Feel free to contact me at my private email address

Governor's Office of Research and Planning
The "One Stop Shop" for the State of California funds for Renewable and Energy
Efficiency Programs can be found at: www.governor.ca.gov
Please then follow the Icon for "Flex Your Power" (2nd Bullet on Special Finance)
to identify over $2.8 billion in state funds (most of these funds are still available
as they are not impact by General Fund Budget cuts in July 02). There is a
comprehensive Matrix that can then be accessed for programs along with Details
for each program by using the "click here" note at the bottom of the Matrix.
 Office of Planning & Research (OPR)
 "Clean Energy" is the New Investment Plan from our Calif. Power Authority at
The California Independent Systems Operators (CAISO) filed a tariff reform for
Intermittent Energy Resources (wind and solar) before the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) which accepted the reform on 28 March 02 and is listed on:
The Stationary Fuel Cell Collaborative was formed by the Governor's Office of
Research and Planning with the California Air Resources Board and the University of
California, Irvine "National Center for Fuel Cells"
The Commission for the Building of the 21st Century (Infrastructure) just released its
Report (from our Business, Transportation and Housing Agency) yesterday that
includes energy, water, transportation and environment among 8 infrastructure areas.
This is the New Calif Infrastructure Road Map: www.bth.ca
California Energy Commission, "Summer 2001 Conservation Report", Sacramento,
CA 2002.
 New Small Wind Energy Website for Local Governments
The California Energy Commission and the California Wind Energy Consortium have
designed a website specifically for Local Governments.
The website can be accessed directly at http://cwec.ucdavis.edu/smallwind/ , or by going
to the California Wind Energy Consortium's main page (http://cwec.ucdavis.edu) and
then clicking on "Small Wind Turbines".
For more information, contact Joyce Loring with the PIER Renewables Program at the
California Energy Commission: (916) 654-4662, Jloring@energy.state.ca.us
Contact also our Consumer Affairs Agency and its new Report (Dec 01) on
Sustainable Buildings.The web site is:
Office of Ratepayer Advocates web site for self generation programs.
The June, 2002 ORA version of the "T&P" report consolidates and updates the data contained in the
Feb 2001 version of the T&P report and the 1998 version of the LIMC report.
The release of the Draft Strategic Plan for Distributed Generation scheduled for April
22, 2002, has been delayed until May 1, 2002. For more information about
California’s Strategic Plan for Distributed Generation.
Fuel Cell Partnership, "Bringing Fuel Cell Vehicles to Market", Sacramento, CA.
The Registry is pleased to report that the Draft Certification Protocol is now available
on our website for public review and comment. This draft describes the certification
requirements for third-party certifiers. To view the draft, please visit the Registry
website at www.climateregistry.org <http://www.climateregistry.org/> and click on
the “Registry Program” button at the top of the page. Then click on “Protocols” and
scroll down to “Draft Certification Protocol”. The Draft Certification Protocol is
available for public comment through the end of May 6, 2002. Please submit your
comments to the California Energy Commission at:
If you have any questions about the Draft Certification Protocol, please contact the
Registry at 213/625-1645.
The “Distributed Generation Strategic Plan” (Final Report), has been approved and is
available for download on the DG Strategic Planning page:
The URL links are to the following documents:
1. Sustainable State Facilities (Green Book)
2. CPA Investment Plan (Draft Document)
3. The State’s Infrastructure Report (Blue Book)
4. The Conservation Report (CEC Report)
5. Standard Practices Manual (Draft Document)
If you have problems opening the attached Word and Excel documents please contact me.
If you have questions or comments regarding the content of these documents please
contact our new EPAC Chairman, Steve Prey at
1. Sustainable State Facilities (Green Book)
“Building Better Buildings: A Blueprint for Sustainable State Facilities,” prepared
and published by the Sustainable Building Task Force and the State of
Consumer Services Agency, December 2001.
2. CPA Investment Plan (Draft Document)
“Clean Growth: Clean Energy For California’s Economic Future – Energy
Resource Investment Plan,” prepared and published by the California Consumer
Power and Conservation Financing Authority, February 15, 2002.
3. The State’s Infrastructure Report (Blue Book)
“Final Report of the Commission on Buildings for the 21st Century – Invest for
California - Strategic Planning for California’s Future Prosperity and Quality of
Life,” prepared and published by the California Business, Transportation and
Housing Agency, September 2001.
4. The Conservation Report (CEC Report)
“The Summer 2001 Conservation Report,” prepared by the Governor’s Energy
Conservation Team, produced by the California Energy Commission, and
published by the California State and Consumer Services Agency, 2001.
5. Standard Practices Manual (Draft Document)
“A Five Year Energy Efficiency and Renewable Investment Plant for Public
Buildings, prepared by the Interagency Green Accounting Working Group, March
Please feel free to circulate this information. And let me know if you have any questions.
Dr. Woodrow W. Clark II
Senior Policy Advisor to the Director
Governor's Office of Planning and Research
1400 Tenth St.
Sacramento, CA USA 95814
Off +1 (916) 322-2318
Direct Line +1 (916) 445-9469
Fax +1 (916) 324-9936
email: <woody.clark@opr.ca.gov>