Wet Lab Overview: The Case of Catalase Expectations targeted: Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication B2.1 Use appropriate terminology related to biochemistry, including, but not limited to: active and passive transport, covalent and ionic bond, allosteric site, substrate, substrate-enzyme complex, and inhibition. B2.5 Plan and conduct an investigation related to a cellular process (e.g., factors that affect enzyme activity; factors that affect transport of substances across cell membranes), using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques, and report the results in an appropriate format. Understanding Basic Concepts B3.4 Describe the chemical structures and mechanisms of various enzymes Scientific Investigation Skills A1.1 Formulate relevant scientific questions about observed relationships, ideas, problems, or issues, make informed predictions, and/or formulate educated hypotheses to focus inquiries or research A1.5 Conduct inquiries, controlling relevant variables, adapting or extending procedures as required, and using appropriate materials and equipment safely, accurately, and effectively, to collect observations and data A1.6 Compile accurate data from laboratory and other sources, and organize and record the data, using appropriate formats, including tables, flow charts, graphs, and/or diagrams Reference: The lab module is a streamlining together of resources from Pearson’s Lab Bench Space (http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab2/intro.html), McGraw-Hill Virtual Labs (http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0078759864/student_view0/unit2/chapter6/virtual_labs.html#), and Western Kentucky University’s Bio114 Simulated Enzyme Lab (http://bioweb.wku.edu/courses/Biol114/enzyme/enzyme2.asp). Notes: The Virtual Enzyme Lab is intended to provide students with an overview of Enzyme structure and function, employing animation, video and direct manipulation. The Virtual Lab Environment allows students to test the effects of pH, substrate availability and temperature on Enzyme Activity. Especially in the McGraw Hill module, the virtual lab allows the students themselves to pick the variable to examine and adjust the testing conditions (pH value or amount of sample) on their own. The activity has been extended with a data sheet that scaffolds and guides students towards best practices for data collection, and elicits them to analyze the data collected by incorporating a graphical sketch of the results. A simulated lab does not necessarily give the same effect of a hands-on laboratory experience with live materials, and enzyme. It does however introduce a way to engage in the inquiry process of experimentation while overcoming concerns of how to read and interpret enzyme activity in a live lab (eg. Counting bubbles or qualitative colour observations become subjective and confusing at times), as well as eliminating sources of interference and data error, ensuring that students being introduced to the concept for the first time have a streamlined experience that drives home the key concept with a solid and reliable experimentation example that works the first time, and every time. The Virtual Lab module may also be leveraged as a preparatory experience to be followed with a live lab experience. It may also be used as an interdisciplinary approach examining concepts in both Biology (with enzyme structure and function) and Chemistry (reactant breakdown vs product formation as ways of measuring rate of reaction, as well as concepts of neutralization, saturation and dynamic equilibrium). Finally there is an opportunity to use the lab experience as an anchor-point to lead into introduction and examination of STSE topics such as body of water acidification and marine organisms, global warming and effect on enzymatic processes in living things, or water pollution with various substrate-mimicking chemicals accumulated in fish and consumed by humans (eg. estrogen and estrogen-like chemicals in fish consumed connected to breast cancer).