the diplomatic revolution

Discussion Questions
1. Summarize broadly (from section 4) Britain’s foreign policy before 1900
2. (Also from section 4) How did the Kaiser force a re-evaluation of this policy?
3. How did events in the Far East begin to push Britain to abandon her “splendid isolation”?
4. Why did the threat of war between Russia and Japan in 1902, and the disintegration of Morocco in the
same year, lead to a warming of relations between France and Britain?
5. What were the terms of the secret Anglo-French Entente?
6. Why was the First Moroccan Crisis significant to Franco-German relations?
7. How was the Algeciras Conference a blow, in general, to German ambitions?
8. What were the ramifications of Algeciras both inside and outside of Germany?
9. Why was the historical enmity between Britain and Russia now eased?
10. Why was the Triple Entente (not an alliance, with no specific military agreements) such a threat to
German strategy?