Chapter 2 The Chemical Context of Life

Chapter 2 The Chemical Context of Life
Name ______________________________
Chemical Elements and Compounds
matter – _____________________________________________________________________________________________
element – ____________________________________________________________________________________________
scientists recognize _______ elements in nature
compound – _________________________________________________________________________________________
NaCl = _____ Na : _____ Cl
H2O = _____ H : _____ O
Essential vs. Trace elements
essential elements – ___________________________________________________________________________________
there are about ______ elements known to be essential to life
oxygen (O), carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and nitrogen (N), make up ____% of living matter
trace elements – ______________________________________________________________________________________
examples: iron (Fe), iodine (I)
W/out iodine, goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) can occur. Iodine is an essential ingredient of
a hormone produced by thyroid gland
Just remember
Atoms and Molecules
atom - ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Subatomic Particles
_______________________ – positively charged and found in the nucleus
_______________________ – electrically neutral and found in the nucleus
_______________________ – negatively charged and found around the nucleus
atomic number – _____________________________________________________________
used to identify an element
for neutral atoms the atomic number equals the number of electrons
mass number – ______________________________________________________________
also called the atomic mass
isotopes – ___________________________________________________________________
carbon 12 vs. carbon 14
The Energy Levels of Electrons
energy level – areas of different energies where electrons can be found
1st energy level – holds ____ electrons
2nd energy level – holds ____ electrons
Electron Configuration and Chemical Properties
valence shell – _______________________________________________________________
valence electrons – ____________________________________________________________
atoms are unstable and very reactive when they have unpaired electrons in the valence shell
atoms are stable and very nonreactive (inert) when their valence shells are full
valence number – ____________________________________________________________
the valence number tells you how many bonds an atom can make
Chemical Bonds
chemical bonds are formed when valence electrons from different atoms interact with each other forming molecules
electronegativity – ____________________________________________________________________________________
strongly electronegative atoms attempt to pull the shared electrons toward themselves
Strong Chemical Bonds
covalent bond – ___________________________________________________________________________________
example H-H
_______________________ covalent bond – bond in which the electrons in a covalent bond are shared equally
bonding atoms are equally electronegative
examples: H2, O2, and CH4
_______________________ covalent bond – a bond in which the electrons in a covalent bond are not shared
equally by the two atoms
one of the atoms is much more electronegative than the other
example: H2O
*Reminder: electronegativity – the attraction of an atom for the electrons of a covalent bond
double covalent bond – ____________________________________________________________________________
example: O = O
ionic bond – _____________________________________________________________
results from a transfer of electrons between atoms
ion – an atom (or group of atoms) that has gained or lost an electron
___________________________________ – an ion with a positive electric charge
___________________________________ – an ion with a negative electric charge
example: NaCl
Weak Chemical Bonds
_________________________________________ - in the presence of water ionic bonds are easily disrupted and are
considered weak chemical bonds
_________________________________________ – interaction between a hydrogen atom of one molecule and a very
electronegative atom (oxygen or nitrogen) of another molecule
_________________________________________ – weak attractions between molecules that occur when molecules are
in close proximity and are attracted to each other by charge differences
occur when electrons are not symmetrically distributed in a molecule
_________________________________________ – weak chemical bond formed when molecules that do not mix with
water congregate to exclude water