Ref:Training/Oracle 11g/39 date:30/10/2015 Subject: - Invitation for sealed quotations/proposal for Training in Oracle 11g SQL/PLSQL, Forms and Reports The office of the Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement) Maharashtra-I, Mumbai 400020 here in after referred to as ‘OFFICE’ invites proposal from reputed vendors for imparting training in Oracle 11g (SQL/PLSQL, Forms and Reports) and Oracle 11g DBA . The details of the courses to be conducted, tentative number of participants and the approximate duration of the course are given below: Option –I Training conducted at Vendor choice of venue, preferably near office area for 3 hours, (Monday to Friday-9.30 am to 12.30 pm) Course Modules Developers Course Oracle SQL Oracle PL SQL Oracle Forms & Reports DBA Course No of days @ Half day session per day 8-10 days of 3 hours each 10-12 days of 3 hours each 12-15 days of 3 hours each 18-20 days of 3 hours each Option –II Training conducted at In-house Training Room for 3 hours (Monday to Friday-9.30 am to 12.30 pm) Course Modules Developers Course Oracle SQL Oracle PL SQL Oracle Forms & Reports DBA Course No of days @ Half day sessions per day 8-10 days of 3 hours each 10-12 days of 3 hours each 12-15 days of 3 hours each 18-20 days of 3 hours each Terms and Conditions: i. Course Fees per participant (approximately 15 per course) may be quoted inclusive of all Taxes. ii. Indicative Course topics to be covered have been enumerated in the Annexure; any change/modification may be communicated in the tender proposal iii. The course should also include practical sessions with reference to the existing database of VLC/GPF/Pension containing over 1000 tables in Oracle 10g/11g iv. The DBA course should include Linux 5.6 installation, Trouble shooting along with the Oracle 10g/11g installation and fine tuning. v. Any disruption in the training due to any reason will be compensated by providing extra training hours. vi. Complete profile of the trainers will be provided in the proposal. During course of training, if their services are found unsatisfactory, suitable replacement to be provided by the vendor as per Office suggestion. vii. At the end of the Course, tests to be conducted and certificates to be given to Trainees viii. In case of Option II, desktops, projector will be provided by the Office. The vendor will have to provide Oracle Server of good configuration to enable import test data of VLC/GPF/Pension database for practical sessions. ix. Tea to be provided by the vendor during tea break in case of Option -1 x. Full payment will be made on satisfactory completion of the course. xi. Detailed proposal in sealed envelope should reach the undersigned on or before 07-12-2015. xii. In case of any clarification, please contact Shri I M Bharmal Sr. AO 022-22039680 extn 438 – mobile 09820145152 Sd/Deputy Accountant General सत्यमेव जयतेo भारतीय लेखा तथा लेखापरीक्षा ववभाग INDIAN AUDIT & ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT प्रधान महालेखाकार का कायाालय(लेखा व हकदारी)-I, महाराष्ट्रÅ OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT GENERAL (ACCOUNTS & ENTITLEMENT)-I, MAHARASHTRA, दस ू री मंजजल, प्रततष्ट्ठा भवन, न्यू मरीन ला्न्स, 1,1, महव ा कवम मागा, मबं ्-4,, ,2,. SECOND FLOOR, PRATISHTHA BHAVAN, NEW MARINE LINES, 101, MAHARSHI KARVE ROAD, MUMBAI – 400 020. Telephone: (022)–22039680. FAX: 22086984. e - m a i l : a g a e M a h a r a s h t r a 1 @ c a g . g o v . i n W e b s i t e : h t t p : / / a g m a h a . c a g . g o v . i n सं. प्रशिक्षण/Oracle 11g/39 ददनांक: 30/10/2,15 विषय :- Oracle 11g SQL/PLSQL, FORMS & REPORTS में प्रशिक्षण हे तु मोहरबंद कॉटे िन/प्रस्ताि के शिए आमंत्रण महालेखाकार (लेखा व हकदारी) महाराष्ट्र –I, मबं ् 4,, ,2, कायाालय Oracle 11g (SQL/PLSQL, FORMS & REPORTS) और Oracle 11g DBA में प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करने हे तब प्रततजष्ट्ठत वें डरों से मोहर द ं कॉटे िन/प्रस्ताव आमंत्रित करता है । अपेक्षक्षत प्रशिक्षण, प्रततभागगयों की अनंततम संख्या और प्रशिक्षण की अनम ं ी ब्यौरें तनम्नशलखखत है :ब ातनत अवगध से सं ध विकल्प -1 तीन घंटों की समयावगध हे तब कायाालय के पास वें डर की पसंद के स्थान पर आयोजजत ककया जाने वाला प्रशिक्षण (सोमवार से िक्र ब वार – प्रातः 9.3, प्रशिक्षण मॉड्यल ब स जे से दोपहर 12.3, जे तक) ददनों की संख्या @ प्रततददन अर्दाधददवस सि डवलपसा कॉसा Oracle SQL 8-1, ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक Oracle PLSQL 1,-12 ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक Oracle FORMS & REPORTS 12-15 ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक DBA COURSE 18-2, ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक विकल्प -II तीन घंटों की समयावगध हे तब इन-हाउस प्रशिक्षण रुम में आयोजजत ककया जाने वाला प्रशिक्षण (सोमवार से िक्र ब वार – प्रातः 9.3, प्रशिक्षण मॉड्यल ब स जे से दोपहर 12.3, जे तक) ददनों की संख्या @ अर्दाधददवस सि प्रततददन डवलपसा कॉसा Oracle SQL 8-1, ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक Oracle PLSQL 1,-12 ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक Oracle FORMS & REPORTS 12-15 ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक DBA COURSE 18-2, ददन 3 घंटे प्रत्येक ननयम ि ितें :- 1. प्रतत प्रततभागी (लगभग 15 प्रतत प्रशिक्षण) हे तब सभी करों सदहत प्रशिक्षण िल् ब क का उल्लेख ककया जाए 2. अनि ु ग्नक में प्रदान ककए जाने वाले सांकेततक प्रशिक्षणों के वव य उल्लेखखत ककए गए है । ककसी भी दलाव/पररवतान सं ध ं ी सच ू ना टें डर प्रस्ताव में दी जाए। 3. प्रशिक्षण में वतामान वीएलसी/जीपीएफ/पें िन सं ध ं ी डाटा ेस व Oracle 10g/11g में 1,,, टे ल से सं ध ं ी अभ्यास सि भी िाशमल होना चादहए। 4. डी ीए प्रशिक्षण में Oracle 10g/11g सक्रीय करना और फा्न ट्यतू नंग सदहत र ल िट ब ींग व Linux 5.6 सक्रीय करना भी िाशमल होना चादहए। 5. प्रशिक्षण में ककसी भी कारण से व्यवधान होने पर अलग से घंटों में प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करके उसकी क्षततपतू ता की जाएगी। 6. प्रस्ताव में प्रशिक्षकों का परू ा ब्यौरा ददया जाए। प्रशिक्षण के दौरान यदद उनकी सेवाएं असंतो जनक पा् जाती है , वें डर र्दवारा कायाालय के सझ ब ावानस ब ार उगचत प्रशिक्षक प्रदान ककया जाएगा। 7. प्रशिक्षण के अंत में , परीक्षा आयोजजत की जाएगी और प्रशिक्षणागथायों को प्रमाण-पि ददए जाएंगे। 8. ववकल्प-II के मामले में , डेस्कटॉप, प्रॉजेक्टर कायाालय र्दवारा प्रदान ककए जाएंग।े वें डर र्दवारा अभ्यास सि ं हे तब वीएलसी/जीपीएफ/पें िन डाटा ेस के टे स्ट डाटा के शलए अच्छे ववन्यास (कॉकफग रब े सन) के Oracle Server प्रदान करने होंगे। 9. ववकल्प-1 के मामले में चाय ब्रेक के दौरान चाय प्रदान करनी होगी। 1,. प्रशिक्षण के संतो जनक समापन पर परू ा भग ब तान ककया जाएगा। 11. मोहर द ं शलफाफे में ववस्तत ृ प्रस्ताव अधोहस्ताक्षरी के पास ददनांक 07/12/2,15 तक या पहले पहबच जाना चादहए। 12. ककसी भी स्पष्ट्टीकरण हे त,ब कृपया श्री आ्. एम. भारमल व.ले.अ., दरू भा 438 व मो ा्ल नं. ,982,145152 पर संपका करें । ,22-22,3968, ववस्ताररत हस्ता,/- उपमहालेखाकार Annexure INDICATIVE LIST OF COURSE CONTENT TO BE COVERED FOR THE ORACLE 11g TRAINING Oracle Database 11g: Introduction to SQL Introduction to Oracle Database List the features of Oracle Database 11g Discuss the basic design, theoretical, and physical aspects of a relational database Categorize the different types of SQL statements Describe the data set used by the course Log on to the database using SQL Developer environment Save queries to files and use script files in SQL Developer Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement Select All Columns Select Specific Columns Use Column Heading Defaults Use Arithmetic Operators Understand Operator Precedence Learn the DESCRIBE command to display the table structure Learn to Restrict and Sort Data Write queries that contain a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved List the comparison operators and logical operators that are used in a WHERE clause Describe the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators Use character string literals in the WHERE clause Write queries that contain an ORDER BY clause to sort the output of a SELECT statement Sort output in descending and ascending order Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output Describe the differences between single row and multiple row functions Manipulate strings with character function in the SELECT and WHERE clauses Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions Perform arithmetic with date data Manipulate dates with the DATE functions Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions Nest multiple functions Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement Aggregate Data Using the Group Functions Use the aggregation functions to produce meaningful reports Divide the retrieved data in groups by using the GROUP BY clause Exclude groups of data by using the HAVING clause Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using outer joins Join a table to itself by using a self join Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries Describe the types of problem that sub-queries can solve Define sub-queries List the types of sub-queries Write single-row and multiple-row sub-queries The SET Operators Describe the SET operators Use a SET operator to combine multiple queries into a single query Control the order of rows returned Data Manipulation Statements Describe each DML statement Insert rows into a table Change rows in a table by the UPDATE statement Delete rows from a table with the DELETE statement Save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements Explain read consistency Use of DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables Categorize the main database objects Review the table structure List the data types available for columns Create a simple table Decipher how constraints can be created at table creation Describe how schema objects work Other Schema Objects Create a simple and complex view Retrieve data from views Create, maintain, and use sequences Create and maintain indexes Create private and public synonyms Control User Access Differentiate system privileges from object privileges Create Users Grant System Privileges Create and Grant Privileges to a Role Change Your Password Grant Object Privileges How to pass on privileges? Revoke Object Privileges Management of Schema Objects Add, Modify, and Drop a Column Add, Drop, and Defer a Constraint How to enable and Disable a Constraint? Create and Remove Indexes Create a Function-Based Index Perform Flashback Operations Create an External Table by Using ORACLE_LOADER and by Using ORACLE_DATAPUMP Query External Tables Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views Explain the data dictionary Use the Dictionary Views USER_OBJECTS and ALL_OBJECTS Views Table and Column Information Query the dictionary views for constraint information Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index and synonym information Add a comment to a table Query the dictionary views for comment information Manipulate Large Data Sets Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source Insert Using a Subquery as a Target Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements List the types of Multitable INSERT Statements Use Multitable INSERT Statements Merge rows in a table Track Changes in Data over a period of time Data Management in different Time Zones Time Zones CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, and LOCALTIMESTAMP Compare Date and Time in a Session’s Time Zone DBTIMEZONE and SESSIONTIMEZONE Difference between DATE and TIMESTAMP INTERVAL Data Types Use EXTRACT, TZ_OFFSET and FROM_TZ Invoke TO_TIMESTAMP,TO_YMINTERVAL and TO_DSINTERVAL Retrieve Data Using Sub-queries Multiple-Column Subqueries Pairwise and Non-pairwise Comparison Scalar Subquery Expressions Solve problems with Correlated Subqueries Update and Delete Rows Using Correlated Subqueries The EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators Invoke the WITH clause The Recursive WITH clause Regular Expression Support Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL Use Meta Characters with Regular Expressions Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function Find patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support Implement the REGEXP_COUNT function Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL Introduction to PL/SQL Overview of PL/SQL Identify the benefits of PL/SQL Subprograms Overview of the types of PL/SQL blocks Create a Simple Anonymous Block How to generate output from a PL/SQL Block? Declare PL/SQL Identifiers List the different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram Usage of the Declarative Section to Define Identifiers Use variables to store data Identify Scalar Data Types The %TYPE Attribute What are Bind Variables? Sequences in PL/SQL Expressions Write Executable Statements Describe Basic PL/SQL Block Syntax Guidelines Learn to Comment the Code Deployment of SQL Functions in PL/SQL How to convert Data Types? Describe Nested Blocks Identify the Operators in PL/SQL Interaction with the Oracle Server Invoke SELECT Statements in PL/SQL Retrieve Data in PL/SQL SQL Cursor concept Avoid Errors by using Naming Conventions when using Retrieval and DML Statements Data Manipulation in the Server using PL/SQL Understand the SQL Cursor concept Use SQL Cursor Attributes to Obtain Feedback on DML Save and Discard Transactions Control Structures Conditional processing using IF Statements Conditional processing using CASE Statements Describe simple Loop Statement Describe While Loop Statement Describe For Loop Statement Use the Continue Statement Composite Data Types Use PL/SQL Records The %ROWTYPE Attribute Insert and Update with PL/SQL Records INDEX BY Tables Examine INDEX BY Table Methods Use INDEX BY Table of Records Explicit Cursors What are Explicit Cursors? Declare the Cursor Open the Cursor Fetch data from the Cursor Close the Cursor Cursor FOR loop The %NOTFOUND and %ROWCOUNT Attributes Describe the FOR UPDATE Clause and WHERE CURRENT Clause Exception Handling Understand Exceptions Handle Exceptions with PL/SQL Trap Predefined Oracle Server Errors Trap Non-Predefined Oracle Server Errors Trap User-Defined Exceptions Propagate Exceptions RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR Procedure Stored Procedures Create a Modularized and Layered Subprogram Design Modularize Development With PL/SQL Blocks Understand the PL/SQL Execution Environment List the benefits of using PL/SQL Subprograms List the differences between Anonymous Blocks and Subprograms Create, Call, and Remove Stored Procedures Implement Procedures Parameters and Parameters Modes View Procedure Information Stored Functions and Debugging Subprograms Create, Call, and Remove a Stored Function Identify the advantages of using Stored Functions Identify the steps to create a stored function Invoke User-Defined Functions in SQL Statements Restrictions when calling Functions Control side effects when calling Functions View Functions Information How to debug Functions and Procedures? Packages Listing the advantages of Packages Describe Packages What are the components of a Package? Develop a Package How to enable visibility of a Package’s Components? Create the Package Specification and Body using the SQL CREATE Statement and SQL Developer Invoke the Package Constructs View the PL/SQL Source Code using the Data Dictionary Deploying Packages Overloading Subprograms in PL/SQL Use the STANDARD Package Use Forward Declarations to solve Illegal Procedure Reference Implement Package Functions in SQL and Restrictions Persistent State of Packages Persistent State of a Package Cursor Control side effects of PL/SQL Subprograms Invoke PL/SQL Tables of Records in Packages Implement Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application Development What are Oracle-Supplied Packages? Examples of some of the Oracle-Supplied Packages How does the DBMS_OUTPUT Package work? Use the UTL_FILE Package to Interact with Operating System Files Invoke the UTL_MAIL Package Write UTL_MAIL Subprograms Dynamic SQL The Execution Flow of SQL What is Dynamic SQL? Declare Cursor Variables Dynamically Executing a PL/SQL Block Configure Native Dynamic SQL to Compile PL/SQL Code How to invoke DBMS_SQL Package? Implement DBMS_SQL with a Parameterized DML Statement Dynamic SQL Functional Completeness Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code Standardize Constants and Exceptions Understand Local Subprograms Write Autonomous Transactions Implement the NOCOPY Compiler Hint Invoke the PARALLEL_ENABLE Hint The Cross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache The DETERMINISTIC Clause with Functions Usage of Bulk Binding to Improve Performance Triggers Describe Triggers Identify the Trigger Event Types and Body Business Application Scenarios for Implementing Triggers Create DML Triggers using the CREATE TRIGGER Statement and SQL Developer Identify the Trigger Event Types, Body, and Firing (Timing) Differences between Statement Level Triggers and Row Level Triggers Create Instead of and Disabled Triggers How to Manage, Test and Remove Triggers? Creating Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers What are Compound Triggers? Identify the Timing-Point Sections of a Table Compound Trigger Understand the Compound Trigger Structure for Tables and Views Implement a Compound Trigger to Resolve the Mutating Table Error Comparison of Database Triggers to Stored Procedures Create Triggers on DDL Statements Create Database-Event and System-Events Triggers System Privileges Required to Manage Triggers PL/SQL Compiler What is the PL/SQL Compiler? Describe the Initialization Parameters for PL/SQL Compilation List the new PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings Overview of PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings for Subprograms List the benefits of Compiler Warnings List the PL/SQL Compile Time Warning Messages Categories Setting the Warning Messages Levels: Using SQL Developer, PLSQL_WARNINGS Initialization Parameter, and the DBMS_WARNING Package Subprograms View Compiler Warnings: Using SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, or the Data Dictionary Views Manage PL/SQL Code What Is Conditional Compilation? Implement Selection Directives Invoke Predefined and User-Defined Inquiry Directives The PLSQL_CCFLAGS Parameter and the Inquiry Directive Conditional Compilation Error Directives to Raise User-Defined Errors The DBMS_DB_VERSION Package Write DBMS_PREPROCESSOR Procedures to Print or Retrieve Source Text Obfuscation and Wrapping PL/SQL Code Manage Dependencies Overview of Schema Object Dependencies Query Direct Object Dependencies using the USER_DEPENDENCIES View Query an Object’s Status Invalidation of Dependent Objects Display the Direct and Indirect Dependencies Fine-Grained Dependency Management in Oracle Database 11g Understand Remote Dependencies Recompile a PL/SQL Program Unit Oracle Forms & Reports Introducing Oracle Forms Developer and Forms Services Grid Computing Oracle 10g Products Oracle Application Server 10g Architecture Benefits and Components of Oracle Developer Suite 10g Running a Forms Developer Application Working in the Forms Developer Environment Creating Forms Modules Creating a Basic Forms Module Creating a Master-Detail Forms Module Modifying the Data Block Modifying the Layout Working with Data Blocks and Frames Using the Property Palette Managing Object Properties Creating and Using Visual Attributes Controlling the Behavior and Appearance of Data Blocks Controlling Frame Properties Creating Control Blocks Deleting Data Blocks Working with Input Items Creating Text Items Controlling the Behavior and Appearance of Text Items Creating LOVs Defining Editors Creating Check Boxes Creating List Items Creating Radio Groups Working with Non Input Items Creating a Display Item Creating an Image Item Creating a Push Button Creating a Calculated Item Creating a Hierarchical Tree Item Creating a Bean Area Item Working with Windows and Canvases Overview of Windows and Canvases Displaying a Forms Module in Multiple Windows Creating a New Window Displaying a Forms Module on Multiple Layouts Creating a New Content Canvas Creating a New Stacked Canvas Creating a New Toolbar Canvas Creating a New Tab Canvas Producing Triggers Grouping Triggers into Categories Defining Trigger Components: Type, Code, and Scope Specifying Execution Hierarchy Using the PL/SQL Editor Writing Trigger Code Using Variables and Built-ins Using the When-Button-Pressed and When-Window-Closed Triggers Debugging Triggers The Debugging Process The Debug Console Setting Breakpoints Debugging Tips Running a Form in Debug Mode Stepping through Code Adding Functionality to Items Coding Item Interaction Triggers Defining Functionality for Check Boxes Changing List Items at Run Time Displaying LOVs from Buttons Populating Image Items Populating and Displaying Hierarchical Trees Interacting with JavaBeans Run-Time Messages and Alerts Built-ins and Handling Errors Controlling System Messages The FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE Exception Using Triggers to Intercept System Messages Creating and Controlling Alerts Handling Server Errors Query Triggers SELECT Statements Issued During Query Processing WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses and the ONETIME_WHERE Property Writing Query Triggers Query Array Processing Coding Triggers for Enter-Query Mode Overriding Default Query Processing Obtaining Query Information at Run Time Validation Validation Process Controlling Validation Using Properties Controlling Validation Using Triggers Performing Client-Side Validation with PJCs Tracking Validation Status Using Built-ins to Control When Validation Occurs Navigation Navigation Overview Understanding Internal Navigation Using Object Properties to Control Navigation Writing Navigation Triggers: When-New- Oracle Reports Developer: Build Reports Introduction to Oracle Reports Developer Business Intelligence Enterprise Reporting Oracle Reports Developer Oracle Database 10g Oracle Developer Suite 10g Oracle Application Server 10g OracleAS Reports Services OracleAS Reports Services Architecture for the Web Designing and Running Reports Understanding User Requirements Designing Reports Tabular Master-Detail Master with Two Details Matrix Retrieving and Sharing Data Running a Report Exploring Oracle Reports Developer Reports Developer Executables Invoking Reports Builder Reports Builder Modules Report Data and Layout Reports Builder Components Object Navigator Report-Level Objects Data Model Objects Creating a Paper Report Report Module Components Building a Paper Report Viewing the Paper Report Output Saving the Report Definition Reentering the Wizard Creating Break Reports Break Report Labels Creating Mailing Labels and Letters Enhancing a Basic Paper Report What Is the Paper Design? The Paper Design Window Modifying a Report Aligning Columns Setting a Format Mask Manipulating Objects Modifying Visual Attributes Applying Conditional Formatting Managing Report Templates Using Report Templates Modifying a Template Customizing the Template Margin Customizing the Template Body Adding Web Links to a Template for Report HTML Output Predefining Your Own Templates Adding a Template Preview Image Creating a Web Report What Is JSP Technology? JSP Advantages Simple JSP Example Building a Web Report Using the Report Wizard Report Editor: Web Source View JSP Tags Web Source Example Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model: Queries and Groups The Data Model Objects Modifying Properties of a Query Applying Changes Changing the Group Structure Group Hierarchy Ordering Data in a Group Query Modifications Filtering Data in a Group Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model: Data Sources Data Source Types Pluggable Data Sources Using XML as a Data Source Document Type Definition File OLAP Data Source Using Text as a Data Source Using JDBC as a Data Source Using REF Cursor Queries Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model: Creating Columns Data Model Columns Maintaining Data Source Columns Producing File Content Output Creating a Column Creating Summary Columns Displaying Subtotals Displaying Percentages Creating a Formula Column Enhancing Reports Using the Paper Layout Viewing the Paper Layout Designing Multipanel Reports Printing Multipanel Reports Different Objects in the Paper Layout The Paper Layout Layers Report Processing Paper Layout Tools Report Bursting Controlling the Paper Layout: Common Properties Modifying Paper Layout Object Properties Common Layout Properties Sizing Objects Anchors Layout Object Relationships Pagination Icons in the Paper Layout Controlling Print Frequency Using Format Triggers Controlling the Paper Layout: Specific Properties Properties of a Repeating Frame Specifying Print Direction Controlling the Number of Records per Page Controlling Spacing Between Records Minimum Widow Records System Variables Valid Source Columns Displaying File Contents Web Reporting Comparing Static and Dynamic Reporting Adding Dynamic Content Creating a Report Block Invoking the Report Block Wizard Examining the Web Source Code rw:foreach Tag rw:field Tag Customizing Reports JSPs Extending Functionality Using XML Why Use XML Report Definitions? Creating XML Report Definitions Partial Report Definitions: Format Modification Example Partial Report Definitions: Format Exception Example Full Report Definition: Data Model Modification Example Running XML Report Definitions Debugging XML Report Definitions Creating and Using Report Parameters Creating User Parameters Referencing Parameters in a Report Query Using Bind References Using Lexical References Hints and Tips When Referencing Parameters Creating a List of Values Referencing System Parameters Building a Paper Parameter Form Embedding a Graph in a Report Adding a Graph to a Paper Report Adding a Graph to a Web Report Selecting the Graph Type Selecting the Graph Data Adding Options to the Graph Customizing Web Graphs The rw:graph Tag Customizing Graphs Using the Graph.XML File Enhancing Matrix Reports The Matrix Data Model The Matrix Paper Layout Creating Matrix Summaries Creating the Matrix Manually The Matrix with Group Data Model The Matrix with Group Layout Building a Nested Matrix Nested Matrix Paper Layout Coding PL/SQL Triggers Types of Triggers in Reports Trigger Code Using Report Triggers Using Data Model Triggers: PL/SQL Group Filter Using Data Model Triggers: Parameter Validation Using Layout Triggers Using Format Triggers Event-Based Reporting Extending Functionality Using the SRW Package Contents of the SRW Package Outputting Messages Executing a Nested Report Restricting Data Initializing Fields Creating a Table of Contents Performing DDL Statements Setting Format Attributes Maximizing Performance Using OracleAS Reports Services Running Reports Using OracleAS Reports Services Report Request Methods Oracle Application Server Components Enabling Single Sign-On Access Running the Web Layout: JSP Run-time Architecture Running the Paper Layout: Servlet Run-time Architecture Running a Paper Report on the Web Queue Manager Building Reports: Efficiency Guidelines Tuning Reports Performance Measurement Non SQL Data Sources Investigating the Data Model Investigating the Paper Layout Running the Report Different Development and Run-Time Environments Developing Reports to Run in Different GUIs Oracle 11g Database Administration Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture Oracle Database Architecture Overview Oracle ASM Architecture Overview Process Architecture Memory structrues Logical and physical storage structures ASM storage components Installing your Oracle Software Tasks of an Oracle Database Administrator Tools Used to Administer an Oracle Database Installation: System Requirements Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installing Oracle Database Software Silent Install Creating an Oracle Database Planning the Database Using the DBCA to Create a Database Password Management Creating a Database Design Template Using the DBCA to Delete a Database Managing the Oracle Database Instance Start and stop the Oracle database and components Use Oracle Enterprise Manager Access a database with SQLPlus Modify database installation parameters Describe the stages of database startup Describe database shutdown options View the alert log Access dynamic performance views Manage the ASM Instance Set up initialization parameter files for ASM instance Start up and shut down ASM instances Administer ASM disk groups Configuring the Oracle Network Environment Use Enterprise Manager to create and configure the Listener Enable Oracle Restart to monitor the listener Use tnsping to test Oracle Net connectivity Identify when to use shared servers and when to use dedicated servers Managing Database Storage Structures Storage Structures How Table Data Is Stored Anatomy of a Database Block Space Management in Tablespaces Tablespaces in the Preconfigured Database Actions with Tablespaces Oracle Managed Files (OMF) Administering User Security Database User Accounts Predefined Administrative Accounts Benefits of Roles Predefined Roles Implementing Profiles Managing Data Concurrency Data Concurrency Enqueue Mechanism Resolving Lock Conflicts Deadlocks Managing Undo Data Data Manipulation Transactions and Undo Data Undo Data Versus Redo Data Configuring Undo Retention Implementing Oracle Database Auditing Describe DBA responsibilities for security Enable standard database auditing Specify audit options Review audit information Maintain the audit trail Database Maintenance Manage optimizer statistics Manage the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) Describe and use the advisory framework Set alert thresholds Use server-generated alerts Use automated tasks Performance Management Performance Monitoring Managing Memory Components Enabling Automatic Memory Management (AMM) Automatic Shared Memory Advisor Using Memory Advisors Dynamic Performance Statistics Troubleshooting and Tuning Views Invalid and Unusable Objects Backup and Recovery Concepts Part of Your Job Statement Failure User Error Understanding Instance Recovery Phases of Instance Recovery Using the MTTR Advisor Media Failure Archive Log Files Performing Database Backups Backup Solutions: Overview Oracle Secure Backup User-Managed Backup Terminology Recovery Manager (RMAN) Configuring Backup Settings Backing Up the Control File to a Trace File Monitoring the Flash Recovery Area Performing Database Recovery Opening a Database Data Recovery Advisor Loss of a Control File Loss of a Redo Log File Data Recovery Advisor Data Failures Listing Data Failures Data Recovery Advisor Views Moving Data Describe ways to move data Create and use directory objects Use SQL*Loader to move data Use external tables to move data General architecture of Oracle Data Pump Use Data Pump export and import to move data Working with Support Use the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench Work with Oracle Support Log service requests (SR) Manage patches Core Concepts and Tools of the Oracle Database The Oracle Database Architecture: Overview ASM Storage Concepts Connecting to the Database and the ASM Instance DBA Tools Overview Configuring for Recoverability Purpose of Backup and Recovery (B&R), Typical Tasks and Terminology Using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) Configuring your Database for B&R Operations Configuring Archivelog Mode Configuring Backup Retention Configuring and Using a Flash Recovery Area (FRA) Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog Tracking and Storing Backup Information Setting up a Recovery Catalog Recording Backups Using RMAN Stored Scripts Managing the Recovery Catalog (Backup, Export, Import, Upgrade, Drop and Virtual Private Catalog) Configuring Backup Settings Configuring and Managing Persistent Settings for RMAN Configuring Autobackup of Control File Backup optimization Advanced Configuration Settings: Compressing Backups Configuring Backup and Restore for Very Large Files (Multisection) Creating Backups with RMAN RMAN backup types Creating and Using the following: - Backup Sets and Image Copies - Whole Database Backup - Fast Incremental Backup - Configure Backup Destinations - Duplexed Backup Sets - Archival Backups Restore and Recovery Task Restoring and Recovering Causes of File Loss Automatic Tempfile Recovery Recovering from the Loss of a Redo Log Group Recovering from a Lost Index Tablespace Re-creating a Password Authentication File Complete and Incomplete Recovery Other Recovery Operations Using RMAN to Perform Recovery Complete Recovery after Loss of a Critical or Noncritical Data File Recovering Image Copies and Switching Files Restore and Recovery of a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode Incomplete Recovery Performing Recovery with a Backup Control File Restoring from Autobackup: Server Parameter File and Control File Restoring and Recovering the Database on a New Host Monitoring and Tuning RMAN Monitoring RMAN Jobs Balance Between Speed of Backup Versus Speed of Recovery RMAN Multiplexing Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O Explaining Performance Impact of MAXPIECESIZE, FILESPERSET, MAXOPENFILES and BACKUP DURATION Diagnosing the Database Data Recovery Advisor (DRA) Block Corruption Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) Health Monitor The ADR Command-Line Tool, ADRCI Using Flashback Technology I Flashback Technology: Overview and Setup Using Flashback Technology to Query Data Flashback Table Flashback Transaction Query Performing Flashback Transaction Backout Using Flashback Technology II Oracle Total Recall Flashback Drop and the Recycle Bin Performing Flashback Database Configuring Flashback Database Performing Flashback Database Operations Monitoring Flashback Database Managing Memory Oracle Memory Structures Oracle Database Memory Parameters Using Automatic Memory Management Automatic Shared Memory Management Using Memory Advisors Using Data Dictionary Views Managing Database Performance Tuning Activities Using Statistic Preferences Optimizer Statistics Collection Monitor the Performance of Sessions and Services Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Describing the Benefits of Database Replay Managing Performance by SQL Tuning SQL Tuning and SQL Advisors Using SQL Tuning Advisor SQL Access Advisor SQL Performance Analyzer Overview Managing Resources Database Resource Manager: Overview and Concepts Accessing and Creating Resource Plans Creating Consumer Group Specifying Resource Plan Directives, including: - Limiting CPU Utilization at the Database Level - Instance Caging Activating a Resource Plan Monitoring the Resource Manager Automating Tasks with the Scheduler Simplifying Management Tasks Creating a Job, Program, and Schedule Using Time-Based, Event-Based, and Complex Schedules Describing the Use of Windows, Window Groups, Job Classes, and Consumer Groups Multi-Destination Jobs Managing Space in Blocks Free Space Management Monitoring Space Compressing Data Managing Space in Segments Segment Creation on Demand Additional Automatic Space-Saving Functionalit Shrinking Segments Segment Advisor Managing Resumable Space Allocation Managing Space for the Database Using 4 KB-Sector Disks Transporting Tablespaces Transporting Databases Duplicating a Database Purpose and Methods of Cloning a Database Using RMAN to Create a Duplicate Database Cloning a Database from a Backup Duplicate a Database Based on a Running Instance Targetless Duplicating a Database DATA GUARD INSTALLATION/IMPLEMENTATION/ADMINISTRATION AND RELATED BACKUP AND RESTORATION