ENG 100 Writing I Rowan County Senior High School Caudill College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Morehead State University Instructor: Kay M. Hedrick Office: RCSHS, Room #91 Office Hours: Vary by trimester term. (Each terms hours will be posted on the teacher page noted below and on BlackBoard.) Phone: 606-784-8965, ext. 2691 Email: kay.hedrick@rowan.kyschools.us kmhedrick@moreheadstate.edu Webpage URL: http://www.rowan.k12.ky.us/olc/teacher.aspx?s=960 COURSE MATERIALS/TEXTBOOKS: Lunsford, Andrea A., John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. Everything’s An Argument. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010. ISBN (with readings): 978-0-312-53861-3/ISBN (without readings): 978-0-312 -53862-6 Davidson, Cathy. Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way we Live, Work, and Learn. New York, Viking Adult, 2011. ISBN: 978-0670022823 PURPOSE OF COURSE/CATALOG DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: 18 ACT/PLAN English subscore and 3.0 GPA or successful completion of ENG 099 at MSU. The course is designed to develop students’ skills in reading introductory college-level texts with comprehension and critical awareness; writing effective academic prose; making use of current technologies to locate information relevant to select topics; and making effective and appropriate use of a modest number of sources in expository and persuasive/argumentative essays. This course satisfies the Core Writing I for general education. APPROVED UNIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION STUDENT LEARNER OUTCOMES 1. Read college-level critical, creative and technical texts for comprehension (1b). 2. Write effectively for a variety of target audiences using conventions associated with standard English (1c). 3. Employ current technologies to locate, analyze, evaluate and use information in multiple contexts and for a variety of purposes (2a). 4. Thoughtfully analyze and evaluate diverse points of view (2c). LEARNER OUTCOMES: Students will be assessed according to their ability to produce papers that 1. synthesize information from two or more sources dealing with a common topic; 2. demonstrate critical thinking in analyzing and constructing arguments; 3. demonstrate facility with information literacy skills, including library research methods; Internet research techniques, or field research techniques; 4. make fair and appropriate use of work of others in illustrating and supporting claims; 5. document their use of sources according to MLA conventions; 6. demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical skills related to discovery, arrangement, and style; 7. demonstrate awareness of audience and employ appropriate tone, diction, vocabulary according to the targeted audience and purpose; 8. adhere to the conventions appropriate to academic discourse, including standard grammar, mechanics, and usage; 9. demonstrate the ability to produce a coherent piece of writing shaped by a controlling idea; and 12. demonstrate the ability to write for different purposes, target different audiences, and employ a range of tactics (including appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos). CLASSROOM POLICIES: Attendance/Participation Policy: Excused absences: A maximum of four (4) accumulated day’s absences for the year may be excused by a note from the student’s parent/guardian. A student MUST bring in a parent note with the date the student was absent from school. Parent and medical notes must be 1 brought in to the attendance clerk within five (5) school days of the absence or it will be counted as an unexcused absence. When each student uses their allotted four (4) parent notes per year, all excused absences (either full or partial day) will require a medical excuse, court excuse or must be approved by the principal/designee. When a student has been out of school ten (10) medically excused days or tardies, the parent will be required to provide the school with a District Medical Excuse form filled out by the attending physician. Forms can be obtained by the Attendance Clerk. Please be aware that the Principal does have the right to approve or deny any request. Absences exceeding four (4) days per year may be excused by a physician’s statement. However, if a student is absent from school for a consecutive five (5) day period or longer with a doctor’s note, parents of such students should contact the Rowan County Director of Pupil Personnel for consideration for homebound instruction. Unexcused Absences: Absences beyond four (4) days per year without a doctor’s statement and which are not excused by the Principal/Designee shall be unexcused. Remember that all parent notes submitted to the attendance clerks must be received within five (5) school days of the absence or it will be considered an unexcused absence. Tardy Policy: If students enter the room after the tardy bell sounds, they are considered tardy to class. The students must print and sign their name on the teacher’s tardy record. The first time students are tardy for a class, they will receive a warning. Students will receive afterschooldetention (30 minutes) for every tardy following the warning in that class. Failure tocomplete detention within five (5) school days following the assignment will result in additional disciplinary action.There will be no opportunity to make up work missed as a result of tardiness. Late/Makeup Work: All late work will be penalized one letter grade for each class day it is late. If you feel you need an extension talk to the instructor at least one(1) week prior to the final due date. Extensions will not automatically be granted. If an assignment is more than five (5) class periods late, without being granted an extension, it will not be accepted. Students with excused absences, upon return, have five (5) school days to schedule and make up work for excused absences. Students must make work up in ESS, a school supervised study program or at the discretion of the teacher. Cell Phone Policy: Use of cellular phones or any other electronic communication devices for any purpose during a class or exam session is prohibited, unless expressly permitted by the instructor. 1. Cell phones are to be place face down on the corner of your desk at the beginning of each class. 2. Cell phones should never be heard ringing or vibrating during class. Please turn your phone off at the beginning of the class, unless otherwise advised. 3. Do not send or read text messages during class. 4. If, as a result of a family emergency, you are expecting a truly important call during a class, inform the instructor of this fact in advance, set the cell phone to the vibrate mode. If a call does come in, excuse yourself as unobtrusively as possible to take the call. Bear in mind that taking calls during class must not become routine; it is acceptable only during legitimate emergencies. 5. The instructor will advise students as to the placement of cell phones during summative assessments. 6. Violation of stated policy are as follows: a. First Incident – Verbal Warning b. Second Incident - The phone will be confiscated for the remainder of the class period to be returned to the student at the dismissal of class. The student will be required to stay after class to complete c. Third Incident – The phone will be confiscated and sent to the administrative office. The student will be required to complete an Action Plan in which he or she will determine how they intend to correct the problem. A parent will be required to retrieve the student’s phone from the office after school hours. d. Fourth and Consequent Incidences – The phone will be confiscated and sent to the administrative office. A parent/guardian will be required to retrieve the student’s phone from the Rowan County Board of Education. ADA Compliance Statement: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): In compliance with the ADA, all students with a documented disability are entitled to reasonable accommodations and services to support their academic success and safety. Though a request for 2 services may be made at any time, services are best applied when they are requested at or before the start of the semester. To receive accommodations and services the student should immediately contact the Disability Services Coordinator in the Office of Academic and Career Services, 223 Allie Young Hall, 606-783-5188, www.moreheadstate.edu/acs/. [NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of any special needs before the end of the second week of classes and to provide appropriate documentation.] Campus Safety Statement: Emergency response information will be discussed in class. Students should familiarize themselves with the nearest exit routes in the event evacuation becomes necessary. You should notify your instructor at the beginning of the semester if you have special needs or will require assistance during an emergency evacuation. Students should familiarize themselves with emergency response protocols at http://www.moreheadstate.edu/emergency. PLAGIARISM: Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism or helping others to commit these acts will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty will result in severe disciplinary action including, but not limited to, failure of the student assessment item or course, and/or dismissal from MSU. If you are not sure what constitutes academic dishonesty, read The Eagle: Student Handbook or ask your instructor. The policy is located at http://www.moreheadstate.edu/files/units/dsl/eaglehandbook/studenthandbook2008-09.pdf [pgs.11 & 39]. For example: Copying information from the Internet is plagiarism if appropriate credit is not given. Rowan County Schools attendance policy will also be adhered to. This policy can be found in the Rowan County Student Discipline Code Book. ASSESSMENT: (More details regarding each assignment will be provided in class and on Blackboard when each assignment is given.) Essay #1 (Rhetorical Analysis): 15% (150 points) Essay #2 (Critical Analysis of Book): 15% (150 points) Essay #3 (Persuasive): 20% (200 points) Drafts/Reflections/Peer Review: 15% or 5% per essay (150 points) Library Assessment: 5% (50 points) Homework/In-Class Exercises and Assignments: 10% (100 points) You are expected to come to class and fully participate in each class session. This means (when applicable) reading all assignments; participating in class discussions; participating in Blackboard discussions; posting discussion questions to Blackboard; participating in peer-review workshops by both having a draft, and reading and providing comments on other students’ drafts; participating in in-class writing; etc. Quizzes: 10% (100 points) From time to time unannounced quizzes will be given to encourage attendance and active reading of all assignments. These cannot be made up if you miss class, but your one lowest score will be dropped. Final Exam: 10% (100 points) Required Components for General Education Assessment Across All Sections: Students will produce an essay shaped by a controlling claim that integrates matter from a range of credible sources (1c, 2a)―To be weighted no less than 10% and no more than 30% of the final grade. Students will complete a final examination consisting of a reading comprehension quiz administered on Blackboard and a response to an in-class prompt, both based on a common reading across all sections (1c)―To be weighted no less than 10% of the final grade. Students will complete a timed library research quiz to be administered on Blackboard during the three full weeks before Thanksgiving (2a)—To be weighted 5% of the final grade. Additional Required Components Students must complete a minimum of 3 other distinct essays or papers (for a minimum of 3000 words or 12 pages). At least 75% of the course grade must be based primarily upon writing assignments (including the final). No single essay or paper will be weighted less than 10% or more than 30% of the course grade. Quizzes, exercises, and assignments other than essays can total no more than 10% of the course grade. Class participation can total no more than 10% of the course grade.. GRADING POLICIES: Final papers and other assignments will be evaluated on a numerical basis. Letter grades will be assigned according to the percentage of total points earned (90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60-69%=D, 59 and lower=E) 3 SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS: This schedule is tentative and should be used as an outline/guide. Check Blackboard and/or the Rowan County Senior High School Teacher Page, and expect changes to be announced in-class. Week 1: ` Introduction to course, overview of class, Class Procedure,Reading Journal and Class Texts Adler, “How to Mark a Book” (http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/adler.html) “Critical Reading Towards Critical Writing (http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/advice/reading-and-researching/critical-reading) Timed reading to evaluate reading speed – time management discussion. How Good a Student are You? (Handout and Discussion) How to Take Notes Review of Basic Essay Format and Thesis Statements Week 2: The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers: “Situations, Purposes, and Processes for Writing,” (pg. 14-40). Assignments: pg. 23, 1-4; pg. 40, 1-5 “Reading,” (pg. 127-158). Assignment: p. 158, 1-5 “Explaining,” (pg. 285-301). Assignment: pg. 301, 1-4 Week 3: EAA Chapter 18 “Intellectual Property, Academic Integrity, and Avoiding Plagiarism,” (pg. 536 – 547). EAA Chapter 1 “Everything is an Argument,” (pg. 3-35) Week 4: Chapter 1 “Everything is an Argument” (pg. 3-35). Chapter 2 “ Arguments Based on Emotion: Pathos” (pg. 38-50). Week 5: Chapter 3 “Arguments Based on Character: Ethos” (pg. 52-67). Chapter 4 “Arguments Based on Facts and Reason: Logos” (pg. 69-93). . Chapter 4 “Arguments Based on Facts and Reason: Logos” (pg. 69-93). Appeals Analysis Week 6: Week 7: Appeals Analysis Chapter 17 “Fallacies of Argument” (pg. 515-534). Week 8: Chapter 13 “Style in Arguments,” (pg. 417-439). Style Analysis Chapter 5 “Rhetorical Analysis” (pages 95-130). Rhetorical Analysis assignment introduction. Week 9: Chapter 19 “Evaluating and Using Sources,” (pg. 549-564). Topic and Source Material for Rhetorical Analysis Due Writing the Rhetorical Analysis Week 10: Writing the Rhetorical Analysis “First Drafts” (pg. 93-95) by Anne Lamott. Chapter 20 “Documenting Sources,” (page 566-598). Mark the text and/or take notes. How to Format a Paper and MLA Citation. Week 11: Drafts due. Rhetorical Analysis Workshops – Peer review, writing and reflection. Week 12: Rhetorical Analysis paper due. Punctuation: Hyphens, dashes, and Parentheses Trimester Ends Week 13: Trimester Begins Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. 4 Grammar and Editing Practice Week 14: MSU Library Field Trip (1/2 Early College Students) Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. Library Research Quiz- Blackboard Grammar and Editing Practice Week 15: Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. Grammar and Editing Practice Week 16: Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. Grammar and Editing Practice Week 17: Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. Grammar and Editing Practice Week 18: Begin Essay for Now You See It . . . Now You See It . . .Drafts Due. Now You See It . . . Analysis Workshops – Peer Review, writing and reflection. . Week 19: Now You See It . . . Rhetorical Analysis Workshops – Peer Review, writing and reflection. Now You See It . . . Papers Due. Week 20: Review of Argumentation Review of rubric. Assessing sample essays. Final Persuasive Essay – Assignment Introduction and Topic. Chapter 16 “What Counts as Evidence,” (page 493-513). Week 21: Persuasive Essay Topics Due. In-class writing/conferencing time. Grammar / Editing Workshop Week 22: Persuasive Essay Drafts Due. Analysis Workshops – Peer Review, writing and reflection Grammar/Editing Workshop Week 23: Final Persuasive Essays Due. Chapter 21 “How Does Popular Culture Sterotype You?” (pages 603-641). Chapter 22 “How Many Friends Have You Made Today?” (page 651-715) Week 24: MSU Finals Week. Finals Preparation On-line reading assessment. 5 6