November 22 - Centennial School District

MEETING OF MONDAY, November 22, 2010
Jane Schrader Lynch, Cynthia Mueller, Andrew Pollock
Board Members:
Michael Hartline, Mark Miller
Donna Dunar, Khalid Mumin, Maryanne Ormsby, Mary Ellen Gilbert,
David Fries, Carolyn Fisher, Denise Wettstein, Al Cataro, Lisa Francis,
Aaron Francis, Jim Ford, Rena Friedant, Donna Harkins, Shannon
Fitzpatrick, Karen Kressman, Jerry Albrecht, Jeff Czekaj, George Fischer,
Denise Frederick, Anita Findley, Ivette Fiorino, Kathleen Furlong
Robert Montgomery, Paul Rokuskie, Robert A. Shaffer, Leigh Lieberman
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by Mrs. Schrader Lynch.
1. On a motion by Mrs. Schrader Lynch to approve the minutes from October 25, 2010,
seconded by Mrs. Mueller, the minutes were approved, 3-0.
Dr. Dunar provided an update on the Willow Dale move to Phase II.
On a motion by Dr. Pollock to move the two half days (late arrivals for the students) to the
School Board for review and approval on November 23, 2010., seconded by Mrs. Schrader
Lynch, the motion was approved, 3-0.
2. Dr. Dunar provided an overview of the Elementary Mathematics Curriculum Renewal
Process. Everyday Math and Envisions are the two programs continuing through the process
for further review and analysis by the administration and teaching staff.
3. Dr. Dunar provided information on the common core standards and upcoming initiatives to
align curriculum with these standards.
4. Dr. Mumin presented the high school team to respond to questions by the committee
concerning the rationale for the proposed courses. Mrs. Carolyn Fisher spoke to the
connection with a nation-wide program; it is a rigorous accounting course, as rigorous as the
AP program. This year, the course is being piloted. This year, it replaced Accounting 2.
You don’t have to take Accounting 1 as a prerequisite to take this course. Mr. Miller raised
the concern about the discipline consequence aspect of any technology violations. The
question the committee asked was, “When was the pilot approved?” Ms. Ormsby stated that
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it was run as Accounting 2. Mrs. Fisher has presented the course as an innovative program
that we should be proud of. Ms. Ormsby stated that it went through Dr. Jenny FoightCressman and Dr. Turnbaugh. Mr. Hartline asked how many students were in the class and
how did they like the class. Mrs. Fisher responded that there were 16 students, working hard.
Dr. Pollock made a motion to move Accounting Project and the Bridge Project to the full
Board. Motion carried 3-0.
5. Dr. Mumin presented the courses that have a price tag for the 2011-2012 school year. Dr.
Pollock suggested that administration create and present a listing of the courses that are
coming out of the Program of Studies for approval by the Board. Motion approved, 3-0.
6. Mrs. Mueller requested to see the secondary mathematics courses sequence. Dr. Mumin will
follow-up with this information of the mathematics course descriptions. The question was
raised concerning which bank will be selected for the Commerce Center. Dr. Mumin
responded that to date, no bank has been selected. Mrs. Mueller suggested that a bank should
sponsor the Commerce Center. Dr. Mumin acknowledged Mr. Catarro for his excellent work
in constructing the layout of the center.
7. Re: Dual Enrollment Proposal, it was agreed upon that we would bring this forward for
approval. Mrs. Mueller and Mr. Miller sent the questions to Dr. Turnbaugh but did not
receive a response. Dr. Mumin did not receive the questions. Mrs. Mueller cites her concern
about “endorsing” a particular college or university. 6-10 students are at Bucks County
Community College. Mrs. Fisher explained the virtue of dual enrollment as she would be
teaching the course that would award Temple University credit; students maintain their
regular school involvement, staying in the building. They are considered non-matriculating
students with the opportunity to earn 3 college credits that can transfer to another university.
It’s optional. It would be the pilot program, accounting course. Mrs. Fisher attained the
textbook and calculators through grant monies. This is a way for the students to get college
credit without the exorbitant costs. It’s a vehicle for college that will transfer anywhere. Dr.
Pollock motioned to approve the Dual Enrollment. Mrs. Mueller raised the concern that
Gwynned Mercy is a private college rather than a public college or university. Gwynned
Mercy does hold partnership in dual enrollment with a long list of school districts. Mrs.
Mueller expressed praise of Mrs. Fisher and the program that is rigorous and a vehicle to
college. Dr. Pollock raised the motion to approve the program. All in favor 3-0.
On a motion by Dr. Pollock to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs. Mueller, the meeting was
adjourned, 3-0 at 9:05 p.m.
The next Education Committee meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2011.
Respectfully Submitted,
Khalid N. Mumin, Ed. D
Director of Secondary Education
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Donna Dunar, Ed. D.
Director of Elementary Education