Activity 1.1.5b Engineering Careers – Interview Introduction Have you ever interviewed someone? Have you ever asked your friend how their weekend was, or where they bought those awesome sneakers? If so, you’ve conducted an interview. An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information. Equipment GTT notebook Computer with Internet access (optional) Construction paper and/or poster board (optional) Markers (optional) Digital camera (optional) Procedure In this activity you will have a chance to conduct an interview with an engineer either in person, over the phone, or by reading about an engineer on the Internet. You will summarize what you learn about him/her in a poster to hang on your classroom wall. 1. If you have a friend or family member who is an engineer that you would like to interview, let your teacher know. 2. Ask the engineer the Engineer Interview Questions and 3 additional questions. Add your additional questions to the question sheet. Summarize the engineer’s answers on the activity sheet. 3. Create a poster that summarizes what you have learned about the engineer. The poster will hang in your classroom, so make sure it is neat, organized, and easy to read. Look at the poster grading rubric to make sure you have met all of the criteria and constraints for this activity. Include conclusion questions. 4. Take a picture of the poster and print it for your career plan or to put in your portfolio. Conclusion 1. What is the most interesting part of the day for the engineer you interviewed? 2. Is there anything else you’d like to know about this type of engineer? 3. Did the engineer you interviewed have any hobbies or interests that are similar to yours? Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010 GTT – Unit 1 – Lesson 1.1– Activity 1.1.5b – Engineering Careers - Interview – Page 1 Activity 1.1.5b Engineering Careers – Interview Questions Interviewer (Student) Name: ____________________ Date: ________________ Interviewee (Engineer) Name: ___________________ Location: ______________ 1. What do you do? 2. Why did you choose engineering as your profession? 3. What is the best part of your job? 4. What are the challenges of being an engineer? 5. Do you have any hobbies or interests? 6. Where did you go to college? What college degree did you earn? 7. What classes would you recommend that I take in high school if I wish to pursue an engineering degree? 8. 9. 10. Conclusion Questions Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010 GTT – Unit 1 – Lesson 1.1– Activity 1.1.5b – Engineering Careers - Interview – Page 2 Activity 1.1.5 – Engineering Careers Grading Rubric Name: _______________________________________ Day and Period: _____________________________ MP__________ Topics Purpose 4 points Purpose of product is obvious. Addresses all highlighted areas. Grammar There are no grammar errors. There are no spelling errors. Aesthetics Overall layout of the project has great eye appeal. Proper color, pictures and font are used to not over crowd the final product and make it attractive. Layout follows accepted format. Brochures look like brochures, flyers like flyers, etc. Final product is easy to read. Title, name, questions, answers are all evident. The first half of the questions are found on the project and are answered fully and thoughtfully. Mechanics Content Content Conclusion Questions Name 3 points Purpose of product is obvious. Does not address 1-2 of the highlighted areas. There are 1-2 grammar errors. There are 1-2 spelling errors. Overall layout has eye appeal; color, pictures or fonts detract from the final product. 2 points Purpose of product is not obvious. Does not address 2-3 of the highlighted areas. There are 3-4 grammar errors. There are 3-4 spelling errors. Eye appeal is lacking; color, pictures and fonts detract from the final product. 1 point Purpose of product is not evident. Missing major details. Layout does not follow accepted format. Final product is not easy to read and does not follow a logical sequence in the transfer of information. The first half of the The first half of the questions are answered questions are answered with thought, 1-2 may be with little thought, 2-3 missing information. may be missing information. The second half of the The second half of the The second half of the questions are found on the questions are answered questions are answered project and are answered fully with thought, 1-2 may be with little thought, 2-3 and thoughtfully. missing information. may be missing information. Conclusion questions are fully Conclusion questions are Conclusion questions are answered and handed in with answered, but are lacking answered with one or the project either integrated some detail. They are two word answers and into the project or as a handed in with the are handed in correctly. separate page. project either integrated into the project or as a separate page. --------------------------------------------------Name, day and period, and MP is on the project, rubric is attached. Layout is very confusing. Final product is difficult to read and lacks a logical sequence in the transfer of information. Layout follows accepted format. Final Product is easy to read but does not follow a logical sequence in the transfer of information. There are more than 4 grammar errors. There are more than 4 spelling errors. Overall layout is lacking and is very hard to follow the flow of information. Content is missing major details. Content is missing major details. Conclusion questions were either not answered or are lacking information. One of the previous mentioned is missing. Total Score ________/ 30 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010 GTT – Unit 1 – Lesson 1.1– Activity 1.1.5b – Engineering Careers - Interview – Page 3