Внеклассное мероприятие

Внеклассное мероприятие-конференция
«Добро пожаловать в Шотландию»
Учитель английского языка
МОУ СОШ № 21 г. Коломны
Романенко О.А.
Учащиеся 10-А кл.
г. Коломна, 2009
1. Познакомить учащихся с обычаями и традициями, символикой
2. Прививать интерес к иноязычной культуре;
3. Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по теме “Шотландия”.
Углубить и расширить знания по теме.
4. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения
английским языком по теме “Страноведение”: говорению и чтению.
5. Повысить познавательный интерес к иностранному языку.
Оборудование урока;
Карта Соединенного королевства, эмблема и флаг Шотландии, аудиозапись
песен “Auld Lang Syne” и “My Bonnie”; портреты Р. Бернса, Р.Л. Стивенсона,
А. Флеминга, В. Скотта, А.Г. Белл, Д. Ливингстона; иллюстрированный
альбом “Шотландия”, видеоролик “Highland games”.
План мероприятия:
1. Приветствие.
2. Приход на урок гостей из Шотландии, знакомство.
3. Беседа с гостями о климате, рельефе, регионах Шотландии; чтение
учащимися стихотворения “My Heart’s in the Highlands”; сообщение о
традициях, кланах, праздниках; исполнение песен “Auld Lang Syne” и
“My Bonnie”; решение кроссворда.
4. Подведение итогов мероприятия.
Ход занятия:
Pupils(P): Dear boys and girls, dear our guests. Today we are having an unusual
meeting. We are going to speak about… (в класс заходят 5 учеников в
традиционных шотландских юбках) Scotland. Five Scottish students are our
guests. Let me introduce our guests to you. Their names are Jimmy(J), Donald(D),
Angus(A), Jane(Ja) and Judy(Jy).
(P): Nice to meet you.
Guests: Nice to meet you too.
P: They’ll tell us, show us so much interesting about their wonderful country.
P: Some guide-books “say”: “Who hasn’t seen Scotland doesn’t really know Great
Britain”. We know Scotland has the second name. How do you call your country at
J: The ancient name of Scotland given it by the Romans was Caledonia. Today the
name is used in the titles of some hotels, clubs, etc. It is often used in poetry. “O
Caledonia! Stern a wild…” wrote Sir Walter Scott.
P: Is it your first visit to Russia?
D: Yes, it is.
P: How long are you going to stay here?
D: Five days.
P: We hope you’ll have a good time. You’ve come to the north of Russia. How do
you like our climate-harsh and cold?
A: Well, it’s rather cold here. The climate of Scotland is warmer, though it is the
most northern part of the island of Great Britain and is not far away from Arctic
Circle. It often rains in Scotland and Western Scotland, there are usually five rainy
days to the week. The western coast of Scotland has an average temperature in
January of about 4°C and an average temperature in July of 14°C.
P: They say the rugged landscapes of Scotland create certain charm and beauty. Is
it so?
Ja: Look at the map and these pictures. Scotland has three main regions: the Border
country, which is most close to England, the Lowlands and the Highlands – the
most beautiful part of the country.
The Borderland was once the place of great fights between the Scottish and the
English. There is a big wall that stands along the border. The Romans never
invaded Scotland because they could not cross the border: the natives did not let
them climb the wall. Now the wall lies in ruins.
P: In what region do you live?
A: We live in the Lowlands, the relatively flat region of central Scotland, in the
valleys of the rivers Clyde and Forth. The Lowlands house three quarters of
Scottish population. All big cities are situated in Lowlands.
P: As far as we know Scottish mountains are very popular with mountain climbers
and hill walkers.
T: Our students can recite the poem by Robert Burns “My Heart’s in the
My Heart’s is in Highlands, my heart is not here,
My Heart’s is in Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe
My Heart’s is in Highlands, wherever I go!
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth place of valour, the country of worth!
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow,
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below,
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
Farewell to the torrents and long-pouring floods!
My Heart’s is in Highlands, my heart is not here,
My Heart’s is in Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe
My Heart’s is in Highlands, wherever I go!
D: Thank you. Your reciting is perfect! You are right; the Scottish Highlands are
among the oldest mountains in the world. Ben Nevis – the highest mountain in the
Grampians and in the whole of Britain.
Its height is 4406 feet (1343 meters). The Highlands with its holiday resorts is the
favourite place for holidaymakers.
P: Sorry, but I’ve heard that Scottish lakes are called “lochs”. What can you tell us
about them?
Ja: Many deep valleys in the hills of the Highlands are filled with water. Mountain
lakes are called “lochs” here.
P: Many countries have plant symbols. Do you know Russian plant symbol?
J: Of course, it is a birch.
P: What is the most common tree in Scotland?
J: It is an elm
P: We all know that the emblem of Scotland is a thistle. I wonder how that thorny
plant has become to be chosen as a badge in preference to any other.
A: The answer is interesting. There is a legend in Scotland. In very ancient times
the Vikings once Landed somewhere on the east coast of Scotland. The Scots
assembled with their arms and took their stations behind the river Tay. As they
arrived late in the day, weary and tired after a long march, they pitched their camp
and rested not expecting the enemy before the next day. The Vikings however
were near; noticing that no guards were protecting the camp, they crossed the Tay,
intending to take the Scots by surprise.
To this end, they took off shoes so as to make the least noise possible. But one of
them stepped on a thistle. The sudden and sharp pain he felt caused him to shriek.
He alarm was given in the Scot’s camp.
The Vikings were put to flight, and as an acknowledgement for the timely and
unexpected help from the thistle, The Scots took it as their national emblem.
P: How interesting! We know the inhabitants of Scotland speak English but with
regional accents. Don’t you speak Scottish?
D: You are right. The English language is spoken all over Scotland. But the Gaelic
language is still used rather than English among the people of the remote
Highlands districts. Scottish Gaelic is an ancient Celtic language.
P: Do you have an official religion in your country? Can you say that religion is an
integral part of everyday life?
Ja: Religion in Scotland was for centuries and, one can say, still is a part of daily
life. The majority of Scots, about 65% are members of the Kirk
(пресвитерианская церковь Шотландии).
Every village has a kirk (церковь). Next come the Roman Catholics, about 25%. In
the Western Highlands and islands Sunday is a very quiet day with no shops open
and no public transport running.
P: Could you tell us about some traditions and events marked with particular
customs in Scotland?
J: The Scottish people are great patriots of their country. We keep our old customs
and traditions even if they seem strange to the whole world. Look at us. We are
wearing our national dress. Do you know it?
P: Of course, we do. It is a kilt.
J: This colorful cloth is called tartan – a woolen cloth with a pattern of lines of
different widths and different colours. Each clan in the Highlands has a certain
color associated with it and a certain checked pattern which they wear on the kilt.
P: Sorry, but what does the word “clan” mean?
J: The Gaelic word “clan” means “family”. Many people in Scotland have the
name McDonald or McKenzie. “Mac” means “son of” and people with this name
usually feel they belong to the same family or clan.
D: Now we’d like to propose you a task “Do you know these famous Scottish
names?” You should read them aloud and name the person…
1. He was born in Edinburgh. He can be rightly called the creator of the
historical novel. He wrote more than 26 novels such as “Ivanhoe”,
“Woodstock”, “Quentin Durward”, etc. (Walter Scott)
2. Boys and girls of all the countries love and admire him for his stories and
books of adventure and especially for his famous book “Treasure Island”.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
3. He discovered penicillin. (Sir Alexander Fleming)
4. He was one of the missionaries to Africa, who discovered the Victoria Falls.
He was born in 1813 in a village near Glasgow. (David Livingstone)
5. He was born in Edinburgh. On the 10th of March, 1876 he invented the
telephone. His father was a world-famous teacher of speech and the inventor
of a system which he called “Visible Speech”. It helped deaf people to
pronounce words they could not hear. (Alexander Graham Bell)
6. Scotland’s national poet. His poems and verses inspired Beethoven,
Mendelssohn and other composers who wrote music to them. He was born
on January 25, 1759. (Robert Burns)
P: Robert Burns’ birthday is a special day in Scotland. How do you usually
celebrate it?
A: The celebration usually takes the form of a supper (called Burns Supper) at
which traditional Scottish dishes are eaten and during which a Scottish piper plays,
wearing the national costume. It begins with a traditional toast: “To the immortal
memory of Robert Burns”. Some of Burns most popular poems are recited and
there may be Scottish dancing after meal is finished. One of the traditional dishes
served is a haggis.
P: Sorry, may I ask a question?
A: Certainly.
P: How do you cook it?
A: It is a sheep’s maw containing the minced lungs, heart and liver of the sheep,
mixed and cooked with oatmeal, onions, pepper, salt and suet. Haggis is eaten with
mashed potatoes or turnips. At Burns Supper a piper accompanies the haggis to the
dining table.
P: By the way our teacher of English told us that people living in the North
Caucasus cook the dish like haggis and it is called “yorme”.
P: You’ll see the New Year in with Russian people; we hope you’ll enjoy it. You
can learn how we celebrate New Year’s Day and what our traditional meals are.
Can you tell us about your New Year customs?
D: Scottish New Year customs are also connected with Robert Burns. When the
clock strikes twelve, everybody stands in a circle crossing their arms and sing
“Auld Lang Syne”.
T: Dear guests let’s listen and try to sing this song. (Звучит магнитофонная
запись песни, ученики поют вместе).
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind’?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?
And auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll talk a cup o’ kindness yet.
For auld lang syne!
D: Then a cup with a hot drink is passed around the circle and everyone drinks
from the same cup. New Year’s Eve is more important festival in Scotland than it
is an England, and it even has a special name “Hogmaney”.
P: Sorry, what does the word “Hogmaney” mean?
D: It is not clear where the word “Hogmaney” comes from, but it is connected with
provision of food and drink for all visitors to your home on 31 st December. It was
believed that the first person to visit one’s house on New Year’s Day could bring
good luck. The first footer was required to carry three articles: a piece of coal to
wish warmth, a piece of bread to wish food and a silver coin to wish wealth. The
pleasing custom is still observed. Come to Scotland in winter and you’ll see
everything with your own eyes.
P: We are going to Scotland in summer. What interesting events can we see there?
A: Oh! Summer is the season of cultural festivals. The best known one is
Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Drama held annually during the last
two weeks of August and the first week of September. The festival was first held in
1947, its emblem is also a thistle.
P: What is this festival famous for?
A: It acquaints its numerous visitors with folk music and folk songs as well as with
“avant-garde” events.
P: When are Highlands Games are held?
J: Summer is also the season for Highlands Games a traditional annual festival of
Scottish sports and music held at a centre in the Highlands. They include tossing
the caber (a heavy wooden pole), throwing the hammer and other events testing
strength, bagpipe music and dancing.
P: It is known that people from different countries have some national
characteristics. What personality traits are typical of the Scottish?
J: Well, I think every Scotsman has a keen sense of humor because they like jokes.
They are very sociable. The Scots like to spend their free time together in small
cafes drinking coffee and talking, at the fairs and in the parks.
P: By the way we can sing a Scottish folk song “My Bonnie”. Let’s sing it
together. (Поют все вместе под магнитофонную запись песни).
My Bonnie is over the ocean,
My Bonnie is over the sea,
My Bonnie is over the ocean,
O bring back my Bonnie to me…
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
O bring back my Bonnie to me.
Oh, blow you winds over the ocean,
Oh, blow you winds over the sea,
Oh, blow you winds over the ocean
And bring back my Bonnie to me.
P: We’ve spoken about different things, but I’d like you to tell us about your native
A: We are from Edinburgh, the capital of the country. The ancient capital of
Scotland was Perth (the Fair City). It was the capital of Scotland until the middle
of the 15th century. Edinburgh is sometimes called the Athens of the North. It is an
old city, famous for its monuments. The most well-known is the monument to Sir
Walter Scott in the centre of the city. Edinburgh has a castle on a high rock,
Holyrood Palace – the ancient residence of the Scottish kings and the University.
Every citizen of Edinburgh checks his watch by the One O’clock Gun which is
fired every day in Edinburgh castle.
P: Is Edinburgh University old?
Ja: It’s interesting to know that between 1411 and 1594 Scotland established four
universities, at St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh when England had
but two – Oxford and Cambridge.
P: Our meeting is coming to an end and now you have the last task to perform.
You are to complete the crossword connected with Scotland’s traditions customs
and history.
1. A Scottish name for colored
2. The capital of Scotland.
3. A Scottish name for church.
4. A Scottish name for New Year’s
5. Scotland’s national costume.
6. The Scottish word for “family”.
7. The ancient capital of Scotland.
1. The poetic name of Scotland.
2. One of the commonest trees in
3. The name of the prehistoric
creature in the lake Loch Ness.
4. The emblem of Scotland.
Across: 1. tartan 2. Edinburgh 3. kirk 4. Hogmaney 5. kilt 6. clan 7. Derth
Down: 1. Caledonia 2. elm 3. Nessy 4. thistle
Подведение итогов занятия.
T: I want to thank our guests, our participants. We’ll remember Scotland as a land
of Scotsmen in kilt, playing bagpipes, romantic castles, and a land with its own
national forms of dancing, its own songs, poetry, language and traditions. To put
the whole thing in a nutshell, Scotland is not England.