Flowers for Algernon Day 3

August 25th, 2014
Warm Up
1. Start at the Table of Contents in your Source Book.
2. Label today’s Warm Up in the manner below. If you
have space left over from yesterday’s Warm Up, make
a HORIZONTAL LINE beneath it and then begin
today’s Warm Up.
Warm Up: Current Events
Date:_Monday, August 25th, 2014
Prompt: What current events happened
this weekend? If you are not aware of
any, tell us what happened in your life.
(Your response must be at least 7-10 sentences.)
Today’s Agenda
 Project Questions
 Complete the reading of “Flowers for
 Continue making notes of important
 Quiz over “Flowers for Algernon”
 Debrief
Project Questions
 Are there any questions about the
current “Flowers for Algernon” project?
Flowers for Algernon
 Today you will actually finish the text of “Flowers for Algernon.”
 Take out your 3-Column Chart from last week.
 Today, you only need to make one note per two story pages.
Report #
I wonder…
• 1
• Charlie has horrible
• …if this will change
after the operation and
to what degree.
• 2
• ____________________ • ____________________
“Flowers for Algernon” Quiz
 You will have these last 15 minutes of class to complete
your “Flowers for Algernon” Quiz.
 Make sure your name, date, and class period are on it
for full credit.
 There are a total of 10 questions.
 Read a book of your
choosing for at least 30
 Rememer, we will have
another round of
Alternative Book
Reports due soon!
 Story Debrief:
 You will popcorn out your thoughts on the story overall,
any remaining questions, and share any additional
connections you made in preparation for the
comprehensive exam on Thursday.
 You must all be prepared to share.