DAILY LESSONS: Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet

DAILY LESSONS: Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet
In- Class:
1. View Introduction to Hamlet video clip
a. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUqx_HKUOh4
2. View Act I in Branagh’s Hamlet
a. DVD Chapters
Disc #1 -- Hamlet
1. Strange Eruption [4:17]
2. Implements of War [5:31]
3. Greeting Norway, Godspeed Laertes [4:27]
4. More Than Kin, Less Than Kind [4:52]
5. Solid Flesh Wicked Speed [4:37]
6. Foul Deeds Will Rise [3:23]
7. Advice Between Siblings [2:41]
8. To Thine Own Self [2:16]
9. Tender Yourself More Dearly [2:45]
10. Beckoning Figure [3:15]
11. Thy Father's Spirit [2:45]
12. By a Brother's Hand [4:06]
13. Son's Oath [2:06]
3. Answer questions in pairs (2) found on bottom of page
Act 1
Give students a few minutes to formulate answers for the discussion questions for Act 1 and
then discuss the answers to the questions in detail. Write the answers on the board or use an
overhead transparency so students can have the correct answers for study purposes.
Discussion Questions - Act 1
1. How does Branagh introduce Elsinore?
2. How do we know things are not right?
3. How is Fortinbras introduced?
4. How do Claudius and Gertrude look?
5. How does Laertes look?
6. How does Polonius look?
7. Are Voltimand and Cornelius shown in the film? Why are they here?
8. How does Claudius tell Hamlet he is going too far in mourning for his father?
9. How does Hamlet greet Horatio? How can we tell that Horatio is Hamlet’s best friend?
10. How can we identify Hamlet’s father as Old Hamlet?
11. How does Laertes give his advice to Ophelia?
12. Is Polonius a serious or comic character?
13. What do we learn about Ophelia as Polonius is telling her to stay away from Hamlet?
14. How is the Ghost shown in the film?
15. What special effects are used in the Ghost scene?
16. Do we feel as frightened as the characters on screen?
17. What does the Ghost look like?
18. How does the Ghost tell his story?
19. What happens when Horatio and Marcellus find Hamlet?
Discussion Questions –and Answers - Act 1
1. How does Branagh introduce Elsinore?
A bell is chiming twelve times to indicate midnight. The camera passes “HAMLET” carved
in stone. The castle grounds (actually Blenheim Palace at Woodstock, England) are covered
in snow. Only one soldier is on watch. A statue of Old Hamlet stands at the front gate. It is
the Regency period in England (1810-1820) when the son of George III was made Regent to
rule for George when he became ill. The story of George III’s illness was the basis for the
film, The Madness of King George.
2. How do we know things are not right?
When a second soldier arrives to relieve the first, he has to tackle the first one to avoid being
3. How is Fortinbras introduced?
In a flashback, Fortinbras is preparing for war against Denmark, shown on a map.
4. How do Claudius and Gertrude look?
Claudius is in military dress uniform, with a solid red jacket, decorated with gold.
Gertrude is wearing bridal white and gold, as well as a crown.
5. How does Laertes look?
Laertes is dressed in white and gold and looks like a young prince.
6. How does Polonius look?
Polonius is in military dress. He looks as if he were Claudius’s prime minister or chief
7. Are Voltimand and Cornelius shown in the film? Why are they here?
Yes, Claudius’s two messengers are shown here. Their mission is to make Old Norway aware
of Fortinbras’s military build up against Denmark. Fortinbras is Old Norway’s nephew. The
story of the build-up is shown in flashback.
8. How does Claudius tell Hamlet he is going too far in mourning for his father?
Claudius seems to be sincere in his speech.
9. How does Hamlet greet Horatio? How can we tell that Horatio is Hamlet’s best friend?
Once Hamlet realizes Horatio is speaking to him, Hamlet greets Horatio warmly.
Hamlet takes the men to his private study.
10. How can we identify Hamlet’s father as Old Hamlet?
Horatio says the Ghost looked liked the King Horatio had known in life.
11. How does Laertes give his advice to Ophelia?
Laertes acts as a big brother usually does. He thinks he knows more about life than his sister.
12. Is Polonius a serious or comic character?
Polonius in this film is a serious character.
13. What do we learn about Ophelia as Polonius is telling her to stay away from Hamlet?
Ophelia has been sleeping with Hamlet.
14. How is the Ghost shown in the film?
The ground shakes, with blasts of fire and rolling fog. Because the camera angle
is upward, the Ghost seems to float in the air.
15. What special effects are used in the Ghost scene?
Among the special effects are earthquakes, fire, fog, and tree close together.
16. Do we feel as frightened as the characters on screen?
Yes, especially when the Ghost grabs Hamlet by the throat.
17. What does the Ghost look like?
The Ghost has on a full suit of armor, with the visor lifted to show us clear eyes.
These eyes are shown in an extreme close-up when the Ghost says, “murder most foul.”
18. How does the Ghost tell his story?
The Ghost’s story is told in flashback. There is the implication that Gertrude was having an
affair with Claudius, because the Ghost says, “What a falling off was there/ From me…”
19. What happens when Horatio and Marcellus find Hamlet?
Hamlet makes the men swear on his sword to the Ghost’s echoing command, as the ground
quakes, lightening flashes, and strong winds blow.