AGENDA ITEM REPORT TO LOCAL JOINT CONSULTATIVE PANEL 8th June 2009 REPORT TO HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCE SINGLE STATUS UPDATE SUMMARY This report details the current situation in respect of the job evaluation review/appeals process. The report is noted DETAIL 1. The process for job evaluation reviews/appeals is detailed at Appendix 1 of the Single Status Agreement. It consists of a detailed review of a post with a job analyst, the employee and their manager. If an employee is still not satisfied with the outcome then there is a right to appeal to a joint management /trade union panel. 2. Grounds for review/appeals are limited to one or more of the following:a) it is believed that an equivalent job is of a higher grade and paid more b) the employee has been matched to the correct job but the job evaluation is not fully reflective of the job undertaken c) the job has significantly changed since the initial evaluation d) the employee has been matched to the wrong job 3. Employees are required to specify which of the above grounds they are relying upon as well as providing sufficient information to enable a meeting to take place to review the job evaluation outcome. Employees can be accompanied at the review meeting. Following the completion of all reviews within a service area, there is a joint sore thumbing process with the trade unions lead officer. 4. Following the notification of their review outcome an employee can submit an appeal. This will be heard by a joint management/trade union panel. 5. In total completed review forms have been received from 859 employees representing 428 separate posts. 199 interviews have been completed to date. 6. Progress for completion of grievances is on track and is due for completion by 31.12.09 with appeals being completed by 30.06.2010. 7. In terms of outcomes, the most common reason for the change is that there has been a significant change to the job. The appeals stage is planned to commence in October 2009. Contact Officer: Denise McGuire Tel: 01642 393038 E-mail: