Board of Directors Meeting
November 10, 2009
Sir John’s, North Brunswick, NJ
President Chip Adamson called the meeting to order at 4:40 PM. Those in attendance were:
President Chip Adamson, President-elect Pat Fatton, Vice President James Sens,
Secretary/Treasurer Stan Hans, Director at Large Charlie Bell, Past President Don Pennell, Mark
Husik, Rona Goldberg, John White and
Chapter Presidents/Directors/Representatives:
Bergen Passaic: Tom Stearns
Central Jersey: Ray Swiderski, John Diessner
North Jersey: Nick Wunner
Rolling Hills: Tom Yager, Randy Sadlon, Bruce Blair
PLSSJ: Joe Dolan, Tom Park
PLSANJ: Carl Peters, Fred Czepiga
West Jersey: Bill Haggerty, Lou Marchuk
NJIT: Lisa Peterson, Andy Kubiak, Paul Agujo
Conference Chair Steven Mazurek
GIS Committee Chair Peter Borbas
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The agenda was approved as presented.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of September 2009 meeting were approved. Lou
Marchuk suggested that the date that the minutes are submitted to BOD be added to the minutes.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Lists of delinquent members will be sent to the chapters.
a. Bergen-Passaic Chapter donated money for 2 Schoenstedt locators
b. Robert Kunes (formerly of NJ and now residing in FL) is writing a book on Monmouth
and Ocean Counties.
STATE BOARD LIAISON: At the 11/5/09 meeting:
a. 6 people are sitting for the PLS exam
b. Joe Simonetta reported that the legislation for CEU’s for PE’s passed in the Assembly
and should pass in the Senate. At this time, 41 states require CEU for PEs.
NSPS DELEGATE (Lenik): Peter Borbas reported that Frank Lenik had been chosen as Key
Governor at the last ACSM meeting. This is quite an honor. Frank is doing an outstanding job
on the national level.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Adamson): President Adamson attended:
 Maryland’s Survey Society Conference in October.
September’s chapter meetings with West Jersey, Central Jersey & PLSSJ.
NJDOT Summit in Trenton.
Connecticut Survey Society Conference last week.
NJSPLS Executive meeting at Sir John’s.
NJSPLS Golf Tournament
Future events:
 Trying to set-up meetings with NJDOT.
 Planning on attending some chapter meetings before the end of the year.
 Going to attend the New Jersey League of Municipalities.
FINANCE COMMITTEE (Fatton): No report
CONFERENCE (Mazurek): SurvCon 2010 is now online. There is an online promotion to
encourage registration through the website. Our list has also been expanded to include the
neighboring states.
GIS/LIS (Borbas):
a. Russell Kauffman is GLIS representative from NJ
b. Peter Borbas commented on NJSPLS’ efforts regarding the seamless parcel layer
EDUCATION (Piazza): The committee is in the process of gathering information for potential
subjects for courses.
TRIGSTAR (Veenstra): Letters will soon be going out for the coming year. NJSPLS is again
a licensed sponsor for TrigStar.
 League of Municipalities is scheduled for next week. Our volunteers and booth are all in
 Golf Outing on 10/2/09 raised over $1800 for the Foundation.
WEBSITE (Goldberg): The new website is up and running. Members are encouraged to log in
and see the site. Online promotion (savings) of $20 for those who register for SurvCon online.
LEGISLATIVE (Wunner): Currently in lame duck session
a. E & O Insurance – based on the discussion at the last meeting, our NSPS Governor sent a
request to all the states to determine if they had mandatory E & O Insurance.
Overwhelmingly no states have mandatory E & O insurance. Florida has a disclaimer
that it uses on surveys.
AD HOC – DIGITAL TAX MAPS (SUBMISSIONS) (Walby): Working on a panel session
for the League of Municipalities.
 Talked with Carl Peters at the NJSPLS/ME panel meeting and no movement yet with
utility companies, still reviewing the reports and setting up progress meetings with utility
companies sometime in the fall.
 Carl Peters discussed the Common Ground Alliance
 Attended the NJDOT summit on October 1, 2009 and briefly met with Brian Strizki,
Director of Design Services and Richard Dube, Executive Manager of Major Access
Permits. Trying to set-up a joint meeting with the both of them to talk about survey
 Still trying to schedule a meeting with James R. Hogan, Director of State wide traffic
Operations, to discuss the survey access permit issues.
Some Topics for Discussion:
 NJIT graduates to start working in the survey department.
 Develop levels in the survey department.
 Filing maps at the county court houses.
 Cost of the access permit.
 Length of time to get approval to work on state highways.
 Quarterly meeting with NJDOT.
SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SUNSETTING: A conference call is being scheduled to
discuss recommendations received. There will be a draft report for the next meeting.
PLSANJ: Elections this month and Christmas party on 12/15/09
BERGEN PASSAIC- Donated two Schoenstedt locators and Schoenstedt will be
matching their donation.
WEST JERSEY: Smart Vent made a presentation at October meeting. November
meeting on Bathymetric surveying.
NORTH JERSEY: Society update at last meeting
PLSSJ: Christmas party on 12/9 at Tomatoes in Margate.
CENTRAL JERSEY: Joint meeting with PLSSJ – Jerry Jones was speaker.
November meeting will be joint meeting with Rolling Hills. Ed Pagan is scheduled to
speak on limits of liability. December 10 is Christmas Social.
ROLLING HILLS: 10/22/09 – Joint meeting with Central Jersey; 11/15/09 Ken
Stigner will speak on photogrammetry from a surveyor’s perspective.
CSSA: Nominees for slate of officers for next year. Problem finding a meeting
NJIT STUDENT CHAPTER: Lisa Peterson discussed upcoming events, student
competitions and potential for sponsorships:
a. NSPS Competition for all Surveying Schools – consists of a paper, poster and
field exercise on a given topic. It is being held in April in Phoenix, AZ.
Fundraising is planned and sponsorships are being sought.
b. FIG Conference will be held in Sydney, Australia. The chapter is looking for
funding for this event. Letters are being sent and NJSPLS will place in article in
c. Chapter is only in its 3rd year, but membership continues to grow.
d. Chapter is working with Dr. Potts to get accreditation for those working on
e. Andy Kubiak will be taking over as Chapter President next semester as Lisa
Peterson will be graduating.
f. A Resolution was made to have NJSPLS support the NJIT competitions through
support of their fundraising efforts. Motion carried.
g. President Adamson commended Lisa Peterson on her work with the chapter.
a. Ivan Haftkowicz recently passed away.
b. NJ CORS Network – Fred Czepiga reported that many control points have been set over
the last month. RTK Surveying is changing the face of surveying. He urged surveyors to
get involved.
There being no further business and the agenda having been met, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Associate Director
Sent to BOD on 12/1/09