First Year Spanish 3 credits Fall 2003

SPAN 112, E01 – First Year Spanish I
Spring 2011– 3 Credits
Office hours:
Day & Time:
Dr. Gretchen Skivington
MCML 127: T, Th 8:30-9:30; T, Th 2:30 – 3:30; Fridays by appointment.
(775) 753-2283
M, W 11-12:15 and online
MCML, Room 114
Syllabus and Text: Please go directly to the following web site both text options: “Vistas”-hardcover text, En Linea online vtext version
Course Overview: This course will emphasize beginning reading, writing
listening and speaking skills in Spanish. The writing portions will provide practice in
composing complete and grammatically correct sentences and lead to the development of
coherent paragraphs. The oral portion will focus on correct usage and pronunciation of
conversational Spanish.
Course Objective: The course is designed to develop Spanish language skills through
practice in listening, speaking, writing and structural analysis.
70% graded = Lesson exams: 100 points x 5 lessons =
30% process= Participation & attendance (see below)
Student teaching module
Homework : 4 Prácticas + 1 Recapitualaicon
or Supersite
A 91-100
B 81-90
C 71-80
D 61-70
50 x5= 250
1000 points total
F 60
Participation (attendance and effort)
Attendance: We will speak Spanish as much as possible in class so attendance is
important. You will receive 10 points for every class attended. I will take roll.
Your participation score (100 points) is based 50% upon your attendance.
Participation and presentations: skits, dialogues, activities will count as 50%
(50 points) of your total participation score. You will be invited to teach and
share: It is your responsibility to decide what and when. I prefer a student-driven
course. You will be expected to teach or lead a lesson at least once. Your talents
and contributions will emerge as we go along. You may also go to the Academic
Success Center for free tutoring with a native speaker..
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Spanish tutor: You may work on your oral skills or clarify grammar points with
a Spanish tutor in the Academic Success Center in the EIT building. Refer to tutor
scheduling sheet on the GBC Home page: Academic Success Center. Your tutor
is Marta Watsonwho is also a Math tutor. You may also phone ASC 753-2149 for
availability and schedules or check online Academic Success Center.
Homework (process points & practice): Each lesson of 5 total contains 4
grammatical components called “Estructura”. After each grammar explanation
there is a “Práctica” which follows and provides practice of the concept and skill.
Ex: LI.1 Estructura p. 12 deals with the concept of “Nouns and Articles”. The
subsequent “Práctica” p. 15 provides a practice exercise. After studying each
Estructura you are assigned the following Práctica. In addition, you must
complete a synthesis or “Síntesis”of this material which will be provided. Thus,
for each lesson you will complete 4 Prácticas + 1 Recapitu1ación (Síntesisoptional). You will receive 10 process points for each lesson (50 points X 5
lessons =250 points). The homework must be handed in a class period or on
the “En Linea” Supersite before the lesson test is scheduled at the latest. You
will not receive process points the day of the exam or thereafter. These
assignments will be gone over in class or graded and returned with corrections
depending on time.
GBC General Education Goals/Objectives
Objective 1: Communication Skills
Students will learn to clearly and effectively communicate in the foreign
language in written and oral form.
Learner Outcomes:
+indicates Measurement
*Written Communication
+-Complete written practices “prácticas¨
+-Process the writing exercises in the workbook
+-Written exams: vocabulary and grammar
+-Create written translations through the workbook and exams
*Oral Communication
-Participate in classroom oral conversation groups
-Attend one-on-one conversation sessions with tutors
-Attend Wed. Spanish lunch conversations at Café X
*Listening Skills
-Listen to aural/oral CDs and cassettes to accompany the text
-Listen to Spanish satellite TV, DVDs in Spanish, other Spanish
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language cassettes and CDs
+-Practice listening skills in small groups, with the instructor ,
one-on-one tutors.
-Listen to films in Spanish TBA on campus
+-Utilize the language learning lab at GBC
*Reading Skills
-Read assigned passages and dialogues in the text
-Read outside Spanish language materials, i.e.: La Hora
newspaper, Selecciones, La Gente
-Read one short Spanish novella from GBC library
Objective 2: Critical Thinking
Integrate creativity, logic, quantitative reasoning, and the hierarchy
of inquiry and knowing in social and scientific understanding:
Quantitative Ability
Understand mathematical principles and integrate quantitative
methods into problem solving.
Learner Outcomes:
*+ Apply appropriate mathematical operations to deduce the
metric conversion of distances, volumes, temperature,
size and weights in Spanish.
*+ Apply arithmetic computations orally in Spanish to
practice Spanish numbers and facilitate travel
applications: i.e., monetary conversion.
Reasoning and Independent Thought
Use logical and visual thinking in selecting, analyzing and
presenting information.
Learner Outcomes:
Gain a basic understanding of complex linguistic systems
and their logical applications: syntax, gender, case,
mood, tense etc.
*+ Solve a puzzle in Spanish: i.e., tourist directions—“On a
grid map of greater Madrid reason visually how you
could get from the Plaza Major to the Escorial.”
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Accomplish a complex task in Spanish by presenting the
sequential steps in Spanish to the class: i.e., “How to
change the oil in your new Seat 440
Scientific Understanding
Understand the essential workings of natural systems,
understand the hierarchy of scientific knowing and the
use of the scientific method in its pursuit, and have
the ability to use this knowledge predicatively.
Learner Outcomes:
*+ Research and report on one aspect of the hierarchy of
descriptive (scientific) linguistics as it applies to the
historical development of Spanish: i.e., “Provide a
phoneme chart of different Spanish dialects”:” Create a
a language tree beginning with Latin exemplifying and
describing the various evolutions of Romance languages
including Spanish from their Indo-European roots”.
Learn medical terminology in Spanish (for nurses and
medical personnel).
Discuss in class the Latin and Greek roots of scientific
terminology as they relate to the Romance languages
such as Spanish.
Objective 3: Personal and Cultural Awareness
Understand the roles of individuals in Hispanic society, the
development of that society in Hispanic countries and cultures.
Learner Outcomes:
Listen and respond to videos on Spanish culture and society.
Read and answer questions in “Panorama Hispáno”.
Give an oral presentation on Hispanic culture or history.
Discuss in class today’s integrated global society and crosscultural variation as they relate to Hispanic society and culture.
Attend “International Food Fair”, “Great Basin Culture
Participate in discussions with bilingual and bicultural students.
Objective 4: Personal Wellness
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Develop knowledge, skills, and behaviors which promote personal
well being.
Learner Outcomes:
Personal Wellness, as evidenced by the student’s ability to;
Use Spanish to foster interpersonal communication and
improve personal relationships in the workplace: i.e., Spanish
for nurses, policemen and teachers.
Use Spanish to enhance personal and global well being through
extended travel and interpersonal contacts made possible by the
acquisition of a foreign language.
Interact more fully with Spanish- speaking family members.
(Elko High school estimates a 28-33% Hispanic graduating
class; Nevada is similarly estimated at being 25% Hispanic).
Enhance personal well being, expansion and recreation through
the USAC studies abroad program through UNR: i.e., spend a
semester in Costa Rica on the beach campus of Puntarenas,
spend a summer in Pau, France studying and hiking in the
Pyrenees Mountains (2003-2004 GBC language students are
already registered for these programs).
Objective 5: Technological Understanding
Function effectively in modern society through the use of technology.
Foster one’s knowledge and usage of a foreign language through
technological applications.
Learner Outcomes:
Access and learn to use on line tutor Smarthinking.
Access and use CDs, audio cassettes, and on line Spanish chat
Explore language learning possibilities and cross cultural
connections available on the Internet and WebCT.
Use GBC language learning laboratory.
ADA Statement: Qualified, self-identified students with documented disabilities
have the right to free accommodations to ensure equal access to educational
opportunities at Great Basin College. For assistance, contact GBC’s Disabilities
Officer at 775-753-2271.
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Course schedule: SPAN 112
M 1/24 DAY 1
1. Introducciones en español. Class management & syllabus.
2. Text and course schedule.
3. Introduction to communicative goals for Lección 6 I: 1-4
4. Repaso: L5
1. Get your texts! Dive into Supersite and book.
2. Study vocabulario p.190 & 224
W 1/26 DAY 2
1. Vocabulario + Conversación + Repaso
2. Fotonovela p. 194
3. ¿Qúe Paso? p. 196
4. Pronunciación p. 197
(Flash cultura) (Telenovela)
1. Watch L6 video on Supersite.
2. Study Estructura 6.1. p.200 Prepare Inténtalo p.200
3. Complete mouse icon activities E 6.1 Textbook tab of Supersite. (Flash cultura
& Cultura) / Complete Prácticas 6.1
M 1/31 DAY 3
1. Inténtalo p.200
2. * Práctica Assignment Due!! E 6.1 & E6.2 PRACTICA: p. 201 & 204
3. Vocabulario
4. Estructura E 6.2 p.202
1. Study E 6.3 p. 206-7. Prepare Inténtalo p. 207
2. Go to Supersite. Complete mouse icons E. 6.3 Textbook tab Supersite. (Flash
cultura & Telenovela) / Complete Práctica 6.3
W 2/2 DAY 4
1. Conversación
2. Estructura 6.4
3. Recapitulación p. 214-215
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M 2/7 DAY 5
1. Repaso de L6/ Síntesis p. 213
2. Last day to hand in Homework L6
3. Comunicacion p. 213
M 2/14 DAY 1
W 2/16 DAY 2
W 2/23 DAY 3
M 2/28 DAY 4
W 3/2 DAY 5
W 3/9
M 3/14
W 3/16
M 3/28
W 3/30
M 4/4
W 4/6
(M 3/21—W 3/23 SPRING BREAK)
M 4/11
W 4/13
M 4/18
W 4/20
M 4/25
W 4/27
M 5/2
W 5/4
M 5/9
W 5/11
M 5/17
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