Name:_____________________ The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide Questions Act II, Scene I Vocabulary – Define using context clues 1. Inarticulate: 2. Foreboding: 3. Apprehension: 4. Relish: 5. Bewildered: 6. Forlorn: Comprehension Check – Answer after reading the scene 1. How much time has passed since they went into hiding? 2. What are the conditions/relations of the group according to Anne’s diary entry at the beginning of the scene? 3. Why does Mrs. Van Daan become upset during Miep’s visit? 4. What is the bad news Mr. Kraler has for the group? 5. Describe the agreement Peter and Anne come to after Anne’s emotional outburst. 6. What does Mr. Van Daan want to sell? Why? 7. What good and bad news do we learn from Anne’s diary entry at the end of the scene? Name:_____________________ The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide Questions Act II, Scene II Vocabulary – define using context clues 1. Meticulously: 2. Animation: 3. Gauntlet: 4. Indignant: Comprehension Check – Answer after reading the scene 1. Why is Anne all dressed up? 2. Explain what Anne means when she says, “Mother I have some intuition.” 3. Why doesn’t Mrs. Frank want Anne to go to Peter’s room? 4. Why does Anne feel guilty when she is getting dressed? 5. What is Margot jealous of? 6. Why does Anne feel Peter has an inferiority complex? 7. 8. What does Anne mean when she says that although they have been together all t the time, “this is the first time we’ve really talked.”? What does it mean when Anne says, “Pim, we are his ulcers.” 9. What does Anne long for the most? 10. Why does Anne leave Peter’s room in a daze? Name:_____________________ The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide Questions Act II, Scene III Vocabulary – Define using context clues 1. Pandemonium: 2. Stealthily: 3. Convulsive: Comprehension Check – Answer after reading the scene 4. What is Mr. Van Daan doing at the beginning of this scene? 5. Why does Mrs. Frank react so severely when she has always controlled her emotions in the past? 6. What excuse does Mrs. Van Daan give for her husband’s behavior? 7. How does Peter display loyalty to his father? Does his loyalty seem reasonable? Why? 8. What happens to shift the focus from Mr. Van Daan’s shameful actions? 7. What bad news do they receive at the end of this scene? Name:_____________________ The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide Questions Act II, Scene IV Vocabulary – Define using context clues 1. Rigid: 2. Succession: 3. Ineffectually: 4. Despair: Comprehension Check – Answer after reading the scene 5. Why is everyone feeling so tensed and frightened? 6. Why does Mr. Frank refuse to answer the phone? 7. Why does Anne tell Peter to look at the sky? 8. In spite of everything, what does Anne believe? 9. What does Anne mean when she says, “The world is going through a phase”? 10. Explain Mr. Frank’s quote, “For the past two years we have lived in fear, now we can live in hope.” 11. Explain how the families act when the police arrive? Name:_____________________ The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide Questions Act II, Scene V Comprehension Check – Answer after reading the scene 1. What is the time relationship between the first scene of the play and this last scene? 2. Why was Anne reportedly happy at the transit concentration camp in Holland? 3. How did the surviving prisoners find out what had happened to their families? 4. What happened to the Franks, Van Daans and Dussel? 5. Mr. Frank reads a quote from Anne’s diary, “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are good at heart.” He responds that the quote puts him to shame. What does he mean?