Rocks Review Guide Rock Cycle (ch 6) 1. What are the 3 types of rocks involved in the rock cycle? 2. Describe how an igneous rock becomes a sedimentary rock. What processes are involved? 3. Describe how an igneous rock becomes a metamorphic rock. What processes are involved? 4. Is it possible for one type of rock to become any other type of rock? Explain how. 5. Compare (list similarities) and contrast (list differences) erosion & weathering. 6. What are the materials that make up each type of rock (products)? (ex/ crystals, sediments, preexisting rocks, etc.) Igneous rocks (ch 5) 1. How does magma/lava become igneous rock? 2. Describe the types of igneous rocks (intrusive & extrusive) in detail. 3. What are the factors affecting magma formation (rocks melting)? Understand the geothermal gradient. 4. What are partial melting and fractional crystallization & what is their contribution to magma formation? 5. Understand Bowen’s reaction series and be able to describe how each “branch” differs. 6. What are the first and last minerals to crystallize in Bowen’s reaction series? Know this for each of the two branches. 7. Classification of igneous rocks a. Describe the composition (mafic, felsic, intermediate, and ultramafic) b. Describe the textures (course, fine, glassy & porphyritic) c. Know the relationship btwn cooling rates and grain size. How does intrusive and extrusive fit in? 8. Know the following common igneous rocks based on texture & composition (felsic, mafic, intermediate) Basalt, gabbro, granite, rhyolite, diorite 9. What are the 3 rocks considered to have a glassy textrure? Sedimentary Rocks (ch 6) 1. Know the different clast sizes and which will settle in an environment where deposition occurs. 2. List some agents of erosion & describe the 2 types of weathering. 3. Describe the Lithification process in detail (3 steps) 4. Clastic sediments are classified by what characteristics? 5. When does deposition of sediment occur? 6. Know the difference between graded bedding and cross-bedding. 7. What can sedimentary rocks tell us about the Earth’s history? (think about fossils & sedimentary features) 8. What does it mean for sediment to become sorted while transported? Which agents of erosion will not sort sediment? 9. Know which agents of erosion are most/least powerful. 10. List the following processes in the order they occur. Erosion, deposition, weathering, lithification, and. transport 11. List the three types of sedimentary rock, method of formation and an example of a rock for each category. Explain the process of how coal is made. Metamorphic Rocks (ch 6) 1. What are the 3 causes/agents of metamorphism? 2. Describe the 3 grades of metamorphism. 3. Describe the 3 types of metamorphism (regional, contact, hydrothermal). 4. Describe the metamorphic textures (foliated, nonfoliated, & porphyroblasts). 5. How does fractional crystallization relate to mineral changes during metamorphism? (Hint: can there be enough heat to partially melt a rock during metamorphism?) 6. Do rocks always undergo a chemical change while undergoing metamorphism? Think about the grades of metamorphism. (you may need to look in your text to help)