Chapter 17: Eukaryotic Microorganisms: The Fungi

Chapter 17
Eukaryotic Microorganisms: The Fungi
Chapter Summary and Essay Questions
The organisms discussed in Chapter 16, the fungi, are notably unlike the bacteria or viruses
studied in previous chapters because fungi are eukaryotes. Their physical structure has a level of
complexity that sets fungi apart from prokaryotes and viruses. Fungi have equally complex
reproductive cycles. They cause diseases that lack familiar names but can be serious threats to
health. On completing your study of the fungi, you should be able to answer the following essay
a. List the four major properties that set fungi apart from plants.
b. Write a clear description of the fungi, noting the characteristics of the fungal cells that
compose the filamentous hyphae.
c. Describe the absorptive characteristics of fungal nutrition, and then discuss the conditions
under which the fungi grow best in nature and in the laboratory.
d. Name and describe several different types of spores that can be produced by asexual
e. Explain the taxonomic format for classifying fungi into five phyla.
f. Outline the key characteristics that distinguish the five phyla of fungi, emphasizing the
methods of sexual reproduction.
g. List seven different species of nonpathogenic fungi, and state their importance in medicine or
h. Write a complete description of the brewing and baking yeasts, and explain their important
roles in various industries.
i. Differentiate between aflatoxin poisoning and ergotism, and describe examples of
mushroom poisoning (mycetism).
j. List the major characteristics of dermatophytosis, noting its cause, effect, and treatments.
k. Describe candidiasis, including the types of disease it may involve, its symptoms, and
l. Discuss how a person could contract sporotrichosis and identify the characteristics of the
n. Compare the characteristics of cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, and
coccidioidomycosis as respiratory infections.
m. Assess the life cycle, transmission, and treatment of Pneumocystis jiroveci in
immunosuppressed individuals, including AIDS patients.
Describe the fungal diseases caused by Aspergillus.