Hollywood Hills Elementary School Advisory Council Minutes December 8, 2014 The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Covard at 2:25 pm. Mrs. Covard asked that everyone read the minutes so that any corrections or additions could be made. See sign-in sheet for attendance. Old Business Mrs. Covard shared that 62 members of our faculty voted for the School Recognition Funds to be equally distributed among all staff members and 5 voted for “None of the Above”. Chair’s Report Mrs. Covard had no report. Principal’s Report USA Karate is a new partner for HHE. The owner presented on anti-bullying at our school. For Field Day, students must wear the colored shirt that was designated by the teacher. Specialized shirts cannot be made. Mrs. Roberts was wondering if we could start having all awards assemblies on the same day. She is asking for input from the community. Mrs. Medrano suggested staggering the start times, so that the same grade level does not always start first. Committee’s Report Reading – Mrs. Murphy reported that the DRA will be administered again after winter break in grades K-3. The FAIR test will be given to all 4th and 5th grade students for the second administration period. Writing – Ms. Lamberti reported that the writing committee has met to begin to plan monthly writing prompts to begin next year. The writing focus for January is Explanatory and February will be Opinion. Math –All teachers are submitting data of the percentage of students demonstrating the mastery of math standards. Technology – Children in grades 1st -5th are taking place in the “Hour of Code”. Science – No report . Partners in Education- No report. I-Zone There was a group of parents who were touring Olsen to try to encourage more parents to attend. School Advisory Forum Advocacy 101 Meeting was Nov. 22nd. The website to find out more about it is: http://www.browardschools.com/School-Board. Dr. Desmond Blackburn spoke about B.E.S.T. (Beyond Expected Student Targets). New Business Mrs. Covard reported on the SIP Plan and that it is being monitored. She explained that B.E.S.T. stands for Beyond Expected Student Targets. Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Zaslow visited Sandpiper Elementary in Boca Raton today. This school is the top school in the state in our S.E.S. band. Grade chairs and administration will also be going to Chapel Trail on the 15th of December. Mrs. Covard also shared about the School Unified Dress Code. Mrs. Covard shared that 66 and 2/3 percent of the vote must be “yes” in order for the uniform to be in place. She also explained that the ballot went home in the 3rd quarter report cards the last time that the school voted. Mrs. Roberts explained that we could have fashion shows to showcase uniforms. The SAC would like to bring options of uniforms to the next meeting. If a ballot does not come back, it counts as a “no”. We would like to have voting on April 15th. We will have an informational meeting in February. Uniforms will be publicized in March. At the next SAC meeting, we will pick the dates for the February informational meetings. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Next meeting: January 12, 2015 @ 2:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Mrs. Murphy