Unit 3 Vocabulary Assignment

Van Goor
US History
Unit 3 Vocabulary Assignment
Directions: match the words below with the appropriate definition. Each definition
will be used ONE time.
1. ________Confederation
10. _________Limited government
2. ________Shay’s Rebellion
11. _________Federalism
3. ________Ratify
12. _________Separation of powers
4. ________Federal Government
13. _________Precedent
5. ________Constitution
14. _________ Tariff
6. ________Federalist
15. _________Political party
7. ________Anti-federalist
16. _________ Northwest Ordinance
8. ________Unicameral
9. _________Bicameral
a. to approve
b. The government that directs the entire country (AKA: central government)
c. A law passed under the Articles of Confederation, this law established a
system for adding new states into the Union. First, according to this law, new
land would be called a territory, and when the population of the territory grew,
then it would become a state.
d. Tax on imports
e. The current plan for our government; this document organizes the structure of
our government. All laws must abide by the Constitution’s terms
f. A legislative body with only 1 chamber (1 group of legislators)
g. A legislative body with only 2 chambers (2 groups of legislators)
h. A government in which its powers are described and restricted
i. This event was an uprising of farmers that took place in Western
Massachusetts. This conflict showed the country that the Articles of
Confederation created a national government that was too weak.
j. A government that consists of a state and national level. The two levels
share powers.
k. A government where powers are divided into different branches
l. A government that is made up of a loose union of states (weak central
m. During the Constitutional Convention, these people supported the ratification
of the Constitution.
n. During the Constitutional Convention, these people did not support the
ratification of the Constitution, until the Bill of Rights was added.
o. Something done or said that serves as an example in the future
p. A refusal to get involved in other country’s issues and conflicts.
q. an organization that seeks to gain political power in government; the
membership of the party has similar policy ideals.