Midterm Exam Speaking Rubric

Spanish 1 Midterm Study Guide 2013-2014
Así se dice - Etapa preliminar– Capítulo 2 (pgs. 1-87)
Your midterm exam will consist of 3 distinct parts to be completed before and during the scheduled
midterm period. Please come prepared to class with specific questions about the topics below because
no formal review will be presented. See me before or after school if you need extra help on any of the
sections mentioned below.
The exam will be as follows:
1. 75 multiple-choice questions (includes listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, and cultural
questions) 75 points
2. 2 essay questions (you will receive topics in advance to prepare, but the teacher will choose 2 of
those prompts) 10 points
3. Speaking component - done individually with teacher prior to exam date on _________ 15 points
Study the following material for your upcoming midterm exam in Spanish:
Vocabulario – Use your textbook pgs. 17, 51, 85, PPTs, and lists given in class to prepare for this
 Greetings & saying good-bye
 Titles & types of people
 Days of the week
 Months of the year
 Telling time
 Numbers 0-100
 Seasons of the year
 Weather expressions
 Physical & personality traits, descriptive vocabulary
 Question words
 Nationalities
 School subjects
 Family members
 House, room, and furniture vocabulary
 Prepositions
 La quinceañera – notes from video seen in class
 Don Quijote – reading quiz, text ps. 44, 45
 Simón Bolívar – reading from workbook p. 1.13
 Location of Spanish-speaking countries on map
Gramática – Use your textbook, PPTs, and your notes to prepare for this section.
 Familiar & formal greetings pgs. 2-4
 Speaking politely pgs. 6-7
 Giving dates pgs. 10-11
 Telling/asking the time pgs. 12-13
 Subject pronouns pgs.34-35 & PPT
 Ser pg. 34-35
 Definite & indefinite articles pgs. 30-31
 Adjective agreement pgs. 32-33
 Tener pgs. 66-67
 Expressing possession using “de” – PPT on la familia
 Possessive adjectives pgs. 70-71
We recommend using the following websites to help you prepare for your upcoming midterm exam:
http://estudio.quia.com/books - This is the link for the online version of your book. Use your username
and password given in class to access this account.
conjuguemos.com This is an excellent site that allows you to practice the verbs ser & tener. Also, you
can use this site for vocab practice for your text (Así se dice 1). You can put a timer on and this site will
calculate how many you got right to show you your progress. It also has hangman, memory and
crossword puzzles for each chapter!
¡Buena suerte en tus estudios!
Spanish 1 Midterm Writing Exam (10 points)
On the day of the midterm exam, you will write about 2 of the 3 following topics based on a picture you
see, a question, or a prompt. Remember to use as much detail and rich vocabulary as possible in your
response because this is your chance to demonstrate how much you have learned since September.
1.) Describe yourself or someone else:
Your / his / her name
Your / his / her age
Where you are from, where he/she is from
What you look like, he/she looks like (give at least three different adjectives)
What your personality is like / his/her personality is like (give at least three different
Your/his/her birthday
2.) Tell me about a family:
What are the people’s names?
How are the people related to one another?
How old are the people?
When are their birthdays?
What are the people like?
How big / small is the family?
Does the family have any pets?
3.) Describe a house:
How big/small is the house?
Is it an old or new home?
Does it have a garage?
What is the outside of the house like?
How many bedrooms and bathrooms does it have?
What furniture is in each room?
Spanish 1 Midterm Speaking Exam (15 points)
The following are questions incorporating the material learned since September. For the speaking
portion of the midterm exam, the teacher will ask students 5-10 of the following questions. Each
student should prepare a complete answer for each question, as the questions will be asked randomly.
Each student should practice their answers until they are able to answer with ease and accuracy.
Answers should be as descriptive as possible. Students will not be permitted to use notes during their
speaking exam because this assessment is the student’s opportunity to show evidence of mastery of the
Your speaking exam will take place on: __________________________
1. ¿Cómo te llamas? (name)
2. ¿De dónde eres tú? (origen)
3. ¿Cómo estás hoy? (feelings)
4. ¿De dónde es tu familia? ¿De dónde son tus padres? (origen, family)
5. ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? ¿Cuántos años tienen tus hermanos? (family)
6. ¿Cómo se llaman las personas en tu familia? (family)
7. ¿Cómo se llama tu primo (a) favorito (a)? ¿Cómo es? (physical & personality descriptions, family)
8. ¿Cómo eres? ¿Cómo es tu mejor amigo(a)? (physical & personality descriptions)
9. ¿Cómo es tu casa? ¿Qué hay en tu casa? (house)
10. ¿De qué nacionalidad eres tú? (nationality)
11. ¿Cómo son tus ojos? ¿Tu pelo? (colors, physical description)
12. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? (weather)
13. ¿Qué tal hoy? (feelings)
14. ¿Cuántos años tienes? (age)
15. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? (birthday)
16. ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿Qué día es hoy? (date, days of the week)
17. ¿Qué hora es? (time)
18. ¿Cuáles son tus clases favoritas este año? ¿Por qué? (subjects)
19. ¿Cuáles son las estaciones del año? ¿Cuál es tu estación favorita? ¿Por qué?
20. ¿Cúal es tu número de teléfono? (numbers)
Score______/ 15
Questions asked: ________________________________________________
Midterm Exam Speaking Rubric
13-15 Demonstrates High Proficiency/Excellent Command of the Language:
Few or no grammatical errors. Extensive use of vocabulary including idiomatic expressions;
articulate, flowing speech; thorough response with interesting and pertinent detail. Able to
answer each question with ease.
10-12 Clearly Demonstrates Proficiency/Good Command of the Language:
Minor grammatical errors; adequate use of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions; some gaps in
fluency. Able to answer each question.
7-9 Demonstrates Progress towards Proficiency/Comprehensible Expressions:
Some serious grammatical errors; limited vocabulary marked by frequent Anglicism, unnatural
hesitations; some detail, but not sufficient. Had difficulty answering some of the questions,
needed teacher to rephrase and repeat questions.
4-6 Demonstrates Strong Need for Intervention/Limited Control of the Language:
Serious grammatical errors and limited vocabulary marked by frequent Anglicism that force
interpretation by the listener. General, narrow response. Was unable to answer some of the
questions, despite questions being rephrased or repeated.
1-3 Unacceptable:
Response falls below the above descriptions or is inappropriate. Unable to answer questions
asked by teacher.
0 Unable to respond