heart study sheet

1. The _____ is a tough, hollow muscle about the size
of a ____ that pumps blood.
2. The heart is enclosed in a tough sack of tissue
called the ___________.
3. The average human heart beats about _ _ times a
4. with each beat the heart pumps about _ ounces of
blood, or about _, _ _ _ gallons of blood each day.
5. The heart _____ in between beats.
6. The heart _____ less than half the time and _____
more than half the time.
7. In a 70 year lifetime, the average human heart
works for about _ _ years and rests for about _ _
8. The heart is not shaped like a _________ _____.
Instead, it is ____- ______.
9. The heart lies in the ______ of the chest.
10. The ____ of the heart is the bottom of the heart
and lies to the ____ of the center of the chest.
11. Because the top of the heart is anchored with
blood vessels, we feel a heart beat in the ____.
12. There are _____ kinds of muscle.
13. ________ muscle controls voluntary actions.
14. ______ muscle controls involuntary actions.
15. _______ muscle is found only in the heart.
16. _______ muscle is like a combination of ______
and _______ muscle.
17. The heart has ____ chambers. Two _____ or
________, whose primary function is to receive blood,
and two __________ whose primary function is to
pump blood.
18. The _____ half of the heart receives oxygen
depleted blood from the _____ of the body.
19. The function of the _____ half of the heart is to
pump blood to the _____ where blood picks up a new
supply of oxygen.
20. The ____ half of the heart receives __________
blood from the lungs and pumps it into the body
through the ________.
21. The _____ atria or auricle receives blood from two
large _____.
22. The ________ _____ ____ brings oxygen poor
blood from the upper part of the body.
23. The ________ ____ ____ brings oxygen poor blood
from the lower part of the body.
24. The right ventricle pumps oxygen poor blood to
the right and left _________ ________ which takes it
to the lungs.
25. After blood is oxygenated in the lungs, it flows
back to the left side of the heart by way of the
_________ _____.
26. Oxygenated blood is received by the ____ atria
and the ____ ventricle pumps this oxygenated blood
out of the heart into the artery called the _____.
27. The heart has many ______.
28. The valves between the atria and ventricles are
called the _______________ ______.
29. The valves which lead out of the ventricles are
named for the _____ ______ that they guard.
30. Where the right ventricle meets the pulmonary
vein is the _________ _____.
31. Where the left ventricle meets the aorta us the
______ _____.
32. On the back of this paper, list and describe the
cycles of the heart.
33. Atrial contraction is called atrial _______.
34. When the ventricles contract this is called
___________ ______.
35. The valves of the heart open in only ___
_________ so they keep blood flowing in the ______
36. The valves of the heart give us _____ ________.
37. The sound of a heart beating is often described as
"___ ___."
38. The ___ is the closing of the atrioventricular
39. The ___ is the closing of the pulmonary and aortic
40 When the heart is contracting it is called _______.
41. When the heart is relaxing it is called _______.
42. The pressure which exists in the arteries when the
heart is contracting is called ________ _____
43. The pressure which exists in the arteries when the
heart is resting is called _________ _____ ________.
44. A measure of blood pressure will always have ___
45. The ________ number is always higher than the
_________ number.
46. The blood pressure cuff which is used to get a
blood pressure reading is called a _______________.
47. On the back of the heart above the right atria is
located a bundle of _____ _____ called the
__________ ____ (_ _ ____).
48. The _ _ ____ controls the pace or rate at which the
heart beats. For this reason the _ _ ____ is also known
as the _________ of the heart.
49. It is the _ _ ____ which causes the atria to
50. The wall which separates the right and left halves
of the heart is called the ______.
51. Near the ______ is another bundle of nerve cells
called the ______________ ____ (_ _ ____).
52. The _ _ ____ has nerve cells which spread down
the septum of the ventricles and curves around the
apex of the heart. This bundle is connected to fibers
called the ________ ______ which connect to the walls
of the ventricles.
53. Electricity from these nerve cells allow the
_________ ______ to make the ventricles contract.
54. Even though the heart functions to pump blood, it
has its own _______, ___________ and ______ which
supply its cells with blood.
55. The arteries which supply the heart with blood
look like a _____ upon the heart. Because of this, they
are referred to as being the ________ arteries.
56. The pain from hurting heart cells caused by
restricted blood flow due to a clogged coronary artery
is called ______ ________.
57. Heart disease which occurs because of clogged or
blocked coronary arteries is called ________ _____
58. To correct the clogged or blocked coronary
arteries, a vein is take from the upper ___ and it is
used to __-____ the clogged or blocked artery. This
surgical procedure is called a ________ __-____.
59. The various abnormalities of heart beat are called
60. The sounds of a heart can be heard through a
device called a ___________.
61. If a soft swishing or hissing sound is heard from
the heart, this may indicate a heart "______."
62. A heart ______ often indicates that blood is
leaking back through an imperfectly closed _____.
63. The ______ is the wall which separates the right
from the left heart.
64. If there is a hole in the septum, old blood in the
_____ heart can mix with oxygenated blood in the
____ heart.
65. The most common septal defect is called ______
______ __________.
66. The lungs of the unborn are filled with ________
_____. Because of this, there is an artery that runs
through the septum so that blood can by-pass the
_____. This artery is called the ______ __________.
67. The ______ _________ must close shortly after
birth. If it does not, _______ may be required to close
it so that ___ and __________ blood will not mix.
68. An instrument called an _________________ can
detect and record the __________ activity of the
69. The record of the _________ activity of the heart
is called an ________________ or _ _ _.
70. The _ _ _ is often used to help diagnose _____