ACOMB PARISH COUNCIL The notes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 5th September 2012 at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall, Acomb. Present Councillor Mrs J Wrigley, A Earnshaw Also Present County Councillor T Robson Bill Grigg, Clerk to the Council Ian Coe, NCC, Lynn Dunleavy on behalf of EA 12 residents of the Parish Representatives of the two bus companies operating within the Parish Apologies Councillors C Enderby, J Wilkinson, A Bell As the Council was inquorate no decisions can be made, only recommendations to the next meeting, and this meeting would be noted. Councillor Mrs J Wrigley as Vice Chairman took the chair for the meeting. Councillor Mrs Wrigley welcomed everyone to the meeting. Bus Service Review Councillor Mrs J Wrigley welcomed Ian Coe, Transport Support Manager, NCC who was undertaking the review with other members of the Transport Support Team at NCC. Ian Coe reported on the present review throughout the County. Two and a half million pounds is spent on bus service subsidies and these buses are not well supported. Withdrawing/reducing the services would cause problems for some people. In future the view is if the subsidy is £6 per head or over there will be no subsidy. The services through Acomb that are subsidised are not near this figure but reduction in budgets are necessary and it may be necessary during the review process that services may have to change and NCC will be contacting Ward Councillors and Parish Councils with proposals in October. The Friday service run by Smiths, Birtley - Hexham coming into Acomb is to stop from 11 December 2012. Following a long discussion it was agreed a timetable needs to be distributed to all households giving details of the services through Acomb and the return journeys. David Penn kindly agreed to compile this timetable which would be one sided. 1 It was hoped the Parish Council would cover the cost of printing/copying of the timetable. A volunteer was requested to place timetables/notices in the various units within the Parish including hopefully the bus shelters. Mrs M Forster very kindly agreed to do this. The community needs to be the eyes and ears and reporting promptly lack of services, not running on time, not following the correct route etc. NCC can only take action on services that are contracted to NCC, i.e. Snaiths journeys on 880 and 882. The possibility of routing some journeys via Hexham hospital/health centre. This can be made possible; it will add to the running time and they would require feedback on days/times. The same would apply to consider extending the journeys to Tesco/Aldi/Waitrose. Mr Coe explained a possible route. He felt there could be possible access problems with Tesco but they should be possible to overcome. The bus meets train in the late evening was discussed and the question of impact of time keeping of trains/buses and the effect on passengers. The two bus companies present reported that they work together for the benefit of the passengers and the whole area and will continue to do so, and will work closely with NCC. Councillor Mrs J Wrigley thanked Ian Coe and the two bus company representatives for attending and we await further information in regards to the review and its outcome. Flood Emergency Planning Group Councillor Mrs J Wrigley welcomed Lynn Dunleavy from the Rural Development Agency on behalf of the Environment Agency. Ms Dunleavy explained her role within the Rural Development Agency and how she was working with the Northumberland Community Flooding Partnership. Ms Dunleavy explained how she has helped and continues to support communities to set up Working Groups to prepare an Emergency Plan and how to implement the plan when a crisis arises. Also these Working Groups sometimes take on other community work i.e snow clearing, gritting etc when the main services are unable to respond as quickly as communities would like. Some of the groups have First Responders as members. There is a large scope for a group to undertake if they wish to. Ms Dunleavy would support a local group in Acomb being set up. Councillor Mrs J Wrigley thanked Ms Dunleavy and this issue would be taken to the next Council meeting. 43/2012 The minutes of the Council meeting held on the 11th July 2012 The minutes of the Council meeting held on the 11th July 2012 were agreed as correct and it will be proposed at the next meeting that they are signed as a correct record. 2 44/2012 Matters arising from the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 11th July 2012 a) Weather Conditions Still no response from Amanda Cryer, NCC re details of ditches in the Parish that are the landowners responsibility. b) Street Lighting ISOS have reported the work on completing the street lighting at the new flats in Millersfield should be completed by mid September. 45/2012 Planning Matters a) Applications i) Mr & Mrs Priestley, Broom Park, Acomb. (There was no cover sheet explaining the alterations) Councillors checked the plans and drawings and agreed to recommend supporting the application. ii) Mr R Jackman, Acomb House, The Green, Acomb. To revert the above property back to residential use from mixed residential and business use. Support the applications. b) Other Planning Issues A new drive entrance with new pillars etc is being constructed on the Garden Bank entrance of Acomb House. The Council have seen no planning application etc. The Clerk was asked to take this issue up with NCC Planning Enforcement Officer at Hexham. 46/2012 Financial Matters a) Half year precept received £13750. b) Payments 2 months salaries Village Hall (grant) D. Penn (printing) Blake Printers (printing) Tyne Valley Plumbing (repairs) BDO Audit fees HMRC G Scorer (seat repair) Public Loans Board 3 1542.40 1000.00 90.00 55.00 155.49 378.00 117.80 35.00 1697.26 47/2012 48/2012 Correspondence i) Notice from the Audit Commission that BDO LLP have been reappointed External Auditors for five years from 2012/13. ii) Letter from NCC re. The Don’t Stand For It Campaign (dog fouling). Council noted contents. iii) Notice from NCC re. new Code of Conduct and Standard Regime update. Council noted the contents. iv) Notice from NCC Joint Meetings with NCC and Parish Councillors 9th October 2012 at 6.00 pm. Council noted the contents and members would attend if possible. v) Letter from Councillor G Sanderson NCC to a Communities and Place Scrutiny Committee date on unit pricing of alcohol, 10th October 2012 at 2.00 pm. Members noted the contents. Report of the Hexham Community Partnership including the former Central Tynedale Community Partnership Councillor Mrs J Wrigley informed the meeting that CTCP have now amalgamated with HCP but were meeting to review/discuss on 17th September the wellbeing survey. Councillor T Robson reported that HCP were busy with the Forum Cinema - a re-vamp is planned - and working very hard on the River Hydro Project. 49/2012 Verbal report by County Councillor T Robson Councillor Robson reported on the following matters. NCC Parking. Local services review ongoing. Review of local election costs. Public/private partnership. He is a member of the All Party Working Group. Looking into P/P Partnership they are meeting and discussing this with other Councils who are doing this already. Another 74 million pounds has to be cut from the budget. 50/2012 Any Urgent Business Councillor Mrs A Earnshaw reported coming from the Village Plan returns there is a need for a focal point for the village. A MacMillan coffee morning may be undertaken in conjunction with the Monday Club. 4 A letter received from a local resident raising several points that he would like to see attended to within the village. It was agreed Councillor C Enderby, Chairman of the Council would attend to this matter. 51/2012 Date of Next Meeting It was confirmed the date of the next meeting would be Wednesday 10 October 2012 at 7.00 pm. The meeting closed at 9.30 pm. 5