Bone - Journal of Consumer Research

West Virginia University
Updated December 17, 2004
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Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Carolina. August 1987. Major: Marketing.
Bachelor of Science, University of Alabama. May 1983. Major: Marketing.
Professor of Marketing, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. May 2000 to present.
Associate Professor of Marketing, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. May
1992-May 2000.
Assistant Professor of Marketing, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. August
1987-May 1992.
Research Assistant, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. August 1983-July 1987.
Consortium International University, Paderno Del Grappa, Italy, faculty member Spring 2001.
France, Karen Russo and Paula Fitzgerald Bone, forthcoming, “Policy-makers’ Paradigms and
Evidence from Consumer Interpretations of Dietary Supplement Labels,” Journal of
Consumer Affairs.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Karen Russo France (2003) “International Harmonization of Food and
Nutrition Regulation: The Good and the Bad” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 22 (1)
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Karen Russo France (2001), APackaging Graphics and
Consumer Product Beliefs,” Journal of Business and Psychology, 15 (3) 467-489.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Robert J. Corey (2000), “ Packaging Ethics: Perceptual Differences
Among Packaging Professionals, Brand Managers and Ethically-interested Consumers,
Journal of Business Ethics, 24 (April) 199-213.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Pam Scholder Ellen (1999), “Scents in the Marketplace: Explaining A
Fraction of Olfaction, Journal of Retailing, 75 (2), 243-262.
Ellen, Pam Scholder and Paula Fitzgerald Bone (1998), “Does It Matter if it Smells?
Olfactory Stimuli as Advertising Executional Cue,” Journal of Advertising, 27 (4),
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Robert J. Corey (1998), “Moral Reflection in Marketing.”
Journal of MacroMarketing, 20 (Fall), 104-114.
Ellen, Pam Scholder, Paula Fitzgerald Bone and Elnora W. Stuart (1998), AHow Well do
Young People Follow the Label? An Investigation of Four Classes of Over-the-Counter
Drugs,@ Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 17 (Spring), 70-85.
France, Karen R., Paula F. Bone and James W. France (1996), "Small Business and
Comparison Advertising Strategies: Is it Worth the Risk?” Journal of Small Business
Strategy, 7 (Spring), 81-98.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald (1995), "The Effect of Word-of-Mouth Communication on
Long- and Short-term Memory," Journal of Business Research, 32 (Summer),
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, and Swati Jantrania (1992), "Olfaction as a Cue for Product
Quality," Marketing Letters, 3 (3), 289-296.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, and Pam Scholder Ellen (1992), "Generation and Consequences of
Communication-Evoked Imagery Processing," Journal of Consumer Research,
19 (June),
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, and Robert J. Corey (1992), "Ethical Dilemmas in Packaging:
of Packaging Professionals," Journal of MacroMarketing, 12 (Spring), 45-54.
Corey, Robert J. and Paula Fitzgerald Bone (1992), "Ethical Packaging as an Expression of
Corporate Values: A Call for Research," Journal of Marketing Management,
(Spring/Summer), 44-54.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, Terence A. Shimp, and Subhash Sharma (1990), "Assimilation and
Contrast Effects in Product Performance Perceptions: Implications for Public Policy,"
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 9, 100-110.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald (1990), "Identifying Mature Segments," Journal of Services Marketing, 5
(1), 47-60.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, Subhash Sharma, and Terence A. Shimp, (1989), "A Boot-strap
Procedure for Assessing Goodness of Fit Indices in Confirmatory Factor Models,"
Journal of Marketing Research, 26 (February), 105-111.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, Pam Scholder Ellen, Richard W. Easly and Samuel E.
McNeely, (1986), "A Comment on "Relationship Between Source Expertise and Source
Similarity in An Advertising Context,”" Journal of Advertising, 15 (1),
Riley, Richard, Paula Fitzgerald Bone and Karen Russo France (2004), “Retailer and
Manufacturer Slotting: An Empirical Investigation” abstract in 2004 Marketing and
Public Policy and Marketing: Researching New Heights, Debra Scammon and Marlys
Mason, eds. 8-10.
Ellen, Pam Scholder and Paula Fitzgerald Bone and Karen Russo France (2004), “Risk
Perceptions and Product Disclosure: The Case of Biotechnology,” abstract
in 2004 Marketing and Public Policy: Researching New Heights, Debra
Scammon and Marlys Mason, eds. 77-79.
Ellen, Pam Scholder, Paula Fitzgerald Bone and Joshua L. Wiener (2003) “Long-term Gains vs.
Short Term Pleasures,” abstract in Marketing and Public Policy Conference Proceedings
2003, Craig Andrews and Scott Burton, eds., 96-98.
Achrol, Ravi S., Paula Fitzgerald Bone and Karen Russo France (2003), “Regulation Of
Marketing Channel Promotions” abstract in 2003 American Marketing Association Winter
Educator’s Proceedings, Geraldine R. Henderson and Marian Chapman Moore, eds. 147148.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Karen Russo France (2002) “Food and Nutrition Regulation in a
Global Marketplace: 2002 Marketing and Public Policy Proceedings, Les Carlson and
Russell Laczniak eds., 129-130.
France, Karen Russo and Paula Fitzgerald Bone (2002), “Dietary Supplement Claims: Has the
Pain Been Worth the Gain?” 2002 American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s
Proceedings, Kenneth R. Evans and Lisa K. Scheer, editors, 13, 62-63
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Karen Russo France (1999), AAttitude Toward Odors--Beyond
Intuition@ 1999 Society for Marketing Advances Conference Proceedings, Joyce A.
Young, Robert D. Green and Faye W. Gilbert, eds., pp. 46-50.
France, Karen Russo and Paula Fitzgerald Bone (1998), AThe Moderating Role of Pod
Position on Advertisement Effectiveness: Considering Program Affective Valence
and Level of Appraisal,@ Proceedings of the 1998 American Marketing Association
Winter Educator=s Meeting. Dhruv Grewall and Connie Pechmann, Eds., Vol. 9, pp.
Ellen, Pam Scholder, Paula Fitzgerald Bone and Elnora Stuart (1997), AUse, Over-Use and
Off-Label Use of Over-The-Counter Drugs by Young Adults@ abstract in 1997 Marketing
and Public Policy Conference Proceedings, Easwar Iyer and
George R. Milne, Eds,
Vol. 7, pp. 68-69.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Karen Russo France (1997), "A Graphic Deception"
Proceedings of the 1997 Winter American Marketing Association Educator's
Meeting, Debbie Thorne LeClair and Micheal Hartline ed., Vol. 8, pp. 224-229.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Robert J. Corey (1997), "Why Can't Marketing
Professionals and Consumer Activists Be Friends" abstract in Proceedings of the 1997
Winter American Marketing Association Educator's Meeting, Debbie
Thorne LeClair
and Micheal Hartline ed., Vol. 8, pp. 237-8.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Robert J. Corey (1996), "Moral Reflection: Thinking About
Business Ethics," abstract in 1996 AMA Educator=s Meeting: Enhancing
Knowledge Development in Marketing, Cornelia Droge and Roger Calantone, ed.
American Marketing Association, Vol. 7, pp. 475-476.
Corey, Robert J. and Paula Fitzgerald Bone (1995), "Ethical Awareness: A Framework for
Improving Our Understanding of Marketing Ethics," Expanding Marketing
Horizons Into the 21st Century: 1995 Association of Marketing Theory and
Practice Conference Proceedings, David L. Moore, ed., pp. 225-233.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, Elnora W. Stuart, and Pam Scholder Ellen (1994), "Conducting
Research on Adolescent Problem Behaviors: What Every Researcher Should
Know About Parental Consent, 1994 Marketing and Public Policy Conference
Proceedings, Mary Jane Sheffe ed., pp. 140-146.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald (1992), "Determinants of Word-of-Mouth Communications
During Consumption," Advances in Consumer Research, John Sherry and Brian
Sternthal, eds., Association For Consumer Research, Provo, UT, 19, pp.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Pam Scholder Ellen (1991), "Valenced Imagery, Mood and
Attitude," abstract in Knowledge Development in Marketing: 1991 AMA
Educators' Proceedings, Mary Gilly et al. eds., American Marketing Association,
Chicago, IL, 2, pp. 741-742.
Ellen, Pam Scholder, and Paula Fitzgerald Bone (1990),"Measuring
Communication-Evoked Imagery Processing," Advances in Consumer Research,
Rebecca H. Holman and Michael R. Solomon eds., Association for Consumer
Research, Provo, UT, 18, pp. 806-812.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald (1990), "The Effect of Word-of-Mouth Communications During
Consumption on Performance Perceptions," abstract in Enhancing Knowledge
Development in Marketing: 1990 AMA Educators' Proceedings, William O.
Bearden et al. eds., American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL, p. 26.
Corey, Robert J. and Paula Fitzgerald Bone (1990), "Ethical Packaging: Directions for the
1990s," abstract in 1990 AMA Educators' Proceedings: Enhancing Knowledge
Development in Marketing, William O. Bearden et al. eds., American Marketing
Association, Chicago, IL, p. 387.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Pam Scholder Ellen (1989), "The Effect of Imagery Processing and
Imagery Content on Behavioral Intentions," Advances in Consumer Research, Marvin E.
Goldberg et al. eds., Association for Consumer Research, Provo, UT, 16, pp. 449-454.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald (1988), "An Examination of the Assimilation Effect," 1988
AMA Educator's Proceedings: Efficiency and Effectiveness in Marketing, Gary
Frazier ed., Chicago, IL, pp. 124-127.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, Pam Scholder Ellen and Karen Russo France, “A Round-Table
Discussion of Effective Risk Communication,” presented at the Marketing and Public
Policy Conference 2003, May 2003, Washington, D. C.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, “Teaching Ethics in a Marketing Management Course” invited
presentation to be given at the 2003 American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s
Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, ATeaching Ethics In an Undergraduate Core Course,@ invited
presentation as part of the 1997 Marketing and Society SIG mini-conference,
Teaching Marketing and Society Topics: Pedagogy and Curricular Priorities,
Chicago, IL, August 2, 1997.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald and Pam Scholder Ellen, "Mixing Frustration, Aggravation and a
Situation Comedy or Conducting Research in Olfaction," presented at the Winter 1997
American Marketing Association Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Eastman, J., B. Alport, P. Bone, R. Corey, S. Dudley and A. Readdy, "Ethical Issues
in the
Nineties: A Marketing Panel'" presented at the 1996 Association of Marketing Theory
and Practice, March 22, 1996, Hilton Head, SC.
Bone, Paula Fitzgerald, "Moderators of Olfaction Effects," presented at the 1994
Association of Consumer Psychology Conference in Saint Petersburg, FL,
February 19, 1994.
Ellen, Pam Scholder and Paula Fitzgerald Bone, "Olfactory Stimuli as Advertising
Executional Cues," presented at the 1993 Association for Consumer Research
Conference in Nashville, TN, October 8, 1993.
Stuart, Elnora W., Pam Scholder Ellen, and Paula Fitzgerald Bone, "Over-the-Counter
Medicines: Use, Misuse and Abuse by Adolescents and Young Adults,"
presented at the 1993 Public Policy and Marketing Conference, June 4, 1993,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Ellen, Pam Scholder, Paula Fitzgerald Bone, and Terence A. Shimp, "Olfaction and the
Retailing Environment," presented at the 1992 Association for Consumer
Research Conference, October 9, 1992, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
“Long-term Gains vs. Short Term Pleasures: with Pam Scholder Ellen and Joshua L. Wiener.
Data collected and being entered.
“A Multi-Firm Analysis of Slotting,” with Karen Russo France and Dick Riley data analysis
completed and paper in revision for JPPM.
“Right to Know vs. Stigma: The Case of Biotechnology” with Pam Scholder Ellen, completing
final paper.
Summer Research Grant, from the College of Business and Economics, one month’s salary,
Summer 2002.
Co-investigator of $14,400 grant from WVU Faculty Senate to study recent changes in
labeling for dietary supplements. Karen Russo France, Principle Investigator. 20002001
Co-recipient of $2,500 grant from B&E Research committee for "A Graphic Deception."
Olfactory research in-kind support by AromaSys of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Olfactory research in-kind support from 3M.
Ethics research in-kind support by the Institute of Packaging Professionals.
Co-recipient of $7,337 grant from the West Virginia Travel Research Working Group to study
the use of scented advertisements to promote travel and tourism, 1991-2.
Co-recipient of $5,000 grant from the Institute of Packaging Professionals to study
packaging professionals' opinions of ethical issues, 1991.
Recipient of $2,000 grant from the WVU Faculty Senate to study the effect of imagery
processing on attitudes and behavioral intentions, 1989.
Expert Witness, Steptoe & Johnson Attorneys at Law
“Policy-makers’ Paradigms and Evidence from Consumer Interpretations of Dietary
Supplement Labels,” presentation to the United States Food and Drug Administration,
College Park, MD, with Karen Russo France.
“Marketing Your B&B”, presentation to the Mountain State Bed and Breakfast Association,
March 13, 2002
Hancock County West Virginia University=s Parent=s Club, April 13, 1999.
Business Training Series sponsored by the Morgantown Area Economic Partnership, May 20,
Mainstreet Morgantown, March 27, 1996.
West Virginia Business Growth Academy, January 23, 1995.
West Virginia High Technology Consortium, February 1995.
Kmart Leadership Conference 1991-1995.
Presenter at Small Business Development Center Seminar, January 26, 1994.
AMA Marketing and Society SIG Board Member 2003-present
Co-chair, Marketing and Public Policy Conference 2000, with Karen Russo France
and Joshua L Wiener.
Guest Editor, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Retailing
Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Marketing
Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Consumer Research
Frequent reviewer for Association for Consumer Research Conference, Marketing and
Public Policy Conference, Summer AMA Educator=s Conference, and Winter
AMA Educator=s Conference.
Association For Consumer Research
American Marketing Association—Marketing and Society SIG
Society for Marketing Advances
Marketing Club Advisor Fall 2003-present.
Faculty Senate Development Grand Committee, Fall 2001-present
WVU Committee on Student Organizations, Nov. 2002-present
McNair Scholar Mentor Aug 2000-2002
Faculty Senate Development Grant Committee, Fall 1997- Aug 2000.
B&E Undergraduate Programs Committee, 1997- 2000
Beta Gamma Sigma, President, 1997
Enrollment Management Design Task Force, Spring 1996
One of three departmental chairs, September 1994-May 1995
Chair of the Undergraduate Programs Committee, September 1994-May 1995
Honors Advisor, September 1994- present
WVU Foundation Outstanding Teacher 2004
Marketing Department Outstanding Service, 2003
College of Business and Economics, Outstanding Teaching Award 2002
Faculty Award, Consortium International University, Paderno Del Grappa, Spring 2001
College of Business and Economics, Outstanding Faculty Research Award, 1999-2000
Marketing Department Outstanding Teacher 1999
1999 Golden Apple Teaching Award
Marketing Department Outstanding Teacher, 1996-97
1995 Golden Apple Teaching Award
Marketing Department Outstanding Teacher, 1994-95