booksEducation - University of Colorado Denver

$AAA, "The Greatest Collection Ever Published \ 3rd ed."
Adams, Hazard, "The Academic Tribes"
Adler, Ronald B., "Looking Out, Lookin in, 6th ed."
Albert, Gail, "Service-learning Reader: Reflections and Perspectives on Service"
Allan, George, "Rethinking College Education"
Allen, Frederick S., "The University of Colorado 1876-1976"
Amherst College Faculty, "Teaching What We Do"
Anderson, Gary, "Fundamentals of Educational Research"
Anderson, Scarvia B., "The Profession and Practice of Program Evaluation"
Anderson, Scarvia B., "Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation"
Anthony, Rebecca, "The Curriculum Vitae Handbook: How to Present and Promote
Your Academic Career, 2nd ed."
Apple, Michael W., "Official Knowledge: Democratic Education in a Conservative
Aquinas, Thomas, "Selected Writings"
Armstrong, Thomas, "Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom"
Arons, Arnold B., "A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching"
Astin, Alexander W., "What Matters in College: Four Critical Years Revisited"
Atlas, James, "Battle of the Books: The Curriculum Debate in America"
Atlas, James, "The Book Wars: What It Takes to Be Educated in America"
Babbitt, Irving, "Literature and the American College: Essays in Defense of the
Baiocco, Sharon A., "Successful College Teaching: Problem-solving Strategies of
Distinguished Professors"
Balderston, Frederick E., "Managing Today's University, 2nd ed."
Baldwin, Roger, "Expanding Faculty Options: Career Development Projects at
Colleges and Universities"
Banta, Trudy W., "Assessment in Practice"
Barnard, Henry, "Henry Barnard's School Architecture; With Introduction By Jean
and Robert McClintock"
Barnes, Hazel E., "The University As the New Church"
Bartley, William Warren, III., "Unfathomed Knowledge, Unmeasured Wealth: on
Universities and the Wealth of Nations"
Bateson, Mary Catherine, "Peripheral Visions: Learning Along the Way"
Beane, James A., "Curriculum Planning and Development"
Behrens, Laurence, "Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, 4th ed."
Bell, Jeffrey, "Populism and Elitism: Politics in the Age of Equality"
Bentley, Trevor, "Training to Meet the Technology Challenge"
Berg, Ivar, "Education and Jobs: the Great Training Robbery"
Bergquist, William H., "Designing Undergraduate Education"
Berliner, David C., "the Manufactured Crisis: Myths, Fraud, and the Attack on
America's Schools"
Berlinerblau, Jacques, "Heresy in the University: the Black Athena Controversy
and the Responsibilities of American Intellectuals"
Birkerts, Sven, "The Gutenberg Elegies: the Fate of Reading in an Electronic
Bloom, Allan, "The Closing of the American Mind"
Bloom, Harold, "The Western Canon: the Books and School of the Ages"
Bok, Derek, "Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilties of the Modern
Bok, Derek, "Higher Learning"
Bowen, Howard R., "American Professors: a National Resource Imperiled"
Bowen, William G., "In Pursuit of the PhD"
Bower, Gordon H., "Theories of Learning, 5th ed."
Boyer, Ernest L., "Campus Life: in Search of Community"
Boyer, Ernest L., "College: the Undergraduate Experience in America"
Boyer, Ernest L., "Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate"
Boyer, Ernest L., "High School: a Report on Secondary Educatio in America"
Brancazio, Peter J., "Sport Science: Physical Laws and Optimum Performance"
Brooks, Jacqueline Grennon, "The Case For Constructivist Education"
Bruer, John T., "Schools For Thought: a Science of Learning in the Classroom"
Bruner, Jerome S., "The Process of Education"
Buck, Gayle, "The Role of Physics Departments in Preparing K-12 Teachers"
Budig, Gene A. (ed.), "A Higher Education Map For the 1990's"
Buford, Thomas O., "Toward a Philosophy of Education"
Burns, Morris U., "Teacher As Actor"
Burtless, Gary (ed.), "Does Money Matter? The Effect of School Resources on
Student Achievement and Adult Success"
Caine, Ranate Nummela, "Education on the Edge of Possibility"
Calhoun, Emily F., "How to Use Action Research in the Self-renewing School"
Canfield, Jack, "101 Ways to Develop Student Self-esteem and Responsibility,
Vol. 1: the Teacher As Coach"
Carlton, Frank Tracy, "Economic Influences Upon Education Progress in the United
States, 1820-1850"
Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, "Toward a Learning Society: Alternative
Channels to Life, Work and Service"
Carnegie Foundation, "The States and Higher Education: a Proud Past and a Vital
Centra, John A., "Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and
Determining Faculty Effectiveness"
Cetron, Marvin, "Schools of the Future: How American Business and Education Can
Cooperate to Save Our Schools"
Clark, Burton R. (ed.), "The Research Foundations of Graduate Education:
Germany, Britain, France, United States, Japan"
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn, "Inside Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge"
Cohen, Arthur M., "The American Community College, 2nd ed."
Cohn, Marilyn M., "Teachers: the Missing Voice in Education"
Coles, RObert, "The Call of Service: a Witness to Idealism"
Collins, James C., "Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies"
Collison, George, "Facilitating Online Learning: Effective Strategies For
Comenius, John Amos, "John Amos Comenius on Education: With an Introduction By
Jean Piaget"
Conant, James Bryant, "Education and Liberty: the Role of the Schools in a
Modern Democracy"
Conant, James B., "My Several Lives: Memoirs of a Social Inventor"
Conant, James Bryant, "The Education of American Teachers"
Cope, Robert G., "Revolving College Doors: the Causes and Consequences of
Dropping Out, Stopping Out, and Transferring"
Cromer, Alan, "Connected Knowledge: Science, Philosophy, and Education"
Cronbach, Lee J., "Designing Evaluations of Educational and Social Programs"
D'Souza, Dinesh, "Illiberal Education: the Politics of Race and Sex on Campus"
Daiches, Davi (ed.), "The Idea of a New University: an Experiment in Sussex"
Damrosch, David, "We Scholars: Changing the Culture of the University"
Davidson, Cliff I., "The New Professor's Handdbook"
Davis, Barbara Gross, "Tools For Teaching"
Davis, James R., "Teaching Strategies For the College Classroom"
Davis, James R., "Better Teaching, More Learning: Strategies For Success in
Postsecondary Settings"
Davis, Stan, "The Monster Under the Bed"
De Lucia, RObert C., "Urban Learners: Serious About College Success"
Delworth, Ursula, "Student Services: a Handbook For the Profession"
Deneef, A. Leigh, "The Academic's Handbook, 2nd ed."
Deneef, A. Leigh, "The Academic's Handbook"
Desberg, Peter, "Hyper InterActive CAI: Using HyperCard to Develop Computerassisted Instruction"
Devine, John, "Maximum Security: the Culture of Violence in Inner-city Schools"
Dewey, John, "Experience & Education"
Dewey, John, "Democracy and Education"
Dewey, John, "Human Nature and Conduct"
Dewey, John, "John Dewey on Education: Selected Writings"
Diamond, Robert M., "Preparing For Promotion and Tenure Review: a Faculty Guide"
Dick, Walter, "The Sytematic Design of Instruction, 2nd ed."
Dickenson, Dee (ed.), "Creating the Future: Perspectives on Educational Change"
Dixon, John Philo, "The Spatial Child"
Dober, Richard P., "Campus Design"
Dolence, Michael G., "Tranforming Higher Education: a Vision For Learning in the
21st Century"
Doll, Ronald C., "Curriculum Improvement: Decision Making and Process"
Donham, JEan, "Inquiry6-based Learning: Lessons From Library Power"
Douglas, George H., "Education Without Impact: How Universities Fail the Young"
Dressel, Paul L., "Improving Degree Programs"
Drew, David E., "Increasing Student Development Options in College"
Duckworth, Eleanor, ""The having of wonderful ideas" and Other Essays on
Teaching and Learning"
Duffy, Thomas M., "Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction: a
Dufour, Richard, "Professional Learning Communities at Work: Best Practices For
Enhancing Student Acheivement"
Dunn, Rita, "Teaching Secondary Students Through Their Individual Learning
Styles: Practical Approaches For Grades 7-12"
Eble, Kenneth E., "The Craft of Teaching: a Guide to Mastering the Professor's
Eble, Kenneth E., "Improveming Undergraduate Education Through Faculty
Eisneberg, Michael B., "The Big 6™ in Secondary Schools"
Eisner, Elliot W., "The Education Imagination: on the Design and Evaluation of
School Programs"
Eisner, Elliot, "Learning and Teaching the Ways of Knowing"
Ellis, David, "Becoming a Master Student, 7th ed."
Ellsworth, Ralph E., "Academic Library Buildings"
Evans, Richard I., "Resistance to Innovation in Higher Education"
Evans, Thomas W., "Mentors: Making a Difference in Our Public Schools"
Fagnano, Cheryl L., "Making Schools Work: a View From the Firing Lines"
Fairweather, James S., "Faculty Work and Public Trust: Restoring the Value of
Teaching and Public Service in American Academic Life"
Fallon, Daniel, "The German University: a Heroic Ideal in Conflict With the
Modern World"
Farnham-Diggory, Sylvia, "Schooling"
Fass, Paula S., "Outside In: Minorities and the Transformation of American
Feinberg, Walter, "Understanding Education: Toward a Reconstruction of
Educational Inquiry"
Change Magazine Press, "The Great Core Curriculum Debate: Education As a Mirror
of Culture"
Flawn, Peter T., "A Primer For University Presidents: Managing the Modern
Florman, Samuel C., "Engineering and the Liberal Arts: a Technologist's Guide to
History, Literature, Philosophy, Art and Music"
Freedman, Samuel G., "Small Victories: the Real World of a Teacher, Her Students
& Their High School"
Freeman, Joan (ed.), "THe Psychology of Gifted Children: Perspectives on
Development and Education"
Freire, Paulo, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
Fulwiler, Toby, "Teaching With Writing"
Furniss, W. Todd, "Reshaping Faculty Careers"
Gaines, Thomas A., "The Campus As a Work of Art"
Gamson, Zelda F., "Higher Education and the Real World: the Story of CAEL"
Gardner, Howard, "The Mind's New Science: a History of the Cognitive Revolution"
Gardner, Howard, "Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Tenth
Anniversary ed."
Gardner, Howard, "The Disciplined Mind: What All Students Should Understand"
Gardner, John N., "Your College Experience: Strategies For Success"
Gardner, Marjorie, "Toward a Scientific Practice of Science Education"
Gauld, Joseph W., "Character First: the Hyde School Way and Whu It Works"
Gearheart, Bill R., "The Exceptional Student in the Regular Classroom"
Gieger, Louis G., "Voluntary Accreditation: a History of the North Central
Association 1945-1970"
Gilley, J. Wade, "Searching For Academic Excellence: Twenty Colleges and
Universities on the Move and Their Leaders"
Ginsburg, Herbert, "Piaget's Theory of Intellectual Development: an
Glasser, William, "Control Theory in the Classroom"
Godfrey, Robert, "Outward Bound: Schools of the Possible"
Goldberg, Lazer, "Teaching Science to Children"
Gooden, Andrea R., "Computers in the classroom: how teachers and students are
using technology to transform learning"
Goodlad, John I., "A Place Called School: Prospects For the Future"
Goodlad, John I., "Teachers For Our Nation's Schools"
Goodstein, Judith R., "Millikan's School: a History of the California Institute
of Technology"
Gowan, John Curtis, "Creativity: Its Educational Implications"
Graham, Hugh Davis, "The Rise of American Research Universities: Eleites and
Challengers in the Postwar Era"
Grant, Gerald, "The Perpetual Dream: Reform and Experiment in the American
Grobman, Arnold B., "Urban State Universities: an Unfinished National Agenda"
Gullette, Margaret Gullette (ed.), "The Art and Craft of Teaching"
Hall, G. Stanley, "Health, Growth, and Heredity: G. Stanley Hall on Natural
Education; With Intoduction By Charles E. Stickland and Charles Burgess"
Harlen, Wynne (ed.), "Primary Science ... Taking the Plunge: How to Teach
Primary Science More Effectively"
Harmon, Roy L., "Reinventing the Business: Preparing Today's Enterprise For
Tomorrow's Technology"
Harris, Robin S., "The Undergraduate Essay"
Hawkins, Hugh (ed.), "The Emerging University and Industrial America"
Healy, Jane M., "Endangered Minds: Why Our Children Don't Think"
Heiberger, Mary Morris, "The Academic Job Search Handbook"
Hemlstadter, G. C., "Research Concepts in Human Behavior: Education - Psychology
- Sociology"
Henry, Nelson B. (ed.), "Modern Philosophies and Education"
Hensley, Oliver D., "Srategic Planning For University Research"
Hibbard, K. Michael, "Performance Assessment in the Science Classroom"
Hicks, Margerie, "The Guide to Metro Denver Public Schools, 1995-96 Edition"
Hirsch, E. D., Jr., "Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know"
Hirsch, E. D., Jr., "The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy: What Every American
Needs to Know"
Hocking, William Ernest, "Experiment in Education: What We Can Learn From
Teaching in Germany"
Hofstadter, RIchard, "American Higher Education: a Documentary History, Vol.
Hofstadter, RIchard, "American Higher Education: a Documentary History, Vol.
Hogness, John R., "The University in the Urban Community"
Holmes, Alexander B., "Ethics in Higher Education: Case Studies For Regents"
Holt, John, "Escape From Childhood"
Holt, John, "How Children Fail"
Holt, John, "How Children Learn"
Hord, Sirley M., "Taking Charge of Change"
Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz, "Campus Life: Undergraduate Cultures From the End of
the Eighteenth Century to the Present"
Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz, "Campus Life: Undergraduate Cultures From the End of
the Eighteenth Century to the Present"
Horton, Sarah, "Web Teaching Guide: a Practical Approach to Creating Course Web
Houle, Cyril O., "The External Degree"
Howe, Leland W., "Personalizaing Education: Values Clarification and Beyond"
Hu, Chang-Tu (ed.), "Chinese Education Under Communism, 2nd ed."
Huang, Chungliang Al, "Mentoring: the Tao of Giving and Receiving Wisdom"
Hubbard, Ruth Shagoury, "The Art of Classroom Inquiry: a Handbook For Teacher
Hyerele, David, "Visual Tools For Constructing Knowledge"
Hyman, Ronald T., "Ways of Teaching"
Illich, Ivan, "Deschooling Society"
Isaac, Stephen, "Handbook of Research and Evaluation: For Education and the
Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed."
Jefferson County Public School, "High School and Beyond: a Guide For Parents and
Students Working Together"
Johsnon, David W., "Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom"
Jones, Glenn R., "Cyberschools: an Education Renaissance"
Jones, Howard Mumford, "Reflections on Learning"
Jones, Richard M., "Experiment at Evergreen"
Kaestle, Carl F., "Joseph Lancaster and the Montorial School Movement"
Katz, Joseph (ed.), "No Time For Youth: Growth and Constraing in College
Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James, "Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth on Popular Education
With an Introduction By Trygve R. Tholfsen"
Kaye, Evelyn, "College Bound: the Student's Handbook For Getting Ready, Moving
in, and Succeeding on Campus"
Keller, George, "Academic Strategy: the Management Revolution in American Higher
Kennedy, Donald, "Academic Duty"
Kerr, Clark, "The Uses of the University"
Kerr, Clark, "The Uses of the University: With a New Postscript (1972)"
Kerr, Clark, "The Great Transformation in Higher Education 1960-1980"
Kidder, Tracy, "Among Schoolchildren"
Knowles, Malcolm, "Self-directed Learning: a Guide For Learners and Teachers"
Knox, Alan B., "Adult Learning and Development"
Kockelmans, Joseph J. (ed.), "Interdisciplinarity and Higher Education"
Koelstoe, Oliver P., "College Profesoring, Or, Through Academia With Gun and
Kohn, Alfie, "The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing"
Kohn, Alfie, "Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community"
Kolb, David A., "Experiential Learning: Experieince As the Cource of Learning
and Development"
Kors, Alan Charles, "The Shadow University: the Betrayal of Liberty on America's
Kraft, Richard J., "Building Community: Service Learning in the Academic
Kramer, Rita, "Ed School Follies: the Miseducation of America's Teachers"
Krueger, Richard A., "Focus Groups: a Practical Guide For Applied Research"
Kupiec, Tamar Y (ed.), "Rethinking Tradition: Integrating Service With Acadmeic
Study on College Campuses"
Langer, Ellen J., "The Power of Mindful Learning"
Lanham, Richard A., "The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts"
Lanks, Karl W., "Academic Environment: a Handbook For Evaluating Employment
Opportunities in Science"
Larson, Robert W., "Shaping Educational Change: the First Centruy of the
University of Northern Colorado at Greeley"
Layman, John W., "Inquiry and Learning: Realizing Science Standards in the
Layman, John W., "Inquiry and Learning: Realizing Science Standards in the
Lazerson, Marvin, "American Education and Vocationalism: a Documentary History
Lenn, Peter D., "Active Learning: a Parent's Guide to Helping Your Teen Make the
Grade in School"
Leonard, George B., "Education and Ecstasy"
Levine, Arthur, "Handbook of Undergraduate Curriculum"
Levine, Arthur (ed.), "Higher Learning in America 1980-2000"
Levine, Arthur, "Reform of Undergraduate Education"
Levine, Toby Kleban, "Going the Distance: a Handbook For Developing Distance
Degree Programs Using Television Courses and Telecommunications Technologies"
Lieberman, Ann, "Building a Professional Culture in Schools"
Lind, Karen K., "Exploring Science in Early Childhood: a Developmental Approach"
Linn, Robert L. (ed.), "Educational Measurement, 3rd ed."
Lord, James Gregory, "The Raising of Money: Thirty Five Essentials Every Trustee
Should Know"
Lucas, Ann F., "Strengthening Departmental Leadership: a Team-building Guide For
Chairs in Colleges and Universities"
Lucas, Christopher J., "American Higher Education: a History"
MacDonald, Gary B., "Five Experimental Colleges: Bensalem, Antioch-Putney,
Franconia, Old Westbury, Fairhaven"
Makiguchi, Tsunesaburo, "Education For Creative Living"
Marshall, Ray, "Thinking For a Living: Education and the Wealth of Nations"
Matthews, Anne, "Bright College Years: Inside the American Campus Today"
McDonough, Peter, "Men Astutely Trained: a History of the Jesuits in the
American Century"
Meister, Jeanne C., "Corporate Universities: Lessons in Building a World-class
Work Force, Rev. ed."
Meister, Jeanne C., "Corporate Quality Universities: Lessons in Building a
Worldclass Workforce"
Menand, Louis (ed.), "The Future of Academic Freedom"
Menges, Robert J., "Teaching on Solid Ground: Using Scholarship to Improve
Miles, John C., "Adventure Education"
Milton, Ohmer, "On College Teaching"
Morrill, Richard L., "Teaching Values in College"
Moulakis, Athanasios, "Beyond Utility: Liberal Education For a Technological
Mullin, Mark H., "Educating For the 21st Century: the Challenge For Parents and
Murray, Donald M., "Learning By Teaching: Selected Articles on Writing and
Newman, John Henry, "The Idea of a University"
O'Meara, Patrick, "Changing Perspectives on International Education"
Oakley, Francis, "Community of Learning: the American College and the Liberal
Arts Tradition"
Ogilvy, James, "Living Without a Goal: Finding Freedom to Live a Creative and
Innovative Life"
Olson, Lynn, "The School to Work Revolution: How Employers and Educators Are
Joining Forces to Prepare Tomorrow's Skilled Workforce"
Orenstein, Peggy, "School Girls: Young Women, Self-esteem, and the Confidence
Osterman, Karen F., "Reflective Practice For Educators: Improving Schooling
Through Professional Development"
Otterbourg, Susan D., "School Partnerships Handbook"
Oxenham, John (ed.), "Education and Values in Developing Nations"
Papert, Seymour, "Mondstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas"
Patterson, Franklin, "The Making of a College: Plans For a New Departure in
Higher Education"
Paulu, Nacy, "Helping Your Child Learn Science"
Peace Corps, "At Home in the World: the Peace Corps Story"
Peek, Robin P., "Scholarly Publshing: the Electronic Frontier"
Pelikan, Jaroslav, "The Idea of the University: a Reexamination"
Perkins, James A., "The University in Transition"
Peterson & Associates, Richard E., "Lifelong Learning in America"
Pope, Loren, "Collges That Change Lives: 40 Schools You Should Know About Even
If You're Not a Stright-A Student"
Powell, Arthur G., "The Shopping Mall High School: Winners and Losers in the
Educational Marketplace"
Rainey, Hal G., "Understanding and Managing Public Organizations"
Ramsland, Katherine M., "The Art of Learning: a Self-help Manual For Students"
Rasmussen, Wayne D., "Taking the Unviersity to the People: Severy-five Years of
Cooperative Extension"
Ravitch, Diane, "National Standards in American Education: a Citizen's Guide"
Reigeluth, Charles M., "Instructional Theories in Action: Lessons Illustrating
Selected Theories and Models"
Riesman, David, "On Higher Education: the Academic Enterprise in an Era of
Rising Student Consumerism"
Roberts, Lisa C., "From Knowledge to Narrative: Eudcators and the Changing
Roderick, Gordon, "Scientific and Technical Education in 19th Century England"
Rogers, Everett M., "Diffusion of Innovations, 4th ed."
Romo, Harriett D., "Latino High School Graduation"
Rose, Colin, "Accelerated Learning For the 21st Century: the Six-step Plan to
Unlock Your Master-mind"
Rosovsky, Henry, "The University: an Owner's Manual"
Rossow, Lawrence F., "The Principalship: Dimensions in Instructional Leadership"
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, "Emile Or On Education"
Rowley, Daniel James, "Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities"
Russell, Bertrand, "Education and the Good Life"
Rutkoff, Peter M., "New School: a History of the New School For Social Research"
Sadker, Myra, "Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls"
Sadofsky, Mimsy, "Reflections on the Sudbury School Concept"
Sanford, Nevitt, "Where Colleges Fail: a Study of the Student As a Person"
Scanlon, David G. (ed.), "Traditions of African Education"
Scanlon, David G. (ed.)`, "International Education: a Documentary History"
Schlechty, Phillip C., "Schools For the 21st Century"
Schmoker, Mike, "Results: the Key to Continuous School Improvement"
Schmuck, Richard A., "The Handbook of Organizational Development in Schools and
Colleges, 4th ed."
Schnore, Leo F., "The New Urban History: Quantitative Explorations By American
Schoenfeld, A. Clay, "Mentor in a Manual: Climbing the Academic Ladder to
Schoenstein, Ralph, "Toilet Trained For Yale: Adventures in 21st Cnetury
Schon, Donald A., "The Reflection Practitioner: How Professionals Think in
Schon, Donald A., "Educating the Reflective Practitioner"
Schwab, Joseph J., "The Teaching of Science"
Sefton-Green, "Evaluating Creativity: Making and Learning By Young People"
Shamos, Morris, "The Myth of Scientific Literacy"
Short, Kathy G., "Leanring Together Through Inquiry: From Columbus to Integrated
Simic, Marjorie R., "The Curious Learner: Help Your Child Develop Academic and
Creative Skills"
Singer, Dorothy G., "A Piaget Primer: How a Child Thinks, revised ed."
Sizer, Theodore R., "Horace's Compromise: the Dilemma of the American High
Sizer, Theodore R., "Horace's School: Redesigning the American High School"
Smith, Bruce L. R., "The State of Academic Science: the Unviersities in the
Nation's Research Effort"
Smith, Bruce L. R., "The State of Academic Science: the Universities in the
Nation's Research Effort"
Smith, Frank, "Between Hope and Havoc: Essays into Human Learning and Education"
Sowell, Thomas, "Education: Assumptions Versus Theory"
Spring, Joel, "The American School, 1642-1985"
Spring, Joel, "American Education: an Introduction to Social and Political
Aspects, 5th ed."
St. Augustine, "On Education"
Stark, Joan S., "Shaping the College Curriculum: Academic Plans in Action"
Stepans, Joseph, "Targeting Student's Scinece Misconceptions: Physical Science
Concepts Using the Conceptual Change Model"
Stern, David, "School to Work"
Sternberg, Robert J., "Intellectual Development"
Stevenson, Harold W., "The Learning Gap: Why Our Schools Are Failing and What We
Can Learn From Japanese and Chinese Education"
Stipek, Deborah J., "Motivation to Learn: From Theory to Practice, 2nd ed."
Sudbury Valley School Press, "The Sudbury Valley School Experience"
Sussman, Leonard R., "The Culture of Freedom: the Small World of Fulbright
Swenson, Leland C., "Theories of Learning: Traditional Perspectives /
Contemporary Developments"
Tapscott, Don, "Paradigm Shift: the New Promise of Information Technology"
Task Force on Education and Employment (U.S.), "Education For Employment:
Knowledge For Action"
Taylor, Harold, "On Education and Freedom"
Thousand, Jacqueline S., "Cerativity and Collaborative Learning: a Practical
Guide to Empowering Students and Teachers"
Tierney, Robert J., "Portfolio Assessment in the Reading-Writing Classroom"
Tierney, William G., "Promotion and Tenure: Community and Scialization in
Timpane, P. Michael, "Business Impact on Education and Child Development Reform:
a Study Perpared For the Committee For Economic Development"
Timspon, WIlliam M., "Concepts and Choices For Teaching: Meeting the Challenges
in Higher Education"
Tivnan, Edward, "The Moral Imagination: Confronting the Ethical Issues of Our
Tobias, Sheila, "They're Not Dumb, They're Different: Stalking the Second Tier"
Tosteson, Daniel C., "New Pathways to Medical Education: Learning to Learn at
Harvard Medical School"
Tucker, Allan, "Chairing the Academic Department: Leadership Among Peers, 2nd
Tussman, Joseph, "Experiment at Berkeley"
Upcraft, M. Lee, "Designing Successful Transitions: a Guide For Orienting
Students to College"
Useem, Michael, "Liberal Education and the Corporation: the Hiring and
Advancement of College Graduates"
van Dalen, Deobold B., "Understanding Educational Research"
Vogel, Steven, "Cats' Paws and Catapults"
Wadsworth, barry J., "Piaget's Theory of Cognitive and Affective Development,
5th ed."
Wagner, Patricia Jean, "Building Support Networks For Schools"
Walker, Stanley, "Dewey: an Amierican of This Century"
Watkins, Paul, "Stand Before Your God: an American Schoolboy in England"
Weeks, Robert A., "Editing the Refereed Scientific Journal"
Weingartner, Rudolph H., "Undergraduate Education: Goals and Means"
Weinstein, Miriam, "Making a Difference College Guide: Outstaning Colleges to
Help You Make a Better World"
Whatley, Lisa, "Life-long Learning Through Vocational Education: the Path of the
Whitehead, Alfred North, "The Aims of Education"
Williams, Wendy, "Practical Intelligence For School"
Wilson, John T., "Academic Science, Higher Education, and the Federal
Government, 1950-1983"
Winter, David K., "The College Experience: Making the Right Choice (videotape)"
Wlodkowski, Raymond J., "Eager to Learn: Helping Children Become Motivated and
Love Learning"
Wong, bernice Y. L., "Learning About Learning Disabilities"
Woolfolk, Anita E., "Educational Psychology, 6th ed."