curriculum vitae - American University of Beirut

Nahla Hwalla
Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences
American University of Beirut
P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad El Solh
Beirut 1107-2020, Lebanon
Tel: 961 1 343002
Fax: 961-1-744460
Led as Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS) the Faculty focusing on robust
administrative and academic planning and priority setting which has changed the way FAFS allocates its
resources in preparing to meet challenges and opportunities brought about by current global trends.
Actively leading the strategic planning processes allowed for curriculum review in pursuit of accreditation
of different programs, introduction of a PhD program in “Biomedical Sciences/Nutrition” in collaboration
with the Faculty of Medicine, improving the research and teaching environment, fundraising to expand
research capabilities at the Faculty on issues of regional and global importance and upgrading the physical
infrastructure. These ongoing strategic initiatives have allowed FAFS to enhance the excellence of its
programs, to maintain financial sustainability and to raise the visibility of the Faculty both locally and
Planned as Chairperson the expansion and promotion of the Nutrition and Food Sciences (NFSC)
Department and managed the needs of an increasing student body which doubled in five years, both at
graduate and under graduate levels, to constitute today 3/4 of the FAFS total number of graduating
students. Strategic planning for the growth of the department included: Proposals for a new PhD program in
Nutrition and a National Nutrition and Food Center at the American University of Beirut (AUB),
introduction of a new program in Food Science and Management, establishment of a new pilot plant facility
for this program, development of new academic degrees including MSc non-thesis program in Nutrition,
and minors for both Nutrition and Food Science programs. This growth was accompanied by implementing
a strategy to increase the number of new faculty recruits by doubling the number of full timers, to build a
team of qualified teaching support staff (including part time and full time instructors, research assistants
and non-academic staff members), and to upgrade the teaching environment and facilities.
Contributed as a faculty at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS) to the progress of
the newly introduced Nutrition and Dietetics Program from an unknown specialty to a highly recognized
and sought after field of study. Contributed, as a member of the Advisory and Administrative committees,
to the growth of the School by addressing staffing and budget issues and by developing and implementing
the Faculty 5 year plan which included a revision of the School's mission and vision, staffing, space
management, academic restructuring, quality control, recruitment, retention and promotion. Contributions
to the Faculty also included a proposal for evaluating faculty productivity and workload, and the promotion
of interdisciplinary research activities by serving as founding member of ESDU (Environment and
Sustainable Development Unit) and IBSAR (Initiatives in Biodiversity Studies in Arid Regions).
Participated at the University level in administrative and academic decisions as member of various
University Task Forces and Committees including the Task force for revising faculty promotion criteria and
long-term contracts, and the Task Force for Honorary Degrees; as Chairperson of University Committee on
Student Affairs and the University Academic Development Committee, and as a member of the
Administrative Committee for Accreditation. Contributed to AUB faculty empowerment by: Addressing
gender issues, serving as president of the AUB Faculty Association, representing the AUB Faculty Senate
at the Board of Trustees meetings, and serving as member of Senate Committee on Faculty Affairs and
Senate Steering Committee.
Instituted new national policies by forming LANFS (the Lebanese Association for Nutrition and Food
Science), drafting legislation for licensing the dietetic practice in Lebanon, and lobbying for its adoption by
the Government. Participated in setting strategies for the development of Science, Technology, and
Innovation (LNCSR), and developing action plans for the Prevention, Control and Care of NonCommunicable Diseases (MOH /WHO)
Promoted AUB's regional mission by contributing to the formalization of the nutrition and dietetics
sector in the region. This included: Participation as expert consultant in the initiation of the MENANA
(Middle East and North African Nutrition Association) which is now a recognized body of IUNS
(International Union of Nutritional Sciences), curriculum development at UAE University (United Arab
Emirates) to introduce and implement a Nutrition Program (seconded from AUB), and establishment of
Programs and Curricula for Teaching Nutrition at Universities and Ministries of Health in: Oman, Jordan,
Syria, UAE, and Kuwait (as a member of Consultative Group).
Contributed to international decision making by serving on WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Nutrition
(appointed by DG of WHO), and as expert consultant to FAO, WHO, and IAEA to establish guidelines and
advise Governments on Nutrition Related Issues (UAE, Kuwait, Oman, and Iran), as Board member of
World Council on Nutrition Fitness and Health, and as member of Scientific Advisory Board of Columbus
Concept (an international group of scientists for balanced dietary essential fatty acid ratio in foods).
1987 Registered Dietician, Dietetics, American Dietetic Association
1978-81 Postdoctoral (fellow), Nutrition, Columbia University - St. Luke’s Hospital
1977 Ph.D., Basic Medical Sciences (Nutrition), Faculty of Medicine, AUB
1974 M.Sc., Biology, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon
1971 Licence, Biology, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
Academic Positions
2000-present Professor, NFSC (Nutrition and Food Science) department, FAFS, AUB.
1999-2000 Visiting researcher, Yale University, New Haven CT. USA (Fulbright Scholarship).
1995-1999 Professor, NFS department, FAFS, AUB
1990-1995 Associate Professor, NFS department, FAFS, AUB
1989-1990 Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates
University, Al-Ain, U.A.E
1987-1989 Associate Professor, FTN Department (Food Technology and Nutrition), FAFS, AUB.
1986-1987 Visiting Scientist, Obesity Center, St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital, Columbia
1985-1989 Coordinator of Nutrition and Dietetics Program, FAFS, AUB
1984-1987 Assistant Professor, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, FAFS, AUB.
1979-1981 Post Doctoral Fellow, Obesity Center, St. Luke's Hospital, Columbia University.
1977-1979 Assistant Professor, FTN Department, FAFS, AUB (part time).
1977-1981 Researcher with the Lebanese National Research Council.
1974-1977 Research Assistant, Nutrition Department, School of Medicine, AUB
1972-1974 Teaching Assistant, Biology Department, AUB.
Administrative Positions
2006- present Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, AUB.
2000-2006 Chairperson of Nutrition and Food Science department, AUB.
1992-1996 Chairperson of Food Technology and Nutrition department, AUB.
1987-1989 Chairperson of Food Technology and Nutrition department, AUB.
1981-1984 Director of Makassed Medical School, Beirut, Lebanon.
Membership in Professional Societies
Member of the American Society of Clinical Nutrition, American Institute of Nutrition, USA
Member of the Columbus Concept Scientific Advisory Board
Member of the Middle East and North African Nutrition Association
Member of the Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies
Distinguished Researcher Award by the National Council for Scientific Research
International Recognition
Elected Fellow of International Union for Nutritional Sciences (F.I.U.N.S)
Appointed by Director General of WHO as a member of the “WHO Expert Advisory Panel on
American Dietetic Overseas Association Country Representative for Lebanon
Council member of World Public Health Nutrition Association
Services are outlined below as rendered to AUB, nationally, regionally and internationally.
Services to the Faculty
Elected Committee Member
Member of Advisory Committee
Member of Academic Affairs Committee
Thesis Manual Committee
Research and Publications Committee
Coordinator of ND Program
Coordinator of Graduate Studies
Member of administrative committee
Member of Academic and Curriculum Committee
Services to the University
Task Force and Ad Hoc Committees
Chairperson of Ad Hoc Grievance Committee appointed by the President
Member of the task force for granting Honorary Degrees appointed by the President
Member of Task Force for revising faculty promotion criteria appointed by the President
Elected Committee Member
Chairperson, Academic Development Committee
Chairperson and member of the Senate Committee for Faculty Affairs
University Committee on Student Affairs
Interfaculty Graduate Nutrition Program Committee
Member of University Senate Steering Committee
Member of University Strategic Planning
Member of University IRB Committee
Member of University Senate
Member of Academic and Curriculum Committee
Member Administrative Committee FAFS
Member of Executive Committee of IBSAR
Member of the Board of Graduate Studies
Member of the Hariri Committee for University Colleges in Lebanon
Member of the University Research Board
Member of the University Housing Committee
Services to the Country
Editorial Board/Reviewer
2004-present Reviewer of research articles in Lebanese Science Bulletin.
2009-2012 Director of Associated Research Unit for Undernutrition and Obesity in Lebanon.
2007-2011 Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Training and Outreach in Food
& Nutrition for three years.
2001 Consultant to Ministry of Health for “Setting national policies, strategies and plan action
on the prevention, control and care of diabetes”, Lebanon.
1994 Consultant on “Nutrition”, Ministry of Health, Beirut-Lebanon.
1994 Consultant on “Nutrition”, Ministry of Agriculture, Beirut-Lebanon.
1984 Consultant for “The preparation of a World Food Program funded project for training
rural females on healthy nutritional habits”, Women’s Institute, Beirut University College,
Committees Assignments
Member of WHO national campaign for prevention of non-communicable diseases (CVD)
Founder and President of the Lebanese Association for Nutrition and Food Science
Member of the LNCSR Committee for Science and Technology Innovation Policy (STIP)
related to setting priorities for research in Food and Nutrition in the country
Member of the Executive Board of the National Intersectoral Committee on Food & Nutrition
Member of Ministry of Health committee on legislation for dietary and herbal supplements
Member of Executive Committee of Nour Arab Women’s Association
Member of Pharmaton Vitality Board for Initiating a Campaign on Nutritional Supplements
and Promotion of Fruits and Vegetables
Member of the Lebanese National Committee on Diabetes Control
Member of the National Committee for Iron Deficiency Anemia
Member of the American Society of Clinical Nutrition
Member of the American Institute of Nutrition
Conferences Organized
As President of the Lebanese Association for Nutrition and Food Sciences, organized conferences
on Nutrition and secured participation of internationally distinguished experts in the field of
Nutrition from US, UK, Canada and from International UN Organizations (WHO, FAO).
2012 Regional Conference on “Dietary Management of metabolic Syndrome” Issam Fares, AUB.
2012 National event for the dissemination of findings of three years of research of the Associated
Research Unit (ARU) on ‘Undernutrition and Obesity’ in Lebanon
2011 National Conference on Basics of Balanced and Sensible Nutrition, AUB
2009 National Conference on Current Challenges in Adolescent and Child Nutrition, AUB.
2006 Conference on Maternal and Infant Nutrition, AUB.
2003 International conference and food exhibit on “Nutrition & Optimum Health”
2002 National conference on “Fats and oils: Their advantages and disadvantages”, AUB.
1997 International conference and food exhibit on "Nutrition 97” AUB.
1995 National Conference on "Nutritional Problems in Lebanon" Issam Fares, AUB.
1995 International conference and food exhibit on "Nutrition in Health and Disease" AUB.
1995 National conference on "Sports Medicine" AUB.
1994 National conference on "Obesity". AUB.
1994 National conference and food exhibit on "Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood
Cholesterol" AUB.
Invited Lecturer (past 5 years)
2009 Invited lecturer: Conference on “3rd Middle-East Cardiopace” and presented a lecture
on “Prevalence and correlates of metabolic syndrome in an adult Lebanese population.”
2005 presentation on “Dietetic Practice in Lebanon” at Université Saint Joseph (USJ), Beirut,
Lebanon. April 22, 2005.
2004 Invited lecturer on “Nutrition and Health”. The 19th International Medical Convention.
Medical Care: A Journey across Cultures. Beirut, Lebanon.
2004 Invited lecturer on “Life style intervention for non-communicable diseases (CVD)”.
Lebanese Task Force for Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases. Doctor’s Syndicate. Beirut,
2004 Invited lecturer and WHO Expert Consultant on prevention of non-communicable diseases
for Recommendation on diabetes dietary practices. Beirut-Lebanon.
Services to the Region
Served for many years as an expert consultant on Nutrition as following:
2010 Consultant for the accreditation review of the BSc Clinical Nutrition program at the
University of Sharjah managed by the Commission for Academic Accreditation Ministry of
Higher Education & Scientific Research, Dubai-UAE, January 10 -14, 2010.
2009 Regional Nutrition Strategy and Action Plan for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR)
submitted to WHO.
2008 Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,
Lebanon, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, and Syria. Technical Report submitted to WHO.
2005 Organized a workshop and prepared a “Clinical Nutrition Curriculum” at the National
Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Genetics in Jordan.
2004 WHO Regional Consultation on establishing Regional Guidelines on Dyslipidaemia,
Obesity and Diabetes.” Beirut, Lebanon.
2004 The Middle East and North African Nutrition Association (MENANA) group: Capacity
Development in Nutrition.” Cairo.
2004 Expert consultation for Columbus concept in Kuwait for Omega 3 Fatty Acids containing
2004 Curriculum for “Dietetic practice in Jordan”, Diabetes Center- Jordan.
2004 Organized and participated in a workshop to educate physicians on medical nutrition
therapy for diabetes. Damascus, Syria.
2004 Regional consultation with FAO on “Food Based Dietary Guidelines at Eastern
Mediterranean Office”; Cairo, Egypt.
2003 WHO Expert consultant on “Diabetes Prevention and Control” in Tehran Islamic Republic
of Iran.
2001 WHO Expert consultant on “Assessment of micronutrient deficiencies”; Ministry of Health
– United Arab Emirates.
2001 WHO Expert consultant on “Adequate nutrition in relation to non-communicable diseases”,
United Arab Emirates.
1999 Consultant to University of Sharjah, School of Health Sciences for “Curriculum
development and establishing a nutrition department”, Sharjah- United Arab Emirates.
1997 WHO Expert consultant on “National dietary intake survey and nutrition and evaluation of
dietetic practice”, Ministry of Health-Oman.
1997 WHO Expert consultant for “Training of dieticians on dietetic practice”, Kuwait.
1996 WHO Expert consultant on “Nutrition to plan and upgrade the knowledge of dieticians
working in the country”, Ministry of Health-Kuwait.
1995 WHO Expert consultant on “Nutrition for preparation of a curriculum for “A Diploma
Course in Nutrition, Dietetics and Skills”, Ministry of Health-Muscat Oman.
1995 WHO Expert consultant on “Nutrition”, Ministry of Health, Abu Dhabi- United Arab
1988-1989 Consultant to United Arab Emirates University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences for
“Curriculum development and establishing a department in Food Technology and Nutrition”,
United Arab Emirates.
Committees Assignments
Member of the American Society of Clinical Nutrition
Member of the American Institute of Nutrition
Invited Lecturer
2011. Invited to present a lecture on “Childhood obesity in the MENA region” at the Meeting of
the Scientific Committee of the international conference on: “Early Life Nutrition in North Africa
and the Middle East (MENA) region”. Morocco, Rabbat, February 2011.
2010. Invited to present a lecture at the MENA Diabetes Leadership Forum. Dubai, December
2010 First Nutrition Forum “Nutrition in Health and Disease” at the University of Kalamon.
Presented two papers “Obesity in children and adolescents and the metabolic syndrome” and
“Obesity and Malnutrition in Syria”. Syria, April March 31 - April 1, 2010.
2005 Invited lecturer: Conference on “Gastroenterology “and presented a lecture on “Obesity in
Lebanon.” Damascus.
2005 Medical Doctors’; Two days course to Medical Doctors on “Dietary managements of
diabetes and obesity” Ministry of Health, Syria-Damascus.
2005 Invited lecturer to Saudi Arabia-Riyadh Diabetes Center on “General aspects of Nutrition
and dietary management of diabetes”.
2005 Invited lecturer on Medical Nutrition Therapy of Diabetes by Lilly pharmaceutical for
training of Medical Doctors in Nutrition Damascus-Syria.
Services to the International Community
Served for many years as an expert consultant on Nutrition as following:
2004-present Appointed by Director General (DG) of WHO as a member of the “WHO Expert
Advisory Panel on Nutrition”.
2004-2014 Appointed by the WHO Department of Nutrition for Health and Development as a
member of the “WHO Nutrition Guidance Expert Advisory Group (NUGAG), Sub-group on Diet
and Health”.
2008 Reviewed WHO nutrition program Geneva.
2006 Organized and conducted a workshop on “Dietary Management for Diabetes”, EI. Lilly
company, Tehran.
2006 The First Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) on “Body fat and its relationship with
metabolic syndrome indicators in overweight pre-adolescents”. International Atomic Energy
Association (IAEA), Vienna.
2006 Participated in “Loose weight while eating, obesity in children, mediterranean diet, and
sports nutrition” at the “2eme Congrés de la Faculté de pharmacie”. Faculté de pharmacie (USJ),
2005 Consultant on National Program on iron Fortification and iron Deficiency Anemia.
International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), Vienna.
2004 Expert consultant for WHO/FAO workshop on “Fruit and Vegetables for Health”, Kobe,
2002 Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on “Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic
Diseases” in Geneva, Switzerland.
2001 FAO Expert consultant on “Determination of Human Energy and Macronutrient
Metabolism” in Rome.
Editorial Board/Reviewer
2008-Present IQEF Regional Review Board - Middle East.
2008- present Editorial board member. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
2006- present Editorial board member International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
2006-2008 Editorial board member: Health Education Research
2004-present Editorial board member: World Health Organization Bulletin
2004-present Editorial board member: Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
2004-present Reviewer of Research Articles:
a) World Health Organization Bulletin
b) Nutrition Research
c) Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
d) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
e) Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute
Conferences/Workshops Participation
2012. Attended the Experimental Biology 2012. Presented an abstract entitled: Prevalence and
Determinants of Overweight and Obesity in a National Sample of 5-12 Years Old Lebanese
Children. San Diego, California, USA, April 21-25, 2012.
2012. Attended the International Conference on Nutrition & Growth. Presented an abstracr
entitled: Development of food-based dietary guidelines for children and adolescents in Lebanon..
Paris, 1-3 March.
2011. 18th European Congress on Obesity. Presented a paper entitled: “Lifestyle Related
Determinants of Obesity and NCDs in MENA Countries”. Istanbul, Turkey May 25, 2011 – May
28, 2011.
2011. Experimental Biology 2011 Annual Meeting. Presented a paper entitled: “Association
between Body Fat and Metabolic Abnormalities in Lebanese Children and Adolescents”.
Washington, DC, April 9–13, 2011.
2011. Invited to attend the Second meeting of the WHO Nutrition Guidance Expert Advisory
Group (NUGAG) Sub-group on Diet and Health, to provide advice to WHO in updating Nutrition
Guidelines. Geneva, 14 - 17 March 2011.
2010. International Congress on Obesity (ICO 2010). Presented a paper entitled: “Metabolic
Syndrome and insulin resistance in obese pre-pubertal children in Lebanon: A primary health
concern”. Stockholm, July 11-July 16, 2010.
2010. Invited to attend the WHO Meeting on 'A Prioritized Research Agenda for Prevention and
Control of Non-communicable Diseases, to provide advice to WHO. Geneva 20-21 October 2010.
2009. Attended the Third Technical Meeting on “Body fat and its relationship with metabolic
syndrome indicators in overweight pre-adolescents”, held under a coordinated research project at
IAEA’s Headquarters in Vienna, November 2009.
2009. 19th International Congress of Nutrition (ICN 2009). The Role of Apolipoprotein A-II in
the Development of Insulin Resistance Following Chronic High Fat Feeding. Bangkok Trade and
Exhibition Center Bangkok- Thailand, October 4-9, 2009.
2009. Salzburg Global Seminar for Session 463, “Greening the Minds: Universities, Climate
Change, and Sustainable Futures” in Salzburg, Austria, July 11-16, 2009.
2009. Management and Leadership in Education (MLE) course held at the Graduate School of
Education, Harvard Institutes of Higher Education in Boston, United States, June 14 – 26, 2009.
2008. 2nd International Conference on hypertension, lipids, diabetes and stroke prevention. Body
fat and its relationship with metabolic indicators in overweight adolescents in Lebanon. Prague,
Czech Republic, March 6-8, 2008.
2007. Training on Development and Fundraising, Council for Advancement and Support of
Education (CASE), Vancouver, Canada, November 6-9, 2007.
2006. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Presented a paper on “The
activity involved presenting a paper on “Variation in postprandial ghrelin status following
ingestion of high carbohydrate, high fat and high protein meals in healthy males”, San Francisco,
2006. Regional training course on “The Use of Stable Isotopes to Assess Nutritional Status of
Adults and Children” by International Atomic Energy Agency in collaboration with the
Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
2005. Fourth annual meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical
Activity (ISBNPA) in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presented a paper on “Diet and Physical Activity
as Determinants of Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors in Lebanon”.
2005. Attended a workshop on the DEXA machine organized by the Hologic Company Boston,
2005. Fourth International Congress on the Columbus Concept. Invited lecturer on “Prebiotics
and probiotics in foods”, Bejing- China.
2005. Invited lecturer on “Health benefits of the Mediterranean diets”. International
conference on “Mediterranean foods: Reasons to defend it”. The conference was organized by
the Mediterranean Food Institute which belongs to the Agriculture and Fisheries Regional
Ministry of Andalusia. Malaga, Spain.
2004. Fifth International Conference on Nutrition and Fitness. Invited lecturer on “Adolescent
obesity and physical activity”. Athens, Greece.
2004. Third International Congress on the Columbus Concept. Invited lecturer on “Omega 3 fatty
acids and health”, Brussels- Belgium.
2003. Ninth European Nutrition Conference. Presented a paper on “Glycemic and insulinemic
responses to hot versus cooled potato in healthy subjects with varied insulin sensitivity”. Rome,
2002. Ninth World Congress on Clinical Nutrition. Presented a paper on “Weight loss, body
composition, insulin and blood lipid responses to hypocaloric high carbohydrate vs. high protein
dietary regimens in obese normoinsulinemic women”, London.
2001. Seventeenth International Congress of Nutrition. Presented a lecture on “High
Carbohydrate vs. High Monounsaturated Fat Diet In Treatment of Obese Hyperinsulinemic
Normoglycemic Subjects. 17th International Congress of Nutrition", Vienna, Austria.
2002. American Overseas Dietetic Association (AODA). Presented a lecture on “Diet, obesity and
insulin resistance”, Nicosia-Cyprus.
2001. American Overseas Dietetic Association (AODA)-24th Annual Conference, AlicanteSpain
2000. Federation of American Societies for experimental Biology. Presented a paper on “Effects
of dietary mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids on lipid peroxidation in rats”, San Diego,
1998. International Congress on Obesity. Presented a paper on “Dietary trends and obesity in
Lebanon”, Paris.
1997. International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS). Presented a paper on “Diet
composition affects weight gain, adiposity and blood parameters in healthy human volunteers”,
Montreal – Canada.
1996. Experimental Biology 96 organized by the American Institute of Nutrition. Presented a
paper on “The effect of feeding black cumin oil on body composition serum lipids and adipose
tissue lipoprotein lipase activity in rats”, Washington D.C., USA.
1992. Annual Meetings of American Society of Clinical Nutrition. Presented a paper on “Effect
of dietary saturated fats on plasma cholesterol, lipoprotein levels and adipose tissue lipoprotein
lipase in rats”, USA.
1990. Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Obesity. Presented a paper on
“Lipoprotein lipase, adiposity, serum cholesterol and triglycerides levels in rats fed casein or soy
1989. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Presented a paper on “Effects
of casein vs. soy protein diets on body composition of adult rats”, New Orleans, USA.
1987. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Presented a paper on “The
composition of excess weight before and after weight loss”, Washington DC, USA.
1985. XIII International Congress of Nutrition. Presented a paper on “Role of brown adipose
tissue in thermogenesis induced by overfeeding a diet contained medium chain triglycerides”,
Brighton – England.
1983. IVth International congress on Obesity. Presented a paper on “Effects of diets with animal
or vegetable protein sources on body composition of rats”, New York.
1982. Annual Meetings of American Society of Clinical Nutrition. Presented a paper on “Effect
of phenylmethylpolysiloxane, a potential non-caloric fat substitute on body composition of obese
zucker rats”.
1981. Annual Meetings of American Society of Clinical Nutrition. Presented a paper on
“Enhanced Thermogenesis and diminished deposition of fat in response to overfeeding with diet
containing medium chain triglyceride”.
Research Funding (Past 10 years)
Proposals for grants were written and funded since 1987, was awarded two Fulbright scholarships
(1986 and 2000) and was a recipient of research grants from WHO; UNICEF; UNU; International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); Ministry of Health, Lebanon; Kuwait Society for Advancement
of Arab Children; Third World Academy of Sciences; University Research Board (URB), AUB;
Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (LNCSR).
2011-2014. Research grant: Coca Cola Foundation. Evidence-Based Nutrition Intervention
Program. Role: Co-PI
2011-2012. Research grant: WHO. Validation of a Lebanese Food Security Assessment Tool.
Role: PI.
2010-2013. Research grant: Nestle Middle East. The Nestle Healthy Kids Nutrition Research
Fund. Role Co-PI
2009-2012. Associated Research Unit: LNCSR. Undernutrition and Obesity in Lebanon. Role:
2009-2010. Research grant: UNU. Interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity in
Lebanese school children targeting overweight and obesity. Role: PI
2008-2009. Research grant: WHO. Interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity
in Lebanese school children. Role: PI
2008-2009. Research grant: CEDRE. L’influence d’une alimentation hyperglucidique,
hyperlipidique ou hyperprotéique sur les hormones de l’appétit et le metabolism des HDL chez
l’homme et la souris. Role: Co-PI
2006-2009. Research grant: IAEA. Body fat and its relationship with metabolic syndrome
indicators in overweight (BMI≥85th percentile) pre-adolescent children and adolescents in
Lebanon. Role: PI
2007-2009. Research grant: LNCSR. Postprandial variation in appetite hormones in response to
macronutrient composition of meals in male subjects with metabolic syndrome. Role: PI
2006-2007. Research grant: URB-AUB. Interaction between fat mass, insulin resistance,
bone and the vitamin D-PTH axis in Overweight (BMI≥85th percentile) Pre-adolescent
Children and Adolescents in Lebanon. Role: PI
2005-2007. Research grant: LNCSR. Diet and physical activity as determinants of noncommunicable disease risk factors in Lebanon. Role: PI
2005-2006. Research grant: URB-AUB. Effect of high protein diet on PYY and ghrelin levels in
subjects post- gastric banding. Role: PI
2004-2006. Research grant: Merck Pharmaceuticals Company. Effect of Metformin on weight
loss and body composition in obese insulin resistant subjects fed either a high or low
carbohydrate diet. Role: PI
2004-2005. Research grant, IBSAR: Comparison between Ocimum Basilicim seed, husk of
Plantago Psyllium and Nigella Sativa seed consumption on insulin,glucocorticoid level and blood
parameters in diabetic rats. Role: CoI
2004-2005. Research grant, URB-AUB: Effect of macronutrient composition of meals on
postprandial PYY response of healthy subjects. Role: PI
2003-2004. Research grant, URB-AUB: Glycemic and insulinemic responses to hot versus
cooled potato in healthy subjects with varied insulin sensitivity. Role: PI
2003-2004. Research grant, IBSAR: Acute and chronic effects on hyperglycaemic and lipid
profile of water extracts of a Lebanese indigenous plant in Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
Role: CoI
2003-2004. Research grant, IBSAR: Development of carbohydrate-free bread and the effects of
herbs. Role: PI
2002-2004: Research grant: CEDRE. Evaluation du niveau de contamination de l’alimentation
Libanaise en métaux lourds et radionucléides et evaluation du risqué pour le consommateur.
Role: Co-PI
2002- 2003. Research grant, URB-AUB: Effect of macronutrient composition of hypo-energetic
diets on weight loss, body composition and blood parameters. Role: PI
2001-2004. Research grant, LNCSR: National nutritional micronutrient survey: Assessment of
anemia and antioxidant mirconutrient status of females in Lebanon. Role: PI
2001- 2002. Research grant, URB-AUB: Substrate utilization in hyper-insulinemic vs. normoinsulinemic obese males in response to high carbohydrate vs. high protein meals. Role: PI
2000-2001. Research grant, URB-AUB: Effect of hypo-energetic high protein diet in contrast to
hyperenergetic high carbohydrate diet on weight loss, metabolic rate and hyperinsulinemia in
obese normal and hyperinsulinemic female subjects. Role: PI
2001-2004. Research grant, LNCSR: National nutritional micronutrient survey: assessment of
anemia and antioxidant mirconutrient status of females in Lebanon. Role: PI
1999-2000. Research grant, URB-AUB: Effect of hypoenegetic high protein diet in contrast to
hperenergetic high carbohydrate diet on weight loss, metabolic rate and hyperinsulinemia in obese
normal and hyperinsulinemic male subjects. Role: PI
More than fifty publications in internationally refereed journals on nutritional assessment, body
composition, dietary fats and plasma lipids, diet composition and insulin resistance, diabetes and
obesity. Examples of refereed Journals: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Lipids, International
Journal of Obesity, Nutrition Research, Gerontology, Journal of Nutrition and Health, International
Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, Journal of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine, Ecology
of Food and Nutrition, Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Journal of Nutritional Medicine, Lebanese
Science Bulletin.
Chapter in Books
2007 Hwalla N. Lebanese Traditional Diets & Health effects. In Wild-type Food in Health
Promotion and Disease Prevention, The Columbus Concept, De Messter, Fabien, Watson,
Ronald R. (Editors), Humana Press, pp. 493-498.
2006 Hwalla N. Nutrition and Dietary Practices: Arab States. Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic
Cultures Volume III. Brill- Leiden, Boston.
2005 Nutrition in the elderly. Article published in MEMA (Middle East Medical Assembly) book.
2000 Al Masri H, Hwalla N, Kanj M, Jabr B, Kseifi N. Health and Happiness: Nutrition guide for
Arab women. A Book Published by NOUR-Arab women’s Association.
Articles in Refereed Journals (Senior/Corresponding Author in bold)
2012. Nasreddine, L., Naja, F., Chamieh, MC., Adra, N., Sibai AM., Hwalla, N.
Trends in overweight and obesity in Lebanon: Evidence from two national crosssectional surveys (1997 and 2009). BMC Public Health (In Press, Accepted Sep 10,
2012. Nasreddine, L., Nabhani-Zeidan, M., Naja, F., Hwalla, N. Complementary
Feeding in the MENA Region: Practices and Challenges. Nutrition, Metabolism and
Cardiovascular Diseases (In Press). DOI: 10.1016/j.numecd.2012.05.010
2012. Nasreddine, L., Naja, F, Akl, C., Adra, N., Sibai, A., Hwalla, N. Prevalence and
Determinants of Overweight and Obesity in a National Sample of 5-12 Years Old
Lebanese Children. The FASEB Journal. 2012;26:811.3.
2012. Naja F, Nasreddine L, Hwalla N, Moghames P, Shoaib H, Fatfat M, Sibai A and
Gali-Muhtasib H. Association of H. Pylori infection with insulin resistance and
metabolic syndrome among Lebanese adults. Accepted for publication in Helicobacter.
2012. Nasreddine L, Naja F, Sibai AM, Helou K, Adra N and Hwalla N. Trends in
Nutritional Intakes and Nutrition-Related Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in
Lebanon: The Need for Immediate Action . Lebanese Medical Journal, In Press
(Invited submission).
2012. Naja F, Nasreddine L, Itani L, Dimassi H, Sibai A and Hwalla N. Dietary
patterns in cardiovascular diseases prevention and management: review of the evidence
and recommendations for primary care physicians in Lebanon. Lebanese Medical
Journal, In Press (Invited submission)
2012. Nasreddine L, Naja F, Tabet M, Habbal MZ, El-Aily A, Haikal C, Sidani S, Adra
N, Hwalla N. Obesity is associated with insulin resistance and components of the
metabolic syndrome in Lebanese adolescents. Ann Hum Biol. 2012 Mar 39(2):122-8.
2011. Naja F, Nasreddine L, Itani L, Adra N, Sibai AM, Hwalla N. Association
between dietary patterns and the risk of metabolic syndrome among Lebanese adults.
Eur J Nutr. 2011 Dec 23.2011. Nasreddine L, Naja F, Hills AP, Youssef SK, Chahine
J, Hwalla N. Validity of predictive equations developed to estimate body fat from
anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis in 8-10 year-old children. Clin
Nutr. 2011 Dec 17.
2011. Naja F, Nasreddine L, Itani L, Chamieh MC, Adra N, Sibai AM, Hwalla N.
Dietary Patterns and their Association with Obesity and Socio-demographic Factors in
a National Sample of Lebanese Adults. Public Health Nutrition 2011 Sept; 14(9):15708.
2010. Dalia El-Khoury, Rola El- Rassi, Sami Azar and Nahla Hwalla. Postprandial
ghrelin and PYY responses of male subjects on low carbohydrate meals to varied balancing
proportions of proteins and fats. Eur J Nutr; 49:493-500.
2010. Dalia El Khoury and Nahla Hwalla. Metabolic and appetite hormones responses of
hyperinsulinemic normoglycemic males to meals with varied macronutrient composition.
Ann Nutr Metab; 57:59-67.
2010. Abla Mehio Sibai, Lara Nasreddine, Ali H. Mokdad, Nada Adra, Maya Tabet, and
Nahla Hwalla. Nutrition Transition and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Middle
East and North Africa Countries: Reviewing the Evidence. Ann Nutr Metab; 57(3-4):193–
2010. L. Nasreddine, K. Ouaijan, M. Mansour, N. Adra, D. Sinno, N. Hwalla. Metabolic
Syndrome and Insulin Resistance in Obese Prepubertal Children in Lebanon: A Primary
Health Concern. Ann Nutr Metab; 57(2):135–142
2010. Nasreddine L., Nashalian O., Naja F., Itani L., Parent-Massin D., Hwalla N. Dietary
Exposure to Essential and Toxic Trace Elements from a Total Diet Study in an Adult
Lebanese Urban Population, Food Chemical Toxicology; 48: 1262-9.
2010. Dalia El Khoury, Nahla Hwalla, Vincent Frochot, Jean-Marc Lacorte, Michèle
Chabert, Athina D. Kalopissis. Postprandial metabolic and hormonal responses of obese
dyslipidemic subjects with metabolic syndrome to test meals, rich in carbohydrate, fat or
protein. Atherosclerosis. 210: 307-313.
16. 2010. Nasreddine L, Mehio-Sibai A, Mrayati M, Adra N, Hwalla N. Adolescent
obesity in Syria: prevalence and associated factors. Child Care Health Dev. 2010
17. 2010. Hwalla N. Matter Related to the Research Article Published in Obesity Reviews
(2009; 9: 389-399) Entitled “Obesity in Mediterranean Region (1997-2007): A Systematic
Review”. Obes Rev. Mar; 11(3):229.
18. 2008. Nasreddine L, El Samad O, Hwalla N, Baydoun R, Hamzé M and Parent-Massin D.
Activity concentrations and mean annual effective dose from gamma-emitting
radionuclides in the Lebanese diet. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 131: 545-550.
19. 2008. Nancy Helou, Omar Obeid, Sami T Azar, Nahla Hwalla. Variation of postprandial
PYY3-36 Response following ingestion of differing macronutrient meals in obese females.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 52:188-195.
20. 2008. Omar Obeid, Manal Elfakhani, Sani Hlais, Michel Iskandar, Malek Batal, Youssef
Mouneimne, Nada Adra, Nahla Hwalla. Plasma copper, zinc and selenium levels and
correlates with metabolic syndrome components of Lebanese adults. Biological Trace
Element Research, 123:58-65.
21. 2008. Omar Obeid, Lynn Al Khatib, Malek Batal, Nada Adra, Nahla Hwalla. Established
and suspected biomarkers of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in pre-menopausal
Lebanese women. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 47:3, 298-311.
22. 2008. Mehio-Sibai A, Obeid O, Batal M, Adra N, El Khoury D, Hwalla N. Prevalence and
Correlates of metabolic syndrome in an adult Lebanese population. Prevention and
Control, 3:83-90
23. 2007. Bassil MS, Hwalla N, Obeid OA. Meal pattern of male rats maintained on
histidine-, leucine-, or tyrosine-supplemented diet. Obesity. Mar;15(3):616-23.
24. 2007. Bassil MS, Mrayati MM, Hwalla NC, Obeid OA. Acute effect of leptin and
ghrelin injection on postprandial glycogen and lipid synthesis in rats. Ann Nutr Metab.
2007; 51(1):14-21.
25. 2007. Jackson RT, Rashed M, Al-Hamad N, Hwalla N, Al-Somaie M. Comparison of
BMI-for-age in adolescent girls in 3 countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. La
Revue de Santé de la Méditérranée Orientale 13, No 2: 430-446.
26. 2006. Obeid OA, Jamal ZM, Hwalla N, Emery PW. The effect of glutamine and
dihydroxyacetone supplementation on food intake, weight gain, and postprandial
glycogen synthesis in female Zucker rats. Nutrition. 2006 Jul-Aug; 22(7-8):794-801.
27. 2006. Nasreddine L, Hwalla N, El Samad O, Leblanc JC Hamzé M, Sibiril Y, ParentMassin D. Dietary exposure to lead, cadmium, mercury and radionuclides of an adult urban
population in Lebanon; a total diet study approach. Food Additives and Contaminants,
28. 2006. Obeid OA, Al-Ghali RM, Khogali M, Hwalla N. Vitamins A and E status in an
urban Lebanese population: A case study at Dar Al-Fatwa area, Beirut. Int J Vitam & Nutr
Res, 76:3-8.
29. 2006. Al Khatib L, Obeid OA, Mehio-Sibai A, Batal M, Adra N, Hwalla N. Folate
deficiency is associated with nutritional anaemia in Lebanese women of childbearing age.
Public Health Nutrition, 9(7):921-7.
30. 2006. Nasreddine L, Hwalla N, Sibai A, Hamzé M, Parent-Massin D. Food consumption
patterns in an adult urban population in Beirut, Lebanon. Public Health Nutrition, 9(194203).
31. 2006. Tannous Dit El Khoury D, Obeid O, Azar ST, Hwalla N. Variation in postprandial
ghrelin status following ingestion of high Carbohydrate, high Fat and high Protein meals in
males. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 50:260-269.
32. 2006. Obeid OA, Boukarim LK, Al Awar RM, Hwalla N. Postprandial glycogen and lipid
synthesis in prednisolone-treated rats maintained on high protein diets with varied
carbohydrate levels. Nutrition, 22:288-294.
33. 2005. Hwalla N, Shaker L, Torbay N, Azar ST, Habbal Z, Adra N. Postprandial glycemic
and insulinemic responses to high carbohydrate versus high protein meals in obese
normoglycemic subjects with varied insulin Sensitivity. Nutrition Research, 25:535-48.
34. 2005. Abou-Samra R, Hwalla N, Torbay N, Dib L, El-Hajj Fuleihan Gh. High plasma
leptin is not associated with higher bone mineral density in insulin resistant premenopausal
obese women. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 90:2588-2594.
35. 2005. Hwalla N, Mehio Sibai A, Adra N. Adolescent obesity and physical activity. World
Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 94:42-50.
36. 2005. Obeid O, Bitar ST, Hwalla N, Emery PW. Effect of diet supplementation with
glutamine, dihydroxyacetone and leucine on food intake, weight gain and postprandial
glycogen metabolism of rats. Nutrition, 21:224-29.
37. 2005. Al Awar RM, Obeid OA, Hwalla N, Azar SA. Postprandial acylated ghrelin status
following fat and protein manipulation of meals in healthy young women. Clinical Science,
38. 2004. Hwalla N, Koleilat M. Dietetic practice: the past, present and future. Eastern
Mediterranean Health Journal, 10:716-730.
39. 2004. Najjar N, Adra N, and Hwalla N. Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses to Hot
Versus Cooled Potato in Males with Varied Insulin Sensitivity. Nutrition Research,
40. 2004. Hwalla N, Torbay N, Andari N, Adra N, Azar ST, Habbal Z. Restoration of Normal
Insulinemia and Insulin Sensitivity in Hyperinsulinemic Normoglycemic Men by a
Hypoenergetic High Monounsasurated Fat Diet. Journal of Nutritional & Environmental
Medicine, 14:1, 29-38.
41. 2004. Hwalla (Baba) N, Adra N, Jackson RT. Iron Deficiency is an Important Contributor
to Anemia among Reproductive Age Woman in Lebanon. Ecology of Food and Nutrition,
42. 2003. Mehio-Sibai A, Hwalla (Baba) N, Adra N., Rahal B. Prevalence and Covariates of
Obesity in Lebanon: Findings from the First epidemiological Study. Obesity Research,
11(11): 1353-61.
43. 2003. Bouclaous C, Torbay N, Nassar C., and Hwalla (Baba). Modification of
Glucocorticoid Effects on Body Weight Gain, Plasma Lipids, Feed Efficiency by Changes
in Diet Composition. Nutrition Research, 23(8), 1105-1115
44. 2003. Mehio-Sibai A, Zard Ch, Adra N, Baydoun M, and Hwalla (Baba) N. Variations in
nutritional status of elderly men and women according to place of residence. Gerontology,
49, 215-224
45. 2002. Torbay N, Hwalla (Baba) N, Sawaya S, Bajjani R, Habbal Z, Azar S, Hashim SA.
High protein vs. high carbohydrate hypoenergetic diet in treatment of obese
normoinsulinemic and hyperinsulinemic subjects. Nutrition Research, 22(5), 587-598
46. 2000. Hwalla (Baba) N, Ghousoub Z and Habbal Z. Differential effects of dietary oils on
plasma lipids, lipid peroxidation and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity in rats.
Nutrition Research, 20(8), 1113-1125.
47. 2000. Hwalla (Baba) N. Dietary Guidelines for Lebanon. Journal of Nutrition and
Health, (14), 33-40.
48. 1999. Hwalla (Baba) N, Sawaya S, Torbay N, Habbal Z, Azar S and Hashim SA. High
protein vs high carbohydrate hypoenergetic diet for the treatment of obese
hyperinsulinemic subjects. International Journal of Obesity 23, 1202 –1206.
49. 1999. Hwalla (Baba) N, Sultan R, Cortas N and Habbal Z. 1999. Diet Composition affects
weight gain, adiposity and blood parameters in healthy human volunteers. Nutrition
Research, Vol.19, No. 9, pp. 1313 -1326.
50. 1999. Hwalla (Baba) N, Antoniades C and Habbal Z. Effects of Canola, Olive, and
Linolenic Acid Enriched Olive Oils on Plasma Lipids, Lipid Peroxidation and Lipoprotein
Lipase Activity in Rats. Nutrition Research. Vol. 19, No. 4, 601-612.
51. 1998. Hwalla (Baba) N. Food and dietary fiber consumption pattern in Lebanon.
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. Vol. 49, S41-S45.
52. 1998. Hwalla (Baba) N. Food Consumption pattern in Lebanon. Rivista di Antropologia
Suppl. Vol. 76. pp 193-204.
53. 1997. Mehio Z, Baba N and Habbal Z. Glycemic and insulinemic responses of normal
subjects to selected meals commonly consumed in the Middle East. Journal of Nutrition
and Environmental Medicine. Volume 7, 275-286.
54. 1997. Baba NH, Shaar KH, Faour D, Musaiger AR, Al-Housani H and Adra N.
Nutritional Status of School Children Aged 6-10 Years in UAE Emirates: Comparison
with children from different ethnic origins. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Vol. 36, 367384.
55. 1996. Baba NH, Shaar KH, El Sheikh Ismail L, Adra N. Comparison of nutritional status
of preschool children at day care centers and at home from different socioeconomic
backgrounds in Beirut. J. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Vol. 9, 89-103.
56. 1994. Shaar KH, Baba NH, Shaar MA, Mirhi J. A nutritional study of children with
hearing and visual impairments in Lebanon. J. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Vol. 7: 1728.
57. 1994. Baba N, Shaar K, Jammal W. Nutritional assessment of patients and adequacy of
diet in selected hospitals. Journal of Nutritional Medicine. Volume 4 No. 3. 297-310.
58. 1994. Baba N, Shaar K, Hamadeh S, Adra N. Nutritional status of Bedouin children aged
6-10 years in Lebanon and Syria under different nomadic pastoral systems. Ecology of
Food and Nutrition. Vol. 32:247-259.
59. 1993. Baba N, Hamadeh S, Hashim M, and Adra N. Effect of settlement on nutritional
status of Bedouin children aged 6-10 years in the Lebanese Beqaa Valley. Ecology of
Food and Nutrition. Vol. 30: 293-307.
60. 1993. Baba N, Katerji I, Habbal Z, and Theodore Van Itallie. Effect of different dietary
saturated fats on plasma lipid levels and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase in rats. Nutrition
Research, Vol.13, No.2, pp.197-208.
61. 1992. Baba N, Radwan H, and Van Itallie T. Effects of Casein vs. Soy protein diets on
body composition and serum lipid levels in adult rats. Nutrition Research. Vol.12, PP.279288.
62. 1991. Baba N, Hamadeh S and N Adra. Nutritional Status of Lebanese school children
from different socio-economic background, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Vol.25,
63. 1987. Baba N, Bracco EF and SA Hashim. Role of brown adipose tissue in the
thermogenesis induced by over feeding a diet containing medium chain triglycerides.
Lipids. Vol.22, No.6, 422-444.
64. 1987. Bracco EF, Baba N and SA Hashim. Phenyl methyl polysiloxane: A potential noncaloric fat substitute: Effects on body composition of obese female Zucker rats. American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol.46, 784-789.
65. 1982. Baba N, Bracco EF and SA Hashim. Enhanced thermogenesis and diminished
deposition of fat in response to overfeeding with diet containing medium chain
Triglyceride. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 35: 679-682.
Technical Reports
2012 Food Based Dietary Guidelines for Lebanese Adults
2012 Promoting a Healthy Diet for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region: user-friendly guide.
WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean: Cairo.
2011 Situation Assessment Regarding Nutrition and Food Safety in Lebanon. Report submitted to
2009 Regional Nutrition Strategy and Action Plan for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR)
submitted to WHO.
2008 Food Based Dietary Guidelines for the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Egypt, Iraq,
Jordan,Lebanon, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan and Syria. Technical Report submitted to
2007 Lebanese Republic Nutrition Profile – Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division. FAO.
2012. Nasreddine L, Naja F, Akl C, Adra N, Sibai A, Hwalla N. Nutrient intakes among 5-12
years old Lebanese children: A cross-sectional national survey. International Conference on
Nutrition & Growth. Paris, 1-3 March.
2012. Kassem-Youssef S, Chahine J, Nasreddine L, Naja F, Hwalla N. Comparative analysis of
body composition assessment methods in 8-10 year old Lebanese children. Annual AUB Basic
Biomedical Research Day, Beirut, Lebanon, 25 February.
2012. El-Aily A, Haikal C, Tabet M, Habbal MZ, Adra N, Nasreddine L, Hwalla N. Association
between obesity and the metabolic syndrome indicators among adolescents in Lebanon. Annual
AUB Basic Biomedical Research Day, Beirut, Lebanon, 25 February.
2012. Moghames P, Gali-Muhtasib H, Hwalla N, Sibai A, Nasreddine L, Shouaib H, Fatfat M,
Naja F. H. Pylori infection in lebanon: prevalence, risk factors and association with metabolic
syndrome. Annual AUB Basic Biomedical Research Day, Beirut, Lebanon, 25 February.
2011. Naja F, Nasreddine L, Itani L, Adra N, Sibai AM, Hwalla N. A western dietary pattern
is associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome among Lebanese adults. World
diabetes congress, International Diabetes Federation. Dubai, 4-8.
2011. Naja F, Nasreddine L, Salem M, Itani L, Zeidan M, Azar S, Hwalla N. Nutritional
intake and anthropometric characteristics of adults with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Beirut,
Lebanon: A case-control study. World diabetes congress, International Diabetes Federation.
Dubai, 4-8.
2009. Nasreddine L., Naja F, Itani L, Zeidan M, Hwalla N, “ Dietary Patterns and their
association with anthropometric and sociodemographic factors in a sample of Lebanese adults,
Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science 16th Conference, LAAS 16 Conference,
November 13-15, Beirut, Lebanon.
2009. Naja F, Nasreddine L, Itani L, Zeidan M, Hwalla N, Dietary patterns and their determinants
in a sample of Lebanese adults, CSCN-CSNS Annual Scientific Meeting, May 29-June 3,
2009. Hwalla N, Nasreddine L, Obeid O, Tabet M, Sidani S, Adra N. Body fat and its
relationship with metabolic syndrome indicators in overweight and obese adolescents in Lebanon.
3rd International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome, April 1-4, Nice, France.
2008. Hwalla N, Nasreddine L, Sidani S, Obeid O, Adra N. Body fat and its relationship with
metabolic syndrome indicators in overweight adolescents in Lebanon. 2nd international conference
on hypertension, lipids, diabetes and stroke prevention, March 6-8, Prague- Czech Republic.
2005. Nasreddine L, El Samad O, Hwalla N. Définition du panier de la Ménagère Beyrouthine,
Evaluation de la contamination des aliments en radionucléides, evaluation de l’exposition aux
Métaux Lourds par Voie Alimentaire. Congrès de la Société Française de Toxicologie, BrestFrance.
2005. Melzer K, Adra N, Pichard C, Hwalla N. Nutritional Status of Lebanese School Children
Aged 6 to 9 years from different socioeconomic backgrounds. ESPEN 24(4):538-539.
2005. Mrayati M, Hwalla N, Obeid O. No acute effect of ghrelin injection on in vivo postprandial
glycogen and lipid synthesis of rats. Proc Nutr Soc; 64:74A
2005. Bassil M, Hwalla N, Obeid OA. The acute effect of leptin, injection on in vivo postprandial
glycogen and lipid synthesis in rats. Proc Nutr Soc; 64:74A
2004. Hagopian T, Hwalla N, Torbay N, Obeid O. Food intake and hepatic glycogenesis of rats
maintained on high protein diets supplemented with dihydroxyacetone. Int J Obes 28 suppl 1:
2003. Najjar N, Hwalla H. Glycemic and insulinemic responses to hot versus cooled potato in
healthy subjects with varied insulin sensitivity. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 47:643
2003. Bou-Karim L., Hwalla N, Torbay N, Obeid OA. The in vivo rate of postprandial glycogen
synthesis in glucocorticoid-treated rats maintained on different high protein diets. Poceedings of
Nutrition Society 62: 44A.
2003. Bitar ST, Hwalla N, Torbey N, Emery PW, Obeid OA. The effect of diet supplementation
with glutamine, dihydroxyacetone and leucine on the in vivo rate of postprandial glycogen
synthesis. Proc Nutr Soc 62, 44A.
2002. Hwalla N, Torbay N, Shaker L, Azar S, Habbal Z. Postprandial substrate utilization in
obese insulin resistant subjects in response to high carbohydrate vs. high protein meals. Int J Obes
Ret Metab Disord 26 suppl 1: S94
2000. Ghossoub Z, Habbal Z, Hwalla N. Effects of dietary mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids
on lipid peroxidation in rats. FASEB Journal, PT1, 253A, 176.16.
1996. Baba N, Chamieh MC, Habbal Z, Hashim S. The effect of feeding black cumin oil on
body composition serum lipids and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity in rats. The FASEB
Journal. Vol. 10, No. 3. 1080A.
1992. Baba N, Katerji I, Habbal Z, Van Itallie TB. Effect of Dietary Saturated Fats on Plasma
Cholesterol, Lipoprotein Levels and Adipose Tissue Lipoprotein Lipase in rats. American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition Abstract, Vol.56, No.4, p.755.
1989. Baba N, Radwan H. Effects of Casein vs. Soy protein diets on body composition of adult
rats. FASEB Journal, 6017.
1987. Baba N, Heymsfield SB, Pierson RN, Wang J, Kral J, Funfar J. The composition of excess
weight before and after weight loss. FASEB Journal; 46(3):1010.
1983. Baba N, Juni Z, Tannous R. Effects of diets with animal or vegetable protein sources on
body composition of rats. Proceeding of IVth International Congress on Obesity. Page 3A.
1982. Bracco EF, Baba N, Hashim SA. Effect of Phenylmethylpolysiloxane, a potential Noncaloric fat substitute on body composition of Obese Zucker rats. Clinical Research; 30(2):681.
1981. Baba N, Bracco EF, Seylar J, Hashim SA. Enhanced Thermogenesis and diminished
deposition of fat in response to overfeeding with diet containing medium chain triglyceride.
Clinical Research; 29(2):621.
PhD Theses Supervision
In Process:
2008-2014 Mrad Habib, Carla: Interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity in
Lebanese schoolchildren.
2006-2012 Chamieh, Marie Claire. Dietary and socioeconomic determinants of overweight and
obesity in Lebanon.
Thesis Completed:
2008 Tannous, Dalia. Effect of macronutrient composition of males on postprandial ghrelin
response in hyper-insulinemic male subjects.
2005 Nasreddine, Lara. Nouvelles données en sécurité alimentairee des aliments au Liban:
Définition du panier de la ménagère beyrouthine, évaluation de la contamination des aliments en
radionucléotides, évaluation de l’éxposition aux métaux lourds par voie alimentaire.
MS Theses Supervision
2010 Ossana Nashalian. Dietary Exposure to Essential and risk assessment of adult urban
population to nutrient deficiencies and contaminants in Lebanon: a Total Diet Study approach.
2008 Maya Tabet. Risk of the metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese Lebanese female
adolescents (13-19 years, tanner stages 4-5).
2008 Mona Mansour. Body fat and its relationship with metabolic syndrome indicators in
overweight (bmi≥85th percentile) pre-adolescent male children in Lebanon.
2008 Rola El Rassi. Postprandial ghrelin response to meals in healthy males: Effect of protein
2008 Samira Sidani. Body fat and its relationship with metabolic syndrome indicators in
overweight (bmi≥85th percentile) adolescent male children in Lebanon.
2007 Maalouf, Joyce. Interaction between dietary calcium, exercise and leptin and their impact
on musculoskeletal parameters in children and adolescents.
2007 Mrayati, Maha. Overweight and obesity among adolescents (15-18 years) in Damascus:
Prevalence and associated factors.
2006 Helou, Nancy. Effect of macronutrient composition of meals on post-prandial PYY
responds in obese female subjects.
2006 Nouweiry, Jamal. Effect of metformin on weight loss and body composition in obese
insulin resistant subjects fed either low carbohydrate or high carbohydrate diet.
2006 Movahedi, Ariyo. Postprandial and chronic effects of basil seed, husk of psyllium and black
seed on blood parameters in female rats.
2005 Tannous, Dalia. Effect of macronutrient composition of meals on postprandial ghrelin
response in healthy male subjects.
2004 Iskandar, Michele. Diet and physical activity as determinants of non-communicable disease
risk factors in Lebanon.
2004 El-Khatib, Lynn. Assessment of anemia, iron, folate, and B12 status in Lebanese women of
child-bearing age.
2004 Dekermendjian, Annie. Modification of glucocorticoid effects on body weight gain and
plasma lipids by changes in diet composition.
2002 Savic Melzer, Katarina. Nutritional status of Lebanese school children aged 6-9 years from
different socioeconomic backgrounds.
2002 Bouclaous, Carmel. Effect of prednisolone administration & diet composition on intestinal
absorption & plasma lipids of male wister rats.
2002 Dib, Lea. Effects of estrogen/progesterone on intestinal absorption & blood lipids of
ovariectomized wister rats.
2002 Abou-Samra, Rania. Bone metabolism in normo vs. hyperinsulinemic premenopausal obese
females, & its response to different hypocaloric dietary regimens.
2001 Sabbagh, Maha. Weight loss, body composition, insulin & blood lipid response to hypocaloric
high carbohydrate vs. high protein dietary regimens in normoinsulinemic obese women.
2001 Kaedbey, Rola. Dietary, behavioural and metabolic characterization of hyper versus
normoinsulinemic normoglycemic obese subjects.
2001 Najjar, Nadine. Glycemic and insulinemic indices of hot versus cooled potato in healthy
subjects with varied insulin sensitivity.
2001 Shaker, Linda. Post prandial substrate utilization in obese subjects with varied insulin
sensitivity in response to high carbohydrate vs. high protein meals.
2000 Indari, Nadine. Effects of a hypocaloric high carbohydrate diet vs. high monounsaturated fat
diet in hyperinsulinemic obese subjects.
2000 Paoli, Jenniffer. Effects of energy restriction on intestinal absorption in colectomized rats.
2000 Aziz, Alfred. Effects of oil blends on blood lipids, lipid peroxidation, thrombotic factors and
lipoprotein lipase activity in rats.
2000 Zard, Chantal. Comparison of the nutritional status of the elderly from different
socioeconomic background at home and in institutions.
2000 Zeidan, Rita. The effect of the ratio of N-6 to N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat diets on
serum lipids, lipid peroxidation, and lipoprotein lipase activity.
1999 Bajjani, Rudeina. Weight loss, body compositiona nd serum lipid responses to hypocaloric
dietary regimens in normoinsulinemic obese male subject.
1999 Kahwaji, Isabelle. Prevalence, dietary and sociocultural determinants of iron deficiency
anemia in pregnant Lebanese women from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
1998 Naja, Farah. Nutritional status of rural populations in relation to production systems in
marginal areas of Lebanon.
1998 Sawaya, Sally. Weight loss, body composition and serum lipid, responses to hypocaloric
dietary regimens in hyperinsulinemic male subject.
1998 Asmar, Natalie. Effect of Canola Vs Olive Oil on Blood Lipids and Thrombotic Factors in
Patients on Total Enteral Nutrition.
1998 Mekary, Rania. Dietary and psychosocial determinants of obesity among women in urban and
rural areas in Lebanon.
1997 Nabhani, Maya. Effect of high protein, low energy diet on body composition, and blood
parameters in obese female subjects.
1997 Bu-Khuzam, Ghada. Dietary habits and Lp(a) as related to coronary heart diseases risk in
Lebanese population.
1997 Antoniades, Karine. Effects of canola, olive and linolenic acid enriched olive oil on lipid
peroxidation and lipoprotein lipase activity in rats.
1997 Ghossoub, Zeina. Effect of dietary mono and poly-unsaturated oils on serum lipids
peroxidation and lipoprotein lipase activity in rats.
1997 Fayed, Lana. Effects of high fat vs. high carbohydrate diets on body composition and plasma
lipids during energy restriction.
1997 Baghdadi, Nada. Effects of pungent spices on body composition and adipose tissue
lipoprotein lipase activity in rats
1997 Mahboub, Nadine. Nutritional adequacy of weaning foods in rural and urban Lebanese
1997 Sultan, Rana. Diet composition affects weight gain, adiposity and blood parameters in healthy
human volunteers.
1996 Zein El Abidine, Sana. Obesity and dietary habits of urban and rural populations in Lebanon.
1996 Jaber, Nada. Glycemic and insulinemic reponses to selected Middle Eastern dishes in noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus subjects.
1995 Faour, Dima. Nutritional status of primary school children from different ethnic backgrounds
in United Arab Emirates aged 6-12.
1995 Shaar, Maria. Diet composition affects weight loss and adiposity during energy restriction in
1995 El-Sheikh Ismail, Leila. Nutritional status of preschool children from different socioeconomic
backgrounds: Comparison between day-care centers and at-home.
1994 Mehio, Zeina. Serum glucose, insulin and glucagon responses after ingestion of Lebanese
composite dishes in healthy subjects.
1994 Habib, Carla. Dietary fiber content of selected middle eastern dishes.
1993 Chamieh, Marie Claire. The effect of feeding Black Cumin Oil on body composition serum
lipids, and adipose tissue lipo-protein lipase activity in rats.
1993 Baassiri, Rand. Prevalence of nutritional related chronic non-communicable diseases in
selected hospitals in Lebanon.
1992 Jammal, Wafa. Nutritional assessment of hospitalised medical patients.
1992 Hashim, Mona. Nutritional assessment of Bedouin Children aged 6-10 years.
1990 Katergi, Iman. Serum cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels
and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity in rats in response to diets with different sources of
saturated fats.
1990 Haris, Ghaytha. Effects of olive oil and sunflower seed oils and medium chain triglycerides on
serum lipids in rats.
1989 Itani, Leila. Changes in lipoprotein lipases and serum cholesterol, and triglycerides levels in
rats fed diets containing either casein or soy protein.
1988 Radwan, Hadia. The effects of feeding casein soy protein or gluten on body composition of
adult rats.
1987 Goran, Milenkovic. Establishment of poverty lines in Beirut based on least cost diets.
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