Fall Final Text Project - Breakdown

Name: ____________________________
11th Grade English
Section: ____
Mr. Roukis
Fall Semester “Final” Project
TOP: Plot Summary: What is your text about and what happens in it from
beginning to end (in a nutshell)? Find a QUOTE that best displays what the text is about
and CITE IT by using the author’s last name and page number from the textbook or text)
(15 pts) * 5 or more sentences PLUS the quote and citation.
Title of Text (5 pts) - CENTERED
Symbol, Drawing or Collage of your text. (10 pts) - CENTERED
Explanation of symbol, drawing or collage. Please explain what your
symbol means, what your collage represents, and/or how and why your artwork depicts
your text. (5 pts) - CENTERED
Author of the Text (5 pts) - CENTERED
Genre of Text (ex. Poem, Short Story, Myth, Etc.) (5 pts) - CENTERED
BOTTOM: Personal Reaction: 5 or more sentences (10 pts)
Consider answering: Why did you choose this? How did it make you feel? What
does it make you think of? How can you connect to the characters or the piece in
general? Can you share an anecdote from your life that connects to this piece?
(VIII) __________
Five adjectives to describe the text or a character from the text. The words
can come directly from the text as well. (2 pts each= 10 total pts)
LEFT: ANALYSIS: What does your text mean? What was the author’s
hidden meaning or purpose? Find a QUOTE that helps address your ANALYSIS. Copy
the quote and CITE the quote (author’s last name and page number from the textbook or
text). (15 pts each) * 5 or more sentences PLUS the quote and citation.
RIGHT: Literary Device: What is one literary Device your author uses?
Define the literary device. Explain how and why it is used. What was the author’s hidden
meaning or purpose? Find a QUOTE that displays your literary device. Copy the quote and
CITE the quote (author’s last name and page number from the textbook or text). (15 pts
each) * 5 or more sentences PLUS the quote and citation.
Creativity: use of color, paper, overall layout, etc. (5 pts)
Penalties: (lateness.):
Total Grade: ________________________
- _____________________
Name: ____________________________
11th Grade English
Section: ____
Mr. Roukis
Texts We Have Read This Semester: Chronological Order:
Unit 1: The New Land – to 1750
- “The Walum Olum”, by the Delaware Tribe
- “The Navajo Origin Legend”, by the Navajo Tribe
- “The Iroquois Constitution”, by the Iroquois Tribe
- from “Journal of the First Voyage to America”, by Christopher Columbus
- from “Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca”, by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
- from “The Narrative of the Expedition of Coronado”, by Pedro de Castenada
- from “The General History of Virginia”, by John Smith
- from “Of Plymouth Plantation”, by William Bradford
- from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, by Jonathan Edwards
- The Crucible, by Arthur Miller
Unit 2: The American Revolution
- from “Poor Richard’s Almanack”, by Benjamin Franklin
- “Speech to the Virginia Convention”, by Patrick Henry
- from “Crisis, Number I”, by Thomas Paine
- “The Declaration of Independence”, by Thomas Jefferson
- 1776, by Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards
Unit 3: American Literary Renaissance
- “The Raven”, by Edgar Allen Poe
- “Annabel Lee”, by Edgar Allen Poe
- “The Tell-Tale Heart”, by Edgar Allen Poe
- from “Nature” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- from “Self-Reliance”, by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- from “Walden Pond”, by Henry David Thoreau
- “The Birthmark”, “The Minister’s Black Veil”, “Rappaccini’s Daughter”, or “Young Goodman
Brown”; by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- selected poems of the Fireside Poets: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes,
James Russell Lowell, John Greenleaf Whittier, Emily Dickinson, (also Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Unit 4: The Civil War
- from “My Bondage and My Freedom”, by Frederick Douglas
- from Mary Chesnut’s Civil War”, by Mary Chesnut
- “Letter to His Son”, by Robert E. Lee
- “The Gettysburg Address”, by Abraham Lincoln
- Selected Civil War Voices: Warren Lee Goss, General Stonewall Jackson, Julia Ward Howe,
Reverend Henry M. Tuner, General Nathaniel P. Banks, Randolph McKim, Louisa May Alcott, R.B.
Prescott, Sojourner Truth
- “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”, by Walt Whitman
*Unit 5: Realism and The Frontier
- “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”, by Mark Twain
- “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, by Ambrose Bierce
- “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky”, by Stephen Crane
- “The Story of an Hour”, by Kate Chopin
- “A Wagner Matinee”, by Willa Cather
- “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- “To Build a Fire”, by Jack London