COURSE: Keyboarding UNIT: B Word Processing COMPETENCY: 04.00 Apply formatting skills in document processing. OBJECTIVE: 04.05 Apply correct report format. ACTIVITIES Slide Show Activity Glossary Model Activity Report Teacher Tip Model Activity Title Page Teacher Tip Model Activity Bibliography RESOURCES Use the PowerPoint presentation to discuss formatting rules for reports. This can be shown electronically with a data projector, or you may choose to print each slide on a transparency. It is recommended that you give the students a copy of the PowerPoint handouts for their notes. 04.05 PPT Distribute 04.05 PPT ACT. Students will use this PowerPoint assignment to review the formatting rules for reports. 04.05 PPT ACT Provide students with a copy of the glossary and discuss terms. 04.05 VOC Distribute 04.05 ACT1. Using an LCD projector or transparency, guide students through the process of formatting and spacing the report. Monitor students closely to ensure accuracy. 04.05 ACT1 After students print their report, instruct students to label the parts, spacing, and margins of the report to reinforce guidelines. Distribute 04.05 ACT2. Using an LCD projector or transparency, guide students as they key the title page. Monitor students closely to ensure accuracy. 04.05 ACT2 After students print their title page, instruct students to label the parts, spacing, and margins to reinforce guidelines. 04.05 ACT3 Distribute 04.05 ACT3 and 04.05 ACT4. Using an LCD projector or transparency, guide students as they key the 04.05 ACT4 bibliography pages. Monitor students to ensure accuracy. 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 1 ACTIVITIES Teacher Tip Teacher Tip Composing Activity Composing Activity Teacher Tip Composing Activity RESOURCES After students print their bibliography pages, instruct students to label the parts, spacing, and margins to reinforce guidelines. If available, instruct students to use the automatic page numbering feature of their word processing program, which will automatically place the page number ½ inch from the top right of the document. Distribute 04.05 ACT5. Students will review their knowledge of the INFORMATION PROCESSING CYCLE as they compose a report about input, processing, output, and storage devices. Students should be expected to use the guidelines for a business report using side headings to format their report. No answer key is provided because the content of students’ report will vary. 04.05 ACT5 Distribute 04.05 ACT6. Demonstrate and explain to students how to use the website that will be needed for this assignment ( Review formatting and spacing rules for the title page, unbound report, and bibliography prior to beginning 04.05 ACT6. No answer key is provided because the content of students’ reports will vary. 04.05 ACT6 Demonstrate with students how to cite web resources on a bibliography page. Show students how to use the citation machine at Students can use this website to help them with all types of references. Review formatting procedures for the title page, unbound report, and bibliography prior to beginning 04.05 ACT6. 04.05 ACT7 Distribute 04.05 ACT7. The teacher will need to provide students with a list of websites that they can use to guide their research for this assignment. For example will allow students to research based on country, city, and continent. Demonstrate and explain to students how to use the websites that will be needed for this assignment. Instruct students to choose a city/country that they are studying in their social studies class. Review formatting procedure for the title page, unbound report, and bibliography. No answer key is provided because the content of students’ reports will vary. 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 2 ACTIVITIES Supplemental Composing Activity RESOURCES Distribute 04.05 ACT8. Using the supplemental PowerPoint for MLA Format, Instruct students to use this format when keying this academic report. Refer to supplemental materials for instructions on keying an academic report. Review MLA Format with students and provide them with a copy of the PowerPoint as a handout that can be used to guide them as they format the report. No answer key is provided because the content of students’ reports will vary. 04.05 ACT8 Distribute 04.05 QUIZ to assess students’ knowledge of reports. 04.05 QUIZ Keyboarding with Computer Applications, (G)—Units 3-4 “Word Processing”, Lesson 46 “Multi-page Reports”, Lesson 72 “Reports with Parenthetical References and Quotes”, Lesson 73 “Reports with Works Cited Page”, Lesson 74 “Reports Review”, Lesson 78 “Reports: Title Page, Contents, Bibliography” Glencoe: Keyboarding with Computer Applications Quiz Textbook Resources Century 21 Computer Keyboarding, (SW)—Unit 8 “Learn to Format Unbound Reports”, Lesson 25 “Format Unbound Reports”, Lesson 26 “Format Unbound Report with Textual Citations”, Lesson 27 “Format Unbound Report with References”. Websites The website listed for the NC Secretary of State provides Famous North Carolinians. /kidspg/famous.htm 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B South Western Century 21 Computer Keyboarding 04.05 Page 3 ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Students could use this and/or other web resources to complete a research report on people listed at this site. wcweb/handouts/index.html The UNC website will provide handouts for students to improve their understanding of proper writing techniques. secondary/howto/cited/index.html The website from the State of Oregon will provide a citation machine for the students to use. It is based on MLA style reference. The Landmark Project website provides the Citation Machine. Students enter the reference information into the form, and then the citation will appear. Websites 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 4 ACTIVITIES RESOURCES The site deals with plagiarism, citing resources, and provides links to handouts on various report topics (ie. spelling and punctuation, writing a research paper: a stepby-step procedure, etc.) The APA and MLA sites are included for teacher or student reference. The sites explain the two styles and the basics of each style. Websites and provide prevention measures and information about plagiarism. 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 5 Document Processing Reports – PPT Presentation Slide 1 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 4.05 Apply correct report format. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 2 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 3 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 4 ___________________________________ Unbound Report Short reports that are prepared without binders or covers. If more than one page, held together with a staple or paper clip. Side margins are the same. RM and LM are the same (1 inch). UNBO UND REPO RT Short prepar reports that ed with ar or cove out bind e rs. If more th ers one pa ge an with a , held togeth st er Side m aple or pape ar r in an un gins are the clip. sa bo me un d repo usually rt, set at 1 inch . 6511 Keyboarding ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ UNIT B 04.05 Page 6 Slide 5 ___________________________________ Left Bound Report Longer reports prepared with binders. Left margin is wider (1.5”) to accommodate binding along the left margin. LEFT BOUN D 1.5 inch LM ___________________________________ ___________________________________ REPO Longe prepar r reports ed Left m with binder ar s. to acco gin is wider mmod (1.5) at along the left e binding margi n. ___________________________________ RT 1 inch RM ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 6 ___________________________________ Top Bound Report Top margin is wider to accommodate binding along the top margin. TM is wider to accommodate binding. T OP B OUND REPO RT Top m argin is accom wider m to top mar odate bindin g alon gin. g the ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 7 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 8 ___________________________________ Formatting an Unbound Business Report Cont… Font • Standard size and style font i.e. Times New Roman—12point. Paragraphs • Double space the body of the report. • Side Headings should be keyed at the left margin, underlined, and keyed in initial caps. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 7 Slide 9 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 10 ___________________________________ Parts of an Unbound Business Report Report body Title ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Side heading ___________________________________ •2” Top Margin •1” Left Margin •1” Right Margin ___________________________________ •1” Bottom Margin Slide 11 ___________________________________ Unbound Business Report page 2 Side heading Page number Insert the page number ½ inch from the top of the page and right aligned. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Slide 12 ___________________________________ Title Pages 2” •A title page is the first page of a report. •It gives: TITLE 2” or 2 ½” •the title of a report •the name of the writer •the name of the school or class •and the date 6511 Keyboarding Your Name (DS) School Name/Class ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2” or 2 ½” Current Date ___________________________________ UNIT B 04.05 Page 8 Slide 13 ___________________________________ Format a Title Page: ___________________________________ • • • • • • Use single spacing Center all lines of text horizontally Center the page vertically Set the top margin at 2 inches Type the report title in all caps and centered Press ENTER 12 or 15 times (2” or 2 ½“) and center the author’s name • Then double space and key the school or class name • Press ENTER 12 or 15 times (2” or 2 ½”) and key the current date Slide 14 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Bibliography List the sources of information you used in writing a report Alphabetize sources by author’s last name Sources are single-spaced and formatted with a hanging indent Leave a blank line between the sources If a page number is included, place it ½ inch from top of the page Top Margin 2 inches Title ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Left Margin 1 inch Right Margin 1 inch Alphabetical listing of sources Bottom Margin 1 inch Slide 15 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Bibliography—Notes to Remember • The bibliography is a listing of works you cited in the the report. • Center the title, BIBLIOGRAPHY, in all caps, and leave a quadruple space between the title and the first entry. • The first line of each entry should be aligned with the left margin. Continuation lines are indented 5 spaces from the left margin. (Hanging Indent) • Separate the main parts of an entry with a period. Slide 16 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Bibliography—Notes to Remember Cont… • Single space entries; double space between entries. • Alphabetize the entries according to the last name of the author. • Underline or italicize book, magazine, and newspaper titles and place quotation marks around the titles of articles, poetry, or essays • The bibliography page is at the end of the report. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 9 04.05 PPT ACT Apply Correct Report Format PowerPoint Assignment Directions 1) Use the PowerPoint presentation on report formatting to find the answers to the following questions. 2) Create a word processing document to respond to the assignment questions. a) Key your heading in the header b) Type each question in bold and unbold your answers c) DS between questions. Assignment Questions 1. What is the difference between an academic report and a business report? 2. What is the difference between an unbound report and a left bound report? 3. How should the margins be set for an unbound report? 4. What should be the alignment of the report title? 5. What is the line spacing after the report title? 6. If a title has more than one line, what should be the line spacing between the main heading and the secondary heading? What would be the line spacing between the secondary heading and the body of the report? 7. What should be the line spacing in the body of the report? 8. How are side headings keyed in a report? 9. Explain how page numbers are usually formatted in an unbound report? 10. Create a bulleted list of the key pieces of information found on a title page. 11. Explain the spacing rules for keying a title page? 12. How should each line of text be horizontally aligned on a title page? 13. What is the purpose of a bibliography? 14. How are sources organized in a bibliography? 15. What type of indention is used when formatting sources in a bibliography? 16. What type of line spacing should be used within and between each source? 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 10 04.05 VOC 4.05 Competency Vocabulary Apply correct report format. Term Definition Hanging indent A temporary left margin that indents all lines but the first line of the text. A list of all references used in a report. This allows the writer to give credit to the author of the material used in the report. Reference list/ Works cited/ Bibliography Body The main text of a personal letter, business letter, memo, email, or report. Unbound report Short reports that are prepared without binders or covers. Double space Pressing the enter key twice (2) leaving one blank line. This can also refer to line spacing using the word processing feature to leave one blank line between each line of text. Side heading Left bound Headings used to separate the report into sections. Longer reports prepared with binders. Left margin is wider (1.5”) to accommodate binding along the left margin. Top margin is wider (1.5”) to accommodate binding along the top margin. The title page is the first page of a report. It gives the title of the report, the name of the writer, the name of the school or class, and the date. Top bound Title Page 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 11 04.05 ACT 1 Formatting an Unbound Report Directions: Key the unbound report below following the rules written in the body of the report and printed in bold. (READ THE REPORT BEFORE YOU BEGIN.) Save the report as “Unbound Report” and print the report. Top margin 2 inches Double space the body of the report FORMATTING AN UNBOUND REPORT (QS) Unbound Reports Title-all caps and followed by a QS Side Heading-underlined, initial caps, and followed by a double space An unbound report is typically a short report for a business prepared without binders or covers. It may be held together by a paper clip or staple. Side Heading-underlined, initial caps, and followed Margins by a double space Left margin 1 inch Right margin 1 inch The side margins for an unbound report are 1 inch. The top margin of the first page is 2 inches and 1 inch on succeeding pages. Side Heading-underlined, initial caps, and followed by Title a double space Center the title of the report in all capital letters for unbound reports. Quadruple space between the title and the body of the report. Double space the body of the report. If the title has more than one line, double space between the main heading and the sub heading, Side Heading Side Heading-underlined, initial caps, and followed by a double space Side headings are keyed at the left margin, underlined and keyed in initial caps. Initial caps means to capitalize the first letter. Page Numbers Side Heading-underlined, initial caps, and followed by a double space The 1st page of the report is usually not numbered. All pages after the first have page numbers at ½” from the top of the page and right aligned. Bottom margin 1 inch 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 12 04.05 ACT2 Formatting a Title Page Directions: Create a title page for the report entitled “FORMATTING AN UNBOUND REPORT”. Remember to include the title of the report, your name, course name, and current date. Follow the spacing rules listed below. Save the document as “Title page” and print your title page. 2” Key the title in all capital letters and horizontally centered TITLE 2” or 2 ½” (Return 12 or 15 times) Key your name and the school/course name in initial caps and horizontally centered Your Name (DS) School Name/Class 2” or 2 ½”(Return 12 or 15 times) Key the complete date horizontally centered and initial caps Current Date 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 13 04.05 ACT3 Formatting a Bibliography Directions: Key the bibliography below following the formatting rules printed in bold print. Assume that the bibliography is the 2nd page of the report, inserting the number “2” in the top, right aligned, and ½ inch from the top of the page. Save the document as “Bibliography1” and print the bibliography. Top margin 2 inches Page # Insert the page# ½ inch from the top of the page and right aligned BIBLIOGRAPHY Right margin 1 inch SS Left Margin 1 inch QS Flynn, Meredith and Mandell, Steven L. Microcomputers Concepts, Skills and Applications. St. Paul: West Publishing Col, 1991 DS SS Brenan, Kathleen M.; Mandel, Steven L.; and Breeman, Lori A. Introduction to Computers and BASIC Programming. St. Paul: West Publishing Col, 1991. Bottom margin 2 inches Bibliography Notes to Remember The bibliography is a listing of works you cited in the report. Center the title, BIBLIOGRAPHY, in all caps, and leave a quadruple space between the title and the first entry. The first line of each entry should be aligned with the left margin. Continuation lines are indented 5 spaces from the left margin. (Hanging Indent) Separate the main parts of an entry with a period. Single space entries; double space between entries. Alphabetize the entries according to the last name of the author. Underline or italicize book, magazine, and newspaper titles and place quotation marks around the titles of articles, poetry, or essays The bibliography page is at the end of the report. 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 14 04.05 ACT4 KEYING A BIBLIOGRAPHY Directions: Key the bibliography using the appropriate formatting and spacing rules that are listed below. Assume that the bibliography page will be the 3rd page of the report, inserting the page number ½ inch from the top right of the page. Save the document as “Bibliography 2” and print the bibliography. If a page number appears on the bibliography page it should be keyed ½ inch from the top margin. The purpose of a bibliography is to provide a listing of the references cited in the report. The first line of each entry should be flush with the left margin. The second line should be indented 5 spaces from the left. This is called a hanging indent. Separate the major parts of the reference with a period. Single space within entries, and double space between entries. Alphabetize all entries by the last name of the author Margins are the same as the report. Key each reference with a hanging indent, which means that the first line of the reference is keyed at the left margin and continuation lines are indented. Top Margin 2 inch Page # Insert the page# ½ inch from the top of the page and right aligned BIBLIOGRAPHY QS-Enter 4 times Dansereau, D. F. “Learning Strategy Research,” Thinking and Learning Skills. Vol. 1. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1999. Side Margins Single Space within each reference 1 inch Huber, Rose. “Teaching Students How to Study.” Eastside Weekend. September 1-7, 1998. Double space between each reference Silver, Theodore. Study Smart. New York: Villard Books, 2000. The Shakespearean Homework Helper “Where is Duke Orsin’s Palace?” 29 November 1999. Borrow, Christine U. S. Census Bureau. “American FactFinder: Facts About My Community.” (Online) 30 November 1999. Bottom Margin 1 inch 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 15 04.05 ACT5 INFORMATION PROCESSING CYCLE Input, Processing, Output, Storage (IPOS) DIRECTIONS: Write a report on the four functions of the computer (input, processing, output, and storage). The report should explain 5 input devices, processing (CPU), 5 output devices, and 5 storage devices. Explain the purpose of each device. For example, the memory card is a storage device often used with photo devices such as digital and video cameras. The report should be double spaced with side headings and at least a full page and ½ in length. SUGGESTIONS: Create a paragraph for each function. Title your report “INFORMATION PROCESSING CYCLE”. Key your name as a secondary title. Remember to double space between the main title and the secondary title. Quadruple Space (QS) after the secondary title. Use the following terms as side headings: o Input o Processing o Output o Storage Remember to underline side headings in initial cap at the left margin and followed by a double space. Remember to double space the entire body of the report including above and below side headings. 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 16 4.05 ACT6 Directions: Have you ever thought about what type of career you will have when you grow up? Your will research careers of your interest at As you search for various careers, be attentive to the job description, salary, and educational requirements. After careful research choose one career that you find most fascinating. You will write a business report on your career of choice following the guidelines listed below. Title Page Paragraph One Introduction-State your career of interest and explain why your character matches with this career. Paragraph Two Describe the career (duties/obligation) Paragraph Three Education/special skills required for this career Paragraph Four Salary Expectations Paragraph Five Conclusion (your thoughts) Bibliography-cite the web resource(s) used to find the information for this report. Formatting an Unbound Business Report—Points to Remember!! Top margin of the first page on a business report is 2”. Succeeding pages have a 1” top margin. Side margins are 1” Center the title of the report in ALL CAPS for business reports. Quadruple space between the report title and the body of the report. if the title has more than one line, double space between the main heading and the sub heading, Bottom margin is 1”, although that may vary as page-break decisions are made. Standard size and style font i.e. Times New Roman—12point Double-space the body of the report. Side headings should be keyed at the left margin, underlined, and keyed in initial caps. The 1st page is not numbered. All pages after the first have page numbers, .5” from the top of the page, right aligned 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 17 04.08 ACT7 Name______________________ Date_______________________ Class Period________________ Scenario: You are the owner of World Travels, which is a travel agency. Several clients have requested information on Europe. In efforts to help your staff become more knowledgeable about this continent you have decided to conduct training seminars. Prior to conducting the training, research needs to be done. Directions: 1. Use the Internet to research a city in Europe. Choose a location that you think the clients would most enjoy. The facts on each location should convince someone that has never visited to pack their bags and take a trip. Your research should document at least three/four facts on the history, culture, weather, and tourist attractions. 2. Use word processing software to create a business report on your chosen European city. Reports must include: Title Page Introduction: Paragraph should state your chosen city/country and explain why. History: Paragraph should detail significant historical facts about the city/country. Culture: Paragraph should summarize factual information on the politics, religion, family, schools, etc… Weather: Paragraphs should explain typical seasons of the region. Tourist Attraction: Paragraphs should list and explain significant sites to be seen if one were to visit. Conclusion paragraph: Summarize why this is a great location to visit. Bibliography: Properly cite web resources used. ***Possible side headings are underlined above and should be included in the report. *** 3. Proofread the report carefully. Perform a grammar/spell check. 4. Save the file as “World Travels”. 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 18 04.05 ACT8 (SUPPLEMENTAL) Imagine your life 30 years from today. Directions: You will write an academic report on your life 30 years from today. Some questions you might answer in your report may include: Will you have a family of your own? What type of education do you have? Where do you live? What is your career? Do you have any pets? How do you participate in your community? What are your favorite recreational activities? Do you travel? If so, where do you go? Choose one of your own Requirement: Use word processing software to create an academic report. Reports must contain five paragraphs, which will include an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Proofread the report carefully. Perform a grammar/spell check. Save the file as “Blast to the Future”. 6511 Keyboarding Academic Report—Points to Remember! Use a standard font style and size i.e. Times New Roman12point. Use 1-inch top, bottom and side margins. Left align a heading, which includes the student name, teacher name, class name, and the date (military style). Double-space the entire report, including the heading. Center the title a DS below the date with initial capital letters followed by a double space. Indent paragraphs. UNIT B 04.05 Page 19 04.05 QUIZ Name____________________ Date_____________________ Class Period_______________ Report Quiz Directions: Circle the correct answer. 1. What is the line spacing for the body of the document? a. Single b. Double c. Triple d. Quadruple 2. How should the top margin be set in an unbound report? a. 1 inch b. 1.5 inch c. 2 inch d. inch 3. How should the bottom margin be set in an unbound report? a. 1 inch b. 1.5 inch c. 2 inch d. inch 4. How should the side margins be set in an unbound report? a. 1 inch b. 1.5 inch c. 2 inch d. inch 5. What is the line spacing after side headings? a. Single b. Double c. Triple d. Quadruple 6. What are the paragraphs in an unbound report? a. Title b. Side heading c. Body 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 20 d. References 7. What are the headings that are keyed at the left margin, underlined, initial cap and followed by a double space. a. Side headings b. Titles c. Subtitles d. References 8. How are side headings keyed? a. All capital letters and underlined b. Initial capital letters and underlined c. All capital letters and centered d. Indented 9. What is the topic of the entire report? a. Title b. Side heading c. Body d. Bibliography title 10. How should the title be keyed in an unbound report? a. Left aligned and lower case b. Right aligned and initial cap c. Centered and all cap d. Bold 11. What should be the line spacing within each reference in a bibliography? a. Single b. Double c. Triple d. Quadruple 12. What should be the line spacing between references in a bibliography? a. Single b. Double c. Triple d. Quadruple 13. Underlined titles represent which of the following in a bibliography? a. Books b. Poetry c. Essays d. Articles 14. What should be the line spacing after the title in an unbound report? 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 21 a. b. c. d. Single Double Triple Quadruple 15. How should the references be organized in a bibliography? a. Alphabetically by title b. Alphabetically by publisher c. Alphabetically by the authors’ last name d. Numerically 16. How should each reference be formatted in a bibliography? a. First line indent b. Hanging indent c. Centered d. Left aligned 17. What determines the margins of the bibliography? a. Length of the research paper b. Length of the sheet of paper c. Margins of the research paper d. Margins within the software 18. If a page number is included in a bibliography, it should be approximately how many inches from the top of the page? a. .5 inch b. 2 inches c. inches d. 3 inches 19. What is the purpose of a bibliography? a. Provide additional readings on a report b. Provide all publications related to a report topic c. Provide a list of references cited in a report d. Provide a list of all sources related to a report 20. What should separate the main parts of each reference in a bibliography? a. Comma b. Colon c. Quotation marks d. Period 21. How should the first line of each reference be formatted in a bibliography? a. Centered b. Left aligned c. Right aligned 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 22 d. Indented 22. What should be the line spacing after the report title in an unbound report? a. Single b. Double c. Triple d. Quadruple 23. What should be included in the title page of the report? a. Title, author’s name, class, date b. Title, report, bibliography c. Title, side headings, date d. Title, references, report 6511 Keyboarding UNIT B 04.05 Page 23