1.1 the world 1.21 the land 1.212 the soil 1.213 the dust 1.214 the mud 1.215 the sand 1.22 the mountain or hill the cliff or precipice 1.222 1.23 the plain 1.24 the valley 1.25 the island 1.26 the mainland 1.27 the shore 1.28 the cave 1.31 the water 1.32 1.322 the sea calm 1.323 rough(2) 1.324 the foam 1.329 the ocean 'the hard surface of the earth, when compared to the area covered by sea' 'the substance that plants naturally grow in' 'dry powder consisting of extremely small bits of matter, found outside or inside buildings' 'wet earth that has become soft and sticky' The Amazonas is the longest river in the world. The captain sighted land in the distance. monde mundo Welt мир terre tierra Land земля, страна The soil is pretty good here in this area. The house had not been cleaned and there was dust on the furniture. terre, sol suelo Boden земля, почва poussière polvo Staub пыль His shoes were covered with mud. There is sand on this part of the beach. boue lodo Schlamm грязь sable arena Sand песок montagne, colline falaise montaña, loma barranca Berg + гора, холм Klippe скала, утес, обрыв plaine, campagne vallée pampa, llano Ebene равнина, поле valle Tal долина île isla Insel остров continent continente Festland континент rivage, littoral ribera, playa Küste, Ufer берег, побережье The hunter lit a torch and entered the cave. The inhabitants get their water from the river. The ship is sailing in the sea. a calm sea grotte cueva Höhle пещера eau agua Wasser вода mer étale Meer windstill море спокойный (о море) a rough sea trouble, agité (mer) rau бурный (о море) Foam formed on the polluted river. The Pacific Ocean is larger than the Atlantic Ocean. écume,mous se océan mar calma [but this is a noun] agitado (mar), borrascoso espuma Schaum пена océano Ozean океан ' a high rock with a very steep side (often near the sea)' 'expanse of level ground, open country' The valley was surrounded by high mountains. Sicily is a Mediterranean island. 'the main area of land that forms a country, as compared to islands near it' 'the land along the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean or a lake' ‘drinking water’ 'smooth or having only gentle waves' 'with strong wind or storms' 'any of the world's major bodies of salt water'; generally larger than 'sea' 1.33 the lake 1.34 the bay 1.341 the lagoon 1.342 the reef 1.343 the cape 1.35 the wave 1.352 the tide 1.353 the lowtide 1.354 the hightide 1.36 the river or stream 1.362 the whirpool 1.37 the spring or well 1.38 the swamp 1.39 the waterfall 1.41 1.411 the woods or forest the savanna 1.43 the wood 1.44 the stone or This lake's water is safe for drinking. 'an area of the sea that curves inwards towards the land' 'a lake of sea water partly or completely separated from the sea by sand, rock etc., generally smaller than a bay’ 'a line mass of sharp rocks, often made of coral, near the surface of the sea' 'a large piece of land surrounded on three sides by the sea' lac lago See озеро golfe, baie golfo, bahía Bucht + залив, бухта lagune laguna Lagune лагуна récif arrecife Riff риф promontoire, pointe punta Kap мыс vague ola Welle волна marée marea Gezeiten marée basse bajamar Ebbe морской прилив и отлив отлив marée haute pleamar Flut прилив fleuve, rivière, ruisseau tourbillon d'eau río, corriente, arroyo remolino Fluss, Strom, Bach река, поток, ручей Strudel водоворот source,puits manantial, pozo Quelle, Brunnen Be careful, there are crocodiles in the swamp. The waterfall runs dry in the summer. There are many wild animals in the forest. marais, marécage chûte d'eau, cascade bois, forêt pantano Sumpf родник, источник, колодец болото cascada Wasserfall водопад selva Wald лес The table is made of wood. bois madera Holz pierre, roc, piedra, roca Stein; Fels, дерево (материал), древесина камень, скала The ship was wrecked on a reef. The tallest waves are found in the Pacific Ocean. 'the regular rising and lowering of the level of the sea' During low tide the rock is exposed. The rock is not visible during high tide. 'a powerful current of water that sopins around and can pull things down into it' 'natural (spring) or artificial (well) source of water' 'a large open grassland in tropical and subtropical regions' ‘material that people get from trees’ 1.45 rock the earthquake 1.51 the sky 1.52 1.53 the sun the moon 1.54 the star 1.55 the lightning 1.56 1.57 the thunder the bolt of lightning 1.58 the storm 1.59 the rainbow 1.61 1.62 the light the darkness 1.63 1.64 the shade or shadow the dew 1.71 the air 1.72 the wind 1.73 the cloud 1.74 the fog 1.75 the rain 1.76 the snow 1.77 the ice 1.771 1.775 the arctic lights to freeze 1.78 the weather The house was destroyed by an earthquake. There were white clouds in the blue sky. The sun rises in the east. The moon shone brightly in the clear night sky. The stars shone brightly in the clear night sky. I was momentarily blinded by the lightening. The thunder was deafening. 'a flash of lightning and a noise of thunder together, which hits something' It's more than just rain-it's a real storm! After the storm, a rainbow appeared in the sky. The fire gave a bright light. After the sunset, darkness quickly fell. The trees were wet from the morning dew. The air is cool and fresh here in the mountains. The wind blew so hard it knocked down the tree. There were white clouds in the blue sky. The fog is so thick I can't see the road. After the rain, the sun appeared again. Snow fell all night and covered the city. A layer of ice formed over the lake. rocher tremblement de terre, séisme ciel terremoto Felsen Erdbeben cielo Himmel небо soleil lune sol luna Sonne Mond солнце луна étoile estrella Stern звезда éclair relámpago Blitz молния tonnerre foudre trueno rayo Donner Blitz гром молния orage, tempête arc-en-ciel tempestad, tormenta arco-iris Sturm, Unwetter Regenbogen буря, шторм lumière obscurité, ténèbres luz oscuridad Licht Dunkelheit, Finsternis ombre sombra Schatten свет темнота, тьма, мрак тень rosée rocío Tau роса air aire Luft воздух vent viento Wind ветер nuage nube Wolke облако, туча brume, brouillard pluie neblina, niebla lluvia Nebel туман Regen дождь neige nieve Schnee снег glace hielo Eis лед, гололед Nordlicht severnoe sijanie ‘aurora borealis’ It was so cold tonight that the entire lake froze. I hope that tomorrow the weather will be nicer than geler helar gefrieren temps tiempo Wetter землятресени е радуга погода 1.81 the fire 1.82 the flame 1.83 the smoke 1.831 the steam 1.84 the ash 1.841 the embers 1.851 to burn(1) 1.852 to burn(2) 1.86 to light 1.861 to extinguish 1.87 the match 1.88 the firewood 1.89 the charcoal 2.1 the person ‘human being’ 2.21 2.22 the man the woman (vs. woman) 2.23 male(1) (of humans, cf. 3.12) 2.24 female(1) (of humans, cf. 3.13) 2.25 the boy 2.251 the young man 2.26 the girl 2.261 the young woman ‘a fire lit deliberately for heating or cooking’ today. The fire is brightly burning in the fireplace. feu fuego Feuer огонь flamme llama Flamme пламя fumée humo Rauch дым cendres cenizas Asche пепел braise brasas Glut раскаленные угли She burnt all her exboyfriend's old letters. Our house is burning! Call the fire fighters! She lit a match. brûler quemar verbrennen жечь brûler arder brennen гореть allumer encender anzünden, entzünden The fire fighters extinguished the fire. éteindre apagar löschen allumette fósforo The boys collected firewood and built a bonfire. This fireplace is lit by charcoal, not wood. bois (pour le feu), bûches charbon de bois leña Streichholz, Zündholz Brennholz зажигать, воспламенять гасить, тушить спичка carbón Holzkohle This table can be lifted by one person. The man had a long beard. The woman wore a pretty dress. I have ten male and twelve female students. I have ten male and twelve female students. One day this boy will grow to be a man. The young man was not married. personne, être humain homme femme persona Mensch, Person Mann Frau, Weib (древесный) уголь человек, личность мужчина женщина mâle männlich самец femelle varón, macho hembra weiblich самка garçon muchacho мальчик jeune homme joven Junge, Knabe junger Mann, (Jüngling) One day this girl will grow to be a woman. The young woman was not married. fille muchacha Mädchen jeune fille joven junges Mädchen, The flames were so high the reached helicopter. Heavy smoke billowed from the burning house. The boiling water filled the room with steam. He let the cigarette ash fall on the floor. 'pieces of wood or coal in a fire that are no longer burning but are still red and very hot' 'partially or fully destroy with fire' 'be on fire, be consumed by fire' 'make something burn' 'a small wooden stick used to light a fire' hombre mujer дрова юноша, молодой человек девочка девушка 2.27 the child(1) 2.28 the baby 2.31 junge Frau Kind Many children were playing in the water. She's still a baby and can only have milk. enfant niño enfant, bébé niño,bebé Säugling, Baby the husband She married her husband last year. mari marido, esposo 2.32 the wife He married his wife last year. femme, épouse esposa 2.33 to marry the wedding se marier, épouser mariage, noces casarse 2.34 casamiento, boda Hochzeit 2.341 the divorce divorce divorcio the father père padre (Ehe)Scheid ung Vater развод 2.35 2.36 the mother mère madre Mutter мать 2.37 the parents parents padres Eltern родители 2.38 homme marié femme mariée fils hombre casado mujer casada hijo verheirateter Mann verheiratete Frau Sohn женатый 2.41 the married man the married woman the son 2.42 the daughter fille hija Tochter дочь 2.43 the child(2) She married a man 10 years her junior. When we were married, a thousand people came to the wedding. After the divorce, he married another woman. My father came home late last night. My mother came home late last night. My parents live in the village. As a married man he had more privileges. As a married woman she had more privileges. I have one son and one daughter. I have one son and one daughter. I have two children, a son and a daughter. (Ehe)Mann, (Ehe)Gatte, Gemahl (Ehe)Frau, (Ehe)Gattin, Gemahlin heiraten enfant hijo, hija Nachkomme , Nachwuchs дети,потомств о 2.44 the brother frère hermano Bruder брат 2.444 the older brother I have two brothers, one younger and one older than me. My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home. frêre aîné hermano mayor старший брат 2.445 the younger brother My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home. frère cadet hermano menor 2.45 the sister I have two sisters, one younger and one older than soeur hermana älterer Bruder (großer Bruder) jüngerer Bruder (kleiner Bruder) Schwester 2.39 'young human' (not kinship term) (cf. 2.43) ‘very young human that cannot walk yet’ ‘immediate descendant, son or daughter’ (kinship term) (cf. 2.27) ребенок младенец, ребенок муж жена жениться, выйти замуж свадьба отец замужняя сын младший брат сестра 2.454 the older sister 2.455 the younger sister 2.456 me. My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home. soeur ainée hermana mayor My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home. soeur cadette hermana menor the sibling I have two siblings, one brother and one sister. frère/soeur hermano, hermana 2.4561 the older sibling 2.4562 the younger sibling My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home. My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home. 2.458 2.46 the twins the grandfather the old man jumeaux grand-père vieillard 2.461 2.47 2.471 2.4711 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 the grandmother the old woman the grandparents the grandson the granddaughte r the grandchild the uncle My grandfather is 80 years old. That old man looks like my grandfather. My grandmother is 70 years old. That old woman looks like my grandmother. Only one of my grandparents is still alive. My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter. My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter. By the time she died, she had 23 grandchildren. I have two uncles, one on my father's side and one on my mother's side. ältere Schwester (große Schwester) jüngere Schwester (kleine Schwester) Bruder, Schwester, (Geschwister kind) старшая сестра gemelos abuelo Zwillinge Großvater близнецы дедушка alter Mann, Greis Großmutter старик grand-mère hombre viejo abuela vieillarde mujer vieja alte Frau, Greisin старуха petit-fils nieto Enkel внук petite-fille nieta Enkelin внучка oncle tío Onkel дядя 2.511 the mother's brother frère de la mère hermano (de la madre) 2.512 the father's brother the aunt the mother's sister frère du père hermano (del padre) tía hermana (de la madre) 2.52 2.521 tante soeur de la mère Tante младшая сестра брат/сестра бабушка дядя, брат матери дядя, брат матери тетя тетя, сестра матери 2.522 the father's sister 2.53 2.54 2.541 2.55 the nephew the niece the sibling’s child the cousin 2.56 the ancestors 2.57 the descendants 2.61 the father-inlaw (of a man) the father-inlaw (of a woman) the motherin-law (of a man) the motherin-law (of a woman) the parentsin-law the son-inlaw (of a man) the son-inlaw (of a woman) the daughterin-law (of a man) the daughterin-law (of a woman) the child-inlaw the siblingin-law 2.611 2.62 2.621 2.622 2.63 2.631 2.64 2.641 2.6411 2.6412 ‘sibling’s son’ ‘sibling’s daughter’ soeur du père hermana (del padre) neveu nièce sobrino sobrina Neffe Nichte cousin, cousine primo/prima Cousin, Cousine ancêtres,aïeu x descendants antepasados beau-père (d'un homme) beau-père (d'une femme) belle-mère (d'un homme) belle-mère (d'une femme) suegro (de hombre) Ahnen, Vorfahren Nachkomme n, Abkömmlin ge, Nachfahren Schwiegerva ter descendiente s suegro (de mujer) тетя, сестра отца племянник племянница двоюродный (ая) брат (сестра), кузен/кузина предки потомки свекор Schwiegerva ter (einer Frau) Schwiegerm utter тесть suegra (de mujer) Schwiegerm utter (einer Frau) теща gendre (d'un homme) yerno(de hombre) Schwiegerso hn зять gendre (d'une femme) bru, bellefille (d'un homme) bru, bellefille (d'une femme) yerno (de mujer) Schwiegerso hn (einer Frau) Schwiegerto chter зять Schwiegerto chter (einer Frau) невестка suegra (de hombre) nuera (de hombre) nuera (de mujer) свекровь сноха 2.71 2.72 2.75 the stepfather the stepmother the stepson the stepdaughter the orphan 2.76 2.77 2.81 the widow the widower the relatives 2.82 the family 2.91 2.92 2.93 I you (singular) he/she/it 2.931 2.932 2.933 2.94 he she it we 2.941 we (inclusive) nous 2.942 we (exclusive) nous 2.95 2.96 3.11 you (plural) they the animal vous eux, elles animal,bête nosotros/ nosotras nosotros/nos otras (inclusivo) nosotros/nos otras (exclusivo) ustedes ellos, ellas animal 3.12 3.13 male(2) female(2) (of animals) cf. 2.23 (of animals) cf. 2.24 mâle femelle masculino femenino männlich weiblich мужской женский 3.15 the livestock 'domestic mammals kept for service or for useful products (cows, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, pigs, bétail ganado Vieh (домашний) скот 2.73 2.74 ‘group of closely related relatives, consisting minimally of parents and children’ (third person singular pronoun, regardless of gender/sex) 'living creature that can move (including or excluding humans)' On the small island they found rabbits, foxes, snakes, mice and many other animals. Only male lions have manes. Only female monkeys look after their offspring. beau-père belle-mère padrastro madrastra Stiefvater Stiefmutter отчим мачеха beau-fils belle-fille hijastro hijastra Stiefsohn Stieftochter пасынок падчерица orphelin, orpheline veuve veuf parents huérfano/ huérfana viuda viudo parientes, parentela Waise сирота вдова вдовец родственники famille familia Witwe Witwer Verwandte, Verwandtsch aft Familie je, moi tu yo tú, usted ich du я ты, вы il/elle él/ella/ello er/sie/es он/она/оно nous wir мы wir мы wir мы ihr sie Tier вы они животное семья reindeer, camels, etc.)' 'land or field that is covered with grass and is used for livestock to feed on' 'a man who looks after a herd of animals' 'building where domestic animals (any kind, not just horses) are kept' '(collection of) domestic bovine animals' 'male bovine (not castrated)' 'a castrated bull, often used for working on farms' 'female bovine' 'young of a cow' 3.16 the pasture 3.18 the herdsman 3.19 the stable or stall 3.2 the cattle 3.21 3.22 the bull the ox 3.23 3.24 the cow the calf 3.25 the sheep 3.26 the ram 'male sheep' bélier 3.28 3.29 the ewe the lamb 'female sheep' 'young of a sheep' brebis agneau 3.32 the boar 3.34 the sow 3.35 the pig 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.41 the goat the he-goat the kid the horse '(female or generic) goat' 'male goat' 'young of a goat' 3.42 the stallion 'male horse' étalon 3.44 3.45 'female horse' '(male) young of horse (regardless of sex)' 3.46 the mare the foal or colt the donkey 3.47 the mule 3.5 the fowl 'an animal that has a donkey and a horse as parents' 'a bird that is kept for its The farmers raised sheep for wool and milk. The hunter shot the boar in the forest. 'female pig' pâturage, pâture pradera, potrero Weide пастбище, выгон bouvier, pâtre étable, écurie pastor Hirte пастух establo Stall конюшня, стойло bétail ganado Rind taureau boeuf toro buey Stier, Bulle Ochse крупный рогатый скот бык вол vache veau vaca becerro,terne ro oveja Kuh Kalb корова теленок Schaf овца, баран carnero, morueco oveja borrego, cordero jabalí Widder, Schafbock Mutterschaf Lamm баран Wildschwein кабан puerca, cochina, cerda cerdo, puerco cabra chivo cabrito caballo Sau свинья, свиноматка Schwein свинья Ziege Ziegenbock Zicklein Pferd коза козел козленок лошадь, конь Hengst жеребец jument poulain caballo padre,semen tal yegua potrillo Stute Fohlen кобыла жеребенок âne asno,burro Esel осел mulet mulo Maultier мул poule ave Huhn, домашняя mouton sanglier truie There are three pigs in the sty. The policeman mounted the horse and rode away. That donkey is almost as large as a horse. cochon, porc chèvre bouc chevreau cheval овца ягненок meat and eggs' 3.52 coq gallo poule gallina Henne курица poulet pollo Huhn цыпленок oie canard nid ganso pato nido Gans Ente Nest гусь утка гнездо pájaro gaviota garza águila gavilán, halcón buitre murciélago Vogel Möwe Reiher Adler Falke птица чайка птица орел ястреб, сокол Geier Fledermaus гриф летучая мышь loro cuervo paloma Papagei Krähe Taube попугай ворона голубь, голубка сова, филин птица петух 3.54 the cock/rooster the hen 3.55 the chicken 3.56 3.57 3.58 the goose the duck the nest 3.581 3.582 3.583 3.584 3.585 the bird the seagull the heron the eagle the hawk oiseau mouette héron aigle faucon 3.586 3.591 the vulture the bat 3.592 3.593 3.594 the parrot the crow the dove vautour chauvesouris perroquet corbeau colombe 3.596 the owl hibou lechuza, buho Eule 3.597 the cormorant the toucan the dog the rabbit the cat the opossum chien lapin chat opossum Hund Kaninchen Katze Opossum (Beutelratte) собака, пес кролик кот опоссум souris, rat perro conejo gato zarigüeya, tlacuache, comadreja, zorra mochilera ratón, rata Maus; Ratte мышь, крыса poisson nageoire pez, pescado aleta Fisch Flosse рыба плавник écaille escama Schuppe чешуя 3.598 3.61 3.614 3.62 3.622 3.63 3.65 3.652 the mouse or rat the fish the fin 3.653 the scale The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters. The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters. Geflügel Hahn (Fill in only if there is a general term for 'rooster or hen'.) 'domesticated goose' 'domesticated duck' Many birds build nests in trees. (Phalacrocorax etc) 'one of the thin body parts that a fish uses to swim' 'one of the small flat pieces of skin that cover the bodies of fish' 3.654 3.655 the gill the shell agalla valva the shark the porpoise or dolphin ouïes coquille,coq uillage requin marsouin, dauphin 3.661 3.662 3.663 3.664 the whale the stingray baleine raie ballena raya, pastinaca Wal Rochen 3.665 anguille d'eau douce anguila de agua dulce Flussaal 3.71 3.72 3.73 3.74 3.75 the freshwater eel the wolf the lion the bear the fox the deer lobo león oso zorro venado Wolf Löwe Bär Fuchs Hirsch волк лев медведь лиса, лисица олень, лань 3.76 3.77 3.78 3.81 the monkey the elephant the camel the insect loup lion ours renard daim, cerf, chevreuil singe éléphant chameau insecte mono elefante camello insecto обезъяна слон верблpд насекомое 3.8111 pou piojo pou piojo Körperlaus вошь 3.812 the head louse the body louse the nit Affe Elefant Kamel Insekt, Kerbtier Kopflaus lente liendre Nisse гнида 3.813 3.814 the flea the centipede puce mille-pattes pulga ciempiés Floh Tausendfüßl er 3.815 3.816 scorpion cafard, cancrelat fourmi araignée toile d'araignée abeille cire alacrán cucaracha 3.82 3.821 the scorpion the cockroach the ant the spider the spider web the bee the beeswax 3.822 the beehive ruche colmena Skorpion Kakerlak(e), Schabe Ameise Spinne Spinnennetz, Spinnwebe Biene Bienenwach s Bienenstock, блоха многоножка, сороконожка скорпион таракан 3.8112 3.817 3.818 3.819 'an egg of a louse that is sometimes found in people's hair' tiburón delfín hormiga araña telaraña abeja cera de abeja Kieme Muschel(sch ale) Hai Delphin жабры ракушка акула морская свинья, дельфин кит скат, морской кот пресноводный угорь вошь муравей паук паутина пчела воск улей 3.823 3.83 3.831 3.834 3.835 3.84 the wasp the fly the sandfly or midge or gnat the mosquito the prawns or shrimp the termites the tick the worm 3.85 the snake 3.862 3.863 3.865 the coyote the hare the quail 3.866 3.869 the raccoon the squirrel 3.871 the reindeer/carib ou the elk/moose the beaver the kangaroo the anteater the jaguar the firefly 3.832 3.833 3.872 3.873 3.88 3.89 3.90 3.91 3.913 3.917 3.92 3.93 3.94 3.95 3.96 3.97 3.98 the chameleon the buffalo the butterfly the grasshopper the snail the frog the lizard the crocodile or alligator the turtle guêpe mouche moucheron avispa mosca jején Bienenkorb, Beute Wespe Fliege Gnitze moustique mosquito Mücke москит, комар ver de terre lombriz, gusano culebra,serpi ente coyote liebre codorniz, perdiz mapache ardilla Wurm червяк, червь Schlange змея verluisant, luciole luciérnaga Glühwurm, Glühwürmch en светляк, светлячок papillon mariposa бабочка sauterelle saltamontes escargot grenouille lézard crocodile caracol rana lagartija cocodrilo, caimán tortuga Schmetterlin g Heuschrecke , Grashüpfer Schnecke Frosch Eidechse Krokodil Schildkröte черепаха оса муха комар, москит (Isoptera) (Phthiraptera) serpent, couleuvre tortue Koyote Hase Wachtel Waschbär Eichhörnche n кузнечик улитка лягушка ящерица крокодил 3.99 4.11 the tapir the body 4.12 4.13 4.14 the skin or hide the flesh the hair 4.142 4.144 the beard the body hair 4.145 4.146 4.15 4.151 corps cuerpo Körper тело peau piel, cutis,pellejo carne cabello, pelo Haut; Fell кожа, шкура Fleisch Haar barbe poil barba vello (del cuerpo) the pubic hair poil pubien pelo púbico Bart Körperhaar, Körperbehaa rung Schamhaar тело, плоть волос (на голове) борода волос (на теле) pellicule sang veine, artère caspa sangre vena, arteria 4.16 4.162 4.17 4.18 4.19 the dandruff the blood the vein or artery the bone the rib the horn the tail the back os côte corne queue dos hueso costilla cuerno cola espalda Schuppen Blut Ader, Vene, Arterie Knochen Rippe Horn Schwanz Rücken 4.191 the spine épine dorsale espinazo, espina dorsal Wirbelsäule, Rückgrat 4.2 4.201 the head the temples tête tempes cabeza sien Kopf Schläfen спинной хребет, позвоночник голова висок 4.202 the skull crâne Schädel череп 4.203 the brain cerveau Gehirn, Hirn мозг(и) 4.204 4.205 4.207 the face the forehead the jaw visage front machoire cráneo, calavera cerebro, sesos cara frente mandíbula Gesicht Stirn Kiefer, Kinnbacken лицо лоб челpсть 4.208 4.209 the cheek the chin joue menton mejilla mentón Wange Kinn щека подбородок ‘the body of a live human’ (skin: of a human; hide: of an animal) chair cheveu ‘hair on a person’s head’ (e.g. of a cow) ‘the back of a human body’ ‘the two fairly flat areas on each side of people’s forehead’, or more generally ‘the two sides of people’s head’ ‘the lower part of people’s face that moves when they eat’ The boxer punched his opponent on the jaw. волос (лобковый) перхоть кровь вена, артерия кость ребро рог хвост спина 4.21 4.212 the eye the eyebrow oeil sourcil ojo ceja 4.213 4.214 4.215 the eyelid the eyelash to blink párpado pestaña parpadear 4.22 4.221 the ear the earlobe 4.222 the earwax 4.23 4.231 the nose the nostril paupière cil cligner (de l'oeil) oreille lobe de l'oreille cèrumen, cire d'oreille nez narine 4.232 the nasal mucus morve,mucu s moco 4.24 4.241 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.271 4.272 the mouth the beak the lip the tongue the tooth the gums the molar tooth the neck the nape of the neck the throat the shoulder the shoulderblad e the collarbone the arm the armpit bouche bec lèvre langue dent gencives molaire boca pico labio lengua diente encías molar,muela cou nuque cuello nuca gorge épaule omoplate garganta hombro escápula,om óplato clavicule clavícula bras aisselle brazo sobaco, axila the elbow the wrist the hand the palm of the hand coude poignet main paume codo muñeca mano palma de la mano 4.28 4.281 4.29 4.3 4.301 4.302 4.31 4.312 4.32 4.321 4.33 4.331 ‘to shut and open one’s eyes quickly’ I blinked as I came out into the sunlight. oreja lóbulo (de oreja) cerumen nariz ventana de la nariz Auge (Augen)Brau e (Augen)Lid Wimper blinzeln, zwinkern Ohr Ohrläppchen глаз бровь Ohrenschma lz Nase Nasenloch, Nüster (horse) Rotz, Nasenschlei m Mund Schnabel Lippe Zunge Zahn Zahnfleisch Backenzahn ушная сера Hals Nacken, Genick Kehle Schulter Schulterblatt шея затылок Schlüsselbei n Arm Achsel, Achselhöhle Ellbogen Handgelenk Hand Handteller, Handfläche клpчица веко ресница щуриться ухо мочка уха нос ноздря слизь, сопля рот клюв губа язык зуб десны коренной зуб горло, глотка плечо лопатка рука подмышка локоть запястье кисть ладонь 4.34 4.342 4.344 4.345 the finger the thumb the fingernail the claw doigt pouce ongle griffe dedo pulgar uña garra Finger Daumen Fingernagel Klaue, Kralle палец (рука) большой палец ноготь коготь 4.35 4.351 the leg the thigh jambe cuisse pierna,pata muslo Bein Oberschenke l нога бедро 4.352 mollet pantorrilla Wade икра ноги 4.36 4.37 4.371 the calf of the leg the knee the foot the ankle genou pied cheville rodilla pie tobillo колено ступня лодыжка 4.372 4.374 the heel the footprint talón huella 4.38 the toe dedo del pie Zeh палец (ноги) 4.392 the wing talon empreinte du pied orteil, doigt de pied aile Knie Fuß Fußgelenk, Fußknöchel Ferse Fußabdruck ala крыло 4.393 4.4 the feather the chest plume poitrine pluma pecho Flügel, Schwinge Feder Brust 4.41 the breast sein, poitrine seno Brust 4.412 the nipple or teat mamelon,tét on pezón 4.42 the udder pis,mamelle ubre Brustwarze (+hum), Zitze (-hum) Euter 4.43 4.431 4.44 4.441 4.45 4.451 4.452 4.46 the navel the belly the heart the lung the liver the kidney the spleen the stomach nombril ventre coeur poumon foie rein rate estomac, (malau) ventre ombligo barriga corazón pulmón hígado riñón bazo estómago Nabel Bauch Herz Lunge Leber Niere Milz Magen ‘the sharp curved nail on the toe of an animal or bird’ The cat dug his claws into my leg. ‘the top part of the leg, between the knee and the hip’ ‘the breast of a woman’ ‘the part of a cow/female goat/... that hangs down between its back legs and that produces milk’ (internal organ, not 'belly') Her stomach could not digest the tough meat. пятка след (ноги) перо грудная клетка грудь (женская) сосок вымя пуп сердце легкое печень почка селезенка желудок 4.461 4.462 4.463 4.464 4.465 the intestines or guts the waist the hip the buttocks 4.47 the sinew or tendon the womb 4.49 4.492 4.493 the testicles the penis the vagina 4.494 the vulva 4.51 to breathe 4.52 4.521 to yawn to hiccough 4.53 4.54 4.55 to cough to sneeze to perspire 4.56 ‘the fleshy part of one’s body that people sit on’ intestins, boyaux taille hanche fesses, derrière intestinos Eingeweide кишечник cintura cadera nalgas,traser o Taille Hüfte Hintern, Gesäß талия бедро, ляжка ягодицы matrice matriz,vientr e testículo pene Mutterleib, Gebärmutter Hoden Penis Scheide матка, лоно testicule pénis ‘the passage from a woman’s outer sexual organs to her womb’ ‘the outer part of a woman’s sexual organs’ тестикул пенис Muschi respirer, haleine bailler hoqueter respirar, aliento bostezar hipo Atem дыхание gähnen Schluckauf (haben) husten niesen schwitzen зевать икать toser estornudar sudar to spit tousser éternuer transpirer, suer cracher spucken, speien плевать(ся), плевок 4.57 to vomit vomir brechen, sich erbrechen beissen lecken sabbern страдать рвотой кусать лизать пускать слpну 4.58 4.59 4.591 to bite to lick to dribble mordre lécher baver morder lamer gotear, babear 4.61 4.612 4.62 to sleep to snore to dream dormir ronfler rêver dormir roncar soñar schlafen schnarchen träumen despertarse aufwachen to fart se réveiller, s'eveiller péter спать храпеть видеть сон, мечтать просыпаться 4.63 to wake up 4.64 flato furzen 4.65 to piss uriner orinar urinieren ‘to let saliva flow out of one’s mouth onto one’s chin’ (intransitive) Watch out, the baby is dribbling on your shirt! I wake up at seven every morning. escupir (saliva [noun]) vomitar кашлять чихать потеть освободиться от газов мочиться 4.66 to shit déféquer scheißen испражняться faire l'amour, copuler defecar, excremento (noun) tener relaciones sexuales 4.67 to have sex schlafen (mit) frissonner se baigner temblar bañar(se) zittern baden вступать в половой контакт дрожать купаться 4.68 4.69 to shiver to bathe (intransitive) 4.71 to beget ‘become the father of’ engendrer engendrar zeugen 4.72 to be born né,naître nacer 4.73 pregnant enceinte 4.732 to conceive She conceived her first child while still in England. concevoir embarazada (mujer), preñada (hembra) concebir geboren (werden) schwanger (+hum), trächtig (hum) schwanger werden 4.74 to be alive I thought he was dead, but he's still alive. vivre vivir 4.741 4.75 the life to die He had a good long life. vie mourir, mort vida morir, muerto leben, lebendig sein Leben sterben; tot; Tod 4.7501 4.751 dead to drown The dog fell into the river and drowned. noyé ahogado ertrunken 4.76 to kill tuer matar 4.77 the corpse 'body of a dead human' cadavre cadáver töten, umbringen Leiche, Leichnam 4.771 4.78 the carcass to bury 'body of a dead animal' ‘bury a dead person’ enterrer sepultar 4.79 4.81 the grave strong tombeau fort,puissant sepulcro fuerte, poderoso 4.82 weak faible débil She likes to bathe before going to bed. She's a strong woman and can lift 50 kilos. He's so weak that he cannot even lift 5 kilos. beerdigen, begraben, bestatten Grab stark, mächtig, kräftig, gewaltig schwach порождать, рождать (об отце) родиться беременная зачать, забеременнет ь жить, живой жизнь умереть, скончаться, мертвый утонувший, утопленник убивать труп хоронить могила сильный, могущественн ый слабый, хилый 4.83 healthy santé, en bonne santé sano, salud gesund; Gesundheit 4.84 4.841 sick/ill the fever malade fièvre enfermo fiebre krank Fieber 4.842 the goitre/goiter goître bocio, coto Kropf здоровый, здоровье больной жар, лихорадить зоб 4.843 the cold rhume catarro Erkältung простуда 4.844 4.85 herida, llaga Krankheit Wunde рана, язва 4.852 the disease the wound or sore the bruise 4.853 the swelling 4.854 the itch 4.8541 to scratch 4.855 the blister 4.856 the boil 4.857 4.858 4.86 the pus the scar to cure 4.87 the physician 4.88 the medicine 4.89 4.91 ‘a disease of the thyroid gland that makes one’s neck very swollen’ ‘the common cold’ ‘to scratch an itch’ He caught a cold after swimming in the lake at night. The itch was caused by an insect bite. ‘don’t scratch an insect bite’ maladie blessure, plaie contusion, bleu bosse, enflure démangeaiso n magulladura hinchazón comezón blauer Fleck, Bluterguss Beule, Schwellung Jucken, Juckreiz ушиб волдырь, водяной пузырь нарыв, фурункул ampoule ampolla Blase furoncle furúnculo, forúnculo pus cicatrice guérir pus cicatriz sanar Eiterbeule, Furunkel, Schwäre Eiter Narbe heilen médecin remède, médecine doctor, médico medicina, remedio the poison tired poison fatigué veneno cansado 4.912 to rest se reposer descansar 4.92 4.93 lazy bald paresseux chauve perezoso calvo ‘a painful infected swelling under someone’s skin’ The boy’s body is covered in boils. The treatment cured the patient's illness. ‘drug, medication’ Arzt Arznei, Heilmittel, Medizin, Droge Gift müde (sich) ausruhen faul, träge kahl, glatzköpfig опухоль зуд гной шрам, рубец лечить, исцелять доктор, медик лекарство, средство яд усталый, утомленный отдыхать ленивый лысый 4.94 4.95 4.96 4.97 4.98 lame deaf mute blind drunk 4.99 naked 5.11 5.12 5.121 to eat the food cooked 5.122 raw 5.123 ripe 5.124 unripe 5.125 5.13 5.14 5.141 rotten to drink to be hungry the famine 5.15 5.16 to be thirsty to suck 5.18 to chew 5.181 to swallow 5.19 ‘intoxicated’ (transitive) (contrasting with 'raw') (about fruit) They became drunk after drinking too much beer. The child does not like to wear clothes, and goes around naked. The child has eaten the fruit. Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas. Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas. Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow. Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow. a rotten apple or mango drink water boiteux sourd muet aveugle ivre lisiado sordo mudo ciego ebrio lahm taub stumm blind betrunken хромать глухой немой слепой пьяный nu desnudo nackt голый, обнаженный manger nourriture cuit comer comida cocinado essen Essen gekocht есть, кушать пища вареный cru crudo roh сырой mûr maduro reif зрелый, спелый vert inmaduro, no maduro, verde unreif pourri boire faim famine, disette soif sucer podrido beber hambre hambre verfault trinken Hunger Hungersnot sed chupar Durst saugen зеленый, неспелый, незрелый гнилой пить голод голод, голодание жажда сосать, впитывать жевать (transitive) The baby is sucking milk. mastiquer,m acher avaler masticar kauen tragar herunterschl ucken глотать to choke 'prevent from breathing (not necessarily leading to death)’ This meat is so tough I can hardly chew it! You need to chew this meat well before you can swallow it. The smoke was choking the firefighters./The assailant choked his victim. étouffer sofocar zum Ersticken bringen 5.21 to cook (transitive) cuire cocinar kochen 5.22 5.23 5.24 to boil to roast or fry to bake (intransitive) She was cooking a soup for her mother. The water is boiling. душить, вызывать удушье варить We are baking some bread. bouillir rôtir, frire cuire au four hervir asar, freír hornear kochen braten backen кипятить жарить печь 5.25 5.26 the oven the pot He is cooking soup for the four casserole, horno olla Ofen Topf печь горшок, 'in an oven, using dry heat' (transitive) 'a container used for cooking 5.27 the kettle 5.28 the pan 5.31 the dish 5.32 the plate 5.33 the bowl 5.34 the jug/pitcher 5.35 the cup 5.36 the saucer 5.37 the spoon 5.38 the knife(1) 5.39 the fork 5.391 the tongs 5.41 the meal 5.42 the breakfast 5.43 the lunch 5.44 the dinner 5.45 the supper which is round, deep, and usually made of metal' 'a metal container with a lid, a handle, and a spout (= for pouring), used to boil water' 'a round and relatively flat metal container used for cooking, with one long handle' 'a relatively flat, round vessel from which food is served on the table' 'a flat and usually round vessel that you eat from' 'a concave container that is open at the top, used to hold liquids, flowers, etc.' 'a container for holding and pouring liquids with a handle and a spout' ‘a drinking vessel not made of glass’ 'a small dish for placing a cup' whole family in a big pot. marmite The water is boiling in the kettle. bouilloire caldera Kessel чайник casserole cacerola, cazuela Pfanne кастрюля plat, assiette fuente Schüssel блюдо, тарелка assiette plato Teller тарелка bol tazón Schale чаша cruche, broc cántaro, jarro Krug кувшин tasse, coupe taza Tasse, Becher чашка, кубок soucoupe platillo Untertasse блюдце cuiller cuchara Löffel ложка couteau (de table) Messer нож fourchette cuchillo (para cortar comida) tenedor Gabel вилка pinces tenazas Zange щипцы repas comida Mahlzeit еда, принятие пищи petit déjeuner déjeuner, repas de midi dîner desayuno Frühstück завтрак almuerzo (zweites Frühstück) второй завтрак comida Mittagessen обед souper, repas cena Abendessen, ужин He ate the soup with a spoon. 'knife for eating' (as opposed to knife used for preparing food) 'tool used for picking up and eating food, with a handle and three or four points' 'a tool that consists of two movable bars joined at one end, used to pick up an object' 'an occasion when one eats food, for example breakfast or lunch' 'the meal one has in the morning' 'a meal eaten in the middle of the day' 'the main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or in the evening' 'the last meal of the evening' Dinner is the main meal of the day for most people. котелок 5.46 to peel 'remove the skin from food or vegetables' This knife is good for peeling potatoes. 5.47 to sieve or to strain She strained the coffee before serving it. 5.48 to scrape 'separate solid things from a liquid by pouring the mixture through a sieve (= a container with very small holes in it)' 'remove something from a surface, using the edge of a knife, stick, etc.' Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly. 5.49 to stir or to mix 5.51 the bread 5.53 the dough 5.54 to knead 5.55 5.56 the flour to crush or to grind 5.57 5.58 the mill the mortar(1) 5.59 the pestle 5.61 the meat 5.63 the sausage 5.64 the soup 5.65 'an edible plant grown in gardens that is not sweet' 5.66 5.7 the vegetables the bean the potato 5.71 the fruit generic name for tree fruit 'a common important food made from flour, water, and yeast' 'a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread, pastry etc.' 'press a dough many times with one's hands' Knead the dough for three minutes. 'press [grain] in order to break it into very small pieces or powder' 'a hard bowl in which substances are crushed with a pestle' 'a short stick with a heavy round end, used for crushing things in a mortar' 'the flesh of animals or birds eaten as food' Clear chicken soup can relieve the symptoms of the common cold. du soir peler,épluch er pelar Abendbrot schälen, pellen passer cribar, colar, cerner (durch)siebe n, passieren gratter, raper raspar mêler, mélanger mezclar, mixturar kratzen, schaben, schürfen rühren, mischen pain pan Brot мешать, помешивать, смешивать хлеб pâte masa Teig тесто pétrir, masser farine écraser, broyer amasar kneten месить (тесто) harina aplastar, moler Mehl mahlen, zermahlen мука давить, дробить moulin mortier molino mortero Mühle Mörser мельница ступка, ступа pilon mano de mortero Stößel пестик viande carne Fleisch мясо saucisse salchicha Wurst soupe, potage sopa Suppe, Brühe колбаса, сосиска суп légumes legumbres Gemüse овощи haba,haricot pomme de terre fruit frijol, poroto papa Bohne Kartoffel боб картофель fruta Obst фрукт чистить, отчищать (овощи, фрукты) просеивать, процеживать скрести, тереть 5.712 the bunch 5.75 covering apples, pears, mangos, oranges, etc. 'a group of flowers/fruit that are held together' botte racimo Bund гроздь, пучок the fig figue higo Feige 5.76 the grape raisin uva 5.77 5.78 the nut the olive noix olive nuez aceituna, oliva Weintraube, Traube, Weinbeere Nuss Olive винная ягода, фига виноград 5.79 the oil huile aceite Öl 5.791 the grease or fat the salt the pepper graisse, le gras sel poivre grasa Fett жир, сало sal pimienta Salz Pfeffer соль перец piment ají острый перец miel sucre lait traire fromage beurre miel azúcar leche ordeñar queso manteca, mantequilla bebida aguamiel vino cerveza bebida fermentada huevo yema (de huevo) Cayennepfef fer Honig Zucker Milch melken Käse Butter 5.81 5.82 5.821 5.84 5.85 5.86 5.87 5.88 5.89 5.9 5.91 5.92 5.93 5.94 5.97 5.971 5.983 the chili pepper the honey the sugar the milk to milk the cheese the butter the drink the mead the wine the beer the fermented drink the egg the yolk 6.11 the manioc bread to put on 6.12 the clothing 'a smooth, thick liquid made from plants or animals, used especially in cooking' 'black pepper, a table seasoning produced from the berries of the plant Piper nigrum' 'the fruit of the plant Capsicum' 'any kind of beverage' boisson hydromel vin bière boisson fermentée oeuf jaune d'oeuf 'the yellow part in the centre of an egg' (transitive) The child can already put on his clothes by himself. porter, mettre (vêtement) habit, vestirse ropa Getränk Met Wein Bier vergorenes Getränk Ei Eigelb, Dotter anziehen, ankleiden, kleiden Kleider, орех олива, маслина растительное масло мед сахар молоко доить сыр сливочное масло напиток мед (напиток) вино пиво брага яйцо желток одевать одежда 6.13 6.21 6.22 or clothes the tailor the cloth the wool vêtement tailleur étoffe,tissu laine sastre tela lana Kleidung Schneider Stoff, Tuch Wolle lin lino Leinen the cotton coton algodón Baumwolle 6.25 6.27 6.28 the silk the felt the fur soie feutre fourrure Seide Filz Pelz 6.29 6.31 the leather to spin cuir filer seda fieltro piel (de animal) cuero hilar портной ткань, сукно шерсть (шерстяная ткань) лен (льняная ткань) хлопок (хлопчатобума жная ткань) шелк фетр, войлок мех 6.23 the linen 6.24 Leder spinnen кожа прясть 6.32 the spindle fuseau huso Spindel веретено 6.33 to weave tisser tejer weben плести 6.34 the loom telar Webstuhl 6.35 6.36 6.37 to sew the needle(1) the awl métier â tisser coudre aiguille alène coser aguja punzón nähen Nadel Ahle ткацкий станок шить игла шило 6.38 6.39 the thread to dye fil teindre hilo teñir Faden färben нитка краска 6.41 the cloak cape capa плащ 6.411 the poncho poncho 6.42 the (woman's) dress the coat poncho,ruan a vestido Mantel, Umhang Poncho Kleid женское платье (Geh)Rock, Jacke, Mantel Hemd Kragen Rock ? пальто 6.43 6.44 6.45 6.46 6.461 the shirt the collar the skirt the grassskirt 'woven fabric' 'fabric woven of flax' 'to draw out and twist fiber into thread' 'a stick used in spinning fiber into thread' The village women weave cloth from cotton thread. (for sewing) 'pointed tool for marking or piercing wood or leather' The weaver dyed the cloth bright red. 'garment worn by women over the torso extending to the legs' robe de femme manteau, pardessus abrigo,saco chemise col jupe jupe en rafia camisa cuello falda falda de hierbas пончо рубашка воротник pбка pбка из 6.48 the trousers pantalon 6.49 the sock or stocking the shoe bas, chaussette chaussure, soulier botte cordonnier 6.51 6.52 6.54 6.55 the boot the shoemaker the hat or cap 6.57 the belt 6.58 6.59 the glove the veil 6.61 the pocket 6.62 6.63 the button the pin 6.71 6.72 the ornament or adornment the jewel 6.73 the ring 6.74 the bracelet 6.75 the necklace 6.76 the bead 6.77 the earring 6.78 the headband or headdress 6.79 6.81 the tattoo the handkerchief or rag (in a garment) During the wedding the bride wore a veil that hid her face. He put the money in his shirt pocket. The torn shirt was held together by pins. Her hair was adorned with silver oranments. She wore a solid gold bracelet. Her necklace was made of pearls and coral. The pirate wore one earring. Hose (Knie)Strum pf, Socke Schuh чулок, носок bota zapatero Stiefel Schuhmache r, Schuster Hut; Mütze ботинок сапожник Gürtel ремень туфель chapeau, casquette ceinture,gain e gant voile sombrero, gorro cinturón,faja guante velo Handschuh Schleier перчатка вуаль poche bolsillo карман bouton épingle botón alfiler Tasche, Hosentasche Knopf Stecknadel ornement adorno,ornat o joya Schmuck bague, anneau bracelet anillo, sortija Ring орнамент, украшение драгоценный камень, pвелирное изделие кольцо brazalete Armband браслет collier collar graine chaquira, abalorio arete, aro Halsband, Halskette Perle ожерелье, бусы бусина Ohrring сережка cinta (para la cabeza), tocado Stirnband, Kopfschmuc k tatuaje pañuelo, trapo Tätowierung Taschentuch повязка на голову, головной убор татуировка носовой платок bijou, joyau (for finger) листьев штаны, брpки pantalones, calzones media, calcetín zapato boucle d'oreille couronne tatouage mouchoir,chi ffon Juwel шляпа пуговица булавка 6.82 6.91 6.92 the towel the comb the brush serviette peigne brosse toalla peine cepillo Handtuch Kamm Bürste полотенце грбень расческа 6.921 the plait/braid tresser trenzar flechten коса 6.93 the razor rasoir navaja de afeitar ungüento Rasiermesse r Salbe бритва 6.94 the ointment 6.95 the soap jabón Seife мыло 6.96 the mirror miroir, glace espejo Spiegel зеркало 6.98 the snowshoe 7.11 to live habiter, demeurer maison hutte habitar wohnen casa cabaña,choz a casa de huerta, granja toldo cancha Haus Hütte проживать, жить дом хижина 7.12 7.13 the house the hut 7.131 the gardenhouse 7.14 7.15 the tent the yard or court 7.16 the men's house maison réservée aux hommes cuisine 7.17 the cookhouse 7.18 the meeting house maison de réunion casa de reunión 7.21 the room piéce cuarto, pieza 7.22 the door or gate the doorpost = ‘jamb, side post of a door’ porte puerta jamba de puerta Pfosten 7.221 He used the brush to thoroughly brush his hair. ‘a length of hair that has been separated into three parts and then woven together’ While he was shaving the razor cut his face. 'dwell, reside' A bar of soap was placed by the sink. He looked at himself in the mirror that hung on the wall. She put on her snowshoes before going out into the cold. A family of five lives in that large house. pommade, onguent savon abride jardin, cabane tente cour ‘enclosed area atttached to a house, whether outside or an inner court’ pied-droit, pilier мазь Gartenhaus, Laube дачный домик Zelt Hof палатка палатка casa de hombres Männerhaus дом для мужчин cocina (lugar) Küche, Küchengebä ude Versammlun gshaus кухня (помещение) Zimmer, Stube Tür, Tor, Pforte дверн ой косяк дом для собраний комната дверь, ворота 7.23 the lock cadenas 7.231 serrure 7.232 the latch or door-bolt the padlock 7.24 7.25 7.26 the key the window the floor clef fenêtre plancher, sol llave ventana suelo 7.27 the wall mur pared, muro 7.31 the fireplace foyer fogón 7.32 the stove four estufa 7.33 the chimney cheminée chimenea 7.37 the ladder échelle escalera 7.42 7.421 7.422 the bed the pillow the blanket lit oreiller couverture Bett Kissen Decke 7.43 7.44 7.45 chaise,siège table lampe Stuhl Tisch Lampe стул стол лампа, фонарь 7.46 the chair the table the lamp or torch the candle cama almohada frazada,cobij a silla mesa lámpara, antorcha vela лестница (приставная) кровать подушка одеяло Kerze свеча 7.47 the shelf repisa Regal, Bord полка 7.48 the trough auge batea, artesa Trog, Wanne желоб для стока воды 7.51 7.52 the roof the thatch toit toiture de chaume techo techumbre de paja Dach Strohdach 7.53 the ridgepole cumbrera Firstbalken 7.54 the rafter poutre de faïte poutres крыша соломенная крыша распорка viga Sparren The walls of our house are very thick. She put the kettle on the stove and lit the fire. ‘a long flat narrow board fixed onto a wall or in a frame or cupboard, used for putting things on or stroing things on’ ‘a long narrow open container that holds water or food for animals’ ‘a roof made of dry straw, reed, etc.’ 'the highest horizontal beam in a roof' 'a horizontal beam that supports the roof' Put it back on the top shelf. bougie, cierge, chandelle étagère cerradura, candado cerrojo Schloss замк Riegel запор, засов Vorhängesch loss Schlüssel Fenster Fußboden, Boden Wand ключ окно пол стена Feuerstätte, Kamin, Herd Ofen камин Schornstein, Esse Leiter дымоход печь стропило, балка 7.55 the beam poutre viga Balken 7.56 the post or pole poteau, piquet poste Pfahl 7.57 7.58 the board the arch planche arche tabla arco доска арка 7.61 7.62 the mason the brick maçon brique albañil ladrillo 7.63 the mortar(2) mortier argamasa Brett Bogen, Gewölbe Maurer Ziegel, Ziegelstein, Backstein Mörtel 7.64 the adobe adobe adobe Lehmziegel глинобитная постройка 7.65 the camp 7.66 7.67 the hammock to tan 8.11 the farmer fermier Bauer фермер 8.12 the field (for cultivation) labrador, ranchero campo de cultivo,chacr a Feld, Acker поле (для обработки) 8.121 the paddy 'wet land in which rice is grown' 8.13 the garden jardin jardín, huerto Garten сад 8.15 to cultivate labourer cultivar,labr ar возделывать землp 8.16 8.17 the fence the ditch barrière fosse cerco zanja bebauen, beackern, kultivieren Zaun Graben 8.21 to plough/plow labourer,char rue arar pflügen пахать = ‘a strong upright piece of wood, metal etc. that is fixed into the ground, especially to support something’ a fence post 'a mixture of lime, sand and water, used in building for joining bricks or stones together' ‘earth and straw that are made into bricks for building houses’ балка, перекладина столб каменщик кирпич известковый раствор The nomads built a camp in which they would stay for a week. ‘to make animal skin into leather by by treating it with tannin (=a kind of acid)’ ‘a long narrow hole cut into the ground at the side of a field, road etc., especially for water to flow through’ to tan hides The poor farmer did not own the land he cultivated. The field was planted with cabbage. The paddy provided rice for the entire village. Behind the house was a garden where the family grew vegetables. There is no more land left to cultivate. champ забор канава, ров 8.212 the furrow sillon surco Furche 8.22 to dig the spade excavar, cavar azada graben 8.23 creuser,pioc her bêche пашня, борозда капать Spaten лопата 8.24 the shovel pelle pala Schaufel лопата, совок 8.25 the hoe houe azadón Hacke мотыга 8.26 the fork(2)/pitchf ork the rake fourche horqueta (Grabe)Gabe l, Forke вилка, вилы rateau rastro, rastrillo Rechen, Harke грабли semer sembrar, desparramar säen graine, semence tondre faux,faucille semilla Same(n) сеять, засевать семя segar hoz, guadaña косить серп, коса battre le ble aire moisson grain, graine desgranar lugar para trillar cosecha grano mähen Sichel; Sense dreschen Tenne Ernte Getreide blé orge seigle avoine maïs trigo cebada centeno avena maíz Weizen Gerste Roggen Hafer Mais урожай зерно (ячмень, овес и др.) пшеница ячмень рожь овес кукуруза riz arroz Reis рис herbe hierba, pasto Gras трава foin heno,paja Heu сено 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.31 the digging stick (=yamstick) the lasso to sow 8.311 the seed 8.32 8.33 to mow the sickle or scythe to thresh the threshingfloor the harvest the grain 8.34 8.35 8.41 8.42 8.43 8.44 8.45 8.46 8.47 8.48 the wheat the barley the rye the oats the maize/corn the rice 8.51 the grass 8.52 the hay 'tool with handle and blade used for digging in the ground' 'tool with handle and scoop for lifting and throwing material such as soil' 'tool with handle and blade with two or more prongs used for weeding, raking, etc.' (barley, oats, etc.) ‘cooked rice as a meal’ The bought corn-on-the-cob from the vendor in the park. They ate their rice with the stew. Green grass was growing in the forest clearing. молотить ток 8.53 8.531 the plant to plant plante planter 8.54 8.55 the root the branch 8.56 8.57 8.6 8.61 8.62 8.63 8.64 8.65 the leaf the flower the tree the oak the beech the birch the pine the fir 8.66 8.67 the acorn the vine racine branche,ram eau feuille fleur arbre chêne hêtre bouleau pin sapin, conifère gland vigne 8.68 8.69 8.691 8.72 the tobacco to smoke the pipe the tree stump the tree trunk the forked branch 8.73 8.74 8.75 the bark 8.76 the sap 8.81 8.82 the palm tree the coconut 8.83 the citrus fruit the banana 8.84 8.85 8.91 8.911 the banyan the sweet potato the millet or ‘to smoke a cigarette’ (for smoking) (fruit, not tree) The farmers collected the sap from the maple trees to make syrup. Dates grow on palm trees. The boy picked a green coconut and drank its juice. The monkey peeled the banana and ate it. planta plantar, sembrar raíz rama Pflanze Pflanze растение выращивать Wurzel Ast, Zweig корень ветка hoja flor árbol roble haya abedul pino abeto Blatt Blume Baum Eiche Buche Birke Kiefer Tanne; Fichte Eichel Weinstock, Rebe лист цветок дерево дуб бук береза сосна ель, пихта bellota enredadera,b ejuco, liana tabac fumer pipe souche d'arbre tronc d'arbre branche fourchue, fourche écorce tabaco fumar pipa tocón sève savia palmier noix de coco palmera coco Palme Kokosnuss пальма кокос citrique cítrico Zitrusfrucht banane plátana, banana baniano camote,batat a Banane цитрусовый фрукт банана Banyanbaum Süßkartoffel смоковница батат banyan patate douce tronco rama bifurcada corteza Tabak rauchen Pfeife Baumstumpf , Stubben Baumstamm Astgabel желудь виноградная лоза, ползучее растение табак табачный дым трубка пень Rinde, Borke ствол дерева ветка с развилкой кора сок растений 8.912 8.92 8.93 8.931 8.94 8.941 8.96 8.97 8.98 sorghum the yam the cassava/mani oc the gourd the pumpkin or squash the bamboo the sugar cane the fish poison (the tuber, rather than its plant or products) (in Amazonia, a kind of root is apparently used as fish poison) 8.991 the nettle the mushroom the larch 8.993 the needle(2) 8.996 9.11 the cone to do a tree (Larix) of the pine family ‘needle of coniferous tree’ ‘fruit of a pine or fir tree’ (pure action meaning) 9.111 to make ‘produce by working’ 9.12 the work 9.14 to bend 9.15 to fold 9.16 9.161 to tie to untie 9.18 9.19 the chain the rope 9.192 the knot 9.21 to strike or hit or beat to pound 9.211 The farmer grew cassava/manioc to feed his family. igname ñame manioc mandioca, yuca calebasse courge, potiron, citrouille bambou canne à sucre poison a poisson calabaza zapallo, calabaza,cal abazo bambú caña de azúcar veneno (raíz), barbasco ortiga hongo, seta ortie champignon A has climbed on a tree. B says to A: "What are you doing up there?" I’m going to make a cake for Lisi’s birthday. My brother is lazy, but I work very hard. I'll bend the branches away so that you can get through. She folded the piece of paper and put it in the envelope. He tied his dog to a tree. He untied his dog from the tree. They tied up the prisoner with rope. Can you help me undo this knot? ‘with fist’ He pounded the door with Yams(wurze l) Maniok батат Kalebasse Kürbis тыква тыква Bambus Zuckerrohr бамбук сахарный тростник рыбий яд (корень) Fischgift маниока Nessel Pilz крапива гриб faire hacer tun shishka делать faire hacer tun делать travailler trabajar arbeiten работа plier encorvar, doblar doblar biegen сгибать falten сворачивать, складывать lier détacher, délier chaîne corde amarrar, atar desatar binden losbinden связывать развязывать cadena cuerda, soga Kette Seil цепь веревка noeud nudo Knoten узел frapper, battre marteler de golpear schlagen бить machacar schlagen колотить plier 9.22 to cut 9.221 to cut down 9.222 9.223 to chop to stab 9.23 the knife(2) 9.24 9.25 9.251 the scissors or shears the axe/ax the adze 9.26 to break 9.261 broken 9.27 to split 9.28 to tear 9.29 to skin 9.31 to rub 9.311 to wipe 9.32 to stretch 'make [something elastic] bigger or looser by pulling it' 9.33 to pull 'use one's hand to make something move towards one or in the direction that one is moving' 9.34 9.341 'knife for preparing food' his fist. The thieves cut the phone wires and entered the house. Before building the road, we first have to cut down many trees. chopping wood for the fire Brutus stabbed Caesar to death. To chop the onions I need a knife. ses poing couper con el puño cortar abattre tumbar, talar durchschnei den fällen tailler poignarder tajar, picar apuñalar hacken stechen рубить заколоть couteau Messer нож ciseaux cuchillo (herramienta ) tijeras Schere ножницы hache herminette hacha azuela Beil, Axt Dechsel, Breitbeil топор тесло The thieves got into the house by breaking a window. The radio is broken, it won't turn on. This log is too large, we have to split it into two. She tore a piece of her blouse to use as a bandange. The cook skinned the chicken before frying it. He rubbed the fragrant leaves between his fingers. The waiter wiped the table with a dirty rag. Don't stretch the rubber band too much. casser,briser quebrar zerbrechen разбивать brisé, cassé quebrado zerbrochen fendre hender, partir romper, rasgar desollar spalten сломанный, разбитый расколоть 'a sharp tool with the blade at a right angle to the handle, used to shape pieces of wood' 'out of order, not working' 'damage [paper/cloth] by pulling it too hard' 'strip or pull off the skin or hide of' déchirer écorcher кулуком резать сокращать reissen, zerreissen häuten, schinden reiben рвать (ab)wischen стереть тянуть, натягивать распространя ть, распростроня ться повесить frotter, essuyer essuyer frotar étendre alargar, estirar Help me move the piano: you push and I'll pull. tirer tirar, jalar dehnen, strecken, spannen ziehen to spread out They spread out the mat on the ground and sat on it. étaler, éparpiller extender, esparcir ausbreiten, streuen to hang up Hang your coat up on the hook. suspendre colgar aufhängen сдирать кожу стереть тянуть 9.342 to press 'push something firmly against a surface' The little boys pressed their noses against the glass. presser, appuyer apretar,opri mir drücken, pressen 9.343 to squeeze 'press something tightly' presser 9.35 to pour She squeezed some oranges and drank the juice. He poured the wine into the glass. quetschen, wringen gießen, schütten 9.36 9.37 to wash to sweep She washed her son's feet. He swept the path in front of the house. laver balayer estrujar,expr imir vaciar, verter,derra mar lavar barrer 9.38 the broom balai 9.422 the tool 9.43 the carpenter 9.44 to build 9.46 to bore 9.461 to hollow out 9.48 the saw 9.49 9.5 the hammer the nail 9.56 the glue 9.6 9.61 the blacksmith to forge 9.62 the anvil 9.63 to cast (transitive) 'clean the dust/dirt from the floor/ground using a broom' 'a large brush with a long handle, used for sweeping floors' 'an artifact (such as a hammer, a saw or a screwdriver) held in one's hand to help one in performing a particular job' 'someone whose job is making and repairing wooden objects' build a house 'make a deep round hole in a hard surface' 'make a hole or empty space by removing the inside part of something' One needs a saw to cut down a tree. мыть мести escoba outil herramienta Werkzeug инструмент charpentier carpintero Zimmerman n плотник bâtir,construi re percer, perforer creuser edificar bauen строить perforar bohren ahuecar aushöhlen дыра, отверстие выдалбливать scie serrucho, sierra martillo clavo Säge пила Hammer Nagel молоток гвоздь Leim клей forgeron cola,adhesiv o (pegar) herrero Schmied кузнец forger fraguar schmieden кузница enclume yunque Amboss наковальня mouler fundir gießen отливать в форму colle From a piece of scrap iron, the blacksmith forged a sword blade. The goldsmith melted the coins and cast them into a лить, наливать waschen fegen, kehren Besen marteau clou, ongle, pointe 'a thin pointed piece of metal which one forces into a piece of wood with a hammer to fasten the wood to something else' 'a sticky substance used for joining things together' 'make something from a piece of metal by heating the metal and shaping it' 'a heavy iron block on which pieces of metal are shaped using a hammer' 'form metal objects by pouring the molten metal verser нажимать, давить выжимать метла, веник into molds' 9.64 the gold 9.65 the silver 9.66 the copper 9.67 9.68 9.69 the iron the lead the tin or tinplate the potter to mould/mold 9.71 9.72 9.73 9.74 the clay the glass 9.75 to weave or plait/braid 9.76 the basket 9.77 the mat 9.771 the rug 9.78 the netbag 9.79 the fan 9.791 to fan 9.81 to carve 9.82 the sculptor 9.83 the statue 9.84 the chisel goblet. The bracelet is made of gold. The necklace is made of silver. or oro Gold (металлы) золото argent plata Silber серебро The coin is made of copper. cuivre (a kind of metal) Kupfer; Bronze Eisen Blei Zinn, Blech медь, бронза fer plomb étain cobre, bronce hierro plomo estaño pottier mouler alfarero moldear, formar Töpfer formen, bilden гончар формовать argile,glaise verre barro, arcilla vidrio Ton, Lehm glas глина стекло tresser tejer, trenzar flechten ткать panier canasto, canasta estera Korb корзина Matte циновка tapis tapete,alfom bra Teppich ковер, плед filet bolsa de malla abanico The cup was made of tin. 'form articles from clay or other plastic material by molding with the hands' (the substance, not the drinking vessel) ‘weave (a basket) or plait/braid (someone’s hair)’ The potter made jars. She molded the clay into a dish before firing it. The window is made of glass. She carried the fruit home in a basket. 'a small piece of thick rough material which covers part of the floor' 'a piece of thick cloth or wool that is smaller than a carpet and is put on the floor as decoration' 'bag made of net used in Papua to carry things’ 'cut shapes out of wood or stone' 'a metal tool with a sharp edge, used to cut wood or stone' natte Fächer железо свинец (белая) жесть сетчатая сумка веер, вентилятор освежать, обмахивать (веером) вырезать The lady had a delicate fan made of sandalwood. People in the audience were fanning themselves with their programmes. éventail s'éventer abanicar, aventar fächern Michaelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble. Rodin was a French sculptor. The sculptor made a statute of a woman. sculpter,grav er esculpir aushauen, ausmeisseln sculpteur escultor Bildhauer скульптор statue estatua Statue статуя ciseau escoplo, cincel Meissel резец, долото 9.87 the boomerang The boomerang hit the wallaby and then came back to the hunter. 9.88 the paint 9.89 to paint 9.90 to draw water 9.91 the peg 9.92 the tumpline 9.93 the whetstone 10.11 to move (transitive) 10.12 to turn (transitive) 10.13 (intransitive) 10.14 to turn around to wrap 10.15 to roll 10.16 'a liquid that one puts on a surface to make it a particular colour' 'put paint on a surface' We need to paint our house. peinture pintura Farbe краска peindre pintar anstreichen красить, рисовать (краской) mouvoir,bou ger retourner mover bewegen двигаться volcar, dar(se) vuelta dar vuelta, voltear enrollar,env olver wenden, umdrehen переворачива ть(ся) drehen развернуть(ся ) обертывать She lowered the bucket into the well and drew water. The scouts fastened the tent to the ground with wooden pegs. 'a strap slung over the forehead or chest used (especially by native Americans) for carrying packs or loads' Before cutting the meat, he sharpened his knife with a whetstone. This rock is so heavy that it cannot be moved. to turn one’s head He heard someone call out his name and turned around. He wrapped the fish in leaves and steamed it. se retourner (transitive) He rolled the log down the hill. rouler to drop (transitive) 10.17 to twist (transitive) laisser tomber tordre 10.21 to rise We dropped the stone into the water. She twisted the wire around the branch. The sun rises in the east. 10.22 to raise or lift 10.23 to fall 10.24 to drip The ripe coconut fell on the ground. The tap is dripping, shut it enrouler rodar, arrollar, enrollar dejar caer wickeln, aufwickeln, einwickeln wälzen, rollen вращать fallen lassen капать torcer verbiegen скручивать monter, se lever ascender подниматься, восходить lever, élever levantar tomber caer aufstehen, sich erheben, aufsteigen, steigen aufheben, heben fallen s'égoutter gotear, tropfen лить по поднимать падать tightly! Don't throw stones, it's dangerous! She caught the ball and passed it to her team mate. Shake the bottle before pouring out the sauce. The river flows to the sea. jeter escurrir echar, tirar werfen каплям бросать attraper coger fangen ловать (мяч) secouer,agite r couler sacudir schütteln трясти fluir, correr fließen, rinnen 10.25 to throw 10.252 to catch 10.26 to shake 10.32 to flow 10.33 to sink (intransitive) The coconut fell into the water and sank. couler, sombrer hundir sinken 10.34 to float (intransitive) The raft floated on the river. flotter flotar schwimmen, treiben 10.35 to swim nager nadar schwimmen 10.351 to dive plonger zambullirse tauchen нырять 10.352 to splash éclabousser salpicar spritzen плескаться 10.36 to sail naviguer navegar segeln 10.37 to fly (intransitive) voler volar fliegen плыть под парусом летать 10.38 to blow (intransitive) He drowned because he could not swim. Diving too deeply is dangerous. The girl splashed water in the boy's face. The ship sailed from America to Australia. Look at that bird flying up in the sky! The wind is blowing hard. течь, литься потоком погружаться в оду, тонуть плыть по поверхности воды плыть souffler soplar 10.41 to crawl ramper gatear 10.412 to kneel 'to get down on one's knees' The baby is still crawling, it can't walk yet. The messenger kneeled before the king. s'agenouiller arrodillarse blasen, wehen kriechen, schleichen knien 10.413 to crouch She crouched under the sink to fix the pipes. s'accroupir agacharse, ponerse en cuclillas hocken 10.42 glisser resbalar sauter saltar,brincar rutschen, ausrutschen springen скользить 10.43 to slide or slip to jump ‘lower one’s body close to the ground by bending one’s knees completely’ (intransitive) 10.431 to kick patear stoßen пинать 10.44 to dance donner un coup de pied danser bailar tanzen танцевать 10.45 to walk marcher caminar ходить 10.451 to limp boiter lisiar gehen, laufen hinken 10.46 to run courir correr rennen, laufen бежать (transitive) The children were so happy they jumped up and down. He kicked the ball. (intransitive) (intransitive) Though the music stopped they kept on dancing. The children walk to school every day. After his foot injury he limped for months. They ran all the way to school. дуть ползти становиться на колени приседать прыгать хромать 10.47 to go Sometimes I go to school by car, sometimes on foot. I went up on the roof to get a better view. aller ir monter subir gehen, fahren hinaufgehen 10.471 to go up If you want to pick mangos, you must climb the tree. Come down from the roof or you'll fall down. Get out of here before you get hurt! When I came to school it was still closed. He left and then came back an hour later. grimper trepar klettern descendre bajar sortir salir hinuntergehe n hinausgehen подниматься, идти вверх подниматься, взбираться спускаться, идти вниз выходить 10.472 to climb 10.473 to go down 10.474 to go out 10.48 to come venir venir kommen приходить 10.481 to come back revenir volver возвращаться The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning. s'en aller,partir irse, marcharse zurückkomm en, zurückkehre n weggehen 10.49 to leave 10.491 to disappear The man disappeared without a trace. Because of the fire they had to flee their home. disparaïtre desaparecer изчезать s'enfuir huir verschwinde n fliehen 10.51 to flee I came here first, my family followed me later. The policeman pursued the thief. The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning. suivre seguir folgen бежать, спасаться бегством следовать 10.52 to follow 10.53 to pursue poursuivre perseguir verfolgen преследовать 10.55 to arrive atteindre,arri ver llegar, alcanzar ankommen, erreichen approcher acercarse sich nähern, nahen entrer entrar hineingehen, eintreten входить to go or return home to carry to carry in hand As we approached the city we could see the lights in the distance. She entered the room and sat down. After working in the field the farmer went home. She carried her baby home. She carried a stone in her hand. достигать, прибывать приближаться 10.56 to approach 10.57 to enter 10.58 porter porter (dans la main) llevar, cargar llevar en la mano tragen etw. in der Hand tragen 10.613 to carry on shoulder She carried her son on her shoulders. porter (sur l'épaule) llevar a la espalda/ en el hombro etw. auf der Schulter tragen 10.614 to carry on head She carried the fruit basket on her head. porter (sur la tête) llevar sobre la cabeza etw. auf dem Kopf tragen нести нести, переносить в руках нести, переносить на плечах нести, переносить на голове 10.61 10.612 (intransitive) ‘depart, go away’ идти уходить 10.615 to carry under the arm She carried her bag under her arm. porter (sous le bras) llevar bajo el brazo 10.62 to bring to send apporter, amener envoyer traer 10.63 10.64 to lead 10.65 to drive 10.66 to ride 10.67 to push 10.71 the road 10.72 the path 10.74 the bridge 10.75 10.81 the cart or wagon the wheel the axle the yoke the sledge/sled the ship Please bring me the book you are holding. She sent her parents some money. The dog led the hunter to the fox. He can drive a car, but not a truck. She rides her horse to work every day. Don't push me or I'll fall down. Many cars drove up and down the road. The path lead from the house to the field. A beautiful bridge stood over the river. The cart was pulled by a horse. The car has four wheels. 10.83 10.831 10.832 the boat the canoe the outrigger 10.84 10.85 10.851 10.852 10.86 10.87 10.88 10.89 10.91 the raft the oar the paddle to row the rudder the mast the sail the anchor the port 10.76 10.77 10.78 10.79 (transitive) (= harbour) conducir etw. unter dem Arm tragen bringen, holen schicken, senden führen, leiten treiben chevaucher montar reiten pousser empujar route carretera stoßen, schieben Weg, Straße sentier Pfad, Steig pont camino, senda puente Brücke дорожка, тропинка мост wagon, charrette roue essieu joug carro, carretón rueda eje yugo Wagen, Karre(n) Rad achse Joch экипаж, телега колесо ось ярмо navire,batea u bateau pirogue balancier buque, barco Schiff bote canoa batanga Boot Kanu Ausleger radeau rame pagaie ramer gouvernail mat voile ancre port, mouillage balsa remo remo corto remar timón mástil vela ancla puerto Floß Ruder Paddel rudern Steuerruder Mast Segel Anker Hafen корабль, судно лодка каноэ шлюпка с выносными уключинами плот весло весло грести руль мачта парус якорь гавань, пристань, mener, conduire conduire enviar,mand ar guiar нести подмышкой приносить посылать вести ехать на машине ехать на лошади толкать дорога 'have temporarily (including things that one does not strictly speaking possess)' 'possess, have permanently as legal possession' 'seize a concrete object in the hand and hold it' 'take and hold something firmly with one's hands' The boy has a flower in his hand. avoir tener haben порт причаливать, приземляться иметь The woman owns a car. posséder poseer besitzen владеть I took my bag and walked to the market square. Make sure you grasp the rope with both hands. prendre tomar nehmen брать saisir, attraper agarrar,emp uñar,coger umfassen to hold 'to have something firmly in one's hand or arms' I held the baby in my arms. tenir halten 11.16 to get bekommen получать 11.17 to keep 11.18 the thing 'come into possession of something' (neutral between ‘obtain’ and ‘receive’) 'retain, remain in possession of something' 'concrete object of any kind' tener (en mano),apoya r, asir obtener хватать, схватить держать 11.21 to give 11.22 to give back 11.24 to preserve 11.25 to rescue 11.27 to destroy 11.28 to injure 11.29 to damage 11.31 to look for 11.32 to find 10.92 to land 11.11 to have 11.12 to own 11.13 to take 11.14 to grasp 11.15 'physical transfer of an object with one's hands that passes into possession of the recipient' 'give something that was earlier in the recipient's possession' ‘save something/someone from being harmed or destroyed’ 'make someone safe from danger or harm' 'damage something so badly that it cannot be repaired or so that it no loner exists' 'to cause bodily harm' atterrir desembarcar landen obtenir I like the hat you gave me and I'd like to keep it. My brother is rich, and many things in his house are never used. The girl gave the boy a flower. garder,reteni r chose conservar behalten хранить cosa Ding вещь donner dar geben давать I lent you my watch, and you haven't given it back yet. I think these traditional customs should be preserved. / The wreck was preserved by the muddy sea bed. He saved his friend from drowning. The school was completely destroyed by fire. rendre devolver zurückgeben возвращать préserver conservar, proteger bewahren, erhalten сохранять sauver salvar retten спасать détruire destruir zerstören разрушать The falling tree injured two loggers. endommager dañar, herir beschädigen, verletzen, schaden наносить ущерб chercher buscar suchen искать trouver encontrar,hal finden находить The fire damaged the house but it was quickly repaired. I am looking for my purse; I must have lost it on my way. I had lost my purse but I lar perder verlieren терять libérer, décharger soltar loslassen отпускать A thousand dollars is a lot of money. I don't have any coins left, only paper money. The beggar invested his money so well that he became rich. After he became rich, he donated a lot of money to poor people. The beggar collected money in a cup. argent dinero Geld деньги pièce de monnaie riche moneda Münze монета rico reich богатый pauvre pobre arm бедный mendiant mendigo Bettler He is so stingy he doesn't heat his house even in winter. Can you lend me your ladder? Can I borrow your ladder? radin,avare avaro,mezqu ino prêter prestar emprunter My brother owes me 100 Euros. He now had enough money to pay off his father's outstanding debts. I paid 100 Euros for this book. devoir pedir prestado deber geizig, knauserig, habgierig leihen, borgen borgen, leihen schulden попрошайка, нищий скупой dette deuda Schuld(en) долг payer pagar (be)zahlen платить compte cuenta Rechnung счет taxe,impôt impuesto, tributo alquilar, emplear Steuer налог ‘employ’ If you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail. We need to hire/employ more workers if we want to finish the task in time. anstellen, einstellen the wages 'the money a worker receives for the work done' The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. salaire salario, sueldo 11.79 to earn 'receive [money] for regular work' gagner 11.81 to buy acheter ganar (dinero) comprar 11.82 to sell The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. I bought ten bananas for a dollar. He sold his car for five thousand Euros. Lohn, Gehalt, Bezahlung verdienen нанимать, брать на прокат заработная плата vendre vender 11.33 to lose 11.34 to let go 11.43 the money 11.44 the coin 11.51 rich 11.52 poor 11.53 the beggar 11.54 stingy 11.61 to lend 11.62 to borrow 11.63 to owe 11.64 the debt 11.65 to pay 11.66 the bill 11.69 the tax 11.77 to hire 11.78 ‘stop holding something/someone’ 'sum of money that one owes' found it again. I had lost my purse but I found it again. She let go of the rope. ‘written list showing how much a customer has to ay’ perdre louer давать в долг занимать быть должным зарабатывать kaufen покупать verkaufen продавать 11.83 to trade or barter 11.84 the merchant 11.85 the market 11.86 11.87 the shop/store the price 11.88 expensive 11.89 cheap 11.91 to share 11.92 to weigh 12.01 after 12.011 behind 12.012 12.013 12.02 in at beside 12.03 down 12.04 before 12.041 in front of 12.05 12.06 The farmer traded his cow for three goats. 'someone who buys and sells goods in large quantities' (place) He is going to the market to buy vegetables. There are no shops in the market, only open stalls. The price of these bananas is two dollars a bunch. Mangos are more expensive than bananas. Bananas are so cheap even poor people can afford them. The girl shared the cookies with her brother. échanger trocar handeln; tauschen marchand, commerçant marché comerciante Händler, Kaufmann Markt boutique, magasin prix tienda mercado торговля, обмен купец, торговец рынок, базар магазин precio Laden, Geschäft Preis cher caro teuer дорогой bon marché barato billig дешевый partager repartir teilen, verteilen распределять peser pesar wiegen взвешивать, весить après después de nach derrière atrás, detrás de en a, en al lado de hinter en bas, làbas abajo avant, devant devant inside outside Before the war people freely crossed the border. In front of the house is a white gate. What's inside the box? It's cold outside. 12.07 under He hid under the table. 12.08 up She looked up into the sky. 12.081 above 12.11 the place 12.12 to put Above the house flew a dove. This place is too hot, let's look for a cooler place. He put the book on the table. dessous, sous là-haut, là dessus au dessus delante, antes de delantero, delante de adentro afuera, exterior debajo herunter, hinunter, herab, abwärts vor 'let someone have part of something that belongs to oneself' 'have a certain weight' The bag weighs 10 kilograms. After the storm we went outside again. I can't see the tree, it's behind the house. Beside the house there are some trees. She looked down into the well. dans à à côté de dans, dedans dehors endroit,place , lieu mettre arriba lugar poner in an neben цена рядом, у ниже, по направления вниз перед, до vor in, innerhalb außen, draußen unter hinauf, herauf über Stelle, Ort, Platz setzen, stellen, legen в, внутри снаружи под над место положить 12.13 12.14 to sit to lie down Let's sit under the tree. She lay down in her bed but could not fall asleep. He got tired of standing and sat down. I plan to remain here for a week. 12.15 to stand 12.16 to remain 12.17 the remains 12.21 to gather 12.212 to pick up 12.213 to pile up (transitive) 12.22 to join (transitive) 12.23 to separate (transitive) 12.232 to divide (transitive) 12.24 to open (transitive) 12.25 to shut (transitive) 12.26 to cover 12.27 to hide 12.31 high 12.32 low 12.33 the top 12.34 the bottom 12.35 the end(1) 12.352 pointed 12.353 the edge (transitive) ‘conceal’ (transitive) (spatial) For dinner, we had leftovers from lunch. He gathered wild mushrooms for dinner. She picked up the stone and then threw it down again. He piled up the mushrooms he had collected. He joined the two boards with nails. He separated the two boards by pulling out the nails. She divided the bananas equally among the children. He opened the door and went out. After coming in, he shut the door. He covered the child with a blanket. Hide your money here, so no one can find it. The eagle flew so high it was hardly visible. The bat flew so low its wings brushed against the bush. The top of the tree caught fire. The coin was lying on the bottom of the pond. At the end of the village stood a small house. He pierced the leather with a pointed knife. s'asseoir se coucher sentar acostarse,ec harse poner(se) de pie quedar sitzen sich hinlegen stehen сидеть ложиться bleiben оставаться sobras Reste остатки recueillir, rassembler ramasser recoger, reunir recoger sammeln, lesen aufsammeln собирать entasser amontonar unir juntar séparer diviser separar,apart ar dividir aufhäufen, aufschichten verbinden, zusammenfü gen, vereinigen trennen, (scheiden) teilen ouvrir abrir fermer cerrar couvrir cubrir cacher,dissi muler haut esconder se tenir debout rester, demeurer,att endre reste стоять подбирать, поднимать накоплять, нагромождать соединять, объединять отделять делить öffnen, aufmachen schließen, zumachen bedecken открывать alto verbergen, verstecken hoch прятать, скрывать высоко bas bajo niedrig низко haut,sommet cima fond fondo вершина, макушка дно, низ bout, extrêmité pointu final Spitze, Gipfel Boden, Grund Ende puntiagudo spitz bord, orée borde, orilla, margen Kante, Rand остроконечны й край закрывать покрывать конец 12.36 the side 12.37 the middle 12.41 right(1) 12.42 12.43 left near 12.44 12.45 far the east 12.46 the west 12.47 12.48 12.53 the north the south to grow 12.54 to measure 12.541 the fathom 12.55 12.56 There were trees on both sides of the house. côté lado,costado Seite сторона milieu,centre medio, centro Mitte, Zentrum on the right side droite derecha rechts on the left side She was standing near enough to hear what they said. gauche près izquierda cerca links nah(e) середина, центр правая (сторона) левая (сторна) рядом loin est,orient lejos este (punto cardinal) oeste fern, weit Osten далеко восток Westen запад norte sur crecer Norden Süden wachsen север юг расти medir messen brasse braza Klafter мерить, измерять сажень big small grand, gros petit groß klein большой маленький 12.57 12.58 12.59 12.61 long tall short wide long grand court large lang groß, hoch kurz breit, weit длинный высокий короткий широкий 12.62 narrow étroit eng узкий 12.63 thick grande chico, pequeño largo alto corto ancho,ampli o angosto,estre cho grueso dick толстый 12.65 thin 12.67 center (adverb) (adverb) ouest, occident nord sud grandir, croitre, pousser mesurer ‘a unit of length (originally outstretched arms), equal to about 1.8 metres’ (in dimension; as oposed to thick in density, e.g. thick soup, hair) (in dimension; as oposed to thin in density, e.g. thin soup, hair) a thick board épais,grossie r a thin board mince delgado dünn тонкий deep profond tief глубокий 12.68 shallow peu profond seicht, flach мелкий 12.71 flat plat profundo,ho ndo bajo, poco profundo plano flach, platt плоский 12.73 straight droit derecho,rect o torcido gerade прямой 12.74 crooked 12.75 12.76 the hook the corner courbe,pas droit crochet coin krumm кривой gancho esquina, rincón cruz cuadrado redondo círculo Haken Ecke, Winkel Kreuz Viereck rund Kreis крpк угол 12.77 12.78 12.81 12.82 the cross the square round the circle croix carré rond cercle 12.83 the ball sphère, ballon ligne,rang trou comme,semb lable pelota, esfera, globo línea agujero semejante Kugel 12.84 12.85 12.92 the line the hole similar 12.93 to change The baby changed her life. changer cambiar The number ten is written as a one and a zero. one tree two trees three trees four trees five trees six trees seven trees eight trees nine trees ten trees eleven trees twelve trees fifteen trees twenty trees a hundred trees a thousand trees The teacher was counting the children as they got on the bus. All the children got on the bus. zéro cero verändern, wechseln, vertauschen Null 13 zero 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.1 13.101 13.102 13.103 13.104 13.105 13.106 13.107 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve fifteen twenty a hundred a thousand to count un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze quinze vingt cent mille compter uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce quince veinte ciento,cien mil contar eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn elf zwölf fünfzehn zwanzig hundert tausend zählen два три четыре пять шесть семь восемь девять десять одиннадцать двенадцать пятнадцать двадцать сто тысяча считать 13.14 all tous todo alle все (opposite of straight) ‘sphere’ 'count objects in a set in order to determine the total' 'the complete set of' (applied to a conceptually countable and nonsingular noun) Reihe, Linie Loch ähnlich крест квадрат круглый круг, окружность сфера, шар линия дыра похожий, подобный менять ноль 13.15 many 13.16 more 'a large number of' (applied to a conceptually countable and nonsingular noun) 'a larger number of' 13.17 few 'a large number of' 13.18 enough 13.181 some 13.19 the crowd 13.21 full 13.22 empty 13.23 the part 13.231 13.24 the piece the half 13.33 only 13.331 13.34 alone first 13.35 last 13.36 second 13.37 the pair 13.38 13.42 twice/two times third 13.44 three times 14.11 14.12 the time the age 14.13 14.14 new young 'a certain number of' (applied to a conceptually countable and nonsingular noun) 'a large number of people in one place' 'either of the two equal parts into which something is divided' 'two things of the same kind that are used together' ‘time of life’ There are many children on the bus. beaucoup mucho viele много Today I found more mushrooms than yesterday. There are few mushrooms in this forest. Today I found enough mushrooms for our supper. Today we found some mushrooms. encore más mehr больше peu poco wenige мало assez genug достаточно un peu bastante, suficiente algo,alguno einige несколько There was a large crowd of people waiting outside the theatre. An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot. An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot. The front part of the car was badly damaged. a piece of cheese She cut the banana in two halves and gave one half to her husband. Saturn is the only planet with rings. Don't leave me alone. You are the first person I see today. You were last person I saw before going to bed. You are the second person I see today. a pair of shoes foule multitud Menge множество plein lleno voll полный vide vacío leer пустой morceau, partie pedazo Teil часть, кусок moitié mitad Hälfte половина seul solo, solamente einzig один, единственный premier primero erster первый dernier último letzter последний deuxième segundo zweiter второй couple, paire par Paar пара He came over twice today. deux fois dos veces zweimal два раза You are the third person I see today. He came over three times today. Only time can heal her pain. At this age the baby can only drink milk. I bought a new car. He is too young to eat solid troisième tercero dritter третий trois fois tres veces dreimal три раза heure âge tiempo edad Zeit Alter nouveau jeune nuevo tierno, joven neu jung время возраст, век, yпоха новый молодой foods. She is so old all her teetch are gone. Come early, otherwise you won't get any cake. Don't come late, otherwise you won't get any cake. I was sick last week, but I'm fine now. Come here immediately! 14.15 old 14.16 early 14.17 late 14.18 now 14.19 immediately 14.21 fast ‘quickly’ (adverb) That man runs as fast as a horse. vite, rapide 14.22 slow (adverb) lent 14.23 to hurry (intransitive) That horse runs as slow as a human. Please hurry, or we'll be late. 14.24 to be late différer, retarder demorar sich verspäten 14.25 to begin (transitive) We expected her by 10 o’clock, but she was late. I began the work yesterday. commencer empezar 14.251 the beginning beginning 14.252 to last ‘take up’ At the beginning it was difficult, but now it's easier. The dry season lasts three months. commencem ent durer durar beginnen, anfangen Anfang, Beginn dauern 14.26 the end(2) (temporal) fin fin 14.27 to finish finir, terminer terminar,fina lizar 14.28 to cease terminar, detenerse listo прекращать ready cesser, s'arrêter prêt aufhören 14.29 bereit, fertig готовый 14.31 14.32 always often toujours souvent всегда часто sometimes quelquefois siempre frecuenteme nte a veces immer, stets oft, häufig 14.33 soon bientôt pronto manchmal, bisweilen bald иногда 14.331 14.332 for a long time never again At the end of the harvest there is a celebration. I began building my house five years ago, but only finished it this year. Please stop hitting your brother. I'm ready to go, but my husband is still in the shower. He always comes late. He often comes late, but today he's on time. Sometimes he comes late, but more often he's on time. Don't go yet, he'll be here soon. He waited for a long time, but she never came. I never eat pork. I was there yesterday, but longtemps por mucho tiempo nunca, jamás otra vez lange долгосрочный nie, niemals wieder, никогда опять, снова 14.34 14.35 ‘stop doing something’ vieux,âgé viejo alt старый tôt,de bonne heure tard temprano früh рано tarde spät поздно maintenant ahora jetzt, nun сейчас tout de suite inmediatame nte rápido sofort немедленно schnell, rasch, geschwind langsam быстрый sich beeilen спешить, торопить(ся) замедлять, задерживать начинать se dépêcher jamais encore despacio,lent amente apurarse Ende, Schluss beenden, vollenden медленный продолжаться, длиться кончать заканчивать скоро 14.41 the day(1) (as opposed to 'night') 14.411 the day(2) (unit of time, 24 hours) 14.42 the night 14.43 the dawn 14.44 the morning 14.45 the midday 14.451 the afternoon 14.46 the evening 14.47 today 14.48 tomorrow 14.481 the day after tomorrow 14.49 yesterday 14.491 14.51 the day before yesterday the hour 14.53 the clock 14.61 the week 14.62 14.63 14.64 Sunday Monday Tuesday 14.65 Wednesday 14.66 Thursday 14.67 Friday (adverbial use) (adverbial use) today I'm going again. The days very hot here, but the nights are cool. I am staying here for two days. The days very hot here, but the nights are cool. The sun comes up at dawn. The children go to school in the morning. We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening. In the aftertoon I like to take a nap. We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening. He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning. He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning. She's leaving tomorrow and coming back the day after tomorrow. She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday. She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday. The day here lasts 15 hours in midsummer. That clock on the wall was bought by my grandfather. I'm planning to stay for a week or two. On Sunday we go to church. On Monday we go to work. On Tuesday we're having a party. On Wednesday there is a holiday. On Thursday my mother is arriving. On Friday we go to the mosque. jour día nochmal Tag день nuit noche Nacht ночь aube madrugada рассвет matin,matiné e midi mañana Morgendäm merung Morgen mediodía Mittag полдень après-midi tarde Nachmittag после полудня soir vísperas, noche Abend вечер aujourd'hui hoy heute сегодня demain mañana morgen завтра aprèsdemain pasado mañana übermorgen послезавтра hier ayer gestern вчера avant-hier anteayer vorgestern позавчера heure hora Stunde час horloge,mon tre semaine reloj Uhr часы semana Woche неделя dimanche lundi mardi domingo lunes martes Sonntag Montag Dienstag воскресенье понедельник вторник mercredi miércoles Mittwoch среда jeudi jueves Donnerstag четверг vendredi viernes Freitag пятница утро 14.68 Saturday 14.71 the month 14.73 the year 14.74 the winter 14.75 the spring(2) 14.76 the summer 14.77 14.78 the autumn/fall the season 15.21 to smell(1) 15.212 to sniff 15.22 to smell(2) 15.25 fragrant '(intransitive) to have a particular smell' 'to breathe air through one's nose in order to small something' '(transitive) to notice a particular smell' ‘good smelling’ 15.26 15.31 stinking to taste ‘bad smelling’ 'have a particular taste' 15.35 15.36 sweet salty 15.37 bitter 15.38 sour 15.39 brackish 15.41 to hear 15.42 to listen 'pay attention to a sound that one can hear' 15.44 the sound or noise loud 'something that one can hear' 15.45 brackish water: 'water that is not pure but is slightly salty' On Saturday we go to the synagogue. There are twelve months in a year. A year normally lasts 365 days. The winters are very cold here. The tree blooms in the spring. The summers are very hot here. In the autumn it gets cooler. samedi sábado суббота mes Sonnabend, Samstag Monat mois année año Jahr год hiver invierno Winter зима printemps primavera Frühling весна été verano Sommer лето automne otoño Herbst осень There are only two seasons here, the dry season and the wet season. The flower smells pleasant. saison estación Jahreszeit время года sentir oler, olfatear riechen пахнуть He opened the milk and sniffed it. renifler husmear riechen (an) сопеть, нpхать I think I smell gas! sentir oler, olfatear riechen нpхать odorant, parfumé fragante wohlriechen d puant goûter stinkend schmecken аромат, приятный запах вонь вкус süß salzig сладкий соленый месяц the ripe fruit is sweet The soup is too salty, add some water. The medicine is bitter, take it with honey. Sprinkle a little sugar over the strawberries if they are sour. brackish water sucré, doux salé hediondo gustar, saborear dulce salado amer,âpre amargo bitter горький âpre,acide, aigre ácido,agrio sauer кислый saumâtre salobre brackig солоноватый I heard the sound of rain splashing on the window. Listen to the strange noise in the engine. entendre oír hören слышать écouter escuchar слушать There were strange sounds coming from the next room. The music is very loud. son,bruit ruido, sonido bruyant, alta zuhören, horchen, lauschen Laut, Geräusch laut This soup tastes very good. звук, шум громкий retentissant 15.46 quiet 15.51 15.52 'not making much noise' (voz),ruidos o silencio, tranquilo We have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby. tranquille, silence спокойный, тихий brillante,resp landor color still, Stille, (ruhig, Ruhe) sehen ansehen, schauen, blicken zeigen scheinen, leuchten, glänzen hell, glänzend Farbe to see to look I see a house in the distance. I'm looking but I can't see the house. voir regarder ver mirar, contemplar 15.55 15.56 to show to shine She showed me her house. That lamp is shining in my eyes. montrer briller mostrar brillar 15.57 bright 15.61 luisant, gai, vif couleur 15.62 15.63 the colour/color light(2) dark I awoke from the bright sunlight. My shirt is red, but I'd prefer a different colour. clair sombre, foncé blanc noir rouge bleu vert jaune toucher claro oscuro hell dunkel светлый темный 15.64 15.65 15.66 15.67 15.68 15.69 15.71 white black red blue green yellow to touch blanco negro rojo azul verde amarillo tocar weiss schwarz rot blau grün gelb berühren белый черный красный голубой зеленый желтый трогать 15.712 to pinch Mum, the boy pinched me! pincer pellizcar kneifen щипать, жать 15.72 to feel Feel (the quality of) this cloth! Diamond is the hardest substance known to man. a soft pillow tater, palper tentar, palpar чувствовать dur duro fühlen, tasten hart 15.74 hard 15.75 soft doux suave weich мягкий 15.76 rough(1) Her hands were rough from hard work. smooth skin rugueux,rude áspero rauh грубый 15.77 smooth lisse suave,liso glatt гладкий 15.78 sharp The knife is very sharp. tranchant, aiguisé scharf острый blunt This knife is blunt and does émoussé afilado, aguzado, filoso romo, 15.79 stumpf тупой 'having a lot of light' (as opposed to dark) 'put one's hand on something/someone so that one can feel them' 'press a part of someone's flesh very tightly between one's finger and thum (so that it hurts)' 'touch something to get a tactile perception of it' 'difficult to press down, break or cut' 'not hard, easy to press/break/cut' 'having an uneven surface' 'completely even/flat, so that the hand moves easiy over it' (snow) (charcoal) (blood) (sky) (leaves) (yolk of chicken egg) The child wanted to touch everything. видеть смотреть (на) показывать светить яркий цвет жесткий 15.81 heavy 15.82 light(1) (in weight) 15.83 wet 'covered in or full of liquid' 15.84 dry 'without water or liquid inside or on the surface' 15.85 hot 15.851 warm 15.86 cold 15.87 clean 15.88 dirty 15.89 wrinkled 16.11 16.18 the soul or spirit surprised or astonished the good luck 16.19 the bad luck 16.23 happy 16.25 16.251 16.26 16.27 16.29 to laugh to smile to play to love to kiss 16.3 16.31 16.32 to embrace the pain the grief 16.15 not cut well. The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry. You can carry this bag, it's fairly light. He fell into the water, so his clothes are now wet. The clothes were in the sun for a long time and are now dry. It's better to do the work now because later it'll be too hot. The sun is shining and there's no wind, so it's warm and you can go out without a coat. It's cold outside, so you need warm clothes. I washed my hands, so now they are clean. My hands are dirty from the work, so I need to wash them before the meal. the wrinkled face of a 90year old man I love you. lourd embotado pesado schwer тяжелый leicht легкий humide liviano, ligero mojado nass мокрый sec seco trocken сухой chaud caliente heiß горячий chaud caliente warm теплый froid frío kalt холодный propre limpio sauber, rein чистый sale,crasseux sucio schmutzig грязный ridé arrugado âme,esprit alma runzlig, faltig Seele, Geist мятый, сморщенный душа, дух étonné, surpris bonne chance, bonheur malheur, malchance, infortune joyeux, heureux sorprendido удивленный buena suerte überrascht, erstaunt Glück mala suerte Unglück неудача alegre froh, glücklich rire sourire jouer amour,aimer baiser,embra sser embrasser douleur douleur, reír sonreír jugar querer besar lachen lächeln spielen lieben küssen счастливый, радостный смеяться улыбаться играть лpбить целовать abrazar dolor tristeza, umarmen Schmerz Trauer обниматть боль печаль, léger удача 16.33 the anxiety 16.34 16.35 to regret or be sorry the pity 16.37 to cry 16.38 16.39 peine, chagrin anxiété dolor, pena скорбь regretter ansiedad,ang ustia lamentar pitié, compassion pleurer compasión, lástima llorar the tear to groan larme grogner lágrima gemir 16.41 16.42 16.44 to hate the anger the envy or jealousy haine colère envie, jalousie odiar enojo envidia, celos 16.45 16.48 16.51 the shame proud to dare honte fier oser 16.52 brave courageux vergüenza orgulloso osar,atrevers e valiente 16.53 the fear peur, crainte miedo 16.54 16.62 the danger to want danger vouloir,désir er peligro anhelar,dese ar 16.622 to choose choisir escoger 16.63 16.65 to hope faithful espoir fidèle esperanza fiel tapfer, mutig, kühn Angst, Furcht, Schrecken Gefahr wünschen, begehren, verlangen wählen, auswählen Hoffnung treu 16.66 16.67 16.68 true to lie(2) the deceit verdadero mentir engaño wahr lügen Betrug, List 16.69 to forgive vrai mentir malhonnêtet é pardonner perdonar 16.71 16.72 good bad bon mauvais bueno malo verzeihen, vergeben gut schlecht, schlimm, böse, übel I regret my mistake./I am sorrry about my mistake. ‘to weep’ ‘to desire’ ‘tell lies’ Sorge тревога bedauern, bereuen Erbarmen, Mitleid weinen сожалеть Träne stöhnen, ächzen Hass Zorn Neid, Missgunst, Eifersucht Scham stolz wagen жалость плакать, всхлипывать слеза стонать ненавидеть гнев, злость зависть, ревность стыд гордый смельчак смелый страх опасность желание выбирать надеяться преданный, верный настоящий лгать обманывать прощать хорошой плохой 16.73 16.74 right(2) wrong juste, correct incorrect correcto incorrecto, falso culpa richtig falsch правильный енправильный 16.76 the fault Schuld проступок 16.77 the mistake erreur,faute beautiful louange,élog e beau,joli exaltar,alaba r hermoso Fehler, Irrtum Tadel, Vorwurf Lob, Preis ошибка blâme equivocació n,error culpa 16.78 the blame 16.79 the praise 16.81 красивый 16.82 16.83 ugly greedy laid gourmand 16.84 clever 17.11 the mind intelligent,ru sé pensée,avis feo codicioso,vo raz hábil,capaz schön, hübsch hässlich gierig, gefräßig klug, schlau mente, pensamiento Geist, Sinn разум 17.13 думать, размышлять думать, считать ‘correct’ It's your fault we missed the bus! faute I don't know what's going on in her mind. to think(1) 'the seat of intelligence (as opposed to 'heart’ or 'soul’ as the seat of emotions)' ‘reflect’ You should think first before speaking. penser pensar denken 17.14 to think(2) ‘be of the opinion’ I think that this is not right. croire creer,supone r 17.15 to believe 'be sure that someone is telling the truth' croire creer 17.16 to understand comprendre entender 17.17 to know savoir saber 17.171 to guess You shouldn't believe everything you read. I do not understand why they left us so early. They know that we are coming today. Guess how much money I have. meinen, denken, glauben glauben deviner 17.172 to imitate imiter adivinar,acer tar imitar 17.18 to seem sembler parecer 17.19 the idea idée idea,concept o 17.21 17.22 wise stupid sage,érudit bête, stupide sabio necio The house seems to be empty. обвинять хвалить уродливый жадный умный верить verstehen, begreifen wissen, kennen raten понимать imitieren, nachahmen scheinen имитировать Idee, Begriff, Vorstellung weise, klug dumm, blöd, töricht, närrisch, albern идея, понятие знать полагать казаться мудрый глупый 17.23 mad 17.24 to learn Where did you learn to cook so well? 17.242 to study I have to study for my test. 17.25 to teach 17.26 the pupil 17.27 17.28 the teacher the school 17.31 to remember 17.32 17.34 to forget clear 17.35 obscure 17.36 secret 17.37 certain 17.38 17.41 to explain the intention 17.42 the cause 17.43 17.44 the doubt to suspect 17.441 ‘insane’ There are 10 pupils in the class, aged 6-7. The children go to school every morning. Do you remember the name of your first teacher? ‘clear to the mind’ (the opposite of ‘obscure’) ‘obscure to the mind’ a clear explanation an obscure reason fou, bête, idiot apprendre loco verrückt безумный aprender lernen étudier estudiar studieren enseigner enseñar élève alumno lehren, unterrichten Schüler узнавать, учить(ся) учить, изучать учить professeur école maestro escuela Lehrer Schule учитель школа se souvenir recordar,aco rdarse olvidar claro sich erinnern помнить vergessen klar, deutlich забывать ясный obscuro dunkel, unklar geheim, heimlich sicher, gewiss erklären Absicht, Zweck Ursache, Grund zweifeln verdächtigen , argwöhnen, ahnen verraten, betrügen Bedürfnis, Notwendigk eit einfach, leicht schwierig, schwer versuchen непонятный Art, Weise, "Art und Weise" способ oublier évident,net, clair obscur secret secreto sûr,certain seguro expliquer but explicar propósito causer,provo quer douter soupçonner causa to betray trahir traicionar 17.45 the need or necessity besoin,néces sité necesidad 17.46 easy facile fácil 17.47 difficult difficile difícil 17.48 to try probar 17.49 the manner essayer, tenter façon,manier e It is certain that the theft occurred during the night. It was not his intention to wake the baby up. What was the cause of the accident? The police suspected that he was a drug dealer. ‘to attempt (to do something)’ ‘the way in which something is done or dudar sospechar modo, manera ученик секрет уверенный объснять намерение, цель причина сомнение подозревать предавать необходимост ь легкий трудный попытка happens’ 17.51 17.52 17.53 17.54 17.55 17.56 17.61 17.62 17.63 17.64 and because if or yes no how? how many? how much? what? et parce que si ou oui non comment? combien? combien? quoi? y porque si o sí no ¿cómo? ¿cuántos? ¿cuánto? ¿qué? und weil falls, wenn oder ja nein Wie? Wieviele? Wieviel? Was? и потому что если или да нет как? сколько? сколько? что? 17.65 17.66 17.67 17.68 17.69 when? where? which? who? why? quand? oú? quel?lequel? qui? pourquoi? ¿cuándo? ¿dónde? ¿cuál? ¿quién? ¿por qué? когда? где? откуда? какой? кто? почему? 18.11 18.12 18.13 the voice to sing to shout voix chanter crier, écrier voz cantar gritar 18.15 18.16 to whisper to mumble chuchoter marmonner, bredouiller cuchichear barbotar,hab lar entre dientes Wann? Wo? Welche(r,s)? Wer? Warum?, Weshalb? Stimme singen schreien, rufen flüstern murmeln, nuscheln 18.17 18.18 to whistle to shriek siffler hurler silbar,chiflar chillar pfeifen kreischen, schreien свистеть визжать 18.19 to howl ululer aullar heulen выть 18.21 to speak or talk parler hablar sprechen, reden 18.211 18.22 18.221 to stutter or stammer to say to tell ‘tell (a story)’ the speech ‘oration’ 18.23 to be silent tartamudear, balbucear decir narrar, contar pronunciar un discurso callarse stottern, stammeln sagen erzählen 18.222 bégayer,balb utier dire raconter, narrer allocution (faire une) silencieux говорить, разговариват ь заикаться, запинаться сказать рассказывать историю речь (сделать) What is that thing on the table? "Be careful", he shouted, "a lion!" ‘to say something too quitely and not clearly enough, so that it is difficult or impossible to hear’ The little boy mumbled something about wanting to go to the toilet. ‘to make a very high, loud sound’ ‘(dog/wolf/other mammal:) to make a long, loud sound’ She said she'd be late. Our grandmother told us a story. In his speech, the chief thanked the guests. Rede (halten) schweigen голос петь кричать шептать бормотать молчать 18.24 the language 18.26 18.28 18.31 the word the name to ask(1) 18.32 to answer 18.33 to admit 18.34 to deny 18.35 to ask(2) 18.36 18.37 ‘ask a question, inquire’ What's your name? "Where is your mother?", he asked. I asked him where his mother was, but he didn't answer. The suspect admitted he stole the car. langue, langage mot, parole nom demander lengua,idiom a palabra nombre preguntar Sprache язык Wort Name fragen слово название, имя спрашивать répondre contestar antworten спрашивать admettre, avouer zugeben, gestehen, bekennen abstreiten, leugnen bitten признавать(ся ) versprechen verweigern, abschlagen verbieten, untersagen rügen, tadeln, ausschimpfe n rufen обещать отказывать называть She denied she was the thief. nier admitir, confesar,rec onocer negar She asked for a glass of water. demander pedir to promise to refuse promettre refuser prometer rehusar 18.38 to forbid interdire prohibir 18.39 to scold ‘to rebuke’ réprimander, gronder,blâ mer reprender 18.41 to call(1) ‘to summon’ appeler,hêler llamar 18.42 to call(2) ‘to give a name’ appeler llamarse 18.43 to announce 18.44 to threaten annoncer,pro clamer menacer anunciar, avisar amenazar 18.45 to boast se vanter jactarse 18.51 18.52 18.56 to write to read the paper écrire lire papier escribir leer papel nennen, heissen ankündigen, verkündigen bedrohen, drohen prahlen, sich rühmen schreiben lesen Papier 18.57 the pen plume pluma Feder ручка 18.61 18.67 18.71 the book the poet the flute livre poète flûte libro poeta flauta Buch Dichter, Poet Flöte книга поэт флейта 18.72 the drum tambour bombo, tambor Trommel барабан ‘ask for something, request’ The king called his ministers for a meeting. The parents decided to call their son David. She took a piece of paper and wrote down her name. You must use a pen, not a pencil. He plays the flute and she plays the violin. Don't beat the drum so hard, it's too loud. отрицать просить запрещать ругать вызывать объявлять угрожать хвастаться писать читать бумага 18.73 18.74 the horn or trumpet the rattle 19.11 the country 19.12 the native country 19.15 the town ‘an urban settlement’ 19.16 the village ‘a rural settlement’ 19.17 the boundary 19.21 the people 19.23 the clan 'the populace, the inhabitants of a country (as opposed to the ruling class)' ‘extended family’ 19.24 the chieftain 'leader/ruler of a tribe/clan' 19.25 the walking stick 19.31 19.32 to rule or govern the king 19.33 the queen 19.36 the noble 19.37 the citizen 19.41 the master 19.42 19.43 the slave the servant Horn, Trompete Rassel труба país Land страна patrie patria Heimatland родная страна cité, ville ciudad Stadt город village pueblo Dorf деревня frontière, limite límite, frontera Grenze граница gens pueblo, gente Bevölkerung , Volk народ tribu,clan tribu, clan племя chef jefe, cacique canne bastón, bordón The president ruled the country for 25 years. King David régner, gouverner roi gobernar Queen Elizabeth reine rey, gobernante reina Stamm, Geschlecht, Sippe Anführer, Häuptling, (Chef) (Wander)Stab, (Geh-, Krück)Stock herrschen, regieren König, Herrscher Königin Nobles are exempt from paying taxes. a citizen of Germany noble noble благородный citoyen, sujet maître ciudadano, súbdito amo, dueño Adlige(r), Edelmann Bürger; Untertan Herr esclave domestique, serviteur esclavo sirviente Sklave Diener ‘a wooden instrument that makes a loud knocking noise [used by people watching football games]’ 'female monarch', not 'king's wife' as opposed to 'slave, servant' He has traveled to Japan, China, India, and many other countries. After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country. Farmers come into town to sell their produce. The farmers' fields are near their village. The province boundary is also the border between the two countries. The president is unpopular, but the people adore his daughter. The entire clan lives in one large house. cor,trompett e hochet trompeta pays matraca,casc abel погремушка вождь посох гражданин король, правитель королева гражданин господин, хозяин раб слуга 19.44 free 19.445 to liberate 19.45 to command or order 19.46 to obey 19.47 to permit 19.51 19.52 19.54 the friend the enemy the neighbour 19.55 the stranger 19.56 19.565 the guest to invite 19.57 the host 19.58 19.59 to help to prevent 19.61 19.62 the custom the quarrel 19.63 the plot 19.65 to meet 19.72 the prostitute 20.11 to fight 20.13 the war or battle 20.14 20.15 the peace the army 20.17 20.21 the soldier the weapons 'tell someone to do something, using one's authority or power' 'someone whom one does not know' King Rama V liberated the slaves in Siam. The officer commanded them to line up against the wall. Soldiers are expected to obey their superiors. I am afraid I cannot permit my daughter to marry you. It's hard to sleep because the neighbors are noisy. She's not afraid of strangers. We invited our neighbors to our place for dinner. The host offered his guests some wine. The police prevented the demonstrators from entering the building. ‘conspiracy’ We have a quarrel with the neighbors over their noise. There was a plot to kill the queen. We agreed to meet in front of the theatre. The two tribes have been fighting for weeks. ‘military forces’ The Roman army conquered Jerusalem. homme libre hombre libre freier Mann libérer liberar befreien commander, ordonner mandar befehlen приказывать obéir obedecer gehorchen повиноваться permettre permitir, dejar разрешать ami ennemi voisin amigo enemigo vecino zulassen, erlauben, gestatten Freund Feind Nachbar étranger extranjero, forastero huésped Fremde(r), Fremdling Gast einladen незнакомец huésped, hospedero ayudar impedir, estorbar Gastgeber, Wirt helfen (ver)hindern, hemmen, vorbeugen хозяин coutume lutte, querelle conspiration, complot rencontrer costumbre lucha, pleito Sitte, Brauch Streit, Zank conspiración prostituée prostituta se battre pelear Verschwöru ng begegnen, treffen Hure, Nutte, Prostituierte kämpfen guerre, bataille guerra, batalla paix armée paz ejército,trop as soldado armas invité inviter hôte aider empêcher soldat armes encontrar Krieg; Schlacht, Kampf, Gefecht Frieden Armee, Heer Soldat Waffen свободный человек друг враг сосед гость помощь мешать, препятствова ть обычай ссора заговор встречать(ся) проститутка драться, сражаться война, битва мир армия солдат оружие 20.22 the club casse-tête macana, garrote Keule дубина 20.222 the battle-axe hâche d'armes fronde arc flèche épieu, sagaie,transp ercer épée hacha de combate honda arco flecha lanza Streitaxt боевой топор 20.23 20.24 20.25 20.26 the sling the bow the arrow the spear Schleuder Bogen Pfeil Speer, Spieß, Lanze праща лук стрела копье 20.27 the sword espada Schwert меч 20.28 the gun She shot the thief with a gun. fusil, canon escopeta, cañón ружье, пушка The knight wore a shining armor. armure armadura Gewehr, Flinte; Kanone, Geschütz Rüstung, Harnisch 20.31 the armour 20.33 the helmet Put on your helmet when you ride a motorcycle. He held up his shield to protect his head from the attack. casque yelmo Helm шлем 20.34 the shield bouclier escudo Schild щит 20.35 the fortress château-fort, forteresse tour fortaleza Festung крепость 20.36 the tower torre Turm башня 20.41 20.42 the victory the defeat victoire défaite, déroute attaque défendre victoria derrota Sieg Niederlage победа поражение 20.43 20.44 the attack to defend atacar defender Angriff verteidigen атаковать обороняться 20.45 to retreat fuir,battre en retraite huir, retirarse отступать 20.46 to surrender rendirse 20.47 20.471 the captive or prisoner the guard 20.48 the booty céder, se rendre prisonnier, captif garde,sentine lle butin, dépouilles sich zurückziehe n sich ergeben, kapitulieren Gefangene(r ), Häftling Wache, Wächter Beute 20.49 the ambush embuscade acechar, emboscar ‘large stick used as weapon’ used to shoot arrows used as a weapon metal weapon with a handle, blade , and sheath ‘hand gun’ ‘metal or leather clothing worn by soldiers in former times to protect their body’ From the tower you can see the entire town. He defended himself but the robber took his wallet. I wanted to go in but the guard wouldn't let me. cautivo, preso guardia, centinela botín Hinterhalt доспехи сдаваться пленник, заклpченный стража наргабленное добро устраивать засаду 20.51 20.52 the fisherman the fishhook pêcheur hameçon pescador anzuelo Fischer Angelhaken 20.53 cuerda de pescar red, atarraya Fischernetz рыбацкая сеть 20.55 the fish trap ligne (pour la pêche) filet de pêche nasse Angelschnur 20.54 the fishing line the fishnet рыбак рыболовный крpчок леса nasa Reuse 20.56 the bait appât Köder 20.61 20.62 to hunt to shoot jagen schießen охотиться стрелять 20.63 to miss cebo, carnada cazar tirar, disparar errar, fallar ловушка для рыба приманка verfehlen промахнуться 20.64 the trap trampa Falle ловушка 20.65 to trap prendre au piège atrapar fangen 21.11 the law loi ley Gesetz ловить (ловушкой) закон 21.15 the court cour tribunal Gericht суд 21.16 to adjudicate juger juzgar судить 21.17 the judgment jugement juicio urteilen, richten Urteil 21.18 21.21 21.22 the judge the plaintiff the defendant juge plaignant accusé juez demandante acusado судья истец ответчик 21.23 21.24 the witness to swear témoin jurer testigo jurar Richter (An)kläger Beklagter, Angeklagter Zeuge schwören 21.25 21.31 the oath to accuse serment accuser to condemn condamner Eid anklagen, beschuldigen verurteilen клятва обвинять 21.32 juramento acusar, denunciar condenar 21.33 to convict inculper inculpar, überführen объявлять Worms are used as bait. ‘miss a target’ 'a rule that people in a particular country (or administrative area) must obey' '(the judge and/or the jury in a) place where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged' 'decide whether someone is guilty of a crime in court' 'official decision given by a judge or a court of law' 'make a public official promise, especially in a court of law' 'act of swearing' She shot the intruder with her gun. He shot at the bird but missed it. The hunter lay a trap for the bear. The hunter trapped a fox. There ought to be a law against cutting down trees. I swear to tell the truth. She accused him of stealing her purse. The thief was condemned to two years in jail. He was convicted of murder chasser tirer,fusiller râter, manquer piège решение суда свидетель клясться осуждать coupable condenar absolver,exc ulpar culpable innocent inocente unschuldig невиновный punition castigo Strafe наказание amende multa prison cárcel денежный штраф тpрьма meurtre asesinato (Geld)Buße, Bußgeld Gefängnis, Kerker Mord the adultery adultère adulterio Ehebruch 21.44 the rape viol violación 21.46 the arson incendie incendio premeditado Vergewaltig ung, Notzucht Brandstiftun g прелpбодеяни е изнасиловани е 21.47 the perjury parjure perjurio Meineid 21.51 to steal robar stehlen 21.52 22.11 22.12 22.13 the thief the religion the god the temple voler, dérober voleur religion Dieu temple лжесвидетель ство воровать ladrón religión Dios Dieb Religion Gott Tempel вор религия Бог храм 22.131 the church église iglesia Kirche церковь 22.132 the mosque mosquée mezquita Moschee 22.14 the altar autel altar Altar алтарь 22.15 the sacrifice ofrenda Opfer жертва 22.16 to worship sacrifice, offrande adorer culto anbeten, verehren поклоняться 22.17 to pray prier orar beten молить(ся) 21.34 to acquit 21.35 guilty 21.36 innocent 21.37 21.38 the penalty or punishment the fine 21.39 the prison 21.42 the murder 21.43 and imprisoned for life. The defendant was acquitted of all charges. The judge found the defendant guilty. He was punished even though he was innocent. I had to pay a fine of $100 for speeding. 'the crime of deliberately killing someone' Murder is punished very severely. ‘deliberately setting fire to something to cause damage’ ‘general term for house of worship’ ‘a Christian house of worship’ ‘a Muslim house of worship’ ‘a raised place on which religious rites are performed’ ‘ritual killing of an animal’ ‘to perform a rite in honor of a deity’ ‘to ask a deity for something’ The farmers prayed for rain. acquitter freisprechen виновным оправдывать schuldig виновный убийство поджог 22.18 the priest Priester священник sacré, saint prêcher cura,presbíte ro sagrado predicar 22.19 22.22 holy to preach heilig predigen to bless bénir bendecir segnen 22.24 to curse maudire maldecir 22.26 22.31 22.32 22.35 to fast the heaven the hell the demon ‘to refrain from eating’ ‘the abode of deities’ ayunar cielo,paraíso infierno demonio 22.37 22.42 the idol the magic ‘statue of a deity’ jeûner ciel, cieux enfer démon, diable idole magie, sorcellerie 22.43 the sorcerer or witch sorcier,sorci ère brujo/bruja,h echicero 22.44 fée hada, duende 22.45 the fairy or elf the ghost verfluchen, verwünschen fasten Himmel Hölle Dämon, Unhold Götze Zauberei, Zauber, Hexerei Zauberer, Zauberin; Hexe Fee, Elfe священный проповедоват ь благословлят ь проклинать 22.23 fantasma Gespenst призрак 22.47 the omen fantôme, esprit, revenant présage,augu re agüero,presa gio Omen, Vorzeichen знамение 22.50 23.14 23.15 23.155 the circumcision the initiation ceremony the radio the television the telephone the bicycle the motorcycle the car the bus the train 23.16 23.17 23.175 23.18 23.185 the airplane the electricity the battery to brake the motor 22.51 23.1 23.11 23.12 23.13 23.135 ‘clergy of any religion’ ‘evil spirit’ prêtre,curé ídolo brujería, hechicería Radio Fernsehen Telefon Fahrrad Motorrad ‘motor vehicle’ (when driving a vehicle) Auto Bus Zug, Eisenbahn Flugzeug Strom Batterie bremsen Motor, поститься небеса, рай ад демон, злой дух идол волшебство, колдовство колдунья, ведьма фея, yльф 23.19 23.195 23.2 23.21 the machine the petroleum the hospital the nurse 23.22 the pill or tablet the injection 23.23 23.24 23.3 23.31 23.32 23.33 23.34 23.35 23.36 23.37 23.38 23.385 23.39 23.395 23.4 23.41 the spectacles/gla sses the government the president the minister the police the driver's license 23.5 23.51 23.52 23.53 23.54 the toilet the mattress the tin/can 23.42 23.43 23.44 (of liquid drugs into the body) Brille Regierung Präsident Minister Polizei Führerschein , Fahrerlaubni s Nummernsc hild Geburtsurku nde Verbrechen Wahl Adresse political (not religious) the license plate the birth certificate the crime the election the address the number the street the post/mail the postage stamp the letter the postcard the bank(financia linstitution) the tap/faucet the sink Triebwerk Maschine Öl, Erdöl Krankenhaus Krankensch wester Pille, Tablette Spritze The address is written on the envelope. number two rue ‘epistula’ ‘financial institution’ ‘washbasin’ ‘hermetically sealed metal Zahl Straße Post Briefmarke Brief Postkarte Bank Wasserhahn Spüle, Ausguss, Waschbecke n Toilette Matratze Dose, container for preserved food’ 23.55 23.555 the screw the screwdriver 23.56 the bottle 23.565 23.57 the candy/sweets the plastic 23.575 the bomb 23.58 the workshop 23.59 23.6 23.63 23.64 23.9 23.91 24.01 24.02 the cigarette the newspaper the calendar the film/movie the music the song the tea the coffee to be to become 24.03 24.04 24.05 without with through 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 24.11 not this that here there other 24.12 24.13 24.14 next same nothing 23.61 23.62 Büchse Schraube Schraubenzi eher, Schraubendr eher Flasche ‘glass container for liquids with narrow neck’ Süßigkeiten Kunststoff, Plaste, Plastik Bombe; Sprengstoff Betrieb; Fabrik Zigarette Zeitung ‘small factory’ Kalender Film movie devenir Musik Lied Tee Kaffee sein werden sans ohne ser, estar The caterpillar became a butterfly. The car went through the tunnel. this man that woman I don't want this one, give me the other one. the same person I saw nothing. durch nicht dieser der hier dort andere nächster derselbe