SAT Vocab List 1 Study online at 1. abandon lack of constraint or inhibition 2. affected phony; artificial 3. atavistic a characteristic of a previous time or era; ancient, past 4. bursar a treasurer or keeper of money/funds 5. compliant yielding; cooperative 6. declaim to speak loudly or in a passionate manner 7. enjoin to direct or impose with urgency; to order with emphasis; to strongly forbid 8. fictive fictional; fantastical; pertaining to imaginative creation 9. hiatus a gap or interruption in space, time or routine 10. inherent relating to the essential character of something; built-in 11. largess generous giving (of money) to others who may seem inferior 12. megalomania obsession with great, grand performance 13. obfuscate to confuse; to make obscure 14. pariah an outcast 15. posit to assume as real or factual; to adapt as an explanation 16. purloin to steal, rob 17. revile to criticize with harsh, severe language; to verbally abuse 18. spartan highly self-disciplined 19. temporal pertaining to time 20. verbose wordy