Name: Date: Block: ______

Unit 4 Test
Mr. Wussler
PART 1 – MATCHING – Know the vocabulary
1. What industry was the first to see improvements that led to a population
explosion and the increased demand for food and goods?
2. What were the effects of the enclosure movement?
3. How did crop rotation improve farming?
4. How did the population explosion in England affect the Industrial Revolution?
5. How did factories play a part in the Industrial Revolution?
6. What factors led to the Industrial Revolution developing in Great Britain first?
7. What are the factors of production needed for industrialization?
8. Which industry was the first to benefit from the Industrial Revolution?
9. What are examples of the improvements in the textile industry?
10. How did the railroad impact Great Britain?
11. What were the main sources of power during the Industrial Revolution?
12. How did the Industrial Revolution change people’s way of life?
13. After Britain, what was the first European country to experience the Industrial
14. Why were certain European nations unable to industrialize as Britain had?
15. Capitalist thinkers supported what ideas?
16. In his The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx explained that history was
controlled primarily by what?
17. What is a union?
18. What did unions collectively bargain for?
19. What were the reform measures that stemmed from the Industrial
20. What were the major impacts of the Industrial Revolution?
PART 3 – Matching
1. Match the following descriptions of the social classes with the correct social
-Upper Class
-Upper Middle Class
-Lower Middle Class
-Lower Class
2. You will be given a series of statements that are either from the beliefs of
Adam Smith or from the beliefs of Karl Marx. You will have to determine
which one would have or did say it.
Individuals should freely follow their own self-interests and world will be an
orderly place
The Bourgeoisie or “haves” are the wealthy employers that control the
means of production
The Industrial Revolution enriched the wealthy and impoverished the poor
Buyers as sellers are guided by an “invisible hand” which results allows
society to function and meet its goals
Economic liberty guaranteed economic progress
Human societies always been divided into warring classes
PART 4 – Cause and Effect:
You will put a list of events from the Industrial Revolution in order based on their
cause and effect of each other
A. The formation of unions, creation of child labor laws, and abolition of slavery
B. A greater gap between the rich and poor
C. Improvements in the textile industry
D. Poor living conditions and working conditions
E. A population explosion
F. Creation of the working class poor
G. The agricultural revolution
H. A greater abundance of food
I. The creation of factories to house large machinery
J. The need for more food, clothing and goods
K. The swelling of the cities as people came to find work
Explain how the results and ideas of the Industrial Revolution are still affecting
the world you live in today. You are expected to write two paragraphs and use
results and ideas from this unit and relate them to today’s world using specific
examples from today.