University of California, Davis Department of Economics International Microeconomics ECN160A, Spring 2008 TR 4:40-6p. Giet 1002 Office Hours: R 2:30-4:30p Prof. Farshid Mojaver SSH 1101, 754-8077 Prerequisites: ECN100 (or equivalent). Students with weak microeconomic background will be at a significant disadvantage Text: Feenstra and Taylor, International Economics, 2008, First edition Web Page: For copies of lecture notes, homework assignments and solution keys see Teaching Assistants: Ronaldo Carpio,, SSH 120, Office Hours: Sessions: A01: M 4:10-5p Hoagld 113 & A02: 5:10-6p, Wellman 233 Anson Soderbery,, SSH 115, Office Hours: Sessions: A03: W 4:10-5p Wellman 229 & A04: 5:10-6p, Wellman 229 Outline of Topics: 1- Introductory issues, the Ricardian Model (Ch 1&2) 2- The Specific-Factors Model (Ch 3) 3- The Heckscher-Ohlin Model (Ch 4) 4- International Factor Movement (Ch 5) 5- Foreign Outsourcing of Goods and Services (Ch 7) 6- Increasing Returns to Scale (Ch 6) 7- Trade Policy (Ch 8-11) 8- The Political Economy of Trade Policy (lecture notes) 9- Trade Policy in Developing Countries (lecture notes) Grading: The course grade will be based on two midterm exams, a comprehensive final Exam and Homework. The final score will be computed as whichever of the following is highest: (1) 10%HW + 30% Mid1 + 30% Mid2 + 30% Final (2) 10%HW + 30% Mid1 + 60% Final (3) 10%HW + + 30%Mid2 + 60% Final The course grades are assigned on a curve. There will be no makeup exams. Exams: Midterm 1: Thursday, April 24 Midterm 2: Thursday, May 22 Final: Comprehensive Monday, June 9 (8-10A Giet 1002) Home works Assignments: There will be 7 homework assignments, designed to help you to get a better understanding of the material and also to prepare you for the exams. These will be collected in class (before lecture) and graded in the scale of 0 to 4 (4=excellent, 3=good, 2=below average yet acceptable, 0= missing, late or unsatisfactory). HW Due Dates: all on Tuesdays except for the last one. HW1 APL 8 HW2 APR 15 HW3 APR 22 HW4 MAY 6 HW5 MAY 13 HW6 MAY 20 HW7 JUN 5