Medical Terminology 1. Suffixes and Prefixes SUFFIXES A suffix is a word ending that modifies a root which may indicate that the word is a noun or an adjective. ● Suffixes that mean “condition of” Suffix -ia Example insomnia anesthesia phobia -ism alcoholism egotism embolism -sis neurosis (-osis, -esis, psychosis -asis, iasis) cirrhosis -y atony tetany dysentery Meaning Inability to sleep Loss of sensation Abnormal fear Chronic dependence on or addiction to alcohol Exaggerated self-importance Blockage of a vessel Psychological disorder Mental disorder Liver degeneration Lack of muscle tone Sustained muscle contraction Intestinal disorder ● Suffixes that mean “pertaining to”, “characterized by”, “resembling” – adjective endings Suffix Example Definition -ac cardiac Pertaining to the heart -al skeletal Pertaining to the skeleton -ar muscular Pertaining to muscle -ary urinary Pertaining to urine -ic pelvic Pertaining to the pelvis -ical surgical Pertaining to surgery -ile febrile Pertaining to fever -ous venous Pertaining to a vein -form epileptiform Like or resembling epilepsy -oid mucoid Like or resembling mucus (nouns) -sis changes into -tic (to form the adjective): neurosis – neurotic, diuresis - diuretic ● Suffixes pertaining to specialties and specialists Suffix -logy -ist -ian,-ician -iatrics,-iatry -iatrist Meaning Study of Specialist in a field of study Specialist in a field of study Field of medicine Specialist in a field of study Example physiology dentist Physician psychiatry podiatrist Definition Study of function in a living organism Specialist in the study and treatment of the teeth and mouth Practitioner of medicine Study and treatment of mental illness Specialist in the study and treatment of the foot 1 ■ Exercises 1. Identify the suffix that means “pertaining to”(“resembling”) in each of the following words: primary cellular virile physiologic topical biologic rheumatoid exploratory focal dystrophy fibrous muciform lymphoid cutaneous cuboid nuclear salivary bacterial metric thermal anatomical cellular lymphoid basic 2. Identify the suffix that means “condition of”in each of the following words: analgesia parasitism stenosis dystrophy thrombosis anemia acidosis 3. Write a word for a specialist in each of the following fields: biology obstetrics pediatrics allergy psychiatry dermatology technology anatomy gynecology pharmacy radiology orthodontics PREFIXES ● Prefixes pertaining to numbers Prefix Prim/iMon/oUniBiDiDiploHemiSemiTriQuadr/iMultiPoly- Meaning first one one Two, twice Two, twice double Half, one side Half, partial three four many Many much Example primigravida monoclonal unicellular Bicuspid diplegia diplopia hemithorax semilunar triad quadrant multiple polymorphic ■ Exercises 1. Define the following words: primary trisect polymorphous Definition Woman pregnant for the first time Pertaining to a cell colony arising from a single cell Pertaining to an organism composed of a single cell Having two points Paralysis (-plegia) affecting both sides of the body Double vision(-opia) One side of the chest (thorax) Resembling a half-moon Group of three One fourth of an area Consisting of many parts Having many shapes (morph/o) multicellular unilateral hemithorax bipolar 2. Fill in the blanks: 1. Monarthritis is arthritis affecting … joint (s). 2. A tricuspid tooth has … points 3. Unilateral means affecting … side 4. A quadruplet is one of … offspring produced in a single birth. 5. A biped is an animal with … feet. 3. Give a prefix similar in meaning to each of the following: bihemimulti2 ● Prefixes pertaining to color Prefix Cyan/o- Meaning Blue Example cyanosis Erythr/oLeuk/oMelano/oXanth/o- Red White, colorless Black, dark yellow erythrocyte leukoplakia melanin xanthoma Definition Bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxigen Red blood cell White patches in the mouth The dark pigment that colors the hair and skin Yellow raised area of the skin ● Negative prefixes Prefix A-, AnAntiContraDeDis- Meaning Not, without, lack of, absence against against Down, without, removal, loss Absence, removal, separation Example amorphous antidote contralateral detoxify disinfect In-, imUn- Not (in- before b, m, p) Not incontinence unconscious Definition Without form Means for counteracting a poison Pertaining to the opposite side To remove a poison To remove infectious organisms from Lack of control over excretion Not responsive ■ Exercises 1. Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words: e.g. inadequate in- (prefix) = not (meaning) amnesia contraception antibody disease antiserum decongestant contraindication 2. Write the negative(opposite) of each of the following words. There may be more than one answer for each. coordinated ability mature septic adequate humidify fertility active congestant permeable sufficient responsive compatible ● Prefixes pertaining to direction Prefix AbAdDiaPerTrans- Meaning away from Toward, near through through Through, across, beyond Example abduct adhesion dialysis percutaneous transfusion Definition To move away from the midline An attachment of parts Separation by passage through a membrane Through the skin Introduction of blood or blood components into the bloodstream ■ Exercises 1. Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words absorb transmit perforate adhesive diarrhea transcortical adduct 3 ● Prefixes pertaining to degree Prefix Hyper- Example hypertension Definition High blood pressure hypoventilation Olig/o- Meaning Over, excess, abnormally high, increased Under, below, abnormally low, decreased Few, scanty, deficiency of PanSuper- all Above, excess panplegia superinfection Low amount of air entering the lungs Low number of sperm in the semen Total paralysis (-plegia) Second infection Hypo- oligospermia ● Prefixes pertaining to size and comparison Prefix EuHeteroHomo/homeo Iso- Meaning True, good, easy, normal Other, different, unequal Same, unchanging Example euthanasia heterosexual homothermic Equal, same isograft MacroMega/megaloMicro- Large, abnormally large Large, abnormally large macroscopic megabladder small microsurgery NeoNormoOrtho- new normal Straight, correct, upright neonate normovolemia Orthosis PseudoRe- false Again, back pseudoparalysis reflux Definition Easy or painless death Pertaining to the opposite sex Maintaining a constant body temperature, warm blooded Graft between two genetically identical individuals Visible with the naked eye Permanent enlargement of the bladder Surgery of extremely small structures under the microscope Newborn infant Normal blood volume Appliance used to correct or prevent deformities False paralysis Backward or return flow ■ Exercises 1. Match the following terms with their definition: leukocyte, hypersensitivity, erythroderma, recuperate, pandemic, xanthoderma, hypotension, pseudoreaction, oligomenorrhea, orthodontic, melanoma, supermotility, cyanotic, normothermic a. dark growth on the skin b. white blood cell c. yellow coloration on the skin d. redness of the skin e. pertaining to bluish discoloration f. low blood pressure g. scanty menstrual flow h. excess movement i. excessive responsiveness j. disease affecting an entire population k. false response l. pertaining to normal body temperature m. pertaining to straight teeth n. recover from illness ● Prefixes pertaining to time and/or position Prefix AntePer- Meaning before Before, in front of Example antenatal predisposing Pro- before, in front of prophylaxis Definition Before birth Leading toward a condition such as a disease Prevention of disease 4 Post- After, behind postoperative After a surgical operation Oprit aici – de facut ex. student ■ Exercises 1. Match the following terms with their definition : ectocardia (d), postnasal (c), syndrome (f), endonasal (a), telencephalon (b), hyposecretion (e) a. within the nose b. endbrain c. behind the nose d. displacement of the heart from its normal position e. underproduction of a substance f. group of symptoms occurring together 2. Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words 6. premenstrual (pre-/ before, in front of); 7. post-traumatic (post-/ after, behind) 8. progenitor (pro-/ before, in front of) 9. antedate (ante-/ before) KEY 6. 7. 8. 9. Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words: Prefix Meaning 6. protrude 7. antecedent 8. premenstrual 9. extra 10. mesoderm 11. ● Prefixes pertaining to position Prefix Dextr/o- Meaning right Example dextrocardia Sinistr/oEctoEx/oEndo- left out,outside away from, outside in, within sinistrad ectopic excise endoscope Mes/-o Syn, symTel/e-, tel/o- middle together mesencephalon synapse Definition Location of the heart in the right side of the chest Toward the left Outside the normal position To cut out Device for viewing the insite of a cavity or organ Midbrain Junction between two nerve cell end telangion Terminal blood vessel ■ Exercises 5 1. Write the opposite of each of the following words. exotoxin (endotoxin), macroscopic (microscopic), homograft (heterograft), hypoactive (hyperactive), preoperative (postoperative), antepartum (postpartum), preadolescent (postadolescent), sinistromanual (= left handed) (dextromanual), exogenous (= outside the organism) (endogenous), organization (disorganization), adduct (abduct), 2. Match the following terms with their definition: pandemic (d), hypertension (e), neonate (g), oligodontia (b), superficial (a), heterothermic (i), melanoma (c), panplegia (j), xanthocyte (f), percutaneous (h), mesencephalon (k). a. located at the surface (above other structures) b. less than the normal number of teeth c. dark tumor d. disease affecting an entire population e. high blood pressure f. cell with yellow color g. a newborn h. through the skin i. having varying body temperature j. total paralysis k. midbrain de la Mirel Write the suffix in each of the following words that means “study of,” “medical specialty,” or “specialist in a field of study”: 1. dentist (one who treats the teeth and mouth) -ist 2. neurology (the study of the nervous system) 3. pediatrics (treatment of children) 4. technologist (specialist in a technical field) 5. psychiatry (study and treatment of mental disorders) KEY: 1. -ist 2. -logy 3. -iatrics 4. -ist 5. -iatry Write a word for a specialist in each of the following fields: 6. anatomy (study of body structure) 7. pediatrics (care and treatment of children) 8. radiology (use of radiation in diagnosis and treatment) 9. orthodontics (correction of the teeth) KEY: 6. anatomist 7. pediatrician 8. radiologist 9. orthodontist Identify the suffix that means “condition of” in each of the following words: 1. egotism 2. anemia 6 3. stenosis 4. dystrophy 5. acidosis 6. anesthesia KEY: 1. -ism 2. -ia 3. -sis 4. -y 5. -sis 6. -ia Give the suffix in the following words that means “specialty” or “specialist”: 7. psychiatry 8. orthopedist 9. obstetrics 10. urology KEY: 7. -iatry 8. -ist 9. -ics 10. -logy Give the name of the specialist in each of the following fields: 11. pediatrics 12. dermatology 13. pharmacy 14. gynecology KEY : 11. pediatrician 12. dermatologist 13. pharmacist 14. gynecologist Identify the adjective suffix in each of the following words that means “pertaining to” or “resembling”: 15. physiologic 16. local 17. cutaneous 18. lymphoid 19. cellular 20. basic 21. salivary 22. oral 23. rheumatoid 7 24. virile 25. anatomical 26. circular 27. exploratory KEY: 15. -ic 16. -al 17. -ous 18. -oid 19. -ar 20. -ic 21. -ary 22. -al 23. -oid 24. -ile 25. -ical 26. -ar 27. -ory Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words: 1. amorphous (without form) (root morph/o) 2. antibody 3. amnesia 4. disintegrate 5. contralateral 6. incontinent 7. dehumidify 8. noncontributory a- not, without, lack of, absence KEY 1. a-; not, without, lack of, absence 2. anti-; against, opposite 3. a-; not, without (root mnem/o means “memory”) 4. dis-; absence, removal, separation 5. contra-; against 6. in-; not 7. de-; down, without, removal, loss 8. non-; not Add a prefix to form the negative of each of the following words: 9. coordinated uncoordinated 10. adequate 11. infect 12. permeable (capable of being penetrated) 13. congestant 14. compatible 8 KEY 9. uncoordinated 10. inadequate 11. disinfect 12. impermeable 13. decongestant 14. incompatible Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number: 1. pandemic a. located at the surface (above other structures) 2. hyposecretion b. less than the normal number of teeth 3. hypertension c. underproduction of a substance 4. oligodontia d. disease affecting an entire population 5. superficial e. high blood pressure KEY 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. b 5. a Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words: 6. equidistant (equi-; equal, same) 7. orthopedics 8. recuperate 9. euthyroidism 10. neocortex 11. megacolon 12. isometric KEY 6. 7. ortho-; straight, correct, upright 8. re-; again, back 9. eu-; true, good, easy, normal 10. neo-; new 11. mega-; large, abnormally large 12. iso-; equal, same Write the opposite of each of the following words: 9 13. heterogeneous (composed of different materials) / . homogeneous 14. macroscopic (visible with the naked eye) / microscopic Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number: 1. postnasal a. throwing or extending forward 2. antecedent b. occurring before the proper time 3. projection c. behind the nose 4. premature d. before birth 5. prenatal e. occurring before another event KEY 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words: 6. premenstrual 7. post-traumatic 8. progenitor 9. antedate KEY 6. pre-; before, in front of 7. post-; after, behind 8. pro-; before, in front of 9. ante-; before Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number: 1. endonasal a. placement of the heart outside its normal position 2. syndrome b. middle layer of the developing embryo 3. mesoderm c. the last stage of cell division 4. ectocardia d. within the nose 5. Telophase e. group of symptoms occurring together KEY 1. d 10 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number: 1. primary a. one half or one side of the chest 2. trisect b. having many forms 3. unilateral c. to cut into three parts 4. polymorphous d. pertaining to one side 5. hemithorax e. first 6. neonate a. cell with yellow color 7. melanoma b. through the skin 8. xanthocyte c. dark tumor 9. percutaneous d. a newborn 10. leukoderma e. loss of color in the skin 11. heterothermic a. endbrain 12. mesencephalon b. having varying body temperature 13. panplegia c. total paralysis 14. telencephalon d. correcting or preventing deformities 15. orthopedic e. midbrain KEY 1. e 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. e 11. b 12. e 11 13. c 14. a 15. d Match each of the following prefixes with its meaning: 16. oligoa. equal, same 17. pseudob. right 18. euc. few, scanty 19. isod. good, true, easy 20. dextroe. false KEY 16. c 17. e 18. d 19. a 20. b Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words: 29. nonexistent 30. transmit 31. equivalent 32. react 33. exhale 34. absent 35. contraindication 36. detoxify 37. predict 38. perforate 39. adduct 40. dialyze 41. antiserum 42. microsurgery 43. disease 44. ectoparasite 45. symbiotic 46. prognosis 47. inadequate KEY 29. non-; not 30. trans-; through, across, beyond 31. equi-; equal, same 12 32. re-; again, back 33. ex-; away from, outside 34. ab-; away from 35. contra-; against, opposite 36. de-; down, without 37. pre-; before, in front of 38. per-; through 39. ad-; toward, near 40. dia-; through 41. anti-; against 42. micro-; small 43. dis-; absence, removal, separation 44. ecto-; out, outside 45. sym-; together 46. pro-; before, in front of 47. in-; not Opposites. Write a word that means the opposite of each of the following: 48. responsive 49. mature 50. active 51. sufficient 52. exotoxin 53. macroscopic 54. homograft 55. hypoactive 56. preoperative KEY 48. unresponsive 49. immature 50. inactive 51. insufficient 52. endotoxin 53. microscopic 54. heterograft 55. hyperactive 56. postoperative Synonyms. Write a word that means the same as each of the following: 57. supersensitivity 58. megalocyte (extremely large red blood cell) 59. antenatal 60. equilateral (having equal sides) KEY 57. hypersensitivity 13 58. macrocyte 59. prenatal 60. isolateral Identify and define the prefixes in the following words: 5. displace and dislocate 6. replacement, recovery, and rehabilitation 7. avascular 8. anesthesia and analgesic 9. orthopedic 10. externally 11. bipolar 12. unremarkable KEY 5. dis-; absence, removal, separation 6. re-; again, back 7. a-; not, without 8. an-; not, without 9. ortho-; straight, correct, upright 10. ex-; away from, outside 11. bi-; two, twice 12. un-; not 14