Татьяна Киреева



Часть I. Общая характеристика формата и содержательного компонента экзаменационного теста в разделе «Говорение»


Формат теста:

Экзаменационный тест по говорению состоит из трех тестовых заданий:

 тематическое монологическое высказывание,

 диалог с целью обмена фактической информацией

 диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией

Уровень сложности проверяемых умений различается по степени самостоятельности высказывания , сложности тематики, сложности используемых функций, сложности используемого языкового материала.

Задание 1: высказывание по теме (тематической проблемной ситуации 3-3.5 минуты, не менее 10-

15 фраз)

Уметь высказаться по теме (ситуации) в виде монолога, логично построить свое высказывание, продемонстрировать владение грамматическими структурами и хорошим словарным запасом в соответствии с поставленной задачей.

Задание 2: диалог с целью обмена фактической информацией ( 1- 1.5 минуты, не менее 5 реплик)

Уметь задавать вопросы, инициировать , поддерживать и заканчивать разговор с целью получения фактической информации, необходимой для принятия решения.

Задание 3: диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией (3- 4 минуты не менее 10 реплик)

Уметь начать, поддержать и закончить разговор, предлагать идеи, выражать свою аргументированную точку зрения, выяснять отношение собеседника к обсуждаемому вопросу, принимать совместное решение.


Продолжительность теста: 10-12 минут (включая разминку)


Критерии оценивания экзаменационного теста в разделе «Говорение»

Оценка устных ответов производится в соответствии со специально разработанной единой шкалой, в которой содержатся следующие критерии оценки:

1. Содержание:

 Соответствие содержания поставленной задаче

 Полнота раскрытия предложенной темы, логичность и связность высказываний

 Выбор правильного стиля речи (официальный, полуофициальный, неофициальный)

2. Взаимодействие с собеседником:

 Способность начинать и завершать беседу

 Способность поддерживать беседу, соблюдая очередность в обмене репликами

 Способность реагировать на смену темы беседы

 Способность переключать ход беседы на другую тему

 Способность восстанавливать беседу в случае сбоя

3. Лексический запас:

 Точность, адекватность использования в соответствии с ситуацией и заданными функциями

 Богатство и разнообразие

 Объем

4. Грамматическая правильность речи:

 Точность, адекватность использования грамматических конструкций в соответствии с ситуацией и заданными функциями

 Разнообразие

 Сложность

 Объем (количество реплик в диалогической монологической речи: 20-25)


5. Произношение:

 Произношение отдельных звуков

 Интонационный рисунок

 Ритм речи: минимум 10, количество фраз в

Часть II. Тренировочные типы заданий для подготовки учащихся к выполнению экзаменационного теста по говорению.

Как подготовиться к разминке?

Тестовый контроль по говорению включает 1-минутную беседу-разминку с экзаменатором. Для подготовки учащихся к разминке помогут вопросы:

Exercise1. Practise asking and answering the questions.

1) Where do you come from?

2) Where do you live? Do you live in a house or an apartment?

3) What’s it like?

4) How long have you lived there?

5) Do you like living there?

6) Can you tell us something about your neighbourhood?

7) Where do you think you’ll be living in 20 years’ time?

8) What do you do?

9) Do you enjoy studying ?

10) What does your study involve?

11) How do you normally travel to school?

12) What do you like most about your school?

13) What is your school like?

14) Have you got a large or a small family?

15) What do you do in your free time?

16) Where do you spend your holidays?

17) Do you have a regular pattern to your day? What usually happens?

18) What do you normally do at the weekends?

19) What kind of music do you like? /What kind of books do you like reading?

20) Do you play any musical instruments?

21) How much free time do you have?

22) Do you prefer cinema or theatre?

23) Have you always liked...?

24) When did you start learning English?

25) How do you think you’ll use it in the future?

26) Do you speak any other languages? How well?

27) How long have you been learning English?

28) What do you like or dislike about it?

29) Why are you learning it?

30) What do you want to do in the future?

31) Are you looking forward to your next holidays?

32) Have you got any plans for the future?

33) How do you feel about going to......?

Exercise 2. Read the questions. The answers contain common errors made by students. Correct the mistakes.

Let’s begin with your home town.



Where do you come from?

2) What do you like most about the town where


1) I’m coming from Rome. / I came from


2) I very like museums and theatres. you live?


What’s it like?

4) How long have you lived there?

5) Do you like living there?

And what about your family?



Do you have a large family or a small family?

Can you tell me something about your family?

8) And what about you?

And now let’s speak about your school life.

9) Do you enjoy studying ?

3) I like my flat very much.

4) I live there since five years.

5) Yes, I like living.

6) It is ordinary./ It is not large.

7) We are four in my family.

8) My name is… I’ am 16 years old.

10) What does your study involve?

11) How do you normally travel to school?

9) Yes, I very enjoy.

10) I don’t know.

11) By foot.

12) What is your school like?

13) How important is it for you to learn English?

14) How long have you been learning English?

Let’s move on to what you do in your spare time.

15) What is there to do in the evening in your home town?

16) Which do you prefer, watching TV or going to the cinema?

17) What sort of films do you like to watch?

Now, thinking about the future .

18) What kind of job would you like to do in the future?


12) It is modern and large.

13) I need English for to get a good job./ I need

English to travel.

14) I learn English since five years./ I learned

English for five years.

15) Anything. It’s boring./ Nothing.

16) I would rather prefer the cinema./ I prefer more better to watch TV.

17) I like more the action movies./ I very like detectives.

18) I’m hope to become engineer./ I think to becoming a doctor.

Соотнесение материалов УМК «OPPORTUNITIES» с тематикой общения и требованиями ЕГЭ

Социально-бытовая сфера общения.

Тема 1. Мои друзья и я. Взаимоотношения в семье, со сверстниками и взрослыми. Любовь и дружба.

Opportunities (beginner) SB p. 9,10,44 12,14-15, 16, 50-52

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.5,12-15,85-86

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.11,17,42,87,91

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p. 11,32,59,63,65,67,68,69

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.3,13,24,34,36,101,114,116,117, PB p.32

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания


Topic 1. Family Life

Situations for individual work

1) What creates a friendly, quiet (peaceful) atmosphere at home? Express your own point of view on family values.

2) What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and teenagers? Give your reasons.

3) What role do your relatives play in your life? With whom do you usually share your thoughts, problems, and secrets? Whose advice is the most valuable? Develop these ideas.

4) Give your opinion about the division of household tasks in the family. Is it still the woman who should actually do most of the household tasks or should the household duties be divided between the man and the woman?

5) Sometimes three generations with very different attitudes and lifestyles live together in one family home. What are some possible problems, and what can be done to keep them to a minimum?

6) Would you prefer to be an only child or one of the two or three children? Is it better to be the oldest or the youngest child in the family? Give your reasons.

7) What happens when people get married? Are there any special activities or customs? Give a portrait of an ideal wife and ideal husband. What qualities would you like to find in your ideal partner? Give your reasons.

8) The International Tourism Bureau invites you to take part in the competition «Do You Know the Russian Way of Life?». The participants are to answer questions on some certain themes:

What are marriage statistics in Russia?

How many families break up every year?

What kind of difficulties do young families have?

 Why don’t young married people have the necessary experience in family life?

How does the state help young families make a start in life?

Prepare a brief speech.

9) You have got a subject at school « Fundamentals of Family Life» . Your teacher cannot come to the lesson. She is ill. She asks you to make a report on «Russian Family».


10) Make a presentation of a new popular magazine «Family» , trying to attract the readers’ attention

to its interesting articles on various aspects of family life.

Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and

Disadvantages » discussions.

1) Consider the following: « Being married or being single» .Discuss the differences between them; the advantages

and disadvantages they have; say what you would do if you were given the choice.

2) Speak on advantages and disadvantages of living with parents and grandparents.

3) Would you prefer to be an only child or one of the two or three children? Discuss what the advantages / disadvantages are of :

 being an only child

 having brothers and sisters

 being a twin

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) There are famous sayings:

 « A house becomes a home with love inside».

 «There is no place like home», «East or West, Home is Best».

 «Men make houses, women make homes».

« A man’s house is his castle» (Edward Coke);

Give your comments.

2) Agree or disagree with the quotations; your opinion should be followed by some appropriate comment where possible:

 « All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way» ( Leo Tolstoy)

 « Home is the girl’s prison and the woman’s work-house». ( G.B. Shaw)

3) Try to explain how you understand these proverbs:

« As the baker- so the buns, as the father - so the son» ; «As the tree- so the fruit. Like father, like son»

«There is a black sheep in every flock»

Dramatizing and role-play

1) Your family is going to receive guests or give a party. You are discussing what should be done to make the house look better. Everyone is giving his/her suggestions. Act out a conversation.

2) The husband thinks the 17-year-old daughter is too young to go out on dates. The wife disagrees. Act out a conversation .

3) Dramatize a short play in which the members of the family greet the elder daughter who has just arrived and she is talking to her mother about her trip.

4) Act out a scene in which the family is planning a day out (or holiday) and discussing various ideas. Each member of the family suggests ideas of where to go, trying to convince the others that his/her idea is the best.

Topic 2: Friends and Friendship

Situations for individual work

1) Do you have a really good friend? Do you think that your friendship will last? What makes you think so?

What must we do not to make mistakes in choosing friends? Give your reasons.

2) A man’s character may be judged by noticing who his/ her friends and companions are. Do you agree with this

idea? Give your reasons.

3) The best friend is the one who helps you when you’re really in need of help. You get to know your real friends

when you are in a difficult situation. How else can you get to know your real friends? Develop these ideas.

4) «Friendship is a great human’s treasure». How do you understand these words?

5) A local radio station is running a «BEST FRIEND» of the year’s competition. To enter, you must write a short composition describing someone you really like. What can you write?

6) Which of the following do you think are important aspects in a friendship or in a steady relationship?

To have similar - tastes in music; tastes in food; habits and routines; hobbies and interests; opinions; backgrounds. What are chances of people with different tastes and personalities staying together?

7) What do you mean if you say about your friend, «her/his friendship means a lot to me»?

8) Say what you understand by active friendship. What must we do not to make mistakes in choosing friends?


Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and « Advantages and

Disadvantages» discussions.

Read these ideas about friendship and say if you agree or disagree. Give your arguments.

Friends are people to have fun with

Friends are people who have the same interests

Friends have no secrets from each other

 Friends tolerate each other’s moods and faults

 It’s a bad idea to have friends who are too close

 It’s better if a friend has different interests

 You can’t be a close friend with someone in your own family

You should try to get on well with everyone, not just friends

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) «A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud». Confirm or

refute these words of Emerson.

2) How do you understand these sayings about friendship:

 The only way to have a friend is to be one. (Emerson, «Friendship» , essays: First Series 1841)

A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (Aristotle)

Friends are like melons. To find one good, you must a hundred try. ( Claude Mermet)

 Before you look for friends you’d better become your own best friend.

Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. (Euripides, Orestes, 408 BC)

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. (Euripides, Orestes, 408 BC)

Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you. (Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927)

3) Explain your understanding of the proverbs:

«Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you who you are».

« Friendship cannot stand always on one side»

 «Actions speak louder than words»

«A friend in need is a friend indeed»

 «A friend is never known till a man has need»

 «A good friend is as sun in winter»

 When you are good to others, you are best to yourself»

4) Explain your understanding of the poem:

Friendship is a thing for two, Friend are people who share,

Three or four, even more, Friends are people who care.

Like a song that is made to sing They try to understand.

Friendship is a doing thing. They give a helping hand.

Topic 3: Describing people. Appearance and Character. What makes a personality?

Situations for individual work

1) We meet different people during our life. Say what kind of people you like and what kind of people you dislike.

Speak about reasons for your likes and dislikes.

2) Say what you notice first about a person when you meet him/her for the first time. Say how you judge people from first impression.

3) Say what is more important in a person- his character or his appearance. Give your reasons. What is easier to change your appearance or your character? Why?

4) Give examples of nobility of characters taken from works by Russian and foreign writers. Say which character is your favourite and why you like this character. Describe two literary personages who are antipodes.

5) Some people are respected by everybody, others only by one or two. Why? Express your opinion.

6) A person’s character is usually formed in childhood. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons. What are the essential factors that help mould a person’s character: background and environment; educational possibilities; cultural standards; circumstances.

7) Some people may not be able to see beauty when it is near them. What do we mean when speak about someone’s beauty? What is your idea of physical beauty? Can you name some famous people who are really beautiful?

8) One of Chekhov’s characters said that everything must be beautiful in a person- face, dress, spirit and mind.

How do you understand it?

9) What are the traits of an ideal friend / wife / husband your reasons.


? Do you think it’s good to live with an ideal? Give

10) Do you agree that people’s eyes tell you a lot about their personality? How do you understand these words:

«You must look into people as well as at them»; «Appearances are deceptive»?

11) What traits of character in your opinion do pupils appreciate in a teacher? Give your reasons.

12) Do you think the appearance is important when you want to get a job? Why? In what jobs do you think the appearance is essential? Why?

Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and

Disadvantages» discussions.

1) A stereotype is a fixed set of ideas that is generally held about the characteristics of a particular type of person, which are (wrongly) believed to be shared by all the people of that type. What is your stereotype of a British/

American person, Russian person?

2) Speak about possible people for this year’s title «PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR». They can be from the world of politics, entertainment, sport, the arts or business. Speak about reasons why you think he/she deserves the title.

3) What exactly do you understand by the word ‘IMAGE’? Why is image so important for media figures, like politicians , stars, etc. Is it important for you? Discuss the importance of these qualities, which of them you consider the most important for a political leader, what other qualities, in your opinion, are necessary for a political leader to have.

 an ability to organise and inspire others

 an ability to plan a campaign

 an ability to organise his/her mind

 great capacity for detail

 an ability to choose the right person for the right job

 readiness to accept responsibility

 willingness to make difficult decisions and stand by them

 honesty

 resolute determination

 enthusiasm

 high standards of personal conduct

4) In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous? Does fame change people? Have you ever met a famous person or received a letter from someone famous? If not, imagine it. If you saw someone famous in a public place like a restaurant, what would you do? What would you most like and most dislike about being famous? Express your ideas.

5) You are a top model. It’s not easy to be a high-fashion model. What difficulties and surprises do they face? What ridiculous things are there in this profession? Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of being a model.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Henry Longfellow, a famous American poet of the XIX century wrote, « Be noble in every thought and in every deed!» Did Longfellow want his readers to be honest to themselves and to other people? Discuss what the poet meant by these words.

2) Here are English proverbs: « Doing is better than saying», «Actions speak louder than words».

Give your own explanation of them.

3) How can you explain the sayings: «When you are good to others, you are best to yourself». Give examples from books and from your own life.

4) How can you explain these words:

Men and melons are hard to know.

The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer.

He that cannot obey, cannot command.

A lie stands on one leg, truth on two.

6) Explain the proverb: When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;

When health is lost, something is lost ;

( Benjamin Franklin )

When character is lost, all is lost.

7) Do you think that the saying «A beauty lives an easier life» is correct? Prove your point.

Dramatizing and role-play


1) You are a top model and you meet a friend of yours in the airport. Give him/her your news and find out where

he/she has been and what he/she has done recently.

2) You saw a film yesterday. You liked the play of an actress/actor who is well-known but you can’t remember her/his name. Describe her/his appearance to your friend, may be she/he will remember the actress’s /actor’s name. Act out a conversation.

3) You’re members of a beauty contest jury. Discuss the participants and choose the most beautiful girl. Dramatize the situation.

4) You witnessed a bank robbery. Describe the criminals for the policemen. Dramatize the situation.

5) Role-play.

Card A. You have two friends you like very much, but one of the friends does not like the other one. You plan

to invite both of them to your birthday party. Speak to the first friend to invite her/him.

Card B. You like your friend and want to go to her/his birthday party. However, your friend will probably

invite someone else you dislike very much. You think that being in the same room with this person

will ruin the party for you, so you decide not to go if that person is going.

When your friend invites you, tell him /her your feelings.

6) You’ve read an advertisement in a magazine and now you dream of becoming a model. You ring up to the agency and have a talk with an administrator. Act out a conversation.


Describing People

I. Focus on describing people.

1) Introduction ( why you know the person / how you met / how long you’ve known each other)

2) Appearance and character ( good/bad points / how he/she behaves)

3) Interests, hobbies, job

4) Reasons for liking/disliking

5) Conclusion ( what other people think of her/him /your feelings now)

II. Useful Vocabulary.

1) He/she is in his/her teens / is the same age as me/ is in his/her mid-twenties ... He/she is very sporty / is an easy-going person...

2) He/she looks very smart... / looks like a pop star ...

3) He/she seems ( looks) as if he / she doesn’t care about anything / he is hungry / she’s a bit aggressive....

4) He/ she has got curly hair / small eyes with wrinkles around them / bad temper...

5) He/she seems to be... good looking / doing..../ dressed up to go out ...

6) He/she sometimes (always, hardly ever...) looks/seems ...bored with life / tired...

7) He/she appears to be (rather)....../ tends to be...

8) He/she always wears ( is wearing) ... jeans and trainers/ wonderful hats...

9) He/she’ s the kind (sort) of person you can always have a laugh with / who has a big influence on others...

10) I think he/she should be ( have to be) ....quick-thinking/ imaginative/ strong and brave....

11) I think he /she must be ... as (in order)....

12) I think he/she might have been..../ might have gone....

13) His /her most striking feature is... her deep voice...../

14) The most striking thing about her/him is...the way he walks.../ her height...

15) The best (worst, most interesting...) thing about her is ... her sense of humour /the way she dresses...

16) He/she gives me the impression of... always being too busy to talk /that she understands everything / that she enjoys being with people....

17) I get the impression that.......

18) I would imagine she/he is... I would guess he/she is....

19) At first he can appear very confident... but when you get to know him better you realize that deep down, he’s quite a shy person...

20) The reason why I (other people) like him/her is because he/she has always been very honest / never criticizes others...

21) In my opinion.... To my mind.... It seems to me.... I really believe that....

22) On the other hand... I think it would be better if...

 HELP! What is the price of fame?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?


Celebrities have to look perfect all the time. There’s always a photographer ready to take a picture of a famous person.

Famous people will always be in the centre of attention

Famous people are written about and photographed for newspapers and magazines

Famous people have a lot of money and can buy anything they want

They can live in a luxurious house anywhere in the world

Famous people can travel a lot and meet celebrities

Famous people can use wealth and influence to help charity organizations

You will always be in the centre of attention



Celebrities sacrifice their private lives. Their personal problems, divorces, or family tragedies all end up as front-page news.

They are followed by crazy fans wherever they go.

The paparazzi follow celebrities and take pictures of them in unflattering and compromising poses. But for the celebrities these photos are an invasion of privacy.

They worry constantly about their reputation. Actors may lose their popularity, singers may lose their voices, athletes may be injured…

It’s difficult for famous people to know who to trust.

Ex-lovers may sell their stories to the newspapers.

Their accountants or impresarios may be secretly cheating them…

Famous people can never be sure whether people like them for themselves or because they are famous. For this reason, it’s difficult for them to make true friends.

Furthermore, celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind of attention. Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans are not unusual things in their lives.

Many of them suffer nervous breakdowns or drugs and alcohol problems.

Many celebrities say that their lives are far from being happy.

Тема 2. Проблемы свободного времени. Хобби и интересы.

Организация быта и досуга в странах изучаемого языка.

Opportunities (beginner) SB p. 48-49,54,58, 60, 84-86,56,88,106

Opportunities (elementary) SB p. 20-23,50

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.42,95

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.9,21,27-28

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.9,11,45,115

Longman Exam Companion p.8

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic 1: Leisure Time. Interests and Hobbies.

Situations for individual work.

1) What are your ideas of having good leisure time? Do you know which kinds of leisure are purely


2) Say whether you think the way you spend your leisure time depends only on your personal taste and nothing more. Are your interests also determined by your social background, intellect, inclinations, education, occupation, age and sex? Say how.

3) Say what kind of leisure young people prefer. Explain their preferences.


4) Some people say they should use their free time for more creative or constructive leisure, active sports and hobbies, others prefer quieter recreations. What are your tastes and preferences? Give your reasons.

5) Suppose tomorrow is your day off. What would you prefer to get up early and spend the day in the country or to stay at home and sleep in, watch TV and read books. Give your reasons.

6) Tell us how you usually like spending your weekend. Speak about some of the differences in your lifestyle.

7) Your foreign pen-friend wants to know how Russian teenagers spend their free time. What would you write?

8) Do you think cars, telephones, TV etc. are good or bad for our leisure? Give your reasons.

9) Speak about a holiday you remember because it was special. Say about the things you liked most of all.

10) When friends go on holiday they sometimes come back as enemies. Why do you think this

happens? Has it ever happened to you? What things can go wrong? Give some examples.

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) Work in groups. Try to come to some sort of agreement between you on each of the activities in the list below.

Decide which is the:* most exciting, *dullest, *most dangerous, *safest, *most energetic,* most restful, *most

rewarding, *most mindless :

butterfly collecting, learning a foreign language, watching television, playing the piano, stamp collecting,

cooking, cycling, knitting, walking..., reading..., sewing, disco dancing, hang-gliding, mountain climbing,

playing football, scuba diving, skiing, parachuting, swimming, fishing. Give your reasons.

2) There are city and village leisure activities. How do they differ? Where do people have more advantages? Name several city and countryside leisure activities which people enjoy . Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of both.

3) Discuss the problem: «British and American influence on our way of life and leisure activities»

Areas of influence: TV, radio, press, films, music, eating habits, sport games, reading..., watching...,

advertising, clothes, travelling, spending weekend... Develop these ideas.

4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of passive entertainment (films, TV, video games, etc.) and active leisure (sport, hobbies, etc.)?

Discussing quotations , sayings and proverbs.

1) Here is a proverb «All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy». What does it mean? Is play important in modern life? Is it more important than it used to be? What role does it play today (Think about your personal life, health, politics etc.)?

2) Comment the sayings:

« To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilisation, and at present very few people have

reached this level» ( Bertrand Russell)

« We are closer to the ants than to butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure»

( Gerard Brenan)

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) Imagine that you want to rent a country cottage for the summer period. Phone the landlady and ask her all

possible questions to get more information about the summer cottage and neighbourhood.

2) What would you say in the following situations? Act a dialogue. a) You feel tired. You think you need a holiday. Talk about your plans for summer holidays. b) A friend suggests going to a party. You would like to go to a disco. c) Your favourite pop singer is coming to your town. Your friend thinks there will be lots of tickets left. You think you should buy them now. d) You are going to take part in an interview with a famous ballet dancer.

3) Mr and Mrs Smiths booked a holiday with Sunlight Tours. It was disastrous. When they got back, Mr Smiths went to see the travel agent. Imagine their conversation.

4) You have a guest from Great Britain. Discuss where to go and what is worth seeing in or near St.Petersburg.

Talk about such things as concerts, movies, art shows, museums, sports events, dancing halls, shopping...

5) Remember the last hike your classmates and you went on. Exchange your opinions about the hike and give your ideas for the next hike you are planning. (Act out a conversation)

6) Suppose your classmate would prefer spending a weekend at home rather than going out somewhere. You are surprised.(Act out a conversation)

7) You are a famous journalist of the magazine «Leisure». You are asked to have an interview with a group of pupils from Great Britain. Do, please. (Act a dialogue)


Topic 2 : Cinema, Theatre and Concert in our Life

Situations for individual work.

1) Many people believe that it is much more convenient to watch a performance on TV at home. You don’t have to bother about the tickets, a baby-sitter, transport etc. What do you think about it? Give your reasons.

2) Describe a performance you have seen recently. Were there any particular attributes of the performers that you admired? Tell you friend the plot of the performance which you saw.

3) You’re invited to deliver a lecture on the subject «Cinema and Theatre in the XXI century».What are you going to tell about?

4) A delegation of students came to your school. What theatre would you advise them to visit? Give reasons for your choice.

5) Some days ago you participated in the World Film Festival. Share your impressions, thoughts, ideas about this festival.

6) What do you think of foreign films and TV programmes? Are they better than local programmes or not? Are they a good or a bad influence? Why (why not)? Speak about a film or a television programme.

7) Why is video so popular nowadays? Give your reasons.

8) Imagine you are a reporter who has a task to write an article about an actor/actress. Who are you going to write about? .

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) Which do you prefer: seeing films at the cinema or on video / TV? Why? Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of both.

2) Choose a performance or a film which is well-known. One group gives a favourable opinion of it. Another group gives an unfavourable opinion of the same performance or film.

3) Your friend is eager to become an actor. He considers the actors’ profession very romantic. Tell him about some social problems of this profession. Let him see this profession from both positive and negative points of view.

Topic 3. Music

Situations for individual work.

1) What role does music play in your life? What do you most appreciate in music : its originality, tunefulness, diversity and richness of tunes , its emotional power, complexity or something else? What associations strike you, and what images or colours appear while you listen?

2) Do you often listen to music? Is listening to music good entertainment for you? What emotions does music arouse in you? How does it affect you? Give your reasons.

3) You are invited to deliver a lecture on the subject «Music of the XXIst century». What are you going to tell about?

4) Who is your favourite group/singer? Do you prefer to listen to them at the concert, watching on TV or listening to their records? Why? Give your reasons.

5) Do you watch pop videos? What do you think of music videos? What makes a ‘good’ pop video? Share your ideas.

6) Imagine that you are to arrange a pop concert. What singers will you invite? What will the programme be like?

What do you know about the famous music festivals which are held in Russia/Britain?

7) Are you a fan of any pop or rock group? What makes it your favourite? Do you think that musical tastes change when a new generation comes? What are the young people’s musical preferences today?

8) We call jazz «the music of freedom». Explain why. What streams of popular music can you name? What functions should music have?

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) One group likes classical music, another is delighted with pop or rock. Discuss «For and Against».

2) Many people say that learning music is a waste of time. Discuss «For and Against».

3) Discuss the problem «Music for children is a serious task».

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Comment on the saying «Music is the universal language of mankind» (Longfellow).

2) How do you understand these words: «Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy» ( Ludving van Beethoven); «If music be the food of love, play on».( William Shakespeare)

3) Discuss the following quotations: « Music is a free sky, the sea» (Debussi);

11 art, an open-air art, an art boundless as the wind, the

Dramatizing and role-play.

Act out a conversation:

Your mother/father cannot stand rock music and he/she never listens to it. You try to convince him/her that rock music is important in your life.

Your sister has just come back from Mariinski Theatre where you heard... She tries to describe you how much she enjoyed the opera, but you, being no great lover of opera music, turn a deaf ear.

Topic 4. Reading Books

Situations for individual work.

1) Why do people read books? Say what role books play in our live and how they form our moral values.

2) Are you a serious reader? Describe your personal reading habits , explaining how these have changed over the years since your childhood. Say what emotions you feel when reading different kinds of books and how these emotions are determined by the contests of the book, its problems, its language and the way the characters are depicted.

3) Radio, video and TV have made reading unnecessary. Do you agree? Give your reasons. What kinds of information do you prefer to get from a computer or from books? Are CD-ROMs going to replace printed books, magazines and newspapers?

4) What literary genre do you prefer and why? Give your reasons.

5) The best way to understand a nation is to read its great authors. Do you agree? Give your reasons.

6) How do you select books for your home library? What books do you prefer to borrow from a public library?

What is your idea of a private collection of books? What makes you decide to read a particular book: a friend’s recommendation, reading the first page, reading reviews, reading the blurb on the cover- or something else?

Share your ideas.

7) There are books which have been our great favourites since childhood. We grow up with them , and they stay in our memory for ever. Why do you think this happens? Give examples of books which you keep in your memory.


8) Which book or story has most frightened you? What elements are important for an exciting supernatural story?

Give your reasons.

9) Many fairy stories are set in far off times with princesses , knights, witches, wizards, dragons and magic wands, mirrors and carpets. How could these stories be made more up-to-date and modern? Which people and objects would you use in a modern tale? Tell us a modern version of a well-known tale.......

10) Give an example of a book character who impressed you or who you like or dislike. Say what emotions his/her actions, behaviour, manners and words aroused in you. Describe some two literary personages who are antipodes. A story’s success often depends on how well the characters are presented. Do you agree? Give your reasons.

11) There are a lot of masterpieces in literature but only very few writers become your favourites. Why? Give your reasons.

12) Do you agree that both classical and contemporary writers appeal to readers? Speak about the attraction of the classics and modern literature.

13) Love for reading gives those who are great readers of books an advantage over those who have not read so much. Do you agree with these words? In what way do you think they are true? Develop this idea.

14) Many popular novels and stories have been adapted for the theatre, television, and film. What do you think of this practice? Are all screen and stage adaptations successful ? Do they add to the popularity of the book, or can they only spoil your impressions of it? Give your reasons.

15) This is the last sentence of a story: «That was the last time she ever spoke to him». Make up an interesting story.

16) Imagine that you are walking in the forest. Suddenly you meet.... Make up an interesting story.

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) One group likes reading detectives, another is delighted with science fiction. Discuss «For and Against».

2) Many people say that reading tales is a waste of time. Discuss «For and Against».

3) Choose a novel or a story which is well-known. One group gives a favourable opinion of it. Another group gives an unfavourable opinion of the same novel or a story.


Discussing quotations , sayings and proverbs.

1) Comment on the statement « Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed

and digested» (Francis Bacon, an English politician, philosopher and writer, 1561- 1626).


Comment on the saying «Books and friends should be few but good. Speak about your favourite writer or about the book that impressed you.

3) «A house looks glum and joyless without books». Do you agree with this statement?

4) How do you understand the statement «Book is a means of communication»?

5) «There is an art of reading as well as an art of thinking and an art of writing». (Isaac D’Israeli)

6) «Poetry is language that tells us, through a more or less emotional reaction, something that cannot be said.»(Edwin Arlington Robinson) How do you respond to poetry?

7) Comment on these quotations:

«Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body»; «Choose an author as you choose a friend»;

«All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour and the books of all time»; «If the book is worth

reading it is worth buying»; «A good children’s book has no age limit».

8) Share your opinions:

« Tell me what you read and I will tell you what you are».(W.Goethe)

« Reading is the best learning.» (A. Pushkin)

« Bad books are worse than useless; they are harmful».(L.Tolstoy)

Dramatizing and role-play.

Act out conversations.

One of you is looking for a good book to read. The other one has just read a book which he would like to recommend.

 One of you has just read a book which disappointed him. The other one asks what caused his partner’s disappointment.

One of you has been greatly impressed by the book he has just read and he expresses his delight with it. The other one asks what aroused his partner’s admiration.



* on an excursion

* to a disco/ concert/ exhibition

* to the cinema/ theatre/ museum

* to parties/ friends’ homes

* for a walk in the park or


* sports / crosswords

* the garden

* household(domestic) chores


* Musical instruments

* sports/ cards

* computer games





* books / calendars/ stamps


* television

* match boxes / pictures / coins

* postcards / badges/ toys

* paintings

* insects (butterflies)

* live sport

Painting / Drawing

* pictures / portraits


* dancing / singing / reading / listening to

* knitting / sewing / cooking/ fishing

* walking the dog/ walking round the town

* eating out/ sitting in cafes

* working in the garden


* models / clothes


 HELP! About Hobbies (patterns)

1) When I have free time, I enjoy………

2) The most popular hobby is………….

3) I’m interested in………. / My friend is interested in……../ I’m fond of……../ I’m keen on………

4) Every week I visit/ go / do / attend….

5) This hobby is useful because it……..( helps me…, is good for my health, it educates people, allows to understand life better, helps me to learn well, is important for art education, mobilize me to work with enthusiasm, helps me to learn singing /dancing…….)

6) You need a lot of time for this hobby/ it can be expensive/ it can be dangerous/ it is exciting….


Visiting cinemas, theatres and concerts

I. My Visit to the Cinema/ Theatre.

1) Usually/sometimes/as a rule... we go to... cinema because.....

we go to .... o’clock show

2) As for me, I like to go.....

3) My seat is/was.... in the dress-circle/ balcony/ stalls

in... row

4) There was ... a newsreel /a documentary film / a cartoon film... before the film.

5) It is/was... a comedy/ a filmed concert/ a war film/ a political film/ an educational film/ a film

which had a lot of good music/ a film about foreign countries/ a documentary film/ a

film version of a story or book/ a film about present-day problems/ a film about great.../

a film which keeps you thinking...

6) The film is/was based on... the novel/ story / play.....

7) The film is/was produced by.... studio.

8) The script was written by.....

9) The director of the film is......

10) Starring in......are/were......

11) The film shows (ed)....... struggle of...against.../ love and friendship among..../ complex

relations between...../ the fate of..... during.....

12) The direction is skillful.

13) The acting is... real / true to life / excellent / first-class

14) I enjoyed this film ,because...

II. About Actors

1) ... is/was the most popular / talented / well-known / .... / actor

2) .... has already played ...roles in....

has appeared in several films...

starred in different roles.......

3) It’s interesting to know that.....

4) As for me, I like him /her best in the part of......

5) ......is/was one of his/her best roles.

6) ......has been on the stage for....years.

7) ......is known all over the world as......

8) Perhaps you’ve heard his name and even seen him in.....

III. The Characters.

1) The main /minor characters in this film /play are....

2) I would describe her/him as....

She/he seems to be......(stupid/boring/lazy/hard working/honest/dishonest/careless....) because...

in line......he/she says.....(reacts......)

The way he/she (re) acts shows that.....

In my opinion he/she should (shouldn’t ) have......

His/her feelings are realistic /understandable/ hard to understand.....

4) The relationship between the characters is....

Their relationship changes/develops

At first...... but later......

IV. The plot.


1) I find the plot of the story simple/realistic/far-

2) The turning point in the story is in line...../part...... when...... fetched/absurd.....

3) The story shows (some) positive/negative aspects of.....

4) The story is told from......’ point of view.

5) In the first the poet addresses death /the question of immortality/

chapter/ paragraph... the novelist deals with the topic/ theme of.....

the writer introduces

6) The focus/ emphasis is on the nature of their relationship/ the problem of....

7) This film .... is based on a true story / the author’s own experience

8) This film/ play..... deals with......

depicts the events.....

gives a serious (humorous) portrait ( description) of.....

10) I hadn’t expected that.....

The beginning/ ending is (not) surprising (at all)

The ending is quite disappointing

I wouldn’t call this a happy ending.

I wouldn’t call this a happy ending.

V. Your opinion.

1) I find the film/ play...... great /interesting/ exciting/ terrific/ sad/ awful/ funny.....

2) It’s terrible/ boring/far-fetched.......

3) It reminds me of......

/ evokes a feeling of....../ helps the spectator to understand......./arouse our curiosity

4) My point of view is that.....

5) My first impression was.....but later.......

6) I like(enjoyed) it. I didn’t....it. It’s OK but I have seen better ones.

7) I find it difficult to believe that...../ surprising that....../incredible that.....

8) The film/play..... appeals to /excites/ depresses..... me because.....


Reading books

Conversational Patterns ( Analysing stories, poems and songs)

I. The structure of a text.

1) This story/ poem/ song is about......

2) The action takes place in...../ during...... The setting of the story is.....

3) The text is (can be) divided into....parts. The first part is about...... I suggest the following headings for each part......

4) This poem/song consists of.....verses. The speaker in this poem/song is.....

5) The poem rhymes (doesn’t rhyme).

6) The narration is conducted in the first /third person.

The narration is given at two levels ( reminiscences and dialogue)

7) The author’s (hero’s) thoughts are reproduced in the form of inner speech.


The author’s speech is blended with the inner speech of heroes.

9) The author puts across his/her message very directly

conveys rather confusingly

10) The poet wishes to make a philosophical point /create the impression that...../ to place great emphasis on....

11) The writer satirizes / makes fun of..../ caricatures this kind of behaviour ( people who..../ upper-class people)

II. The language and the style of the text.

1) The author’s style is concrete /emphatic/ naturalistic/ rich in colour contrasts/ objective impersonal/realistic/ simple and unadorned

2) His method of description is mostly direct

3) He has an eye for detail and typical situation

4) The language in this text is quite formal/informal / bookish / rich in terms borrowed from the sphere of art

(philosophy, literary criticism) / close to the language of real life / full of colloquialism

5) The author uses a lot of difficult / simple words

6) Some sentences are hard/ easy to understand

7) The author’s handling of dialogue is masterly

8) This passage is a specimen of his satirical art. His satire is pessimistic.

9) The extract abounds in humour /irony.....


III. The characters.

1) The main /minor characters in this story are....

2) I would describe her/him as....

She/he seems to be......(stupid/boring/lazy/hard working/honest/dishonest/careless....) because...

in line......he/she says.....(reacts......)

The way he/she (re) acts shows that.....

There are some details in the text which show that.....

In my opinion he/she should (shouldn’t ) have......

His/her feelings are realistic /understandable/ hard to understand.....

4) The relationship between the characters is....

Their relationship changes/develops

The characters in the story (don’t) change

At first...... but later......

IV. The plot.

1) I find the plot of the story simple/realistic/far-fetched/absurd.....

2) The turning point in the story is in line...../part...... when......

3) The story shows (some) positive/negative aspects of.....

4) The story is told from......’ point of view.

5) In the first the poet addresses death /the question of immortality/

chapter/ paragraph... the novelist deals with the topic/ theme of.....

the writer introduces

6) The focus/ emphasis is on the nature of their relationship/ the problem of....

7) This story/song/poem.... is based on a true story / the author’s own experience

8) The poem/story/song... begins / opens/ ends with.....

9) This extract deals with......

depicts the events.....

gives a serious (humorous) portrait ( description) of.....

10) I hadn’t expected that.....

The beginning/ ending is (not) surprising (at all)

The ending is quite disappointing

I wouldn’t call this a happy ending.

V. Your opinion.

1) I find the story/song/poem...... great /interesting/ exciting/ terrific/ sad/ awful/ funny.....

2) It’s terrible/ boring/far-fetched.......

3) It reminds me of......

The first line (opening paragraph, fourth chapter, second act.....) reminds me of...../evokes a feeling of....../ helps the reader to understand......./arouse our curiosity

4) My point of view is that.....

5) My first impression was.....but later.......

6) I like(enjoyed) it. I didn’t....it. It’s OK but I have read better ones.

7) I find it difficult to believe that...../ surprising that....../incredible that.....

8) The poem/song/story..... appeals to /excites/ depresses..... me because.....

 HELP! A book review

1) Introduction (What’s the title of the book?

Who’s it written by? Is it easy/heavy reading? What type of the book is it?)

2) Setting (Where does it take place?)

3) Characters (Who are the central characters? ( good/ bad characters; traits of character)

4) Subject / Plot ( What is it about? What happens?)

5) Opinion ( How would you describe it? Did you enjoy it? Why? What did you especially like/dislike about the book? Would you recommend it to other people to read?)

 HELP! A film review

1) Introduction (What is the title/name of the film? Who’s it directed by? Is it well-directed? What type of film is it? Is the film based on fact or it’s a pure fiction? Is it a book version?)

2) Setting ( Where does it take place? )

3) Actors and actresses ( Who plays the leading part? Who stars in the film? Is the acting convincing?)

4) Subject / plot ( What is it about? What happens?)

5) Opinion (How would you describe it? (exciting, boring…) What did you especially like/dislike about the film? Would you recommend it to other people to see it?)


Useful Vocabulary

1) The film is directed / produced by……….. It is set in….. It stars………..

2) It portrays / shows ………. It conveys a scene of……..

3) The role of X is played by…….. X gives a superb / thrilling/disappointing performance………

4) I can thoroughly recommend………

5) I found the plot rather weak / unconvincing

6) If you want an exciting / boring/ frightening evening, then go and see………..(the name of the film)

7) If you like police dramas, then (the name of the film) is definitely the film for you


If you are wondering what to go and see on Saturday night, I suggest ………

9) Michael Douglas has starred in many fine films, but (the name of the film) is not one of them


Books on the Screen


When a novel or play is adapted for the screen it reaches a huge new audience.

A successful screen adaptation helps to promote the original book and increase its sales. Recently filmed or televised books can become bestsellers .

Pictures make stories more vivid and lifelike.

People lead busy lives these days. They don’t want to spend a week reading a novel when they can watch the film version in two hours.

Some screen adaptations are good, others are bad, but the main point about them is that they increase choice. You can read the book first and then see the film… see the film, then read the book.


 Reading is active… your mind has to work and create images. Watching is passive… you just sit there and all the work is done for you. It’s less satisfying.

 When you are reading a book you’re able to stop and start whenever you like. The book can become a part of your life for a week- two weeks- however long it takes to read.

Screen adaptations are never as subtle and complex as the books or plays they’re based on. Characters are cut out, scenes removed… that’s because time is always a key issue.

Books can tell you what characters are thinking. Films and TV serials can’t. They have to use dialogue instead.

A really bad screen version of your favourite book can ruin the original novel for you.






Young people search for new rhythms and new styles

The new rhythms are full of vigor and force: just what appeals to younger people. The tunes are happy and easily caught

The words of the songs deal with the younger people’s world; their hopes, dreams, disappointments and joys

4) Young people “get tremendous kicks” listening to this kind of music

It’s an experimental kind of music: different groups are looking for new forms

This music is very popular, it people



1) It gives the listeners a keen sensual delight and pleasure

2) It has a deep intellectual appeal

3) It has a strong ethical effect: it ennobles the listener, makes him better and more humane

4) It condemns evil and supports the ideas of good

5) It creates a special spiritual world for the listener which immensely enriches his inner life and makes him happy


Pop music




1) The rhythms may be new and vigorous, but they lack variety, it’s the same monotonous beat again and again. The tunes are mostly primitive and as easily forgotten as caught

2) The words of some of the songs are absolutely senseless

3) Medical research has proved beyond doubt that the volume of sound produced by powerful music at some pop concerts does great damage both to the sense of hearing and to the nervous system

4) In Australia taped pop music is used to frighten the sharks off the public beaches. Obviously the sharks’ nerves cannot endure this kind of noise


1) It is a complicated art: it’s difficult to find one’s way into it

2) It’s an exclusive art: most people don’t like or understand it. It’s not a popular art

3) The very length of most classical musical pieces can send any listener to sleep

4) People want the kind of music to which they can dance or just talk to friends.

 Тема 3. Здоровый образ жизни. Спорт.

Opportunities (beginner) SB p. 40-42

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.56-58, 60,62-63,64,66 PB p.46

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.7,12-13

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.63-65,72,75

Longman Exam Companion p.8

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic 1: Sports and games.

Situations for individual work.

1) Say if you play any sport, if there is any sport that you hate, if you have a national sporting hero, if you prefer individual or team sports. Give your reasons.

2) Speak about the role of sport in our life. What sports are popular in Russia?

3) Is sport compulsory in school? What sports do children play?

Speak about sport activities in your school.


4) Do you prefer going to sports events or watching them on TV? Why? Give your reasons.

5) Speak about a sporting event you recently attended or watched on TV.

6) Say whether you think some sports should or shouldn’t be banned , e.g. boxing, Sumo-wrestling or ‘martial arts’ like Kung Fu. Which sports do you think are the most dangerous, the most exciting or the most spectacular?

7) Speak about the most popular indoor and outdoor games. What is the «sporting spirit»? What sport appeals to many adventurous people? Give your reasons.

8) Can we say that the British are a sporting nation? Speak about sport in Britain.

9) What are the most popular and the most unpopular sports in the USA? Speak about sport in the USA.

10) Camping is fun for both heart and body. Do you agree? Give your arguments

11) What do you know about the history of the Olympic Games ? Speak about the latest Olympic Games.

12) Say if sport plays a great role in your life. Tell us about the most interesting sport event of this year which was held in your school.

13) You participate in the TV-Bridge between English (or American) and Russian teenagers. What questions would you ask the audience of the other side about their attitude towards sport, about their favourite athletes and about the most important latest sport events.

14) How does your health depend on your life style? Is sport a hobby or part of your everyday life? Why is it important to exercise every day? What do you do to keep fit?

15) Would you like to be a professional sportsman? Talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

16) What famous sportsmen do you know? What questions would you ask him/her if you were a correspondent?

17) You are a student of the College of Physical Culture. Prepare your report for the seminar on «The Russia’s

Participation in the Olympic Games».

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and « Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) Agree or disagree:

Taking part in sports helps develop the character of young people. That is why all young people must take part in sport.

Team games develop team spirit and working together. Team games encourage people to be competitive.

 «Fair play» and «playing the game» is more important than winning.

Individual sports develop the individual more than team games.

2) The first group is for individual sports, another group is for team sports. Discuss for and against.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

Comment on the following proverbs:

«A sound mind in a sound body» ( Здоровый дух в здоровом теле)

«In sports and journeys men are known»

«It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game»

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) You have recently taken up a new sport. Talk to a friend describing the activity and saying why it would be a

good thing for him/her to take it up as well.

2) You are doing a survey for the local newspaper. You are asking students what they think about sport at school.

(Act out a conversation).

3) Imagine you are a radio sports announcer. You have just witnessed a football game or some other sports event.

First tell who you are and where you are broadcasting from. What would you say about the highlights in the exciting game?

4) Your American pen-friend is a sporting commentator. He has come to Russia with the American baseball team.

He is interested in various foreign sports which have been given attention to in Russia lately. (Act out a conversation)

Topic 2. Being Fit and Healthy.

Situations for individual work.

1) Fitness is important. The fitter you are the better you feel and the more you can enjoy life. What do you do to keep fit? Develop your ideas.

2) Every year we all suffer from the epidemics of the flu. Describe the symptoms of this disease and say what should be done in case you fall ill with it.

3) You have made your mind to lose weight. Would you keep a diet or do exercises? Give your reasons.


4) Camping is fun for both heart and body. Do you agree? Give your arguments.

5) You have broken your arm/leg but you want to carry on with your normal daily activities. What kinds of difficulties would you face? How would you get over them?

6) Speak about medical service in St.Petersburg. Describe your visit to the doctor (or the dentist). What improvements could be introduced?

7) Who speaks more often about health -young people or old people? Why? Give your reasons.

8) Many people like to give advice to a person if he isn’t well. Say what advice you can give to a person if he has a splitting headache; if he has a terrible toothache; if he has a high temperature; if he has a bad cough; if his nose is clogged up; if his eyesight has become worse; if he’s hurt his leg and has a sharp pain; if his stomach aches; if he has a sore throat; if your friend wants to lose a lot of weight very quickly.

9) Health is very important for all people. Tell us what you should do to be in good health. What Laws of Health do you know? Say what people must do to prevent illness, what medical examination is very important and necessary.

Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) Group discussion. Look at these symptoms. Can you diagnose this illness?

*sore throat; *sneezing; *runny nose; *aching limbs; *coughing; *shivering

What is the cure for this illness?

2) What advice did the doctor give for each situation?

 A teenage girl doesn’t want to eat. She is very thin, but she thinks she is still too fat.

A successful middle-aged businessman works twelve to sixteen hours every day, seven days a week. He doesn’t take time to relax.

A student is tired all the time. He/she studies a lot , eat junk food and drink a lot of coffee.

Discussing quotations, proverbs and sayings.

1) «The first wealth is health» (Emerson)

1) «Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little , to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing» (Voltaire)

2) «Health is above wealth». It is a very popular saying. Why do people value health so high. ? What are the main principles of healthy life?

3) The doctor recommended his patient to follow the rule «Eat at pleasure, drink with measure, and enjoy life as it is». What do you think about this piece of advice?

4) « Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise». What do you think about it?

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) Role-play . A person has been ill for a long time and he does not feel fit. He wants the doctor’s

advice. He goes to see the doctor. The doctor asks his patient some questions , then he gives him


1) Role-play. You are staying with a family in Britain and you don’t feel well one morning when you come down to breakfast. You don’t want to upset anybody, so you try to eat you breakfast. Your partner notices that something is wrong with you and asks how you feel. You say that you feel ill and describe what is wrong (a sore throat....)

You wonder whether you should phone the doctor.


Should skateboarding be banned in public places?

Some say skateboarding in public places is dangerous. Others say it’s not only fun but a right. What do you think?


Skateboarders have no respect for other people.

They cut off cars, bump into people, clog up sidewalks.

Skateboarders disrupt traffic and bother pedestrians.

Skateboarding is also dangerous, skaters can seriously injure themselves as well as other people .


Skateboarding is no more dangerous than anything else. Many more people get hurt on bikes every year and no one wants to ban them. Anyway, with practice and the right gear, skateboarding is safe.

People should realize that skateboarding is just another way for kids to get exercise and have fun.



Should Olympic athletes be tested for drugs?

“Faster, higher, stronger” is the Olympic motto. Some Olympic athletes will do anything to run faster, jump higher, or be stronger. Lots of times this means hard work, discipline, and sacrifice. Other times, it means breaking the law.

Some athletes take performance-enhancing drugs, like steroids, to improve their chances in a competition.

Does drug testing at the Olympics make sense?


Drug use among top athletes has been a problem for a long time. Without drug testing, Olympic competition would be about who uses the most drugs, not about who trains hardest and has the best athletic skills. The International Olympic

Committee believes that drug use goes against the spirit of the Olympics. Because of this , they have established a drugtesting programme.

Using drugs is the same as cheating. Plus, drugs can kill. Drug use has to be stopped.


Some people think it’s the drug tests that go against the spirit of the Olympics. They say

Olympic officials have become police officers and that the tests are an invasion of privacy.

Any athlete who tests positive for drugs is banned from the Games. Drug tests are usually accurate. But sometimes they show a positive result even when an athlete is only using something like allergy medicine. When that happens at the Olympics, an innocent athlete is cheated out of the dream of a lifetime. That’s not fair. Unless the tests are foolproof, they shouldn’t be used.


To smoke or not to smoke?


Nicotine kills microbes, some of them are harmful. The first killed by nicotine are the old and impaired brain cells.

Smoking can help you relax and feel more confident.

Non-smokers’ bodies are used up earlier by work without smoking breaks. Smokers digress from the problems of work ; they joke. After a smoking break people work with double efficiency (which is always positive for the quality of work)

A smoker is also better adapted for life. In case of emergency, he will always have matches to start a fire or light his way in darkness.

If a smoker wants to become acquainted with a stranger, it is not a problem. It is enough just to ask for a lighter. That is why smoking is strongly recommended to young ladies suffering from shyness.

The tobacco industry provides a lot of jobs , such as doctors, nurses, X-ray technicians, firemen, dry-cleaners , pharmacists and grave-diggers. This will prevent unemployment, by creating new jobs and reducing the number of employers.


A smoker is 22 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker . Smoking does harm to people’s heart and blood vessels. It also causes bronchitis, asthma and emphysema.

Babies of women smokers are more likely to have mental disorders than babies of women non-smokers.

Kids who are around smokers suffer. Their risk of developing runny noses, coughs, sore throats and colds is much greater.

Your clothes and hair will have a terrible smell.

Your teeth and nails will turn yellow.

You will have bad breath.

 Your hair and skin will become dry. You’ll get premature wrinkles.

Cigarettes cost money. You save money. You’ll become richer.

 You don’t worry about starting cigarette fires.



What are the advantages of being fit?

Means that you sleep better and don’t get tired so easily

Reduces the risk of heart attacks Helps you lose weight, keeps your skin young

Fit people look good and more attractive Makes you feel healthier, happier and more positive

Keeps your mind active


Useful language (Topic “Health Care”)

At the doctor’s


What’s the matter with you? What do you complain of? What seems to be the problem?


I’m sick. I’m sea-sick / I’m air-sick.


I feel (have) pain in my back /chest /side… I must have caught cold. I’m feeling sore all over.

I’m running a temperature. I have a bad cough / a cold / a cold in my head/ a running nose/ a sore throat/ a bad toothache…. The pain was gone.


The doctor will feel your pulse / examine your throat / listen to your heart and lungs / diagnose the case / prescribe some medicine


Strip to the waist. Let me feel your pulse. Let me examine your throat. Open your mouth. Let me listen to your heart and lungs. Breathe / Take a deep breath. Your tongue is coated.


You have the flu / quinsy / bronchitis / pneumonia….


Will I have to keep to special diet? What may I eat and drink?


Please give me something for hay fever / constipation / diarrhea / corns / sore feet…


I want something to calm my nerves / to make me sleep for mosquito bites / for a toothache / for earache / for chapped hands / for bad sunburn…


Expressions: * to feel bad / well/ ill * to fall ill * to be out of order * to be in poor health * to get better

* to fall ill with the flu * to catch a disease * a tablet for headache * to beat down the temperature * the flu is

catching * to follow the doctor’s instructions * to be laid up (with a disease) * to get over an illness * to

ruin one’s health * to look worn out * to be out of danger * to take for a headache / cough / a cold…

Giving advice


If I were you I’d… …take things easy for a while


You’d better……. ….stop smoking The best thing to do is to………….


You should… ……get more exercises You ought to…. …… get more fresh air


You must..... You must stay at home and call the doctor. You must stay in bed / take a table

(tea) spoonful of this medicine three times a day before (after) meals. You must put mustard plasters on your back / drink hot tea with honey and raspberry jam.

You must………….until your temperature is normal / you stop coughing…


You mustn’t… go outdoors until you are better


You’ll have to…. Stay off work (studies) for a week


When there’s flu about, try to avoid crowded places and keep away from anyone who’s got flu.


If you think you’ve caught………., get in touch with your doctor. Then he can at least keep an eye on you.


Why do young people take drugs? (Conversational blocks)


Young people take drugs to escape from worries at home or at work. They think that alcohol can help you relax and feel more confident and sociable. Of course drinking may make you feel relaxed, but it can also make you take foolish risks. Imagine ruining your whole life because you got drunk one night, slept with someone , and contracted AIDS!


Some young people take drugs to be fit for the day. The drug Ecstasy comes as tablets which people swallow to make them feel as if they have more energy. When the drug stops working, though, they feel tired and depressed. Some people have died through using Ecstasy.


Some young people think you’re more attractive to the opposite sex after a few drinks. It’s nothing but illusion.

The sight of a person with a silly smile, zigzag walking and slurred speech will have the opposite effect.


Everybody talks about drugs. Young people hear bad and good things about them. So they get curious and want to see themselves if drugs are good or bad.


What can be the dangers of drugs?

The main dangers are the follows:

Having an accident while under their influence. Alcohol slows down your brain and makes you a dangerous driver. Some drugs can also bring on confusion and frightening hallucinations. They can cause unbalanced emotions or more serious mental disorders.

Some drugs may depress or stop breathing.

Accidental overdose can lead to unconsciousness or even death. Drinking too much alcohol (overdosing) may be fatal.

Addiction or dependence, after regular use.

If a drug user starts to inject, injections leading to sores, blood poisoning and even AIDS virus infection may follow.

 Тема 4. Еда и покупки.

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.54-55,78,101-102,104-106,108 PB p.76

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.31,49,55 PB p.40

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.120

Longman Exam Companion p.8

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic : Food and Shopping.

Situations for individual work.

1) Imagine that a foreign visitor wants to know about shopping in St.Petersburg. What information would you give?

( *What time do the shops, supermarkets, banks and post offices open? *When is the busiest time to shop?

*Which are the best local shops for music, clothes, books, shoes and groceries? *Which is the best street market?

and the department store?)

2) Why do people enjoy shopping at the big department stores? Give your reasons.

3) What do you know about traditional dishes of various countries? Make a list of your favourite dishes and say which country/countries they are from and why you enjoy them.

4) Speak about eating habits in your country. What time do you eat your meals? Which is the most important meal of the day? Do you know other countries where the situation is different?

5) Tell how you lay the table for a party at home/ for special meals in your country/ for family meals at home.

Speak about table manners you should keep in mind and follow.

6) Describe your first visit to a restaurant.

7) Describe your week-day and weekend menu. Talk about dishes you (your mother) usually cook for your birthday party.

8) Tell about your family’s favourite dishes. What good do fruit and vegetables do us? Give your friend the recipe of your favourite dish.

9) Talk about special features of Russian cousine.

10) You have been asked to give a talk to a group of young people about the importance of a good balanced diet.

What advice do you give them?

11) Speak about the last time you really enjoyed going shopping. Say if you have ever had any bad experiences while shopping ( for example, if you have ever had to complain), if so, what happened? Speak about your experience of shopping abroad (if any).

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) Group work. Talk about the type of food you associate with Russia, Great Britain, the USA, or another country

you know about. Are there any differences in the way people eat in these countries? Talk about the following:

times of meals, size of meals, eating out, eating at home, the formality of meals, ways of preparing food, ways of

buying and selling food.


2) Many fast food restaurants are being opened in our country. Tell us about one of them (McDonald’s, Pizza

Hut...) Does fast food in Russia have a reputation for being bad for your health? Do you think health is the main

thing people think about when they choose fast food?

What other criteria do people use when choosing meals in restaurants? Give some arguments

‘for’ and ‘against’ fast food restaurants.

3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in a department store? Make a list,

considering the following points:

 price choice service quality convenience

What products would you personally never buy in a department store? Why?

What products can you not buy in department stores in St.Petersburg? Where would you buy these items instead?

4) Advertising is very important in trade. Describe an advertisement that tries to persuade people to buy something.

5) You are divided into vegetarians and meat-eaters. Convince your opponents that you are right.

6) Let’s have a discussion FOR shop-assistants and FOR self-service.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Illustrate the saying «Tastes differ»

2) Comment on the proverb «Appetite comes with eating»

3) Some people say that the best cooks in the world are men. Agree or disagree.

4) «Eating at restaurants is a waste of time and money». Prove your point of view.

5) Do you agree with the following statement «The customer is always right»?

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) You’ve invited your English friend for dinner. Talk about dishes you are going to cook.

2) Role play.

Role A: You are the head waiter in a restaurant. You only have one table left, and must decide which of two

groups should have it.

Role B: You are talking to the head waiter at a restaurant, and another customer. You have booked a table at the

restaurant for family and friends to celebrate a new job you have just got.

The other customer also wants a table. There is only one table left. You have to convince the waiter that you

should have the table.

Role C: You are talking to the head waiter at a restaurant, and another customer. You do not have a booking, but

want a table at the restaurant for family and friends to celebrate your daughter’s birthday. She will be very

disappointed if you do not get into the restaurant. The other customer also wants a table. There’s only one table

left. You have to convince the waiter that you should have the table.

3) Role-play.

Role A: Imagine you are a reporter and you have to write an article about the accident in the

restaurant. You ask the customers about the accident.( use these notes: terrorist, bomb in

restaurant, people injured, nurse, trapped, badly burned, blind man, help arrived)

Role B,C,D... You are customers, waiters, head waiter, police inspector... You are describing the


4) Role play the following situations:

You have just had a disgusting meal at an expensive restaurant. When you tried to complain, the waiter was rude to you. You have asked to speak to the manager.

You bought a new coat from a local shop. Soon after, you discovered that there is a tear under one of the arms and that two of the buttons have fallen off. You have taken it back to the shop.

5) Suppose you travel about Britain and want to stop to rest a little and have a meal. Lunch time is coming. You ask an Englishman for advice. He recommends a pub with a romantic name and sings the praises of its meals, drinks, comfort, a good view ,and so on. You ask for some more details.

6) Role-play a conversation between a resident and a foreign visitor who has a lot of questions about shopping in


7) You are a shop assistant and your partner is a customer. Dramatize a short scene selling and buying things.


Fast Food Restaurants


They are quick and you don’t have to wait

The food is fairly cheap, especially for young people

They are the same everywhere, so you know what to expect

The restaurants are usually very clean and the waiters wear special uniforms (it’s pleasant to look at them)

They do their best to attract children, some of them organize parties for children ( for busy parents it saves a lot of trouble and time)



The restaurants create litter

Rain forests are cut down to provide land for cattle for the fast food industry

The food contains a lot of fat and all is placed in a bun - that is unhealthy

 You don’t really sit down to eat

 The food is the same everywhere and you can’t order the dishes which you enjoy most of all or get used to

 You can’t visit the restaurant before opening hours ( early in the morning)


To be or not to be a veggie


Some people still believe that you can’t live without meat. But modern scientific research shows that all the nutrients we need for a healthy life can be found in plants.

Killing animals is a crime.


People should eat both meat and plants. This is how it has always been, and will be in the future for all living things.

 Organic food is full of pesticides. What’s the use of becoming a veggie?


Useful language ( Topic Food)

I. Asking what someone wants (polite questions and answers)

 Can you tell me……. how much this is (it costs) / how you cook this?

if there’s any bread / if you’ve got any….?

What kind of food are you keen on? – I’m keen on….( junk food, sweet things…)

 How much / many…. do you eat each week? –I eat a lot of… but I don’t eat… because they’re bad for my teeth / this diet isn’t very healthy

What would you like to eat? Can I help you? Would you like to order now, sir/madam? What would you like to start with?

Please call for… (the waiter, the headwaiter, the manager, the barman…)

Will you/ Will you please clear the table / bring me another cover lay the table for four / lay another plate at this table show me… (the menu, the bill ….)

 What would you recommend /advise for… (the 1 st course, dessert….)

 I’d like to have my… coffee black, hot, strong, sweet, iced, weak,…..

I always eat the…

I want you to serve the …

II. Saying what a person has to pay, asking about ways of paying

 That’s $12, please. Could I have my bill / check, please?

How are you paying? –Cash / by cheque.

III. Asking about food (quality/ quantity)

 How much (meat…) do you need? –Not much. A lot. A kilo.

 How many (bags…) do you need? –Five. What else do you need? I need…….

Would you like to share the salad?

 What’s it called? –It’s a pizza. What country is

25 it from?- It’s from Italy. What are the ingredients? –Flour, cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms and oil.

 I’m more interested in quantity than quality

IV. Saying what you think, feel, prefer…

 I think eating meat is wrong because….. I feel (that) a vegetarian diet is healthier.

 I’m fond of…. / It’s my favourite dish / I love eating hot, spicy food

 I can’t go without soup / I’m fond of preparing exotic dishes / I adore desserts: I have so many favourites I often find it difficult to choose / I hate eating the same thing two days running

 I’m faint from hunger ; I’m as hungry as a hunter / Appetite comes with eating

 I’ve never tasted it / it disagrees with me / I can’t stand the very smell of it!

 I can’t stand getting up from the table if I still have room in my stomach

The meat /the fish /the cutlets is/are excellent, delicious, first-class, quite eatable,

The cabbage/ the salad……… was/ were tender, too cold(hot), badly cooked, overdone,

too tough, absolutely tasteless, sour, salty….

 Have you any reasons for… calling for the headwaiter? / reserving the table beforehand?

Do you find any difficulty in…. serving the table for four? / tipping the waiter?

Is there any possibility of… counting the bill once more? / leaving the bar so early?

I insist on…. / I object to….. canceling the order? / returning the chop to the kitchen?

It’s no use…. Dressing the salad with mayonnaise?

 HELP! Useful Vocabulary ( Topic Shopping)

1) I sometimes (usually/ often/ always/ never) go shopping on the way home ( in the evening/ on Sunday…..)

2) I sometimes (usually…) do my shopping at the stall near my house ( at the supermarket….)

3) I usually stock up for the week on Saturdays.

4) Yesterday I went to…….. (baker’s, butcher’s, dairy, confectioner’s…) to see what I could get for …….(gala dinner, party…) There was a good choice of ……….

5) I can offer you a wide choice of ………(jackets, silk blouses,…..) to all tastes.


What colour dress (pullover…) do you want? – Something not too loud. Show me something in white (blue, pink…)

7) I want something in artificial silk ( wool, cotton, linen…)

8) I want something more up-to-date.

9) You look smart in this dress .

10) Such dresses are in fashion (just coming in, out of fashion, no longer in fashion)

11) What’s wrong with the sweater? – It’s too small / It’s not big enough.

12) My dress (blouse, coat…) is a bit broad in the shoulder / long in the sleeves / short in the sleeves/ tight in the neck…

13) May I try this on? This is not my size.

14) May I see this by daylight? Let me look in a mirror.

15) I want size number…….. What size does Nick take? – He takes size fifteen and a half.

16) This is not what I want. It doesn’t fit me. That is too expensive.

17) It’s too dark (light, short, loose, tight…). I want something a bit lighter ( broader, tighter, darker….)

18) I’m afraid this tie (scarf, handbag….) doesn’t match my socks (shoes, jacket, hair..)

19) How much is this? / Can you tell me how much this is? / How much does it cost?

20) Can I have a look at ….. ? I want to look at….

21) Have you got any… ? Have you nothing better? I need a better quality. I do not mind paying a little more.

22) I’ll pay for it now. Will you make out a bill, please?

23) What sort of suntan lotion would you recommend for…..?

24) What’s it for exactly?

Учебно-трудовая сфера общения

Тема 5. Образование в России. Общие сведения о системе образования в странах изучаемого языка. Роль иностранного языка в современном мире.

Opportunities (beginner) SB p. 30,80

Opportunities (elementary) PB p.32

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.77

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.69,76-77,78-81


Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.28,52

Longman Exam Companion p.3

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic 1: School and school life.

Situations for individual work.

1) Speak about the importance of being a well-educated person. Do you think good education should prepare you for life in general or for a particular job? Give your reasons.

2) Some people say that school is your second home. Prove your point of view. Tell us about interesting events of your school life.

3) Some people say that school days are the happiest days in people’s lives. Do you agree? Give your arguments.

4) Why do you go to school? Number these reasons in their order of importance and say what your reasons are.

 to acquire general knowledge, to learn information

 to prepare for a job

 to meet other young people

 to give your parents some peace and quiet

 to find out what you are really interested in

 to learn discipline and order

 to train your memory

 to pass exams

5) Say what you like and dislike in your school. What would you like to tell the foreign students about your school and its traditions. What do you think it is necessary to do to make your school life more interesting?

6) What is your idea of a modern school? What changes would you like to introduce in your schooling?

7) If you want to continue your education, what kind of institution will you attend? Explain your choice.

8) British education has many different faces, but one goal. It’s aim is to realise the potential of all, for the good of the individual and society as a whole. Speak about general aims of British and Russian education.

9) Can you say that there is an educational crises in Britain and Russia? What innovations are you expecting? Some people say that system of education in Russia is very pressing. Is it justified?

10) Say how important knowledge is in modern life. Say how people get knowledge. Do you think school gives you enough knowledge in the subjects you are interested in? In what way are specialized schools different from general secondary schools?

11) How do you feel when you have to take an exam? Do you think exams are fair? Why/why not? Do you think you do your best in exam conditions?

12) There will be no more than 5 compulsory subjects in senior classes. If you are a school master , what subjects will you choose for your school? Prove your choice.

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages» discussions.

1) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both a relaxed and a strict atmosphere in the classroom. Decide what can make it possible to create an atmosphere in which teachers are able to teach effectively and the students enjoy learning.

2) Do you think secondary education should be selective or compulsory? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

3) In Britain they have single-sex and mixed-up schools. Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of these schools. What do you think about the same schools in our country?

4) Can we say that Russia and Britain are truly educated countries? Compare the system of education in Britain and

Russia (in the USA and Russia). Which are the most important ways in which school in Britain differs from school in Russia? In what significant ways are schools in Britain and Russia alike?

5) Russian schools, 20 or 30 years ago , were very different from the way they are today. Were schools better or worse than they are now? Give your reasons.

6) What are the advantages and disadvantages of single sex schools? Do you think it is a good idea for children to work together in groups in the classroom? Why/why not?

7) A lot of fee-paying classes appeared in Russia in recent years. What do you think about them? Parents who have enough money can still buy their children greater opportunities in life by sending them to private schools.


Do you think that this is fair? Compare school environment in fee-paying classes and in comprehensive ones (in Britain and in Russia)

8) Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of taking a year out between school and higher education.

9) In Britain it is quite common for school students to have to wear school uniform. Discuss the following with your partners:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a school uniform? What are the arguments for and against compulsory school uniform?

What do you imagine British students think of their uniforms?

Are uniforms worn in Russian schools? What do you think of them?

10) What are the most important characteristics that make: a) your ideal teacher? b) an ideal student?

11) Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Give reasons.

 Exams are not an accurate measure of a person’s ability.

A mixture of exams and coursework is a good idea.

You should repeat a school year if you fail your exams.

You should be told the questions a little time before you go into the exam.

Exams should involve an oral and a written part.

Competitive exams are a good idea.

12) An international young people’s magazine is investigating the question: Should students only be judged by their results in end-of-year exams? Discuss this question and express your opinion.

13) Imagine the following situation. A language school in London is offering two scholarships. All applicants are invited to tell about themselves and explain their situation. The scholarship includes three months of English course, all food and accommodation and some pocket money. You’d like to become one of the candidates. Give information about yourself and say why you would be good for a scholarship.

14) Here is a list of ideas which can be suggested to improve the quality of education. Which of these suggestions are you for or against? Give your reasons.

Making the school day longer

More modern equipment (such as computers, film projectors, video cameras, overhead projectors...)

More attention to the humanities or sciences

Smaller classes

More attention by parents to what their children are learning and how they are doing in school

Better textbooks

Making the school year longer

15) Education is constantly changing and adapting itself to new demands and new circumstances. In our technological age there is much emphasis on Science, Business Studies, Design and Technology, Computing,

Management, Ecology and Economics, all so necessary in today’s world. Do you think it is correct that all these subjects should be included in the school curriculum? Which subjects are highly valued at school at present and why? Do you think it is good in present-day schools that freedom is given to select subjects for the examinations? Express your opinion about early subject specialization. Give some arguments for and against the early choice of subjects at school.

16) You are in Great Britain, and you are invited to the Teachers’ Training College. Future teachers would like to know how the Russian system of education functions:

 think over your speech and make some notes for yourself so as not to omit anything;

 tell the students of the Teachers’ Training College about pre-school facilities and secondary education in

Russia. Make your speech interesting and impressive.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Comment on the quotation, «Education has for its object the formation of character» (Spencer, an English philosopher, 1820-1903) « Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse»

2) Express your opinion on the following «Men learn while they teach»(words of wisdom). What is easier - to teach or to study? Give your reasons.

3) What makes a person educated? Do you agree with the following: «Only the educated are free»( Epictetus, a

Greek philosopher, 1-2c.); «A child miseducated is a child lost» ( John Kennedy, 35 th US President, assassinated in 1963). Express your opinion on this subject.

4) Comment on the quotation, «Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than a progress in education» (John


5) What do you think about these statements: « It’s never too late to learn» (Syrus, 42c. B.C.) «A man is never too old to learn» (Thomas Widdleton, an English dramatist, 1570-1627)

6) Give comments on this Chinese proverb « I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand».


7) Imagine you are a teacher. How would you treat your pupils if you were a teacher? What subject would you prefer to teach? Give your comments on the following «A great teacher is a great artist and you know how few great artists there are in the world» (John Steinbeck). What is an ideal teacher in your opinion?

8) Read these lines about the road to education. Say how you understand them, what common idea they are united by.

« The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet» (Aristotle)

« Activity is the only road to knowledge» ( George Bernard Shaw)

« There is no royal road to learning» ( a proverb)

« Pupils must not be encouraged to think that there are short cuts to knowledge» ( Bertrand



Comment on Edison’s words:

«Education isn’t play and it can’t be made to look like play. It’s hard work but it can be made

interesting work»; «If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn»;

Dramatizing and role-play.


Imagine that you’re a head teacher making a presentation of your school before the Municipal

Education Board. You want to persuade them to increase your school budget. Your point is that the school is really good and is worth addition funding to work out some interesting projects. What would you say?

2) Imagine that you are a famous and clever scientist. Your small son/ daughter is not successful in his/her studies, he/she can’t cope with a difficult subject. Explain, help him/her. Act out a conversation.

3) You have a friend who is interested in math. You are interested in English. You have a talk about your favourite subject.

4) You are a headmaster/ headmistress of a secondary school. During the lesson-time you meet a pupil/pupils in the corridor of the school. You want to know why he/they is/are not at the lesson.

Topic 2: International Languages. The Importance of Language Learning.

Situations for individual work.

1) Why do people learn foreign languages? Is it necessary to speak an ideally correct English? What do you need to do to become ‘fluent’ in a foreign language? Give your reasons.

2) What do you think about the role of English in our life? How much English do you see in our country? Does it help you in everyday life? How? Give some examples.

3) Some people say when we learn a foreign language, we enrich our native language. What do you think about it?

4) Why did you decide to learn English? Why has English become so widely spoken? Do you think there will be an increase in the quantity of English spoken in our country in the next few years? Can you see any reasons for this?

Which variety of English (British or American) do you like more? Why?

5) Is it easy to learn English at school? What do you like and dislike doing at English lessons? Is it possible to learn English without a teacher?

6) Is your English good enough to travel as a tourist /to study abroad / to invite English-speaking guests? Give your reasons.

7) Will you need English (or any other foreign languages) in your career? Which kinds of jobs need excellent, good or satisfactory command in English? How will you study your next foreign language( at the university, by TV, abroad, etc.) ?

8) Express your opinion on the subject: «What makes a good language school and what makes a good language teacher».

9) If German / French is a second language for you, tell your classmates about the difficulties you had or still have with the language, and about some of the main differences between your native language and German / French.

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) Sometimes newspapers write about people who know many foreign languages (they are called polyglots) . Say if it is useful or not, if it is good or bad for your health? What do you think about the ways these people learn languages?

2) What’s your idea of a programmed teaching? Do you believe in hypnopedia? (hypnopedia- to teach foreign languages with the help of hypnosis)

3) A foreign language can be learnt by TV. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of a TV language programme.

4) Read the statements below and say if you agree or disagree. Give your reasons.

 You can’t learn a language without living in the country where it’s spoken.

Learning Latin or Ancient Greek is a waste of time.


You never stop learning a language.

Some languages are more difficult than others.

 It’s hard to learn a foreign language in your own country.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.


Do you agree or disagree with the following, « Language is the light of mind» (J.Mill, a Scottish historian and economist, 18c.)

2) Give comments on the proverb «Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain».

3) «If a person doesn’t know any foreign language, he doesn’t know his own». Do you agree with this statement?


«A language is not a subject which can be taught; it is a subject which must be learnt. We learn to perform any skill by actually performing it.» (M.West) What do you think about it?

Dramatizing and role-play

1) A friend of yours wants to learn English as quickly as possible, but needs advice about what to do to be most effective. What is your advice? Act out a conversation.

2) Role-play.

Student A. You want to be a student at the institute for one month in July or August. You want to stay with the British family. Telephone the secretary and ask about the cost of courses, the starting dates of courses and where you can stay.

Student B. You are the secretary at ............. Institute. A student wants to study at the institute

and telephones you. Read the information and answer his/her questions.

Summer course dates: July 3 rd -July 30 th ; July 31 st - August 27 th ;

Course fees: £ 1,200 per four-week course ( includes accommodation, all meals and the social


Accommodation: Available with a British family or at the Institute

Sports: Tennis, football, swimming, aerobics


! Education

in Britain (11 years education) in the USA ( 12years education) form age grade age

1 5-6

Nursery School


2 6-7

3 7-8

Primary School


1 6-7

2 7-8

4 8-9

3 8-9

5 9-10

4 9-10

6 10-11

7 11-12

In some areas



5 10-11

6 11-12

8 12-13

7 12-13

9 13-14

Secondary School

8 13-14

10 14-15

9 14-15

11 15-16 GCSE

10 15-16



6 th form

11-12 16-18

A -level

Post –School Education

Nursery School


Elementary School

Junior High School

Senior High School

Higher Education


In Russia (11 years education)

class age


1 6-7

2 7-8

3 8-9

4 9-10

Primary School

5 10-11

6 11-12

7 12-13

8 13-14

9 14-15

Lower Secondary School

10 15-16

11 16-17

Upper Secondary School

Post –School Education


Describing the school where you study.

Plan: 1.

Introduction ( give general description of the place and people, some background and


2. Main body (good/bad points now, your problems, how things will develop in the future)

3. Ending (the school you’d like, about some changes at school)

I. Vocabulary (positive/negative)

1. Building /classrooms : (+)brightly painted/decorated, spacious, comfortable, contemporary,

enormous, gorgeous, impressive, magnificent, stunning, cosy,

(-) cramped, depressing, gloomy, noisy, unsightly, cluttered with, messy,

old-fashioned, tasteless

2. Classmates : (+) friendly, funny, helpful, confident, highly-gifted,

(-) boring, noisy

3. Teachers: (+) encouraging, helpful, motivating, stimulating, well organised, qualified,

experienced, fascinating, lenient, popular with children

(-) disorganised, boring, strict, demanding, irritable, lose one’s temper

4. Lessons : (+) interesting, motivating, well organised, hard-working atmosphere,


(-) long, boring, noisy, disorganised

II. Some models and useful patterns.

1. Building, facilities, location

 not far from.../ within walking distance of the centre / quite close to.../ it is about 10 minutes walk from...

 it looks (seems) well-organised / as if nobody has looked after it for years

 it gives you the impression of being....../ you are made to feel very welcome

 in general, it is a very welcoming place

 it overlooks the garden / noisy street so......

 the school is on a busy street, so noise is a problem

 it has excellent facilities including......


 the chairs are very uncomfortable and the cafeteria sells terrible food!

 the worst thing is that the classrooms are very cramped and dark, so they are rather depressing

2. Classmates

 my classmates are friendly and we have a lot of fun together

 to gain experience, to experience joy / happiness/ excitement/ disappointment/ fear

 there are bullies at my school who hit and kick me and my mates

 we are victims of theft

 my problem is with......./ school discipline is a major worry

3. Teachers and Lessons

 the teachers are encouraging and motivating, so I’m learning a lot

 sometimes the teachers are very demanding and I have a lot of homework to do

 there is a friendly/ informal/ uncomfortable... atmosphere there

 different methods and activities are used / modern teaching techniques and aids are employed

4. Possible changes at school

 school and behaviour problems (negative influence of school environment/ bullies/ theft.......

 the teachers wouldn’t force their ideas on the pupils

 wearing a uniform would not be compulsory

 to be able to choose subjects and teachers / a student council makes the rules.....

 a lot of........and less.........

 the atmosphere would be more relaxed

 HELP! * to travel abroad * to please your parents

* to get a good job * to work on the computer


* to read English books * to play computer games


* to see English video films

* to pass an examination * to speak to foreign visitors


Should sell phones and pagers be allowed in class?


Kids don’t have phones and pagers for fun. They need them to communicate with their parents, especially if there’s an emergency.


Cell phones and pagers can be a major distraction.

There’s nothing worse than someone’s cell phone ringing in the middle of something important.

Kids should use their phones responsibly. The devices disrupt the classroom and break the student’s concentration.



Should schools have uniforms? What are your arguments FOR and

AGAINST school uniform?


1) Some teachers say that uniforms help students to focus on their studies- rather than on their fashion dilemmas.

They should be finding better ways to express their individuality.

2) If all the students in a school wear the same type of clothes in matching colours and styles, they tend to look smart when they are all together

3) Uniforms “ level the playing field” among students from different economic backgrounds. Students whose parents can’t afford nice clothes look the same as everyone else and don’t feel inferior.


! Taking Exams


1) You don’t have a chance to develop personal taste in the way you dress, clothes offer teens a healthy way to be creative.

Clothes help teens express their individuality.

2) People who look scruffy usually look scruffy in their uniforms too . Uniforms only make students uncomfortable.

3) Most schools choose such horrible colours and styles, that don’t suit young people at all


 exams encourage students to study

 exam grades give students an idea of their progress

 exams are the quickest way of testing students

 some students are really lazy and need pressure, they only work hard when they’ve got an exam

 exams should be combined with continuous assessment


 exam results may depend on how you feel on a particular day

 if students get nervous, they will not perform as well as they could

 students can cheat and get a mark they don’t deserve

 if students run out of time, they cannot show what they know

 some students do well in exams simply because they have got good memory

Тема 6. Современный мир профессий. Карманные деньги. Планы на будущее, выбор профессии.

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.96

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.85,86,87-89,90-91,93-95 PB p.76,90

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic1: Modern world of jobs. Future career.

Situations for individual work.

1) Choosing a profession isn’t an easy matter. What do you think can help you to make the right choice? Speak about factors to be considered when choosing a career.

2) Say how a good knowledge of English can be helpful in your future career.


«Some jobs are more suitable for men and others are more suitable for women». Do you think this is still true?

Can you name job areas in which chiefly men or women work? Name several jobs in which both men and women can work successfully.

4) Do you think that women have a fair chance of promotion if the person responsible for making the decision is a man? Why/why not? Are men prejudiced against women? If yes, for what reasons. Do you think most men

33 would mind having female boss? Which of these reasons justify promoting men to senior positions rather than women?

More serious about the job

Are responsible for the family

Less likely to be ill

Do not have to look after children

5) What is the most difficult job you can imagine? What is the most unpleasant job you can imagine?

If you could choose any job in the world, what would it be? Why?

6) What would be the job of your dreams if you had the necessary ability and qualifications? What would you like to have or do in your ideal job? (for example: travel overseas, good pay, help others...). Who helps you to choose the right occupation in life? What would you do if you realised that you had made a wrong choice? Is it possible to change the career? How?

7) You are invited to speak about the most prestigious professions in Russia today. What would you say? Express you opinion.

8) You are invited to give a talk about professions which are popular with young people in Russia. Which jobs do you think are: very exciting; very boring; very dirty; very well-paid; very glamorous; very dangerous ? Would you rather have a dull and well-paid job or an exciting and poorly-paid one? How important are these things to you: a good salary; comfortable working conditions; a chance of promotion; to work indoor or outdoor(noise); to work in a big organisation or a small one; to speak any foreign languages; to work on your own or take responsibility; getting up early; working long hours.

9) Advertise your future job.

10) How will you start looking for a job? What services do employment agencies offer? What information can be given in a want ad? What job are you looking for? Give your reasons.

Here is a list of twelve points which you might find important when you are looking for a job.

Which are the 3 most important and the 3 least important points for you? Give your reasons.

 top wages

 opportunity to use your own ideas

 on-the-job training when you begin

 further training;

 chance to help other people;

 opportunity to become well-known;

 outdoor work ;

 no special qualification needed;

 regular working hours;

 flexible working hours;

 work in a team with friendly people;

 opportunity to become self-employed.

11) The food industry is very large. If somebody wanted to make a career in this industry what types of jobs could they train for? Which is more interesting to work in: a restaurant, a supermarket or a food factory? Give your reasons.

12) Do you know any people who put their life into their work? Is it a quality to be admired? Say what you appreciate in a person’s attitude towards work.

13) People say that a man is known by his work. How do you understand it? Give your reasons.

14) Would you like to work abroad? If so, in which country or countries? Why? Give your reasons.

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages an Disadvantages»


1) It isn’t a simple matter at all to choose a future career at your age. Speak about the pros and cons of

choosing a career at school.

2) Is career-making a vital thing for you? If given a choice what area would you pick for your future successful career? Here are some popular jobs. Would you like to do any of them? Speak about advantages and disadvantages if you’ve chosen one of these jobs: bank clerk, insurance clerk, civil servant, police officer, shopassistant, dentist, physiotherapist.


There are usually pleasant and unpleasant sides to every job. Choose three jobs you’d like to do and find the pros and cons .

4) Discussion: «Employment»

What help do people get from the government if they are unemployed in your


What do you think is a good salary or

34 you wage in your country? How much would

like to earn?

Is it common or unusual for employees to go on strike in your country? Do you have trade unions?

For what reasons can people be sacked? For what reasons can people be made redundant?

At what age do men and women usually retire in your country? Do you think this is early, late or about right? Do they usually get a pension?

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) « If you don’t think about the future, you don’t have one». Say how you understand those words.


What do you think of Tim White’s statement « Either you have no work, lots of time and no money, or you have lots of work, money and no time».

3) If people do dirty work which we don’t want to do ourselves, we should pay them properly for it. «People doing dirty work should get higher wages than other people». What do you think of this suggestion?


Discuss the statement « All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy»

5) Say whether you agree or disagree with these quotations: «Every man is the maker of his own fortune» (Richard


6) Comment on the following quotation:

« I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it by me: the idea of

getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart». (Jerome K. Jerome)

7) Here are some statements that have often been made about women in a man’s world. Give your own opinion.

«Men are better managers than women»; «A woman’s place is in the home»; «Men have more

creative imagination than women».

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) You have been invited for an interview to get a job. What would you tell the interviewer to make him get interested in you? What would you like to find out about the job?

2) You are a manager of the company. You have a vacancy for the position of............ Ask the candidate all possible questions to get more information.

3) Your friend became redundant. You ask your mother/father, a personnel manager to help him find a job. Act out a conversation.

4) A friend of yours has made his mind up to choose arts ( or medicine or science) as his future profession. You doubt that your friend will succeed. Try to persuade him/her that he/she is not suited for this career. What can you say to get him/her to change his/her mind? Act out a conversation.

5) Role play. You are speaking with a person who works in the field which you may choose as your future career , for example, a translator, an account executive, an assistant editor, etc. You can ask your partner: whether his job

requires a lot of skill (knowledge, education, practice); where he has acquired the necessary skills;

what he can advise you to do to become better acquainted with this trade or profession.

Think of other questions for further details. Your partner answers your questions mentioning the

advantages and disadvantages of his job.

6) Role play. A reporter is interviewing a well-known architect (actor, scientist, musician, politician) to find out about his/her career. A well-known architect (actor, scientist, musician, politician) answers the reporter’s questions about how he/she began his/her career, present day activities and plans for the future.

7) Role play. One of the classmates is thinking of becoming a teacher. He/she ask his/her school teacher to find out all the sides of the teacher’s work. The teacher answers her student’s questions about pros and cons of her profession.

8) Compose dialogues on the following situations :

Your friend is telling you about the wonderful new job Peter has.

Michael left university six months ago and is still looking for a job. He is living at home. His father thinks his hair is too long, that he should buy a proper business suit, and that he hasn’t tried hard enough to find a job. They had an argument about all these things yesterday.

A secretary has brought you to a waiting room. You are about to have an important interview for a job. Then your would-be boss comes in.

You offer a job in your firm to an excellent candidate. He telephones you and you have a talk.

9) Imagine that you have a chance to apply for a summer job of your choice. (Perhaps you’d like to be a cub reporter for a newspaper, an office helper at a TV station...). Explain why you want the job, describe your previous work experience, and briefly mention why you would be good at the job.


10) Two college-mates meet after a several years’ break. You became a policeman ( or...) and he became a marine( or...) . One of you is satisfied with his profession, the other is greatly disappointed in it.

Have a heart-to heart talk.

11) You are...... It has always been your dream. There’re a lot of things that attract you in this profession. Your son asks you why you have chosen it. Discuss this with him.

12) Your older friend has just returned from the army. But he hasn’t chosen a trade for himself yet. A special job service for young people has been opened recently in your town. They consult young people about the opportunities in getting jobs. Your friend asks you to go there and find out everything for him.

Go to the job centre and have a consultation about the opportunities for vocational training and choosing a trade. Find out if the local authorities are obliged to assist young people in finding a job.

Go back to your friend and tell him about your visit. Discuss all the opportunities together and choose a job for him.


* to cook meals/ to prepare breakfast… * to lay the table/ to clear the table

* to clean the room/ to tidy up a room * to polish the floor/ to sweep the floor /

* to hammer a nail to vacuum the floor

* to saw wood/ to chop wood

* to dust the furniture * to wash up/ to iron clothes/ to do the

* to empty the rubbish bin/ to carry * to cut with scissors

out the garbage * to mend/ repair/ sew / knit /patch/darn * look after/ take care of

* to fight harmful insects * to paint/ wash/ clean/ water * to feed birds /animals

* to plant young trees and bushes * to weed (vegetables)

* to gather in crops * to be hel pful in the orchard

* to be fond of gardening things

* to work in a greenhouse * to whitewash trees

* to build bird houses/bird-tables * to cart the dirt (rubbish away

* to shovel the snow off the street * to dig the ground/ to rake up the


 HELP! Useful Vocabulary:

1) After finishing / leaving………… I’d like to continue studies in………/ I’d like to enter…..

I’m going to become…

I’d like to follow my mother’s ( father’s…) advice and….

2) At the age of….I was going to be….. because….

First I made up mind to become…. and then I changed my mind………..

3) I have a good head for all exact sciences / I’m good at…./ I have some special skills…/ I have some

experience in this kind of work……

I’d like a job in which I can use some aspects of… (mathematics/ physics / biology…)

I think my strengths and personal qualities are….

4) I can get information about…./ different trades by talking to experienced people

and professions, about all kinds of jobs…… by consulting my parents and teachers by going to ‘open days’ at colleges…

by reading….

5) The best thing / the worst thing about being a … is…. / Being a…….is very interesting because………

6) There are some problems connected with choosing a job……..

7) * I want a job ………..that’s really exciting and fun / where I meet a lot of interesting people from all over

the world / with long holidays …/ which might lead to self-employment

* I want to be my own boss / I want to earn lots of money and… / I’d like to work with computers and new

technology / I’d like to do a creative job

* Most of all I want to feel happy in the job I do


8) * In my job I’d like to be involved in….( using…/ making…/ finding out…/ preparing…/ observing…)

* I want to work where there is concern for… (people’s health or appearance, people’s safety or security,

the management of finance…)

* I want to work where I can deal with… (the production of goods, the transportation of goods…)

9) I don’t want to sit in an office all day; I want to be outside in the fresh air……..

10) I think I’d be good for this job because…….


Some most /least important things when you are looking for a job:

1) top wages; opportunity to use your own ideas; further training; chance to help other people; opportunity to become well-known; to work indoor or outdoor (noise); no special qualification needed; regular working hours; flexible working hours; work in a team with friendly people; opportunity to become self-employed; a good salary; comfortable conditions; a chance of promotion; to work in a big organization or a small one; to speak any foreign languages; to work on your own or take responsibility; getting up early;

2) job satisfaction: excitement, interest, prestige, challenge,

3) salary and earnings: tips, income, commission, overtime pay

4) benefits: company car, private office, free travel, health insurance, to be promoted


Personal competence

Reading and understanding

Listening and understanding

Solving problems

Thinking up new ideas


Making decisions

Thinking quickly

Deducing solutions

Speaking languages

Constructing things

Creating artistic things

Designing things

Arranging things in an orderly way

Organizing events

Giving advice




Social skills

Working in a team

Organizing people

Taking responsibility in a group

Being friendly to total strangers

Understanding people

Being patient with prickly people

Communicating bad news

Being tolerant of views which clash

 with yours

Helping people

Being courageous in order to accept the high risks involved


List of people’s qualities:



























Good team member



















Some professions which you may take an interest in

1. The caring professions

(nursing, veterinary surgeon, nanny, teacher…)

2. The creative professions

( journalist, designer, hairdresser, beautician…)

3. The office professions

( secretary, bank worker, receptionist…)

4. The Forces ( Army, Navy,


5. The outdoor professions

( Agriculture, Horticulture…)



The chance to meet lots of different people. Your services are greatly appreciated; immense job satisfaction; varied work.

You’re able to use your imagination.

Money can be quite good; varied work life; can be a glamorous occupation.

Good chance of promotion; stable profession; can transfer to other branches.

Travel; there’s a strong sense of comradeship; opportunities. good promotion

Rewarding; work is never dull for long; close to nature; pleasant working environment.


Training allowances and starting salary are low; hours are often very unsocial; emotional involvement can be a problem.

This work is much sought after and hard to get into; it can also be unstable.

Can get boring if your duties never change; little chance of meeting different people.

You’re away from your family a lot; it may be hard to have a relationship; a strict way of life.

Physical hard labour; outside all year round; not just in the sunshine; work is dictated by the seasons; busy summer, monotonous in winter months; can be a solitary occupation; traditionally poorly paid.

Социально-культурная сфера общения

Тема 7. Моя страна. Жизнь в городе и в сельской местности. Города

(сёла) своей страны- Москва, С.Петербург

Opportunities (beginner) SB p. 32,35-38, 92,100

Opportunities (elementary) SB p. 28-30,74

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.86-87,101, 107, 109,

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.11,38,47-48,71,107 PB p.3,46

Longman Exam Companion p.1

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic : Russia. Cities and Towns. StPetersburg and Moscow.

Situations for individual work.

13) Speak about Russia ( geography, climate, political system, national emblems, industry, traditions and customs) as the biggest country in the world. What makes you proud of your Motherland (classic and modern writers, scientists, politicians, etc.)?

14) Why does Russia attract tourists from all over the world? What would you show tourists in Russia?

15) What are some of the similarities and differences between Russia and Britain/or America? Consider the following aspects: size; population; climate; scenery; entertainment; family life; travel and transport; food and eating habits; music; leisure time..........

16) How would you characterize the people who live in Russia? Are there certain stereotypes?

17) Each country takes pride in its own achievements and success. What makes you feel proud of Russia? What famous people from Russia would you tell your foreign friends about?

18) Speak about Moscow . Is Moscow really a political, cultural and scientific centre of Russia? What facts from the history of Moscow could be interesting to your friends from other countries?

19) Recently you’ve got acquainted with a writer from Great Britain. He is writing a book about Moscow. You are a Muscovite. Think of the places of interest which are worth mentioning in the book.


20) St.Petersburg is the city you live in. You were asked to write a travel brochure about St.Petersburg. What would you write about? Say which places of historical and architectural interest you would advise a visitor to see. Give your reasons.

21) A visitor has one day to spend in St.Petersburg or a town near you. Make a presentation of the places he/she can see in one day and explain why they are worth seeing.

22) St.Petersburg is often called «the cultural capital of Russia» . Give your point of view.

23) They say that people are influenced by their environment and surroundings. How do you think, does

St.Petersburg influence the character and personality of the people who live there?

24) St.Petersburg reminds some visitors of Rome, others of Paris, Venice, Vienna or Amsterdam. But really it resembles none. You can spend weeks wandering around the centre of the city and still find something new round every corner. Do you agree? Share your opinion.

25) You are hosting a foreign guest . Instruct him of some possible problems he can come across in the city. How safe is it to go out in your city at night? What precautions do you take? Give a person advice about walking alone in the city at night.

26) Speak about the problems of a big city. Do you think all these problems can be solved?

27) The face of every city is changing rapidly. What causes this?

28) Those who live in big cities often prefer to spend much of their leisure time in the surrounding countryside . Is this surprising? What are the reasons?

29) Do you have a favourite city? A place that you know and enjoy? Is it the city where you live or a city you have visited once but you would like to go back again? Speak about your favourite city/town/village. Try and illustrate your story with pictures or photographs if you have some.

30) Compare an old town and a modern city or an old part and a modern part of the same city. Say what changes modern city civilization has brought about and how these changes determine the modern life style in a big city.

31) St.Petersburg is famous for its museums. a)Which museums would you recommend us to visit?

Give reasons for your choice. b)You are a tour guide in St.Petersburg. You have to organise a tour for a group

of young people from abroad. What museums, exhibitions or art galleries would you visit? Explain you


 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) «Only a madman would choose to live in a large modern city». Do you agree? Speak about advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city and living in the country.

2) Group discussion: Imagine that you’re writing the article for an international magazine. Think of two major cities that you know about. ( e.g. Moscow and St.Petersburg; London and Washington; St.Petersburg and

London...). Discuss the similarities and differences between the cities and the people who live there.

3) Imagine that two friends are coming to stay with you in your home and attend lessons with you- one is from

America and the other from a tiny, isolated village in your country. Your friends are very nervous about their visit... Put yourself in their position. What will be strange for them both? What advice would you give them about the customs, rules and habits they will have to get used to in your country, in your city, in your home and in your school or college.

4) Group discussion. Discuss the following:

Can we regard a city just as a concentration of people and buildings? What new opportunities and new way of life do cities offer?

What is the major impact of urban life on human behaviour and human values?

Have cities fostered freedom and tolerance? Are they really necessary for those who live in big cities? Do you believe that there will soon be more people in the world living in cities than in the countryside?

Do you think that cities may disappear in the future? Or is the world moving towards a global megalopolis?

Some people , before starting on sightseeing tour, try to read up about the places of interest they are going to visit. They say the more the tourist knows about the place of interest the more he/she can see and the greater his/her impressions are. What do you think about it?

The XXIst century is the age of modern architecture and tall buildings. In some countries the heated discussion on the spread of tall structures in cities, especially in those having historical traditions, has blown up into a real war. Some think skyscrapers spoil the view of the old towns. “Glass boxes” are monotonous, they say. Some believe that, on the contrary, high structures built in old cities improve their skyline and add a certain modern touch to their old-fashioned looks. What do you think about all this?

The achievements of the ancient Greeks and Romans in building still underline the culture of construction of our contemporaries. Some believe, though, that modern architecture and the principles of town planning have little if anything to do with the ideas of the antique masters. What do you think about it? Can you support your point of view with facts and examples?

5) Group work. Do you have any image of what the world will be like in some fifty years? Will it

be changed greatly? Give your idea of your native city -St.Petersburg, telling what you want to be

changed, and commenting on the changes that you think will take place.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Read these lines and give comments on them:


«All cities are mad: but the madness is gallant. All cities are beautiful: but the beauty is grim».(Christopher

Morley); «Clearly, then, the city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo» (Desmond Morris);

«A strange and exclusive world is ‘city’» (John Steinbeck)

2) Comment on the following quotation: «God made the country, and the man made the town»

(W. Cowper )

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) You and your partner are talking about a day trip to .... Here is some information you can use in the dialogue:

The train times are: dep 8.34, arr 9.12. Return from...: dep 17.35, arr 18.00 A bus runs directly from the station

to the town centre. You could go shopping and look at the cathedral. Act a dialogue.

2) Act out a conversation between a person who wants to make inquiries about some place of historic interest and a

person from the Information Service.

3) Role play.

Role A: You have gone to see an exhibition at the Central Exhibition Hall. You know that the exhibition attracts a lot of lovers ........ You only know the name of the street but you don’t know which building the

Central Exhibition Hall is in. You stop a boy/girl and ask him/her the way.

 Role B: (a boy or a girl) You are asked the way to the Central Exhibition Hall but you don’t know.

Unfortunately you are unable to help.

Role C: You are a person who knows the way and who gives the right direction.

4) While on holiday in an English-speaking country, you went to the local Information Centre to find out what to see, where to go, etc. Because of the lack of brochures and the negative attitude of the assistant, however, you came away with nothing.

You’d like to talk to the Tourist Services Manager stating your complaints and suggesting ways

they might improve their service to holidaymakers and other visitors. Act out a conversation.

5) An English-speaking friend is coming to spend a month in St.Petersburg. Give him/her advice on : what sort of clothes to bring; what to be careful of in terms of health; anything you think

he/she should avoid (things that are comparatively expensive etc.)


Advantages Disadvantages

big city

1. comfortable flats with all modern 1. air and noise pollution

conveniences 2. cost of living is high

2. more entertainment, a lot of cultural centres 3. crime rate is high

3. more chances to be employed / to enter this or 4. traffic jams / car crashes / rush hours /

that university constant queuing

4. shopping facilities 5. always in a hurry

5. sports facilities 6. litter and garbage

6. developed transport system 7. stressful life

7.life is more anonymous


Living in the countryside

1. cost of living is cheaper 1. difficult living and working conditions

2. life is safer 2. no entertainment

3. less crime 3. problem of employment

4.less traffic 4. it takes much time to get to town

5. fresh air and beautiful nature 5. everybody knows you and expects you

6. peace and quiet are good for nervous system to live and behave in a certain way



Low cost of living; crime rate is low; there are good schools; it’s easy to find work; entertainment facilities; good sports facilities; fresh air; few cars; good transport connections; interesting shops; the people are friendly…..


The place where you



Expensive to live there; streets are dangerous at night; there are not many schools; few cinemas, discos etc.; not many sports grounds; pollution; traffic; noise; not enough buses, trains etc.; no variety among shops; no sense of community


Conversational Patterns


1) I’d like to tell you about.........

2) ......is situated on both banks of the river...../ in the centre of....../in front of

in the northern part of......./ in the mountains.......

3) It’s interesting to know that....... is famous for....... / is known as......

is the seat of....... / is very rich in.......

is the centre of.....

is a busy city full of character

4) ...... was founded by.... in........

...... was built by ..... in........

...... was named / renamed after......

5) When visitors come to..... they prefer sightseeing in.....

6) As for me, I saw this place only in films / video /TV programmes /in the picture

7) If you go to.... I advise you ....

 to see the wonderful treasures of.... the wonderful cathedral....

the memorial...... the monument to....... the ruins of.........

many impressive places / churches / bridges......

 to go on a trip....... to go sightseeing......

 to take pictures of......

 to try some delicious food.......

Use these adjectives: beautiful, magnificent, impressive, fascinating, mysterious, superb, magical,

romantic, historic, ancient, wonderful, powerful, prosperous


Russian Federation State System

The Russian Federative Republic is set up by the Constitution of 1993 (adopted in December 12). Under the

Constitution Russia is a Presedential Republic.

The Federal Government

legislative executive judicial

(the Federal Assembly) (the Government with (the Constitutional Court, the Supreme

the Prime Minister) Court and regional courts)

The Federal Government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.

Legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly . It consists of two chambers. The upper chamber is the

Council of Federation . The lower chamber is the State Duma. Each chamber is headed by the speaker. To become a law a bill must be approved by both chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.

Executive power belongs to the Government, which is headed by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has to form the Cabinet.



General Procurator Parliament the Constitutional Court

The Federal Assembly

The Council of Federation The State Duma

(the upper chamber 178 members) (the lower chamber 450 members) the President . His duties are: to call referendums; to appoint the Prime The Head of State:

Minister, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces; to make final decisions on foreign policy; to declare war and states of emergency; to issue decrees; to sign all legislative acts. He is elected for a term of 4 years and has the right to be elected for 2 terms only.

The Head of


The Prime Minister.

State Duma.

He is appointed by the President and endorsed by the

Political system:

The state symbol of the Russian


The national emblem of Russia:

Area / Population:

Nationality :


The largest cities:

The longest rivers:



Natural resources:



Presidential Republic.

A three-coloured banner . It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red.

The white stripe symbolises the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, and the red one symbolises liberty. It was approved by the Federal Assembly in 1991.

A double-headed eagle .

17 mln square kilometres / 150 mln multinational republic; Russian people.

Russian Orthodox

Moscow (capital), St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk.

The Lena, the Irtysh, the Yenisey, the Ob, the Volga, the Amur.

The Caspian Sea, the Baikal Lake, Ladoga Lake, Onega Lake.

The Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others.

Oil, coal, natural gas, iron ore, copper, gold, platinum, etc.

Mechanical engineering, metal-working, metallurgy, timber industry, oil, chemical, light, electrotechnical industries and others.

Vegetable-growing, cereals, cattle-breeding, poultry-raising, gardening, etc.



1) Territory: 606 sq.km; population 4.7 mln. people;

2) 42 islands,65 rivers, streams and canals; about 320 bridges ( 21 drawbridges)

3) the river Neva : length-74 km; width- 340-650 m; depth- 8-11 m; freezes-5 December, ice breaks up-in April; the Gulf of Finland - width 130 km, depth- 60-70 m

4) White Nights : 52 days (from May 20 to July 20)

5) Climate: maritime, humid, July +17.8C February -7.9C

6) History: May 16 (May 29) 1703- Peter I founded St.Petersburg

1712- the capital of Russia

1914 -Petrograd

1924 -Leningrad

1991 -St.Petersburg

7) Nevsky Prospect : ( length-4.5 km; width- 25-60 m), one of the oldest streets; in the 18 th century it became the main street.

 the Kazan Cathedral ( 1811, Voronikhin); after the Patriotic War of 1812 it became a monument to the glory of Russia.

Admiralty (1823, Zakharov); it was built on the place of a ship-building yard, now-a naval school

A. Nevsky Monastery (Lavra), 18c.Trezzini; it was built to commemorate the victory of Russia over the

Swedes on the banks of the river Neva in 1240.

 Anichkov Bridge; «The Horse Tamers», 19c. sc.P.Clodt


8) Palace Square ; Winter Palace (1762,Rastrelli)-the former residence of Russian tsars;

Alexander Column (1834, Montferrand); it was set up in honour of Russia’s

victory over Napoleon in 1812

9) Decembrists’ Square (the Senate Square); «Bronze Horseman» (sc.Falconet, 1782)

10) St. Isaac’s Square ; St.Isaac’s Cathedral (19c. Montferandt); a monument to Nicolas I.



1) History: 1147, Yury Dolgoruky

15 th -18 th centuries- the capital of Russian State

1703-1918- StPetersburg is the capital of Russian State

1918-present time- the capital of Russian state

2) Red Square (main square)

Lenin Mausoleum (1930)

The State History Museum (19 c.; has a rich collection of documents, drawings, pictures, and materials about the country’s past and Russian people)

 St Basil’s Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral; 16 th c.; after the victory over Kazan Kingdom)

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky (I.Martos, 19 c.; they were heroes of the people’s struggle in the war against Poland in 1612)

3) The Moscow Kremlin

Spasskaya Tower (67.36 m) ; Kremlin Clock (16 th c.)

Tsar Bell ( 200 tons, 1733-35 I. Martos)

Tsar Cannon ( 40 tons , 1586 A.Chokhov)

Bell Tower of Ivan the Great ( 81 m,

The State Kremlin Palace (the former Palace of Congresses)

4) The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour ( C.Ton 19 th c.; to commemorate Russian’s victory over Napoleon in

1812; destroyed in 1931; in 1995 rebuilding began)

5) Theatre Square

Bolshoi Theatre ( founded in 1776, built in 1856)

Maly Theatre

 Central Children’s Theatre

6) The Tretyakov Gallery ( founded by P.Tretyakov in 1856; famous for Russian icons and painting)

7) Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov (1949-1953 )

8) Tverskaya Street (main street ) ; Pushkin Square ( a monument to A.Pushkin, ); the Moscow City Hall and the statue of Prince Yury Dolgoruky )

9) Novy Arbat Street (famous for skyscrapers, cafes, casinos, night clubs and shopping centres)

Тема 8. Географические и природные условия стран изучаемого языка.

Города (сёла) стран изучаемого языка и их достопримечательности

(музеи, театры, кино, выставки)

Opportunities (beginner) SB p.46, 46, 62-63,66,76-77

Opportunities (elementary) SB p. 38, 88-90, 92

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.p.83

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.23 PB p.16

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.42,44-45,49, 102,119

Longman Exam Companion p.1-2


Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic 1: English-speaking Countries.

Situations for individual work.

1) What English-speaking countries do you know? Contrast and compare these countries.

2) What do you know about the UK? What is important to know about the UK if you go there as a tourist (cities, towns, monuments, historical places, etc.)

3) Speak about the UK .How is British economy connected with its geographical position?

4) What image of Britain do you have? Which places in Britain would you like to visit? Give your reasons.

5) You are a TV political observer. You were asked to prepare a TV programme on the topic «What do the

Americans and the British have in common? » What are you going to speak about?

6) You are a journalist from Russia. You’ve been sent to America/ Britain to prepare a TV reporting on the

American/British political system. Fulfil the task. Pay a special attention to the facts unknown to Russian TV viewers.


You’ve just returned from America/Britain and your friends are very impatient to know more about what

Americans/British are. Express your attitude towards this.

8) Advertise a 10-day trip to Great Britain or to the USA.

9) What are obvious differences in the British way of life compared to life in the USA and Russia?

10) What are the main reasons that people visit Britain or the USA?

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages» discussions.

1) Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of the situation of the British Isles. Compare Britain with Russia.

2) Compare the political structure of Britain, the USA and Russia.

3) From your own information, what reasons can you find for, and against, continued British membership of the

European Community?

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Comment on the words: «When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life»( Samuel Johnson 1709-1784)

2) «Englishmen will never be slaves: they are free to do whatever the Government and public opinion allow them to do» . (Bernard Shaw)

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) Act as a guide around London / Washington . How would you present it so that the listeners could see, feel and

understand its beauty and magnificence?

2) Role-play. Imagine you and your companions arrive in Britain. The guide who will accompany you on your sightseeing tour meets you at Heathrow airport.

Role A: You are a tourist. What questions would you like to ask your guide about the visit?

Role B: You are a guide. Speak about the programme of the visit and answer the tourists’ questions.

3) You are a film producer from Russia who is going to make a documentary about American/ British style of life.

Your crew are interviewing passers -by and asking them different questions about the life style in

America/Britain. You also take part in this interview and ask the people one and the same question «Do all

Americans/British have equal opportunity to success?» Role-play the scene.

Topic 2. Large cities of Great Britain and the United States of America. London.




What city would you like to visit - Washington, New York or London. Give reasons for your choice.


What places of interest in the US would you like to visit? Why? What is a true/ typical American like? Which famous Americans do you know? Speak about your favourite one.


Name the most impressive places of interest in London. Say what they are noted for. Say what makes London one of the world’s most enjoyable cities.


Washington is richly endowed with American history. Name the most impressive places which have important historic associations. Plan a programme for visitors to Washington. What most remarkable places of interest would you include in it? Give reasons for your choice.


The English-speaking World


1) Name


The United

Kingdom of Great

Britain and


The United states of America

Northern Ireland

2) Location on the British Isles on the continent of the North America

60 mln 283 mln


Canada on the North

American continent

31 mln 3)


4) Capital

5) Largest cities



7) National emblem

8) Head of the State





Washington DC







Montreal, Toronto,


English, Welsh,


England-red rose

English, Spanish

Wales- daffodil, leek,

Scotland- thistle

Northern Ireland-

The bald –headed eagle shamrock

The British Queen The President

English, French

The maple leaf



Prime The President

The British Queen represented by the




Prime 9) Head of the




11) Status

British pound US dollar


Presidential State

Canadian dollar




Interesting facts

13) Places of interest

14) Main products

Constitutional /



Albion is a poetic name for Britain;

John Bull –a figure representing the English people, particularly newspapers, cartoons, etc. in


Greenwich, The

City of Bath,

Stonehenge, Loch

Ness Lake

Electronics, plastics, medicines, aircraft



Cars, electrical goods, minerals, wheat, cattle

Very high standard of living.

The country is advanced in the areas of health, education, social protection and human rights.

The Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes

Oil and gas, metal ores, wood.


The Commonwealth of Australia

New Zealand

New Zealand in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean

(continent Australia)

19 mln in the South


3.7 mln


Sydney, Melbourne,






The kangaroo

The British Queen represented by the


The British Queen represented by the


The Prime Minister The



Australian dollar

Federal State

Nicknames: ‘Oz’,




The continent is south of the Equator, so the seasons are the opposite way round in that part of the world ( the winter season is from June to August)

Eucalyptus forests,

Australian animals:

Emu, dingo. koala,kangaroo,

Great Barrier Reef,

Gold Coast.

Iron, coal, wool, sheep, beef, wheat, minerals

English, Maori

The kiwi

New dollar


Federal State

Rotorua is the centre of Maori culture,

Sheep, goats cows,


Northern Ireland



The UK of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland



Great Britain (London)





The British Isles

Ireland Great Britain





England Wales



The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

England Scotland / Caledonia Wales / Cymru Name/ ancient name

1) Capital

2) Population

3) Language

4) National symbol

5) Big cities


50 mln

English rose


5.5 mln

English thistle

Glasgow, Aberdeen


3.1 mln

English + Welsh daffodil / leek

6) Long rivers

London, Birmingham,

Liverpool, Manchester

The Severn (the longest), the Thames

(the most important)

Pennine mountains

The Clyde

Ben Nevis

Cardiff, Swansea,


The Severn

Snowdon 7)High mountains

8) Large lakes Lock Lomond, Lock Ness

9) Interesting facts

10) Places to visit

Lake Windermere (in the Lake District )

The Channel Tunnel, underneath the English

Channel, link Britain to the rest of Europe.

London (the capital),

Stonehenge (a prehistoric complex on

Salisbury Plain),

Stratford-on-Avon (the birthplace of


Windsor (a town),

Famous for Highland

Games , Edinburgh Art

Festival, the kilt and

Scottish whisky

Edinburgh Castle, The

Palace of Holyrood ( the official residence of the

Queen), Loch Ness ( a lake which is famous for

Nessie), the Burns

Country ( the birthplace of Robert Burns)

Famous for

‘Eisteddfods’ (meetings of poets and singers who take part in competitions)

Cardiff Castle ,


Caernarfon ( an ancient town)

Northern Ireland /



1.8 mln

English + Irish Gaelic shamrock


The Shannon

Fair Head

Lough Neagh

The annual Belfast

Festival is the second largest international festival in Britain.

The Giant Causeway (a mass of stone columns)


Oxford and Cambridge

(university cities)

 HELP! Great Britain

1) Status

2) Head of the State

3) Head of the Government

4) Political System

Constitutional / Parliamentary Monarchy (the queen or king reigns with the support of Parliament)

Queen / King

Prime Minister

5) Main Political Parties

6) Flag

Conservative, Labour, Liberal

Union Jack ( red cross- St George of England; white cross- St Andrew of

Scotland; red cross- St Patrick of Ireland)

7) Anthem

8) Highest Mountain

9) Longest river

10) Largest lake

God save the Queen

Ben Nevis

The Severn

Laugh Neagh ( in N.Ireland) ; Lock Lomond (in Scotland)

The United States of America

1) Status Federal Republic (date of Independence: 4 th July, 1776)

2) Head of the State

3) Head of the Government

4) Political System

5) Main Political Parties

6) Flag




The Senate the House of Representatives

Republican Party and Democratic Party

7) Anthem

The stars and stripes (the 13 stripes represent the original number of states in

1776. The 50 stars represent today’s total)

The Star-Spangled Banner

8) Highest Mountain

9) Longest river

10) Largest lake

Mount McKinley (6,194 m)

The Mississippi-Missouri ( 6,019 km)

Lake Superior

 HELP! London

1) * West End ( the richest part)

* East End (the poorest part) + London Docks

* the City = the Square Mile ( the oldest part and the business centre)

Bank of England

Mansion House ( the residence of Lord Mayor of London)

2) Westminster

* Houses of Parliament = Westminster Palace ( Big Ben)

* Parliament Square

* 10 Downing Street ( the residence of the Prime Minister)

* Westminster Abbey

3) Trafalgar Square ( a place for political

47 demonstrations and meetings)

* the Nelson Column ( Admiral Nelson won a victory over Napoleon in 1805)

* the National Portrait Gallery

* the National Gallery

4) Buckingham Palace = Buck House ( the residence of the Queen of England)

* the Changing of the Guard ( at 11.30 in the morning)

5) Hyde Park ( * Speaker’s Corner)

6) Piccadilly Circus ( main street and London’s theatreland; the bronze statue of Eros)

7) St Paul’s Cathedral ( the second largest cathedral in the world after St Peter in Rome; built in 1710 by

Ch. Wren ; 110 m high; Nelson was buried here)

8) The Tower of London ( fortress

 king’s residence  political prison

 museum)

* Beefeaters = Yeomen Warders

* The Tower Bridge

9) The British Museum ( it shows works of art from Asia, Eqypt, Rome, Greece and other countries)

Washington, D.C.

1) named after the first American President George Washington (1789-97) ) , founded in 1790

2) in 1800 became the capital of the USA

3) it lies on the left bank of the Potomac river

4) population 4 mln

5) the Capitol ( the seat of the US Congress)

6) The White House = the Executive Mansion ( the residence of the President)

7) The Lincoln Memorial (1922 H.Bacon; a big temple in Greek style, a marble figure of Abraham .Lincoln, the

President of the USA)

8) The Washington Monument ( 555-foot marble and granite obelisk, commemorating George Washington)

9) Jefferson Memorial ( a memorial to the 3 rd President of the USA Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the founder of

the Democratic party and the author of the Declaration of Independence)

9) The Smithsonian Institution ( scientific institute, art galleries, zoos- all the result of a gift from an Englishman

James Smithson who never saw America in his life)

10) Arlington National Cemetery ( the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; American soldiers are buried there; the

American President John Kennedy was buried there too)

11) The Vietnam Veterans Memorial ( a black granite wall, a statue of three Vietnam soldiers)

Тема 9. Сведения о культуре стран изучаемого языка и их вкладе в мировую культуру


Праздники и знаменательные даты.

Opportunities (beginner) SBp. 102, 116

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.94

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.39-40,57

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.31,57,83,97,99, 101,103,104,106,109

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p76,100

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic 1: Holidays and Customs.

Situations for individual work.


What do you know about holidays and traditions in any English-speaking countries? Which holiday would you like to celebrate in Great Britain or the US if you had a chance. Explain your choice. Compare the way of celebrating of some holidays in Russia and in Great Britain (America).


There are different ways of learning about the world: through the mass media, books, travelling, visiting museums, meeting other people, etc. Which ways do you prefer to learn about the world?


What festival or holiday of the English-speaking country would you like to participate and why?

 HELP! Christmas in

Food and Drink Gift-giving time





Turkey, cranberry sauce,

Christmas pudding, sherry, port and wine

Oysters, foie gras, turkey, cheeses, white wine and champagne

Carp or herring on

Christmas Eve, roast goose on Christmas Day

Christmas dinner on Dec

24, steamed fish, cod or bass, white wine




Christmas meal





Not before midnight on

Christmas Eve

Cost per

Holidays family

£358 Bank holidays:

Christmas Day, Boxing

Day, New Year’s Day

£550 A long break of five days

£385 Dec 25,26 and Jan1 are national holidays

£275 Christmas Day and St

Stephen’s (Boxing



Carol singing,

Boxing Day sport

Big family meal on

Christmas Eve, cards at New Year

Christmas Eve, parents decorate the tree for the children

Mistletoe given by guests visiting another family for luck

Fir tree, Father


Netherlands Rabbit, game and venison, served on

Christmas Day and

Boxing Day

Belgium Veal sausage stuffed with truffles, wild boar, hot wine, traditional cake

Luxembourg Blood sausage, apples, sparkling Luxembourg wine

Christmas morning

St Nicholas,

Dec 6, and



St Nicholas,

Dec 6, and



After dinner on Christmas


£132 Christmas Eve to the first week of January

£275 Two days off work-

Dec 25 and 26

£220 Two days off work-

Dec 25 and 26

Chocolate and marzipan

Colourful outdoor street markets on

Christmas Eve



Duck, goose stuffed with fruit, rice pudding with cinnamon

Turkey and ham on

Christmas Day

Christmas morning

£440 Dec 24, 25 and 26, most people take time off until after New Year

£550 Bank holiday are Dec

25, 26 and 27

Children put out rice pudding and almonds for the Christmas pixies

Ceilidh (traditional dance), going to pubs, visiting with home-made food

Eating turron, a sweet almond toffee




Shellfish, roast lamb, turkey, suckling pig

Salt cod eaten at a meal called the Consoada, sweet pot wine

Small presents on Christmas

Day, big presents on

Epiphany, Jan


Turkey served with wine Christmas morning


Christmas Eve £275


Holidays are Dec 24, 25 and 26, Jan 1 and 6

Christmas Eve and

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, Boxing

Day, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany

Most families put up a manger and a

Christmas tree

A traditional gamble

Topic 2. The Arts.

Situations for individual work.

1) Explain why we need the arts, what makes good art, which art form is most important for you, personally.

2) Share your opinions: real art appeals to the heart and mind of man, to his feelings and ideals and it proclaims life.

Art is life, pretence of art is death.

3) Explain why people hurry to visit a recent opened show (a fine art exhibition...).

4) In museums you find requests to the public not to touch the exhibits. What are the reasons for such requests?

Give your reasons.


7) Great painters make us see the world around us in new light, they teach us to understand the beautiful.

Speak about your favourite painters, genres and museums. Explain why you like them.

8) Cities and museums of the world are full of objects taken from other countries. Should they ever be returned to their country of origin? Do you think they were ‘ stolen’? Give your reasons.

9) Speak about the great Russian museums ( The State Hermitage Museum, The Russian Museum, The State

Tretyakov Gallery). Say what kind of museums you like, what you think are the features of a good museum, what you think about charging an entrance fee for museums. How could museums improve their services? Give your reasons.

10) Speak about Super Museums of the World. Have you visited any of them? How do they differ from native ones?

What makes them attractive to tourists? What painters are particularly well represented in many famous museums of the world?

11) Say what life would be like without artists. Give your reasons.

12) Speak about the development of Russian art (Old Russian Art - Modern Art)

13) Graffiti is a dangerous way of life. Do you agree? Where do you often find it and what kind of people do it and why? What’s your attitude towards people who draw graffiti? Give your reasons.

14) Appreciating of painting can be cultivated in two ways :

Acquiring knowledge of different trends, schools and painters through books and literature;

Visiting galleries and museums, looking at pictures; returning to the same paintings again and again.

Of course both those ways are important, but which of them is the major one?

16) Your friend from Australia is a student of the Art School. He/she is a future artist. During his/her visit to Russia he/she would like to visit the best art museums in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. He/she asks for your advice.

Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


1) Group work: give your comments on the following:

 It’s hard to overestimate the role of art in one’s life.

Art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world.

Art has a great educational significance.

Art brings up people - makes them more humane and kind.

 Art holds up people’s spirits in the tragic movements of their lives.

The language of art is universal .

Art is important and simply because it is art and not because it makes money or has any practical use.

The best part of beauty is that which a picture cannot express.

2) An international young people’s magazine is investigating the question: Graffiti-the pros and cons. Discuss what you think about graffiti, if it is art or crime? Give your reasons.

3) There are different ways of going round a museum or gallery: *with a guide *with an audio guide *by oneself.

Which way do you prefer? Give some arguments «For and Against» each way of seeing a museum.

4) Discussion «Are you for modern or for old art?»

We know that many people today reject old art and protect new trends in art. But what shall we do

without the great works of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinchi, or Rembrandt and Rublev? Shall we

reject them? Give your comments on the following statements.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

Explain the following:

A picture is a poem without words. (Horace , a Roman poet and writer , 65 BC)

A mere copier of nature can never produce anything great. (Joshua Reynolds, an English painter, 1723-1792)

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. (O.Wilde , an Irish writer, 1854-


 The artist is the creator of beautiful things. To reveal art and conceal the artist is art’s aim. (O.Wilde)

Art is long and time is fleeting. (Longfellow, an American poet, 1807-82)

 «Love art. Of all lies, it is the least» ( Gustave Flaubert)

 «There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a spot into the sun».(Pablo Picasso)

Dramatizing and role-play.

Work in pairs. Invite your partner to go to one of the museums or exhibitions. Find out how she/he feels about it. Do not expect your partner to experience the same willingness to visit this place. Give really convincing arguments in favour of your choice.


Topic 2: Holidays and Customs

The British TV centre invites you to take part in the programme «Russian National Holidays». You are to speak on one holiday, but it must be your favourite one. Explain to the TV viewers why you like it most of all. Make them like this holiday as much as you do.


Describing Paintings

1) Now I’d like to attract landscape... still-life.... self-portrait...... canvas......

your attention to this drawing..... panel....... engraving...... water-colour......


It was painted drawn by a/an unknown renowned celebrated



French artist master painter belonging to the... representing the... realistic classic modern school of tend in

3) As you can see it’s an oil picture / a water-colour painting / a pastel piece

a pen-and-ink drawing / a pencil sketch

4) art painting

The artist

depicts / portrays .....................

5) The picture conveys the idea of......./ a sense of.......

contains ........ / is made up of....... in the (near) foreground in the middle ground in the background in the (far) distance

gives the impression........

is executed mostly in bright / dark/ cold/ blue/ vague/ light colours (tones, hues)

vividly (realistically) portrays the hard life of...../ the conflict of....../the beauty

of...../ the heroism of....../ the enjoyment of.......


Numerous shades of blue brown black prevail in it especially in its upper part /lower part central part right-hand/left-hand

7) The artist seem to believe that......probably means that...... wants to warn us about......

is trying to convey the idea of....../ that...... is here referring to......

8) The artist’s use of..... creates the impression of.... / indicates that.....

9) The fact that the artist emphasises ......shows that......

10) The artist employs the/a/an unusual composition of to emphasise

unbalanced arrangement objects the perspective of...

strange the height of....



11) The artist paints/portrays the details of the scenery with great expression

draws/depicts the household articles tremendous skill

represents the people’s garments great feeling

the movement of water convincing truth

every fold of the table cloth great inspiration

care and precision


12) By using this technique vivid/natural atmospheric effects

he/she manages to achieve

wonderful colour/light and shade

splendid moonlight

marvellous perspective

unusual sunshine

13) What I find interesting

confusing is.......


14) I find the atmosphere the artist creates very effective

mood quite powerful

impression extremely convincing


Discussing pictures

Negative Impressions

The drawing is full of faults

The perspective lacks depth

Light is not rendered at all

 It isn’t a picture; it is a mere spattering of colours

The painting is a blur. One can hardly make out anything

 I shouldn’t call it a painting at all

It offends the eye

 It’s too bad for words

 It’s completely meaningless

 I was shocked by….

 It’s a shame……..

No good at all!

 It’s unbelievable trash

 It’s beneath all criticism

 It’s ridiculous, disgusting

Positive Impressions

I am favourably impressed by the picture

It is realistic and true to life

It is thought- provoking art

It is an honest presentation of………

There is convincing truth in this painting

This is what I should call true realism!

 Isn’t it superb!

 It’s quite a find, isn’t it?

 Oh, but do look at this portrait! It’s a work of genius

The effect of the light is striking

It is magnificent / lovely / amazing / fantastic…

 I’m absolutely thrilled

 It’s an impressive piece of art

 It’s too diving for words

It conveys its meaning absolutely


The names of various subcultures






General Discussion

May I put a word in?

 If you ask me…..

 It just occurred to me…

Generally speaking…

 Strictly speaking…

That depends on…

I want to press the point that…

 On the one hand…

 On the other hand…

Under the circumstances

 As far as I’m able to judge…

 From my point of view…

 To sum it all up…

 All things considered…

We can arrive at the conclusion that…

 I’d like to make some brief comment about…

 On the whole…

 To be brief / in a word…

All these show conclusively that…

The members of this subculture wear black clothes, a lot of silver jewellery. They look very pale and thin ( white faces with black make up ) , and gather together to read Bram Stoker and talk about being vampires. Romantic, gloomy philosophy, interested in dark side of the life.

They like to be in a group and create all-night dance parties. They want to try out all sort of opinions and they are thought to be rebellious and violent.

They support a liberal attitude and lifestyle. Mostly well-off, middle class kids reacting against their parents. They always want to change the world for the best, they disapprove materialism and believe in ‘free love’ and peace. They are thought to use psychedelic drugs and listen to

Rock ’n’ Roll.










These young people have brightly coloured spiked hair and dress in shocking way to express their individuality. They wear black leather jackets , metal objects and reject everything in the world. They made their own kind of music, punk rock, they like violent, discordant music.

Anti-materialistic from necessity as they come from poor backgrounds.

These young people have pale faces and plenty of make up. They prefer listening to soul music. Their clothes are a neat white Italian shirt, a short jacket, narrow trousers and a short blazer, very fashion conscious. Scooters are their preferred means of transportation. Enemies of the Rockers, who ride motorbikes.

This type of young people is associated with something rebellious. They wear leather jackets, army boots and a cowboy hats to show off.

These young people have a deep understanding of how computers work. They can do “ magical” things with them.

The young people of this subculture have no or very short hair. They are uninterested in traditional politics. The majority of them are working class and football fans. They are regarded as violent and aggressive ( right-wing and racist). They wear jeans. Ex-army clothing and big boots. They enjoy fighting. They like similar music to the punks. They are often poorly educated .


! Participating in Social Events





Wedding anniversary


Celebration in the United States

Friends give a baby shower for expectant mother; gift for baby; flowers for mother in the hospital; send birth announcement to friends; send greeting cards to new parents.

Adults celebrate with family and usually have a cake with candles; children have parties, invite friends, wear hats, play games, receive prizes, eat cake and ice cream; guests bring relatively inexpensive presents.

Engagement: Fianc e

gives future wife a ring, usually with a diamond; bride’s friends give bridal showers where bride receives household gifts; friends of the groom give him a “stag party”.

Wedding: Guests attend the ceremony and, if invited, a reception afterwards; guests give gifts, usually of expensive silver, china or glassware, or money.

Husband and wife spend the evening together or go out with friends. On 25 th and 50 th wedding anniversary, family and friends give the couple a special party and bring them presents.

Funeral home: Friends gather at the funeral home or chapel to pay their respects, offer condolences; they send flowers or make a contribution to a charity in the name of the deceased.

Funeral: Family and close friends go to the religious service and then to the cemetery to pay their respects.

Тема 10. Научно-технический прогресс. Деятели культуры и науки.

Opportunities (elementary) SB p. 40,44, 73,76-77, 109-110, 113-114, 116 PB p.33

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.30,35,39,

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p53, 54-5560-62, 69,71,75, PB p.58

Longman Exam Companion p.4-7

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic : Facing the Unknown. Science and Scientists.

Situations for individual work.

1) What do you think of science? Do science and technology do more good than harm, more harm than good, or about equal? Find examples of how technological progress has changed our lives.

2) Say why we pay tribute to great scientists of the world.

3) Say what outstanding scientists you know about , in what field they work (worked) and what they are famous for.

4) What qualities, in your opinion, are needed to succeed in scientific work? Give your reasons.


5) Try to explain why much attention is paid to the development of science nowadays. Can you explain why curiosity is «one of the doors to the world»?

6) Everybody agrees that developments in science and technology are changing the world very rapidly. How is your own day-to-day life changing or has changed thanks to scientific and technological advances; how will these developments be affecting life in Russia over the next fifty years or so?

7) You have received the task to make an open lecture entitled «Science and Society». What problems can you discuss in it?

8) Do you think that there is intelligent life on other planets in our universe? If so, what do you think it is like? Do you believe that people have actually seen UFOs? Give your reasons.

9) What does the future hold? What is our life going to be like in 50 years’ time?

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages» discussions.

1) Work in groups. Decide on an invention and then try to draw a rough diagram to show how it works. Discuss

whose invention is the most interesting and useful.

2) The film studio is going to make a documentary film about the greatest inventions of the humankind. You are invited to the studio as an expert to decide what inventions should be included in the film. You are supposed to speak about one invention only. Present information on:

 the invention you consider to be one of the greatest in the world;

 the name of the person it was designed be;

 the country this invention was made in;

 what this thing made for;

 how it is used now;

 how it influenced our life;

 why you are sure that it should be included in the film


In the future, we shall probably have ‘videophones’.( A videophone is a telephone which will allow speakers to see each other). What advantages and disadvantages can you foresee?

4) Discuss what you think people will have achieved by the year 2025. (medical research, space exploration, educational technology, leisure and entertainment, world politics, the environment)

5) Discuss with other groups three main theories of the Universe origin and work out the version of your own.

6) Try yourself in a scientific dispute. Your fellow-student is a darwinist. He/she believes in the theory of evolutional development. She/he is absolutely sure that human beings originated from the apes. You are of the other opinion. You keep to the point of view that human beings appeared on Earth as the creation of the Higher

Mind and have always existed as human beings. During the dispute don’t forget to respect your opponent’s point of view.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Comment on the following:

« Science is the most important, the most magnificent and the most necessary element of life»


« I value experiment higher than a thousand opinions born of the imagination» (M.Lomonosov)

« The job of science is to serve people» ( Leo Tolstoy)

2) Comment on the following words « Modern civilization is everything that has been achieved thanks to science».

Do you agree? In what way do you think these words are true?

3) Read these lines about science and comment on them:

«Science is organised knowledge»; «Science is built up of facts, as house is built of stones; but accumulation of

facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house» (Jules-Henri Poincare); «Scientific work must have

no object except to find out the truth»; «True science teaches, above all, to doubt and to be ignorant» .(Miguel

de Unamuno)

4) Read these lines about science and express your personal opinion.

«Science brings disasters»; «Science has a potential for both Good and Evil»;

«Genius is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration» (Th. A.Edison);

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) Many people all over the world are interested in the processes which are taking place in Russia. They are eager

to know about the development of Russian science. You are correspondents of different famous foreign

newspapers and magazines. What questions would you ask Russian scientists? (Role-play a conversation

between a group of Russian scientists and foreign journalists).

2) Develop the situations:

Your friend studies electronic engineering. He believes that studying the humanities is very easy, useless, has no future. Argue the opposite viewpoint.


Your friend is going to be a literary critic. He believes that all students of sciences are narrow-minded; the subjects they study are boring, their future work won’t be really creative. Argue the opposite viewpoint.

 Your parents don’t want you to study the humanities. Persuade them that it is your real calling.

 HELP! What does the future hold?

Some people are rather optimistic about the future, others predict the end of the world.

Here is what pessimists say:

Our planet will be invaded by aliens. Those who

 survive will become their slaves.

There will be a nuclear war and our planet will become uninhabitable.

Air pollution will be so awful that people will have to live in underground cities.

People will be replaced by robots. There will be more unemployed. Life will be harder.

There will be more criminals. Terrorist groups will be more powerful. It will be dangerous to go out. People will be killed by remote control.

Our simple pleasures will become a thing of the past. We’ll take food in the form of tablets and

 pills.

People will destroy and poison huge areas of land, along with the plants and animals that live

 there.

A lot of people around the world will not have enough food and clean water.

Here is what optimists say:

People will be able to travel in space, they will be able to spend their holidays on other planets.

 We’ll be stronger and healthier. Scientists will invent anti-ageing pills and people will live much longer than now.

Scientists will find solutions to our most urgent problems and people will live to be 150 years old.

Robots will do all the dangerous and dirty jobs.

Our working hours will be shorter and our holidays will be longer.

There will be no more wars, no more criminals.

The world will become more democratic.

Our daily life will become easier. Everything will be automated. We’ll shop, pay our bills and even cook with the help of computers.

Air pollution will be stopped. Special underground pipes will carry smoke and fumes from factories to air-cleaning plants.


! Will we live to see the first cloned human?

Films and science fiction books have often played with the idea of reproducing exact copies of people. Today, science fiction has become science fact. We have our first real clones, though they are not human beings- yet!

Cloning is a controversial issue. Some people are ready to eat cloned fruits and vegetables, but are against cloning animals. They think it is morally unacceptable. The question of human cloning is even more controversial.

Every plant, animal and person has genes. They are passed on from generation to generation. They make sure that humans give birth to humans or cows give birth to cows. The recipe for a human being is contained in the 80,000 genes we inherit from our parents. These genes have the instructions that not only make us human but also determine things like skin colour and the shape of our nose.

Scientists have known about genes for a long time. What they haven’t known until recently is how to change them.

Now they do.

The gene revolution began in 1997, when some scientists from Scotland produced the first sheep, Dolly. In 2000,

American scientists announced the birth of five cloned piglets. In 2003 , the first cloned mule and the first cloned horse were produced.




The idea of cloning is extremely exciting.

Many people are in need of tissues and organs for transplantation. But it isn’t easy to get such transplantable organs as, for example, heart, liver or kidneys. Cloning can solve this problem.

Many animals are on the brink of extinction. Cloning can be used to preserve them.

Scientists can develop animals which produce more milk, meat and wool, or animals which don’t catch certain diseases. This can save the lives of starving people.

 It’s also possible to transfer an individual gene from one cell to another and create new life forms. British scientists managed to create the first “geep”, an animal which is 50% sheep and 50% goat.


 We don’t know exactly what the meaning of life is. Creating life is the duty of nature, and we mustn’t interfere with that task.

 We should stop cloning because we don’t understand it and cannot control all of its effects. What would happen if a dictator, someone like Hitler, cloned himself? Would we be able to survive?

Suppose you clone yourself and your clone grows up to be a dangerous criminal. How would you react? And how would the police know which of you is innocent and which is guilty?

Everyone is unique and should have their own personality to be proud of- so it wouldn’t be good to have a clone.

 Тема 11. Международные молодёжные контакты. Проблемы

молодёжи. Молодёжная мода.

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.82-83

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p11,24,38,45,47,59,104,105,110

Longman Exam Companion p.9

Topic 1. Modern youth. Problems of young people.

Situations for individual work.

1) Speak about the problems of the young in the modern world.

2) Speak about the life of young people in our country: lifestyle, views, hobbies, aspirations. What problems do teenagers experience nowadays? Compare with the life in America or Great Britain.


Some people say «teens» today seem spoiled (undisciplined and egocentric) compared to those of earlier times.

Comment on this supposition.

4) What jobs, attitudes, looks, arts, books, outfits, hobbies are popular among teenagers? Give your reasons.

5) Is it easy for a teenager to get a job and to earn some money? Have you ever tried to? Say a few words about your experiences.

6) Speak how you can spend your pocket money. Which are the ways of earning money for a teenager?

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages»


Make a presentation of a new TV programme «Teenagers» . Try to attract the audience of young people to the problems of youth ( love, money, work, education, generation gap, future career, drugs, dreams, position in life...).

Speak about its difference from other TV programmes. (Each group represent different programmes)

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Here is a statement which people sometimes make when discussing good and evil: «There can never be clear and absolute guidelines about what is good and evil. What is good depends entirely upon the circumstances at the time». What do you think about it?

2) Read these lines about age and youth and say in what way they are true.


« The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything.»

Dramatizing and role-play.


You have to write an article to the youth magazine under the title «............». Interview a young person (a teenager) asking him/her all possible questions about the life in our country. Touch upon different aspects of teenagers’ life (education, future career, generation gap, drugs and smoking, political views......)

2) You’ve got a lot of really difficult problems to solve, haven’t you? Share them with your partner. Act out a conversation.

3) Role-play.

Card A. Your teenage daughter/son has asked you if she/he can have a party in your house/flat.

You’ve said ‘Yes’ but now must discuss the ‘rules’, that is what is allowed and what is not allowed.

Think about the following questions:

How many people will come? What food and drink will there be? How loud will the music be? Where

will people stay overnight? Which rooms will be used? Who will tidy up afterwards?

In general you are a little nervous about the idea because last time a number of things were broken and

your neighbours complained about the noise.

Card B. You have asked if you can have a party at home and your parents have agreed. Your mother/father

wants to discuss now how it is going to be organised. You have a horrible feeling that they are going to

make so many rules that it won’t be any fun at all. Try and get your parents to go out, so you can

organise it how you want.

Topic 2: Fashion

Situations for individual work.

1) Do you have strong feelings about the clothes you wear? Do you feel good when you wear some clothes and bad

when you wear others? Give some examples.

1) Would you say that you were someone who was interested in fashion? Say if you always follow fashion, why

people follow fashion, if it’s better to follow your individual taste.

2) Do you think that clothes express people’s personality or disguise it ? Do you think that women are more

interested in fashion than men? How far is it true that there is ‘one rule for grown-ups and another for kids’?

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages» discussions.

Lots of young people think that their clothes are the most important thing about them. But there is a saying that says, “ Clothes do not make the man”. So how important are the clothes?

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

Give your comments on the following:

A lady wants to be dressed exactly like everybody else but she gets pretty upset if she sees

 anybody else dressed exactly like her. (Ogden Nash, «Marriage Lines» 1964)

Good clothes open all doors. (Thomas Fuller, «Gnomologia» 1732)

Dramatizing and role-play.

A young English person is coming to visit Russia for two or three weeks and wants to know what is in fashion so as not to appear out of place. You are asked to say what information you would give your visitor about current fashions and to explain what is definitely not in fashion Dramatize a short play.


Teenagers: What problems? (conversational blocks)

What do other people think of teenagers?

Adults often think that the teenage years are a carefree time- very little responsibility, and an endless stream of dates, friends and parties. According to ‘the older generation’ teenagers are lazy, they wear ridiculous clothes and are appallingly rude to their betters and elders; they find it impossible to be polite, helpful, constructive, caring or hard-working. What’s more, they spend all their time listening to awful music (“ It isn’t music, it’s just a collection of terrible noises!”) and gawping at unsuitable films. And all they think about is parties, drugs and sex.

What do teenagers think of themselves?

There are so many pressures at school, from parents and from friends.

We have to behave, look and even talk in a certain way! Adults don’t understand us and we always seem to irritate them too much.

We want to enjoy more freedom and we don’t blindly accept the ideas of the elders.



Teenagers: What problems?

Generation gap It’s a gap between the views of the younger generation of teenagers and the views of their parents. It causes them to argue or to be unfriendly to one another. The most common reasons

School life and future career



Homelessness and Leaving

Homes for their arguments:

The teenagers attitude towards other family members

The parents want their children to help more about the house

 The quality of the teenagers’ school work

Problems with smoking, drinking, going to night clubs, etc.

 Different ideas, different styles, different thoughts…

Having no close friend

Pressure at school

Lessons at school are too difficult

Bullies at school

Planning the future career (to enter a good university and find a good job afterwards)

Having pocket money

Loneliness or bad conditions of life

Love without reciprocity

Constant failures


Death of close people or serious disease

Loss of money or financial problems

Drugs and alcohol

Young people take drugs to escape from worries at home or at school. . They think that smoking and alcohol can help you relax and feel more confident and sociable. It causes addiction or dependence after regular use.

 Some young people think you’re more attractive to the opposite sex after a few drinks.

It’s nothing but illusion. The sight of a person with a silly smile, zigzag walking and slurred speech will have the opposite effect.

Everybody talks about drugs. Young people hear bad and good things about them. So they get curious and want to see themselves if drugs are good or bad. Some drugs may depress or stop breathing. They can cause unbalanced emotions and serious mental disorders.


 Unemployment (Parents can’t find a well-paid job ; they don’t have enough money to feed their children)

Parents are too busy with their work and they don’t have time to look after their children

Unsatisfactory living conditions (they are no longer able or willing to live with their parents)

Some families have lost their homes which they owned themselves ( due to fraud )

Some children do not have their own flat or room ( sometimes homeless children live in empty houses)

Some children have problems at home and at school, so they want to escape from them

Refuges (most of them are from the former Soviet republics)

Most of them leave home because they want to get work and experience of the world


Do clothes make the man?



Clothes are important because they tell people who you are, they show someone’s personality. It’s the


Some young people spend too much money on clothes, it’s stupid. All you need is a pair of first thing people see when they meet a person.

We often judge people by what they are wearing. For example, people dressed in expensive clothes are jeans. They are cheap, cool and comfy.

We do not always get the chance to choose our clothes. Sometimes we have to wear a standard thought to be wealthy.

Our choice of clothes also depends on our age and uniform. who we are influenced by.

You feel better and more comfortable if you know you’ve got good clothes on.

Clothes are fun and young people like shopping for them, but they don’t like to look like everybod y else.

They try to have their own style, clothes that fit their personality and their mood.

 Тема 12. Природа и экология. Глобальные проблемы современности.

Opportunities (beginner) SB p.68,70,72,74

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.50

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p29,32,33,50, 80,87-90,96-97,110

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic 1: Nature and Ecology. Weather and Climate.

Situations for individual work.

1) Explain why so much attention is paid to ecological problems nowadays and why people demand urgent actions to protect nature. Can you think of any places of natural beauty or interest in Russia which have been spoilt or destroyed by tourism? What steps could be taken to preserve them or to repair the damage?

2) Speak about the practical steps which are being undertaken for protecting our environment.

3) We often hear the words « harmful effects of civilization on nature». What do they mean? Illustrate the results of harmful and helpful influence of human contacts with nature.

4) Some people believe that the climate on the Earth is changing because of man’s activities and pollution. What do you think about it? What would happen if cars and lorries were banned from the city centre?

5) You are the members of Greenpeace. What regions of Russia make you worry and why?

6) The Gulf of Finland is an important area for tourism . What are the problems of its environmental protection?


Suppose you are to give a talk to junior classes «Be kind to nature». What would you speak about?

8) Are you aware of the need to look after the environment, or do you believe it is none of your concern and there is little you can really do? Give your reasons.

9) You live in a wonderful city-St.Petersburg. In what season does it look most beautiful? Speak about the climate and weather .

10) We are always anxious to know what the weather is going to be like and we listen to the weather forecast on the radio. We rejoice when the weather forecast is: sunny weather. We get upset when the forecast is: rain, wind moderate. Does the weather affect the way you feel? How? What’s your favourite time of year? Why? What do you like most about each season? And what do you dislike?

11) The world’s climate is changing, isn’t it? If this is true, what kind of changes might we see in the weather and the way we live in the future? How would it affect you or your country if the weather got hotter / colder / wetter / drier ? Suggested prompts: temperature, rainfall, food supplies, geography, health, wild life, outdoor/indoor life.

12) You are going to work/study abroad for three months. What would you take with you if you were going to

 a very hot country

 a very cold country

Suggested prompts: clothing, footwear, sports equipment, personal items, protective creams and

medicines etc . Do you think the weather would affect your opinion of the place?

17) Why are people so interested in environmental protection? How does your health and your life depend on the environment? Give your reasons. Man’s survival depends upon the way he treats his environment. Say in what

way this is true. Who needs protection nowadays done to solve the problems of smog in large cities?


(people, animals, plants, oceans, etc.)? What can be

18) Can you name any society fighting for environmental protection? What do they do? Would you like to join the society?

19) You are invited to speak on the subject «Do animals have rights?» What are you going to tell us about? Do you think we can learn anything about ourselves by studying animals and their behaviour? Say what human beings and some animals have in common? Below are some animals that are often the object of our love and fear. Why?

( elephant, cockroach, spider, panda, dolphin, seal, whale, rat, polar bear)

20) Tell us about your pet’s character. Can you prove that cats and dogs have good or bad traits of character?

21) Your English friend is a member of the public movement «Travels for Peace and Nature» . He/she wants to know about the ecological problems in Russia as much as possible. Explain to your English friend:

 why environmental problems have become exceptionally acute in the country;

 why it is necessary to take measures to protect the environment from industrial pollution;

 why in many towns and cities the concentration of harmful substances in the air is over ten times the admissible level;

 why the environmental safety of nuclear and hydrolic power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance;

 why Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with other countries ;

 why people have become more sensitive towards the environment in recent years

22) As an active participant of the «Green Peace» public commission you are invited to take part in a world conference on environmental protection which will be held in Washington. Prepare a report «Environmental

Problems in Russia» for the conference.

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages» discussions.

1) Discuss FOR and AGAINST on the subject: «Research which involves live animals should be

banned». How far do you agree with this view? Give your reasons. What do you think about

these ideas?

Animal liberationists are crazy extremists.

 It’s time factory farming was banned.

We should close zoos and return the animals to their natural environment.

The world would be a better place if everyone was a vegetarian.

 It’s time to give up the stresses of modern life and go back to growing our own food.

 If we don’t do more to protect the environment, many species will soon be as dead as the dinosaurs.

 It’s wrong to use animals to test new cosmetics and drugs. Do you agree?

2) Group work. Unhappily the story of man includes the careless killing of wildlife and the careless

exploitation of natural resources, the pollution of rivers and streams and the destruction of forest

lands. Say what damage people have done to nature by treating their environment so carelessly. Do

you know about any places on the Earth that were destroyed, where wildlife was killed as a result

of man’s interference? Say how forests and rivers, soil and natural resources are valuable to us.

3) Here are some of the ways to solve ecological problems. Express your opinion if they are helpful or not:

The factories and plants must be removed from cities

Green zones must be created. The greenery must be protected and increased

Pollution control systems must be introduced

Purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used

Noise must be reduced

4) You have a discussion on the topic of «WHICH MAKE BETTER PETS - DOGS OR CATS?» Discuss advantages and disadvantages of keeping dogs and cats at home. The good points of one are very often the bad points of another and vice versa, as in the example given:

5) You are invited to work in the commission on environmental protection. Suggest your own projects. What do you think should be done:

 to lower the concentration of harmful substances in the air of towns and cities;

 to protect the environment from industrial pollution;

 to stop the danger of environmental disasters;

 to attract more attention to environmental problems;

 to keep the streets of towns tidy and clean;

 to prevent the adverse effect of flatland hydropower stations on the environment;

 to ensure nature conservation;

 to solve the problem of communal waste in towns;

 to develop international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.


1) «Take care of the Earth and it will take care of you». Develop this statement. Say about the role of

nature in our life and about the effective ways of preserving it for the future generations.

2) «People who live in northern countries are cold and reserved but those who live in warmer climates

are more open and friendly».Comment on this statement. Say whether you agree with it or not,

give reasons for your opinion. Go on to discuss how the climate affects the character and way of life

of the people in your own country/ city.

3) Read these words from the Bible and say how you understand them: «Speak to the earth , and it shall teach thee»

4) «We can make a difference». How can you apply this motto to the environmental protection problem?

5) Read these words and say in what way they are, or are not true.

«The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself» (Franklin Roosevelt); «Civilization is being

poisoned by its own waste products» (William Ralph Inge)

6) «Cats are solitary egoists and appeal to people who are self-contained. Dogs like to please and be loved . They tend to attract outgoing people». Do you agree with this statement? Can you think of examples from your own experience to support or contradict it?

Dramatizing and role play.

1) You are invited to participate in the radio programme devoted to environmental problems. Make a presentation of the city conference «We and Our Environment». Invite the citizens of

St.Petersburg, specialists and educators to join it and share their views on the urgent global and local ecological problems.

2) You have to write an article to the magazine «Nature» . Interview an official representative of the ecology department in St.Petersburg. Ask him/her about the ecological situation in the country and in the city, about possible ways to improve it.

3) You have a pen friend from Nigeria. He is going to visit St.Petersburg. He has grown up in a tropical climate. He asks you what clothes he needs for his one-year stay . Give him some ideas of the weather he can expect to

experience. (Act out a conversation)





They are affectionate, loyal and obedient, protective,


They are independent, indifferent, amusing and curious

You don’t have to walk a cat twice a day

Cats can understand how different people will react.

Cats are not expensive to keep and they do not need a lot of looking after.

They are not very noisy, do not bark, do not need space.

Cats are quite clean animals

They are good companions for old people or children.

Cats reduce you blood pressure

Cats help relax and cope with the stress and tension of everyday life the other hand, they.......

Personal opinion. Both dogs and cats have their good and bad points. Personally, however, I prefer...... because........ dependent; some are too spoilt; often bark or foul

You may find it useful to follow the plan below:

Introduction. Most people have a pavements; may be violent and dangerous

Some people regard dogs as friendly. Others think they strong preference either for dogs or for cats, and do not usually keep are a nuisance.

Although it was badly the other as pets. Those who like dogs.... while those who prefer cats....

Good and bad points of dogs. Dog lovers praise dogs in the first place because...... Apart from that, they...... However, keeping a dog has some disadvantages......

Good and bad points of cats. to be responsible.

Dogs can understand how

The features that make people fond of dogs are often opposite of those that appeal to cat lovers. The attraction of cats lies in their..... On

 treated, a dog was faithful to its master.

Dogs are usually very fond of children they grow up with.

Dogs are good company and can teach your children how different people will react.

They can be expensive to keep and need a lot of looking after.



Should animals be used to test new products?


Animals are used to test things like shampoo.

Shampoo is put into the eyes of animals to see if it causes any irritation.

Hardly anyone dies of smallpox, polio or rabies anymore. Why? Vaccines helped wipe them out.

And without animal testing, we wouldn’t have vaccines. We need animal testing to find vaccines and to let scientists try out new medical techniques, such as heart transplants. Yes, it does hurt some animals, but it saves thousands of human lives.


Animals are used to test things like shampoo.

Shampoo is put into the eyes of animals to see if it causes any irritation. Some animals go blind or even die from these tests.

 Animals have feelings, just like humans. It’s wrong when they die to test our products- especially those that have no real medical purpose.


The Greatest Threats to the World’s Environment


1. The extinction of plant and animal life.

2. Pollution.


Pollution ( air, water, land, industrial)

Killing animals

( hunting, poaching, for food, for sport, for research, for profit)

Deforestation (it is caused by trees being burnt or cut down)

 cars, buses ,

Air Pollution fumes)

 smoke and fumes from factories

3. Pollution.

 human activities

Water Pollution ( dirty rivers and

canals, radioactive

waste, chemical

discharge and the

dumping of dangerous

toxins and raw


 environment disasters

(oil tankers are


Birds and animals lose their homes and die

Changes in climate

Less and less oxygen is being produced

Drought or flooding


 it can cause serious breathing problems and cancer

 trees, lakes and buildings are being damaged

 sea life is threatened with extinction

 water is not safe to drink or swim in

 it can cause stomach illnesses


 protecting animals in danger by law;

 opening more national parks and planting more new forests;

 protecting jungles and forests ;

 more money for conservation ;

 cutting pollution;

 introduce harsher punishments for illegal hunters;

 raise public awareness about endangered species

remove the harmful industrial enterprises over the city limits;

all of them should be fitted

with traps and dust-


 encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production;

expand the green zone; build the dam with purification system;

 install pollution control systems ;

 freight traffic is banned in the historical centre of the city;

 drive cars which run on unleaded petrol;

use bicycles instead of cars;

 international and national laws of the coastal states;

to control the purity of water

( check points, purification units);

 to preserve sea life ;

to organise rational fishing;

 to prevent oil pollution ;

 governments should fine factories which pollute the seas and rivers

6. World



7. Energy


The world population is growing very quickly.

1) 94% from fossil fuels

2) nuclear power

62 spilling thick black oil into our oceans)

acid rains ( it is caused by factories and cars releasing poisonous chemicals into the air )

4. Pollution.

Land Pollution

 garbage and trash thrown by people

( the problem of litter

 streets are dirty

 diseases are spreading more easily

is caused by the

production of too

much packaging

and food waste;

 using pesticides and

5. Global


 deforestation;

 using aerosols,

Greenhouse Effect

 fertilisers;

nuclear waste coolants; burning fossil fuels

 rising temperatures;

melting ice-caps in the polar regions;

 droughts in hot countries;

 floods (sea levels rise)

Growing cities gobble up precious natural resources;

 destroy and poison huge areas of land, along with the plants and animals that live there.

The trouble is our planet’s riches are limited. A lot of people around the world do not have enough clean water.

In many countries

there is simply not

enough food to feed

the growing

population. Each day

40,000 people die

from malnutrition.

Huge demands for

food have forced

farmers to overuse

their land. When the

land is replanted too

often, nature has no

time to replace the

soil’s nutrients.

Coal, oil and gas will not last for ever, and burning them is slowly harming the atmosphere.

 throw away less rubbish ;

use litter bins;

turn rubbish into energy;

 controls on use of pesticides and fertilisers;

use recycling;

provide more bottle-tanks /can-banks

 cutting down fewer trees;

building sea defences;

 planting more trees;

 using alternative sources of energy

Some people say that the Chinese government is right: the population should be limited. Others say that no government should make rules about family size. What can we do about overpopulation?

 Solar power (the sun’s energy as heat or to make electricity )

Wind-power (to build modern windmills).


8. Holes in the

Ozone Layer


Nuclear power leaves dangerous radioactive waste.

Ozone layer is a layer in the earth’s atmosphere in which ozone is formed, preventing harmful radiation from the sun reaching the earth. The release of CFCs and some other chemicals into the atmosphere is considered the cause of the thinning of the ozone layer.

As a result, more and more people are getting skin cancer.

 geo-thermal power

Some companies now make aerosols that do not contain CFCs , and these are often marked ‘ozone-friendly’


Topic 2: Global problems. Crime and Punishment

Useful Vocabulary.


1) steal

2) rob

3) burgle

4) mug

5) kidnap

6) hijack

7) blackmail

8) smuggle

9) shoplift

10) pickpocket


1) thief

2) robber

3) burglar

4) mugger

5) kidnapper

6) hijacker

7) blackmailer

8) smuggler

9) shoplifter

10) pickpocket


1) theft/ stealing

2) robbery

3) burglary

4) mugging

5) kidnapping

6) hijacking

7) blackmail

8) smuggling

9) shoplifting

10) pickpocketing

1) fraud; arson; terrorism; assault; organised crime

2) juvenile crime; juvenile delinquency; juvenile courts

3) street violence; to plant a bomb; contract murderer; mass murderer

4) to be involved in crime; to commit a crime; to solve a crime

5) corruption; abuse of power; bribery («yellow-dog fund»); illegal funding;

bribe (n); to bribe (v); to bribe smb. to do smth.; to be caught red-handed

6) minor; teen offender; troubled teen

7) probation; foster home; reformatory

What makes young people commit crimes? (reasons)

1) Lack of discipline and loss of respect at home and at school (teachers cannot control too large classes).

Teenagers grow very fast and they understand that they are no longer kids, but not adults yet; so they don’t know how to behave. They feel worried and nervous, they wish to feel more confident, they get very angry .

2) Lack of extended families (about 90% of young offenders are products of unhappy families)

3) Young people often grow up without any firm idea about the difference between right and wrong, because parents are too busy working to guide their children.

4) Social conditions: poverty and drug/ alcohol addiction; homeless teenagers steal in order to eat.

5) The widening gap between the middle class and those living below the poverty line.

6) The rich commit crimes for the sake of easy money, drugs / alcohol or to beat boredom and get an adrenaline buzz.

7) The police may also be to blame- they often ignore minor crimes. Consequently, many young people feel they can get away with things like theft. The offender may not be punished at all; or may be given a fine; or he may have to pay damages; or may be put under police supervision..

8) The violent criminal has become a kind of hero-figure in our times. He is glorified on the screen; he is pursued by the press and paid vast sums of money for his «memories».


Crime and Society

I. Tragedies.

Unfortunately, tragedies are a frequent phenomenon nowadays. Tragedies are everywhere around us. They happen every day all over the world. Everybody knows about the terrorist attacks in New York, Moscow and

Volgodonsk, the air crashes and floods in Russia and other countries. Why do these tragedies happen? How can we cope with them or prevent them?

Tragedies happen because of terrorist activities, the irresponsibility of specialists, human and computer errors, bad conditions of buildings, roads, transport, or natural phenomena.

We can prevent tragedies only if the government hires responsible professionals, specialists who don’t overlook human or computer errors, look after the buildings, roads and transport, keep nature under a strong control possible, and develop an ability to resist any terrorist activity. But if people don’t follow these rules, it may result in the demolishing of buildings and terrorist attacks leading to endless explosions, damage and killing.

II. Terrorism: Q & A.

1) Is terrorism just brutal, unthinking violence? No. Experts agree that there is almost always a strategy behind terrorist actions. Whether it takes the form of bombing, shooting, hijacking, or assassination, terrorism is neither random, spontaneous, nor blind; it is a deliberate use of violence against civilians for political or religious ends.

2) Is there a definition of terrorism? There are 4 key elements of terrorism:

It is premeditated- planned in advance, rather than an impulsive act of rage;

 it is political- not criminal, like the violence that groups such as the mafia use to get money, but designed to change the existing political order;

 it is aimed at civilians- not at military targets or combat-ready troops;

It is carried out by subnational groups- not by the army of a country.


Accidents / Disasters

Accidents / Disasters

Plane crash

Car crash





Tidal wave



Human error, mechanical failure…

Dangerous driving

Geographical and atmospheric conditions

Geographical and atmospheric conditions

Geographical and atmospheric conditions

Geographical and atmospheric conditions

Geographical and atmospheric conditions

Man-made and natural (man-made fires are the result of people being careless; natural fires are peat bogs and lightning)

Bomb, gas leak, human error and poor safety standards Explosion

Тема 13. Путешествия по своей стране и за рубежом.

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.34-35,71 PB p.26,52

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.16,33,36,37,41,106 PB p.28

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p 77,79,83,86

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic: Travelling.

Situations for individual work.

1) People say «There is no place like home» . Yet the majority of the world population spends holidays travelling.

What makes them leave their homes and visit far-away places?

2) How would you like to travel by air, by sea, by train or on foot? Many people believe that flying is extremely dangerous. What do you think about it? How safe is rail travel? Give your reasons.


3) Tourism has become a very popular way of rest. Are you fond of travelling? Could you describe one of the latest journeys that was the most successful and memorable one? What are the ingredients of an ideal holiday for you?( *excitement, *good food and drink, *romance, *good weather, *shopping, *adventure, *relaxation,

*sightseeing, *sporting activities, *different culture and way of life, *comfort/luxury) Give your reasons.

4) Do you ever go for long walks or excursions at the weekends or on holiday? What sort of area do you prefer walking in - the mountains, the countryside or other? Why?

5) Have you ever visited a remote island or area of a country? What problems did you have or do you imagine you might have in such an area?

6) It’s impossible to visit all places in your lifetime. But we can read about some exciting places and use our imagination. Could you describe one of such places?

7) There was a competition «How Do You Know English-speaking Countries?». The winners got a prize -a tenday trip to Great Britain. Make a presentation of the exciting trip (revealing its opportunities and advantages.

Comment on its programme, type of accommodation , service, meals, transport, sightseeing tours and so on).

8) If you could travel to just one place in the world , where would you go? Give your reasons.

9) Travelling broadens one’s outlook and knowledge. Do you share this opinion? Give your reasons.

10) Tell us about a journey of your dream. Describe a journey where everything went wrong.

11) How important is it to plan a holiday? Do you like to know exactly what you will be doing and where you will be staying or do you enjoy the unexpected? Give your reasons.

12) Would you prefer to go abroad or to discover your own country? Explain why?

13) Do you know the names of any great travellers? What famous explorers or travellers has Russia produced? Is there a modern traveller who is often in the news? Why are most travellers and explorers men? Give your reasons.

14) Give a person advice about crossing a desert. Give a person advice about making a jungle trip.

15) You work for the local tourist information service. Your boss has asked you to write an article about a place of interest in your area for a tourist information magazine that is distributed free to young travellers. Give a description of a place you know well for the magazine.

16) The local travel agent in your city has organised a competition to find who can write the best English-language travel advertisement.

You have decided to enter the competition. Choose a suitable tourist destination, include the

special features of your advertisement: climate, natural beauty, wildlife, local culture, special

atmosphere, sports, accommodation.

17) Imagine that you have to organise a tour of a region in Russia. Give a brief description of the route the tour will take and the places of interest which will be visited. Think about:

 how long the tour will be

 the tour’s main attractions

 how the landscape will vary during the tour

 how you will travel (try to vary it)

 good places for souvenirs

18) Imagine that you are going to travel in the mountains and then in the submarine. Make up an interesting story.

19) Imagine that you are travelling by hot-air balloon. Make up an interesting story.

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages» discussions.

1) Group work. There are two viewpoints on travel. Some people like to go to one place and spend

their holidays there. The place may be an interesting city, a picturesque village, a remote island or

some other attractive place. Others believe in seeing as much as possible in the time they have.

Which group do you belong to? Express your own point of view; speak about advantages and

disadvantages of both.

2) What do you think the advantages are of travelling in a group on an organised tour compared with

travelling independently.

3) Group work «Guide». Imagine that you have to work out a guided tour for a foreign delegation visiting your country. Unfortunately the delegation will only be in your area for three days and you cannot show them everything. From the following list select some places that the delegation should go and see and prove that they are worth visiting.

*a hospital, , *a coal mine, *a nice pub, *a nuclear power station, *a cemetery, *an art gallery, *a botanical garden, *some examples of modern architecture, *a shopping centre, *a football stadium, *a farm, *a poor housing area, *a TV studio, *a secondary school, *a medieval castle.

4) Work in pairs. If you were alone together on an isolated tropical island without hope of rescue...

What would you do?

How would you survive?

What would you miss most (least) about your present lives?


5) Some people prefer travelling by air, or by car, some by water, others like walking or cycling holidays. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of each way of travelling. How does this choice depend on the traveller’s age, profession, character, health, aims, on the distance the traveller is going to cover, on the place he is planning to visit?

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) «Each journey is the penetration into the world of beauty and importance» (Paustovsky). Speak about your personal experiences of a journey which has really impressed you.

2) «The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page» (St.Augustine)

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) You’ve just arrived from... The flight has been your first journey by air and you are still feeling very excited about it. Now you are describing the journey to your parents /friends who have never been on airplane yet. Act out a conversation.

2) An interesting part of travelling is planning the trip/ tour. You can read about the places you want to see , and you can get information from people who have already been there. Act out a conversation in which you find out whether the place is really worth visiting. Your partner’s answer must be as convincing and reasonable as possible.

3) You are planning to spend summer holidays in....... You visit a famous tourist company and ask a tourist agent all possible questions concerning the trip. Try to get as much information as possible about the tickets, prices, hotels, distance, level of service, ways of travelling, sightseeing programmes, meals and so on.

4) Your parents live in the country. You are planning to visit them this weekend, and they have said that you can bring a friend. Invite you friend to go with you. (Act out a conversation)

5) Imagine you’ve won a free two-week holiday anywhere in the world. You are happy and describing your participating in the contest. Then you are going to choose where to go. Your friends want to get information about your future trip.

6) Roleplay the situation: You have just arrived at a hotel on holiday. Your room is not how it was described in the brochure. For example, there is no view of the sea and there is no bath, only a shower. Also , the sheets on the bed do not appear to have been changed since the last guest. You have gone down to reception.

7) Roleplay the situation: A friend of yours from Los Angeles is coming to visit you in St.Petersburg this summer.

She is rather nervous about flying, especially as it will be a very long flight. Use your own imagination and experience to give her some advice on how to cope with nervousness and help pass the time during the long flight e.g. meditation, tranquillisers, taking a personal stereo and magazines on board etc.

8) You are going on a trip, but a friend of yours cannot join you for some reasons. You are both sorry that you won’t enjoy a lot of things together. (Act out a conversation)

9) Role-play. A friend of yours is unwilling to go on an excursion (a trip or a hike) because he thinks it is a waste of time. Try to convince your partner that the trip will be helpful in getting a lot of knowledge.

10) Compose the dialogues on the following situations:

 You are on a plane going to... It’s your first trip abroad. A passenger next to you happens to be an experienced traveller. He is kind and ready to help you in any way and give you any information you need. Have a talk with him.

 You can’t find your black leather suit case on arrival. You are worried as your case contains not only your personal effects but also some important booklets. Ask the airline clerk to help you with your problem.

 You’ve come to the place of your business mission. You are going to stay there for a short period of time. Mr

X whom you know personally meets you. Exchange several remarks on your flight and the programme of the stay.

11) Your plane landed at London airport few minutes ago. You are supposed to be met by the firm’s engineer , Mr

Snow, whom you know personally. You don’t see him around. A stranger comes up to you and asks you if you are Mr X. Then he says he is the firm’s agent who is to meet you. A talk follows.

12) You and your partner were on a canoeing trip with four other friends when you became separated from the rest of the group on the other side of a very deep, fast flowing river. Night was falling and you were wearing bathing costumes. You had no other clothes, shelter or food- only a torch and a box of matches. What problems are you faced as it got dark? Dramatize a short scene.





You discover new places and see wonders of the world

It is the best way to study geography

You become more educated person

You improve knowledge of foreign language

You broaden your mind and scope. Travelling also teaches you rhetoric- the ancient art of polemics.

You learn about art and culture

It helps you to relax; you have some hours of extra sleep on your way wherever you go.

You meet interesting people. Travelling with other people gives you the sense of collectivity, as you are surrounded by the other passengers. Travelling gives you a chance to see all of our society in

 miniature.

 HELP! rid of all your stresses and negative emotions.

Points for:

1) Tourism brings money into the country which can be put to the country’s good use.

2) The host country is exposed to outside influences- culture, language etc which promotes international relations.

Encourages acceptance of foreigners –eliminates the possibility of racism, feeling threatened by outsiders etc.

3) More jobs are created as a result of tourism- the tourist industry gives people the opportunity to have jobs,


(Is tourism a blessing or a threat to a country?) even if they are only for a limited period.

4) Certain areas can be developed specially for tourists, so this can be beneficial for both the community environment. and the


You miss your friends

If the weather is bad you have to wait at airports for many hours

You can depend on the time-table

You have to think about accommodation and food

Many places are polluted

Many places are losing their beauty

The beaches are always overcrowded

You feel home sick

You spend a lot of money

Points against:

1) Some places can have their natural beauty spoiled by overdevelopment. Quiet, secluded places can turn into rowdy, crowded resorts.

2) Tourists may leave litter on beaches, streets etc, which can cause problems with the locals.

Sometimes, visitors to historical sites may not fully appreciate the significance of the site as graffiti, litter, etc can detract from the natural beauty of a place.

3) Pleasing tourists can sometimes lead to a change in the character and traditions of a place, e.g. serving international cuisine rather than local dishes, etc.



Different ways of travelling

Ways of travelling

Travelling by train

Travelling by plane


 It’s not an expensive way of traveling

You can buy a return ticket and spend the rest of your money on other things.

The terrorists of whom we are scared very much prefer planes.

While traveling by train we can see a lot of cities, towns and villages and enjoy impressive places through the window.

 You don’t have to worry about the traffic

 It’s always on time

It is the fastest way of travelling.

A plane is comfortable, you can sleep, read, watch video or chat .

If you are lucky , you can watch UFO


Some trains are not very comfortable.

If you sleep on the upper berth, you may be afraid of falling down.

Sometimes the neighbours in the compartment are unpleasant and very talkative

You can miss the train

Travelling by ship

Travelling by ship is a relaxing way to spend one’s holiday

You are given the chance to see many different sights within a short space of time

Most cruise ships have a wide range of activities designed to appeal to all passengers

 You don’t have to worry about travel arrangements and can spend all day sunbathing if you wish

Some large liners have swimming pools

Travelling by car/ bus

They are cheap

You may stop wherever you want and you don’t depend on time-table

Travelling by bicycle

It is environmentally friendly

It’s a good exercise

It’s economical

It’s quick in heavy traffic

The tickets are very expensive.

It is dangerous: the plane may crash or someone may hijack it.

The passport control and the check – in take a lot of time at the airport.

You may be airsick, besides the passengers can’t lie down, they only sit in the armchairs.

It can be unreliable because there might be delays

A cruise holiday can be very

Young people may feel lonely and

You may not be able to explore

Passengers are usually allowed to

 expensive get bored places as much as you would like spend only a short amount of time at each port visited

You may be sea-sick

You have to follow a strict time-table

Buses and cars are slow

They are unreliable if there is much traffic

 It’s stressful

It can be difficult to find somewhere to park

It’s dangerous(as a cyclist can be easily knocked over)

You breathe unhealthy fumes

It does not protect from rainy weather

It depends on the season

 It’s not good for long trips


Тема 14. Средства массовой информации и новые информационные технологии.

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.50

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.46,47,49,51,55

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.93-94

Longman Exam Companion p.9

Варианты ситуативных заданий и упражнений на развитие умений монологического и диалогического высказывания

Topic: Mass Media.

Situations for individual work.

1) Mass media play an important role in reflecting the life of society and in building opinions. Say in what way this is true.

2) Do you regularly read a newspaper? If so, which one? Why do you like it? Give your reasons.

3) Do you often listen to the radio? What stations do you listen to and what kind of programmes? Explain your choice.

4) Express your opinion about a television programme (it may be a programme you like or a programme which does not appeal to you). What do you think about the general quality of TV in our country? Give your arguments.

5) Information about recent events in the country or the world can be published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television. Which do you prefer: to watch the telly news or read newspapers? Give your reasons.

6) Say whether you find it interesting and useful to read newspaper interview given by famous people. Give your reasons.

7) Say what important problems of young people are raised by mass media. Say what kind of news (information, events, stories...) affects people (you personally) deeply.

8) Speak about the role of advertisements and advertising in our life.

9) Do you consider TV a blessing or a curse and a time waster? Prove your point of you.

10) What TV programmes are the most popular among teenagers and why?

11) Your family is travelling by train. Just before the departure they ask you to buy some newspapers to read on the train. What newspapers would you buy? Give your reasons.

12) Speak about Russian press, the topical issues of today, opinions, attitudes, changes that occurred in recent years.

13) Readers may write to a newspaper or a magazine to get advice about problems they face or decisions they have to make. What kind of problems do people write about to newspapers or magazines? Do you think advice from a newspaper /magazine is helpful? Give your reasons.

14) Nowadays we can see a lot of posters in a public place. There are travel posters, posters for art exhibitions and political posters. Speak about the role of different kinds of posters. Say what ideas/events they reflect and when they become effective.

15) Make up a story describing how lucky you’ve been in a lottery, a quiz game, a TV quiz programme. How would you behave if you took part in a TV quiz programme? /if you won the game?

 Group work: debates and discussions. «For and Against» and «Advantages and Disadvantages» discussions.

1) Some special magazines for teenagers are very popular with British and American boys and girls, Why do you think they are popular? Give your opinion about newspapers and magazines for young people in Russia. Say if they reflect the young people’s hopes and worries, their leisure and education, their attitudes and opinions. Say what kind of articles appeal to you most and why.

2) Create advertisements for the following. a) You are looking for a pen-friend. What advertisement would you write for the column «Personal» in a magazine for young people? (describe yourself, speak about your interests and hobbies) b) You have lost something valuable. What advertisement are you going to write for the «Lost and Found» column of a famous newspaper.... ? c) You want to sell your car/dacha/garage/...... What advertisement are you going to write describing reasons for selling?

3) Act out a discussion «FOR and AGAINST television»


4) Work in groups. Say how many television channels there are in Russia/ St.Petersburg; whether there are any differences in the programmes shown on the different channels. Describe a TV programme which appeals to you most. Suggest your ideas about a new TV channel.

5) Work in groups. The success of some programmes in which TV viewers take part (competitions, contests, shows) depends very much on the personality of the talk-show host. What is the right personality for a TV announcer? Which qualities, in your opinion, should a good TV announcer possess? Name a successful talkshow host of some television programme ( a well-known TV newsreader/announcer, a famous singer who often appears on TV, a sporting reporter who enjoys popularity, a popular TV journalist). Explain your choice.

6) Lots of readers complain there is plenty of «rubbish» in the modern press. Do you think all newspapers and magazines offer important and interesting information? Give your arguments «FOR and AGAINST» this opinion on the example of some newspapers/magazines you read.

7) Discussion «The Influence of Advertising». Speak FOR and AGAINST advertising on TV.

Discussing quotations, sayings and proverbs.

1) Comment on the saying by Arthur Miller « A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself».

2) Read these opinions about the press and journalism and say if you agree or disagree with them.

Give your arguments.

«Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism what will be grasped

at once» (Cyril Connolly)

«A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom it will never be

anything but bad.» (Albert Camus)

«People everywhere confuse what they read in newspaper with news».(A.J.Liebling)

3) Newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer, the USA, once told a New York World editor that a newspaper should contain «what is new, what is original, distinctive, dramatic, romantic, thrilling, unique, curious, humorous, odd, apt to be talked about without shocking good taste.....»

Do you think the newspaper publisher was right? Why or why not? Give your opinion about what

a newspaper should contain.

4) Read these opinions about television and say which of them you agree or disagree with. Give your reasons.

«When television is good, nothing.....is better. But when television is bad, nothing is worse.»

(Newton Minow)

«I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can’t stop eating peanuts».( Orson Welles)

«Some television programmes are so much chewing gum for the eyes». (John Mason Brown)

Dramatizing and role-play.

1) Role-play. A) Imagine you are a commentator of a television or a radio programme which gives information about the latest events and discusses the most topical problems. B) Imagine you are TV viewers or radio listeners. What questions will you ask to find out more about the most important (sensational, troublesome) events?

2) Act out conversations making suggestions and giving replies expressing likes , dislikes and preferences. a) One of your friends suggests subscribing to a magazine for lovers of music. The other one either accepts or turns down the suggestion with a reason. b) One of your friends suggests writing a letter to a newspaper/magazine to get advice about the problems you face at school/at home. The other one turns down the suggestion and makes a counter suggestion.

3) Act out conversations. a) Suppose you were impressed by yesterday’s radio and television news broadcast. You try to persuade your classmates to see a programme which you think is worth seeing.

Your classmate asks you a lot of questions to find out what kind of programme it was and what

interesting news is offered. b) Your neighbour tells you he thinks it is a waste of time watching TV. You agree on the whole but you think there are several good points about television. c) A friend of yours tries to persuade you to listen to some radio programmes regularly. Refuse politely with a reason.

4) Role-play. Imagine you are a news reporter. Act as one on a TV news show. Include sports, and weather along with interesting news events. Present the information for your telecast in a brief way.



1) TV brings the world to our livingroom . We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn of their customs, occupations, problems.

Sometimes TV programmes become the topics of common interest of the people and without them they have nothing to talk about.

2) We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programmes and discussions. TV makes people argue and discuss things, think and talk more.

3) TV provides great opportunities for education. There are programmes devoted to specialized subjects. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages.

4) We can see great events which will pass into history. We can see famous people.

5) TV helps us relax after a hard day’s work.

6) It is a wonderful way of escaping from our dull reality.

7) TV involves us in strong emotions: love, hate, passion. Even the silliest of

‘soaps’ help us to solve our own problems by showing us what might happen if we do certain things. A witty comedy can improve your mood, if you are upset or exhausted.

8) TV can keep children quiet. If they are noisy their parents turn on the set.

9) Millions of disabled and elderly people forget their misery and pain in front of the TV screen. People who are on their own do not feel lonely if they have TV to watch.


1) Advertisements give the necessary information the consumer needs. They are amusing, colourful and pleasant to see.

2) Some advertisements help us choose right things.

3) Most of the income comes from advertising

4) Famous stars of the cinema, theatre, and sports appear in them

5) They occupy the screen time between different TV programmes





1) Some pupils do their homework in front of the TV screen. Other pupils are so attracted by television that they do not do their homework at all.

2) Many people do not concentrate when viewing – so their time is largely wasted.

3) Many boys and girls watch TV on

Sunday afternoon, when outside activities would do them so much good.

Television is like drug, people get addicted to certain TV series and they simply can’t switch it off.

4) TV prevents children from creating their abilities. Some children have made watching TV their main leisure activity and they are not enriching their personalities by developing hobbies and belonging to clubs.

5) TV may lead to poor health, through rushed meals, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and eyestrain. TV is terribly bad for people’s eyes.

6) People become lazy, instead of doing sports they watch TV.

7) People begin to forget the art of conversation. They sit glued to the TV screen instead of visiting their friends and relations.

8) Many children no longer read books.

This will seriously affect their performance in higher forms.

9) There are lots of unsuitable programmes.

There is too much violence on TV. The violence on TV and in films creates violence in real life.


1) Many advertisements promise a lot more than there is to the product.

2) Advertisers use lots of tricks.

3) When advertising interrupts a film which is being shown - it irritates many people.

4) Some advertisements are not of good quality.






We need computers everywhere.

Pupils and students use computers to information they need, to make new friends with the help of the

Internet, to write compositions, etc. write reports, to find

2) Storing information on computer disks is one of the most efficient ways of keeping data.

3) Computers save time. Stored information can be found at the touch of a button.

4) The main use of the Internet is to find information- for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events.

5) It’s much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozen of countries. A computer was invented for business people not to waste their time.

6) A computer is also used as an electronic vocabulary.

7) The computer provides us with a pleasant way to relax and spend free time. Many people get rid of their complexes and forget their problems.

You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy from your favourite shop.

9) E-mail makes it possible to send electronic massages anywhere in the world.

10) You can use the Internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends, you try to escape from loneliness.


1) The most negative effect of the computer might be people’s addiction to it. Many children look at a screen for more hours each day than they do anything else, including studying and sleeping. Addiction to a computer screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction: people almost never believe they are addicted.

2) Many jobs have been lost due to the fact that computers can do a lot of tasks more efficiently than humans. This has led to unemployment.

3) Computers can cause health problems. Endless hours in front of a screen can cause eye strain and headache.

4) A computer teaches us not to think ourselves but with the help of the machine.

5) There is too much advertising instead of real information.

6) As for Internet friendships, sitting at home in front of a computer making ‘chat friends’ is not the same as actually meeting people.

7) For many people the Internet becomes more ‘real’ than reality, and their own lives seem boring.

8) Some people get upset or depressed when they can’t solve problems in real life as quickly as they can do it in internet games.

In real life they can’t simply press


9) One more disadvantage of the

Internet is the absence of information control. Children receive wide access to pornography sites and sites with violence and promoting hate.

 HELP! A Newspaper review

1) Introduction

I like to read……….. / I subscribe to…………

2) Good / Bad points

( + ) It’s very colourful, has lots of good photos and it’s quite cheap. The articles are interesting, too,

because they cover social issues. It’s aware of ‘green’ issues and it’s easy to read because the articles

are short and well-illustrated.

( - ) It’s got too many adverts and it doesn’t come out often enough. Also, I think some of the articles are

written in a boring style. Another is the style- I think it’s a bit childish for anyone over twelve.

3) Presentation The front page carries ……..( material about…/ different articles on….) It gives a clear

73 picture of…( youth culture / recent world events)

4) I prefer to begin with…….

5) On the 2 nd / 3 rd /4 th …page we read about………

6) The paper gives …....( the names of……/ pictures of…. /figures illustrating…/ information about…)

7) Conclusion As for me, I like / enjoy / prefer… (reading articles about…/ reading the 4 th page because…)

8) This newspaper …….( helps us to discuss problems…./ is very useful to give us knowledge of…/ makes

us think about… / shows real life to the reader/ is full of interesting facts about…)

Особенности речевого и неречевого поведения в процессе межличностного и межкультурного общения.

Opportunities (beginner) SB p.6-7, 10,12,23,110,114 PB p,92

Opportunities (elementary) SB p.5,9,15,21,29,57,77,91,99,113,119, PB p.12,16,42,56,72

Opportunities (pre-intermediate) SB p.11,22,28,39,42,63,77,81

Opportunities (intermediate) SB p.42,51,55,77,80,102-103,105, PB p.6,42,66

Opportunities ( upper-intermediate) SB p.11,58,62,69,72,81,86,93,96,107,110,117,120 PB p,6,72

Как успешно справиться с заданием 2 и 3 раздела «Говорение»? (памятка для учащегося)

Для успешного выполнения заданий 2 и 3 раздела «Говорение» рекомендуем использовать речевые структуры:

SPEAKING Task 2 (Диалог с целью обмена фактической информацией)

Language functions: * exchanging information (asking and answering questions)

* justifying opinions / suggesting / agreeing/ disagreeing

* responding to the partner’s information

* being active and polite



Can I ask you a personal question? – Of course, go ahead / Would you mind if I ask you…..

 I’d also like to know some information about……. / Could you tell me about……..?

Could I have a …..( receipt) ? / Do you think I could have…?

Could you take this….. to…., please? / Would you mind +Ving ? / Is it all right if …..?

Could you possibly……. ? / Would it be possible to ………?

OK / Yes, sure / Yes, certainly / Yes, of course / Yes, I’ll do that / I’m sorry, but…..

- Excuse me? Could you……., please? – Yes, certainly.

- Thank you. – You’re welcome.


 Why don’t we do this? / How about …+Ving? / What about…+ Ving ?

 Let’s do this / Let’s decide about…first, shall we?

 What do you think…? / Do you think we should…?

Perhaps we should… / What shall we do first? /

So, what do you think we should do……..? /

How do you feel about this?

 It’d be a good idea if we… / What would be really great is if we… / It’s about time we…

That’s a good idea / Surely, it’d be better…

OK, let’s do that / OK. Why don’t we both do that?

 That sounds like a good idea / That’s a great idea / I think the best thing to do would be to… / It would be a good idea to…/ I’ve got a good idea…/ I’ve got a better idea ……./ That sounds a bit boring…/ I don’t think that’s such a good idea because……..

 Personally, I’m not that keen on…/ You know, it’s not really my thing / Don’t you think……? / And, to be honest…./ That’s not the point



Wow! / Really! / Goodness! / What a surprise!

 I (really) like/ enjoy / love / I really like doing that too / I’m not keen on…/ Oh dear. What a pity / Never mind I don’t like / I can’t stand / I hate

 I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)

 It makes me….(angry/ worried / smile / want to…..)


I prefer…..to……./ I’d rather …..(do/have…) than…/ I’d rather we had……than……/ I much prefer………/ I wouldn’t mind +Ving

 The thing I like best is………./ I don’t think I’d like to ……../

 I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)

SPEAKING Task 3 (Диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией)

Language functions: * initiating / focusing * exchanging information and opinions * expressing and

justifying opinions * agreeing / disagreeing * suggesting * speculating

* concluding


I. Initiating/



 There are several possibilities for…. / So, we have to……. / Let’s talk about……first, shall we?

Let’s see what the good points are / I think we will (would) need to ….so…

 What do you think? / Do you think we should…..? / What shall we do first?

 What’s your opinion? / What about you? / Do you agree? / And what else?

II. Making Suggestions / Discussing Suggestions / Giving Opinions

 Why don’t we do this? / How about …+Ving? / What about…+ Ving ?

 Let’s do this / Let’s decide about…first, shall we?

 What do you think…? / Do you think we should…?

Perhaps we should… / What shall we do first? So, what do you think we should do……..? / How do you feel about this?

 It’d be a good idea if we… / What would be really great is if we… / It’s about time we…

That’s a good idea / Surely, it’d be better…

OK, let’s do that / OK. Why don’t we both do that?

 That sounds like a good idea / That’s a great idea / I think the best thing to do would be to…

 It would be a good idea to… / I’ve got a good idea… / I’ve got a better idea …….

That sounds a bit boring… / I don’t think that’s such a good idea because……..

 Personally, I’m not that keen on… / You know, it’s not really my thing / Don’t you think……?

And, to be honest…. / That’s not the point /

 What I don’t understand is……/ What’s really worrying is………/ What’s ridiculous is that…….

III. Offering and expressing opinion

 It’s very difficult to say, but I think……/ What I mean is……/ In my opinion…..

 It’s not something I feel very strongly about, but………

 Actually I feel quite strongly that……./ I’m quite certain that………

 Personally , I feel…/ think…/ suppose…/ guess…

 I’ve never really thought about it, but I suppose…/ I don’t really like…but if I had to choose….

 I think it’d be better if…./ I think we should…

IV. Agreeing / Disagreeing


 That’s a good point / I absolutely agree / You’re right / That’s true / Yes, but…..

 I’m afraid you’re wrong / I see what you mean, but don’t you think………. ?

I don’t think I would go along with that / Yes, but isn’t it also true that……..?

 That sounds like a good idea / I’m not sure about that

V. Developing the discussion

 I’d like to add something to what you / I just said………

 There’s another thing I wanted to say…….

The good / bad thing is……./ One advantage / disadvantage is……/ On the other hand…….

VI. Expressing Feelings / Likes and Dislikes

Wow! / Really! / Goodness! / What a surprise!

 I (really) like/ enjoy / love / I really like doing that too / I’m not keen on…/ Oh dear. What a pity

/ Never mind I don’t like / I can’t stand / I hate

 I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)

 It makes me….(angry/ worried / smile / want to…..)



Making Choices

I prefer…..to……./ I’d rather …..(do/have…) than…/ I’d rather we had……than……/ I much prefer………/ I wouldn’t mind +Ving

 The thing I like best is………./ I don’t think I’d like to ……../

 I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)

VIII. Speculating


It could be…./ might be…/ might have been…/ must be…/ can’t be…

this would be good for ……….

I think…



3) I get the impression that …………/ I would imagine …….. / I would guess ………….


It’s hard to say, but I think… / It seems to me that…/ It looks like a…./ It looks as if it’s…

IX. Summarising and Reporting a decision / Coming to a conclusion

So, shall we say……..? / I think we’ve agreed that…….. / So, we’ve decided………

What have we decided then? / So, let’s decide which one……… / OK, so which (two) are the best?

Well, I chose……../ We both agreed that………/ N. was in favour of…..but I thought…….

Neither of us liked…………/ So that was the conclusion we reached:……………

