14; g12; c32; earnings response
coefficients; stock return comovements; time price ; business & economics]]]
Pavlov, O., & Weder, M. (2013). Countercyclical markups and news-driven business cycles. Review of Economic
Dynamics, 16(2), 371-382. [[[expectations-driven business cycles; markups; increasing returns;
monopolistic competition; production externalities; fluctuations; expectations; scale; economies; models;
business & economics]]]
Peksen, D. (2010). Coercive Diplomacy and Press Freedom: An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Economic
Sanctions on Media Openness. International Political Science Review, 31(4), 449-469. [[[foreign policy
analysis; economic sanctions; press freedom; coercive diplomacy; international politics; foreign-policy;
democracy; peace; news; hand; political science]]]
Penman, S. H. (1987). The Distribution of Earnings News over Time and Seasonalities in Aggregate Stock
Returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 18(2), 199-228.
Perez-Rodriguez, J. V., & Valcarcel, B. G. L. (2012). Do product innovation and news about the R&D process
produce large price changes and overreaction? The case of pharmaceutical stock prices. Applied
Economics, 44(17), 2217-2229. [[[abnormal daily returns; stock prices; garch; pharmaceutical;
biotechnology; clinical trials; fda approvals; market valuation; introductions; returns; impact; firms;
profitability; ; business & economics]]]
Petrova, M. (2008). Inequality and media capture. Journal of Public Economics, 92(1-2), 183-212. [[[inequality;
redistribution; public goods; mass media; redistributive politics; corruption; government; fairness; market;
poor; bias; news; rich; economics]]]
Phillips, A. O., Roberts, N., & Benjamin, S. A. (1999). Political communication through newspaper advertisement.
The case of the 1999 presidental election in Nigeria. Ibadan: Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic
Research. [[[b][Presidents][Communication in politics][Press and politics]]]
Phillips, R. J. (1988). War News and Black-Market Exchange-Rate Deviations from Purchasing Power Parity:
Wartime South-Vietnam. Journal of International Economics, 25(3-4), 373-378.
Pleeter, S., & Way, P. K. (1993). Economics in the news. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. [[[Economics/Problems,
exercises, etc.] [Economic forecasting/Problems, exercises, etc.] [b]]]
Pohl, H., Colyer, J., Fisher, B., & Harrison, M. (1998). News in review: November 1998. Toronto, Ont.: CBC,
Non-Broadcast Sales. [[[b] [Education; Education and state; Educational sociology; Education; Albanians;
Albanians; Free trade; Free trade; Bank mergers; Banks and banking; Consolidation and merger of
corporations; Financial institutions; Video recordings for the]]]
Poitras, M., & Sutter, D. (2009). Advertiser pressure and control of the news: The decline of muckraking revisited.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 72(3), 944-958. [[[media bias; advertiser influence;
muckraking; progressive era; media bias; economics]]]
Political and economic planning press group. (1938). Report on the British press. A survey of its current operations
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[[[b][Lg: eng][Press][English newspapers][Journalism]]]
Powers, A. (2001). Toward Monopolistic Competition in Us Local Television-News. Journal of Media Economics,
14(2), 77-86.
Price, C. J. (2003). Interfering Owners or Meddling Advertisers: How Network Television-News Correspondents
Feel About Ownership and Advertiser Influence on News Stories. Journal of Media Economics, 16(3), 175188.
Pruitt, S. W., & Hoffer, G. E. (1989). Economic-News As a Consumer Product: An Analysis of the Effects of
Alternative Media Sources on the Formation of Consumer Economic Expectations. Journal of Consumer
Policy, 12(1), 59-69.
Ramchander, S., Simpson, M. W., & Webb, J. R. (2003). Macroeconomic News and Mortgage Rates. Journal of
Real Estate Finance and Economics, 27(3), 355-377.
Ramirez, C. D., & Rong, R. (2012). China Bashing: Does Trade Drive the "Bad" News about China in the USA?.
Review of International Economics, 20(2), 350-363. [[[media bias; business & economics]]]
Ray, S. (2007). And now for the good news. A mega-dose of positive news to inform, inspire, and fill you with
optimism. Needham, Mass.: Moment Point Press. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 9781930491137 (pbk. : alk.
paper)][Youth][Social history][Economic history][Sustainable development][Environmental
protection][Social values][Optimism]]]
Rebitzky, R. R. (2010). The Influence of Fundamentals on Exchange Rates: Findings From Analyses of News
Effects. Journal of Economic Surveys, 24(4), 680-704. [[[exchange rates; fundamentals; market efficiency;
news effects; time price discovery; foreign-exchange; united-states; rational-expectations; rate dynamics;
rate models; macroeconomic announcements; financial-markets; monetary-policy; rate volatility; e
Reese, S. D., Daly, J. A., & Hardy, A. P. (1987). Economic-News on Network Television. Journalism Quarterly,
64, 137-144.
Reeves, A., & Gimpel, J. G. (2012). Ecologies of Unease: Geographic Context and National Economic
Evaluations. Political Behavior, 34(3), 507-534. [[[economic voting; presidential elections; economic
evaluations; political geography; presidential-election; political context; television-news; impact; ;
government & law]]]
Reich, Z. (2012). Different Practices, Similar Logic: Comparing News Reporting across Political, Financial, and
Territorial Beats. International Journal of Press-Politics, 17(1), 76-99. [[[news gathering; news production;
news reporting; news work; professionalism; reporters; public-relations; media; journalism; patterns;
communication; government & law]]]
Reinikka, R., & Svensson, J. (2005). Fighting corruption to improve schooling: Evidence from a newspaper
campaign in Uganda. Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(2-3), 259-267. [[[education;
program; economics]]]
Romer, D. (1993). Rational Asset-Price Movements Without News. American Economic Review, 83(5), 11121130.
Rosa, C. (2011). Words that shake traders The stock market's reaction to central bank communication in real time.
Journal of Empirical Finance, 18(5), 915-934. [[[us federal reserve; central bank communication; monetary
policy and news shocks; high-frequency data; stock market; generalized empirical likelihood; monetarypolicy rules; structural-change; foreign-exchange; price ; business & economics]]]
Rothbaum, F., Martland, N., & Jannsen, J. B. (2008). Parents' reliance on the Web to find information about
children and families: Socio-economic differences in use, skills and satisfaction. Journal of Applied
Developmental Psychology, 29(2), 118-128. [[[digital divide; evaluation of web information; evaluation of
internet information; parent web skills; parent internet skills; parent searching skills; parents' use of the
web; age-paced newsletters; psychology, developmental]]]
Rothmyer, K. (2010). Brace Yourself: Good News on Africa A recent economic study rejects the conventional
depiction of the continent as a basket case. Nation, 290(24), 22-+. [[[political science]]]
Sabherwal, S., Sarkar, S. K., & Zhang, Y. (2011). Do Internet Stock Message Boards Influence Trading? Evidence
from Heavily Discussed Stocks with No Fundamental News. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting,
38(9-10), 1209-1237. [[[internet stock message board; online trading; investor sentiment; noise trader; naive
bayesian; text classifier; price manipulation; returns; market; investor; information; sentiment; behavior;
finance; volume; noise; business & economics]]]
Sanchezfung, J. R. (2003). Nonlinear Modeling of Daily Exchange-Rate Returns, Volatility, and News in a Small
Developing-Economy. Applied Economics Letters, 10(4), 247-250.
Sanders, D., & Gavin, N. (2004). Television news, economic perceptions and political preferences in Britain,
1997-2001. Journal of Politics, 66(4), 1245-1266. [[[government popularity; general-election; united-states;
approval; ]]]
Scheufele, B., Haas, A., & Brosius, H. B. (2011). Mirror or Molder? A Study of Media Coverage, Stock Prices,
and Trading Volumes in Germany. Journal of Communication, 61(1), 48-70. [[[economic-news;
communication; market; impact; announcements; information; judgment; finance; crash; communication]]]
Schleicher, T. (2012). When is good news really good news?. Accounting and Business Research, 42(5), 547-573.
[[[impression management; narratives; selectivity; signalling; vagueness; information-content; disclosure;
management; credibility; forecasts; business & economics]]]
Schmidbauer, H., & Rosch, A. (2012). OPEC news announcements: Effects on oil price expectation and volatility.
Energy Economics, 34(5), 1656-1663. [[[crude oil price volatility; garch; covariates; modified dummy
variables; opec announcements; wti crude oil; cartel hypothesis; business & economics]]]
Schmitt-Grohe, S., & Uribe, M. (2012). What's News in Business Cycles. Econometrica, 80(6), 2733-2764.
[[[anticipated shocks; sources of aggregate fluctuations; bayesian estimation; monetary-policy; shocks;
models; investment; output; business & economics; mathematics; mathematical methods in social
Schultz, F., Kleinnijenhuis, J., Oegema, D., Utz, S., & van Atteveldt, W. (2012). Strategic framing in the BP crisis:
A semantic network analysis of associative frames. Public Relations Review, 38(1), 97-107. [[[strategic
framing; network analysis; crisis communication; network agenda building; associative frames; third-order
agenda building; response strategies; media; news; communication; issue; power; business & economics;
Schultz, F., Kleinnijenhuis, J., Oegema, D., Utz, S., & van Atteveldt, W. (2012). Strategic framing in the BP crisis:
A semantic network analysis of associative frames. Public Relations Review, 38(1), 97-107. [[[strategic
framing; network analysis; crisis communication; network agenda building; associative frames; third-order
agenda building; response strategies; media; news; communication; issue; story; power; business &
economics; communication]]]
Schumaker, R. P., & Chen, H. C. (2009). A quantitative stock prediction system based on financial news.
Information Processing & Management, 45(5), 571-583. [[[knowledge management; prediction from textual
documents; quantitative funds; market; strategies; momentum; computer science, information systems;
information science & library science]]]
Schumaker, R. P., & Chen, H. C. (2009). Textual Analysis of Stock Market Prediction Using Breaking Financial
News: The AZFinText System. Acm Transactions on Information Systems, 27(2), -. [[[algorithms; design;
experimentation; measurement; performance; svm; stock market; prediction; support vector machines;
computer science, information systems]]]
Schumaker, R. P., Zhang, Y. L., Huang, C. N., & Chen, H. C. (2012). Evaluating sentiment in financial news
articles. Decision Support Systems, 53(3), 458-464. [[[business intelligence; text mining; financial
prediction; sentiment analysis; stock-market; talk; text; computer science; operations research &
management science]]]
Schwann, G. M., & Chau, K. W. (2003). News Effects and Structural Shifts in Price Discovery in Hong-Kong.
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 27(2), 257-271.
Scott, J., Stumpp, M., & Xu, P. (2003). News, Not Trading Volume, Builds Momentum. Financial Analysts
Journal, 59(2), 45+.
Segerson, K., & Miceli, T. J. (1998). Voluntary Environmental Agreements: Good or Bad-News for
Environmental-Protection. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 36(2), 109-130.
Shah, D. V., Watts, M. D., Domke, D., Fan, D. P., & Fibison, M. (1999). News Coverage, Economic Cues, and the
Publics Presidential Preferences, 1984-1996. Journal of Politics, 61(4), 914-943.
Sheafer, T. (2008). The media and economic voting in Israel. International Journal of Public Opinion Research,
20(1), 33-51. [[[political context; personal-experience; prospect-theory; news coverage; united-states; massmedia; agenda; elections; competition; popularity; communication]]]
Shin, H. S. (1994). News Management and the Value of Firms. Rand Journal of Economics, 25(1), 58-71.
Simpson, M. W., Ramchander, S., & Webb, J. R. (2007). The asymmetric response of equity REIT returns to
inflation. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 34(4), 513-529. [[[reits; inflation; asymmetry;
pooled estimation; real-estate; business conditions; macroeconomic news; interest-rates; business, finance;
economics; urban studies]]]
Sivakumar, K., & Waymire, G. (1994). Insider Trading Following Material News Events: Evidence from Earnings.
Financial Management, 23(1), 23-32.
Slovin, M. B., Sushka, M. E., & Waller, E. R. (1994). Is There News in the Prime Rate. Journal of Financial and
Quantitative Analysis, 29(4), 633-646.
Smales, L. A. (2012). RBA monetary policy communication: The response of Australian interest rate futures to
changes in RBA monetary policy. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 20(5), 793-808. [[[futures markets;
monetary policy; interest rates; rba; international financial markets; market interest-rates; federal-reserve;
stock-market; announcements; surprises; volatility; exchange; news; business & economics]]]
Smith, T. J., & Media Institute (Washington, D. C. (1988). The vanishing economy. Television coverage of
economic affairs, 1982-1987. Washington, D.C.: Media Institute. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN:
0937790389][Television broadcasting of news][Journalism, Commercial][Public opinion]]]
Sorge, M. M. (2012). News shocks or parametric indeterminacy? An observational equivalence result in linear
rational expectations models. Economics Letters, 114(2), 198-200. [[[rational expectations; news shocks;
parametric indeterminacy; observational equivalence; us monetary-policy; prices; business & economics]]]
Soroka, S. N. (2006). Good news and bad news: Asymmetric responses to economic information. Journal of
Politics, 68(2), 372-385. [[[impression-formation; mass-media; presidential popularity; government ;
political science]]]
Stadtmann, G. (2006). Frequent news and pure signals: The case of a publicly traded football club. Scottish Journal
of Political Economy, 53(4), 485-504. [[[news model; football industry; betting odds; stock market; market
efficiency; event study; information; demand; economics; political science]]]
Stancik, J. (2007). Determinants of exchange-rate volatility: The case of the new EU members. Finance a UverCzech Journal of Economics and Finance, 57(9-10), 414-432. [[[trade-flows; news; countries; exports;
models; business, finance]]]
Starr, M. A. (2012). Consumption, Sentiment, and Economic News. Economic Inquiry, 50(4), 1097-1111. [[[real
business-cycle; consumer confidence; monetary-policy; animal ; business & economics]]]
Steyn, E., & Steyn, T. F. J. (2006). Managerial competencies among first-line newsroom managers at small to
medium-sized mainstream media enterprises in South Africa. South African Journal of Economic and
Management Sciences, 9(3), 322-340. [[[economics; management]]]
Stone, D. F. (2011). Ideological media bias. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 78(3), 256-271.
[[[media bias; media competition; ideological bias; bias blind spot; hostile media phenomenon; perceptions;
news; information; competition; market; business & economics]]]
Strohhecker, J., & Grossler, A. (2013). Do personal traits influence inventory management performance?-The case
of intelligence, personality, interest and knowledge. International Journal of Production Economics, 142(1),
37-50. [[[inventory management; personal traits; ppik theory; stock control; experiment; dynamic decisionmaking; systems thinking inventory; newsvendor problem; ; engineering; operations research &
management science]]]
Sumner, D. A., & Mueller, R. A. E. (1989). Are Harvest Forecasts News: USDA Announcements and Futures
Market Reactions. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71(1), 1-8.
Sutter, D. (2012). Is the media liberal? An indirect test using news magazine circulation. Applied Economics,
44(27), 3521-3532. [[[news media; magazines; media bias; first amendment; bias; market; business &
Sutter, D. (2012). Mechanisms of Liberal Bias in the News Media versus the Academy. Independent Review,
16(3), 399-415. [[[higher-education; economics; market; politics; business & economics; government &
Swaray, R. (2007). How did the demise of international commodity agreements affect volatility of primary
commodity prices?. Applied Economics, 39(17), 2253-2260. [[[uk stock-market; returns; impact; news;
Swinnen, J. F. M., Squicciarini, P., & Vandemoortele, T. (2011). The food crisis, mass media and the political
economy of policy analysis and communication. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 38(3), 409426. [[[food prices; political economy; bias; ngos; intergovernmental organisations; mass media; security;
news; agriculture; business & economics]]]
Tanner, G. (1997). A Note on Economic-News and Intraday Exchange-Rates. Journal of Banking & Finance,
21(4), 573-585.
Temple, J. (1998). Central Bank Independence and Inflation: Good-News and Bad-News. Economics Letters,
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