Careers in Transportation Curriculum Project Teaching Guide For Discovering Maritime Transportation Created June 2012 Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 1 Table of Contents Acknowledgements Developers: Mike Rogers Millard Public Schools/Metropolitan Community College, Omaha, NE Robert P. Clark Clark Transportation & Logistics Consulting 281-498-2529 Reviewed and Comments/Materials provided by Kathy Gray, Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, MO Overview of Module Module Focus TDL Cluster Knowledge and Skills and Performance Elements Addressed National Learning Standards Addressed Objectives Measurement Criteria Teacher Notes Time Required to Complete Module Support Materials and Resources Necessary for Completion of Module Lessons in Module Module 1 Discovering Maritime Transportation Assessment There is no assessment so teacher will need to provide their own. Appendix Glossary of Terms Module Summary Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 2 Overview of Module This lesson will focus on aspects of Maritime Transportation and the impact that this form of transportation has brought to the American economy by enabling huge amounts of cargo, as well as passengers, to be transported domestically as well as from and to all ports of the world. Students will be shown an introductory presentation and then will be shown a video on container ships and port operations. Next, students will create and present 5 minutes presentations over Maritime Transportation (grade with a rubric). Finally, students will be given a quiz to assess their knowledge growth. Students will have a chance to look at the possibilities of a career in this field throughout the lesson. Recommended Grade Level: 9th-10th grade Primary Career Cluster: Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Primary Career Pathway: Transportation Operations, Logistic Planning and Management Services, Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations, Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management, and Regulation, and Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Related Occupations: Transportation managers in all the modes, captains, mates, and pilots of water vessels, ship engineers, marine oilers, and cargo inspectors, Recommended Subject Areas: Information Technology, World Geography, Business Law, Health and Safety Management, Social Studies, Economics, and Business, Marketing and Sales . Cluster Knowledge, Skills, and Performance Elements ESS01.01 Complete required training, education, and certification to prepare for employment in a particular career field. ESS0903 Employability and career development ESS02.04 Technical skills ESS02.05 Use correct grammar, punctuation and terminology to write and edit documents. ESSO2.08 Apply active listening skills to obtain and clarify information. ESSO2.10 Listen to and speak with diverse individuals to enhance communication skills Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 3 ESSO3.04 Conduct technical research to gather information necessary for decision-making ESS04.04 Operate Internet applications to perform workplace task ESS07.03 Employ teamwork skills to achieve collective goals and use team members’ talents effectively TRPB01.01 Determine customer needs and requirements. TRPB01.02 Monitor and report on the performance of logistics systems. Common Core Standards: WHST.6-8.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. WHST.6-8.7. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. WHST.6-8.10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. Objectives What I Want Students to Know Brief History Industry overview Operating characteristics Financial issues Current and environmental issues Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ What I Want Students to be Able to Do Create a presentation on Maritime Transportation. Apply gained knowledge to a written quiz. 4 Assessment and Measurement Criteria: Students will be assessed using the following: Participation during presentation and video. Team and individual scoring during the Maritime Transportation Presentation Maritime Transportation Quiz Time Required to Complete Lesson 1 (Estimated): Five 45-minute class periods for completion of this lesson. Module Support Materials Summary Contemporary Logistics by Paul Murphy Transportation by Coyle, Bardi, Cavinato Transportation, (2009) 01:29, August 6, 20009 from Student Access to computers (recommended) Websites: www.targetjob – Extreme Engineering: Container Ship found at (1 of 6 parts) Other Internet articles as specified in each individual module. Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 5 Lesson 1 Discovering Maritime Transportation Time Estimate: 5 45-minute class periods Objectives 1. Describe Maritime Transportation 2. Discuss and View Container Ship and Port Operations. 3. Present information about Maritime Transportation to peers. Materials & Resources Websites: www.targetjob – Extreme Engineering: Container Ship found at (1 of 6 parts) Agenda Step Minutes Activity 1 20 2 45 3 90 4 55 5 15 Discuss with the class maritime transportation using the Discovering Maritime Transportation PowerPoint Presentation. Show students the Extreme Engineering: Container Ship found at (1 of 6 parts). There are six parts on YouTube. You may consider making a worksheet to engage students will viewing the show. Handout the Discovering Maritime Transportation Presentation Assignment and review with students. Partner up the students and give the students time to complete their presentations. They will need computer/internet access to complete the research and presentation. Depending on class size, have your students give their 5 minute presentations. You can score with the Discovering Maritime Transportation Presentation Rubric. Give students the Discovering Maritime Transportation Quiz at the end of the lesson. Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 6 Teacher Resources See Attachments Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 7 A P P E N D I X Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 8 Glossary of Terms Bunkering - Fueling a ship or vessel DOT- Department of Transportation FMC – Federal Maritime Commission Intermodal – The combination of more than one mode of transportation and results in the interchange of equipment Maritime – Connected with the sea OSHA- Occupational Safety & Health Association Port - A town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload Discovering Maritime Transportation #__-___-___ 9