SOC33:SOCIAL INEQUALITY IN THE U.S. Class Information Sheet Instructor: Marcy Williams Spring 2007 OFFICE: Shima 234 (954-5587) Office hrs.: M 1-2; W & F 11-12; T & Th 1:15-2:15 TEXTBOOKS: 1. David M. Newman. 2007. Identities and Inequalities: Exploring the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, & Sexuality. NY: McGraw-Hill. 2. Ruben Martinez and J. Rodriguez. 2005. The New Americans: Seven Families Journey to Another Country. NY: New Press. COURSE CONTENT UNIT 1: DEFINING SOCIAL INEQUALITY UNIT 2: PHYSICAL & SOCIAL DIFFERENCE: AGE, GENDER, HETEROSEXISM, AND ABLEISM UNIT 3: CLASS STRATIFICATION: BLAMING THE VICTIM UNIT 4: RACIAL AND ETHNIC STRATIFICATION UNIT 5: GLOBAL STRATIFICATION AND THE FUTURE OBLIGATIONS OF STUDENTS: 1. Students must attend class without excessive absences. I will drop students who have excessive absences within the first 4 weeks of the semester. AFTER THE 1st FOUR WEEKS, STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DROPPING THE COURSE THEMSELVES. 2. The 2 midterms & final exam consist of "definitions” and essay questions based on course materials. To help students prepare for these, I will distribute study guides for each unit of the course. The study guides contain the 2-4 essay questions that I will use on the exams. 3. Students will not take makeup exams in the event that they miss a scheduled exam, since all students are allowed to drop one of the midterm exam grades. Thus, students who miss a midterm simply drop that "O.” 4. Students need to bring a set of 4X6 cards to every class meeting. You will use these cards for two purposes. 1) As a part of your “participation” grade, you will do several in-class, five-minute written responses to course materials to help prepare you for exams. 2) Additionally, I will use the 4 x 6 cards to get feedback (anonymously) regarding course concepts and mechanics. 5. Students will be placed in small groups of 4-5 students (“Social Action Groups”) to discuss readings & participate in 10-12 class-room “exercises.” The idea is to feature classroom discussion the last 30-40 minutes of every Friday. I’ll give you a handout next week describing the tasks involved in these groups. 6. All students will write a “field” paper analyzing social inequality as illustrated by family histories. I will provide a detailed description of this paper later. 7. Plagiarism/Cheating Policy: I will view exams and papers that are “too” similar as cheating and papers that “copy” ideas or sources without citation as plagiarism. I WILL FOLLOW SCHOOL POLICY which is to file an "ACADEMIC DISHONESTY FORM" AND GIVE YOU A "O" FOR THAT ASSIGNMENT. 8. The last day to drop the course without a grade of "W" is Feb. 9th. The last day to drop with a "W" is April 26th. METHOD OF EVALUATION: MIDTERM #1 (Units 1 & 2; week 8) OR MIDTERM #2 (Unit 3; week 12) FINAL EXAM (Units 1-5) --35% “Field” Paper Social Action Group reqs Participation --25% 50 points 70 points --20% 40 points --10% 20 points --10% 20 points -100% 200 pts.