BSCI 338 B MARINE BIOLOGY Fall 2013 Professor: Dr. Marjorie L. Reaka Office Hours: By appointment Office: 4204 BioPsych Building 301-405-6944, Class: Tu, Th 11:00-12:15 Room 1238, Biology-Psychology Building Objectives: This will be a general introduction to the nature of the marine environment, the diversity and evolutionary history of organisms that live in the marine environment, and the primary processes that control the diversity, abundance and distribution of marine life. The course will emphasize the historical processes that have molded the life forms, the ecology and especially the diversity of marine life throughout the Earth’s history, particularly over the last half billion years. The course will have a strong historical and systematic focus as a way of understanding the present patterns of diversity of life in the sea. We also will examine the basic ecological patterns found in all of the major marine habitats and the impact of humans on the marine environment. Textbook: Marine Biology (2013, 9th Edition), by Peter Castro and Michael E. Huber, McGraw Hill. Exams: There will be two mid-term exams (each one hour and 15 minutes, in class: Thursday, October 3, and Tuesday, November 5). The final exam (2 hours, Monday, December 16, 8:00-10:00 a.m., this room) will be comprehensive but will emphasize the last third of the course. The midterm and final exam questions will cover lecture, discussion, and assigned reading material. Grading: Midterm I (Thursday, October 3) Midterm II (Tuesday, November 5) Final exam (Monday, December 16, 8:00-10:00 am, this room) Attendance (attendance will be taken at irregular intervals) 1 20% 25% 40% 15% 100% Assignment of grades will be based on: A = 90% B = 80% C = 70% D = 60% F = 50% Academic Integrity: The University has a Code of Academic Integrity, which is available on the web at The Code prohibits students from cheating on exams, plagiarizing papers, submitting the same paper for credit in two courses without authorization, buying papers, submitting fraudulent documents, and forging signatures. The University requires that students include the following signed statement on each examination or assignment: "I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination or assignment". Compliance with the code is administered by an Honor Council. Allegations of academic dishonesty can be reported directly to the Honor Council (301-314-9154) by any member of the campus community. Course Themes: 1. History of the world’s oceans over the last 4.5 billion years (with special emphasis over the last half billion years), including continental drift and major patterns in the diversification and extinction of life throughout this history. 2. The marine environment: a) the origins of the global, geological and depth provinces of the oceans, b) the geographical provinces of the oceans and their history, c) waves and tides, and d) the significance of the chemical/physical characteristics of seawater for marine organisms,. 3. The historical development and evolution of diversity in marine organisms: Marine microorganisms and fungi, marine plants, marine invertebrates, marine fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The evolution of these organisms over the last half billion years – and how this evolution has structured the marine communities we know today -- will be the major focus of this course. 4. The structure and function of modern marine ecosystems (intertidal communities, estuaries, subtidal and continental shelf communities, coral reefs, kelp forests, salt marshes, sea grass meadows, mangroves, open ocean, deep sea communities) will be discussed in the context of the biology and evolution of their major foundational organisms (e.g., kelp, corals, salt marsh angiosperms, sea grasses, mangroves, pelagic organisms, deep sea organisms, etc.). 5. Human impact and sustainability of the seas will be discussed in the context of the biology and evolution of each of the major groups of organisms and their communities. Schedule: Date Topic Assigned Reading Tues. Sept 3 Introduction, History of the oceans Lecture notes Thurs Sept 5 ----------------- History of the oceans Lecture notes 2 Tues Sept 10 The marine environment: Global, geological, geographical, and depth provinces of the oceans Chapters 3, 2 Thurs Sept 12 The marine environment: Winds and currents, El Nino and primary Productivity -----------------(Mon Sept 16 Chapters 3, 2 Last day of schedule adjustment) Tues Sept 17 Tides and waves; the significance of the chemical/physical properties of sea water for marine life history and diversity Chapters 3, 2, and Lecture notes Thurs Sept 19 Marine microorganisms—Diversity of Prokaryotes and Protistans in the sea, and the evolution of multicellularity Chapter 5 The evolution of marine multicellular plants I—Marine algae Chapter 6 Thurs Sept 26 -----------------Tues Oct 1 The evolution of marine multicellular plants II—Marine angiosperms Chapter 6 The evolution of fungi The evolution of marine invertebrates—Sponges Pp. 98-99 Chapter 7 Thurs Oct 3 -----------------Tues Oct. 8 MIDTERM I The evolution of diploblastic invertebrates—Cnidarians Chapter 7 Thurs Oct 10 -----------------Tues Oct 15 The evolution of diploblastic invertebrates—Cnidarians and coral reefs Chapters 7, 14 Coral reefs, Ctenophores, and pelagic life Chapters 7, 15 Thurs Oct 17 The evolution of triploblastic protostomous invertebrates—Flatworms and the evolution of bilateral symmetry Chapter 7 The evolution of complex life cycles and parasitism Chapter 7 The evolution of triploblastic protostomous invertebrates—Other worms: Annelids and relatives Chapter 7 Tues Oct. 29 The evolution of triploblastic protostomous invertebrates—Molluscs Chapter 7 Thurs Oct 31 -----------------Tues Nov 5 The evolution of triploblastic protostomous invertebrates—Molluscs Chapter 7 Thurs Nov 7 The evolution of triploblastic protostomous invertebrates—Arthropods in Paleozoic seas: Trilobites and Chelicerates -----------------Tues Sept 24 -----------------Tues Oct 22 Thurs Oct 24 --------------- -----------------(Mon Nov 11 Tues Nov 12 Thurs Nov 14 -----------------Tues Nov 19 MIDTERM II Chapter 7 Last day to drop with a ‘W’) The evolution of triploblastic protostomous invertebrates— Another great Paleozoic radiation of arthropods in the sea: Crustaceans Chapter 7 The evolution of triploblastic invertebrates—Twixters and Tweeners: Lophophorates, Chaetognaths, and bring on the deuterostomes Pp. 140, 147-49, 298, 311, 339, 364,, 401 The evolution of triploblastic deuterostomous invertebrates—The long and strange history of the Echinoderms Chapter 7 3 Thurs Nov 21 -----------------Tues Nov 26 Thurs Nov 28 -----------------Tues Dec 3 Thurs Dec 5 ----------------Tues Dec. 10 Thurs Dec 12 ------------------ The evolution of triploblastic deuterostomous invertebrates—Hemichordates and invertebrate chordates Chapter 7 The evolution of triploblastic deuterostomous vertebrates—Fishes Chapter 8 THANKSGIVING The evolution of triploblastic deuterostomous vertebrates —Tetrapods: The late and great marine reptiles Chapter 9 The evolution of triploblastic deuterostomous vertebrates—Copy cat sea birds back to the sea Chapter 9 The evolution of triploblastic deuterostomous vertebrates—Mammals too retake the sea Chapter 9 The rise of still another mammal: Human impacts on the sea Chapters 10, 17, 18 Mon Dec. 16 FINAL EXAM (8:00-10:00 am, This Room) 4