6th Grade Science Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 LPSS Science Teacher Leader Cadre Allison Bloomer – Youngsville Sarah Boudreaux – Milton Pam Deshotel – LJ Alleman Debra Milligan – Acadian Terry Turner – Paul Breaux Bridget Trahan – LPSS Science Lead Teacher Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6th Science: Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Time Frame: January 27 – March 27 (8 Weeks) Unit Description and Student Understandings: This unit introduces the student to the basic forms of energy with an emphasis on the properties of energy. Energy transferal and transformation are also explored. Students need to understand how energy can be transformed or transferred. Forms of energy (i.e., light, heat, and sound) are explored as are the ways to transform energy for practical use. This unit introduces the real-world applications of energy use and renewal, with special emphasis on the varied sources from which our energy comes. Environmental and social questions concerning energy use and overuse of selected energy forms and sources will be the main focus of this unit. Classifications of renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible resources will be considered. The focus of this unit is on sources, use, and renewal of energy. An understanding of the potential as well as the detrimental effects of overuse of selected forms of energy overlaps with environmental studies and social studies. Students should be able to distinguish renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible energy resources. Guiding Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Can students identify examples of common uses for the various forms of energy? Can students explain the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy? Can students describe how light is reflected and refracted? Can students trace various forms of energy as they are transformed from one form to another? Can students explain potential environmental effects involved in the overuse of selected sources of energy? Can students identify the ways in which people can reuse, reduce, and recycle resources? Can students identify renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible resources? Can students classify renewable and nonrenewable energy sources? Can students identify the sources of energy used in our society and allow it to function in its present state? Can students tell how these sources of energy are used in our society? Can students determine who is affected by overuse of selected energy sources? Key Concepts: Identify forms of energy (light, heat, sound, electrical, nuclear, mechanical) Differentiate among forms and types of energy: kinetic, potential, mechanical, chemical, thermal, radiant, electrical, and magnetic Identify objects with potential and kinetic energy Explain transmission, reflection, absorption of sound, light, and heat energy Explain the law of conservation of energy Describe energy transformations in a simple system (flashlight) Explain that electricity is produced from other types of energy (magnetism, solar, mechanical) Analyze the motion of electricity (negative charges) in circuits and how it is transformed from and into other forms of energy Identify and compare the components of the electromagnetic spectrum: relate wavelength to sequence and energy of components Identify wave characteristics (wavelength, frequency, amplitude) Predict the direction in which light will refract when it passes from one transparent material to another Apply the law of reflection and law of refraction in common objects Using experimentation, determine whether light is reflected, transmitted, and/or absorbed Explain how humans see an object’s color based on the wavelength of light transmitted to the viewer’s eye Describe the colors in the visible light spectrum; the effects of light traveling through a prism; refraction, absorption, transmission of light; and relate wavelength to colors 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6th Science: Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Time Frame: January 27 – March 27 (8 Weeks) Recognize and compare heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation) Describe how heat travels (heat transfer) in and around objects (conduction, convection, radiation) and how it affects objects Recognize that heat energy flows from a system of higher energy to a system of lower energy Compare pollution amounts/capabilities of different energy sources Identify major sources of pollution, describe their likely effects and classify them as point or nonpoint sources Identify ways to reuse, reduce, and recycle Identify and classify energy as renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable natural resources Describe how inexhaustible energy is harnessed for energy production Identify methods for sustaining renewable resources Describe how technology influences resource use in an ecosystem (forestry, fishing, and soil conservation) Vocabulary List: Energy, Mechanical Energy, Thermal Energy, Energy Transformation Kinetic, Potential Reflection, Transmission, Absorption Conductivity, Circuit, Conductor, Insulator, Resistance, Current Electromagnetic Spectrum Wavelength, Amplitude, Vibration, Medium, Trough, Crest, Transverse Wave, Longitudinal Wave, Frequency, Wave Height Prism Refraction, Opaque, Transparent, Translucent Conduction, Convection, Radiation Conservation, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Renewable, Nonrenewable, Inexhaustible, Biofuel Harnessed Sustained GLEs CCSS Literacy Standards NGSS Practices Instructional Strategies Probe: The Mitten Problem Differentiation (Enrichment/Remediation Strategies) Weblinks http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit5/chapte r13/web_links.html Self-Check Quizzes http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/selfcheck_quizzes.html BrainPop Videos 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6th Science: Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Time Frame: January 27 – March 27 (8 Weeks) PS-25 (E) Compare forms of energy (e.g., light, heat, sound, electrical, nuclear, mechanical) (PS-M-C1) PS-24 (E) Describe and give examples of how all forms of energy may be classified as potential or kinetic energy (PS-M-C1) PS26 (E) Describe and summarize observations of the transmission, reflection, and absorption of sound, light, and heat energy (PS-M-C1) NGSS Practices: 1-8 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,3,4,7,9 WHST.6-8.1,2,4,7,8,9,10 Addressed in LCC Activity 3 NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8, CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,3,4,6 WHST.6-8.2,3,4,7,9,10 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Energy 5 Telecast: Energy Conservation (8th Grade) Motion, Forces, and Energy: Book M pp. 148-157 Activity 1: Safety for Energy Investigations Activity 2: Home Energy Hunt Activity 3: Conservation of Energy Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 8 pgs. 284-286, Lesson 1 Chapter 8 pgs. 288-290, Lesson 2 PS-28 (E) Explain the law of conservation of energy (PSM-C2) PS-30 (C) Trace energy transformations in a simple system (e.g., flashlight) (PS-M-C2) Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 8 pgs. 288-293, Lesson 2 Chapter 8 pgs. 302-303, Lesson 4 Chapter 10 pgs. 378-380, Lesson 4 http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/brainpop_m ovies.html# Video: Exploring Energy/Video Quiz (united streaming) Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 8 pgs. 303-303, Lesson 4 (heat only) Chapter 10 pgs.370-375, Lesson 3 http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit5/chapte r13/section_2_self-check_quiz-eng_.html Energy PowerPoint: http://science.pppst.com/energy.html Motion, Forces, and Energy: Book M pp. 140-147 http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit5/chapte r13/section_1_self-check_quiz-eng_.html Hot Colors http://science.pppst.com/lightoptics.html Activity 5: Refract and Reflect Exploration Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 8 pgs.298-299, Lesson 3 http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=about_l aws_of_energy-basics Addressed in LCC Activity 3 http://www.school-forchampions.com/science/newtons_cradle.htm NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 8 pgs. 294-295, Lesson 3 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.7 WHST.6-8.2,3,10 Activity 6: Flashlight Investigation CCSS: ELA-Literacy WHST.6-8.1,2,9,10 Activity 7: Electrical Conductivity (old Unit 3) Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6th Science: Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Time Frame: January 27 – March 27 (8 Weeks) Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 9 pgs. 326-333, Lesson 2 Chapter 9 pgs. 334-336, Lesson 3 Chapter 9 pgs. 340-347, Lesson 4 PS-39 (E) Describe how electricity can be produced from other types of energy (e.g., magnetism, solar, mechanical) (Briefly over of the following, not in-depth lessons: magnetic field, electric magnetism, galvanometer, generator, transformer) Addressed in LCC Activity 6 PS-18 (C) Explain how the resistance of materials affects the rate of electrical flow (PS-M-B2) PS31 (C) Compare types of electromagnetic waves (PS-M-C3) PS-32 (E) Identify and illustrate key characteristics of waves (e.g., wavelength, frequency, amplitude) (PS-M-C4) PS-33 (E) Predict the direction is which light will refract when it passes from one transparent material to another (e.g., from air to water, from prism to air) 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Electricity and Magnetism: Book N pp.64-67 PowerPoint: http://science.pppst.com/electricity.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit7/chapte r20/section_1_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit7/chapte r20/section_2_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit7/chapte r20/section_3_self-check_quiz-eng_.html Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 9 pgs. 318-325, Lesson 1 Chapter 9 pgs. 332-333, Lesson 2 NOTE: This is addressed in LCC Act. 7 from old unit 3. NGSS Practices: 1-8 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,3,4,6,7 WHST.6-8.2,7,9,10 Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 11 pgs. 400-401, Lesson 1 Chapter 11 pgs. 404-411, Lesson 2 http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/acti vities/electromagneticspectrum/ Activity 4: Waves (NOTE—Save for after testing. Students will not be tested on the 6th grade iLeap, but will be tested on the 8th grade LEAP. Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 10 pgs.358-363, Lesson 1 Chapter 10 pgs. 364-368, Lesson 2 Addressed in LCC Activity 4 Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 10 pgs. 370-373, Lesson 3 Chapter 11 pgs. 425-428, Lesson 5 Addressed in LCC Activity 5 Sound and Light: Book O pp 12-31 http://zonalandeducation.com/mstm/physics/waves/par tsOfAWave/waveParts.htm#wavelength http://paws.kettering.edu/~drussell/Demos/waves/wav emotion.html http://www.classzone.com/books/ml_science_share/vi s_sim/wslm05_pg18_graph/wslm05_pg18_graph.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0078617766/student_view0/chapter4/sec tion3/self-check_quiz-eng_.html Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6th Science: Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Time Frame: January 27 – March 27 (8 Weeks) PS -34 (E) Apply the law of reflection and law of refraction to demonstrate everyday phenomena (eg., how is light reflected from tinted windows, how light is refracted by cameras, telescopes, eyeglasses.) PS-35 (E) Determine through experimentation whether light is reflected, transmitted, and/or absorbed by a given object or material (PS-M-C4) Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 10 pgs. 370-373, Lesson 3 Chapter 11 pgs. 418-419, Lesson 4 Chapter 11 pgs. 428-431, Lesson 5 http://www.edquest.ca/component/content/article/185 http://www.edquest.ca/component/content/article/186 Addressed in Activity 5 Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 10 pgs. 370-373, Lesson 3 Chapter 11 pgs. 412-415, Lesson 3 Properties of Light (united streaming) Sound and Light Book O: Chapter 4 pp. 110-148 Light PowerPoint: http://science.pppst.com/lightoptics.html Addressed in LCC Activity 5 http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit6/chapte r16/section_3_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit6/chapte r19/section_1_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit6/chapte r19/section_2_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit6/chapte r19/section_3_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit6/chapte r19/section_4_self-check_quiz-eng_.html PS-36 (E) Explain the relationship between an object’s color and the wavelength of light reflected or transmitted to the viewer’s eyes. (PS-M-C4) 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Interactive Science Textbook: Review Chapter 11 pgs. 412-417, Lesson 3 (This was covered with GLE 35) Addressed in LCC Activity 4 http://science.pppst.com/humanbody/sight.html Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6th Science: Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Time Frame: January 27 – March 27 (8 Weeks) PS-37 (E) Compare how heat is transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation (PS-M-C5) Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 8 pgs. 304-307, Lesson 5 Addressed in LCC Activity 3 Motion, Forces, and Energy: Book M pp.171-180 http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit5/chapte r15/section_1_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit5/chapte r15/section_2_self-check_quiz-eng_.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit5/chapte r15/section_3_self-check_quiz-eng_.html PS-38 (I) Identify conditions under which thermal energy tends to flow from a system of higher energy to a system of lower energy (PS-M-C5) SE-43 (E) CCSS: Explain how the use of ELA-Literacy different energy resources WHST.6-8.1,2,4,7,9,10 affects the environment and the economy (SE-M-A6) Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 8 pgs.302-303, Lesson 4 Chapter 8 pgs. 304-307, Lesson 5 http://science.pppst.com/thermo.html Addressed in LCC Activity 3 Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 13 pgs. 489-491, Lesson 2 Chapter 14 pg. 531, Lesson 1 Chapter 14 pgs. 532-541, Lesson 2 Chapter 14 pgs. 542-547, Lesson 3 Activity 1: Saving Energy at Home Web links http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit5/chapte r13/web_links.html Self-Check Quizzes http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/selfcheck_quizzes.html Brain Pop Videos http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/brainpop_m ovies.html# BP Oil Spill – Great teaching tool SE-41 (E) Identify risks associated with the production and use of coal, petroleum, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, and other energy forms. 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 14 pgs. 524-531, Lesson 1 Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6th Science: Unit 4: Energy: Properties, Use, and Renewal Time Frame: January 27 – March 27 (8 Weeks) SE-46 (I) Identify ways people can reuse, recycle, and reduce the use of resources to improve and protect the quality of life (SE-M-A6) SE-42 (E) Identify energy types from their source to their use, determine if the type is renewable, nonrenewable, or inexhaustible, and explain how these types affect the environment and economy (SE-M-A6) SE-44 (E) Explain how an inexhaustible resource can be harnessed for energy production (SE-MA6) NGSS Practices: 1-8 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,4,8 NGSS Practices: 1-8 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1-10 WHST.6-8.1-10 Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 13 pgs. 486-488, Lesson 2 Chapter 14 pg. 531, Lesson 1 Chapter 14 pgs. 542-547, Lesson 3 Recycle City Webquest: www.epa.gov/recyclecity/ Activity 3: Solar Collector Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 13 pgs. 492-497, Lesson 3 Chapter 13 pgs. 500-503, Lesson 4 Chapter 14 pgs. 544-547, Lesson 3 Pgs. 518-519 Activity 2: Creation of Energy Research Teams Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 13 pgs. 480-485, Lesson 1 Chapter 13 pgs. 492-497, Lesson 3 Chapter 13 pgs. 498-503, Lesson 4 Activity 4: The Brochure UNIT 4 BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Burst of Energy Sources of Energy Bar Graph CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.3 WHST.6-8.1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1-10 WHST.6-8.1-10 Environmental Science: Book E pp.62-190 Activity 2: Creation of Energy Research Teams Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 14 pgs. 532-541, Lesson 2 NGSS Practices: 1-8 PowerPoint: http://themes.pppst.com/greenplanet.html Activity 1: Saving Energy at Home NGSS Practices: 1-8 SE-45 (E) Describe methods for sustaining renewable resources (SE-M-A6) SE-47 (E) Illustrate how various technologies influence resource use in an ecosystem (e.g., forestry management, soil conservation, fishery improvement) (SE-M-A8) Interactive Science Textbook: Chapter 13 pgs. 504-513, Lesson 5 Chapter 14 pgs. 542-547, Lesson 3 Pg. 552 MARCH 27, 2014 PowerPoint: http://science.pppst.com/alternativefuels.html Solar Cookers