THE MAN OF SIN - Food for Hungry Christians

Compiled by Bob Jones, June 24th, 2012
The "Antichrist" is a title given to a man in the Bible who will be asked by the whole world to be their
"World President" or ruler, and preside over a glorious "New World Order" with a global economic
system and in a time of maximum worldwide prosperity.
We must understand that the term “Antichrist” means “against Christ” and not a “false christ”. Most
Christian authors, and people that I have ever known expect the “Antichrist” to arrive on the scene
saying that he is Christ, but that is a “false christ”. The Scriptures say there will be many “false christs”
throughout history, that is the Greek phrase “pseudo christos”, as Jesus spoke of in Matt. 24: 5 & 24.
But, there is only one man in the Scripture who will be asked to rule the whole world at the end of the
Church Age.
As Bible believers, we believe that this "New World Order" under the "World President" will be the
Seven Years Tribulation prophesied by Scripture.
This seven year period begins with the removal (Rapture) of God’s "Church" (everyone world wide
that has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior) from the Earth, and after three and one half
years of glorious prosperity under the "Antichrist" the "GREAT Tribulation", that Jesus spoke
of in Matt. chap 24 begins, which is a time of maximum suffering on the Earth, also described in the
book of Revelation, Chapter six through nineteen as "seals", "vials", and "trumpets".
Here is what I find revealed in Scripture about this man commonly called "The Antichrist":
"The Antichrist" is really a poor word for this man. The word "Antichrist” is only used by John:
- 1 John 2:18&22, ANTICHRIST shall come, even now are many ANTICHRISTS, whereby we
know that it is the last time. In verse 22, anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is "an
ANTICHRIST". "Antichrist” just means "against Christ".
- 1 John 4:3, Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus is come in the flesh is the "spirit of
ANTICHRIST" - which is already (during the Apostle John's lifetime) in the world.
- 2 John 7, Deceivers denying Jesus are "An ANTICHRIST".
Correct Bible names for this "Man of Sin":
- 2 Thess 2:3&8 (compare with Judas!) The World Ruler of the Tribulation is called the "Man of
sin" (In Greek, "The Lawless One"), "son of perdition", and "that wicked".
- Isa 14:4-24, (a type) "King of Babylon"
- Dan 7:8, the "Little Horn"
- Dan 9:26&27, "The prince that shall come"
- Dan 11:21, "The vile person"
- Dan 11:22, "The prince of the covenant"
- Dan 11:36, "The willful king"
- Zech 11:16&17, "The idol shepherd"
- Rev 9:11, "The angel of the bottomless pit", and Apollyon",
meaning "destroyer".
- Rev 11:7, "The Beast"
- John 5:43, "Another in his own name" - He is not a "False Christ" like Jesus spoke of, he is
"against Christ" and he uses his own name.
Highly intelligent:
Dan 7:8, Eyes (compare with Eze 1:18 & Rev 4:6) and mouth speaking great things.
Dan 8:23, Understands dark sentences.
Dan 7:20&25, Great words.
Rev 13:2, Mouth like a lion, regal, respected authority.
His name is "his own"!: John 5:23 Amazingly, this indicates that he will not be recognized by
the world as relating to the prophecies of Scripture but will called by his "own name".
His number can be "calculated to be "666": Rev 13:18 (Human perfection, a satanic "trinity", A
modern Government Social Security computer access code, VISA card name = 666 ("VI" = Roman
numeral 6, "S" = Greek 6, "A" = the ancient Babylonian number 6).
The "Roman Numerals" add up to "666", this emphasizes that the world empire of Antichrist is a
"revived Roman Empire":
The Romans used their alphabet to represent numerals. However, they didn't use their whole alphabet
as did the Hebrews and Greeks. The Romans used their alphabet as follows : D = 500, C = 100, L =
50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1
D = 500
C = 100
L = 50
X = 10
V= 5
I= 1
His characteristics:
He has a Fierce countenance: Dan 8:23
His look is stouter (greater, more powerful) than his fellows: Dan 7:20 ("Fellows" is a modern
"secret society" and "Think tank" term.)
Clever and persistent politician:
Dan 8:25 A policy maker.
Dan 7:20 Mouth speaking great things.
Known as a peacemaker:
Dan 8:25 By peace destroys many!
Dan 9:27 Confirms a 7 year peace pact between many.
Dan 11:21 Comes in peaceably with flatteries.
Dan 11:23 The peace pact again.
Dan 11:24 Enters peaceably on the "oiliest" places. (Makes middle east oil a factor in the
A little horn among 10 big horns (kings):
Dan 7:8,20,21,23-25. Little Horn.
Rev 17:12&13: 10 kings GIVE him power.
Backed by a false religious system:
Rev chap 17: False religion is promoted by the “Antichrist” at first, then after 3 1/2 years, he
declares himself to be GOD. In Rev 17:16&17, this false religious system is destroyed after it has been
used to Antichrist’s advantage for the first half of the Tribulation.
Backed by a group of evil and powerful men:
Dan 8:24 Not by his own power.
Rev 17:13 the 10 kings GIVE their power to him.
He gains the support of the small nations (third world):
Dan 11:23 Strong with a small people.
Dan 11:42&43 Ethiopia and Libya at his steps.
Comes in with flatteries and deceptions:
Dan 11:21 Flatteries
Dan 11:32 Corrupts by flatteries.
Psa 55 Very likely the thoughts of Israel at Mid Trib (Abomination of Desolation, Matt
24:15 & Dan. 9:27 & 11:31)
Even with all this Biblical information about the future world dictator, we are never told in Scripture to
look for the "Antichrist", but only to "Look for Jesus":
- 1 Thess 1:10: WAIT for his Son from heaven.
- Jude 21: LOOKING for Jesus, his mercy and eternal life.
- 1 Cor 1:7: WAITING for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- 1 Thess 5:6: Not sleeping, but WATCHING for Christ. This is in the context of the rapture of
the Church.
- 2 Pet 3:12: LOOKING for and hasting to the coming day of God.
- Phil 3:20 & 21: LOOKING for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will change our vile body
to be fashioned like unto his glorious body.
- 2 Cor 5:2: Earnestly DESIRING our heavenly body.
- 2 Thess 3:5: WAITING for Christ with patience.
- Titus 2:13: LOOKING for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our
savior Jesus Christ.
- 2 Tim 4:8: A special crown for those having LOVED HIS APPEARING.
- Heb 9:28: Unto THEM THAT LOOK FOR HIM he shall appear the second time without sin
unto salvation.
We are "looking for Jesus", but, I believe that all this information about the "Antichrist" is for our
JOY, because the "day" that the "Antichrist" is fully revealed to the world, is the "day" of the Rapture
for us!
Bob Jones