Discussion Paper from Work Package 5 Thinking pedagogically about scientific thinking: Towards a taxonomy of investigations. Colin A. Smith Strathclyde University With additional material supplied by Fearghal Kelly East Lothian Education Department And Sinclair Mackenzie Thurso High School, Highland Region S-TEAM Conference Nottingham January 2010 Colin Smith Page 1 Jan 2010 Nottingham, The business of science involves more than the mere assembly of facts: it demands also intellectual architecture and construction. (Toulmin, 1961, p 108) Scientific ideas and practices are essentially interconnected and networked. To understand science, one must consider not just the links between a theory and observations, but between a theory and other theories, and the influence of theories on observations. It is global and holistic, in the sense that it is not found to be in any one isolated component. (Kosso, 2009, p.36) Colin Smith Page 2 Jan 2010 Nottingham, Introduction The S-TEAM project has taken on the task of ‘firing up’ science education across Europe through helping teachers more often to adopt advanced teaching/learning methods. Encouraged by the EU, we have focussed on investigation-led science teaching as comprising ‘advanced’ methods likely to bring about greater learner engagement with science and retention of those learners into science careers. Of course, our acceptance of this challenge is not merely opportunistic within a particular political agenda. We too, based on research and argument, think that investigative methods in science education need to be encouraged and supported. For example, McNally (2006) identifies a number of reasons for adopting investigative methods in science lessons, including facilitating an understanding of the nature of science, to meet a need to do science as well as to learn it, and to approach something like ‘authentic scientific activity’. However, the idea of doing ‘authentic scientific activity’ in the school laboratory is problematic. There is a gap to be closed between inquiry in research and school science (Gengarelly and Abrams, 2009) requiring, perhaps among other things, a reconceptualisation of science from lab to school (Sharma and Anderson, 2009). Leaving aside the further issue of whether this gap can be fully closed in practice, this discussion paper aims to begin to flesh out a ‘tool’ for connecting the work that is done by teachers using classroom investigations to (features of?) authentic scientific thinking. The tool, hopefully, will empower both ourselves and teachers to think pedagogically about supporting our young people in developing aspects of scientific thinking that underpin authentic scientific activities. It may also help in integrating our work across the work packages. To put it another way, this discussion is based on three assumptions. First, that through using investigative approaches in science education, we wish to facilitate the ability of our pupils to develop scientific thinking. Therefore, and second, we need to theorise in pedagogically useful ways, the connections between investigation in school science and scientific thinking.1 Third, this theorising will help in integrating our work across the work packages. Feist’s analysis of scientific thinking. Feist (2006)2 conducts a major review of studies that can be said to contribute, at least implicitly, to the psychology of science and the study of the origins of scientific thinking in the history of humankind. His aims are not pedagogical but to establish the psychology of science as a sub-discipline of psychology on a par with, and complementary to, subdisciplines of other disciplines such as the philosophy of science, the history of science and the sociology of science. Nevertheless, along the way he provides powerful 1 Another issue being set aside at this point is differences (if any) in thinking between the scientific disciplines. Obviously, this cannot be permanent. 2 I was tempted (but resisted for the moment) to test out Feist’s analysis for myself against the science education literature - a literature not considered by Feist – and perhaps starting with Williams et al (2004). I could possibly justify this by claiming I am using the ‘confirm now, disconfirm later’ heuristic (Table 2), and this is probably partly true. However, the more pressing reason is to get this out to hopefully demonstrate that this kind of thinking that I have used here, and before in practice (see, Brownie et al, 2008), is a useful way to bring together theory and practice in solving pedagogical problems. If I can convince you of that, then, no doubt, contributions will be made to testing this particular model and refining it. Colin Smith Page 3 Jan 2010 Nottingham, arguments for identifying certain cognitive activities as constitutive of scientific thinking. These cognitive activities, here called aspects of scientific thinking3, are brought together in tables 1 and 24. Table 1: Fundamental aspects of scientific thinking and human thinking more generally Scientific Thinking/scientific mind (Adapted from Feist, 2006) Attribute/skill What it involves Observation Using all sensory modalities –hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling and seeing- to input information Categorisation Classifying information from observations into meaningful systems Pattern recognition Seeing patterns of relationships between different things and events the classified information refers to (E.g. Thing A is always found with Thing B. Event Y always follows Event X) Hypothesis formation and testing. As develops in Arises initially from pattern recognition. Begin to scientists, becomes an ability to systematically test expect world to behave in certain ways and test hypotheses. these expectations Cause and effect thinking Arises initially out of pattern recognition and/or hypothesis verification. (e.g. recognition of pattern that Y follows X or verification of this as a hypothesis leads one to think about causes). More sophisticated when one realises that covariation is necessary, but not sufficient, for causality. Table 1 shows those aspects of scientific thinking that Feist argues are found in both the implicit scientific thinking of children and adults, and the explicit scientific thinking of scientists. Indeed, they are fundamental to both everyday and scientific thinking. That is not to say that children’s, adults’ and scientists’ thinking are the same in all respects. If I understand Feist correctly, the factors that seem to differentiate these forms of thinking are found largely in table 2. The aspects of scientific thinking in table 2, along with language, enable thinking to become ‘less and less immediate and sensory-bound and more and more consciously represented, explicit and metacognitive’ (Feist, 2006, page 71). The acquisition of language makes this progress from implicit to explicit thinking possible and is achieved to its most advanced degree in science (and, presumably, other organised systems of thought)5. 3 ‘Aspects’ is preferred to ‘skills’, at least for the moment. ‘Skills’ has too many connotations of being easily measured and practised in isolation. 4 Note, these tables should be considered to be draft attempts at representing Feist’s analysis. As noted above, his agenda was different from ours and so these points are embedded in complex arguments about the relationship between divisions of psychology and what he sees as a case for a psychology of science. Therefore, the ‘aspects of scientific thinking’ in the tables have been extracted from this argument and may still require modification to ensure accuracy with the data he presents. 5 Feist is careful to point out that science and its ways of thinking are not the direct results of evolution of the human mind but are ‘co-opted by-products of evolved adaptations’ (page 217). He also begins his thesis with an analysis of the contributions of other sub-disciplines (the philosophy, history and sociology of science) to our understanding of science and clearly values these contributions. Nevertheless, he sometimes reads as if he thinks science is the pinnacle of human thinking. Colin Smith Page 4 Jan 2010 Nottingham, Table 2: Further aspects of scientific thinking Scientific Thinking/scientific mind (Based and adapted from Feist (2006) Attribute/skill What it involves Ability to separate and co-ordinate theory and I have put these together as they seem related. evidence. In relation to these, Feist discusses avoiding confirmation bias, not ignoring disconfirmatory Not ignoring/recognising the importance of evidence outright, and avoiding distorted disconfirmatory evidence. interpretations of evidence to fit preconceptions. We might want to add ‘distinguishing examples from Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need principles.6’ of revision. Visualisation Feist identifies thought experiments, models and diagrams. I wonder if he has overlooked graphs, charts and tables. These tables, for example, comprise an attempt in visualising scientific thinking based on Feist’s analysis. Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Again these seem related. In Feist’s scheme, ‘implicit’ means more sensory bound thought. By Developing control of thinking and representations making these implicit representations explicit by - metacognition. redescribing them, they become available for thought and modification. This is part of metacognition, along with becoming aware of and directing one’s thought processes. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Analogy – seeing how something (target) is like something old (source). Metaphor – an ‘as if’ comparison. Think about X as if it was Y. Both useful in hypothesis and theory formation, thought experiments, creativity and problem solving. Dunbar and Blanchette (2001) also report how scientists use analogy to fix experimental problems. Analogy and metaphor provide useful constraints to solutions to problems by focussing strategies Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Apparently many successful scientists when formulating theory look for confirming evidence first (‘make it a goer’), then seek to find evidence and arguments against it. Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Based on long-term analyses of weekly lab meetings (e.g. Dunbar, 1995, 2002; Dunbar and Blanchette, 2001). Apparently, an important process is the sharing of reasoning and ideas that goes on in the more informal settings (behind the scenes in hallways, etc.) and is the result of input from, many people.7 Also, in the formal lab meetings, conceptual change of various levels or forms can be brought about as a scientist’s results are discussed and interpreted by the group. 6 This is presumably to be found in the literature, if I looked, but is added here from personal experience of debates. 7 I may be missing something, but I was surprised on reading Feist on this that no mention seemed to be made of more formal meetings. I have subsequently been unable to access Dunbar (2002) but both his other citations, Dunbar (1995) and Dunbar and Blanchette (2001), seem to focus on these formal settings, particularly lab meetings and the contribution they make to conceptual change in scientists’ thinking. Therefore, I have added it here. Colin Smith Page 5 Jan 2010 Nottingham, Another thing we need to remember is that we should not regard those aspects of thinking in table 1 as developing purely in a linear fashion. Although Feist argues that observation is first to appear, then so on down the table, as the others develop complex relations happen between them so that they each affect each other in dynamic interplay. Feist does emphasise this point but could possibly have usefully developed it further into a description of how they co-develop (Lagnado, 2006). However, our purpose here is to see if modelling scientific thinking helps us to think pedagogically about investigative led science teaching. One question to ask about science investigations in the classroom is, “What aspects of scientific thinking do they help the pupils to develop?” However, if that is one pedagogically useful question to ask about investigations, there are at least four others. Let us look at these before returning to this question. Four other dimensions of investigations. These additional questions and the dimensions of investigations they imply, concern the origins of the investigative question or problem being pursued and the locus of control. Firstly, is the origin of the question based on everyday observation, common sense, folk science (call it what you like) of the pupils or does it follow from the pupils’ understandings of scientific theories, and/or hypotheses encountered or developed in science lessons, and/or previous experimental or other forms of data gathered? This issue was raised during our discussions in the Scottish National Workshop.8 Another way of putting this question is, “To what degree is the question underpinning the investigation rooted within the scientific discipline being studied and to what degree is it rooted in the ad hoc interests of the pupils? An example of the first type of investigation might follow if the pupils know, come across or are introduced to the basic equation for respiration. It could be treated as a hypothesis and a number of experiments carried out with plants, yeast or invertebrates to test its components. In fact, this was standard practice in my school. An example of the second type of investigation might be when a pupil asks, “What grows faster, a daffodil or a tulip?”9 In the Scottish context, this might arise because they noticed both these plants appearing in the early part of the year (their everyday observations). Of course, it could also be an example of the first type of investigation arising because they had been introduced to vegetative reproduction in plants (so, perhaps, to some degree from within their understanding of biology). Another example would be an investigation of the way light makes vision possible. In my experience, a group of Scottish pupils hypothesised (and argued strongly) that light rays come out of the eyes onto the object being viewed, a bit like the way Superman’s heat vision or XRay vision is depicted. This clearly arises from within their folk science. 8 The issue seems to me to be an often overlooked or too little discussed dimension of investigations. I am indebted to Jim McNally for this example which he threw at me during a heated debate, ‘well oiled’ through the excellent hospitality, and many toasts, in the home of two Norwegian colleagues. We shall return to it as it is a more complex question than it seemed that night. The point, if I remember correctly, that Jim was making was that, if a pupil asked that question, I would know how to find out and could either lead or permit an investigation of the question as a form of opportunism to explore an issue of interest to them while achieving the other benefits of investigations outlined in the introduction.. 9 Colin Smith Page 6 Jan 2010 Nottingham, The second dimension involves who initiated the investigation – the teacher, a pupil or pupils, or some sort of combination. This may not always follow from the first dimension in the ways expected, For example, the above pupils believed with so much certainty that their model of vision was correct that they saw no need to test it. They had to be challenged to devise a test or tests of their belief that would convince others of its validity. That is, the investigation arose not from their understanding (dimension 1) but from teacher initiation (dimension 2). The set of respiration experiments comprised a more traditional form of teacher-instigated investigation. The third dimension concerns how much control the teacher or pupils have of the actual investigation. This can lead from complete direction by the teacher to greater freedom for the pupils, with the teacher acting more or less as a facilitator. Note that it is possible for the pupils to raise the question and the teacher to direct the resulting investigation. Also, as we saw above, it is possible for the teacher to raise the question or challenge and for the pupils to set out to investigate it. The fourth dimension concerns how open or closed the investigation is10. The sense meant here by this is, ‘Is the investigation focussed on a narrow or closed question requiring only one, or a few, definitive piece(s) of evidence or finding(s) to answer it (the eye and light issue above) or a wider one (how the eye works in detail), or a wider one still (how the senses work together in a co-ordinated way), to an even wider one (how do all the organs of the body co-ordinate their various functions), and so on.’ The more open, in this sense the question, the more indeterminate the end of the project would be (another sense of open in which there would still remain unanswered questions that arose during the investigation itself). Also, of course, it is possible to start with a closed question and, motivated by answering it, move onto a more open question. Finally, we have the dimension of aspects of scientific thinking outlined above. Five dimensions of investigations So, we have at least five dimensions of investigations. Table 3 shows these, and some pedagogical questions11 associated with them, that teachers, and those wishing to support them, might need to ask. Note that one advantage of this approach to thinking about investigations is that it relieves us of the question that seems to vex some as to what counts as an investigation (Barrow, 2006). Instead, we can think about educational activities that may be argued to be investigative more profitably in terms of their pedagogical aims and outcomes. Note also that it does this without necessarily implying that our pupils are working in exactly the same way as scientists. It could be that the best we can do is to provide them with opportunities to develop and practice the same aspects of thinking that scientists use. Opportunities for them to participate in a range of investigative activities, some of them more contrived than others, may be required to ensure this development. As you can see from table 3, dimension 5 (aspects of scientific thinking) emerges as a key dimension connecting the others and, if it is correctly described, linking what we do 10 A seemingly parallel description of problem-based learning was raised at the Scottish National Workshop as being relevant here. 11 I am under no illusion that this list is exhaustive ( I will not have thought of all possibilities) and recognise that it will be open to variations for different teachers working in different contexts. Colin Smith Page 7 Jan 2010 Nottingham, Table 3: Five dimensions of investigations and some associated pedagogical questions. Dimension of Investigation Some Associated Pedagogical Questions 1) Origin of the investigation question in pupil a) Does the question behind the investigation derive understanding. from pupils’ thinking inspired by folk or everyday understandings, or does it derive from pupils’ thinking inspired by new scientific understandings they have developed or are developing? b) Can I justify pursuing it within the content requirements of this course? If not, have I got time to pursue it for other reasons (e.g. 1c and 1d or 2b, 2c) and what are the consequences, such as continued misconceptions, if I leave it? c) Can I justify pursuing it because it is likely to promote engagement? d) What aspects of scientific thinking (dimension 5) would be supported by this investigation? 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and a) Did I instigate this investigation, or did the /or teachers’ goals. pupils, or is it the result of a jointly felt interest? b) Did I instigate this investigation as a challenge to pupils’ pre-understandings? c) Did the pupils instigate this investigation out of interest and will it promote engagement? d) What aspects of scientific thinking (dimension 5) would be supported by this investigation? 3) Control of the investigation. a) Will the pupils be able to devise unaided a suitable investigative strategy, or do we devise it together, or do I suggest the strategy to them? b) Am I controlling the investigation to ensure coverage of course aims and ability by the pupils to deal with assessment requirements? Can I achieve this without exerting this degree of control? c) (related to ‘a’ above) What aspects of scientific thinking (dimension 5) do they need to devise and carry out an investigation of this question and when and how do I put scaffolding in place when these aspects are absent or need help in developing? Are some of them only able to be practised when pupils have a certain amount of control? 4) Degree of openness of the investigation a) Is the investigation question closed enough to be answered quickly and with a reasonable certainty that the pupils will come to scientifically accepted conclusions? b) Is the question too open to be fitted in to the constraints of time and course requirements? c) In open and, possibly also, closed investigations, how will I monitor the development of pupil’s understandings and challenge any initial and/or developing alternate or misconceptions? d) What aspects of scientific thinking (dimension 5) are supported by closed and open investigations? Are some of them particular to certain types of investigations? 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the a) What aspects of scientific thinking would be investigation supported by this investigation and do I need to do other types of investigation to ensure all are practised effectively? Colin Smith Page 8 Jan 2010 Nottingham, in the school to what scientists themselves do. The other dimensions involve pedagogical decisions that have to be made to ensure other aims are met, such as adequate coverage of required content without misconceptions (arguably equally important as developing scientific thinking skills, Seatter, 2003) and ensuring engagement with the investigation and the related content, while allowing or facilitating aspects of scientific thinking to be developed and practised. I am arguing that this five dimensional model of investigations allows us to focus on the pedagogical aims and outcomes for learning activities that can be broadly described as investigative. We can analyse these activities using the five dimensions and monitor the degree to which our pupils are able to use and practice the aspects of scientific thinking The next section tries to illustrate this with some examples. The five dimensions of investigations applied to examples. (Since I am retired from teaching, I thought it useful to have the model tested by people still involved in educational practice. Therefore, Fearghal Kelly and Sinclair Mackenzie from the Reference Group have kindly provided extra examples in Appendices 2 and 3.) ‘S’ grade investigations. In Scotland, as part of their formal assessment, pupils doing Standard Grade Science Courses12 have to complete two investigations. These investigations are generally not very popular with teachers and criticised for a number of reasons. 13 Most relevant here is the argument that they are not like real science investigations. However, the purpose here is to get away from this kind of thinking and replace it with an analysis of whether they contribute to scientific thinking. Probably the main reason for criticising them as investigations is that they are undoubtedly contrived in nature. For example, in Biology pupils may be asked to consider what might affect the rate of germination in small seeds. They are given an assessment booklet to complete. This guides them through the process of choosing an independent variable to investigate, formulating a hypothesis, planning how to carry out the investigation, controlling other relevant variables, considering how they will change the independent variable and measure its effect on the dependent variable, recording their results, graphing them and drawing a conclusion. There are, however, certain rules that also have to be indicated to the pupil if they are to get the maximum assessment marks. For example, they must have at least three values for the independent variable (so that a graph may be plotted) and to do the experiment twice so that they can average their results. It probably depends on the teacher whether these have to be told just before the investigation or have been part of their general training.14 How does this investigation fit onto our 5 dimensional model? Table 4 gives a simplified analysis. It is simplified 12 It seems increasingly likely that these courses will either be voluntarily or compulsorily phased out within the current policy and curriculum framework. However, at the time of writing, many schools still follow these courses with 14-16 year olds. 13 In my experience at least. 14 In my case, I found myself doing a bit of back tracking on earlier teaching. I would normally emphasise ‘the more measurements you can realistically take, the better’ rule but resources would make this Colin Smith Page 9 Table 4: Analyis of ‘S’ Grade Investigations Dimension of Investigation Aspects (where relevant) 1) Origin of the investigation question in pupil understanding 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and /or teachers’ goals. 3) Control of the investigation. 4) Degree of openness of the investigation 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the investigation Jan 2010 Nottingham, Analysis Depends on investigation Germination is in the course, so may be construed as relating to their developing biological understanding. However, if they have not reached germination, they still generally have no problem generating lists of relevant variables from their own understanding. Teachers’ assessment goals Teacher through assessment booklet and allocation of resources Relatively closed Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Hypothesis formation and testing. Cause and effect thinking Ability to separate and coordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the importance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations metacognition. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Supported15 Not supported Supported through analysis of graphs Supported Supported, at least in terms of choosing how to measure dependent variable – see foot note 15 Possibility of need to revise thinking supported if their hypotheses are not in line with results actually obtained Supported through graphs Supported through booklet. Not supported Not supported Not supported impossible here and so I had to tell them that three measurements per experiment is all that is needed to meet the assessment requirements. 15 It is worth emphasising again the interdependence of these aspects of scientific thinking. The pupils have to choose what to observe as a suitable measurement (e.g. the time to the emergence of a young root (radicle). This depends on at least some rudimentary understanding of the fact that when a seed germinates, it will cause a root to grow (cause and effect thinking) Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 10 Jan 2010 because, obviously, it is possible to say much more about some of the aspects than statements such as supported/not supported. For example, observations are noted as being supported by this form of investigation but no attempt is made here to expand on this in terms of how it interacts with other aspects of scientific thinking. The aim here is simpler, merely to show that the tool can be applied. However, this form of deeper analysis would probably be a requirement for anyone wishing to either impose investigations on teachers, or for teachers themselves planning how to utilise a range of investigations to help their pupils to develop scientific thinking. Perhaps the table suggests that this form of formally assessed investigation is more use than we might suspect and could be justified as one tool in supporting some of the aspects of scientific thinking. Nevertheless, even in accepting this, we should also be aware that a table like this, however useful in some respects, might hide issues. For example, as recorded in the table, the booklet can be supportive of metacognition related to how to direct one’s thinking through an investigation aimed at hypothesis testing through what might be called a ‘fair test procedure’, but only if the pupils perceive it as such. If they see it as no more than an assessment booklet to be completed, then that metacognitive support may be lost. There is always a context to be set by the teachers, but for them to realise that and find ways to create that context, they need to be aware of the issue and see it as one worth resolving. To be aware of the issue teachers need conceptual tools - if not this model, then something else.16 Experiments to test respiration equation. As with the Standard Grade investigations, these are included here to see what, if any, support the more traditional forms of science teaching may give to pupils developing scientific thinking so that we may get a clearer picture of the added value of other approaches. Although there are variations, a more or less standard set of experiment can be found in Scottish textbooks (e.g. Torrance, 2001) that can be presented as testing the validity of the equation for respiration17. In addition to presenting an opportunity for Figure 1: Oxygen uptake (Torrance, 2001, page 72 16 I will always argue that once teachers have the conceptual tools to understand and act with, and the freedom and will to do so, they are best placed to come up with solutions. 17 Carbohy drate + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy The examples shown here test the uptake of oxygen, release of carbon dioxide by a variety of organisms and release of energy by as many organisms one has time to test. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 11 Jan 2010 Figure 2: Release of Carbon dioxide in respiration (Torrance, 2001, page 73) Figure 3: Release of Carbon dioxide by green plants (Torrance, 2001, page 73) Figure 4: Release of heat by respiring animal (Torrance, 2001, page 74) Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 12 Jan 2010 pupils to engage in practical work, understanding these experiments also constituted useful preparation for formal exams in which questions were designed around these or similar forms of experiment. In general, these experiments use a fair test procedure through the use of controls- see examples in figures. Other experiments on similar themes can be carried out.. They might be introduced to the pupils as something like, “Experiments to test the validity of the respiration equation. There is some analogy required as the pupils are guided to see the process of respiration as being similar to burning without them going on fire. Therefore the energy is released in a more controlled way. Also, note that the thinking in some of the experiments is fairly sophisticated. In the experiment in figure 2, they have to understand that carbon dioxide changes the pH of Bicarbonate Indicator and hence its colour. For that in figure 3, they have to follow the facts that sodium hydroxide absorbs the carbon dioxide from the incoming air, that lime water A container checks that no carbon dioxide is entering the jar with the plant, and, therefore, any carbon dioxide showing in lime water B must have come from the plant. In example 4, they have to grasp reasoning about heat causing the air in test tube A to expand relative to that in B. So, how does all this come out against the dimensions of investigations (Table 5)? Table 5: Analysis of series of experiments investigating respiration Dimension of Investigation Aspects (where relevant) 1) Origin of the investigation question in pupil understanding 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and /or teachers’ goals. 3) Control of the investigation. 4) Degree of openness of the investigation 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the investigation Analysis Pupil understanding but guided to issue by teacher Teachers goals usually. Teacher would need to find ways of making pupil feel goals were there own Teacher since are following standard experiments, rather than designing them from scratch Closed Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Hypothesis formation and testing. Cause and effect thinking Ability to separate and co-ordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the importance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations - metacognition. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Supported Supported (Plants and animals, for example) Supported Supported Supported Ability to co-ordinate theory and evidence, Other aspects less clear. Supported by diagrams Potentially, but probably needs skilful signposting by the teacher. Supported if analogy with burning pursued. Not supported These experiments tend to be teacher led, so this would depend upon the quality of interaction. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 13 Jan 2010 Again, there is more support for the aspects of scientific thinking than we might assume at first sight. However, this and the first example are beginning to highlight a responsibility for science teachers18 not to merely follow the experimental pathways in a “we must do this” frame of mind but to find ways of engaging pupils in ways that enable them to see the connections between the ways they are being encouraged to think and the way that scientists think. Hints emerge for teachers in developing their practice, such as encouraging forms of interaction between oneself and the pupils that promote collaborative thinking. From the point of view of this project, advanced methods might not be only teachers doing more investigations, but doing the ones they already do with more advanced thinking and preparation on their part. To support them in this, how do we help teachers to find ways to communicate the dimensions of scientific thinking to the pupils and to be aware when they are practising them? My Understanding of the Eye This was a project that a colleague19 and myself devised a few years ago for a class of thirteen year olds out of a concern to help pupils improve their understanding of topics in the curriculum. It was also intended as an alternative way of teaching the topic from the more teacher led approach set out in the teaching materials normally used, while ensuring that the pupils learned what the needed to for the end of unit assessment. It is included here, not as an example of brilliant practice, but as something that might not normally be included as investigative in the more usual sense, although it did give rise to an unscheduled experiment. We had began to develop what we thought of as a pedagogical model of understanding in science. Quite simply, it conceived of understanding as moving from disconnected understanding (things a person might know or, as it turns out, think he/she might know, about the topic but have not thought about in a connected way) to descriptive understanding (being able to describe the phenomenon or, in this case, the object, its parts and what they do) to explanatory understanding (being able to give reasons for the phenomenon or, again in this case, explain how the parts of the object work together to produce the result we observe – seeing).20 The materials we provided were quite simple. First, a blank sheet of A3 paper with the words, “I know” scattered a few times at random across it. The pupils were asked to 18 As if they do not have enough already. This was a former physics teacher who now works in supporting pupils with learning difficulties of which there were a number in this class, sufficient to make it difficult to keep the class as a whole engaged. 20 This pedagogical model of understanding in science was loosely based on Mayr’s (e.g.1997) analysis of types of questions in science – “What?”, “How?” and “Why”. In Mayr’s view, Biology is more heavily descriptive than Physics and Chemistry. In the above activity, the forms of understanding aimed for are in line with Mayr’s descriptions of “What?” and “How?” questions. “Why?” questions are, in Mayr’s way of describing them, to do with the reasons why the object (the eye) is the way it is and not some other possible form. The answers to this type of question lie in the historical narrative that tells the story of the evolution of the eye and were not pursued in this activity. According to Mayr, this type of “Why explanation” is a factor that makes biology different from the physical sciences. In our own minds, we were distinguishing in our pedagogical model between “How explanations” and “Why explanations” and focussing here on the former. However, in practice, ‘how descriptions’ and ‘how explanations’ probably merge. For example, describing how the heart works is a major part in an explanation of how it pumps blood round the body. 19 Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 14 Jan 2010 turn the ‘I knows’ into statements about the eyes and to add as many more as they liked. If they saw that some were related, they could write them close together. This represented their disconnected understanding or, in some cases, various degrees of connected understandings that comprised everyday or folk understandings of the eye. Perhaps naively, we had not really expected the strength of some pupils’ prior understandings. One group, who became increasingly voluble and persuasive to their peers as the project progressed, subscribed to the folk explanatory understanding mentioned earlier of light coming out of the eye to make vision possible. However, we thought that they would be silenced as we moved onto the next stage. The second material was again a sheet of A3 paper, This time there was a space with the heading labelled, “Diagram of the Eye’” and a large two columned table with the headings, ‘Part of Eye’ and “Description of What it Does”. The pupils were able to use the various resources available to work in groups to complete these sheets. The resources included the usual school textbooks, videos of the eye (including one of an eye dissection21), models of the eye and access in turns to the internet. All the groups successfully completed these sheets through interacting with all of these resources with the usual set of acceptable descriptions of function (i.e. in line with the normal scientific descriptions). However, to our surprise, the ‘superman vision’ theory persisted and was actually spreading amongst the class. This was despite having noted, for example, that the lens focuses light on the retina. The theory22 seemed to be something like this. ï‚· We see because light comes out of our eyes and hits objects. ï‚· As evidence of this we can see in the dark – for examples, I can make out objects in my bedroom after the light is out. ï‚· The reason that it takes a bit of time to see these objects after the light goes out is that the iris has to widen to let out more light in the dark. ï‚· Bright light makes it easier for me to see because it charges up my eyes (some pupils) or my eyes only have a certain amount of light so in bright light I don’t need to use so much to see well (other pupils). As noted earlier, they were so convinced of their theory that light comes out of the eyes that they saw little need to test it, despite our argument for a different theory and attempts to point out inconsistencies within theirs. However, for reasons that will become obvious, we had to resolve this issue before moving to the third part of the activity. In the end, we had to challenge them to do an experiment that would convince us to drop our theory and to adopt theirs. The solution they came to was to use a reasonably large, windowless store room and to black it out completely, including the spaces round the door and the keyhole. We then gathered together in the room and, of course, could not see a thing, no matter how long we left the light off. They extended the experiment by pointing a small, unidirectional beam from a ray box at various objects and noted they could only see what the beam pointed to. They tried charging up their eyes with the beam, but again noted they could not see anything as soon as they switched it off. They therefore, concluded 21 At this time, we were not allowed for Health and Safety reasons to allow dissections of eyes by the pupils or as a demonstration. The video had been recorded to get round this restriction to a degree . 22 I wish now that we had recorded their theory and arguments in detail . Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 15 Jan 2010 that our theory was better, though I am not sure that ‘better’ meant it was ‘definitely correct.’ Table 6: ‘My understanding of the eye’ project Dimension of Investigation Aspects (where relevant) 1) Origin of the investigation question in pupil understanding 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and /or teachers’ goals. 3) Control of the investigation. 4) Degree of openness of the investigation 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the investigation Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Hypothesis formation and testing. Cause and effect thinking Ability to separate and coordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the importance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations metacognition. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Analysis Original question derived from teachers’ conceptions of pupil understanding. Unscheduled experiments originated directly from pupils’ understanding Originated in teachers’ goals, including unscheduled experiments, though these were turned into goal for pupils of proving their theory Teacher set parameters through materials provided, but pupils directed themselves within these. More open than simple hypothesis testing but closed in that resources provided would tend to direct them towards particular answers. Also, experimental test of pupils’ theory closed in sense that it could be resolved relatively easily. Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported (more so through pupil experiment) Supported (through pupil experiment) Supported through models, diagrams etc. Supported Supported in theory debate Not supported Supported through group work and theory debate Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 16 Jan 2010 This allowed us to move to the third activity. The sheets for this can be found in appendix 1. Although we billed this as moving on to a higher form of understanding, we also conceived of this as providing evidence of their individual understanding. We, therefore, organised this as an individual rather than a group activity.23 Although they had a choice of ways of presenting, this seemed too radical for them and they all chose to write it up or to do a poster that they could talk about.24 In talking through these with them it was obvious to us that there were variations in how well they could integrate their knowledge of the individual parts of the eye into an explanation of how it works. There were also variations in their awareness of unexplained issues, such as the fact that the image would be inverted on the retina but we do not experience it as such in our brains. However, given our aims to engage the pupils more effectively and to better support their development of understanding, we counted the project as successful since more pupils were better able to give descriptions of how the eye worked than had been able to give similar descriptions in the past. The point here is, though, how does it fare against our dimensions of investigations (Table 6)? From the table, and thanks to the unexpected extension, quite well it would seem. One point worth noting however, is that the hypothesis testing involved in this example is of a different type to the experiment and control model used in the “S” Grade example above. In this case, predictions are made based on the theory and those predictions are then tested and the weight of evidence assessed. Which grows faster – tulip or daffodil. As indicated earlier, this example is not a real investigation in the sense that I have never used it with pupils but one that derives from a debate about the use of investigations in science and taking advantage of opportunities raised by pupils to carry them out around questions they raise themselves. In this way, they can experience some of the benefits of investigations. This point is not in dispute here, but this particular investigation does raise some issues that only came to me on further reflection upon this conversation, and so is included in this section. At first sight, the problem might seem quite straightforward to investigate, at least if there is sufficient time to wait for the results. We could get hold of a set of daffodil bulbs and a set of tulip bulbs and ensure that they are planted in conditions in which all other variables such as aeration, water supply, and temperature do not vary. We need to agree a measure of growth – say, time to flower opening – but it seems like a straight-forward, ‘fair test’ methodology. However, minimal research of daffodils and tulips25 quickly reveals complicating factors. Both daffodils and tulips have examples that flower as early as February and as late as May. This can be found by either reading the literature or observing people’s gardens but, either way, time to flowering does not look such a good 23 In retrospect, it may have been better to continue with group work, but we were responding in part to the pressures of the time to assess individuals in individual ways 24 Forms of presentation using ICT are more likely nowadays but pupils had more limited experience of these at this time. 25 I have only carried out minimal research on various gardening websites, so the problem may be even more complicated. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 17 Jan 2010 method of measuring rate of growth. Do they start at different times but grow at the same rate, or are later flowering varieties just slower growing in both tulips and daffodils? Table 7: Possible analysis of daffodil/tulip investigation Dimension of Investigation Aspects (where relevant) 1) Origin of the investigation question in pupil understanding 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and /or teachers’ goals. 3) Control of the investigation. 4) Degree of openness of the investigation 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the investigation Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Hypothesis formation and testing. Cause and effect thinking Ability to separate and coordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the importance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations metacognition. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Analysis Depends. Bulbs are in the course, so question may be construed as relating to their developing biological understanding.. Pupils’ goals Probably both through discussion Closed (at first sight). Opens up if more background research is done. Supported26 supported Supported through analysis of graphs Supported Supported, at least in terms of choosing how to measure dependent variable Possibility of need to revise thinking supported if their hypotheses are not in line with results actually obtained. More supported if widened through pupils doing background research Supported through graphs or other forms of presenting results Supported generally, but perhaps more meaningful if more background research is carried out Not sure Not supported Supported through discussions that are likely to result Some bulbs, at least, apparently start growth as early as the previous October by putting out roots, hence the reason for ensuring they are planted by early autumn. However, the question if all start at this time needs further literature research or observationally investigated in its own right. There are many varieties of both types, ranging from natural species to hybrids selected for particular features attractive to 26 Again the interdependence of these aspects should be noted. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 18 Jan 2010 gardeners. Again, has this ‘muddied the waters’ and has it done so to a degree that makes the original question actually meaningless, in scientific or any other terms. We, therefore, have an example of an investigation that might analyse out as in table 7, according to how much background literature and field observational research is carried out before the investigation. If we went for the initial experiment of simply getting a collection of each type of bulb and measuring time to flowering, we may find no difference, or that daffodils grow faster than tulips, or that tulips grow faster than daffodils. However, this would tell us nothing really meaningful about daffodils or tulips as a whole, only the examples we used, even if it did allow practice at some aspects of scientific thinking. Carrying out, as scientists probably would, some prior background research transforms the problem from a seemingly straight-forward, hypothesis testing experiment, using a ‘fair-test’ format, to something more complex. It possibly even makes the original question meaningless. This raises the interesting question of whether we are content if investigations support aspects of scientific thinking, even if the lack of setting them in the wider context of what is known already would make our results erroneous (if, for example, is possible if our results with the examples selected come out in favour of one or the other reaching flowering first)27 or if it even makes the original investigative question meaningless in the context of the wider knowledge it provides. It also makes us aware that, where the knowledge from the investigation is perhaps more important than this example in exam terms, there is a need to ensure that the wider understanding of the pupils will render the investigation and the results meaningful for them and that this may require either careful prior teaching or ensuring the background investigations of the literature and/or the setting to which the investigation applies are carried out. Utility of the 5 dimensional model of investigations From the examples, including those found in appendices 2 and 3, and the comments of the practitioners involved stating that it helped their thinking, the model of school science investigations appears to have some utility. Firstly, it begins to allow us to consider reasons for doing the investigation, including not only which aspects of scientific thinking it supports, but also other pedagogical justifications or issues such as the origin of the question being investigated and who should direct the process. It also provides a focus for thinking about how to improve the investigative experience for the pupils. However, the examples of analyses based on this model are relatively rudimentary at this stage. For example, we need to discuss and develop better ways in which the contributions of investigative activities to aspects of scientific thinking can be described than ‘supported’ or ‘not supported’. Also, of course, it would be advisable to further explore the categories in the model and revise them where necessary. This is very important to this project as the analysis of the model suggests that innovation in teaching may not involve only doing more investigations, but also doing the ones we do already (including activities we might normally hesitate to call investigative) in ways that make 27 I have no idea if other methods of measurement, such as rate of shoot growth from first appearance, would produce a more reliable measure. Presumably, artificial selection for flowering time must be changing some variable of growth, such as rate of shoot growth, or time growth begins. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 19 Jan 2010 clear to the pupils that they really are practising to be scientists and to use aspects of scientific thinking. Finding ways to help pupils direct themselves towards the goals of scientific thinking (have the aspects of scientific thinking as metacognitive goals) is an important pedagogical aim for this project and for teachers generally. Second, the model begins to empower us to make pedagogical decisions regarding which investigations should be done in which circumstances, for example: ï‚· Is it worth doing at all/ has it been worth doing? ï‚· Is it worth doing because it models scientific practice and supports scientific thinking, even if the results do not tell us much that is useful or meaningful within a broader scientific understanding? ï‚· What support do I need to put in place, if any, to ensure a valid method is followed? ï‚· How do I monitor the development of misconceptions when this may be a problem? ï‚· Do I need to do some expository teaching to deal with the above two points? ï‚· What investigations do I need to do to support the development of scientific thinking? Do I need to develop a ‘pathway’ through different types of investigations to support the development of all aspects of scientific thinking? Can I go backwards and forwards between different types of investigations (closed/open, teacher controlled/ pupil controlled, teacher initiated/ pupil initiated, and so on) to support the development of all aspects of scientific thinking? We can, therefore, use the model to develop a taxonomy of investigations with different aims and outcomes in mind. From the examples so far, one row in the model seems worthy of further comment at this stage. It is perhaps, not surprising that the ‘prove now, disprove later heuristic’ may be particularly difficult to support in school science lessons. This, in Feist’s description, is applied by scientists who are successful in making original contributions to the development of science. It is possibly, therefore, only likely to occur in rare situations in school science and be something that is only regularly found in the work of professional scientists.28 Certainly it seems to require investigations that are more than usually original and open. Another point, certainly surprising to those of us who provided the examples, was the fact that some of the traditional investigative activities (using the term broadly) come out as more supportive of scientific thinking than we expected. Yet, there was still no great 28 In discussing this with Fearghal, I could only think of one school example - a pupil who may have used this heuristic in a Sixth Year Studies’ investigation. Sixth Year Studies is a now defunct course that was intended to prepare pupils for the transition from school to university. Therefore, as one of its components, pupils were encouraged to carry out an investigation that was as original as possible. This pupil chose to investigate the effect of keeping male mice within the scent of female mice but physically isolated from them, then comparing the males’ learning of a maze with females at the goal with other factors such as food and water, of which no mice had been deprived. This is probably an unusual idea for a pupil to have. Fearghal referred to his experience in a research context before taking up teaching. Then there seemed to be a process of following up ideas for which there was only a little evidence by initially trying to find more evidence. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 20 Jan 2010 feeling amongst us that this support was being fully utilised in practice. Perhaps, this was because the investigations, in the main, were not instigated by the pupils (see appendix 2). Or possibly, as touched upon earlier, there is an issue of metacognition – the links between the activities and the aspects of scientific thinking are not clear in the minds of the pupils and, perhaps, also the minds of the teachers. Further issues arose regarding the levels of ability of the pupils to think abstractly (Appendix 3) and of the knowledge the pupils (and teacher) require to carry out a scientifically meaningful investigation (Appendix 3 and daffodil/tulip example above). There is, perhaps, a danger that we forget the importance of knowledge and that we need to be careful to try to make our investigations truly meaningful in relation to this, as well as meaningful in terms of the aspects of scientific thinking that are being practiced. Taking the above together, the model is useful to teachers and ourselves when working in partnership or alone to promote investigative-based science lessons. The examples of pedagogical questions in table 3 and above might be answered in different ways in different countries and there might even be different questions to be asked. However, the model does bring the asking of such questions to the fore and encourages us to think through the issues arising in pedagogically fruitful ways. Connecting to Work Packages- an integrating tool? In the days of trying to put together our proposal in response to the EU Call, we were constantly reminded not to use the ‘research word’. To paraphrase, our brief was to find ways of using what is already known to help teachers to use more advanced teaching methods, particularly investigative ones. Of course, like it or not, that in itself is a research question. How do we begin to bring together the ever- growing literature on science education in ways that teachers can utilise in the range of curricular and cultural contexts across Europe? In fact, how do we bring together our Work Packages in the most profitable way for this end? One answer is that we develop a conceptual framework that is both theoretically and pedagogically/practically satisfying and it is suggested here that the five dimensional model of investigations, particularly, perhaps, for ourselves dimension 5 (aspects of scientific thinking), is the beginning of such a framework. The other dimensions are, again perhaps, more of a focus for teachers in thinking about what they are doing. Can the claim of facilitating integration of our work be justified? Firstly, research can be said to usually have a basis somewhere in a, sometimes but not always, philosophically disputed claim or organising principle that is, nevertheless, taken as common sense, at least by the researchers concerned– events have a cause, there are laws of nature, life evolves, and so on (see, for example, Bird, 1998, Ellis, 2002, Good, 1981, Ladyman, 2002). The organising principle here is that in order to retain an interest in science, people have to be able to think scientifically. Scientific literacy, skills in scientific argumentation, and even the ability of teachers to teach science are enhanced when we are able to think scientifically.29 I am not going to spend time trying to justify this principle philosophically, theoretically or empirically. It is simply the foundation on which the following is based. It is left to others to decide how shaky it is and to offer 29 The issue that science teachers may themselves have had little experience of investigative work and so have a limited ability to think scientifically was also discussed at the Scottish National Workshop. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 21 Jan 2010 alternatives.30 Second in the five dimensional model of investigations, we have a tool for describing scientific thinking and how educational activities may contribute to its development. How does this fit with the work packages? Work Package 2. This package is working towards a deliverable of a final Policy and Practice Report. A component of this might be how supportive policy is of the dimensions of investigation. A draft attempt of this for the Curriculum for Excellence’s (the curriculum framework currently being developed in Scotland) relationship with dimension 5, aspects of scientific thinking is attached as Appendix 4. Work Package 3 The 5 dimensional model of investigations might be a useful tool promoting ..co-operation between teachers in order to implement innovative approaches at school level. Teachers will be supported to reflect upon, develop and evaluate their own instruction. The training units, which can be combined with packages from other WPs, enables teachers to design learning environments that focus on students' learning and develop their interest in science and technology. (WP3, my emphasis) Examples have been provided in this paper that point towards how the model of investigations suggested can be used in this type of professional practice. Work Package 4 This work package is also concerned with collaboration and reflection amongst teachers and again the model may be useful in aiding this. Specifically, the tool might be useful in supporting the following outcome. A workbook is planned for M12. It aims to support collective reflection during workshops about the ways in which teacher collaboration could reinforce IBST, encourage positive consideration of learner's diversity and enhance pupils' learning outcomes (scientific knowledge, motivation, self-esteem, metacognition (WP4b). In addition, this WP is already considering metacognition (See Michel Grangeat’s presentation on Events page of Wiki) and may be able to adapt this work to show how metacognition as an aspect of scientific thinking develops, while also influencing the development of the other aspects. Work Package 5 This work package aims specifically to develop knowledge, practices and tools to help teacher educators and pre-service teachers overcome constraints on the 30 This is a paper aimed at promoting discussion. All I ask is that this section be evaluated separately from the previous ones. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 22 Jan 2010 implementation of innovative methods in science education. A theme is to help teachers to overcome the problems that they raise themselves. The tool offers a framework within which these problems (possible curriculum constraints, ways of evaluating likely utility of the investigations, and so on) can be discussed. Work Package 6 Due to its close alliance with WP5 and its focus on more experienced teachers, the above points also apply. Work Package 7 Based on the following statements made by this WP, it is obviously well placed to flesh out, and perhaps augment, dimension 5 of the model, particularly those aspects in table 2 and to provide some guidance in how to work through different kinds of investigation to cover aspects of scientific thinking. 3. The resources consist of teaching sequences and tasks for use in teacher education, to support the construction of conceptual tools and the development of argumentation competencies; and in the classroom in primary, middle and secondary school. 4. The tasks require students and student teachers to demonstrate the appropriation of discursive practices of science, e.g. writing reports about laboratory inquiry tasks or about decision-making, including articulating written arguments; presenting oral summaries of the tasks and discussing them with their peers (persuasive dimension of argumentation). 5. To support dialogic communicative approaches in the classroom, WP7 focuses on learning environments and tasks supporting deepreasoning questions, on the influence of students' 'answering words' on classroom discourse and to the role of questioning in argumentation, e.g. generating deep-reasoning questions; questioning claims on the basis of available evidence; students' spontaneous questions Work Package 8 Again this work package, through its analyses of scientific literacy is well placed to elaborate on and, possibly augment, the aspects of scientific thinking. Together, WP7 and WP8 may find ways to improve the descriptions of how different types of investigations support scientific thinking beyond ‘support’ and ‘unsupported’ Work Package 9 Although this WP is giving priority to exiting indicators it does state that: WP9 aims to provide knowledge and tools that will be useful to science teachers and teacher educators in the formative assessment of practice, including the perspective of students in science classrooms. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 23 Jan 2010 The tool offered here may be able to contribute to this. A note on disciplinary differences in the sciences. This issue was deliberately set aside, but has to be paid some attention now. The model, as it currently stands, can probably deal with some differences between the disciplines. For example, we could most likely develop descriptions of cause and effect thinking to take account of Mayr’s (1997) arguments that Physics, Chemistry and Biology all involve descriptions and explanations involving proximal causation, but that Biology (at times, at least) also makes use of evolutionary causes. However, there may be something missing from the model.31 As Gardner and Boix-Mansilla observe: Disciplines consist of approaches devised by scholars over the centuries in order to address essential questions, issues, and phenomena drawn from the natural and human worlds; they include methods of inquiry, networks of concepts, theoretical frameworks, techniques for acquiring and verifying findings, appropriate images, symbol systems, vocabularies and mental models. (1994/1999, page 81) The issues for us here are that these components of disciplines are not independent (see also, Driver, 1988; Kosso, 2009 and quotes on title page), and that networks of concepts and theoretical frameworks are not common sense, or the sciences would not have needed to develop them. The genius of people like Newton, Darwin and Einstein is that they were instrumental in providing sufficient argument or evidence to convince enough people to change their ways of thinking about the world. Thinking about an object as continuing to move unless a force acts upon it to stop it or change its direction is a different perspective from thinking this object moved because I pushed it with a certain degree of strength. Thinking about species as evolving (or being likely to evolve in a variable environment) is a different perspective from thinking of them as fixed and unchanging. In other words, theoretical perspectives such as these effect the way we observe the world around us, they effect our cause and effect thinking, the sorts of hypotheses we are likely to form, and so on. Pupils who have not ‘fully absorbed’ these theoretical perspectives may be construed as using alternative conceptions (for example, Driver, 1989) so that they are operating by different conceptual frameworks from those used by scientists and sometimes continue to do, despite teachers’ efforts to give them experiences that change this state of affair (Mortimer and Scott, 2003; Solomon, 1983). In Table 3, the pedagogical question was raised under ‘openness of investigation,’ regarding how misconceptions, or alternative frameworks, could be monitored and dealt with (Table 3, question 4). Making teachers aware of the problem in this way, and leaving them to deal with it, may be the best help we can provide. The issue of conceptual frameworks is raised without specifically placing it in the model of 31 This is not a criticism of Feist. In terms of his original purpose, this may not be an omission. That it appears as one here may be an artefact of the way his analysis has been adapted in this paper. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 24 Jan 2010 investigations32. However, I am not actually sure at this stage if this is the best solution but cannot see how to incorporate conceptual networks and theoretical frameworks directly into the model. However, raising the issue of concepts and theoretical frameworks raises questions that are pertinent to this project. What if, as some authors (for example, Airy and Linder, 2009, Hyland, 2008; Korn, 2005; Maynard Smith, 2000; Mayr, 1997; Rosenberg, 1985) have argued, biology has various differences in the nature of these components compared with physics and chemistry? How do these various differences interact with other aspects of scientific thinking and what, if any effects do these interactions have on how pupils learn science through investigations? Against this, we also have to consider the possibility of sciences achieving new forms of synergy with each other, as appears to be happening between Biology and Physics (Britton, 2000). Are new forms of investigation becoming possible and new opportunities for finding engaging investigative questions opening up? In thinking about these questions we need to remember that the tangled web that is the nature of science (Kosso, 2009) is likely to become ever more entangled and that we should beware of the ‘lure of the simplistic’ (Dupré, 2002). Succumbing to this lure may be appropriate at times to make progress but may also harbour dangers. I have argued, with examples from real and imaginary school science activities that the model of investigations offered in this paper is useful to both teachers and ourselves in thinking how to advance the use of investigations in science teaching to help our pupils to develop aspects of scientific thinking, and this may be a legitimate surrender to the simplistic. However, even for this purpose, we can work together to enhance its capabilities and utility by bringing together the efforts of the different work packages. At the same time, we need to be aware that there are still many questions to answer about how the components interact with each other and with the conceptual networks and theoretical frameworks that make up the different sciences and that these are complex questions requiring us to develop ever more powerful pedagogical models. Conclusion The prime motivation in working towards the model of investigations was to explore how investigations support the development of scientific thinking. That is to help us to better think pedagogically about supporting scientific thinking in our young people. That is probably the prime way in which it should be evaluated. Does it do this? Examples from practice have been offered to support the claim that it does, not only from myself, but also from practitioner members of our Reference Group. One suggestion emerging from these examples is that current practices may potentially provide more support in developing aspects of scientific thinking than we think. To realise that potential, however, may require us to find ways to allow pupils to metacognitively connect what they are doing with scientific thinking. It would be useful if we could find a way to have the aspects of scientific thinking represented to them in a form they can understand and use as a metacognitive goal. A related and, it is suggested here, useful feature of the model is that it frees us from the need to define which activities count as investigative 32 As discussed by myself elsewhere in this paper and by Sinclair in Appendix 3, there are possibly occasions when both teachers and pupils need more background knowledge to make an investigation really meaningful. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 25 Jan 2010 and which do not. Instead, we can ask how activities contribute to helping pupils to develop aspects of scientific thinking. We also need not worry so much as to whether what the pupils are doing mimics the work of professional scientists. Again, what is crucial is the ability for both teachers and pupils to connect the activities to aspects of scientific thinking. Of course, there is no reason in principle (except any constraints of curriculum and time) why we should not aim to allow pupils to engage in ‘full blown,’ original and open ended investigations and the model may help us to plot a route (or routes) to that end. That is, to create and follow a taxonomy of investigations. The five-dimensional model of investigations seems also to promise the ability to think about how supportive policy is of investigations and aspects of scientific thinking, and goes some way towards helping us to integrate our work across the WPs. It provides a way of working towards an organising principle for this integration - that in order to retain an interest in science, people have to be able to think scientifically. Nevertheless, in all of these roles, it should be regarded as a prototype in need of further development and refinement. There is much for us to discuss around these issues alone. It remains to be seen if it can develop in all of these possible roles, or just some of them. In attempting this, we are working towards dealing with the procedural understandings (Roberts and Gott, 1999) of all the science disciplines – the aspects of thinking scientifically. However, as both the discussions of disciplinary differences and of some of the examples of the application of the model to possible and actual pupil investigations show, there are issues of background scientific knowledge and also substantive understanding – concepts, laws and theories (Roberts and Gott, 1999) - that may vary between the disciplines and so impact upon how aspects of scientific thinking are supported or even affect whether the results of such thinking leads to scientifically meaningful results. At the moment, given the apparent difficulty in adding the effects of these to the model, we seem to be able to little more than leave it to the current expertise of the teacher to tweak or intervene more substantially in the investigative process, or alternatively prepare the pupils through some other form of teaching prior to the investigation, to try to ensure that substantive understandings develop in line with the currently accepted forms in the scientific community. To ignore this complexity and not to develop theory that might help the teacher in this task may be giving in to the ‘lure of the simplistic.’ On the other hand, not to do what we can now with the model as it stands is not using the ‘simplistic’ to our, teachers’ and pupils’ advantages. There is a balance to be struck between relying on the expertise of teachers to overcome the shortcomings in our models and working to overcome those shortcomings. The main point, however, is that the three assumptions made at the beginning of the paper are realisable through using this model. Using the model, we can support our pupils to develop the ability to think scientifically and so retain an interest in science, even if they do not follow it as a career. The model enables us to theorise in pedagogically useful ways the relationships between classroom activities (and policies) and scientific thinking. The model provides a framework that can help us to integrate our work more effectively.33 33 Through all of this, we should recognise that teachers may be developing their own advanced methods. As an example, Sinclair Mackenzie’s blog is well worth a visit, as is his site aimed at his pupils. The recording of his presentation to the Highland Learning Festival on the first (blog) site is a good way of getting into Sinclair’s work, then followed by a visit to the pupils’ site. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 26 Jan 2010 References Airey, J. and Linde, C. (2009) A Disciplinary Discourse Perspective on University Science Learning: Achieving Fluency in a Critical Constellation of Modes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, 27-49 Barrow, L. B. (2006). A brief history of inquiry: From Dewey to standards. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 17(3), 265 – 278. Bird, A. (1998) Philosophy of Science. London: Routledge. Britton, P. (2000) Teaching physics and biology: seeking synergies. Physics Education, 35, 198-202 Brownlie, S., Curran, M., Falconer, L, McAllister, J. and Smith, C (2008). Supporting our pupils in developing their information skills: How do we do it? Caldervale High School, Airdrie and Learning and Teaching Scotland. Copies of this report and a full set of the teaching materials developed can be obtained on CD by emailing profdevgroup@caldervale.n-lanark.sch.uk. The report and samples of the materials can also be found on the Learning and Teaching Scotland website at http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/sharingpractice/c/supportinginformationliteracydevelopmen t/introduction.asp?strReferringChannel=sharedsharingpractice Driver, R. (1988) A Constructivist approach to curriculum development. In Fensham. P. (Ed) Development and Dilemmas in Science Education. London: The Falmer Press. Driver, R. (1989) The construction of scientific knowledge in school classrooms. In Millar, R. (Ed) Doing Science: Images of Science in Science Education. London: The Falmer Press. Dunbar, K, (1995) How scientists really reason: scientific reasoning in real world laboratories. In Stenberg, R.J. and Davidson, J.E. (eds) The Nature of Insight. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. Dunbar, K. (2002) Understanding the role of cognition in science: The science as category framework. In Carruthers, P., Stitch, S. and Siegal, M. (eds) The Cognitive Basis of Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. As noted in footnote, have not been able to access this reference to date. Dunbar, K. and Blanchette, I. (2001) The in vivo/in vitro approach to cognition; The case of analogy. Trends in Cognitive Science, 5(8), 334-339 Dupré, J. (2002) The lure of the simplistic. Philosophy of Science, 69. S284-S293. Ellis, B. (2002) The Philosophy of Nature: A Guide to the New Essentialism. Chesham: Acumen. Feist, G.J. (2006) The Psychology of Science and the Origins of the Scientific Mind. New Haven: Yale University Press. Gardner, H. and Boix- Mansilla, V. (1994) Teaching for understanding in the disciplines and beyond. Teachers College Record, 96, 198-218. Reprinted in Leach, J. http://blog.mrmackenzie.co.uk/ http://mrmackenzie.co.uk/ Also, these sites, and Fearghal Kelly’s below, provide a useful insight to the high level educational debates that teachers are already engaging in. I am sure there are many more examples, and we should be aiming to develop partnerships with them. http://edubuzz.org/blogs/fkelly/ Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 27 Jan 2010 and Moon, B. (eds) (1999) Learners and Pedagogy. London: Paul Chapman and Open University Press. Gengarelly, L.M. and Abrams, E.D. (2009) Closing the Gap: Inquiry in Research and the Secondary Classroom. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18, 74-84 Good, R. (1981) The Philosophy of Evolution. Stanbridge: The Dovecote Press. Korn, R.W. (2005) The emergence principle in biological hierarchies. Biology and Philosophy, 20, 137=151 Kosso, P. (2009) The large-scale structure of scientific method. Science and Education, 18, 33-42. Ladyman, J. (2002) Understanding Philosophy of Science. Abingdon: Routledge Lagnado, D. (2006) How do scientists think? Science, 313 (September), 1390-1391 Hyland, K. (2008) Genre and academic writing in the disciplines. Language Teaching, 41, 543-462 Maynard Smith, J (2000) The concept of information in Biology. Philosophy of Science, 67, 177-194 Mayr, E. (1997) This is Biology: The Science of the Living World. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. McNally, J. Confidence and loose opportunism in the classroom: Towards a pedagogy of investigative science for beginning teachers. International Journal of Science Teaching, 28, 423-438 Mortimer, E.F and Scott, P.H. (2003) Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classrooms. Maidenhead: Open Univrsity Press. Roberts, R and Gott, R. (1999) Procedural understanding: its place in the biology curriculum. School Science Review, 81 (294), 19-25. Rosenberg, A. (1985) The Structure of Biological Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Seatter, C.S. (2003) Constructivist science teaching: Intellectual and strategic teaching acts. Interchange, 34, 63-87. Sharma, A. and Anderson, C.W. (2009) Recontextualization of science from Lab to School: Implications for Science Literacy, Science and Education, 18, 1253-1275 Solomon, J. (1983) Messy, contradictory and obstinately persistent: a study of children’s out of school ideas about energy. School Science Review, 65, 437-422. Torrance, J. (2001) Standard Grade Biology (3rd Edition) London: Hodder and Stoughton. Toulmin, S. (1961) Foresight and Understanding. New York: Harper and Row. Williams, W.M., Papierno, P.B., Makel, M.C. and Ceci, S.J. (2004) Thinking like a scientist about real-world problems: The Cornell Institute for Research on Children Science Education Program. Applied Developmental Psychology, 25,107–126 Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 28 Jan 2010 Appendix 1 Third Step of ‘Understanding of the Eye’ Activity Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 29 Jan 2010 Getting to my explanatory understanding. In the last lessons, you started by considering what you knew about the eye, but had not really thought about in a joined up way – what we are calling unconnected understanding. Then you started to build up a descriptive understanding – you can name the parts of the eye and what they do. With this type of understanding, you can describe how the parts of the eye fit together and what they do. Now, to complete the process, it is time for you to build your explanatory understanding. With this, you will be able to explain how the eye works. Please turn over Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 30 Jan 2010 You have 1 period to produce an explanation of how the eye works. As the diagram shows, you start with light coming from what you are looking at and explain how a picture of it occurs in the brain. To help you, remember what is in the following box. You can choose to do the explanation in any of the following ways. • You can write it in the usual way – illustrated with diagrams if you wish. • You can do it as a cartoon script. • You can speak it – we have a few tape recorders so that we have a record. • You can do a flow chart. • You can write a poem. • You can make up a rap song. • Or you can choose any other way that you can think of but, remember, it has to be finished by the end of this period or it becomes – that dreaded word – HOMEWORK! Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 31 Jan 2010 Appendix 2 Fearghal Kelly (Fearghal is a teacher of Biology in Central Scotland who is currently working as a Development Officer for his Local Education Authority and is a member of the Reference Group) Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 32 Jan 2010 Example A2.1 This investigation was carried out with pupils in their first year of secondary schooling, who were, therefore, around age twelve. The question being investigated was, ‘What are the factors limiting plant seed dispersal by wind?’ The investigation was organised as a competition with the pupils working in teams to produce various designs of model seeds using a marble, newspaper and sellotape and then get them to travel as far as possible Table A2.1: Testing models of seeds to investigate factors limiting seed dispersal by wind Dimension of Investigation 1) Origin of the investigation question in pupil understanding 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and /or teachers’ goals. 3) Control of the investigation. Aspects (where relevant) Analysis Question developed by teacher from understanding of learners’ concepts. Activity instigated by teacher, but competition element encourages goals taken over by learners. Controlled by teacher. Colin Smith Nottingham, 4) Degree of openness of the investigation 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the investigation Page 33 Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Hypothesis formation and testing. Cause and effect thinking Ability to separate and coordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the importance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations metacognition. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Jan 2010 Closed – activity is deliberately limited. Supported Not supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported through models Not supported Supported Not supported Supported with a fan. The weight is taken into account when calculating the winner (score = distance/mass). Table A2.1 shows the analysis using the five dimensional model of investigations. Example A2.2 Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the leaves of plants. This can be measured using a piece of apparatus called a bubble potometer (Figure A2.1) in a standard series of experiments in which temperature, humidity or air movement can be varied. These experiments form the basis for a formal piece of work by pupils at Higher Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 34 Jan 2010 Figure A3.1: A bubble potometer that can be used to investigate evaporation of water from leaves. Level Biology. Higher pupils are in their fifth or sixth year of secondary education and the investigation contributes to their final assessment, since they have to produce a satisfactory write-up of an experiment. The question they are set is, ‘What factors affect the rate of transpiration in plants? The analysis is shown in table A2.2. Comment In both these examples, I was surprised at the number of aspects of scientific thinking that were supported. The crucial factor that seems to be missing is that pupils did not instigate the investigations, and this may make this support less effective. However, I found this process of analysis useful because it provided a structured tool that supported me in reflection upon these activities. The analysis clearly highlights which aspects of scientific thinking my investigations support and encourages me to consider whether the investigation can be modified to add more dimensions. Table A2.2: A transpiration investigation using bubble potometer. Colin Smith Nottingham, Dimension of Investigation 1) Origin of the investigation question in pupil understanding 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and /or teachers’ goals. 3) Control of the investigation. 4) Degree of openness of the investigation 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the investigation Page 35 Aspects (where relevant) Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Hypothesis formation and testing. Cause and effect thinking Ability to separate and coordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the importance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations metacognition. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Jan 2010 Analysis Question chosen from booklet of Higher Biology investigations. Instigated by teacher to reinforce content knowledge and understanding and to carry out an investigation. Controlled by teacher. Closed Supported Not supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 36 Jan 2010 Appendix 3 Sinclair Mackenzie (Sinclair is a teacher of Physics in the North of Scotland and a member of the Reference Group) Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 37 Jan 2010 Example A3: Does the colour of light affect plant growth? The investigation described below was introduced to a science class towards the end of S2 with the aim of answering the question “Does the colour of light affect plant growth?” The question itself arose at a Curriculum for Excellence (see appendix 4) workshop. The investigation was designed to be as open as possible. Pupils were required to design the experiment, select the criteria and build the equipment, the latter with the aim of maintaining engagement among pupils less interested in Biology. Lightproof cardboard boxes were fitted with light emitting diode (LED) circuits for red, yellow or blue monochromatic illumination, see figure A3.1 below. Pupils were required to learn about circuit diagrams, wiring of LEDs and how to solder components onto a stripboard. Figure A3.1 Test board showing operation of blue LED lighting circuit. Pupils agreed as a class that plant height, leaf width and leaf colour would be used as criteria to determine plant health. In the case of width and height, a ruler could be used. For leaf colour, pupils generated colour charts similar to those used in DIY stores to display paint ranges. A progressive sequence of green shades was painted on white paper. When dry, squares were cut out and glued to a piece of card to provide a range of reference colours. Figure A3.2 Construction of comparative leaf colour chart. Additional information available at http://blog.mrmackenzie.co.uk/2008/04/07/is-there-really-dead-time-in-the-school-year/ Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 38 Jan 2010 Table A3.1: Analysis of effect of colour of light on plant growth investigation Dimension of Investigation Aspects (where relevant) Analysis This investigation provided an 1) Origin of the investigation opportunity for engaging practical question in pupil understanding work related to earlier study of the 514 photosynthesis topic and the chance to learn wiring and soldering skills. It was designed to appeal to pupils whether they had expressed a preference for biology or physics in S3 (about age 15). The question had been suggested at a Curriculum for Excellence meeting during a discussion on opportunities to bring the three sciences together with practical activities. In whole class discussion, pupils knew the role of sunlight in photosynthesis and could state that sunlight contains all the colours of the spectrum but were unable to suggest which (if any) of these colours were more important for plants to grow. Working in small groups, pupils generated ideas on how to answer the question. All ideas were shared with the class and pupils voted on the best strategy to adopt for the investigation. Occasional questions from the teacher were used to probe for gaps in the project plans produced. Colours of light were limited to red, yellow and blue. This essentially split the class into three teams for all tasks related to the investigation. Investigation was relatively open in that pupils chose their own success criteria and metrology methods for determining the health and growth of plants. 2) Origin of investigation question in learners’ and /or teachers’ goals. 3) Control of the investigation. 4) Degree of openness of the investigation 5) Aspects of scientific thinking used in the investigation Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Supported Measurements of plant height, leaf width and leaf colour all used to determine plant health. Information obtained from plant observations were plotted to give visual representation of findings. Pupils used these to identify relationships in the data. Pattern recognition was also inherent in the manufacture of the lighting circuits. Pupils soon discovered for themselves that light emitting diodes (LEDs) only operate when connected the correct way round. Similarly, defects, such as overheating or using too much solder, could prevent the Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 39 Jan 2010 circuit from functioning correctly. Hypothesis formation and testing. Cause and effect thinking Ability to separate and coordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the importance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising one’s thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in one’s thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations metacognition. Ability to use metaphor and analogy Use ‘confirm early-disconfirm late’ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning) Supported in plant analysis by prediction of leaf colour (comparison with colour chart), leaf width and plant height for each of the light colours in use. Pupils involved in electronics work were able to design circuit layout and test for equal brightness on all LEDs. Through use of colours, height, leaf width and function of electronic circuit, all pupils were able to provide an input into this at their own level. This was easier for those working on the electronics tasks as problems with a theory could be spotted and rectified relatively quickly. With plant growth, several weeks of data from each group (red, yellow, blue) were required before pupils could test their hypothesis. Supported through use of weekly leaf width and plant height line graphs. Also “paint chart” for leaf colour. This was encouraged through group updates to teacher on findings each week and discussions on the causes on week-on-week changes. For electronics tasks, discussions around problems encountered and strategies adopted to obtain the required functionality, sharing of soldering advice, best way to clean soldering iron tips, etc. unsupported unsupported See metacognition entry above. Weekly reviews with each groups to discuss findings of plant health, comparison to other group data. Soldering “masterclasses” where pupils share their solution to a common issue. Comment I found the analysis helpful in scaffolding my own reflection about what I was trying to achieve in terms of learning with this investigation. In particular, I recalled several interesting points from the classroom discussions instigated by the project question. The first of these was that all pupils were convinced by a point put forward by one of their peers that the investigation would only be “fair” if the lights inside the box were Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 40 Jan 2010 turned off at night. The general feeling in the class was that plants in an outdoor location do not receive sunlight 24/7 and any deviation from a “natural” situation would produce an invalid result. To accommodate this viewpoint, a timer switch was fitted to the power socket providing electricity to the low voltage supply used to feed all three lighting circuits. Pupils decided to switch the lights on at 7am and switch them off at 7pm and set the timer accordingly. While this clearly demonstrates the pupils’ sense of ownership, it also indicates the stage of cognitive development within the peer group. Is pupils’ ability to think in abstract terms something that science teachers need to consider more carefully when developing investigative work for pupils? The second point relates to the selection of criteria to determine whether or not plant growth had taken place since the previous observation. Pupils used “everyday” knowledge to explain that one symptom of a houseplant failing to thrive is yellowing of the leaves. They had real world evidence for looking at leaf colour, despite the measurement difficulties that it may entail in the classroom. Of the other indicators chosen, there was agreement on plant height but a 50/50 split between “leaf width” and “distance between leaf shoots on the main stem.” Supporters of “leaf width” persuaded their classmates to switch sides and so the former metric was chosen as the third response measurement. I did not influence their choice and without the necessary botanical knowledge I can say only that I think the latter option may have been a better indicator for their investigation. While this analysis seems to fit the investigation quite well, it seems that the need for appropriate background knowledge (teacher, learners or possibly both) is not captured by the model of investigations in its current form. Colin Smith Nottingham, Page 41 Jan 2010 Appendix 4 Model of investigations used to analyse support in Curriculum for Excellence documents for developing scientific thinking. Science Experiences and Outcomes document available in Word friendly form at https://lsewdssps.ces.strath.ac.uk/cfe/CfE%20Science%20Experiences%20and%20outcomes/Forms/AllItems. aspx Note: Tables should be regarded as drafts. More reading of, and closer familiarity as a practitioner, may alter the way the Curriculum for Excellence documents are interpreted. Note: The Curriculum for Excellence is a major initiative in Scotland to produce a Curriculum covering all school ages from nursery to the end of secondary. Information available at www.ltscotland.org.uk/curriculumforexcellence/index.asp Scientific Thinking/scientific mind (Adapte d from Feist, 2006) Attribu te/skill What it involves Observation Categorisation Pattern recognition Hypothesis formation and testing. As develops in scientists, becomes an ability to systematically test hypotheses. Cause and effect thinking Using all sensory modalities Πhearing, tasting, feeling, smelling and seeing- to input information Classifying inform ation from observations into meaningful systems Seeing patterns of relationships between differe nt things and events the classified information refers to (E.g. Thing A is always found with Thing B. Event Y al ways follows Event X) Arises initially from pattern recognition. Begin to expe ct world to behave in certain ways and test these expectations Arises initially out of pattern recognition and/or hypothesis verification. (e.g. recognition of pattern that Y follows X or verification of this as a hypothesis leads one to think about causes). More sophisticated when one realises that co-variation is necessary, but not sufficient, for causality. Curriculum for Ex cellence: Science. ΤPrinciples and Pr acticeΥand ΤExp erience and OutcomesΥ documents Exp licitly identified? Implicitly iden tified? Notes and related capacity (ies) (if any). Yes , although not in terms of Although the components of It is argued that these five all senses this group are identified attributes or skills individually and explicitly in recapitulate human the ΤExper iences and development Πbabies start Yes OutcomesΥdocument, it is with observations, then less clear that they are categorisation and so on. Yes conceived as developing into Language development also the more comp lex and dramatically adds to the dynamic interrelationships of preverbal forms . However, science (see next column). once all are in place they have dynami c relationships Yes , although not clear if with each other Πobservation more systematic testing of a Is this an issue of simp le is affected by causal thinking series of hypotheses versus advanced and so on. In science, so the specified. However, this is investigations, the latter being imp lication appears, they likely to occur in more more grounded in scientific have become particularly extended investigations theory and the forme r mor e in well developed and integrated everyday concerns? If so, with some of the other Yes which is appropriate to our features below. aims? Age group differences? Therefore, as they are such a fundamental part of human thinking, they can probably be argued to contribute to all four capacities. Curricul um for Excel lence : Science. ΤPri nci ples and PracticeΥ and ΤExperience and Outcomes Υ docu ments W hat it i nvolves Explicitly identifi ed? Impl icitl y i dentified? Note s an d rel ated capaci ty(ie s) (if any). Page 1 together as they seem Jan No, 2010 Nottingham, I have put these unless we take Yes, but only for those whose All capacities related. ΤopennessΥ (Pinciples r conceptions of investigat ions and In relation t o t hese, Feist discusses avoiding and Pract ice) equate to. science teaching generally, confirmat ion bias, not ignoring at least, some of t his. incorporates them already disconfirmat ory evidence outright , and avoiding distorted interpretat ions of evidence t o fit preconcept ions. We might want to add dist inguishing examples from principles. Feist identifies thought experiments, models Yes for diagrams, Not sure. Indirect ly to all through and diagrams. I wonder if he has overlooked charts. Less clear on its part in scient ific thinking? graphs, charts and tables. This table, for ot her features example, is an at tempt in visualising a relationship. Again these seem related. In FeistΥsscheme, Not in t his form Yes, page 4 Principles and P ract ice All capacities, since part of all implicit is more sensory bound thought . By thought ? making these implicit representat ions explicit by redescribing t hem, they become available for thought and modification. This is part of metacognition, along with becoming aware of and direct ing oneΥs thought processes. Analogy Π seeing how something (target) is No Yes, but only so far as the scient ific Do we expect young people t o like something old (source). Metaphor Πan theories/explanations t he young develop t heir own analogies and Τ as ifΥcomparison. T hink about X as if it people are aiming t o master are metaphors in t heir invest igations was Y. Both useful in hypothesis and theory based on metaphor and analogy. or adopt those already used by format ion, t hought experiments, creativity scient ists? and problem solving. Provide useful const raints to solutions t o problems by All capacities, since part of all focussing strategies thought ? Apparent ly many successful scient ists when No No Not sure. Indirect ly to all through formulating theory look for confirming its part in scient ific thinking? evidence first (makes it Τ goerΥ) , then seek to find evidence and arguments against it. Based on long-term analysis of weekly lab No No Can we hope t hat young people meet ings (Dunbar). Apparently, an discuss t heir invest igations important process is the sharing of informally in the playground, etc? reasoning and ideas that goes on in the more informal sett ings (behind the scenes in All capacities, but part icularly hallways, etc.) and is the result of input effect ive contribut ors? from, many people. Scientific Thi nki ng/scientifi c m ind (Feis t (2006) Attribute/skil l Colin Smith Ability to separate and co-ordinate theory and evidence. Not ignoring/recognising the im portance of disconfirmatory evidence. Realising oneΥs thinking may be wrong and in need of revision. Visualisation Making the implicit explicit in oneΥs thinking. Developing control of thinking and representations - metacognition. Ability to use m etaphor and analogy Use Τconfirm early-disconfirm lateΥ heuristic Collaborative (distributed reasoning)