MMM_workshop 1

Healthcare workshop 1
Session 1 - Review different learning resources
The Objectives of this session are
 to introduce partcipants to various legitimate uses of ICT
to enhance teaching & learning
 to show participants how to access useful JISC resources
· Intro to subject specific resources and relevant JISC
This section provides access to subject specific resources
and relevant JISC services
JISC Sites
Scottish Sites
Other UK Official Health Sites
General Health Sites
JISC sites
Resource Discovery Network
Within the Biome hub of the RDN are 2 useful health information
OMNI offers free access to a searchable catalogue of quality
Internet resources in health and medicine.
NMAP is a nursing and health care resources gateway providing
access to evaluated, quality Internet resources in Nursing,
Midwifery and Allied Health Professions, aimed at students,
researchers, academics and practitioners.
Virtual Training Suite
Part of the RDN, the Virtual Training Suite provides Internet
tutorials in over 40 subject areas. A new tutorial for Health and
social care will be available from June 2002 outlining key sites for
health and social care students and lecturers.
Scottish Sites
Scottish Executive
The health department section provides policy documents and
information on all aspects of health care and issues in Scotland.
NHS Scotland
Scottish Health on the Web providing a focal point for NHS services
in Scotland. Links to all health boards, hospital etc. websites and
access to relevant reports and documents.
Health Education Board for Scotland
Health information and resources, including diseases, lifestyle and
other health issues for Scotland.
Think-Net is a discussion forum set up by Highland Council - a
‘virtual think-tank’ – a means of enabling everyone across the whole
region to exchange ideas. Many of the discussion cover health and
social care issues.
Other UK Official Health sites
Department of Health
The main UK government site for health and social care guidance,
publications and policy.
Health Development Agency
The Health Development Agency (HDA) was created to support and
enhance efforts to improve health and reduce inequalities of people living
in England. Working with a range of national and regional partners, it
plays an important role in assessing - and then disseminating - information
to improve the public’s health.
Health Promotion England
Information and links to sites and on health issues and promotion.
Mind Body & Soul
A website for young people aged 14-16, the lowdown on health in a
fun and interesting way. Designed not to tell them how to live their
life, but to provide accurate and up-to-date information about
General Health sites
Healthsites portal
The Healthsites portal is a leading medical portal for non-medical
people and healthcare professionals. It provides a quick route to
medical and health, including patients leaflets, health news, medical
advice, complementary medicines, diagnosis sites, and alternative
Healthnet was created by the Coronary Prevention Group (CPG) and
provides information on health promotion and heart disease.
British Nutrition Foundation
The BNF site includes information on aspects of food and nutrition.
Areas include diet throughout life, diet and health, energy and
nutrients, food commodities and hygiene.
BBC Health
This is the BBC gateway to a large number of BBC health related
Tufts Nutrition Navigator
The Tufts University Nutrition Navigator is an online rating and
review guide that provides users with links to useful, accurate
nutrition information on the Internet.
Surgery Door
Surgery door is a commercial website that provides comprehensive
and useful online health service information. Information includes:
healthy living advice, general medical information, NHS & benefits
and complementary medicine.
Inner Body
Human anatomy online with animations, graphics, and descriptive
Knowledge Utilisation Database
Although a Canadian site, the database provides access to documents
on innovation & smart practices, and policy & management of health
services throughout the world. Easily searchable through keyword
Review different types of Learing experiences using ICT
There are many way in which ICT can support the learning process.
Click on the links below for some examples
 lecture notes
 lesson plans & curriculum planning
 interactive tutorials, self-directed learning
 research
 self-assessment quizzes
 simulation
support functions / e-mail / newsgroups
Support functions / e-mail / newsgroups
See link:
Lecture notes
See link:
Lesson plans & curriculum planning
See link:
Interactive tutorials, self directed learning
See link:
See link:
Self-assessment quizzes
See link:
See link:
Session 2 - Using features of MSWord to create
interactive documents
The Objectives of this session are
to show participants how to use MS Word
to add enhancements to MS Word documents such as colour and
to create interactive documents
to introduce features available in MS Word which prepare
documents for on-line accessibility
to add sound to documents
to introduce useful tutoring tools such as adding comments and
tracking changes
· adding colour
See link: adding_colour.ppt
· sourcing and incorporating suitable graphics
See link: graphics.ppt
· inserting hyperlinks
See link: insert_hyperlink.ppt
· creating interactive elements
This section demonstrates how to use some advanced features of
WORD. Some interactive elements can be created quite easily.
Adding Comments - this can be used to add elements such as
glossery items, to give additional information & explanation of
technical terms & to add notes for learners during marking. You
will ba able to think of other uses.
Drag & Drop - using text boxes allows you to create simple drag
an drop activities - you do need to remember to save your file as
"read only" so the the original document cannot be changed by
any learner.
Drop Down Boxes - Using MSword it is possible to create simple
multiplechoice exercises.
Drag & drop
See link: drag_and_drop.ppt
Drop down boxes
See link: drop_down_list.ppt
See link: insert_comment.ppt
· saving in the appropriate format
See link: saving documents.ppt
· adding sound
See link: insert_sound.ppt
· tracking changes
See link: track_changes.ppt
Using tables
See link: tables.ppt
Session 3 Re-designing the learning experience for
21st century learners
The Objectives of this session are
to consider approaches to creating well designed learning
materials using ICT.
to introduce particpants to simple planning & design tools.
to consider other models of lesson planning.
to provide access to resources which support the use of
ICT to enhance teaching & learning.
First steps to lesson planning for ICT enhanced learning
See link: lesson_planning.ppt
Alternative models for lesson planning
See link: lesson_planning_models.ppt
Planning tools
The links below give access to planning forms which can be saved to
you hard disk and used freely.
scoping form
learning experience design form
object specification form
learner questionnaire
Resources - creating materials
nln - Creating On-line learning materials - A good practice guide for
E-learning guide from macromedia [registration required]
Technologies for training briefing papers
Session 4 - Consolidating the day & working on
This session provides an opportunity to develop a small piece of ICT enhanced
learning. Incorporating some of the ideas explored throughout the workshop and
consolidating knowledge & skills.