Book Jacket Project: Flowers for Algernon

Book Jacket Project: Flowers for Algernon
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Author Daniel Keyes is searching for creative people to assist with the publication
of an exceptional novel called Flowers for Algernon. Rumors are spreading that
such a book will create great controversy. Many people are ignorant about
intelligence and IQ, and it is your job to capture the public’s interest in such a
book, even though it may go against what the popular culture believes about
intelligence. Your role is to create an appealing Book Jacket for Flowers for
Algernon. Your book jacket must include the following components:
Title of the Book
Author of the Book
An Image/Picture that captures something from the novel
A summary of the novel that will capture audiences
A quote from the short story that captures something important and will
cause readers to be very interested in reading it
 A Rhetorical Question that will stimulate readers to pick up the book
 Other “unique” things that you feel will enhance the marketability of the