Third Year Chinese I CHNS 3320 Syllabus Instructor: Melissa Pittman Time: Tuesday, 5:30 pm - 8:10 pm Elizabeth Hall 217 Phone: (801) 626-6721, (801) 205-0107 Email: Web Site: Office Hours: By appointment Course Object: Chinese 3320 is an intermediate level course in Mandarin Chinese (普通話, Putonghua). It is designed for students with two years of knowledge of spoken or written Chinese. The objectives and scope in this course is to increase and improve listening and conversational ability to be able to understand reasonably rapid standard speech. Reading skills, composition skills, extensive character recognition, and translation ability will also be emphasized in this course. A variety of styles of written Chinese will be introduced and students will learn to discuss various topics or express opinions by using more sophisticated sentence patterns, terms and phrases. All units are outlined with sections on Chinese culture, customs, and values to be coordinated with the classroom instruction. Required Materials: Beyond the basics, Communicative Chinese for intermediate and Advanced learners, Second Edition, Textbook (Traditional and Simplified) Taiwan Today, Third Edition, by Shou-hsin Teng, Lo-sun Perry, (Traditional and Simplified) Suggested Materials: Oxford Concise English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary; published by Oxford University Press. Pinyin Chinese-English Dictionary, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Expanded list of On-line Resources: Go to my faulty page: Course Work: Attendance: Although the attendance is not one of the grading elements, absence will result missing quizzes, in-class discussion, performance and assignments. Therefore, missing class or coming to class late or leaving early can greatly affect your grade. Class performance and participation: Coming to class well prepared and eager to participate in class activities and small group discussion will earn you an ‘A’ range evaluation. Homework and Assignments: You must complete and turn in, on time, all assigned homework at the beginning of each class on the due date. Late homework and/or sloppy homework will be penalized, but do turn them in for feedback. Quizzes, midterm, and final examination: Quizzes are given once a week at the beginning of each class to ensure that you have internalized the material. The lowest quiz grade is dropped. Midterm will be given in week seven. The final examination will be given in the end of the term. A study guide will be given prior to each examination. There are no make-up tests or quizzes. Presentation: Since part of this course builds on the exchange of insights and viewpoints among class members, the development of your speaking skills is vital to your success. I will ask you to team up with another class member to give an introductory presentation of about 15-20 minutes on an assigned/selected cultural topic. Your presentation should serve as a point of departure for further discussion, which you then facilitate. H1N1: You will hear from me or Karlene, the secretary of the Foreign Language Department, in the event of a cancellation of class. Contact me immediately if you contract the swine flu so you can be excused for the duration of the illness without failing the course. In the event of an extended campus closure I will continue to provide instruction and interaction via email. My email address is; you can expect an email message from me on Tuesday and Thursday of each week during the closure. The message will contain a (Word, PowerPoint, audio) file attachment that will provide a lecture substitute, directions for any written assignments and readings, and any other relevant information. You are to complete the assignment during that same week and submit it as an attachment to an email message back to me by the following Sunday evening. Tests and exams will be postponed until students are able to return to campus unless the closure extends beyond three weeks. In that case I will send an email message containing a link to a Chi Tester assessment with specific instructions for completing the assessment. It is imperative that you provide an email address linked to an email account that you plan to access on a regular basis and which has adequate storage capacity for transmitting documents. I will collect your email address and verify its availability during the first week of class. Please let me know by the end of the first week of the semester if you do not have access to a computer and/or the Internet from your home. Evaluation: 1. (40%) 作業 Homework and assignments 2. (10%) 課堂討論 In-class discussion and performance 3. (10%) 小組簡報 Team Presentation 3. (10%) 課堂小考 Quizzes 4. (10%) 期中考 Midterm Exam 5. (10%) 期末考 Final Exam Grading: A :93% A- : 90% B+: 87% B: 83% B-: 79% C+: 77% C: 73% C-: 70% Course Schedule: Week 1 (Jan. 5): Introduction to the course. WK2 (Jan. 12): 第一課: 童年往事 (Childhood) WK3 (Jan. 19): 第三課: 推銷高手 (Master Salesperson) WK 4 (Jan. 26): TT: 第二課: 逛夜市 (Visiting a Night Market) WK5 (Feb. 2): 第四課: 各行各業 (Various Professions) WK6 (Feb. 9): 中國年和情人節 TT-第八課: 大拜拜 (Religions and Folk Beliefs) 十二生肖 D+: 69% D: 67% D-: 59% 第九課: 愛情 (Love and Romance)- -optional WK7 (Feb. 16): 中國新春期間 期中考 Midterm Exam WK8 (Feb. 23): 元宵節 Lantern Festival TT-第九課: 鹽水的烽炮 (The Excitement of Festivals) 元宵節 Lantern walk - - 提燈(灯)籠 吃元宵 說謎語 WK9 (Mar. 2) TT-第三課: 還是小吃好 (Eating at a Food Stand) WK 10 (Mar. 9): 第五課: 難題幾則 (Problem Solving) WK 11 (Mar. 16): Spring Break No class WK 12 (Mar. 23): 第十四課: 漫談電影 (Movies) WK 13 (Mar. 30): 第十三課: 選舉 (Political Election) WK 14 (Apr. 6): 第十五課: 即席演講 (Presenting Your Own Speech) WK 15 (Apr. 13): 學期總複習 (Course Review) WK 16 (Apr. 20): 期末考 Final Exam