Ch 6 Study Guide

Chapter 6
Study Guide
What American Indian chief tried to make peace with the Pilgrims?
What American Indian Chief opposed colonists in the Americas?
Define militia
What was the importance of Fort Necessity?
Define casualties
The French and Indian war was between what 2 countries? Who won?
What were the effects of the French and Indian War?
What decided where colonist would create settlements?
Define frontier
Define Backcountry
Define Pioneers
What were some dangers of living in the frontier? List
What was different about the land west of the colonies that made the settlers
want to live in the frontier? List
What created tension between the British and Native Americans?
Who was Chief Pontiac and why was he significant?
What caused Pontiac’s Rebellion and what was the end result?
What was the Proclamation of 1763? What was the end result?
Why did Britain need to tax the colonists?
The Sugar Act taxed what two things?
List two facts about the special courts created to try smugglers
Define Taxation without Representation
List 4 reasons the colonists disliked British taxes
Define Committees of Correspondence
Define Boycott
The Stamp Act taxed what?
What was the money from the stamp act used for?
What were the results of the Stamp Act?
Define Sons of Liberty
Define Declaratory Act
Define Repeal
Define Writs of Assistance
The Townshend Acts taxed what five things?
Define Duties
What was The Liberty?
Define Propaganda and Bias
Be able to describe the events of the Boston Massacre
Define Monopoly
The Tea Act led to what major event?
Be able to describe the events of the Boston Tea Party
List three things the Intolerable Acts did
Define the Quartering Act:
** Be able to list the following events in the correct sequence
French and Indian War
Stamp Act
Boston Massacre
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
American Revolution
Describe what you feel are the three most significant events that will eventually lead
to the American Revolution. Support your opinion with evidence from our class
notes and discussion.