CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN PERIOD: December 31, 2007 SUBJECT: SHARE CAPITAL Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures AUDIT OBJECTIVES To determine whether: A. B. C. D. E. Share capital accounts and advance against future issue of share capital represent all amounts paid in for preferred or share capital issued and amounts paid in for preferred or ordinary share capital to be issued. The amounts in the share capital accounts are in compliance with the requirements of the Memorandum of association or similar grant of legal authority and with the applicable statutes and are properly recorded. All transactions within the capital and other equity accounts during the audit period are properly authorized and recorded. Capital and other equity accounts are properly described and classified in the financial statements and adequate disclosures with respect to these amounts have been made. The Company has complied with all applicable corporate law requirements particularly those relating to equity. SUBSTANTIVE PROCEDURES 1. Overall Procedures 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 T/AP/1 Obtain or update a summary of information about capital ownership, stock options, warrants, conversion rights, dividend restrictions and other matters. Obtain an analysis of equity accounts for the period. Obtain and test significant entries and tie balances to the lead schedule. Trace dividend declaration, stock issues, bonus shares, stock purchases, etc., to minutes, as applicable. Compare the balance of each significant capital account to the comparable balance for the preceding period. Investigate unusual or significant fluctuations. Agree total of balances on the share registers with the issued capital at the balance sheet date. Obtain listing of shareholders/pattern of shareholding from CDC and compare it with the details available with client to work out the actual pattern of shareholding. Ensure CDC compliance procedures. Fill out Company Law Compliance Checklist. Fill out checklist for Stock Exchange Listing Rules. Page: 1/5 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN PERIOD: December 31, 2007 SUBJECT: SHARE CAPITAL Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures 2. Memorandum, Articles and Corporate Records 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Obtain or update memorandum and articles of associations, corporate minutes and other relevant documents and place it in Permanent file. Review Memorandum and Articles of Association and investigate any non-compliance thereof. Particularly ensure that the object of the entity allow all specific transactions incurred during the year. Agree authorised and paid up capital with the Memorandum and Articles of Association. In case of any changes in the above, verify the changes with: (a) Minutes (b) Form 3 (c) Members’ register Review minutes of Board’s meetings and general meetings during the year and subsequent to year-end and consider any impact on risk assessment and our approach. 3. Share Transfer Audit 3.1 3.2 3.3 Test-check transfer of shares with Transfer Register, members’ register, Directors’ minutes and CDC record. Inspect cancelled (de-faced) old certificates and counter-foils, or other record, of new certificates issued, in respect of transferred shares. Ensure that duplicate share certificates are issued in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of Section 75 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. 4. Issue of Share Capital 4.1 4.2 4.3 T/AP/1 For shares issued for cash, check entries in bank statement. For shares issued for consideration other than cash, check amount of consideration with supporting documents. Ensure compliance with the provision of Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996 for: Shares issued for cash consideration; Bonus issue; Issue of share for consideration other than cash; and Right issue of shares. Page: 2/5 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN PERIOD: December 31, 2007 SUBJECT: SHARE CAPITAL Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures 5. Annual Return and other Statutory Forms 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Verify that a return (Form `A’) made up to the day of the general meeting during the year or last day of calendar year if general meeting is not held, has been filed with the Registrar of Companies by inspecting filing receipt. Agree particulars of authorised and issued capital, details of shareholdings and names of Directors with the books and records of the Company. Verify that the directors’ holding of shares comply with the Articles of Association as to minimum shareholding and that they were acquired within the prescribed time. Note changes in Directorships with Register of Directors and Managers and inspect Form 29 filed with the Registrar of Companies and also consequent transfer of shares (if any). Examine all the statutory corporate records and Forms. 6. Bonus Shares 6.1 In case of issue of bonus shares by listed company: i) Ensure that the decision of the directors is communicated to the SECP and the representative of Stock Exchanges on the day of the decision and intimation letter as accompanied by auditors certificate; ii) Ensure that the free reserves of the company are sufficient to issue the bonus share after retaining in the reserves 25% (all contingent liabilities disclosed in the audited accounts and any such liability which may have been created subsequent to the audited accounts shall be deducted for this purpose) of the increased capital and auditors certificate to that effect has been obtained.[See Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996]. 7. Advance against future issue of Share Capital 7.1 7.2 T/AP/1 Obtain schedule of advance against future issue of share capital and match totals with general ledger control account. Consider circularization of confirmation and prepare confirmation summary. Page: 3/5 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN PERIOD: December 31, 2007 SUBJECT: SHARE CAPITAL Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures 7.3 Ensure that all receipts are through banking channels, particularly those from foreign nationals and trace in bank statement. Match with “Proceeds Realisation Certificate”, if applicable. 8. Movement in capital and profit accounts in NBFCs 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 T/AP/1 Review documents for any inward remittances made, by the Head Office to comply with the capital requirements of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 for branches which are being audited. Ensure that the statutory capital maintained with State Bank of Pakistan is not less than 7.5% (the requirement of Section 13(3) of B.C.O.) of the total demand and time liabilities at the year-end. Obtain direct confirmation of closing balance at yearend with the State Bank of Pakistan. Ensure that capital appreciation is made by State Bank of Pakistan on statutory capital. Obtain a copy of advice received from SBP. Also ensure that the balances confirmed by the SBP of statutory capital match with the client’s records. Enquire about the remittances made by the Head Office to the branches and vice versa and obtain intimation from Head Office regarding such remittance. Obtain analysis of unremitted profit from client. Review relevant client files and workings to ascertain accuracy of unremitted profit balance and details thereof. Other tests as deemed necessary Management Letter Prepare management letter points including: Internal control weaknesses; Business improvement opportunities; Legal non-compliance; Accounting system deficiencies; and Errors and irregularities not material at the financial statements level. Page: 4/5 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN PERIOD: December 31, 2007 SUBJECT: SHARE CAPITAL Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level T/AP/1 W/P Ref. Procedures By Comments/Explanations Disclosure Ensure appropriate disclosure have been made in accordance with the reporting framework and fill relevant portion of Financial Statement Disclosure Checklist (FSDCL). Supervision, review and conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4. Perform Senior review and supervision. Resolve Senior review points. Resolve Partner and Manager review points. Conclude response to the audit objectives. Audit conclusion Based on the substantive test procedures, I/we performed as outlined above, it is my/our opinion that the audit objectives set forth at the beginning of this audit program have been achieved, except as follows: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________ ______________ Signature ____________ Job Incharge Page: 5/5 ________ Manager _______ Partner