AP US Government & Politics Syllabus - crandall

AP Government & Politics Syllabus
Mr. Crandall
“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him
down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
–Thomas Jefferson
“No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent.”
–Abraham Lincoln
Course Description
This yearlong, college-level course prepares students to take two AP exams: United States Government
& Politics and Comparative Government and Politics. The course is designed to teach students to
understand and be able to critically analyze important concepts in both U.S. and comparative politics
through the study of six core countries from AP Comparative Government (the United Kingdom, Mexico,
Nigeria, Iran, Russia, and China) and more in-depth study of American government and politics. In
addition, students will learn the skills necessary to perform well on the AP tests. The first semester of this
course will be devoted to the study of American government and politics. The second semester will cover
comparative politics.
As a college-level course, this class is rigorous and demanding. It requires that students put forth their
best effort on a daily basis, both in class and in reading and listening to the news outside of class.
Reading will be extensive and not all information will be discussed in class. Students MUST keep up
with assigned readings to do well in the course, as well as on the AP exams. Students will also be tested
on their understanding of readings in weekly quizzes.
The following is the syllabus for the first semester of the course, AP American Government & Politics.
The syllabus covering the second semester (AP Comparative Government & Politics) will be very similar
and will be distributed at the beginning of second semester in the spring.
The Exam
The date for both the AP US Government and Politics Exam and the Comparative Government and
Politics Exam is Tuesday, May 10. The AP US Government and Politics Exam is 2 hours and 25 minutes
long. It includes a 45 minute multiple choice section consisting of 60 questions and a 100 minute free
response section consisting of 4 questions. The unit tests will all resemble the actual AP test, they will
consist of both multiple choice questions and free response questions similar to those on the AP exam.
There will also be in-class and take-home free response essays throughout the year in order to gain more
practice in writing such essays. Students will take a cumulative exam in class that will be similar in
format to the AP Exam, which will be given immediately prior to the actual AP Exam.
Text and Materials
1. Edwards, Wattenberg, Lineberry, Government in America, 14th edition.
2. Assigned and used in class: articles from current newspapers, such as the New York Times and the
Washington Post; news magazine excerpts from Time, Newsweek, and the Economist; news footage and
documentaries; C-SPAN’s coverage of current events; ABC News Video Case Studies (the DVDs
included in the textbook); and numerous websites.
Grading System
Grading will come from a points system. The points will come from tests, free responses, homework,
quizzes, projects, class work, participation/habits of work, and debates. Grades will be based on the
following grading scale:
100%-90% A
89%-80% B
79%-70% C
69%-60% D
As for the semester breakdown, the entire semester is 85% of your final grade, and your final exam is
worth 15% of your final grade.
Projects/Long-Term Assignments
Chapter Reading Quizzes – We will not have a chance to discuss everything in the reading.
Therefore, we will have chapter reading quizzes based upon the textbook. The chapter reading
quizzes will include key concepts and vocabulary. These quizzes will be announced ahead of
time, unless the need arises to change this policy. It is imperative that you read the assigned
readings closely and take good notes because this will play a very significant role in how well
you do in this course and on the AP test. Students will sometimes be allowed to use their notes
on these quizzes, SO TAKE GOOD NOTES!
News Assignments – Because of the importance of keeping up with political news, you will have
several assignments based on the news. You will turn in a summary of political news stories.
These stories can come from newspapers, journals, magazines, or the Internet (as long as they are
from reputable news agencies). For each story you will write a detailed analysis/explanation of
how the article ties into the political landscape, which should include your thoughts and opinions
on the topic. As time allows, we will discuss the articles and your opinions in class on the days
that they are due. More information will follow when such work is assigned.
Cartoon Analysis Assignment – Approximately once a month you will turn in a political
cartoon that you will have analyzed in regards to current political topics and themes covered in
this class. As time allows, you may get the opportunity to share your political cartoon with the
class. More specific information will be provided in a separate handout.
US Supreme Court Landmark Cases Project – The goal of this project is to allow each student
to do in depth research on a landmark Supreme Court case and write a legal brief on that case.
Then each student will present their case to the class in order to provide all students with a
background in each important Supreme Court case that could appear on the AP test.
Debates/Discussions – We will have debates over various controversial issues throughout the
school year. It is important to come prepared for such debates so that you can contribute
meaningful arguments and support your opinion. We will also have numerous in-depth
discussions. You will know about such debates and discussions well ahead of time, so you will
have ample time to develop an informed opinion on the issue at hand.
Wiki – There is a wiki for this course. The purpose of this wiki will be for the class to
communicate thoughts and ideas about a wide range of political topics outside of class time.
Your participation on the wiki will be counted as part of your homework grade. Specific
information about assignments and the course will also be posted to the wiki. The 2-week
calendars will be posted on the wiki, so you can always know what’s going on. The address for
the course wiki is: http://crandall.wikispaces.com/
 Students will have nightly homework assignments, primarily out of the textbook and from
selected articles from the aforementioned supplementary materials, such as newspapers and news
magazines. The students will also be required to read and analyze primary source materials, such
as The Federalist Papers and the United States Constitution. All readings will be clearly stated in
the two-week calendars and students are expected to complete each assignment/reading as
 All homework must be handed in ON THE DESIGNATED DUE DATE. Turning in
assignments after the official submission date will result in a ZERO. I do not accept ANY late
homework assignments. If an assignment is collected on a day that you are absent, it is to be
handed in at the start of the first day that you return to class. Failure to do so will result in a zero
for that assignment.
 All students are expected to complete essays or projects on time. These assignments will be
reduced one letter grade for each day late, since they are worth more points and are more
significant parts of your overall grade.
 Working together on class work will sometimes be allowed but each student is responsible for
doing his or her own work and copying will not be tolerated—this applies to study guides. Both
parties involved in copying or cheating will be penalized with ZEROS on the assignment or quiz
or test. Plagiarism is entirely unacceptable and the minimum punishment will be a zero. If such
behavior occurs more than once you may be dropped from the course.
All students must have a binder that will help to keep all materials for the class together. This
will be extremely useful when you begin studying material from 1st semester before the AP
Exams in May.
You must get a three-ring binder in which you will keep all of your notes, homework, quizzes,
FRQs, and two-week calendars. This way when you go to study, all of the necessary materials
will be in one central location and this will ensure that all of the hard work you do during 1st
semester won’t be wasted because you lose everything by the time May comes along. Your
binder should be for AP Government & Politics only. Because this is a college-level course I will
not do frequent binder checks, it is your responsibility to stay organized. However, I will
periodically check binders as a part of your Habits of Work grade and as an extra incentive to
keep everything together.
Your binder must have at least 6 tabs, one for each unit in 1st semester. The units are listed
Habits of Work:
Each quarter every student will be given a Habits of Work grade. There are six areas that make
up a students’ Habits of Work grade. They include the following: Active Listening, Attendance,
Respectful Attitude/Behavior, Preparation for Class and Use of Materials, Contributions to Class,
On Task During Independent Work Time.
Each student will be evaluated throughout the semester. This includes having your necessary
materials with you every day.
Points will be deducted from your Habits of Work grade each time you violate one of the Course
Expectations (see below).
Thoughtful contributions to in-class debates/discussions and the wiki discussions will also count
toward your Habits of Work grade.
 Tardiness is unacceptable. Tardiness constitutes arriving after the bell rings. You must be IN
YOUR SEAT WHEN THE BELL RINGS or you will be tardy. I will follow the school policy
regarding tardies. Plus, for each tardy you will lose 5 points from your Habits of Work grade.
Excused Absence:
 The work may be made up for full credit for all excused absences. For every day that you are
absent you will have one day to complete and submit the assignment.
 You are responsible for getting the work you missed.
o You should always know what the assignments are when you are absent because they will be
detailed on the calendars you will receive every two weeks.
o You will be expected to take any missed quiz or test during a study period in your schedule or
before or after school.
o Since you will always know about quizzes and tests ahead of time, you will be expected to
make up any missed quiz or test within one day of returning to school. Failure to do so could
result in a zero on that missed quiz or test.
o Also, always feel free to email me any questions when you’re absent at
Unexcused Absence:
Each unexcused absence will result in 15 points off of your Habits of Work grade. I will
follow the school policy regarding unexcused absences.
Unexcused absences will result in TOTAL LOSS OF POINTS for work missed on that day
(including TESTS). NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
The year will be broken into US Government and Politics first semester and Comparative Government
and Politics second semester. The units for first semester have been broken down into six general topics,
which we will deal with in relationship to how much of each topic may appear on the actual AP exam.
The College Board supplies percentages for each topic, which coincide with the actual amount of
information that will be on the exam. The units for second semester will be distributed at the beginning
of second semester.
FIRST SEMESTER: US Government & Politics
I. Constitutional Underpinnings of Democracy in the United States
5-15% of AP test
A. Considerations influencing the adoption of the Constitution
B. Separation of powers
C. Federalism
D. Theories of democratic government
Text: Chapter 1 – Constitutional Democracy
Chapter 2 – The Living Constitution
Chapter 3 – American Federalism
II. Political Beliefs and Behaviors and Mass Media
10-20% of AP test
A. Beliefs citizens hold about government and leaders
B. Processes by which citizens learn about politics
C. The nature, sources and consequences of public opinions
D. The ways in which citizens participate in political life
E. Factors that influence citizens to differ politically
F. The changing role of the American media
Text: Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
III. Political Parties and Interest Groups
10-20% of AP test
A. Political parties and elections
B. Interest groups and PACs
C. Electoral laws and systems
Text: Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
IV. The President, Congress, Judiciary, and Bureaucracy
35-45% of AP test
A. Formal and informal institutional arrangements of powers
B. Relationships between the four institutions
C. Links between these institutions and parties, interest groups, media, and the public
D. Policy making processes
Text: Chapter 12 – Congress
Chapter 13 – Presidency
Chapter 14 – Congress, the President, and the Budget
Chapter 15 – Bureaucracy
Chapter 16 – Courts
V. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
5-15% of AP test
A. The development of civil liberties and civil rights by judicial interpretation
B. Knowledge of substantive rights and liberties
C. The impact of the Fourteenth Amendment on the constitutional development of rights
and liberties
Text: Chapter 4
Chapter 5
VI. Formation of Public Policy
5-15% of AP test
A. Policymaking in a federal system
B. The formation of policy agendas
C. The role of institutions in the enactment of policy
D. The role of the bureaucracy and the courts in policy implementation and
E. Linkages between policy processes and the following:
1. Political institutions and federalism
2. Political parties
3. Interest groups
4. Public opinion
5. Elections
6. Policy networks
Text: Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Throughout this course, we will be relating our studies to current political events. On a daily basis we
will discuss the news of the day. Therefore, it is important that you become actively aware of political
news. You should read the newspaper and become more politically aware. Programs such as Meet the
Press and the various other Sunday morning news shows will help you not only in class, but on the AP
exams as well because you will be asked to use current examples to support your arguments. I cannot
stress enough the importance of being aware of current political events. In order to further entice you to
be aware of political issues, I will offer extra credit for watching Sunday morning news programs.
Details on this excellent opportunity will come at a later date.
To the Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Hello, my name is Zach Crandall and your child will be a student in my AP Government &
Politics class this year. I am looking forward to an exciting and rewarding school year. One of
my goals is to keep the lines of communication open between student, parents/guardians, and
I am asking that students return this form filled out with both their signature and your signature
to ensure that you and your student have reviewed the syllabus and are aware of my expectations
and procedures for AP Government & Politics. I am also requesting your contact information so
that I can get in touch with you if the need should ever arise.
Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding any questions or concerns. Thank you very
Zach Crandall
(847) 718-4301
Student Name ________________________________________________ Date ____________
Student Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________
Parent/Guardian’s Home Phone Number ____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Work Number __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Email _________________________________________________________
Preferred method of contact (check one): _____ Home Phone _____ Work Phone _____ Email
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________ Date ____________
Do you have Internet access at home? _______ Yes
________ No
Daily Schedule for Semester 1:
Unit 1: Constitutional Underpinnings
Intro. to AP United States Govt.
Intro. to AP United States Govt.
Democracy in the US:
Constitutional Underpinnings
The Living Constitution
The Living Constitution
The Living Constitution
Origins of American Federalism
American Federalism / AP Free
Response Techniques
American Federalism
Federalism and Federal Grants
Specific Topic
-Class Expectations
-AP Govt. Pre-Test (How Politically
Savvy are You?)
-Discuss New Jersey v. T.L.O.
-Who Governs?
-To What Ends?
-Theories of American Democracy:
pluralist, elite, hyperpluralist (read
handout about each theory)
-Begin: Origins of Amer. Republic
Chapter 1 Reading Quiz
-Finish: Origins of Amer. Republic
-Principles of the Constitution: Articles
I, II (Sep. of Powers, Checks/Balances)
-Feds. vs. Anti-Feds. Chart
-Continue Principles of the
Constitution: III, IV (Limited Govt.,
Judicial Review)
-Continue Principles of the
Constitution: V, VI (Informal/Formal
Changes to the Constitution)
-Bill of Rights
-Discuss Federalist #51
Chapter 2 Reading Quiz
-Discuss US Constitution questions
-Read + Discuss Federalist #10
-Structure of American Federalism
-Defining Federalism
-Why Federalism?
-AP Free Response teaching (use
sample FRQs)
-State’s Rights vs. Nationalism List of
-Role of Federal Courts
-Advantages/Disadvantages of
-Constitutional Structures
-Federal Mandates
Chapter 3 Reading Quiz
-Politics of Federalism
-Watch ABC News clip about
Homework (due the
following day unless
otherwise stated)
Read Chapter 1 (pgs. 215)
-Read Chapter 1 (1523)
-Read US Constitution
(pg. 47-57) and answer
questions – Due DAY 8
-Read Chapter 2 (2637)
Read Federalist #51
and answer questions
Read Chapter 2 (37-45)
Read Chapter 3 (58-72)
-Read Chapter 3 (7380)
-Unit 1 Free Response
(take home) due day 11
Read Chapter 3 (80-85)
Read McCulloch v.
Maryland & outline
Finish Federalism
Unit 1 Exam
Unit 1 Free Response due
-Politics of American Federalism
-Discuss McCulloch v. Maryland
-Federalism Chart
Multiple Choice Test (Chap. 1, 2, 3)
Study for multiple
choice test
Read Chapter 4 (88-99)
Unit 2: Political Beliefs/Political Behaviors/Mass Media
Political Culture
Political Culture
American Political Landscape
American Political Landscape
Public Opinion
Public Opinion / Voter Turnout
-Watch ABCNEWS God and Country
-Political Culture & System
-Political & Economic Changes
Chapter 4 Reading Quiz
-Ideology and the American People
-Discuss Political Spectrum
-Public Policy: Liberals vs.
Conservatives Chart
-Political Ideology Quiz on Make it
-Mistrust of Government
-Land of Diversity
-Sectional Differences
-Where We Live
-Presidential Election 2004
Demographics questions
Chapter 5 Reading Quiz
-Who We Are
-Race and Ethnicity
-Family Structure
-Occupation, Age, Education
-Unity in a Land of Diversity
-Watch Faultlines: The Search for
Political and Religious Links—USA
- Faith at the Ballot Box chart
-Trends in Political Values and Core
Attitudes (1987-2007)
-Jerry Falwell obituary from Newsweek
-What is Public Opinion?
-Political Socialization Chart
-The Impacts of Public Opinion
- Opinion on Global Warming chart
-www.pollingreport.com (compilation
of scientific polls)
-Read NYT article “Analyzing Iraq
- Formulating a Candidate’s Message
-Public Opinion & Policy
-Political Participation
-Chart: Voter Turnout (discuss)
Read Chapter 4 (99109)
Read Chapter 5 (112121)
Read Chapter 5 (121140)
Read Chapter 8 (210221)
Read Chapter 8 (221240)
Sampling Public
Opinion activity
Read “To Vote or Not
to Vote” and answer
-Chart: Which Quality Mattered?
-Show map of voter turnout for 2004
-Voter Apathy: Political Cartoons
-Unraveling a Voter’s DNA activity
Voter Behavior
Unit 2 Exam (mult. choice)
Unit 2 Exam (FRQ)
Unit 2 Exam (FRQ)
Chapter 8 Reading Quiz
-Discuss Engaging Youth…
-Effects on Voter Behavior
-Voting Choices
- Faith at the Ballot Box chart
-Influence of the Media on Politics
-Changing Role of News Media
-Media Competitiveness
-Read “The New Digital Divide”
-Who Owns the Media charts
-Watch Q & A or America in Black and
Chapter 10 Reading Quiz
-Media Influences (Public Opinion, its
role & limits)
-Media Bias?
-Watch Free Speech for Sale (57 min.)
-Continue film
-Discuss Spin Cycle
-Government & the news
-Media and Elections
-Media’s Impact
-Watch ABC News Q & A and answer
Multiple Choice Test (Chap. 4, 5, 8,
Elite Eight Free Response Activity
Elite Eight Free Response Activity
Engaging Youth:
Combating the Apathy
of Young Americans
Toward Politics &
answer questions
Read Chapter 10 (280291)
-Read Chapter 10 (291304)
-Who’s Got the Bias?
-Media Assignment due
in 5 weeks
-Read Spin Cycle: How
the White House and
the Media Manipulate
the News & outline
- Watch ABC News
America in Black &
Study for Unit 2 Exam
Read Chapter 6 (142154)
Unit 3: Political Parties and Interest Groups
Interest Groups: Reasons for
Interest Groups
-What are interest groups?
-Types of interest groups
-Read The Federalist #10
-Tactics of Interests Groups
-Characteristics and Power of Interest
-The Influence of Lobbyists
-Have students use the following to
research the development and
importance of lobbyists:
Read Chapter 6 (154162)
Read Chapter 6 (162174)
Interest Groups (Current Events
-Watch Moyers on America: Capitol
Crimes (120 min.), begin with Context
-Use website that accompanies movieread Abramoff emails
-Paying for the Party Chart
-Public Opinion + American Political
System Chart
- Who’s Paying for the Parties Chart
-Watch Moyers on America: Capitol
-Impact of interest groups
Interest Groups (Current Events
Finish Interest Groups
Begin Political Parties
Chapter 6 Reading Quiz
-Discuss “Showdown at Gucci…”
-Functions of political parties
-The rise of political parties
-Watch Faultlines: The Search for
Political and Religious Links (USA)
(34 min.)
Political Parties
Political Parties
Campaigns & Elections
Campaigns & Elections
-Discuss Nader articles
-What do political parties do?
-Brief History of Parties
-Party Alignment Since 1932 Chart
(see page 66 in Practical Curriculum
Guide w/ George Wash. on cover)
-Divided government
-Show chart of Party Platforms, 2000
from Edwards, pg. 248
-Show chart of Minor Parties in the
-Show chart of Portrait of the
Chapter 7 Reading Quiz
-American political parties today
-Financing the parties
-Discuss: Are political parties dying?
-Watch Air Wars
-Elections and Rules of the Game
-Running for Congress
-The Redistricting Game:
-Running for President
-Read NYT article, “Romney Wins
Iowa Straw Poll by a Sizable Margin”
-Show 2000 Electoral College map
-Watch Primaries: Defining the Battle
Watch ABC News God
and Country and
answer questions
Read “Showdown at
Gucci Gulch:
Lawmakers, Lobbyists,
and the Unlikely
Triumph of Tax
Read Chapter 7 (176190)
-Read New York Times
article “Nader is Left
with Fewer Votes…”
and National Journal
“The Nader
-Federalists vs. AntiFederalists Paper
Read Chapter 7 (190207)
Read Chapter 9 (242254)
Read Chapter 9 (254263)
Read Chapter 9
Read New York Times
article, “Even with
Campaign Finance
in New Hampshire (23 min.)
-(optional) Watch The War Room (97
-(optional) Watch Making the
Message: The Fight for the Presidency
(88 min.)
Chapter 9 Reading Quiz
-Major differences between
Congressional & Presidential elections
-Money in elections
-Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign Finance
Campaign Reform
Unit 3 Exam (mult. choice)
-Discussion: How can we reform the
US electoral system?
Multiple Choice Test (Chap. 6, 7, 9)
Unit 3 Exam (FRQ)
Free Response Questions
Law, Money Talks
Louder Than Ever”
-Read NYT – States
Seek Change in
Presidential Election
-Read “Reforming the
Electoral System”
-Watch ABC News Air
Wars and answer
Study for Unit 3
Multiple Choice Test
Study for Unit 3 Free
Response Test
Read Chapter 11 (308314)
Unit 4: The President, Congress, Judiciary, and Bureaucracy (Institutions)
-Congressional Elections
-The 2006 Election
-Structure of Congress
-Powers of Congress
-Leadership in Congress
-The job of the legislator
-Have students use Washington Post
website to research voting patterns of
-Discuss Home Style
-Watch A Day in the Life of a
Representative (28 min.)
-Watch A Day in the Life of a Senator
(29 min.)
Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
-How a Bill Becomes a Law
ACTIVITY in AP US Gov 1 (red
-Committee System
-Show chart of How a bill becomes a
-Watch And That’s How a Bill
-Read Chapter 11 (314328)
-Read The Great
Election Grab (in
-Read Chapter 11 (328336)
-Read Shock and Awe in
the Senate (about the
filibuster, in binder)
-Read Home Style:
House Members in
Their Districts
-Read Washington by
Meg Greenfield
-Read The Enforcer (in
Read Chapter 11 (336341)
-Read Chapter 12
-Watch ABC News
Price of Victory and
answer questions
Becomes a Law (23 min.)
-National Budget Simulation:
-Structure & Powers of Presidency
-Controversies in Presidential Power
(The War Power)
-Chart: Presidential Approval
-Evolution of the Presidency
-Managing the Presidency
-Watch The White House at War (51
-The Cabinet
-The President’s Job
Unit 4 Exam #1
Chapter 12 Reading Quiz
-Congress vs. President
-Judging Presidents
-Show Chart of Past Presidential
-Discuss The Presidential Difference
-Discussion: What qualities make a
good president?
Congress/Presidency Multiple
Choice Test (30 questions) & Free
Judiciary: Interpreting the law
Supreme Court Cases
Supreme Court Cases
Supreme Court Cases
Judiciary Free Response
-Judicial Terminology
-Scope of Judicial Power
-Federal Judicial System
-Types of Federal Courts
-Politics of Appointing Judges
-Limits on Judicial Action
Chapter 14 Reading Quiz
-The Supreme Court
-Judicial Power in Democracy
-Compare A Matter of Interpretation:
Federal Courts and the Law by
Antonin Scalia and Active Liberty:
Interpreting Our Democratic
Constitution by Stephen Breyer
US Supreme Court Landmark Cases
US Supreme Court Landmark Cases
-Present cases to the class
Judiciary Free Response
-Discuss cases
Read Chapter 12 (357365)
Read Chapter 12 (365375)
Read Scenes from a
Marriage by Marjorie
Read Executive Power
on Steroids and The
Waning of the Imperial
Presidency (in binder)
Read Imperial
Read The Presidential
Read Chapter 14 (406413)
Read Chapter 14 (414423)
Read Chapter 14 (423433)
Begin US Supreme
Court Landmark Cases
Project due tomorrow
Read Chapter 13 (378389)
-Understanding the Federal
Administrative System
-What is it? / Who are they?
-Chart of Homeland Security
Unit 4 exam (mult. choice)
Unit 4 exam (FRQ)
-Growth of the Bureaucracy
-Public Perception of Bureaucracy
-Working for Government
Chapter 13 Reading Quiz
-The Job of the Federal Administrative
-Making Bureaucracy Accountable
-Controlling the Bureaucracy
-Discuss Government by Proxy: A
Faithful Overview
-Discussion: Is the federal bureaucracy
beneficial to American democracy?
Multiple Choice Test (Chap. 11, 12,
13, 14)
Free Response (Institutions)
Read Chapter 13 (389395)
Read US Food Safety
System: A Good Excuse
for a Bellyache
Read Chapter 13 (395403)
Read Government by
Proxy: A Faithful
Study for multiple
choice test
Study for free response
Read Chapter 17 (486497)
Unit 5: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Civil Rights
First Amendment Freedoms
First Amendment Freedoms
First Amendment Freedoms
-Struggle for Equal Rights
-Show table: Major Civil Rights
-Show table: Changing Face of
American Politics, Racial and Ethnic
-Equal Protection under the law
-Barriers to voting
-Voting rights
-Education rights
Chapter 17 Reading Quiz
-Rights of Association,
Accommodations, Jobs, and Homes
-Affirmative Action
-Equal Rights Today
-Discuss Grutter v. Bollinger
-Discussion: Is Affirmative Action
-Rights in the Constitution
-Bill of Rights and the States
-1st Amendment: Freedom of Religion
-Freedom of Speech & Press
-Nonprotected and Protected Speech
-Discussion: Should there be any
restrictions on freedom of speech?
Chapter 15 Reading Quiz
Read Chapter 17 (498505)
Read Chapter 17 (505511)
Read Supreme Court
Case Grutter v.
Bollinger (2003)
Read Chapter 15 (438447)
Write 1 page reflection
paper on Affirmative
Read Chapter 15 (447456)
Read Chapter 15 (456460)
Read Chapter 16 (462-
Rights to Life, Liberty, and
Rights to Life, Liberty, and
Civil Liberties
Unit 5 Exam (FRQ)
-Other Media & Communications
-Freedom of Assembly
-Citizenship Rights
-Property Rights
-Due Process Rights
-Privacy Rights
Chapter 16 Reading Quiz
-Rights of the accused
-Watch Gideon v. Wainwright
-Discussion: How just is our system of
-Discuss Patriot Act articles
-Discussion: Should the US
government ever suspend the
Constitutional rights of Americans?
Unit 5 Group Free Response
-Making Public Policy
-Economic Policy
-Fiscal Policy
-Monetary Policy
Chapter 18 Reading Quiz
-Promoting the Economy
-Role of the Government
-Expansion of Social Policies
-Role of Government in Social Policy
-Types of Social Policy
Chapter 19 Reading Quiz
-Social Policy challenges for the future
-Health Care
-Crime Control
-Understanding Foreign and Defense
-Vital Interests in the 21st Century
-The Foreign and Defense Policy
Administrative System
Chapter 20 Reading Quiz
-Participants in Foreign and Defense
-Foreign and Defense Policy Options
-Special Problems in Defense Policy
-Prospects for the Future
Multiple Choice Test (Chap. 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20)
Free Response (Public Policy)
Read Chapter 18 (532545)
Read Chapter 16 (474484)
Read Patriot Act
articles & answer
1 page reflection on the
Patriot Act
Read Chapter 18 (516532)
Unit 6: Formation of Public Policy
Economic Policy
Economic Policy
Social Policy
Social Policy
Foreign/Defense Policy
Foreign/Defense Policy
Unit 5 & 6 Exam (multiple
Unit 6 Exam (FRQ)
Read Chapter 19 (548563)
Read Chapter 19 (563573)
Read Chapter 20 (576594)
Read Chapter 20 (594607)
Study for multiple
choice test
Study for Free
Reviews and Final Exam
Review for Final Exam
Final Exam: 60 Multiple Choice,
3 Free Response Questions