GEORGINA (off): Bournemouth is a medium-sized coastal town in the south of England.
Bournemouth is most famous for its beautiful, sandy beaches that stretch along the coast for
miles and the traditional seaside pier. On a hot summer’s day here, every inch of the beach
would be covered by people, locals and tourists alike, not to mention the thousands of foreign
students of English who come here in July. There are many other attractions to Bournemouth.
For example it is seen as one of the best clubbing capitals in Britain. There are many
nightclubs all over the town centre, which are popular with people of all ages.
GEORGINA: Hi! My name is Georgina but I prefer to be called George. I’m just walking
home from school right now, so it’s the perfect time to tell you a little bit about myself. I live
in a suburb of Bournemouth called Iford, which is on the outskirts of town. I’m 16 years old
and I believe I’m a typical teenager. I like going out with my friends, having fun and staying
out late. My main hobbies are singing, acting and dancing. Normally when I am at home I
watch TV, listen to music and go on the Internet.
GEORGINA: This is my home where I live. It’s a typical English detached house with a
lovely garden. You’ll see it later. So, please come inside.
GEORGINA: Through here we have the living room. Over there is the wood burner, which
we use in the winter when it’s cold. It’s also a combined living room and dining room. Here’s
the kitchen. Over here is the cooking space and there is an area for eating over here. Now I’ll
take you upstairs to my bedroom.
GEORGINA: My room’s down here. This is my room. It’s quite small but it’s cosy and I like
it. It’s actually tidier than it usually is.
GEORGINA: This is the garden I told you about earlier. I love spending time in my garden,
especially in the summer, sunbathing. As you can see there are a lot of flowerbeds and we
even have a pond in the corner. And of course, there’s my mum’s greenhouse. My whole
family love having barbecues on the patio in the summer.
DAD: Hello, mother! And what sort of day have you had today?
MOM: Oh… Quite good. I managed to get ahead in the garden…
GEORGINA (off): This is my family. My mum Sally is a part-time gardener. She is nice,
supportive, but like me she gets a bit stressed out sometimes.
MOM: So… Are you gonna… come shopping with me tonight?
DAD: Shopping? Me?
MOM: Yes, but why not? You’re going to have to fend for yourselves next week.
GEORGINA (off): My dad Dave is the opposite. He’s very laid-back and a bit lazy.
This is my older sister Amy. She is 19 and works in a shop.
DAD: …in only two days.
AMY: I’m not cooking.
GEORGINA (off): I have another sister called Joe, but I’m afraid she isn’t here
at the moment.
DAD: No, we won’t be too bad. I mean no one can die of starvation in two days, can they?
MOM: Well, you might.
DAD: I shouldn’t think so.
GEORGINA: Sometimes life is a bit boring, of course. But it can be fun, too. Watch this.
GEORGINA (JOE): Hi, Chris!
CHRIS: Ah! Hello, George!
GEORGINA (JOE): Sorry I’m late. I’ve been shopping.
CHRIS: It’s all right.
GEORGINA (JOE): I bought this top.
CHRIS: Lovely!
GEORGINA (JOE): Do you mind if I go and try it on?
CHRIS: No, please do!
GEORGINA (JOE): Have you ordered yet?
CHRIS: No, not yet.
GEORGINA (JOE): OK, I’ll just have a Coke then, please.
CHRIS: A Coke it is.
GEORGINA: Hi, Chris!
CHRIS: Oh, that was quick!
GEORGINA: Sorry I’m late. I’ve been shopping. I had to buy this new top! Have you ordered
CHRIS: No… Not yet.
GEORGINA: OK, I’ll just have a Fanta then.
CHRIS: Fanta? Not a Coke then?
GEORGINA: No, a Fanta.
GEORGINA (JOE): Hi, Chris!
CHRIS: But who…? Who’s George?
GEORGINA AND JOE: No, it’s her!
CHRIS: My God!
GEORGINA: Yes, we are actually identical twins, and there are good and bad things to being
a twin.
JOE: A really good thing is that I’ve always got a friend here to talk to and tell my secrets to.
GEORGINA: And I’ve always got a shoulder to cry on. A bad thing is that we sometimes get
confused about who did what when we were younger.
JOE: Yeah… Like that time in the car.
GEORGINA: Because you said it!
JOE: No, you said it to me!
GEORGINA: No, I remember you saying it to me!
JOE: I remember you said: “Remember that time in the car?”
GEORGINA: Obviously we still haven’t worked out who said it.
JOE: A really bad thing is if I fall out with my mom, because I haven’t tidied my bed…
GEORGINA: …then she’ll get angry with me as well.
JOE: And George will have to pay the price.
GEORGINA: But the best thing of all is that we get to play tricks on people!
GEORGINA (off): But of course I have a life of my own. My main hobbies are singing and
dancing, and at the moment I’m rehearsing for a big show at the Pier Theatre.
GEORGINA: I have loads of friends. Listen to their opinions about what it’s like being a
teenager. We asked them about the usual problems like money, parents, schoolwork, social
GEORGINA: Have you ever been to an over eighteen’s nightclub? If so, what tricks did you
use to get in?
GIRL 1: I’ve been to an over eighteen’s club about two or three times. And I normally wear,
like dress up in black and stuff ’cause it’s quite smart.
GIRL 2: I don’t think I’ll get in, so I don’t think there’s any point trying.
GEORGINA: How much pocket money do you get, and do you earn your own money?
GIRL 1: I get 40 pounds a month, and then I get an extra 20 pounds for doing ironing for my
BOY 1: I get five quid a week.
GEORGINA: Do you get on well with your parents?
JOE: I get on really well with my mum, but sometimes I don’t get on very well with my dad
and we have fights because he likes to wind me up.
GEORGINA: What time do you have to be home at the weekends?
GIRL 2: I usually have to be home about eleven or half eleven, but most of the time I sleep
around a friend’s house, and then I don’t have to be back at a certain time.
BOY 2: As long as I’ve got a mobile, and my parents know where I am, and… they’re usually
fine with whatever time I get in.
GEORGINA: How do you balance schoolwork and social life?
GIRL 1: I balance schoolwork and social life with difficulty.
JOE: I stay in most school evenings to do homework, and then I go out on the Friday or the
Saturday, and then I stay in on the Sunday afternoon to finish off any work that I haven’t
finished in the week.
GEORGINA: What do you in your spare time?
BOY 2: I usually go out with friends and just sort of go around the house and watch a video
or something.
GIRL 2: I usually just stay in my room and watch TV or listen to music.
GEORGINA: This is my boyfriend Chris. We’ve been together for about eight months.
CHRIS: Yeah, we met at Dave’s, was it?
GEORGINA: Yeah, it was Dave. The things I like about Chris is he makes me laugh.
CHRIS: What I like with George is she’s fun and good to be with. But… she’s always moody.
CHRIS: Yeah.
GEORGINA: I’m not moody!
CHRIS: Yeah.
GEORGINA: Well… I don’t like you when you’re with your friends.
GEORGINA: Because you act different.
CHRIS: Different?
GEORGINA: Yeah. You’re always trying to be cool.
CHRIS: That’s because I am.
GEORGINA: You see what I mean?
GEORGINA: Come on, I’ll take you to a class so we can surprise them! Shhh!
MISS PERRY: Oh! What are you doing here, George?
GEORGINA: Hi, Miss Perry!
GEORGINA: This is my favourite teacher, Miss Perry, and this is my English class 11-2. As
you can see they’re all girls.
GEORGINA (off): I go to an all girls’ grammar school called Bournemouth School For Girls.
Attending a girls’ school has its pros and cons. The good sides of going to a girls’ school are
that it is easier to concentrate without boys in your class, unless you’re thinking about them
all day, and it’s friendly because all the girls are really close to each other. The bad sides of
going to a girls’ school are that it is difficult to make friends with boys outside school and you
don’t get the experience of being with boys in a working environment. The students in my
school wear a blue school uniform, but in year 11 we can wear black and white.
GEORGINA: Well, it was nice talking to you. Bye!
JOE: Says George. Bye-bye!
GEORGINA AND JOE: Or is it the other way round?