湖南城市学院课程考试大纲 课程名 称 英文名 称 适用专 业 课程性 质 总 学 时 课程编 号 西方经济学 Economics 工商管理 专业基础课 48 学分 3 理论学 时 48 实践学 时 上机学 时 一、考试目的 The examination aims to engage the student with the fundamentals of economics. Its purpose is to equip students handling economic problems with the standard economist’s tool kit of (economic) intuition, graphical analysis and basic calculus techniques, thereby enhancing students’ analytical power. Standard topics covered include: demand and supply, price and output determination under different market structures, consumer and producer theory, equilibrium, exchange and gains from trade. 二、命题的指导思想和原则 To test students about the theory knowledge and the basic concept, the basic analysis method and the analysis tool of the economics, the thinking and analysis question ability. 三、考试内容及分值 1. Introduction (5ˊ) ·Explain the concepts of scarcity and opportunity cost ·Identify the basic choices facing any economy ·Explain and use the supply and demand model. ·Identify and explain the role of prices in the market system 2.Supply and Demand (20ˊ) ·Differentiate between demand and quantity demanded and supply and quantity supplied. ·Graph demand and supply curves when given demand and supply schedules. ·State the Law of Demand and the Law of Supply. ·List the major determinants of demand and supply. ·Explain the concept of equilibrium price and quantity. ·Explain the effects of changes in demand and supply on equilibrium price and quantity. 3.Consumer Demand (10ˊ) ·Explain why a consumer will buy more (less) of a commodity when its price falls (rises) by using the income and substitution effects. ·Define marginal utility and state the law of diminishing marginal utility. ·List four assumptions made in the theory of consumer behavior. ·State the utility-maximizing rule. ·Use the utility-maximizing rule to determine a consumer’s spending when given income, utility, and price data. 4.Supply Decisions (15ˊ) ·Distinguish between explicit and implicit costs, and between normal and economic profits. ·Differentiate between the short run and the long run. ·Compute marginal and average product when given total product data. ·Explain the relationship between total, marginal, and average product. ·Distinguish between fixed, variable and total costs. ·Explain the difference between average and marginal costs. ·Compute and graph AFC, AVC, ATC, and marginal cost when given total cost data. ·Explain how AVC, ATC, and marginal cost relate to one another. ·Explain what can cause cost curves to rise or fall. 5.Competition (15ˊ) ·List the four basic market models and characteristics of each. ·Describe characteristics of a purely competitive firm and industry. ·Compute average, total, and marginal revenue when given a demand schedule for a purely competitive firm. ·Use both TR-TC and MR-MC approaches to determine short-run price and output that maximizes profits (or minimizes losses) for a competitive firm. ·Find the short-run supply curve when given short-run cost schedules for a competitive firm. 6.Monopoly (5ˊ) ·why some markets have only one seller. ·how a monopoly determines the quantity to produce and the price to charge. ·how the monopoly’s decisions affect economic well-being. ·the various public policies aimed at solving the problem of monopoly. ·why monopolies try to charge different prices to different customers. 7.The Labor Market (5ˊ) ·the labor demand of competitive, profit-maximizing firms. ·the household decisions that lie behind labor supply. ·why equilibrium wages equal the value of the marginal product of labor. 8.The Business Cycle (5ˊ) ·why an economy’s total income equals its total expenditure. ·how gross domestic product (GDP) is defined and calculated. ·the breakdown of GDP into its four major components. ·the distinction between real GDP and nominal GDP. 9.Aggregate Supply and Demand (5ˊ) ·three key facts about short-run economic fluctuations. ·how the economy in the short run differs from the economy in the long run. ·how to use the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply to explain economic fluctuations. · how shifts in either aggregate demand or aggregate supply can cause booms and recessions. 10.Fiscal Policy and Money Policy (15ˊ) ·the theory of liquidity preference as a short-run theory of the interest rate. ·how monetary policy affects interest rates and aggregate demand. ·how fiscal policy affects interest rates and aggregate demand. ·the debate over whether policymakers should try to stabilize the economy. 四、试题类型 1.Single Choice 2.True & False 3.Graphical Description 4.Short Answer 5.Compute 五、考试方法及考试时间 1.Form: Close 2.Time: 120 minutes 3.Full Score: 100 六、成绩评定方式 Final evaluation comprises many parts, including the participation, the activity in my class, the assignments, and final exam. The score in the final exam accounts for 70 percent of the total mark. The rest accounts for 30 percent. 七、主要参考教材及资料 1.Mansfield, Edwin (1997), Microeconomics: Theory and Applications, 9th edition, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2.Grinols, Earl L. (1994), Microeconomics, Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company. 3.Binger, Brian R., and Elizabeth Hoffman (1998), Microeconomics with Calculus, 2nd edition, Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc. 4.Hall & M Liberman: Economics, South-Western College. 1998 (Hall) 5.Xiaoping Wang: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, 2nd ed. Jiangxi People's Press.1997. (Wang) 制作人(签字):孙倩 教研室主任审核(签字) : 院系部领导审核(签章) : 2008 年 9 月 2 日