AGM Minutes - Samford Valley Target Archers

Grange Company of Target Archers Inc.
ABN 63 639 289 573
Trading as Samford Valley Target Archers
Annual General Meeting
11.00 am 5th September, 2015
1. Attendance – Brian Hagaman (Chairman), Alison Hagaman, Evan Fisher,
Steve Bennett, Don Van der Zee, J. Wilson, Patrick Barden, Vaughn Pinxit,
Louise Gregg, David Walsh, Robert Thompson, Joan Byrne, Keith Mapstone,
Nick Horley, Tim Millis, Giselle Paton, Bryan Paton, Scott Hagaman, Ross
Hagaman, Andrew McCormack, Tom Lamont, John Garlend, Paul O’Brien,
Craig Glasby, David Arrowsmith, Michael Schilling, Trent Carberry, Kate
Eggar, David Barwick, Karl Reichel.
2. Apologies – Scott Mclean
3. Confirmation of previous minutes – The minutes of the previous Annual
General Meeting were circulated within the meeting. No discussion occurred.
Motion – That the minutes as circulated be accepted as a true record of the
previous Annual General Meeting.
Moved: Steve Bennett
Seconded: Trent Carberry
Motion carried.
4. President’s Report – Brian Hagaman read and summarized his report, which
was also circulated and displayed for the members. Copy attached.
5. Coach’s Report – Club Coach, Alison Hagaman made brief comments about
the coaching and instruction situation in the Club. More archers want to
improve skills, therefore there is room for more coaches. The identification of
instructors willing and able to become Club coaches is gaining some
momentum. Intermediate coaching is on-going, but there are only 3 Club
coaches currently and demands on time are heavy. The booked coaching seems
to be going OK.
6. Recorder’s Report – Robert Thompson, the Recorder, summarized his
displayed report.
The most significant thing in recording this year has been the introduction of
Archers Diary – some issues have occurred and been overcome. The major issue
remaining is the management of Club records. Records have been aligned with
SQAS in terms of which records are available for the various divisions.
Participation in the Monthly Indoor Medal reduced from 35 archers in 2014 to 20
archers in 2015, participation in the Monthly Club Tournament was basically
steady with 49 archers in 2014 and 48 archers in 2015.
Club record claims to SQAS were 51, shot by a total of 15 archers.
Copy attached.
7. Webmaster’s Report – Grant Crawley presented a brief report. Thanks to
Ross Hagaman for assistance with the Club’s digital presence.
Photographs are now uploaded to Flickr, which streamlines the process of getting
photos onto the site.
There were in excess of 11,000 visits to the site, and approximately 310,000 site
hits. 36% of traffic is from overseas (probably search engines scanning pages for
indexing). Copy attached.
Ross Hagaman noted increased use of Facebook, and increasing use of this may
be a target for the Club.
8. Field Captain’s Report – nothing to report. Brian Hagaman foreshadowed
more training of Directors of Shooting.
9. Youth Training Report – Tim Millis noted that we have a good cohort of
interested Juniors. Their behavior has been good. They will be encouraged to
attend the SQAS Youth Camp in November, and to shoot in Club events and
outside Club events.
10. Publicity Officer’s (Newsletter Editor) Report – Evan Fisher gave a brief
report. Only four Newsletters have been produced in the year, but articles have
been placed in the “Village Pump” when items of interest occur. Quite a lot of
time has gone into the planning and early advertising of the 2016 Open.
Copy attached.
Motion – That those preceding reports (Items 4 – 10) be accepted.
Moved: Brian Hagaman
Seconded: Patrick Barden
Motion carried.
11. Treasurer’s Report/Auditor’s Statement – Treasurer, Alison Hagaman,
circulated the Auditor’s statement, and explained items from that statement.
Current cash assets total $67,003.98, with $10,855.65 in the Heritage Building
Society, $36,048.33 in the Bendigo Bank, $20,000 on term deposit with the
Bendigo Bank, and $100 cash on hand.
Total asssets are $286,632.36, and Total Liabilities are $4921.00’
This year we changed our auditor, and Andrew McCormack was the new
Copy attached.
Joan Byrne asked why there were two bank accounts. The explanation is that
the tax related payments are set up to come from our original Heritage account.
Eventually that account will be closed
Motion: That the Treasurer’s Report/Auditor’s Statement be accepted.
Moved: Alison Hagaman
Seconded: Paul O’Brien
Motion carried.
12. Election of Management Committee and other Officers
Management committee – Only one nomination for each of the positions had been
received, except for Recorder, where there was no nomination, Kynan Schilling having to
withdraw. With the consent of the meeting by vote the following people were elected;
President – Brian Hagaman (elected)
Vice President – Nick Horley (elected)
Secretary – Evan Fisher (elected)
Treasurer – Alison Hagaman (elected)
Field captain – Michael Schilling
Recorder – Nominations were called from the floor for Recorder.
Robert Thompson was nominated by Paul O’Brien, and seconded by Alison
Hagaman for the position. Robert Thompson accepted the nomination, and was therefore
elected as Recorder and to the management committee.
Paul O’Brien indicated that he was willing to assist the Recorder.
Other elected office bearers (not on the management committee)
Fund Raising Coordinator – Scott Mclean had been nominated. There being no other
nomination, Scott Mclean was declared elected.
Publicity officer – Evan Fisher had been nominated. There being no other nomination,
Evan Fisher was elected.
Appointed Club officials –Club Officials appointed by the management committee had
indicated willingness to continue, therefore the positions were as follows;
Club Coach – Alison Hagaman
MPIO – Steve Bennett, Alison Hagaman
Webmaster – Grant Crawley.
13. Motions Under Notice
Motion 1. – That the annual Club membership fees for 2015/16 be set at
$40 for minors, $60 for adults and $120 for families.
Moved: Brian Hagaman
Seconded: Evan Fisher
Discussion: - Fees have not been raised since 2009. Keeping up with inflation
is not excessive. Power costs are heavy, and the Management Committee is
looking at increasing the solar collectors. For the 2016 Australian Open the
Club has committed to approximately $18,000 in costs of equipment and
improvements. To date there are no major sponsors. Increasing shooting fees
instead, hits the people who shoot more often, for whatever reason membership fee increases are more equitable.
Motion carried.
14. Any other business – Trent Carberry raised the idea of a total annual Club fee,
paid as a lump sum. There was some discussion about this, and it was decided
that it was best left as an idea which the Management Committee would
The meeting closed at – 12:12 pm
Minutes by:
Evan Fisher
Confirmed by:
LIST OF OFFICE BEARERS and Volunteer Roles – for 2015/2016
Management Committee
Vice President
Field Captain
Brian Hagaman – account signatory
Nick Horley – account signatory
Evan Fisher – account signatory
Alison Hagaman – account signatory
Bob Thompson
Michael Schilling
Other Elected Officers
Fund Raising Coordinator
Publicity Officer
Scott MacLean
Evan Fisher
Appointed Officers/Roles
Member Protection Information
Steve Bennett & Alison Hagaman
Uniform Officers
SandraPowell & Alison Hagaman
OzBow Coordinator
David Barwick
Canteen Convener
Alison Hagaman
Web Master
Grant Crawley
Web Content Manager
Ross Hagaman
Mid-week Coordinator
Ruth Whisson
Indoor Evening Convenor
Scott Hagaman
Club Coach
Alison Hagaman
Tim Millis
Brian Hagaman
AA Judges
Alison Hagaman
Mark Logan
Brian Hagaman
Scott McLean
Sandra Powell
First Aid
Alison Hagaman
Tim Millis
Tom Lamont
Ross Hagaman
Expenditure Authority
1. That any two authorized member of the Management Committee can
approve any electronic transfer (that is, from the Bendigo Bank)
excepting that two members of the same family may not make
2. A majority of the Management Committee may approve expenditure at
anytime – e-mail notification is acceptable.
3. Expenditure Authority:
President (Brian Hagaman) - $500 per item and $1000 per month
Treasurer (Alison Hagaman)- $500 per item and $1000 per month
(including canteen spending)
Secretary (Evan Fisher) - $100 per item and $200 per month
Michael Schilling’s expenditure will be under the Treasurer -Alison
Hagaman’s -authorization
Patrick Barden, David Arrowsmith, and Bob Thompson will have
authorizations under the President - Brian Hagaman’s –authorization.
4. Office bearers may recover expenses incurred in the conduct of Club
business so long as these are ratified – which will be signified by
approval of the electronic payments.
Bank Details:
Heritage Building Society
BSB : 638 070
A/C No: 5645824
Bendigo Community Bank
BSB: 633000
A/c No.: 146 424 924
Key Register Indoor Archery Facility Samford Archery Park
Keys to the Indoor facility are issued on a limited basis for exercising the function needed
for the running of the club and not for the convenience of archers.
1. Brian Hagaman (President)
2. Nick Horley (Vice President)
3. Evan Fisher (Secretary)
4. Alison Hagaman (Club Coach and Mid Week backup)
5. Ruth Whisson (Mid Week)
6. Patrick Barden (Field mowing)
7. David Arrowsmith (Arrow repairs and Equipment officer)
8. Scott Hagaman (Night Shoots organiser)
9. Mark Logan (Night Shoots roster)
10. Ross Hagaman (Night shoots back up opener)
11. Tim Millis (Night Shoots roster)
12. Michael Schilling (Night Shoots roster)
13. Neil Digweed (Night Shoots roster and Systems Guru)
14. Scott MacLean (Field mowing)
15. Bruce Symes (Arrow maintenance)
16. Christian Jekimovs (Arrow maintenance)
17. Steve Bennett (Monday organizer)
18. Martin Wyn Hughes (key not recoverable)
19. Paul O’Brien (Monday morning shoots)
20. Trent Carburry (Night Shoots roster)
Gate Key Issue Policy
Key to the gate to allow out of hours shooting by members who have been members for a
substantial period of time and who participate in club activities on a regular basis and
who assist in working bees may be issued on request and at cost with the approval of the
management committee.